TE£WA1 pour,, W* *"AW '*'fl M *wAW IAPIT 09l a . - -au- colora. U F U L IIaeoei mmi - eteeth 5flioýg ibutpli C S ECÇIMM iwA«116b ads. ___&1 Two ceashiS emts-Ul. -ê am itr ite mai le - W11 uale o .~ kImd.03b. Grise. 1w t hm. euinctsfrtuit e I~~~~~~gwMe &rt' hnIos ' beifrm bUtor sdconr [thi(. ~ IIn't n Iie*how romiu 4uwie ndsud e .fl.30-,.gu -U 13fr and auret (bitr ubiptnl IoilM4 oauise~ efema .Who have *»IeItl *te bo ai ola ithetMar-telyuhsi laI.-1L <in.rililib *tyiiieIî, And Attrbctivetaillittezy-A0 OMM tpeu M CUBWWte VI, Nidl,.tt f'* ;fW'fit40l ldwfth ttifft lishhethue 80,1011wl bfS ahum laustock or D.Poi W ttintl a Jilosit Purifier. Case Rm &0iin.Chauvieý,, ~t 'î* 'QstuI' l i n I4i t5igtttîit. Ihporifi e lb. isu.- s i lcbsl s;~t. ~ t~ jsa4 what vo ~.ted. ftwms ~ietilmue te b.liver &anitidltmys.Ata e iO.,l :5 Ii' < i (I.kId ini taasw e u1 s Ini lu ing lup t ti therobjr lnlgswaubwbath naitand body. t - n A.Dr. P.tl imuAumai m Prifie. ivaéi (il. o IaU tov atiucet. uritiseaWy l5 faites aitdsmm te cure billouaaen. beitcha. sour nom.achb asaI, etc. h.1p14v.;Ne~4O4; uti ~ toute ta swuumy>aid w* hoeffiilS rr* gifltelligeai loi wanted ati urPosr A.Hocriwdngl.3. r Jteaembo bmsthe clal train by Creit Valley UAT I IZ 00BPer scui..hfr th e é110 m il wiclm rniw -rhwt OU ýRàx »OOJ.-or. Curry etM in" swèela tolvaWene esy teusadi. ariaMi th.e bve oe ~. I ~ ~~ poularsbut. rlthe Ko. .Wuova. ticet 01r1Iwé,î.'U,îrievex oode inoud o the lm d r. T fiuseiuatiuig âanu p arth a. = iro gtla %bro a s j.This la the t ~ -"..i.. ti tht I~#~I# ,dWIL sBaeî. ui ~oii# 11( mectabrrnetal IIIpS lSIeet te Liaden Val- s I M.~ iti .~tfl~~i4I luit helt, MStSYlîstof the tOS0>ad lFor your terbineri Use LanitiO mwthIae . ÀLuîWrmecting s e t . ufPUMMmmesis- u .tlitn isîilhé tm og iceralek tritinp to suitt »Y ofl. 89l a guarsatoeete le ith estaite mar.t- ls viii e bâtilu m O per honnie oS '~fiEI~ '1 '-M.W.SaiuVuallcm ~Y.* *TuUSt7.da 9aiUU .of ai agt oin loo,10l. A geoi *iS. t.Wv belât 1 rai h m Pregrmuas 1.IrUPNI7l. netll -On ubug mls 00 a o enceui ttl. OUR TRIAmNINUS. Prse s lme spiagCeerlOsUzaty. éie na&q a oi -a ttet trmidi aWh ttention tits e- o boeexteatIueplanilm0 ,argedit te ttryepeuwe, Reutember the esOt, eStio ew b-la WMAdatet2111. ,<.~.~~~u<~ w~ heev t.h i liett uttItrit'olé a ndat stok t thme ceq"Mumeting urmIt 11119181navPeur. th ~'e lvtl atli re teoapo 'bo«uMb.e oblucaatth Te»WM MMbsoettenefim t Ipublic expouse a"ti k"415 laeitlDS»fer nu If k e& ety Yuwakoreen and jeteflas. te OUR A CXLI TILE. f veueiia w f open and a poin te liastock in already YetatfM d~ian.I' trot mormaw tit un~i f for Laytoft. but vithoul heut. f tebe. w.e ipeont u. Neteesbsbo pri aft ir,4ailgtoinlti Mrigtl iht atmysr<urt b auenit ulcainbitiinouthte promis.. viich te hi n of etm asu ~; *rspcliy vOl b. made of airer pIste ai tre *<~~ ~>r ~~ ;,~ * An îe»olitrs feta dctsng twwtbmy bave secured --Dy beautlu Ili l t't 1'tltriù Ub. s*onCwort.hY gt)i1, bîtrowdo.t oi iotal aioo talouse- of.n.b m saunemm tthe firmi fonioru uit us het thohavi usn like atit 5O,<t wook. 04««bltUvib i hvet.be iiibe tosait om anoi guh it v" iii. uPsa 'Y t,1 u hat abel"n othilig litedoue te provide nlors ont. ~.m.ioe * .