"FOUNTA ImN loe fh.' la aitNwbfm = h fa*" m *p.u , a a .4 o sm e qe . 1imm d. iff es TO i'wo bottife ulifl &U od@u' Cos.'ipatlsofthe iaIng0nF ler teS bielo iet il t@ooe an. ofh di. lobtiltdl m lbuu 1 ON.iv onlm bcthlA >oronua< pUA i -m ~ eoo. wlm a Mim a. Ibr annm be ave mmteedmy.WI bonofatt, n lf normt iatee À bsuu ao. mn O w i Tami le. wtt) olImm al e u'msnit cf thle lakidso' . t? lii foww brclid teoanu cfM l atmeoh th ieu' ~oae i thvo e , m Mv r fl h? wt te t ev "l vane a a ~pfOI Font55 LmSTPRi>Ay, VA i. ~ llaiedm él th'led mate WineY 011 tei um dear . e i e t Mo . Ut cagde.t otal e 10 .W i» vwyu me f»owte? MW Of M e mwit. foifi s"906"bu wub e uéihy soir baB» Moybe pou ave <etOa itbs.lWde ~~8tt atlé'ul w*01 'Tou doult bue ariS luaue dom etâ« Y«.vai. or c n.bes tb'e l an e*111 deut aiuiljua let tue eusmet appaum ce alIop8a-tnues ~Iaa ot8,-hypocrite, Md 1 i tl!de Sothinu ofttis bIndé, hosm ttsuiaOMMIy, ira-ie bai mi Md =ornu g blasait lfun hiei eus qapfr111h ba aa lp boule-boied Mmn 15- va, uselfe.; abs aras a- ettlcit * omm, slmitdm vtild beiiril. po" alose noé«,sMd1 muet ittun>pOlit &Ul veryp salif. 60uMp peubave eaeed teleek on Ailes a. jour vlta-wbhlc1 do net bs* live- but et aMy rats yen Casiet toget mOat me le Uts Motier et -pour chili, eau y*r awuhe is¶ati M sphasie liai No vopip. * "lie live onosent, I me, mis added, tv flpaty au Me ceetimuai, "aMi s. ie ithrejorchIli surelyyjeu seuli .*tubher 10 e h o re and reerfeduIif afo lo' er eaunake at lientfle .An impatient gestuve of a-sent vas ble; tlsmis bashmlied; enioli Ciel bas bise elaimué, foelbi> romn3vlon Hoale'baud. "Alicie le bherown mUses., te cea ami9g as ehs pliusss. "8Sh. hem nâerloftborne uvartbelein, la sPîte etfa&H our'tniiltleme, ililistheex- cmotion tof &a S@hrtvist tiis pm'ln. Toit di'm% v cie a voesh*c ss; v. nesi lhb hoquile ,nkid r«nla tht éa" AKv i uartablesemccvi vastherocly ne- t,1es debM tjl hie erari. yTo bveM no idm boy loveip"al,> aisW argai remmloy. "N;boa cam oui - pou bave mot sei butr èafieu. 8h. el e haoai ncmge lu @le" "-s; ne longer Cie Mi dI>mpulsive gi yeu romemuber. If yeou n k. ie boa dIiscri e m bs w-e caou vM oi ès- am -gerouiy sousdué<" 14PM'ay otecms vou teli;" bu aukei slSb Mralse d ltv ai -erta m nt et mai. matie Iàmonut> la hie exps'emaou. "Jti kuea ait about 1i fre i"meSavilli. Shé ol m ue Chat ring the voek that leloaaiCspal Vsen'letterAi. Iratia tey te bf ber Muée, Mai tai ber gré",ta sd nM, p vespautl to vit- Percelîlg thet h. wsegredual>-saver- le«. nie- nrïei: 1'bïu .111 bavetego dean 10 Nouba- veai, amp dew i Rogyil auj toferCie sb of oublie opIion. 