.Jj vOl ~UM1< XXIV. WWOLI KO. 1988. LWDOÂY, OINT., INZDÂT, NAT 1~, 1MB, TERU», *1.50 IN ADYÂNCE. TIC VePtIAn fw - _ tol.ild~1_____awfe1bueleils Kt44.lDmi"aaiel.mo bit Iloq"fd u#uinoa fe1, iau oadc.tMtf>QKm *N»Leo om ote ii Orne,. ýjgpjq~~.< in bsd1fewv tlb N bisge. te rue e sait. âF«l el lt. ý rw u oa o 1f? et augli in hf , rnw eito a r difi likle Sfli ervoy. The t p l.I 800. IMr ~ uedtt vil h gior ? foi hat & Mufett R~ou AT , - A M'IAMYACUT and £blmedtlatep Oaiýon ré* eu ho gvea. ro~r îiclQil IiRIT. A. f neut ownr. .. . 14 " hoite efi. k lx-ng. aIOla borni 8 e&smta Oi..pbn'. RE, AX AIVD TI*mOAT. c~ orasfertàhly. sUd tg romptle n OeVcry etud i ln fims-ctimsg alie. Al» A~~ njitttre. Auj obr &ailIl besoMd oh*,offr felr IR6Pl. W.E ~~~~~~~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ O Frfrie a Jtu df't. ..o tht e . Km? sud Thluat. wa l tIW I' N. t' Pt 'î o I . 8 S i* 1 0 4î o i1 .Tà ' t 8 J o ih e M r r s &aîlrl( ~IP ALU--.Inmlti.os for* te i aunt- lu I Iol. and for the, uf md -Domb. BellD.,Oa. ikLUABLi TIN PRGP UT! t tmirandi hy ertthittbf thé. pnvcr o? isSii ton- in ziii i 'rtatn itîirigmgt' In the vri-ndors W <b h 'i thtlt iliédt'4t t t'i ie o <f ie. andi W nu-i~fl'lie -111iaîr> t'. 4cîma-,-by wîîhielî de- W , sim lathe 'h O IPf t *. t pa- e i f -- IXiiiii ant l , ' i d e riýt K-tl trt .' ino. uthe mait 0' i vuî cîîi iti ru-a1t. 'Tier.' î'ltl be ai - i ~A IrliYr'Se i iuiit iii iii' -- ui I u' uîp . . Olphthaihnle linspîtal. oorefleldo. suM Cenral Lonilon Tbvoat. Vyo and ICar rooplaMa-e reo lfous:1l&mi, ol PM ijto 4p.m.. wt ~Vrd toail dIl e0q t oï ýj1q TM, MAT19'IOrÔ1Tff . M. & Tow Mothest Rft of thii , Smy or hold.n t on the Sth day af lPbrurl.?LTh folIowng 14 a detalled tatement nu the elochon ('xpeme4 iti litd htir on !bbaifn r andliite ai thie bo're etection: l'nid çhac. IV. llnrr. printibir ecouut. $166 00 1.A illit q.Itrelig trtr 3 aee'>nnt ...... I Ktr~~charges m'niptgn litor* m ufle ...ý-. . 1. . I1 %1 lirmdbumr & C'o. litre (if operit hanse for i,,ptinwi..........00O tianit 0 'l«'epft. litre (if? t.omto i -i.yville 5on 11, . ('. iliIs poting his gt 20 Vhlaq. Div.îa. 1b oh l rl eln'1000 Ra','..îl (iunttlé. ivery . m. rioS I ' int s i"ne.qof candidate. . 1 qi-I. Agfenitfor I1'. *ý frintyre. 'lh.' ubove lta publla-hýhl n. aeeaihncé wltlthe reqtriielt" tgorsmeetion IM of the. mt rtapeettnl lh.','in'of MeptliesIftot he leisla ie Asseni. bIT ti He 11 IProin<'e foOntario. Jaies Xeithi no 't q1rat iriligo (n. 'o; ,îI . mtf. ii- o4f ehIh.e »U111Cortd Bflellff.'Tu iiarvoM qI ng Inle-fttper. tbq l dtioweW , iar ' it. the f n ltwfaiprnv w-front .thi. Diundt*ab uero tiM axe V. r urth.'r ,,tfeîtion i l i 1t.t."1 itethe ,nany ,~ ,~ ' - t if, or t< iiitl"rr itq.11l ivii. 'i antI thiilbiltily fei', s<o tru ton; itm meofo c egi tii,gq Itf . n ef wh il t 4 iiet' on . 4 ittor- the' ùnly gperfeet adjt.i.t. 