cAzAAZ . ia~.. ... ~mA~ zwrw.v -ta. p v ~er -v I at , i» àrqd g nn~fif! feuh?' o fôflr 9fethét b« 'Mn have removed t f0 g@nfflt, As Bk uulemg ete. "7 17, -olureOMM andeu&-u4f alwaye Ott haniL t aenImna, bmSsad pIVE SU T BItilt k nli o! frulitsInsao. 11! thom 3se. Glamaet UdSin Aii, j______ Sm by sId fr,à a for mai W AUcbe .. A»)? 1.A. Bt2n _ _« ,<~ imrôîa f metio. -*erham Tha MV Grn. ent0te ut nte q id eetfoh11111111 n to Clri. htooi<fee - e q E IG . harh tireenhei t t smoln o hele In Ontponet, a&W re s nduiuul enfitle oh' oîuc.Pf U-W n IId 4oaw t1nb himidid fat Tu, prcU poain by Mr.OttLinlgtqa______a@_____I_____i___ms - --n - Ite, of'14fioan ilie, aaya the soiteely O. bas a cl efe rlabe -, ch tijil in, ied -te rt -fru t pnof W 4owm IIA A, 1'rîtfu Jmeq"hw o, yo. 0o rs fndt forthth <i (~q4itl i nws'Iyt11, S a leof totfom ln*».CoStTsSt 'a r*cI gowinle Rfayterethe M k utarvt STEAMSEXTICZ.1I titt f'u ee ! l h56p tmors:tino Mt Krr,îî.EY. I The Midian<1trée Pre"as sttes that ui to8.0 ata4- rerecîîit -date jo70,tWW more bmbhela hblhm nd-i S lad t tuIle Nidlattfl.elevatorfthan up tot-hesame G UWar' hrhwilhl t & it, u g reêding year. The ilaies of 't. Mr huchwI oý T 'R U TIO E j.4t.Andriw'qrhiireh t<nday achoo.llo a-.geden party n gj wbr- etvlo ns t ~i itii Yi ~ t nw'î î,c. riry. iohmat. Fîrther particulîirs w h e Lmtoovnt rih13 t 0p .A ttîva~'îîrd lî'thp ,urrie-y for it-e foi in<inU-iictV4ymielteon.1e.; <eh llitreundsr twelve, halt-prlce. si * ~ uî~y îîip.ri iinaa ifStcîmhip ~ -Mr. W. mccliwites lié efftlrming ftint Muit nele Md ruMhtnent44l. t~ ~ ~ ~ I ;..'îîîet i.ort jiaah tit end fr1n . JP. If. MNlvi haeiuo7 d adeiftmud de, t» oit - .îw t tti' t I{wî'i rnf'a: nil er PIP%11K . f ier ln the isat wavd -se ii tf 11 l' lt>fýg rafvRýa certain placE' ovetl hi* prôperty. 'j ..~ tiî' i'WVîîk 1 lnttlifl - M'.<îîanf'taStouaeh1)lte~, rrOOo f-Prver jelemleh »evany anti ireman Wil. h '1J:~;r Iiiît«e' I ivpa'poni.releve dlxyliiemet. ditpl l lieS an Coehiiue rftoieird-fatal Ijutres by the. 0 >1ar'in 01Int theiiptlnt ai'teit goWlle eatt tienamh iwhP'. abbigi iltflPan '.i.îîîîî î,îî. ' î,ivarpooî& î,onujaîîî. 4fl.and l'if Ioucflaa.anlrtlec cupsU of(eitVheyngeet wah t-i .irî * " ,îi1~ ~8~iOb.Ilv'i iflt boeia-1olnt.11riear nBarlivillo rn Matitreiy. 'rhey were 1k.t ' lt rt' Mnt cu J'Iil lnnl. pof %- e rret 10temierthe Who(lemls liqueir w*l.knowui on the Mieând. Moinuuaa'o te Iiese h 1o of lnMpeg hal Ili t.-o N .eil'I t ih'lntta~lnft.M' f 4 t <i ilppi-' 1it n 14 wa'ii knowinle)thiaa town and? luMen. 