~uy itt'f trw uttiao at tiiitven hmi. Tho Tribune e he ite of Ma Dcvlailepmai- kiîe-y lo4iLht aireédy maelIl* Mark. Il le bali sPk7 aitd 1 . rsru bu git: tbmstock eof ___ t4 uq*viiutktadotir eiSioW i nt«reetare b x m entertub&a l-41(1d -1h. " 1 jet i groceries sait bua sumait posession et the ' .t(tttiii.', 11.1011 11t.1.U le Ot bavi7 rt tt. r . :te h ~ai lacleveni cillaitor uei. NI. Petoo. tM. 0f 3r W.la ternir imBlair" Md -**C*&VOL rs A(41tve aitexperiececcitgrooer ait hams In '~ I' '14 *~*' ' lU th j, ITht'Ceehiels ,the me but Who tfontsla U.m aiefer a leagilmei one tenlert MW11,14 (our (Ili)>ay. lie ov i ba besrequestai t e M-- hg eyry cg ali I»YopanMI te m * ne a êtee blj ase M lb.@mm atbe. a report alevinuta îuiber et cesses Word cone ostay. Attention te drect i e adiehases santt paneret Trtl eware.h__ atoflti nme tlit fstade:th atre lal.stc arad etm f intmttran bas eathpevli&'wtbceoeuaratitliola&l rmtnattieW lit e r he e oi thea s re Ablid Mtee m » wl lb.cerisitit gbc Jmm o. Iauogacti. 'JAM ES CRAHAM , bthestock l Cder bemidaI..sadhim ba *it of ltea o i l e ett . ol à a k r eepina, vi tie avla clieaofutatlonofuhe S- g ae bull e a..M -eýpomtmeMtlte counry. Ja n s rhn eJ XAm stna oeil.a ~~I. BtlttO8%e. & la. t Im aOO.W.l3 b.v o.a nvia wt ap12 4~cenuse n. lna showoo 44, use eb »teTeba aniicsny ila s«In.iticl teto iarc at~la chmerw,* a -e nt bh at-i vaunte in s o te jimmsreopten- el buteary Cmgas.A eMylssn ententain ii-suta iso.sIyd a" iel aiftorel a euttft Mry . 1 reoewit. ,1ti( a-otMr. bameegnuoun. ltbaite 1pek isp* . er t. t hé ies u? trilunlios. .éwllos.Liamn iner sulg orTh un.iP haeI s uit qa metaunhctcrhiulho il ivesSb f vet..~pIOmtbsm i ettheOuIl air rossOns thseicibousttwn bre. t il 1ere t arn he ao Ieuontforl sstihemmi Ino- vs t t l u %trlish .......... ..... .......... ..... . ... .....1 Atloi eçO la wtt5Nmb fit h001541k0 bOtWeil lii ilst- . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . P. il M . Wc ise ne e t Il h e u i u ala v s t r T e sg e s a it a i se t e re n i u m I Mn. T. Poat. l ,mu lm b maters M. les dy eaoe. n ores ba ment y bc %,qpetédMband- n nlg eOmdg iktuprdl" Thokoer - - mi atoinaup t. it lutvaik lu sot Mtonwspeiia u afle an.naibedarotma.ece- titeipitl. bus and ràif M Ourlles. ellugsit lg tner ut valkiug coTuemes. as.tanffle <ut .î.th'.it é uîuui r'oeptr ~ ,ieajc rte'rrvo'uuî.