'A . îqIly jrfg. ti lrt t tilt, rq'd '1 j,îpnrtv.I fil lhotli enrîs. i ,crt avt nîq* over ail t 1. ii'it'.i. i1 it iIib t i cl111 IIviri lit i v il nSu i l .. E~ Il> I1> i lcan i< JAMESHALTN affp4 be <771VWWrk Vqtvlff Joseph Itaunde~j~ Litt2~ 3flthIil~ pet' ivcP~ "'w til bgt fe i ewhs 0 &el fnî i n r 1. lu ovmuujcetUn'mlula easeh, tber rsgilLiiu f ii. aluie. CSUtru. foi fUlffUy d PU v.vic,.cafly vt hn h Med Wkekeeld f tM t4-twtSrsVi'la. A ]y. Th asw i. ta luu'mbsthe, mimd vit fvý "»Wb >of » u musialuient s ti casdigest sad L~UWS A1 ~ST W Sif surnm.eh dar bydlilflsPIitcu"O; îoarodmosthep»os ert"saôe5gl" le nm bT-wmffoPfPfi5. Wt4 foi%. ast coasoquengy pmntaldyspeelbyasM Ise.w .by, set on h Se ausg smeua thésrag tcssa ,,Andby ~ tati. m ollet 'Ane Mr éclu. a heu 'ww em st, W - - * auoi.-0as1-. -II ir. .. .--t l.tuseeslSls ,j eMOMbhOi The Papa h»uuwarnda, cirular ho tl» Ir." blabopo la vkleb acOI tehothe helepspb amai! It la MWte that wbat- ever DMr. Pamrbs obujoot uap bhi. foiloveis ofrea ~dpa earmeopumly =t he um sor ahe las i~t u sem to the tdwabpý wvh erseemepud at thms tieoulm s êDebDLn.Whkil fi le siu aao u tht o soskredus.for Md russu ihyt fr hUl¶d t 10 eSud oAbthe M" dm"@* ues. ai eln o »es&samess.la ffheaatiue Iri la hedsy tylb.e tp te cuirbthe exsz"lSuifeola ai te p MW,, uqpu nos oet*e.dpa thoir relu amt malU i= t~ blUm* leentr1 d .to - ï- n - ev itOIý yoiow l- l a oeNyuprnugNe I y U -qu««tee t bu r mi m,*mh le n UOrwmEDunmuI *à-S wliNAe pnsrm ied lirebi5al ff uiuoelh assurune sUAt oS5 loaiiaw OksmeIa" o» l irbe C mui m fitbug a im thM*. uyaf teuhe Sk a etoeheala e uat qnto ta Mor is. o haveampl k urnc laiti. ai e u ime09'b c oneyeouuoofyhopibslia maUy eitkeu'.u qurnltp oC lMpia oeht prio <s.~ oeSPssIm. ' aholew to t cultby o» saluly. 1111000ssI' Mvebave. lia I l asthet direction bis OntMMeel dok. qv More. le i nom» t' l u r n« but bIMM thIbsatrous. halt a slty l et e et s. TIMe fi"s 8"dIt le Weil lt oerlraek t ite tmoie. 60555thoadea u IMea vithiawaklng RemembrIommr aluestock aof dlrtutwe& a 0elbouam, erea ionaver edorks tram tbe larbetl down te the bulit; vblurtlh4peuple nilibI b. lo puer ;fifmttniekleiMrm. idancy uea d ornamented edocks t Iln te?,1a as Weil m tue-100 te ha py llary enol ho fact the vilote rangs ?eclckom r-7;,le secSur a good teusher.1 Other places &%aia P.enembr lire e »rent. ftetnm- eure sybi-eusboa b a bêrwepuyii ~s.. ,Rfemember we i neimi-becum tla 'uiuitr aial chilt. buy for cash. liàmember we do ouir rmcou Id. not attend on accoua: of the avu work asud do -1ht thoroluahly. 1k. mumben on the abers clàlmlnw we rau s4everfty ot the esather andthe .disttne% 'cl yoil eheeper tisu you eau bly tvise.. snd tleundefined pathwsys s«rasé, the wheR>n70jEgo&. prairie. Familles mong ont wnet, lit whlcb h Ie e mchîldren to be edueted, VSU~mil eta'lu y ng band ta make enquirlet. ,la J.iedaa. Mat ~aulvasosmerntae eprompect cf ebooîprit i. - - lea 81111 i here are sehlementa, sud not - a faw cf îhem, vbsie Try ,fair sehools. am la openilon lu slrral reglons. But, Ïtisebit lly la ring vIllages *d tavua ~) ltat Ibis pricelesé hooua la te her bai ila a ualb.tatory mesaure. The rapldity wlîh vhlch sehoala mprimu p Ihere la iaimpli amirelloue. Faney a place vhich had s yoag lamI tJsary anly aisteen poisons aIshoolfage, vlSb sixtee= natepayerg, tà-. day-egbteea menthe afler-there are soins hhreehundrsdand flftypupiîs. a large aut weillappoluted achool is.ererteit, fior JOB,,tesceesame employed mni a fifth soon te Fuir tii. braIstok