01.esuwaSs uta. e k gcsware telbe. salitcheapsi' than, xIr. Nien Kaîrpt viait <'tiýl the court room lut aacneqoatoe viet Affoat. Stthaeng e cî1f(Pt ntedrcibe u ordial wel. he olIets nt i*c.z formerli soi t 7c I î<' R tz't 1. ç .aîîî.a'routii. iîi ',th'aonaaigeanalother <t ii <î,m tesas et. *forina'rly mollet 4. c<I hîuaith.Intllvilnal fontaud rappins et 1-ie .and &45., or A teiiatliti, ma ryathe failli inahie color for la- liitaly sa éitete ndt 70P. (lites' trîaxt f4il wil lie a mlntciln r- llcIf-glon Water pluchera ettSO... formierly ft (bte.f îtpfhin<ififriton lra.caIIf aing ent-ttiiiiuinc, tle known usie vrta edtO. Worth & sela. kiniiliigof gria'n. ipui'ple tenditftkfor Iaeoiihe lhevra ai SOc.;forrnhrly t 1-ititililu ~wtt rklié oî'i'aety defneit au rtuchetalad ut e.~< iSUE 0 M ftIAE~UOUSS auîatawnîa. 'lrô_1i1 <ftnemmlingl to AIltorgIua.nhna. nitreiT mote ?&ft 111»COOMMt U W'OA file front wt iiik f4rwherleç ri tecriniyt. 11. ýFémoien. -4vral of whleh ieamnrc i il% ~.ina apiem xete. arouunr." Oitr côternu. MU. ~,.A. OU.IOLY Wuit'a o ktinowiWltitn fllicat- iéall"Thel were -Miili regrt Itexpremmedtat thede.atl ofMr. 1 ti il tr ift '111Utiîtgo#Iftr lent x gMraîWin tr MrA. A. l t.. tcountyitmhlttaet. jona'hOclis rrtrof the tlueRoe.anita 1 On<s411îenit, 'inarnlnx lad ilev.Weriton 1Joetaqlonar ut Debeaygeon. Tor case.of death in a t'îîlýktl1Itê tîiar>l tel i utt piti frtriealat éirîon tu tie oran1e Iodgfm of alfie WO a@ e fi nlmnsofreuaim ,tu~rhitifhl itr'. ui! trcufuue 'rdnnv hai iiltai, hê ircIt iuît' letigesana théSenteof aa ienîlaîrWyknown fur anditnear dis Uneo tran(4,te- O>lnSC7i1111811-the difl'errnt orgenîraîliont% mc.ul ;n Onli@." andtltsa genillchobry face and? hem'ty lit.. - i-tl' 'iauii i i a'iued lie a body tlu St.. t'aul's 1 iilfoiwtll homisa. by manY àe.visiter te - -iiiiii.whi'raa thflicfiaicott ewam iîlvared. ilttytti Ali .,uI\clitnw<Cricket mttich It C ou pfIl ' i>. -We have st nmeiry fine photopranha 3ýgg4r trdîV lit [1,111a ia'tjpWeen flic 'ri-înîty ecillege ecloied by an Anutrten- aortitit. Ni'. JfowariP .r Io%*' -@i la ut thei.' 1fiwuaiay diii,. renti kt, ('itswelLWho fa;uaiw in Pc-te-rhîiro. and who wilt)mi ta tan", for inINRYla> lyte.n rinag. The meuori belia n.l;ltnba7 flxt- vWeet<. :specli os f the i .îvî,y - i v. : waa iatiauaîUwtto ,the atnirirehoWijok «ill. We iitui'ated. hé on eithlbtmu- ri ~~ V'ftlt)AY. p~~~~<~~iiit'<!lfer tht' "tlerm."IfêC wbîerrnaelt. imAdeî I "lîiruepaer cfli~uct(wiliahu'7 et' emeul.%Many wiWno doibf tee) itIaposote 0 hav haeWNétoANpe1)lord lnUNTY.&Y t!'twntqhtp cierk with a valtihe.iaepoovp~eo'i ith.wy woid nîta liet aéttn #4t tiacrk o<f their iîuppri" u ê DA8K8 >.u~s éav' 1~i'A'fl.Wt ataiiotua-i(tutt ia'rvt'eato he miut<ipality di"r- DAîiggXg -VEIýttAMI). ViEra. Vû know sieeral f own. i"rm enqîutnlee innide W. 1*lev. thilt sonne T - a§Iàip cIterki int thIc part ofthe scountry etiull? rther Information In regalrd 10 tse Am-eiean Pari (eost PI yms deaa"~lui atnî t'rettoeiflt ion. ('tub Aeoatlon will -be of intereut te miani. Knu'pot uto îîtt. i-Th<use wiîowtqre in the aeret weift awam.' eoeatoîle Aniea"ltin If§widme Iiti1 \iii iiitu'.