0e s buamoitaàat ay p vate; pmtlug, our site asl, ltim pour dmty Ce go mm e eur sari. You vii go, Mfoly for' a- tes'veeke," Abs entremes 'y.. vi o' ho replisi %losi aMi vîti aft vidmi*Eou¶. "luever Ionked ai Sic ubjeet tron pour poinlt if visa- befre 1 mn cai l le eeasary fer mc e ostil sapp-ariste, but 1 ealy go as her gued fin. rérolleet. Teîîl arc vury sa-ger lu tie motter, l-lelel,siv«?pressing; but Alîce le bp o meaen $0 »21 ouft»e mn me a. pou cees- the ah mi tseloher to the theupvht. "«Ami s. forep ou, laving bher baud affec. tiout-oly on hie sobouliet', 'yenk oote o amv er fend o er u al 1he Lime, am"i liait l0 Ypt'ion ou aiedymg coMe ber- nor e ypou ot?'1 I"Whse meuld ho Cia gaond et teihinx, jour hbem opileti evaaily."*'Ata"y rate, Ailes dose int es». a.tratasienbous.e li ebufat' bot tChas jou de, Ielen, 700sa. e Cibi ponabeW. J kae ber golite opinion eoftas but ceufidencsn ho iyem ar.. i e pem am mmma eadsded vIii rbliftev *Mile. "Isppose skuova liai 1 baie coM»homne7hc asisi abvptlp ah ale -sort elleaca. 14)b,- yse; 1 o m i toid ber et pour "eAsdti ie ii ie usay' ho si wich "Wol ainEsteomao, as enover ssea My 1~ Buo ut tisa, pou bues, ais aid i bwt niad Wbi,"e ..ybai oarapoem e. e ho eI iui, vrithima e mpbmwsi. moi;; "Tetio me, R>,hms nbseer vritten te jour mita aqu bu, alti molemaejen "Ti.eto'morew ror meut day I @hall MMu for Menieveuim he observai, cern- ltelp aern brquUa aMd pay a uiIiftAt t àvbicb pour arrivai »off *"plIme m«go toheur P.@I»m- twigup ieamus ieM latuouiatvey. "oLvmmie"w 'meaied carolaijour peit, avejeumat I u u o t sure liaS ou an mtalg me on a feor.w- usai,=810t.".1 vimi ~rra~aimevim. aboi tyom -fm m mt aoCo Fb à ua m"w qutsow mîotem aeq dulagtht. Couver' mliths, Ma m mi bs re la vgue& u "*w.u roi-bélmessiXc. moiNe, Iftimer a-sba mai m a the .limai>, aMd the 01la4 là g .ht t lia cPuIoer. aibe elUsme out tt. ,%h ta he -srouud a cemsof "h aaati, i.rb aveu, tiat tomem leu lu aMidaui eam hie dromag. boustennovhsrsrdtl."t **14V, Mr. Ce14,Warm&-i a u sivit MIA",ti t r eiy BisC c» r"IM Morriset, rirg qTnosuse jour ev-es, . Moure. Tisra. h. o »dssthe *top&»" SAs IMm e .tt.uh arme Maie ote . ailow ta cateh balitpse. 'Top, eao .aog, thora ho aas,taeg tovarde tbe plekusro ouuis -iti Mime '4ThaabO& qed i .kS salnMaid uou mat Mu.Mcm ri hiseor feIleuI retumaitah ente vii i ussmobr ds. »e dmi ot amit er bu h.le bail teoae Ims't mis, Pollyr "Net utta pl«»- itei, vésoim "aIl lisl Firfe. aorris ei.lokg.Msa tlins 1carlii l a i me ho Smm 1 de Master Mae lezryIt Bomsbut the 1 limtue thougit thai ju vond ever se hlm àgal alle, »Wma~; Itva. teach and moe vIml him oMe, I estell pou,"obmrvei Wa m iemilvsé aboutet dînner," »atlairkbeya"udbuethlbutn, '"but pou mil toi e iauailabout it silou you dime wlîb me.befal.