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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 20 Apr 1883, p. 7

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-~ TUE GAXÂDIAZ 1E~T, LINUBÂ~. <NET.' TEXDAY, APRIL 20 1093. 7 ~~ll8~OUD. «Ithe' r te- Itt bî oi eti.1 ER, 4- EIGGX. ,ttittt tf 4 -t l~tl.tiCy~ .1 - - - t, ,tttl - - - - r ~ ~ 'v lE i-j, fi ~.i ~ ,,g ~a~hh Iî,,-»f /~ 02.4 'id ,,pfi>D~ f ~,#-»l nqil~ -0f) ri-f.t ,,ptlt MIR Il P 'i 14 I p C. Ta yl oi. ~ Iê~4 RAIL W&Y do fé~e i tiaIMeeb loittel it t.-eau t. i tn.et l i M Pi' .ii's ~~~~i ~ e 1i hein tiv u ptti l*(mm.~ed a ne iýiw(b wf t e . -4 4J I 1 e k 1 1 , M o n 1 Wtu ". h 11lope a.'and tase oi tua utal te fa i. e li%t h d usfe lat te the a"l .Atb(t-hg nlm t' vit cfaittigem nt 1 aî . t înt- n ao tMQ lfupe t tit- tt l'e1a tynt.TL a11; Me à ltU auiae' ,cnc f#ato li lNIloo tim . lut oîauttf att hiubu «tuIII ttibl4 14e a tîs, Ni 11h t ot, 5W Yf-e ',wk41$ ' n. n A ec re a ttitlau otd o VVie 1mVe41a- ru . titk o f m4utlfà%o.ttt 1@ 1%tt bo.'t it a'ti le t ila eetV(4 îIle attaatl(it-i a-v a n* IwImt't r. tueo i 5 t- Ic i tittlsou aicsss tms pit l.veitauel-5 ytvnu isise Nta~l'do a- cibutOhugtvI u a Arujeîtit4UlhVwemty XNumx. -'Tise ai- JOturlci v ut-?meting efChbrist chare-t van bhm, Apvi l s. 1Pe«. It'. uqmtbtst-, u'stotin th.e-hait. Oun motion lb. Min. tonis'o*d. Ths e lweun repnort cutis the t-ewllleae' f tbe taiitauta a rinttted, cud 0 o tootl c M. 8lep eon, ureofl. îutâ4 the thanki ofethlabIsvtbe liereal tc Mr. Mueýiv, lise rbtirloot citedes ami Irturn, tas 'fer ci*t«Oent and tI nuceia unaibes'lu it ielb.n» ban caflei on t-be ânassMtaiaft*ir* tl.slu ulgt-be' aoty'ea.--CWnntu. Med by JMv. 1liatg. lis."maoded ity Mr'. ('4tff, th"aIt-he ht-iuko oft-bi vetey lhs snd are hmvhy ~hcuel5t i. ~W. 14.. Collubam tfor' the lorntimantid s-votiouihâ* Mliaifony yftru4 iaulfnt a ite c Iteitere' et tiisparini, le t-e' neyerai v oaalte f ositeh cardcri. iei*gatftOnyse vt*tr l'y iek A W* ear o tbetileus' cth flue ctrane.&Mbt ihey -will ie bean lua flotul treMunmrâlehie valttablo ervic Caatel. Moed ity Mr'. 3eQuadeMuouteed iq Mr. MeNoey. t-bal t-b bmutof tt-is vontay b. ft~i timeierm o the 6 gault aMdail lhe mcm. Ium o e ff lsonltu».1vpanetomaiana talmt ttitdfl AmiCt' Andelfer tise' gatea. t-lis afWtoi'let 1t-bhe 01~ %laitet i4mules'lUgg of Mr mslme' ucovwmen t pasSe lt>t6*oip. -o t Od-~4..The i%'t.fl<'uthft&Amrp t-b.old WV t ameut et the sw. isad àl cas Mi*OMO LasUli bas Mr. 'uibluth" thfl llb.