-*îî nrdturcouedeete fe rise Itous nme lm elIenhas ermcruIbhe hays. g iten emm a ywln fuate.l ew of te si le beaaaomny ri-ui mma. N UE O , -A R AC CE SE onralati the atlînt he aI.a nrmmeatucfinre at asI.cats el Juet~estvet a liai rrkKm.,.e~n toeigé ba'«ea Md b . Usus lubttinte.Mi*e.laiiico vrvayjen 10E COU TY ljO tami saItatii iste.-a disuttricw ut l bilait:e-ai âe ailIl r iii ic UMM t5.pr e hltn. airbo c....---------rs~eomnUr.dIft t. W. tuenastbu t ti-aen1aim.tTaet bmcar 0 ui lîy um& .ietIeM i a ce I".a a sume viii bat. viiionap ltea" htsi.e eidChn . .ure..... ............. ....... ... ........ o r 4 berffTittIy. b in i n tWerk ut m e lo r v er keaiTsr~eu kMr.b N mggsa R5cmastore.MWiic.-m ban i botu-je leàsatins. he old asaits drd rid e sen tî~e aet.îJdey ~?~ 1 ~ u lt rve. en ain.iehu ic. dasie~m& a", urpenag ot ean. *top t trMMh a o items a thablailer busness t= 78.l M e aiven , î~ <~~î,.u. recibelo eeheg.0 ~L~e ~-*----~la u m BIlorstis a le sti ipoeal IlUing i*taceui flebsauf t ge lra i lt stet ils. j .... --w.-- -.-'-i exetmte a b aswa hte bonuneetDr l miMd trêtrIl lae1s aitUîmmlmewei purlty tht' bleoul. re blieeaii Itàulargeshave ai rem unou pare tatsttise Am av e tie tiitiet.etî a o w Ule.- ht oib R t no. 55isl j gaama. P~~~~~~~~~réetomrbed o sfduieauwelae iii.»tOila Wai.me at h wsi inorchnu 4 itliiu i t-l î' #kfu tC% y7j é w ..o.b iartn. PrimlstIo litea le roeasclef r bitic th e alor e n chnt. u oteaiaî fot. »Z i Senait deentled fsulatlirsias hînoicmlt alilsfrsyllmn si lsmeing - -in -%y,îs..stu lrb . %lAiti. in mm n M ,faWu1es Wel tHrto oneet viem "OIo brsuon»01-lemaaurigoneaLetSuf ss.j 1fi. : AND(~,Ilu Itiutîe 5101<1 IiOli vs.lu e lbW tel4Zo day. sui efbbeatymeseceple I'irr Caeil a niaulo lêthe wdwa dTesa e« os 0t4 e" sittinf aingi e Tvot as 'bu' mm%.S'l i<t, Vu'. :o t. t river.stkssrlevomestfr0fstf i ta ar. he vohave hait litearbt omr whbave - 'oteItregesuM. 1 uile vs leiAND eToeae agr. ltt ei oatntiatise taiut uy jepace . iloveve Ihu *~43.'*tlî'i a tti iu'ltg Woitp ien f 't*1 l'ic etel otint til' liti astti i etibi we I mea b li ette eper of lte wTh o u io fruth e niti imee vlne 400. 'mdC libe M J l >105Oh<tlOl -l th vle*e'411 exadus A moibinThe se la96ju re . l @ grutO U s- (--Ih"'l :'l" ui mlNbà** kob od * ius atîth$ M 0a.ls e l eCSO h s howt lltwlitsse OtD.i "UY f S lel e vella m iut. I ln Ni«n'afi . 1 laproua le t tee h kw uoîl qanb&"cottnu' lai3fliittvtej a ua Ne ferm e rot Mangl ees. p.utl ceetitletate of beaimut cm, bno em I oitas e el spti "Moi "ffl '<sM-rotw ff a te eitrohe hmiEatites, taons sreuAituut*>mreca*èlease lave th mWea ~ e em; l ai itnto i OS f o <~ytM'aUfiaiASIS. 0. ~ ~-Mauieus:J. Kmuai G.111w Jcepit laie ses ittcitasaittis and weet. offld la piur rewmatào èmi @»»of the athit- es p&rethébttt. lontes@Msel it I "bmse.ietad.ad h Vl h qmtiuî,îisu'tan u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i pelm% ariuii itte ansliaai iintc eiabe aulahltwaY Ahmr ulai'«a îe proieu . v%6ermecnIf mey caot dolatter t ~~Ii~o wu ,it iiittituitlc4tItht'tt opiP cuut pleU,1 lseet.1 m utui u puseuts in it, e- onto blug oS Rmabome i»ý 4t44.5a ie.