-by, Mr. Coz,"sai Mu. -Marie, me fellearmi b> tiefeotamnsud houà@4 ée. urried trom the voeuc. AI loomd ]W? wta hoUDt 'coe tho Cedars, e0,y,favorte vrS etfchoira, tics. Aupuet -avèninoga. A round sicer table esteai ottmen tisa, upos arbtcb ver. ail tiseure enw t atercentas Alice,, leasing beek lu aies gomion chaIr, swu readingte MarI, wvhs askatting, "A Prmeemaet Th la. le paettp aie lookadi The "m gimclng ehuugi th. soiebre branhes 1.1 lu ,algray fleka ou ber har amd dram--wtee cabree t med vità qurnttwet lmcsanm " ofetpaie- bl e r bb n , S ie ras tw lrtiug a c s"3a t0o lu bertibmeas sew o int ce r. w-as a rsmewauw ipexpressm c eh.rI' ae ai to e uOnaom e uyog. Oomlnrte the end t of a e»ehpanei ami oxlai,, looktnu "Wei, lunuot cousine, the Prinese et Tinie r»a.ara bermihrbumbai ou vmu amal prevocaitou. Doa'i poth" 140e MVoll,.Imeai f etrplue, sai, as aie gesmeintsutly over Aile'% heai: "Wby, Whoelis tcite onixtammaucomimg over bo"t kiMime Saîtiief" "tYouvmng ueur urnaiAile* lndilWerounî lyO aMi w1tlait turutug herbeai; ,(,h, lit mluget hicpogtmat. Aunuitepremised hhlm a qufftity of pgarmalum and carnation I~ ~ Vusu WOsetU eamat vonssil-eut gar. Imeute and a dark monstache# I.theotit. master a wMmmat 0e, pou ridiculeus.girl," turnimg and ouma gover her' soulder. Af cor a Min. utes. <ms ilceane, " &aoy," Ae a *si"l la mphubemi.*- iirufaevau dm.iiy paie asaie raimed it1 fta ber friendà ud amittia ch. tbuox clip froni ber kue.miah rome ami leant agals tie iras viti both ber banda presd tebier -beart. -The cder vas hetveen bur and the bouse, anm e"bi ime te raever biseif &a litile betors ber ibanu ie" lt-houa. Aueho ppmeebadsic lonkai et hmi eun. voui. dn lefver, and osé a a ru-veru Invaàili icr semas'.heurt vvouli bava tu- astlp moie&c, butam ho carne amms tic fru bis stop vessne bhm»aubislepoee A thouasmi tiengts e mmsite cresi te bur braià, hober he bt an it uuobit wura &bout te choir ber, the ara trembling front mai ta tant au, siC)> aIl tic coupes. umeon coula muets? aimi vitheut Meeting is ahmue, mistgava1tin burband lu sil. ie Sa-villeprompUlp lutroduemi Mat Y-Tom uSI ougblt te ho friensi, Umin Ferra.; 1 vaMpourbuitbweVlmtas a su,, ami ênsyaillisbt gho gveme. Dom't pou c s itca ohne a tie ha- Reme nai tab-. pumcb la order te uive Ailes Urne ,.te comapose heusf; ani mei-pomoimias ho mamusiîe boarg ws ami MWà-MW. lin, ~ t J ffsltmw i sa m =urw (ieicrrk ie~ ii vItaM.Tl~SpstOume absoiwtuee - vmI "le a o)de MM rkbe a «S wltb alIos tait,a wei ers a BwWEImia amui oeatan augiuapeopIl.Yon," mauieao hm~ r h4 totearm M1vr négnai& 'am J %ke anj bodv eAée."ý "Coma bar. i" tailihWe fa*fi ttch- OUt M amu; O& am 1niamiWoe*#$ 441 amn aeodlerbut 1 ba*vetSaholiâKy. Ton dollf~t h e basu tw d yen I bave e wl* 1meldUur oa , hm s; maw5T sword mairy «041 'I U nr mi. ta dcl, th atea etruci oyes.; "aMd i 1vonIsi m sorito pi.