(lemee fraleS necuwpaffe ' se tt 0h e man, îlot.pur. p-artlaU là b. a cteê'tof? desiaatlos by 1 w of t-0a gaiiolse our' tîi olt e. l u aàppmwdc<l t-oh a à semftIluaodegusi ity eou ftf4e. tfb ih POAM5lh5 ttah d@01*. * e flfl ýèvM led bevefsntItbe tii boarel aie tbe OvnIoppovtaumtîy eteM. = 1r1n M d puîtt on publie raItior oe t tsipaet-o t or " <8 batts of bb t isIsalbM, Mbeleve tbat olt-bs have lisesblinilàImr segbo@hWbp lI hW dimeels. andthast lkspebea ie. voeieeto f lb. Ait-.Ras Su'Jobs as- th; mb abtlobeà are41» Mdsam puai I -ibeilayaiWlb1sW uluufa doumntb tIs beile0e1cs. %%Sble idim . andi mlo bjje' sas. la "chWof*01 rsel goe 1N lis th e ~ , auiIf a*Ythtlal Of« e bu ow- the ippd le e t-ev,~ reolutis caocerr folam $04U6b*sOnwwr'-ffl AtIGUo r LU. liera0 14"gofe"mSale 1 oAs p alu 84eu-eWU mi m U»sa m la lie e v Sisa pou b e maie i 49 tw Woe.tis ksiwqfhflm TICXZT 9FOMM ~ J7I ne w» Vs. 1mSvasvu'y sfor WuU5flé . rbM. odrs. Te bav e -UMet aieS,_941 ru " oy t a mia he ls, Ti. y au . t Mis«h e'.Iapi le i. i.. ias Uaikthe ta et te obt* IMNies Ne. etofF#». w OOve len éqwwral ttem I ,or rBempts'- orTb$ e meie. v« 1 0qm mlIOu npI» m1ytoofOrte«...shmo« Tielcel AonIotIsaetirmhe =. Thle Pas'.Drei os routa buP et &~IMe bousn f baves -~ ~ a rulsl tol tisim". bn A t a" au v S. Cot~I). eos.ilo e««td ha.11eeisoba e Ir. 0. làpeeps IisIn kseufl taoe dogtasl lat . A »Waffur ait si.The vea av o I AIIMtd!ftAII al vogserm a1 eocs?. wu li sdese. bsc10L5thoetia a-i t a. OU t acbu S kOMu toc ss.a 1sgta mefaingr la dtth OM ne eos. . ..IIo l> eofflom t»MV i lu «Ma$ilfr htsme v~hoee4 lamTm s Po th" .>wa su .Vf AOCuq.rnA ...-M.. Me foli h. »d wm. Theleae t. Meracmhmr "i&r s.4 rotit t nb a cd.A «eAve.e (k te auafrde atisf orltheflooe' ad- dutifilat. of paaooiappé ot Imceeat cay taIalera ay' ast.Iaii netl et Alvttiue0 lste u'de ktee ou tise filu eil, efoiai lys ami novt edn lusealt. cf aIn tol eu, e atnteMMc k.~¶4~~.1t'5 Q iW'il C *h# 1I~W5.bw AlndWhibt "hlp». lre h e f u e ,i ~ ' ~t%1.. ~ ~.' î(ea« t WorM. « e n htrnueomoit ultik. à$@ *mm,, COMO aM lit gi. ,the nalWh"-eha finie, vsoat ddlt'C mi Prpnl~ief oi fl g.1111 oiedm the lpx o inslft' Mft -As14lit .M7Otiiq cho *. ho anaeaIhn - mitxty, iee k»wlal wlher nueitm ati u A-cen fhe r 'ny«M . nano hlrliytt -i' t«."ti.. n oW ta , pa tA VA io l iuarliebl poseaI onîhofe teDisentteion aa~ caiftha ises set uvauteu inlyle suimmt.forthbIay , P~». nt aai WM~ aSS t.a aeeurb or o h e le -e . mil. ami lied' oitop, w hleh tomha01 1nM ilV bftu**Iu*1K# tl#cip si oiuî îmn uuoe u VKI 4 I N:0iaa RuAT1i f t on -MM h anrkn lup'pv o.da peles1 tiatl 4h.' ~ ~ ~ Dv- Thepteutue4nat.eatigll* sl brei.