-Tht o wniasvlllé eteemam ajO«r "». mIl.eil fS Tueuler sIWbi.bui ut et mmu- j-u IL iyve.ee ItVIRAMIeIU<STir dfi mmbeli peàSeemuinehalmsctramei. ,~~.ss. efOusvWU4S. *hop »"ete Nees1111%eliuma kDaumi. *00. A ulsiepsieaappebulaseith vif etngT tmim aI.a5 i. siî.iu'ut. tsî talîhi tuilab# uii es ',qifC AUiUSeWi5t5 e itw it U"ihitte ome dr~ te ,qujest Odumir4,g Thee e at momme pa d bthe.imOsnl t~n ~tu' il* cslantI e 1%s ghu'titre -metIg cu teitedjjleIYnni el vie. botto WI mettouSfle a UWa«it yhe oitenc âmwaoms IeuaitIe agr pfha li rou alay or ieainuma,. iaump pari e Mr me i5. îtypcueunteut ~îc' p neh ~" ~5~ NTho lI litein 10 ceenclr '1titme 5101 - aiwîleimS rui cote ewarlul acai Io ' m.u b oiiun. e it la t. r. hWiii ~nwAstéiéhi' <l'îe.~ *11 oe COli1,4nus. Risai tulle w tM i oSobit #VOu Md mk &sutMdeaet *8velUMdsautrS.Ja jsdmta mae it Mdeva vlsi ugl te a vu'Oêi(4 0W isist tglb sa.irh vi Amt Kujbj mse tcuimse obapuoê le e pe bosmecs..m UW-rte amuser citace isulci . la eutémt*îft@ý hie àîle pls te w* tbiwk%4h. 9m .tuup Ob t" Wtt wan him Port vem i-m d am besaSm eanle oua min" Il. btee*. P-i uth xsek t mff' suit» I o m« u whuw.the OU1M con milecia i n km e dm*tees anme M.I i îîn fouafu'civ s e 1miu1*p0oI em emui s*semeaeotei iita l etetu aiisse. clecMW M ciel Ubsaanwn thitli' irut.W*.cli 0lWSk A t lïm oiooeve-water. ai glaejm o At e etoim mua lt N.Iavilg Si"%"Io W111 Ma tUs lici kmi eili 'US - twu titra 4cteswtieam elOl~t t e j iAi ~.le PItc10uV ci.,,iuis*Dtlelef«I àeU 95OlaetPww>.tM lm 'veau ateeseb r w at tiamdut ei aes W5bA1vot"pyt 'î.tpe Iri elitie 5uefjais lit tt.Lh~blb.*..y me ~îlmt. eute cuiwo %w4o m'~ « t a da te n . ii av but" iiu 1"mu hmlu et the même. tu AD 10 end ot-Ir ieime-eme The on MU I - a iWSU ~~~~~~~~ lmu'îe eul1I mm '-- osissps -0~ li Ierîumru~lsctett"iei s'bw« mt b*k&SmN«à-t»mrrtea"emO.kt Sootboeaa, uat~ro ~ Mark. GITI DRY GOOS moTAILORIN OUR IJJBYO.PBNlVG aum bat te Umm MW oe àm U5uê h hime os cdr i - 5mii*U Sallig y Wfumue 2biensMami lg peu tut 'vo ci» mocaveur ut adl Ummnms w sou yto th est eof eur abMli. FÂCTE Tiat ame ei amiccasemme hbnitty-that i-. If -1 -m - w c wM ema YuSbdi Jbt FÂC t ie -me mng thie u mrange ofDrega. Goode thet ce bave ~se ies FACT tht eut pules tOw Iemu Gemis ae way uuder- aumaytbbgymei S &ed -yeu peepffs R. -~FACT tîl e vabave ths handumcetlouet Dreas Triai- *jnu mMW asest yemissM n. FACT theS eur Nlliauy la U mec, ema uit datîrasý tive anA seleetaà i ul qaisituée; and the prices are *a debh nsUte former euaotom- -- FAC? ubalt rDuskD«ntsat las MPPIY129 a 1w-fitvauin lsJads.et lànd m "vicimfty. * FAC? liaS euW matie. Dq.hoemtble v-lsg aMi ma- lietheut tstdina a"A emaedu FAC? ti t mCuets, Ofi-cotbe, 3ffsttinansd B