of? agé«d, n a" isix mon thsahigi sebool W g E vîli11s4 abhed there. Thi. salaries paîdte the emisent tearberx-asll commun semaI ,tearîs- rangs from $500 te lie - Arratloveart, ta 10>to the blight!i4t.. Tht achool ayshemn in rogue lia been ~ ~ P~frameit with specifi regard to tb. religion A M M OF M W' U rmfffqiofthbbc pes.It la a*sumed that.Lihe lProt. Qp'At - onlIt iRt't. testant sud Caîholica w1s a h. ctucated nepaisimly, aut the laws and regulatlont% p.'rn am shapet accorlnglp. The. tille page af lhe officiai regulatîona Ilow ling before (~Ofkt4 Pant fl. me readm: "Regulationi% o? the lProtestant IIiîies f.ad. sertlwn o? ;pb.'Ioard of education for the provinceao *vanitbo6" And on looking O(ri«MM. 1Dry I (!0 rffl. t ver il@acontent'. one tsees',verywheve that Zel. e Cttlei#lo,- il lra astmmei only Protead,îtm are llkely tu T«êr Crth'y.be la attendamince ai saabUehchoole. For es. ~ ample. iier lb. capîlo l*telliouaexer- A ICw M . , 1ciscs," hi. fl4ot loftIoptlon$ wttluil.thoqeab- ____________________________ Ior w blier thLe chool shail h.' opened and XfWW Ad vea180=6 '& c..mcd wlth prayer sud the lîaly aciptutres reaItliqs enjoineit' the negulaîlon rosdlag ".The rhool hall ý"pened and roe U(<I.iu'tlu trîmnxngond vellflit, j. itti the ieMig of mr'pture and prayer.. cqI. wiII ho sWIt ,'Ialà. TII içXTON Co. ilîeafollowita a rin ta be uaed: l.lndsay. Mar lit. î<0):i?.t iThe readiag of the sc.rlittire4. - - - (2) Prayer (printlet,) iQITT fM>PÀY VANÔD-nTorsf(.4)1 Th> l'h rd'm ,piaver (repeated by testh- nat v.ulcun Voo1ien Mille, iMari 'm. and puvplha.b te rnnithe caîîntr- pr.'err wt. A - , t H )UN 1> The honedictIon. mo; 10.liniteulValey0Pltc. :D,,u <orleut:'L'%4-a1e SITUATION WANTRIP.- A. SAleman Une tes..-uarr rsmmiéket, "I always requim ~ormumge\r fleuc.rl $tore hy a gentleman in>i liCioul La repoat .vt-ry 1.rîday tht. heu r 'of lene. Satifàwtor t'y nsurM". rom niïni .b, and 'l iuîtend to get se Aditros"..'li: J«IMLindu'sy. 1tàà u3. my m-,>wllarm Lu'n commit ane or ti0vo'vrpOsut sriptître tdaily sudrecite 1 Ç [T F. T) IîIIOCK - Ko1R.-thom." Ail Uhn.tasvery immci tu the mind TNdifl'crent patteruadv eatylimi sud otyour correpondent. Ositarta, go thou Premreamuablp.Adret înrtatou54 olieielAlrwcui uthîec. fma colpbrateit Amrea i rm.8srRc T loso choale for SouthhViteaatt PItNTIO (IPI'fC<. lai ani sc tom. alier. hvivth hlsm elaborlni t> smeure ________for lte bible sm autharît*tive place la the 3 OM.(('9 C IXUE school curriculum, snd a~aaintzuroduced ArA m thle.regulatlonasument ils use;i fyouth, (Wn- vhlbea: a4chool snd &(&methey louve it; are expectedt hapraetcthle morality ofithe A i E ZATE bible aurely the lext.baok vhlcb leachea r titiha S nitlp bould b. lt the school-reou sud rmal tier s. Bt toureiI tla expoct. inlu pt4oea paer ooutaliina mortlô- d tiat tie lv. bottes iial hbc educated gage wblch wilhhbspiftl at the tme of taie sopuo'tel, tbey are nal forced se oobd. It theron'il ho slit y larouided that n'here ths Protestantis are Amn«: &« I m ebw à& h. majrity lan. chool section, lue Catbo- 1t1a hie tu ts, atfr ucm iheLvlbo liaslb.eseurernuy Pm ofa!ta bc nn- a vag tha lser ;hàm h sas- cf n aouluthedu. pilUle <ut 1j gwyo lbu1 outhe touk hum thom ail.The amUirnI aI ai"- =Btb etuiudelnlllos sud shud ttesul. ce es tubel'ond la tbhe uruMdM ah. moe i f hW «dagua heM ta coua- - ÀkTi hm p.