<ia al Imostot ldm th"afwbd-* tW, «oi -Tiasui di ounhapu 1tenO iao<Nr front Pl N uNà re »Made tcspreenn o ei =,tqsoe y aai un gil. 1 -A matiS naugggevlu ser tuarit a bt cr WiaeoMrv hel'i eeuboule la 1idbbu- ovuuiy mînetaubie. la ieSt = %$etIlt. batuhateus ffl, rea-'Otbti Inau ole go- rom M.au-tuta- t««v@ itucrna e bl*et ae cmMNUauffaliu< bit, -' cot seWbtm cio it- -iUY a boite etfPotsalS'-Paîabntorà oei Ktrâctor. tilt, cornu dii be qmieklysdmoui dnmy remev- mmo p&IN'u aas. ci K'cIra<tor ita math very-- chers.N. < c, sn(W(t..liAuiOpromre- rTe malsrbohecla mud b a memmert -'1'mont-h et Apnlus th liste ttbtu'clu" "at4aaQ a bSead alC~'. vos com M-a bete'orase u-alo» blrJi. Ctemuis M&0 08009amui 1241Mu'o=ospet"s » couNtI s o boUe.Am ynsfiuhMi about :-4 - Teft4rs'ty-b««ni h o led 'a ai rale," boramo. twrits bllwsyo le tise usarel- et»bemsuireai conli.Ttlnoe f511.1ce tiI'7 urCnrvliyd Iit1 MPU boaa"desti einsem mui li isasai lo onapI.1 mtieoien -ifIon a tni to cent our cav-e '5wmuîqtbolier yea Itio.. n.« "Veu.i1 0» a buoaslitlta -it eAiart,"-l di& mai lm thée aleo fe a@'Muomeonlbut gtve bus tie b clase lubw fieeRt. tZ oet me lie Mrla ci do msS55 ~ ame bel il.ou %lié sc lias M t mo le F5iI:gT et«5r a, hm@ .*0b.admiteeet iasm wbs W. N. àloed IT, .4. VWly mui80L oes8aus. iovaiby v.te âeIly ào oatai pbt«ashuecsi'laeail ofW. M. Wil- Guhus ecuiby 5fr. MeQuade Ibijobi BaIIap ami Gan-et Goigbu a D ed b b lmer â oufte I>v li' Smuly esseo=Clei Me. Govy, Iba" W.Lobai. aiChe. ev be pasliou cash $W' eu r vlesam a"tonuefor lam oaet poBr.-atei. On Minasthe couci aUoosm 1 o, ot'aigit5oni the 151 leg Mr. .John Valim»found on ectortffl biesWo tbat oms 0f bic boumes bail bec tokonstthe Pnttsun sishLHe a et um e graphed to dIMrent pm% , aidbovin« di. et* la A seb t thePbbor. TheY f hoirls#ec«Wfh et vvllemiu il ie.Whio lii. p&ty cas Ibat took ft that. ier barn anci tablesare wccli Moreil thoe etims, asm tibre ame plesty ansé wstechisg t heit' hanes. PaMuoisas-Mr. JaumesCoeb.y e-bah ba" bom s ivu-IteMichimasn the. pa.î fe ce à Wku ccli an is pae gana rttfmtâla Tbs-rah. SUItIoUSLYI. -UM .1 Melmott, cho bas been se.louy 111, lea ain racv- utia.»_. M. J. Joue%, oui oMtssstev bas alto beess boy M, but'la nov getting botter. u- BrAPiL-Bpdiw m ba aved at lu.... Tb@ Rso l igl geone aMd the farmern ame ri tarln 49for plg c _Mr..i'Tit. M p Me à Ih e 7lth no m em ee e d t p 1mgh Met"t 1"1 The. petitisai of John C. Roddeu, of the Town of Lindsay, ini the Couwy -cf) Victoria, Civil Engincer, heweth os foleews: I. our ,atitioner la a pansos Who voced id da riUhl-le.