îîrîur .tn'e~. tir1. Ille lita'iettian of ('onodora' Iloditte 0pro- ________.!(e, dtalt jîîtity (itf dia'wrkmau l tici!uten ofa a en». lnilttlnfhcanada as Weil as the Unit.? < 1<S ory <'try. 'robbiy ho nten on f th' fIntep itviflif ait an Interna.tional <haracter S@U5OMO. trmiaor'l'u foli a'nnglonly Ihe wsa flt rotai ii.vM ?commenennent. Mmfnulers freinc Mo~'vf 'ît u ittaN i"aflti'kt ieuuigit tiorîti-d it a (ilfie.)côu'rthaicte 1 l 'tui'bO'ughandi other loaIties lu Canada i g,,~ k~ < uI uti? ~ ti<î~ )W . - tiiiI tl ni lama, lait priva-te iiuerî'ta, etc. uuî'vraitimennt ied eIlflN ci ur toante . - _.. l 1 . sulnnter of 'Toront o. one of theca XeILt IetLka (E0r1 t;4 V .snd uir éndownm GiU. î'-leveda nd a' ti*t I*pnîiar out Mlittit minlm an,'loei c. oindra C ommmodora'. H78mj "hîuili triîirttl'êa i awtîîl l wi-Iti'trg.uuul wh%,l i.1iist -nôw %pen'dila a varittlnol invitmtion tethe, .mo to n g nke tonal, f 1i-i léîîf tîn-akaî tti nd it rtaWilthuuli lul <1or dt l.lî'mvaaiwll jal îSia, auo'lfibit 'evrn- latte lit Uis oonnîy it*aarnîingrundt thiia Au- %, rt ivipir.glc'tla'îyunî? îinîrolt~ ii. ug. in lin'.e tuIs luicuon Mlindày. Algngsiit W"a a'.pteitanal te afrangmenfs tfor f 1111. <ci '~~~~~~~~TIthe 1autnortuniea'tlft liat the rebv. getitil- naki tertlltsaossae os ciul - uiien wllIrai'mva"ixntinootnswiltt lie siflolent 1 1 ettrwrt yîb ocmmlt.-Tu ititlaay. wi e'taî i vr*lartgnt.eit aUt ehettaIya n tâtauubatntlySi l ri *4att i laor tai' ieieuetcf hua' ofufî'imi aiofevev.aIuuva oin *mi1tteeth, ainea a i sn 1 b.'-'Iît ei rer. -T Itentn brrAu îupi'euutaa e Mi. l. t. tek.thueilaerî'tîuI'7. Pcr'rio - .-,titîta'u'ir-îaîu e "lrîtt itir'îgî.liiti -'ttnatewtuu<lauy hiîton ni er oua 0tr jIy .mA.tieitay. ceib@atetar. hiyl'the. * . .ti itîî~'a Si f 1iiuluitt 'î oeliî il., forutalie taien 1 i t lwttet-eragr Ieeuci . thVe alatl chosand fcr t-c'mpliesnt, anliqit Itt,. ttiinfor.1 taai. l';î'. NIl. fe',lapu'vato propa'rf.y ana? liii une ha béeneniven ne i.?t'ii'ih~ 1.. *.~ îfl'Inuiof iilaenntuniy x'cr' inta'rîlî-'t lin' A. lC. A .whEicamember,4 onu llhavPa c~otleu Stwiie~~ag. fcatn nttwohaî. narut'huiK aitriddlit- to aiimict ipon if. A ititabie Iocaltty tît ~. 1 tit lii t t.tir nitlner wagonet. rha uuaeflvohiei«,e the, ' iyftirthpr lnfum.ton can lie obt4ié, nit froui 'Va îîe rea't'iqg ièîiy cîtaitotinueluveral thue. îîitugMousy i'.«. >. eckor NM ', II: 4.Wood. 1serboro, t"nî htat gn aPa'a'tuuaayiaaaof tiuîrt flow aiMg gcunt Kt. Ont. fot'î'aitim aii 't'tiinîr- înîaa' f <le antnar showèd tha- ia.inm -4.'.rb.blîI Iuîntati ouîle ;inartelitîieînltuumaiete the framewfiru< appenrh'nther i, .A. IUturd liasresumelidthe Pr&Ctice O!f --'i t;ag illfl îttafoi nr caeî'îl-lig.