ouse-furulnsare ampromnuaca te bysil the large-t seleelon.hauwmem degns andt tocet pricesto e etoue £anywbere. ~Cl FAC? h eey eliait h it toei - anoaaeno sratb&etedly, amiemel» s. ceere lu ait, a" an g~romaIg cih mec ait olagant oodeataithe lew- esa possibe pril@ as. l a a plemase te the bîîyer saa mtisf te etlt veybody. DRS Gnd MAN2 LaimU imb a Oum aOiIt e futb etmm Wuu awk ge 10 HOUSE; mg M1 Ladies iii pu*n 1 SCoNCLT7DED by every yonmi 'nunuadtatin;Z hls lirai couft»lùp ilat, te mal. a succemscf ih, he should buy bils a aSthe City Tallonlng Hourne. IT IS CRSCLUDED by every young mam meditatlug inatrimony ilat the cmiv plaee te buy a suit e al te thse. emergsmay la troua the Ciy Mrhant Tallons oLusy IT IS CONCLUDE» that vidovers, for ra ofe thefr own, sbonIti hava the very Ausi and'înot eletranly fitimi gurmt-, sud Iat the City Store knovs hblow te ScLit tIssu. IT IS CONC 1.1IDED that tle bu*iness man i-. dressed "-hin le ions a t<it maie hy the Symiticate. .il 15 CONCI.t*DEL> lIat a lawyer feS, more at hifi uMe aMd applie* more cetg te bis professiion vben cioched in tainient purqvhasend ai h leading Clothlng House. 1? IS CO.NCLIDED liat the pitysicisu vise cevera bis esteLam viti ap¶parei fronthle City Store la- beyoni deuIl a. succema ihi, t eheaiag o.tfbmesick and a auccea-. financlally. 1 T 15 C<>XtLtDE» BT EVERYBODY that fur sryisIe Clothlng, improvlm i te rni and physique oftheii %vemrer, the C(At- 'raforin, lieuse is perfect. and for tuc eu. tille aud artistc eut and àskllulîy made garmenis,, finiabed with tle mcml exquislîtet. .à.6nd trimmeti with h e aîos durable trimmin-,lai the neateer antd nobbicîî .4,yle43. they xeeL. I;IEADY.MADE CLOTHINO, Hat*anad Cape, (;«t-4' ïorqlshlng, &.. at rgicetsthat prove "-e contain the mai to ic on bran. poitdge and! b.tteriuilk. ,If dri en t SOOTERÂN, OÂTHERO & MARK City DnapelK and ('iotA Wà*. Né..Dob..«Ojt B110-46, ,aear 1>Doât Ogre. LiUdy.AMU l I-. r - -T. - - - _ WHATWDO OEFER! --TATT--- GRýEATl CASH SORE Tobuythe 1 S?1aMd NOS? STYLISE ODB known to the «trub ds ito >nU them st LOWEK m.k «*geoftwoune a aaoersw i t o ad the rostin a gsaumneueuatioa mum iAh ladS., l b b sui1hu8 W.dd.ligitswith the diaplay and the prlcu We bave cid luéaddittoaste. oe rt l.aéin t week ulli S SUEPIBIG BÂRGAINS IN NEWl LACES. NEW HOISERY. NEW GLOVES8. NEW-UNDERWARE Nove OttQum Oak& rNov ge"ad1Io. . New Ot-tomma ro. NovEua~we Go ~ MNo CesIvamtioa. Baia Norev NImk Iboe Nov NuESVii Nov etohfagb NovPriammd a nitis TE GEÂT ASH STORE MELVLLEm TH OR N BURY, - X ... ea - r. .i~*g DoE4 LflWr t nd 0 U hiWI5<-.SW&~ f«~ i . ~ s i8. JOR OCERI1ES. Buy yourTEAS' from DIAMENT & DWYER Buy your SU GARS from DIAMENT & DWYER Buy your BISCUITS fror DIAMENT & DWrYEB Buy your FRUITS from DIAMENT & DWYER Buy your IfFIXINGS." from DIAMENT &DWYER O ROGERIE-u'iL -- - L~Tl2ltb~lS$7.r.~ Blemmy