~ IntDcetm :vesty pu.s for anuuwa" ud Iics thatsuai. mhould bs pet up that sa uiliro aio fer the nets tweeuty«"o sW" & amrosaed the dePaa»tnswlth a nrnv boot [fd be M on THE Plu"T HANGIG. DRADT ON TEE 5C.AFFOLMD-IO STATE3EENT FROM TEE CONDEMNE MAil-A TUMT Urxw4 DOCMUMT-MOMECONICVIN ciploi ilgkthê bomftPMk amr, wus baumaiIbis, iornlgsah' elgbt c deock. This la the tires exenton or the Phoenix Park murdus. A va"t Coucourse hadt gatbered outolde .or th. prison yard Mud a, trong force o<c avalry, Intantry sud polios voie pissent. There -wuano atiempt at a dimturbauce. The 'uoning opsned, beautlfulv, but there vers aowers at about the time the execution took, plase. BradY rome at t Il 1.35 Csu= Kennedy . f Mt. James cbureb sud Fater O'RlelJy- ad. rnlterod the smva'ent ta the prIsomer lu th* Prison chapel, sud all thise romain- ed prahlng until the arrivai of Marvood, tbe executioner. Brady subuulted qulstly vbile bis arma vers belong nionsd, sud w4ked ,iavly sud un tnhlngly hothe TUE BILACK FLAG. The blackr flag, ladlcating that the ereu. tdon had haken place, vas hol.ted aover the prison ah lbree minutes puamegbt. Almost lnmedieey a berme sudcahconng mounriWuvaSet aS a taanS coins towsrd the prisop. The pole>hoee, preventesd the vebicles apprac tn There hat hieen reporte that a Eter +tsbanalng Brady'% Moinde vould endeavor 10 excite the people toia demonshration by paradlng su emply hioarse througb lb, cIîy. BnyS l.Awr ' TY Bfrady waa visihed by Mis mother liat eventnp. She waa heiard toaexclairu, 'Mliid, Jo., no statement." Brady smiled and replled, "D)ot h hofoollsh. Do you thtnk 1 sam bol !" rt te stshod thatbhis mothnr tbreatenod te disovu ber son -if ho gve the gaverument nformation. A reth aif foyesas rcceved by Brady, ho whlch w»uattacbed a card bsarng su exprea4ion of grief at hlm fate fraint Iiah. ,men living in LUvorpool. Brady made no éttatinent ta the geoi chaphla or ta the. governof -tthe prison. One ai the laut, thtiga ho did- vas. ta *rite a letter ta bie mother. He carried a prayer book ilu hie baud ha the seffalit, and vae thoroughly rexigneit and firin. RATS OF.1 fils body tell i nne feet and i<bath %as In- siantaneousb. 'Brady vas dreased la the tame ciothes ho voie duringg tbe trial. It is estlmated that the crowd ontide the ga nnmbei'sd 10,00&. Itl a 5548thast -h. throng was even greater than any o! thome whirh collecreod when, executîonx were public. %t thenioment the blackttlaqwva meen aver.the gaoi tle cMywa* rai8ed '*batm off," and every head wIIs at once unrovereit. The' crowd sbortly a.fterwarda dimpersed quiet ly. The verdict of -the'cronve',jury va th&& Brady's death va. camedb rupture cf ho spinal ord. A jurymantmtatedthst the féaturs afthe doees'd ers sllghtly iwilen andt the oyes prolrdd i.tn «» was hait cul in tva betseaen teeth. Brady n'as huried neir tbe scaffold. The verteèbrée of bls nerk wu scrusd ta pueSe. Msrvood salii ho never hangsd a cnimninalvha gave le*a trouble or anxlety, or dlmplayed s calmer or mors un flncbinx