- 132. we'a hetdriva' thf wat*i'.w)Pi'@ ligeP. If lawln port ery i.S1Oe. ontlnlia' i'ompl iaîiLt t oe wi' rlier oa -MNr. enta? Mm.. A. Jewett have lIctItown, for t 't ttîy -..-'aî'art'i-lt tie ttril f wok - ir, vottmPIIdla n dnuoue i n ~ o'ua wcun mileYork. The' wIlvigif seteral o!the tica- t. - , jitrd tN tif wn'.k - m'ietî'îta- eli ltiiuel' (ifflre cea'trriiîg wap lc ,uIîath rean j ;i>lîregorta lifore ret lîrning. li j'i"t"'itduutb iuaîîl4 ' Ithl.t. 'nitice ttttnhy aan- M . ].M. Woolýh6iuae will niake thle tri>p teo -Vfnupeinnttlneweeieatntiit.MrWoda dnita. .il hainet, owal aronitln 10 tise tati' inWayna .r. Le»ard oastt itonM?- a i t ttt it fl'4i'ai1<tuH , ut0f11c ea l'Illenlg I'r J elte lefomt iti1 r1t1. .5h 'Il .î îw-ul Iu <ii"r-'iiui'n tl t l fisst n tio rit. epi unf i lti in l. a napu. lo n tt. )linT ui. - aet.t'a.' ir "t'î b ha îg'o ltàiwf ir ften erar u f fr c fa îs nli q4e-ea, an fPire to n«ces 7 aty, T r . 1 .aî,'rj' în~î. iau.îa iit u a îIllcnae ltttgnl n ti coerltonan" tsO r Wt OlyC-iente watU5le h Ua lttis li t.d ntt'ti tt-r-'îflui i< fIt' lti#'ti-"Itjt l t.'0tC5eaiôta nctlitri. .V V t - it If * 1 inab J:frpa it t it t%'Iu~ tu'nil'o M'.'ua.lthra1- et &ol. nîuaofîtitttoV ~nd cîtîl hmffittitiýfaort Wh" t finael it Mhr eouRet t. hat -im 'ltii ilibii àne pèIed; flbfltiun le the te nitr ftO 'n t(esîgihonne if!on tt at4 e J kqfdinv-P Cle -aushl. '-ttîi' Iîhir. tîa'cnatiîh rtorut h a'î 0.0 it lt - n i na t'nhh e'uit'ole B7Thlwiie'Sfe is tnles tr fai. bVhat as t.tilaot wtuda' iI> l ittinl SW lit ttiPot TîWTa? r i 1 if e ltéfi ille o M-llt. -A thib iy* i fit- n' f.W5SaiI~f sbOtirs and chouffl eU igota*m7olWnuu l~tif.tuii..ituuitîtiyl'npett*. aglualu. J.('oIfthe t,W nfIu tMpUanse riin y.l. i .t ynit utu, o4 e o Ile Wefmrot" eve a r r ltoIl' iet If, ie0-W- i ttla 'a f oE. f - 01 gAitflfin dR 'Il t iN rti tf iu tt Iiî llr. r(ri.llîtiun o it rt rstribni. t olIiIia l tiOURhI a-rpthr e yn t ticl ituatht-nuer t e rtr W nataioU. f-m titka' nii M"- <t<l l-faSh'Jh'lE. î-vit 'o 1t. t,-tp' soiuîpàtagle rnd hstainW fia i eydOI ifu.en -4k hU U- it I ""ttn.'i itifieul' ei.uurVt«finratil $2.0 t it , l mi. 'l'he lteVI#W coeeft.ItO Ie-wu tlelttrialu about.., i l' tt t'aa ua ',îalew ut iganra .hra.Itl>' î Ii OLTSV t bqt'tiiIl Mdoefft'i f tlin povîrie. a th teu selio tao aih leo 'tiitt.utîg . he eidrlil latit-eit'dit the Siuwê $M le quicacisi'ht 1b W,,.,-iflîTnTOMM- 1~T. é,.'i ttr o.ntbt.t fi vh l it tin wviP".bat -a o tfla b pr fo lv-a ayai u wiw il tlmn umë tesfotre" P i. tfqliqw r mi fl n ag1 PM trotttinmoualatto hm. ietW h 7011, p'w. m 1.os tir gi itefnij n ýqrrhtI e e» &thr A ineht it ka'v tuitalaW<tiult ;tmttdiu# It uta e;tlie coulti if369 tia 'I, . k--e e . nîi1an Ue- f. sud ahiff ta r 'l (etttVlo* recmhet of 1w Oxelland ni- aitq tin tîppeten of the tir.S~tl~ oruee hi éC 4 'É -d rennon..itente»soh THE CITY -STORE SYNDICATE form = l 0;. C " .