-1 & tlte aboie y. our puluonci states tbat the ehetion cas bues m mlte 2-4thhday or - Plurary, àA. a»M1 w Car les Fair- bars .and Daumc John. MclstVm coe camdW&uls a mi -tb. retunluofficar ba returned the sai Dunesu John melscyre, as bslngt duly électiL. lit. Tour DetlosuCalso Mlaes tha thte laid elction was unduly asdtiwrruptly f i anmSlled by reas of the mattors follow- Ine, tlis, eto aMy: - (1). Tbat othS PeMmeflOn bebaf Of the "id- DuncanJohi' Mclntyre did give, amre ami proanlite to Rive moe»Y a"i valumbi OFFICE, dou Sk m HE POS? PU.Vfl'.tl VICTOR AARRIICE WORKS' MLL JAMES HAMILTONSI,"wD2ix;MAZCINvE 1 PM CORT OAPM~L Fou IbT inè. Gmtrowtomd Esoeuox f Neeeiosfoe the lbtrruI Didriet n/Lgo SoIuA Rding of! LAc Cfflatyt~! Victoria, holden a oi'the fTwtn 8em»MItA tf ofFcrucry, A. D. a~~V *W'~~~ -w--- C&EEI& , J65WÇ 1I, SMa 81thie old ptim e.Kent-et.. eso us. te A'~ Ug 'muo* ,em siiy.genoraljobbing et&Ui priagesand Sleighs. of my awn malte and oftirv-&- clam nmaterial for -ale. The cheauest everoWer- ed iniLixidsay. Sitrong ]Farm Waggons A M.,A16tma A almlTY x . W. hiELlHE. Comis~Ivted.- Orlered Wark guarmotred perect Piaitl& and4beat; Lindur,. .Tue lot. L.-S. Eunoed bs- thcFrenc-h Acadcri- etMe-4 n K0' FU M&MCo 0f Titi IIUAY' MIS. _____________________________________________________diacretion or expoSure. Hot.-LI Des COA DEOTHlosptal. Parts, Traitmcnt. i'o.iî!vi .aare la o nie to three Iday .. lÀ-t I r-r!.it -i!, i igou G tlrlm 7 nd lmsiaeti. on rteipt of price. Ir ive- tre- StVSwa.~ DIL U7E~L~55ILlILtr-e on tapplwasutorn. MIIANAE;C At Iowespree. We bave la aSok ouI tearntvea argem stocf Lmia à . HIGINIIOTH '.M.- 2-ly. PLABTERm 0FPM$ISA"D BLABTINS POWDER, iN< ' TPÂU Flme keriua Ir We wouui soilcit ln Lindmay. Der.- p- us. ad Ubewmarwav, . gt suwicty fer ce"h. àmecionatoft i Md ecimperisa ce c Octavins Newcombe kCo. Ail paties mndebted to mxe oether by note or book ac- couuit are requested to set 'A daesc o=t vote at he id mal ec-umm êU otherwise coits vill i:1). Thet other peraou e sbalaf of theM W 0M B'E00 1 saiiflutnm oas ohnMdidi vegaugresw m sw O NB E aud promise t. aive moue andi valuaible NreaX~l ot t 0ou-ddrtlket4n t. volera in ou-des' le lduco - =-i- --..-e-LlasyMr' ici~ 2P tb.m10torais frenvotlog et the mli _ electicli. Médical.___ 41). That otIter oerseflb, on bebsffte - sai Dunas John Mantre, di offer andT AT ' proinio certain Versons, te procure ourosn. deavour t. procure office foS moine other p luon, I eder ta ixdue .uch certain . a a r ir peno" t» procure os' endeavour t. pro-a a ri C r curs tee voes et volers and lte reousot thte sai Dunc"n Johs Mefutyre t. servelu 1 ib .g-ltve Ausmbly, at t1h. sal e« . Ecmeided by Physic:l2s. ffl. That odme pet-comm, on beheit of the C RE %aiti Dounc=*Jobs Meistyre, di agreeCiURE's sol iromiueto PBy the travellng elmese, ctarhof tue Nasal Cavity-cl:- nme er cab and raileay tare cf voter*t, and -om'- -U natve Catarrh t hesMye. Y-..