front. III1ADY's CÂlR.X Joé-,Bratly, the tiret of tb.msgnlded men abont ta psy the penalty of their part In the sasMelatton o! Lord Cavendish and l'Tnder.Seeretary Burke, la a young man. oner of a large famili, nearly aIl of wbom are, inaVair clrcumetanceand marepepcted by their acqualntance.. Jaes fater bas bien for torty yesrmsau employee ai Dublin rporatlon1 aud enjoys a gooid reputatlon for intelligence, i.ouriety, lndus ilsu honesty. Jas himsplt va.appenced ta the elIp atia early au., but litrly up hîli 1-he time ai hi. arrisIfoliowedthe occupa- tlon.cfa paVior lu the *siee of the corpor- ation., ue vas asmnoaI&bout live feet ten laches Ia helghbt, bu% bookteilamaller fCorreopowlneof a The Post.1. Burçnrxss.-The Ferguson Bras, have gaI UAl WOOD. folrly ta workiththidi portable aaw-mîiII [Correoi>ndenceoi ThePost.1 ou lfie farin af Mr.Peter Boyle. 'Tii. greal PERSmiAL-]Rev. Thom. Reid. 3M. E. C.. part ai their work li custoin sawlng. It 15, lestes us ho take tie queensvill. circuit. &a grat canrenlence tb tis barmers biers.* Mcnm. SCROOL HCfl3SE.-Tbie finest andi Rev. J. Moisu cames ho hii. circuit country chool hanse ln Nortb Ontarile Isfnm Queensville. Mr. Raid and fanlly 'la Sciepeler sud"ils construction reftects will ho mucili misset as hhey are aul igbly much. credîl on aur vaithy neigitbon, *Mr. esteemet hors. A. P. MeDonait, n'ho %vas eatrumuled wi A PJ'.O1'ITAI':Lr Cow.-Mr. John Holiday the vhale contracî. -It vouîd ho eb llfoi bas aco-w that-lia". LSjfl aheifer Calys". W,11I the neiîrhborinit trustées sia intenti build. î tino fair-gized emmves, non' about tive w-k ingto listesalook ar- this building, lt n.Thecw'vsatutîasdah BCIDIN<.-r.John Fox bas Lot the tp fxik -per day. Hle bas been olli reti foundation-of is new realdence bufît sud e )ù for tce cow mi anont ofte calves. han woîkmen enwageit erecting the f rame. The v'o S, a tinc laoking une, là mnxd Dur. Pzpâo..-Mr. Frank, MeDermOt, hainand grade. aiter s siotarSvimîl home to sas hi& parents, BAL' WAY OF rTn.r'my ix, m F .-It i. has agin returued ta lie states. no!linz ennimn ma'w, to s.et a lot ai jpe'p.le vwendinix their wsy la <'or lova BE A ieR TOv. îhlail about six P. um., %Nhere aur villama' J. iCorfflPuondenceefo The Pnet.l P » are eitting in -eoiî.'n diguity ta litmtec NO CELEURATION. -Beaverton la notta ta charges mu.ainet vitizenis. - The- offemices have the usui celebraîlon on tice'>4tJt Tie are ouly a little abusiv"e talk though. As. bava latent calng on acterai of lhe sur. r~it lscaout houtie-ceanimg ime Ibers raùtuding villagesasd pick up the hest migit bh.%,Ume excuse for tuieirexcianlng prises. a word orîvwo, but 1 arn glati toaa&y it is StucKmnu*.-Fullv'20,000 muchera vers ual amang them that offences cccli. eau. canghl la the Beiver river here.. eue day nor tie gentleman take a lesseon b ram the lamt week. miuter sex. GoiNstiTO TnE NORTE.wET.-A number Crrr.x FEEDiN.nc Tii. great. increaue. of young men leftb bers on Monday lait ta la the numberof i-talled caIlle hors is smre. seek their fortunes ln the *;orth-we"t. thlag astonishiog lualte course of a Vear The station vas crovded whcn the train or twa. There ha been, aIl winter about moveit off. ererv eelt a lot shipped tu-om t. o SrnnnrDE ¶'T.