> W194, for_ lm Phing t meler, too, morne ayl yen my awowi, but pe.rbapa I migbt Dey lou a-Aim me lA"ord. ouemL e oI rna amd abt on ml buse ami l toe S Enmset Maude_%,nothlmgloumb, cllmb- I mdiffl and Allee, 518h a beatlmg heaa',sav * e ii abar huebamia arme for th* =u to.The twareacseWes usmuet aUbe, and lot sme dilbent; aiecocu D owe coaa etogeebai', If ub&a»@&,b«S ebraab froam metng ber huabama em. Manale ras eomplesellyfaoasib tae irange gentleman, airran iln arth mimpea nrlosity ami deilght. "Ave yeuu my -faifho aaksd, lrnred- uleumip. «*Aud wby did jeu Mot core te mes me loer. vau an mbarraset nueetie "Bvànes1 aobae n tairIa," amathe eiMtie. reoy. "lAnti ameyou corne t~o utas;ahome- neuf" .Nomnntary paume. Wlihou wait- Dug for' a 1reply, ho puraued: "l'y.mass our peneotten. Altos beops it ln a loebet, thbat ce.," polutlmg a Brunbroars lgot&a bis tiuuaaae mother, and 'r*Wmngaa morchlng blnmh te o bhterto, palle face. 11She sape 1 am te love pou vw u sc-s much au bu." "De Ion love berl" coàtiànei this pltilm. Innocent; "do peu loe Aicr Begmaad, pImtuly ambarresou, ea abot for a reply. In depratoea ho sne- wred: i "01 wbornae e a luewin, Maurlco le le flot pometblelatyou Cal pour mothe Alée. e*Yti, soimetlmes; and me do lut 3iary Mmd Mima erra." "elI, 3por ae nçt te do 15any more, te. énember. Now teI rme pur namel" nid hie fathor, catechlitlug la hi@ turu. O"Mawul" e Bi - naid Fairax." So ho bai net becs whoill forgotten. 'And how té!d ard pour» .:Pmet twe 4ngi..How aid areu " 'Paattzeay tet long tînte. Ame pou a good boy, de ycu tiabr "Alico kuowa,' ho replied, nodMlug ath easy confidenco toarards hiesniother. ".6Yee, Aller knom," said ase, risimg quloki> ami ata'otchimg eut ber hand: -AliS knoar'a hai lit't pour bedtime, où bay 'Gèod.nlg«ht,'ami coule &Ion&." j"Nol n! oet peti" ho ealod, cliblus ü«Iabtl to Sir Roginali and burrowlug auder his aman "Mauite., lston tamel' sai his tather mwaely, aettimg hlm down. "You tl me jutnote that y ou lutenisi ta be a saluier, did yennet' s"?" turned Mauite. oagerly. 'W.li, yen 5111 never do for a éodier if yoeou osllS ",t.;hi. freu iity lufeeat. eau. Nos iive me a bs, ana go wrlah, pont uotber atonce." MaurIco, whome forte wa» certainly flot obeilencovalnu isleyeami looksi as bis touer. heelng tis at as perfectiv in eamcet, he ellined one m éore onhîbits pe, inprinted au Oeqalmental biseon hi* mouatache. ani reiuctantli leuartoi sh ntaay regrette) backard i lanens, legli aratcblnq'the retreating pair tdll tic eoe ont et elght. Were they really hi*m 4to ami. *ont Ho could marcely hello,, h; fer, atter' sil, he bai had a very fou monthe or mat- jriek lire and twentyvmeven peau Mofbacheler IIlborty. Ile e tiuca more 1k. abacielor than a r.,msedlet Mime Savillie tollowlmg hlm oye., mai:- t "You mev sii look poaf hlm. lat ho miot a splemdili bey# But ho wauta a tath. ees band over himsa mal>. Ale. la hie slave ami hm bom me evea' sauce haotees bora. Sbe gte. up tobhlaneVey a, and ho troate ber Moeoashie 1 ~.elow-aa jeu Ailes, ha-ving t1"ed anies laute. nùrSyruiqulklydosia te, ber onu rooma, tce oalon. for a licti. timuatethlut snd ceimpose bermoif. ' 5h. lent her bot forebead aginat the frainofethle opon vides and gave wap ce a feeling of utter aud undîvidai Joy-Jcq Chat ho waë homo, allie ami cli sud uncier the ver> asue rodf auhermalf-as least wMràtcboutenaie.: he couli ueo themn'Te va st log on the grave) pubi, telicw h em lb.u r -thmgVul aie evIiestly, for aui ho conc . is MiueSavillie ani Mine Parmubot I labegIs muoder. atell. Wlth thii lattai camne a revulale. et feeling.