- or' penaatAnm ?or theil os of tine lt gonq to Tareat. ltz uen la NLy ami returuinai trois votiutginuoraer te li. sdi t I= pn t_ (Ic uh oestovt t h Bd l.lool a" iMucous urfac-eg lace ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vh mcivtr evt hlesaI<bc r g i u i quam e Pianofortes, lo sute in thti e od. T.'baî t hler pensons, on bohaif of the e ALlaIa qaliow aun-sTOMsaMiuyre, iii ire and Ao .......... mo»-a- M mata . soue@06 d n ort Lta l pal. a"i promi-.asud agre lu pay, ca.................. av trifeTMl raiiway and cihsor conveyanscemte brlng The' be-st mate-rials are usedi n the \NRWCO3M EPISO6O and choir general construictIon are ,rtn t n io st e oil r e t oftlie label horougi a i bttantic haracter. MusScionsccam end chem forexceilence of tuci uim nv"îb inuos e a" Ifosle pil, re handt onc. andtthe appia nton t purdiAsersis 15 ouit b>their c oustanti>-nrea S ugsae. L NT R A UI F CE A I electlon. Pricos UsLow aU Cmusfstmt'vuiiTgt-Oam Wo]ý r a.Trma lq "- :Y!iN TItE T - 6.Tbat other -pdromon os b o th e Sieuhi hese*-niraiY feflts net lue epreseted or bept lnrour1ocsftY.addrcis the uadersigued. i<1 w io 10frayoe naid T)uacau John Melutyre di oruptlIy *TAfJS WCOIIM &£c. fCTAI "~ t offes',_promise sud agrme a 1h certain 1WMIMMI& M US eu ra ss. Tas à enos cure. -M totems asndothers 10 permit s1heJoter__- 24.____________________ _____ ' 1itedaw- -:-uhL r t-, ad otieste particips WM dli ___ - torco e auie. îd~a~r wîuth .-tu perooum inu moufys cipectai lu bhaçai by the use o làe*laimi t, tarrh U-ie* -3 snoW the. tomerpensons in bts maie by tientp AU U VW P bU ua.w .~t iE dependaut upon athe rture of the sl ' .E E ESe- Doues oli .îCLUJWO IIO pI bave used - lidils àCiýa rrh Cur à«w snicb latter votersanmaipersona to procure ting from the jgoud n-suit- 1 t d-riv&t*-! 1:. Y aid adeavour te procure th, votesor botte b¶ee It wote~enst -tubi urr -asc -Tbe bossplace te sliymw es sere it i manufacturel msoo4. s n ch0aCa mif tc u ecnT iuUed for:a -on voerxn andth Ie recura of the ni -1)unean >-- â. IM lae I a; ods 701 -- tuable legh 01tim. %V. il. 1f Jobs VellstYMe emserve b eWgsaive A i ambiWy, et the àsali eleedion. W II N . M*" . ý aaa~è-aCo.. . .7). Tba, thebuujd Dtîiem John MCIinet'e THlEËDi ia L E9Càoâ$t-NT-qod . -t:- bai actuel knovlodeso taunicomacute tactm ita-r, and it git a,tt uii-e ~~-a:v Sbe- oulenesby.otitera t cfui ,. I Y D1 W UL09IL ' nlae -i aICa.r the -rtv solo et fnts u Ih preedlgsuItmec. II doe u bolim jus el oll antIme my geode agI primesand b. conçiaeed. 