~ Two ca o ut.a à 11C8men, lLa.-éM£-B. tb iaales'At.usi t tle - "~ ourl monste. A4mieSIOU, 1e..!it shoit min the. estertnlnmentvIiliebu.heM in the lecture i'owm or the. okuaro.-*3. AtA.Canlboi'.AU our Croekery sud Glmewaie aine outa" CM se l spectil ndueewuftsI.- romel Nose titis 2011Ieogoudcuuatefor SUS. etc., sic.. eM.oc-32 T'he Canad iasmroe euno eQuebe an thé 8agnemay tli ur PrWIlbuuleeto e & niet delilIhtful ont. The paitY vil)le ave Toronto MonEial eveninx, Atugule 6th. lIn Puillman. spend next da litMontretal sndt bave bh the niglit boat. Tece vil)lis na water ttp drc toe Saflirea 'rturUtnu to Quebec bf Satur- dymomtruy.lhe nocrtary he& uteied his cir- cisaran ffalarrangements arc being closei Thiom eiarinat. attend should notiti the sec- rotary at once. The. exeentiys committets wtll enforco the régulationsestrletly luia&Il cau& Trhe dentistt hooffere feforfeit the above amn- otunt 10 anyome who wIll ialow that the humbng . 'alicd gelai alIy lu â"deficie.ît lana arelu pro- portion cf oold" cvldetftly tu-betg Svlà@bIS te have lt unideatood . casenhetcou un. a îiiiownugoidley."ln tatli cm ~ re short time preparo&a ampte fou aunalymio. It wentli e more te liii eret t lu le ahie ta-t ive ho naineocfa patonte. aof thira -;Ca-tItalioy" thuan reortinol te sof snob game ot "-bluff" te cova'r hiaq tjiettua. Mi. Irom alle for thé nameofetthe îîiventor. Itsad i r.aUro' ew advarttsemnt on 3ritpg.- -f 'The. anutual mummmer jaunn cf the- Methodist Stîunay scl will talle place t10 turgson l'oint on Tuoseday of niait week, Jul>' ITti. The' teauuuer Xva han tieon cahrteret and a ccmfovt- able coveretl acow viilacconipsny thé ieyeni'- hien. Glven fuire weatlicv a pionnant day oiay îa' lookeit for andt an ocasttnf t bcroiughly en- joyahle. On the greuini aporta vili be helitanti base hall.,fthllt, an-Iothor ames. ,Postera KIVI ng adtitotiai partie-ulars will ho isalied saud ticetsnaan ho procurvt et Porter'. beokatere and' f rom the cO&fcera cf flue 8ablath sehoot. The Orange: loda-iofutLindsay decidei tot eaiersie the annivermavl of the- floyne by join.I ug lIn the démonatr'ationsaiet Miliant ana? Port Hope. The t-vo lotigos loft b> special tre-in.. rotu«nolh abouit ciglîf 'ciotk a. n. Tie train. along one. waa, vrowtca l wth a'xcursleita tktng atvantageofo!tîhé' low rat-e. The train fu' Pourt Hope loft the rnion stetion asherly lie- cure, nine oo'Kk. Four co-achesa and! ta'u reala'u flai-t t-ura a'otmprtraqed lis eaccommodaten. 'Tle local Trruiu iii ue loi-le wr.t'b>'tihatrain in 1 ort lhope. 'I'hë nuo-nlwrs rement e-at t nîcratt -ra'dftahIan appuetirauce. theiclforuli leing nat. nreralii netuao st rnrking-dark tua-risera, white' turft. uuiYa.tauu'li îînd lie'l ip A large cr<twd- lu ronga? the trai n geaoi oth * ti: ho oined bly reluforcema'utsa ut pointîs aiong tflin ie. The lotigs veltarnei ntMe atvening. Pollowing areltehaantfcatndidates who lasoeaitiére etranéte cxamiunat-ion uel a iE Ouk- vocael..Iumne, 1888i- Marks oituîine-. Marks obtutiteit. liruinker. 