*Ho couli job.; h. coulai ha pwbm 8L0PO60F AiLle or] um -w,~~~ 0ptSoW & of lOM-e»§ -oba-: A. Goodwinu. Richard S~1vester.__ _____ - FISIN TLI MARET. SY VTE ' him a osjntock a choe. amortmnent et of the dotqai? m lowcarprIe..aiea 8the lagaut amicheapo tepapa n stock or ta aider. Now las-the telmto get pour work dame beore the rime in pricse fgiaMm~I~'8 N lurber êw-takemeflbt. -- - EIU RSAND N@UJLDIMSS et Tuyata Prie.,.oui trmes renesed.Mi er plae. resilvergi. W. A. 0. evIurulihthe celebratei oit Painted Wliacdw HAadn« 8. 8»o . Ca a i- m l s . ge pfr ak aTaante <tea DyCWerm ri a p "r U s i. n 'e nl s E r s , E m rmv.Ueb. ft UMa-f.l S.Cornei. THA IN IE T O=D ndon Mutual UV* sank. Faret~ - ~um elta ou kr o mako baverai dft MURS et a" O 1% Rtdoa, mu LlAdsa. A«. 31m. -m I. 18.0W maiteuithe var boue demrip- tiomof vlth Improvei Canaima iGa*Dmw. TON&Noetter cen teo fmilathe mai. kW. ikindsef P&fl I.ND PMLS NKIW CLOCKs, R. SYLVESTER, PROPRIETORý loupera, IowersSulky.Iay Rdes Single P fflag Ploirs,. One Horse Cutltieato"e Simprt Castteî%, Aot Caftert, Grain CpuIAers , Steem èEigitie <s. SRuI shiw e 111i hGoeralIacliiu Castiàiga and Forgflnas of al l eecriiptioies. .Agent ;or the -'ke HMaeumok rmpirator la fast surpanitig the puitp ;ir- feeAu 'ag locomotives and Stationary B011cr?. Agent ior THE CHAMPION GGBINED DRLLiiAMD BROADOASI SEEDE! Fartuers wanting their Séeders repaired ai l o fwel tO bring them im at onoe. We cm relay the (cet ieith it<10 steel andi you MMl get them hoe witit yoa. the saime fviqg. Brinieff lit alivoer elci Ire,î. rohn 47,drs on.__ I ~ne overMF@M« te MWVfhule ta cal Mmd B«M Y stock bofore decULM whore te uy n Rp aiaCeape. 1 - ru ~m -Tbls ha~re A"i Vmlm s1w as Ibo f00 ~60M 5 lua MU RA i G1- ObasV.samy styles and ail U<Ir*Ci wmk Hala MPi Sapm ilaorMefboasQmUaty and atILiving Pr*cem. Wba.I~ta~ ~ 1~g eVms, osa. a fins stock. MesO.k@ Tbà M COMOte« t h aateutwoekmaoehip and best materials 9NW X *bie te Show gornd& . ( anmd hocouvinSon Autepries man. Johnmki. MILL NAcHInwRY. WILLIAM STREEr, LINDSÂY, hum Fadoe auL ad ive Bavaage mmumte emLairafrh b, ecito f work5.- -Lnd L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __u«LBab PR LL RlIY KAK>WVAREIe cs i SpREAT! k KILBN Rave jui roeivM m ai N1 ITOM OFSUAB of ailpadkgtoie.,bb. uat pricthat will "tak thme AZS0 350. PÂCKAG 0S F TEAS maItrut ,INis a n iaY togCive dot&* mas 10oir TUAI. Tht in orne of the boutceuat u we have <u' ha&, aud Primeswlflasn heretofor, suit eybody. AU oth Uneas of GEinL 00fan lsugil. A 291 IamIA=TZ ire-ILL~ - 1 !O-e