1 ams prepurd oMans, 1. 2,m4.a5, solo0 of hî am.any. IS1 'M W TEE MMS MMEMRP M N MW FUF WU Halls Ca tarrh Cie <81.TiiL li nal Ducum Olfl clft 1 or Inve yen 13«e GeeU e f uem MISI&warrant tuem t o sve mtn i c g n)thm on y azget sd lb-ai 'oea-teatat Trî- -n dio ansd promise te certain persono a - for tere aUMot fWOSThcee wnulg chir oi m&nUfaCcUred CaMbave it doue - and Cana. ho pOrntasi eudeévoutf'eprocura offiebore and pmy fer for snme otier pensmaonsluder- o t. m iuPCE mmcormer persons to procure and. en-:IIMFUMU lMIMR UML. MI L - M 991 Er FU0M U1 n o iJ7U0 A BOTLE. $8-00 A DOZ. deaveur go procure te votes of volons sud ijhe nlygenttine -liatra ;;Catarr-tii-: s ia lthe III M t u ofte si Dancas àJohn Mle- j t fatujred by Y. J.- CILLsi.S &CU. Tuk-o. Q. Istyr. 10 serve inthe LtwwlelatIve As- cuson Cn'g maebnerybs beeu tIIrongblyoy-erriaUlukad repoi u d fdUBeware of.,* mitations. em lytte qsalcection. aniee a olc-"ameamde la cwmd.ILUSMAgnidsy (M. That lu onsequeu of oh sC fe, Dwnige«OWeymdWie0rzI MfdI oterdat oWed for the Ontario trade b>-- psprop'cifeonmted ugiem'aeitin tbe te e& O 00UUO .mIIL W . L' l itni clase et lte leutprecedinUUsUb4ftlelt .1 £001asmortaient eh Tweeds a"Ir oey Flaj.oalways oistuond, heaptiorcasoalreschtange -W. HBO. cnioavosie<to procure- the votes or voter* sud the retenu et lce.salM DomcmuDUASC R7r John Melurtyn o serve la*$b.I geAWS ve U &miamsCme Esut i VEtm ma màmmStajàRMý.ou$iLf AosMbiy,aMi by s»eh corrupt fendeovours Limdsay 31*>nut~ IT .sa -A roouremsst uatorlly influmecei the iJ e etbru.IV E R_ resuit 0 e u ml eculmu plu______________________________ PU L Wuaoi ymuf'PlAowpu5tha Il mai b. determM I 0a " b.ssDuncan Jobs MeIntyre cao mot m"y returued il that te eletim wft 'Dd.re Èicêiaxeu. IXEDP INTS E1b.o- y!CmtbA Unool ad mi ooex-! Ai le Sf6( Cl, iy . WPFIESe ba Pmuaetl 'ti lSTPRI.NTI%G FIL .1~~~~~~~~~W t.lbisa aenieuatwa ow ~1ie.Oi tA. WAMe Le«14, oitand Colors uaed. LUIBURAI»BMULULCama iqâme LnoepU6EL tlw a Pl stock of BVI,»na 4 OAN a Rdwed Priées. possa~À Waa ri bi ebapl et ensAie, tlleumou be deIIrcriat -lm DLI 111uwm'.POWBEL" $50 P Cr iBD aee» omb boervmisaycese ebe lb dkstlaue o eîl wi lu.et=udt.pwes but never Used MW. raht.C.etr m W-M cilEntuba tai- bqunou oli h ~bauMe..1 ammer il by far Rlmm -ù.-I -m -m- s cpiB A PACKA u SIck Hemdttehe and U,~til . -j dent te& biý;uu* Pta£ of tiî tu .- able ucem ahms bttoa uwn :!