'i'lion.H... :M30 he. Lonla.......-...:R) itrynoôn. A lliut . '14 - -liv'.V batorlA ... 379 'tullon. .Iohn;........1M0 Clarke, Nettie ...... 3. 'aniernWm ...... :1257 f:'llia. l4îuîuuu.. l3 U'ilhitt.Ale% .... 152 l-tuiuieu. Annie ...11 lrwin. lDvat -: itiuînn. 'cr'ilia - f.....: > Irwlu. Silara- -.318Mila-hall. Mary ...... M11 'aeeoeotife.... M a liT. Ehartotto...-':ioi flogers, (Gorge.MàPrier. May ...... 3 110.gerg.ra.tem..40 nit.(lie . 21 ioîlréî.Snitl. .. ..'M TI c.Mlllan. John..... 1194 \itylor. Januew ....:1116Sinclair, Neil ........ M01 rhiere weu'e 70arpplicant %: owiuug&to te min omly 1. prefutledtitiemeives tOfS exatiniatloii of the ~24 pased and 19 Iwere, uumceemefiil.' The foliowiig are a ew cf thle tmure- aucceasttl orbosls e-S h18examiuatloi:, Veon li."$le.....b.Ire rm. John Ovaa ' tmmerou M.....%f. Johln CuinEteil ,aivuâj .. ... Mr. Fi-ahnk Newmni rata>...........' Mica '. lclriait 0 ak.wona-t .... Mr. <jeu. t-nulle fi M1aripos .... Mr. %W. eren SQ a.riflfln........ ' ima FDiNt I . .1. .pýriosal.... Mr. A. C. (irahanl.i 'ruts followinig pupilit havinu olitaineft the vo- qutired uimber et mark& arc admitte? by the ocal exafltiuten: Naîne. Schol Marks;- Iientne-tt. ('ha.......... omemee.-... - -- M Wtiiams, John J ..... te....l Btt. I4aurnn........ Eunly SS à......... .. i12 ilue. cO...... ' oHreb........111 lieraRoluSte pheu l......... Cauti 7 .......... r108 lbra.Wt.......Icminiylli............06 t4na........ oinil>' I..........81M Ilc.oi.........Cvarî 1...........3m1 lui ~ ~ ~ è_1 11r, l il ........__8 7 '." ' lm- 4 4 t ~IIITTYCGISISTENT WITH QUALITYII. TE SAqUEAIY EXPUII I liy 1CM8 The (City Store -in e-faysa .live te uheir customersinm. tent .14 vU as thei oMand the. io combinad meke it veey. â«mnioraeti-realizng the.-ben.fits aScring to hbotu buleransd»sea from doing a large trnde inicites un te furihai eforts, rsuaved euargy,and auagman ted anterpris. ini mcurhxg bat"in for our patrons. The secrt ofgiw the but bariwnasuad eling good geode for lu I... mey tita the sane eau b. boueht for eliewhere lii building up a large inde ud ceatmnq a dama-ud for Our wame, tus ineking anuoîtlet for goode bought ini large quantities, which aerybody admitu in the mont sdvat-igeous mhod of sacurwng gooda et firsi cout, thereby enabling. us te seli, to yOU retuil ai viiolasal primes. No Marchent De matie v lmiv thi-capitalim gods ho h» ».eitfr u faai in omoss by'avrlavai Thon tilsi U snbeia thse stare, dobarheligs businemsuad having the. great- est outIet for their gonds citai mil yon proportionately cheqpe than a ha. doing