-Georgeliadganavery by Mm-. I3owes sud Mesrs(Ofnhileiser atout and heaithy loakinx yonng man, dloti & Barry. The aI ber weet t bme latter,- tory.suddènly heu-sou Thure.d-y last, ln- gentlemen shipped a splendid lot, oee ow flammation n'as the cause of is teslh. weigbing l,«00Ibo; tva 2.yeur-tld stemr Cor?î-CIL MEIG mee-ting ai Thorab about Uie sarne weight, lsd bv tie Brothalle. council wlIl ho held on Saturtay firet. The MoPiaden, townU ne, Maripeusa"t by.law la pro7lde lhe uecesmary arnount Brock;,anti soveral aider suter. about the fui tic erechion ai the uew echool bouse sarne veigit. Lat Mcaay, Mr. Baves will h. pas*eti; aiarnd appropriations, shippedti t Montreal for expert no lem. etc., etc. tisa n xety-siz: heat, areraurina about ------ 1.4W0 pouzida, aI s cost >aofsix centle. LITTLE É RItAIN. Antongst tient vas a fine steer, tiree yumi .Corepondenc. af The Poil) aI, led by Xi.- Atkiuson, near ticste l. SCHooL Rspoarr. -Tbe foilnwing isalHat tlfl'fllthe Scalem at£1 2,CW> pounts. Tbep ot the names ai thc pupils ofai.. No . 18, wore nesrly adl fed la Mariposa. a Isv Marlooma, via receired the greuteoSt numa- front OMs.The cash Vald for them veul ber of etedtmarie d-urina April: Senior hP Over U8090.00. Amoug lie selers wone fourti clama- Mar y Mitcheil. Junlaa-fourth Meus. Grant J. Campiieli, j union.Noth claA-John Honderson, Wesuiey Hoover. Maripoun; W. Stewart, Viientia; a D. Senior thlIrd clama- Mary Netierton. Jus. Wester,Âaorain Webster, M. Thorn. loi tbird class-Albert Mitchell, Fanur !yke and othier. Suives wers frous IL IL Rodmun. Senior second clanss- WtlRi=. Webster and ten trurm another peom mmsa Fredle Hall. Junior second càsat- This showiq oui farmens aucceoti wbeu 5h0 Frank Hethertow, George Hentiersom. huis thetrattentionin snY lin. ant ie A STRANQE Sracium-n.-Tie tollowlnq farared with ruilroad iscîlitles andlibsrsl choies, composition cames ta us front UÀttle buver.. Tiers muaitine mouey matie by Biu. The wvitoi daes ual give.ies ti* ratici aistock.ralsing. aime, but lb mut hothe Warder coites- Wu e 0 page/o,' olhcu rrrpau.ai pondent trylng 10 get ai' a practical jok. on Tim Puwr. This la cIeux bram lte con- LATE TELGRLPEIMC ITEM. ctulngpargrah about John A.: . Ve~ ;Wihems visaited -ou Saturday Lash la the eenfng By ratIter a slrauge looking apeei. mon o! a mas ibiata vas 18 tahes la cir- cumetances ne couit iardlp vuik vlllhout leoinig hi* iesd asd'ie s at vas tissefeet ia distance aIl round And tva luches square la dîesmalwandeut&alhobeanteti wu two borna ta look like s muiley cow , -... ChIpa. Sir John i. keeplag pretty quit. Bp * burina the Orangemnes overboard Fiee - UPT'TROROVE. fCorrsspadeneeof The Past.1 FATAL RAiLwàyAT CCIDNT. -A.mis nameil Ciari e. MeAilistarrived bhers tram Peterbor oan the up train Tbur.day niurhr, $thi mmi., nadte-bInituence af houas antiWuvas tame sire blawlng hie-train. Nexi moraiag Mr. Maulrc, the agent, foun t hl ying on ils tacs tend at the north eund of the tatIon plattorin. Mr. MrAlliaserhid evidently returmeti duria tbenixht àud failen off ln lie dam-k. An iuquest w.s held sud the Jury founti a verdict secardl& j