àrx~ valuabie ta Vonet ipItIout crng audpVL~~ 1" am7an Cm iali". th, y ftsO c0r?-e adia"Oeirs 0f 201. rte-a. . sîtt'&-uetht I.vot a" regae th bocIs. E tàthtjyunIy . t tl4 Acetbq wod be ai:ost pric. :,at hew mrfrua bi di.treoting coiup"art; buait orts maadflbergoodmuffdff ot OId htrë, and *hou 1.45 vitboal hu&. ut bter ait i.kht.ad Cadera laite L", inse am e y * .am; 'Md vuey tetake One ottwe e 3m&"-r ado.t. ?by e~ mt tktiy vet-'table andd o rmeo a, bat b her nie art luiW usee.l IIBBr tt : BYe fr o byutu.ieVube .or sSgbr smw York Oit,. . 1 - - . . f - L laff. Ayour dealers for it and use no etr. L-j4-l. t - âu la New Aempuum m--*ý lcArnespomd.ne cf Tih.Pool.-1 A aell citl-Avevy i acad. &J oShoru ceSe maclajiwoboi cruu. R. &itwaris' tfarmi, wbe* tihe Ion roeafront Its place snd broke hie lmt below the kuice ilolth bon er oe bute brobell* He cas laben home adiDr. lae wih thi ae suce et ]Di. Bondile . prutptly dreusesi the coni. The pattent le nov dotu well. HieWottoLIn u w H tvs.-A gestleman fron th 1enth.weet haný beent qulte a coil. aientiltin th Our vIllagefetlaie. il* omes op i>wtb the. &ayeei ntetlon 0f gelln~ nnlibttam ye: ban mot becs eueeseui.Whyb.uasekeNasilla co mocla tcYOM.9laie yull hban to mer. Alter cailloga«conitS at ail the bouse whlbere b. lm bm he.le s&poof *ê0t. n n1iasuift.SrflllW enticatîes, ho retuanus lob t>iC" arwjeld aullor. lHe ho b. li core- aRMin env tanaoiethave eormelucei ueedins-... The. stom re*a nukmlntbeirspltodVce5 * Mv. Wmi. IIiing bu* rettumnei 10 '0 t, avits d lu*tcivsi pa vlae s Ip - . . 4lwani <ow. Muiet tisa painful acci- dent at tias Bellevilles»d NOI!IIHastinge junstion 0on Woèi@M&uty aflsvmsOa, chi-h May rWilt lai te ampatatlen et ose of bis tee . Tihe vistan l i h b.brotell s eu. jueidvawing limbe. Oc&Mka Ol Theu latter, WAA d<iilg lb. botnencil.dmird walked bohini lthe baS. Not havinau a Z'y on theo liwbr t ùtime tue - taleigit 08ecedel b.Mio I* atck h bm oi-tbie litt abâve tlb. kiblt. »of thIe boutes cas tuaetrei l nveu-aiplaces, chie thooller 'The "estnt undicai onder oethe id W&rmaaaledto upesuty enc urmnn. itises.cMlo 'ieu, sait abstint, lver soreM. cancerspiles eiiblus. onnu, letten. eitmaped bàam ma ail pkIs aapteu gra totcure in every l:i staacso o 1001"retlwad. Pule c*Uonte pur boit, ion mie by 4%. lllnbotbautàImitu %NYebaWe a mpeody anti postive -cu for ce. la a<tll' mturrh ltounc. A Nok*dlinjecter fu.e wt cash botie. tg - hif yen tinette lu-Na~4,wb la<tandi retal uaouul.0ow25 - Iiiu vteoat: ne clie yoû viol. hiu go on or belore rMT of YU - in - a- ý - - ýY, i:

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