only ono-fourth or one-haif the trade. This, than, is thi ecraet cf tha i*mmnse ra do in dry gonds, milinary,ý manilos, cloaks, dreu mnkiug, eau- pets, and bousefurnMainM ,etc., et ithe City Star. the lLaierasd promotes et leutding styles snd lo-reit price. LIKEWIBEIN CLOTHING. If the foregoing is soulid I .f, r the Oîu lou..lai lu the. Varions dry gooda departtnents ut .npp'hes w force ini our ieioriitg snd, ready-mada eIothian.r ieiz-rt-. menta. The. outlet w. have fru' ci-tlig, tweeds, 41uitL --t coatinqs, etc., ordored anud ready-nivvle .> luth;:. uî ý.1 = ul aretoenetble un to r.ucure the goo. -i. the verv. boi tema nda et h !cwsit p; eprices. L'hn. counbi'-' with the faet that oui ordered clothint, is s0ii'-' i. tod. sientifically eut, skfilftllynmade, arud finisled tL& such ext1nite tait-e aec'rea at once l..;:< i% 1', iu~ ordarod elething departtaent. I i i r - r - . y-x.::tC 'ý dcpz7,rn- ment w'. depend antirely ou ir oýv t5itty :o lt:y c1o'tri atnd son close. %W, du flot aim to tuaku n'- tN: - rt rmadae lothing, ve bay it rewt.y made froun thu maifat- nier on thea bout terme that large ijuantities eau coni ut:, t-r and saU cheap. Theseanud other fautse ombineid have n'tt ab- 11sd an outlet itu o-ar clothuuu4 dtepartmuanîs j.14i- very f.. evon inî the large curies. In -eî' tr~~ hats and caps, underwear, iiku uhrlrj!r.o-cr tis, handkerchlafa, etc., we rkeep the largest ran-Z t' choose from snd if the ûutltet la any guaranteeu uiluîwv prtees you cam dope-id oni thet'Cy Su efairly asta'nish jeu. SOOTHERAN, CATHRO &MARK, CITY DIUPERS AND CLOTHIIER, No 2 DobuoWs ]Rock, rent-at., Lindsay, Two doors West of the Post Office. B'Tenry T egey _ - WORTH KNODWIlýNC0 i The Public iiii Find The Finest 0Goud n Tho Lowest Prices -'w- CROCERIES, CHINA, CLASSWARE, OROOKERI,. HENRI JMMEIOHLEYS L ind .tdl 2. iM ITS.AL.READY KNQWN .-TEAT lUN Od.o~ .M. 713 Twedsan&l Surnmer WE. TA KE THE LEAD IN, TOWnNe Our I& NezKY linc&toeof long , cam pital tate and the hest ~ugm1~ a4 ()HUED LOTINGTB&DHR under his THEWHOLETOWN KNOWS 11, Mat w DOWN TU I o &SCHB land VALUE. AKwor ELVILLE& new and inviting, BURT, Kk~tat Stwe~4 Lièô <lue V. The $meat Question of the Times, (!!miiuU Mete . &.-......=- gît~~~~~ ~,'o. .tlro......... ir'e~a i niel.. *.... asr..... ..... Y"IL . LkSw P.S.& ....... l Feo~ SetiUs..............u .......... Iaàm ........... a. ... .. ..... do Mhe.ara...... d........ uameuef SUsS.......W2-.' N AuI55iLIse- ... aniri. .... 30 su <atlosmhure .Ae-s .........3.' in igsoW Y'U.i ... uayP .... Tliatchjlowt7 ...-... 3. 4êM ...........1 PobunsOS'-.A.ula. P. &... Lie-Isa>'PUIt.- ftClook..S a 31I LIeém>'sap.ebno..q0 o1 09" 9.3 de .4. ....i de, .S.. t - 2. rim.or f....... r21 e, .r ....... :mee i 1.. ......0 o ..5~ ........... -t, A- cathm Ar mark ;l IMF"W"RWIWIF iq SAM