thie abore taets.De- cemd as wtieducated man, a goal notabbor '%adtgenerous sud varm bearted, he w» rempeed by a largeloe of mnaiitancos v-haexpias. theur sympstby witn t th oeutetifamliy. lHe bad one tiIt: tha t iinduflDow ansd thon ta excss u îqur-he fusit et many. lb. hodyvmstake haCobourg for burilI by PEETWEIAmNSEmrYCN. - R. ELH Sinclair preacheti au excelent momon ta congregatlon la lbe Pnusbterla KumýSmavrcw have benarraugat for SI. simela the. floiftgoidrv Se0b1 ,ldhoua seoesne.& 10; Meutha chussh, Pair Vîalflq Prualterlaa cbnrcb.i V'phorps'. Nlu matie s 4j0'. Com - Suuiur onbabil et htâ uhgora Otbb en psi 0* tp .sn -The quarteily hoard of the CobourgMIL E. ciorci met on Monday, anit 'nanimoua- ly aî,cepted tbe basis ofunion a srlag rote. -A caretaker ah t te-maa.- ualy lCerry, was ired aI liant an amb- -- i Stintay snd severely voundeti. Eè., .. sons bavs been arrestaifa connectiun # ith the sifisir. -At Wooatsock a lad narneti Daniel Me.. Intyre bat him leg splitbrouithe ue nearly up tathe hip bysahoit saw vin Clark'. fat- tory Saturtay aflernoon, aud dieti in fifbeeu minutes. -Another source of! nuessnegs. for 1he people ofai ainlacounection vith lh. recentFeu"sa&sose bas beenthe aposr- suce in Barringlon bay ai a nî3sterlong schooner wiii smre ilty men on biset.. -A dspatch from Cbicagb states tbae St. aruniface, Man.,bas bho t 'cked hy tic dreadfu scouige ai urmalipox, "li ha- taltresult lanoarly-twenhy cuerý. The dis- ee- v&S caghithti fmaoilty & t cases by htodfu le tueri i a i ictmm. Ch* caue ai vioedeathvas couctaled. -Mastar afteraoon a little sof a Jobn Woon, O*bava, vii. rsîraing home *oni achoal, ivas drown uethe iscrsek .e- the back ai the igi uchool tiers. He tom a shkort cut acta.. the 4eltsudatias beovas crooaing the creek ou a sllppery log M i il -Luat Moaday night a lire broke eu la a vooten building à& Bracebridgsao hMr. IL MeLeotand ooupli dby ME. &wo4a huearael tm Ramile. O6 dfucovertng tbet"fias tafaher ru"he npsuhira o h o Mta bde vho e, slepn Ol ouoam.reiome. The dube st tI@is hltngbeea eose a am$ e o h .v hie bog, me te un. su es.lthe a im h t &A ladMer vw»hoisti by lb.ie s vb tbtheahedMe» as sMtht ubilaus droitIg a b"c sgdma MdeUn a m u dr h on0s hut a & .e o ,was4e&troyed by lare.NO »"0kestck-na lnamues. Lou about si 50 PUEOSÂL.-Mma Louis.Diex a an. tumol trus à trp to Orangerie looklug Tui 24.-Kunontea aticipatelots of feu la Lindsay on th. 21h. r,,corrsPadeLe tThe Pond S 0nieWoax.-T efarmes aare aIl about through seedlng la thlé lucality. soma hlie rallng la to be>donajet. Crnwu-Wmesir voey .ld...o bave got lu aod order agan...r Jus. Jobuhou &Qas aibs. beehîvea tbrough the' s»eriîy ait te wiar ... .WoekIngen the rallnad la a&U the rage mat DOW . .. .1Ma- aoay colseecora aronuul tbf week. CANNNTON. iComaso..dan.of aiThe.Pout. 1 QTEMeNs BIMnTM&.-The citizens ai Cauulntoa imdcelbbating ber majes. esZaùkdat maloyal style tbi a Pr-cssm rPlut. laiSsa bonaffla a s"a feathers ioflawrnd by borne racing, rua- teecending vltb a grand d ofaya thxe vorka by Professr Rand Nwselder ot Weissnbuirg, Germany.. (Caeropoadeace of TheaPost.I Pzuaosit&.-Mr. A. E. Byerm bam acceph- ed the position ot traveler fer a leadlag. wbolesale ouse la Toronto. H.eviii na doubt succeed, barlng the esesttat quali- hies fer ons lu th. business. Tuu TwEIxTTFoURTE-Oneuxeeath- letesand sud y others go t-o Lindsay on. the 241h. Là,comci.-Fail wbeat bas been severaly Woured by the lmsfrons .... Sringwork I. backvard ...The hlgh mehool question la stili thà leadlng. toplo in town. MILL BROOK. ICorrespoediencof aiThe Potj FiEAL-About 1.30 a. os; on Wednesdava Ire broke out lu the aid hotel building -op- poeite-Mr. Sargsrn'a carrnage ahosand in a short turne the building itseif sud- its ou.. buildiagâ vere totally destroyed. The building wax owned by Mr. J. Caollns of Po.t Hope, Mr. W. lrwin âuffered tbe lama ofia valuable boise which waa la the stable ac the hune and which could naot be saved. Ahaone turne tsars vers entertained for te naaity of the village sa burnlng cinders wers carrled a considerable distance by the wind. Mr. Gollîns' las. lÙ thouafit to ho covered by Insurance. It'. arîgin bu not known. 1 ad' replied la a. 1ew bapW rrmarim thankjj the COmUSEite. fort boir uDmerited i& RETUMU. -M. and Mm .Dent.. cg " bis pisretumd borne fr , - 1Ob"i Eaglaud, lat week, ladrnadowa wfthaj lut TEa&NINO FoR TiE 24T.-GUs «e. citeairUt Prnvaiad ers lami %turday ove. ans. Tue youx soea voe rvautcln thslr boises for the M24hand lbe lith, boys woer ranIaadJmneAg.Â?17pluma rne fi expncted bave on thç 24th. BUML»uro.-Ur.S.G.Gilchrht, omerebpt ofthi village ia building a large addition ta him remMiencs and "is erecting a new varobouse. SPxnaoNÂ.-Mr. Plank, V.S.. pgid ont rlam a Il r v~ isit ou Moaday. lie la TiE TE& M-ç. -Mr. John Dajile, the popular tes mian, ham beienO ur raids& Mud Midi. a s usuel vith, him; extenIve ëales. Cnors.-The fali whest lu Ibis section ia looklug roearkaby velitb musesso-The *rin vork la vey baetwagd MOLINT .UOR B. ICorresPOnence Of The Pc.& SCRooL REPODRT -The toiiowing pupils Of Mount Horeb public sehool recelvied tb& hizhest number o-f mark@ ln their respso. tive classes for the montb of ApriL. The narrasof the firat three la eéch c"scsars gjven larder aofxnerit: -IV. cia.. senior. H. camsa , Geor.we . ks'- IV -mknor Frn Bobinno. red. LlndstY, Walter Le.. rl ia.enior: R. Grand , Ed. Moore, John Hiart. i. c"m jnr:Jac. Hart. Wm. Robinmon A,. Grandy. IL. cia..: Sid. Skuce, W. Robin. mon, Jua. Ru'ynalds.-T. IV. KnYK;Evy. MÂRIPOSA STA 71O. [Correpnmdence at The Port. I S131PUMT O F CATTLE.--MV. IL BoWeS shipped five car-load of the fluent cattie that eyer leit tbf. part for Liverpool, F. land. on the 141h mt, TUÂT STEEL&-The mammotk Maeer owu. ed and raised by Mr. wiliJam Atkin»n.let 14 on the 7th concession, Mariposa, va wveihed and ahipped on the 111h luat. Tisa sueer vas scarcely 3 rears and 10 tuonths oid, and we beileve *e are correct lia &W. ing that h. vas the fineet areer of hie age ever raised la the countç . Soin. time &go. when jour correspondent stated that coin- Ipetent judas. assrted b. would ture the *cale at 2.000 Ibn., the ides was ridlculed, by i ome. lie hie bien weighed and turued the scale et 2.035 Iba. 'H. brou ght M. At. 1kinson #127j. If anyone lu the cou nty- cau i boa t i niid viti A&.P^1... fI__I