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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Jul 1883, p. 4

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G.AXIDEA mi iu~, . &TJV'L 2A MU. *W8ÉISSII#r -~Bs ~i b.ulufs I i ~goy, P. a.~ Themui bI *wu amEoq U top ywu BeW . M ~mg- Iwe imy lini ê mvouW. m'lim i ubiNm.U O& M àu.W u Md ii MM& beflupS *um d *Im oBepolit shubu mi mw.. idoMr mi Uuý c.m ad msa Bsuum ae-u# sm rbo es uw au. Wuu e. m * omde vus ni o kW#aiee m avu.Q& umiwBe Kv.A iweos tblv ova pbe amiu ef. ellg.litdlIqmi ee lytuto ev«thoueIbo&weVinalse ___ ____a_ *M 00111 oSdimoe U.flvO setblumde ge aU Ol Omsle uoe luon W_ý wtUe opp ta* do > of sumfflhusgehomlgodm prao- 3ê umoga4d. N ewsmhuajheSe MsI et SUe tUe amis' Ir upl* io.me AU" ~ h b Dsmà we R1M à m[A J Vt ot1 aimepaveos t e a1Ps'UmI1 s b1a e 6M. - e u SILi.W f ia su u wM Uew l u e lMr. pnpss'qol u uy (tn m y_ _ _ _ _ _ __ka w n etc * * Thi elvlU ýbe oami la ToMMaS D>ifOr t4e puas Io sw thime Yom hba î« 110010M 0»«« g u te iela btiaemi 1 t e tbous lu hlllng hoalel Mi for due a1 pu ______________ îî ~~e~y mam mui__blebus msvy heilame. ne we a ouP& P949M M" salad" ma11111« tu SUaP Mk ffl b «M MeM Anan'. u of 000with a.51.. lu. ciofwhpy« ie on. d oraark e vOU Un.v 555s BSuors lu luglami anud mmeto chie cotry' Z ATTRÂCTIO0 . "W ms a Young Man. K. aq oe or tee«bMM ww'ou rs'ff~Ng.muae UudvveW. <ewpi> repisgo hm e r.chmalole aSeM1,au iby hie msy m cçc BIen, Be SUUOUvdflSk 0f Rom &MWIllmider, built 1p4 ver>' levuebadelalu Int'DA I ! IT Lln.1'ay. t~vmII!JI~, 1.1 y.pi'@ lSiull heoetai ' ro e iupvlsk, u.ii.er Md0111ev iiéucte. se oeil>'bc. râ'z~i. mi M4 'n5MYY 7'8WI ilew«dIipropriesov camn vothy, m a wWtvlb fonaaud pis' luSUe vlo.. XMWuet Ve ShsuosN.vasuwilu tonnse, Mo~o.'4to. fv*buh~oan ~ive bn~t Mi publietop lua..onRe va a i a flW, hudI>'. Thé.fuaslta U paet. W.baM5t eM01&. Su aId 4 ttono>' <o mi on mmfah"oor oSber tai eiVl»d ani sp w ell ma mm of0 aya P(,b vlek .hmi lue t-alesfiu.4 hdlsta Mid I 1 AED £1 U - , itaSiMAI ati oiltselluses' geeoemm.îeloeii g Be S" t t thenotice et ep. OeiOCIM MM u whurd VI NGS ANK ~ v hlm -îalllyami ldUdIsolicitofr te et8lnov Mr. John C. ,OItowuaa SIAWOU . tt 41 m fflitUe ov.mm iuidm@~. lI TaentIeSeSpeettluwbln l. DtES h 111Wt Y8m s0»m a a to"iaIlois, Uer-nued t*««0 bigd> 1pr <Noue11mevhlm btrto ove bne nled i isUth. i.eleloit or the judas. **MIIJI I~, IIIY. omoanwilm bu0e p1e qiiOSSIONShftluftei'ilioe fuil>' -A New U» .Of LdIaVaMd f>epculr~. oksn cf SIpinsolt n aSUgsmhlW Viis mmi i. hemuiratUe mi41doctelosubau depeltet ivIUgh i'OIGL EIE ýDmimA itonof$1A14 iepwsvd«. No math U aeof 18 oleth elu ort .or leau n, e!Withdmiwuh oqttIrM. tl.'tq4 iovt e blitu iSUa dritidoea by way or mecurfor lntvesmIy affousi. Rie mneplia o, , eitra'o I. or I.auo£ 1 ouVWISm4 t'M ti'om ebAI. dtet 40110.5tOilem of h1% chasmtcgei' x M meu>'ooi qualtimoret Andi aIse ek n th tUh le 'atter et VlSh4'nWàI, nX «nmd mini vii eamis hm to bu longtthe sai pitonr hm. been et dowsi te £ag. £uortmuat Of in iv*&, uauI&, M.'ohg mbevenommnt>lu hm. ovus prov. h hi lme.ae.P frMd rvd RUJ oh Limie. Ana Ohit I~tAEUL161 ,Obu ' ail o0110w vU.kmew hlm or AmiaIh uUwertale ntic et Use sal * ~ M mW es hm _ _ __ _ __ p elimid tof-th e lugsm-ai < q»"K 10 Tham»Steart alwySik a --- es's' as bet asacket roa, wa?4eItSorSow ni 'PrtnIAi J1.1ST 3i M on -thse heik IfUit km"miepugo h iiiae ""ý" ' Xîical ùiiît4 Boiert lie aMd ........ vore mtIaor exKîlealsey os ue lugi gti en . es Ue . oinu , .voteàami go ~~ * rium rsitou VOSUpthermaL Mdmte pay. M ta"0 MdZ AV A 7' AL I 25 50 W. ihut ouotiruciuthpgaubnber' ment of dtr " tvaen ai01ev expeume. MM ra o pe"u1Bar.- Wha lu. omsevs' us <OheVal,.COnOMM, eOffét Ute Raid reepondeut, tutdm luInt tiîmasy *ho' am VIW. isurdormi Mr'. G. a. P&MulIO «eMd s 'abiiloflg*gfàýe SUaIurpone by*pwnug souShI Vowapeet A u> eomdWoe4l4Sk ami qqgI8tlurdé am te on. Che sali .evaWai- 'aq1w, were hil vith -mfrne fclul pt? -TUha. > lmo aloomnimslftmsOses'eat Portmm .Thquietadcm orultpresticie roatn abis m<shes y v ha" t. oltii an lwo e«W 1 :L te BUS~ .Tis e bi hringet teanefor the cou.tSylaSLVE resues nevapepes'einsu, ami n'.vepance et du sai voMter, r.the POIW AU isues', rre m~eî t lieuueasho b>'cen.onaIend r sar>' beu pis. ud temll tn tel îîîse ompwk m iti'ts sSig~Cp.Ivn.msent>te ary so i SUmatâ stssn sd pont.TII m$stl t muer Atrdes lmha aicocsldss'eble milituex .. Cour er Camthesu fin ïoe P1élaPele w.wi* tmw aset. ftiotlet a to oet. .tory pei'le volt, amd i chUb. able or. <bol .. wélâber wtf*epsîil@S lis sovu b#À.soss béeu cer. SgofrSMM ewmmeat Ue sli ià to% W" %)aLinds>' to Downuopvhle, OSlia ca --- fa nT11490#tU te' prtý At lavIs, te i oa a t.evp Osaioale*. mice_,- utiesaw US5UCew acei mrua . effu iho UI mi, te' rias-M mumbev ef id b>' t*etsusuis tinsCo. luaSme et"tuemeusnt Bte piFlieulare m Wa» necevm umpiolall nmsat lm have mni'iamiby,,th Be sNoFCWU.W Co. la tutBdm eau.pr>oe t h ve awW m utetrI e ot Md caW r and is ti. > " bttoW ne stock* C.Ma" au,'let Thund&y go m foreejmissv ea, od eseaiy the. oulumyo lu <11. bussud 14 mt apuiofetthUae , 81d uif« MasIues«maof f pMi!'7d3.Thate i.loervfsom SUe reepeudeu to ~~Tm at ,wsTàdbdemndVie "ea Cumebm lar.fesence te one' Qfùfl. MIF. -And utyn WM lb>' Sue coimku$and m a mtiri ke &aVinIsseCrtr u aumsssptýr'A ce t 4S.M y ndId«imi'orp pIt <ba» mwm l ùO«KS0%l»we vae eroini.Tis e uipe ie sponum pssonfly,emd aMY vuui u BOUM viiw gv use afer<b. boeslsudhemnite "ICIsa. Gmes étaauddiay 10.6.1" viement et the Parlculev luSUn steh" 9« e, Mh 4 ait i~ht tSUe baille ale pls lsaioe' i 01105b'qulveti lu seos'dame vità,tUeofevliArrie TU. .ls.lsy vn.pilstbae Macui Itmews mesimncontilni arrange. onsai. S. . setaimian aipel <olit Iss s Vrt oeu ne.rà o4",stu esoi me vesscis' s'ri fer thee arneu.bjrslst ite ii DVIS44PTT aavl>'%réa for m » v bo t Ue lt~ l t te t e m p» W usot ne bus 111e cd biv 1,7 ciT z o u I W A*«&"5laUdie. mapas'lu>'tqthooiM. Tam sp hdt es e o S . ~h ve r.b" m g m0Wthee . Site Gile W'lu s'eOlitNd 0<5UtS . u. s. UeéM"ndeelie opot rewa.phuu1lwum 1 PI DAMES, Kfat Pane * ti>nmm et*yw mety, l bou el t t mes, susle #1 aireeueuionos'rmela inIe imms' uluMI,113 * "9F;~" mi wn jthuq . niatehetes.. W 0555w Uikmtelm i wu hu i t t4blý«& q e tr lueh oit'l m ubplie Be ato i o vU(Po '<Tn e i o/ uffu"li l lb . ana nd____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___Un tesai luu<>iialuimy. susmore detiot $reulom T" mi S Mviolng dfa t pW tise qu uoi o l. .D1"109e S C ttiý$bttlo: o l$m.6 ellteSe l otiero Bvl etmiuiof amie un. neto sopllun an theL Xcma on IiSi' O 9&I Vn lWiiSisail ~ îîim y ste e' m Ut.K aS vasyuient>' vO w his t fhi rte osv o.Tieudue oivlwppl AUeI0 ha. n ê engo ere bt- esoappiedos VM- este.bttuetisas me p.ys,- eitn s' v. tecle eul b>'tie EIS CA E FR C osclusui bouib. kie~ ock * B lJai.XN o uama the 11v I cM1t CMffrouui (btat lits glluk tM&Uealy m e ir. eaaupuui a e elv~g~gmtoecar.eu ffaua nt tl',We4 Tte ta Sùx hy rluai<Laa ti Ms'. »Tsse. «al ad' ulte SU e Kr. oumiwu ~M pnmarleU tisek ie s f ou. hlica p<5 pa th D~tvai a. cmîe cl~ani iu itS Uela e kiut es 1evm a. limita*0I at. tft m te mi opdu maose àItS0PC iCorimmtobaî r -cbe MmdCwl.,boeck ~te ** judgm y. ff ggfoT.,ai sI&bol mIom t'eWtlb i iI'rly> t4kt b-ro hail to tue nuesuugeeous . viTh o*, u lou'osat *luiBKs'gss' iutt go evneommi boumt W ofaurt >tbm ofeiessy, "miek* "p meksper ndbaves. sloaeaiCeliegmrl>' '. , 'seist bi t aBW4uMd eh# hs~ iawose u ~ ae'.m e etmt ause ofbc:e sieoews dm antSeBeee ldb» ee*m»et OtRLG lýSte more «a gmnse rnotSUeogo Duuce; lbtlet g o sublsi betm epis usa 0 C4"h brins<iu ».Uoll am an.Jsou as. v-wu M:ac& jOIfas * 0& mt b. coutulrauémp Be- so e es.00 "fse lhbenséa>geaeeuas uome itsM bue use ouli . ule WSaib>der Wu*r el.mdBiSme Mem noteelsyM ye ullni'tie oret puia Sshii uiiss o B kim Be<uffle ngu to Jmmbesi am idise oi'eWiW a MdeOs ia uhe uâru iWu~ m,!vsiiBeen Bad eseuourltem. j o tasv tnpulonme l lq o vNsaipese ersunsoU e ies a e la e ne .eon, e ruluf etBt"SâdpIW&»I tepmarBe Oud th oiBe n en m psmugforin IURnE m oefupe am-ULO¶ - bmbroaMadeam lm.e hep lehisrpeti1.6 Alta 1 *0oul mmued"gseMe. teu*0u comde 11k .5>" T1 bie »Umu l n.av mseU Meio q« heýhmuoutlmSit î -h lv« u liUe OimeTb* ----ILS. DEABDuun. t& aueais m.. lo é'sl WVa otilgeohw a-n r uata t4ea h 5 .IW ud9-l'he e. Mran" . l11 Uu. u ageruses'o4"ammStaon S-1efrW il>'Bswa'lw uir l DOSLu lhI~ mai eos~sPasimi i voeume sue oU là onaui uulmg Io st, * -U. M.oe AN AVALAI HENRJ;iKEIIIHLEY. 4, OHÉ 0F SUQARSM IGHT r ;on TOPF TBESASN gJka romw M.P* v uma 4a!éum lruaof aU vw48itmei L175t4M 41«"fe'~ w ro do tkù Ccu for 7k.~oe aac o c.ca pr'v~gla u.Uiwg CHIA P SUGAiS. »tTVhotiiae Ikmuoiu tka. GusCkAP sugara «Md tu. jan Wh*"ecas COEUF S17AR b. ,sàat ,'adil otie P y k 'uil'. A. a.tstock <a kepBy bug i s fomaoiSof~{cssss we, fom CMPBZIlLait par t av d e ffrTWO NUNDALD audFORTTr BRREZ Of FR.!SH f.!XROICLHNffSUGAB&S. ick auLgarsas amtunt4 and %nedci F4u GrutiaU~5~'a.Pur Orahdtgars.SpZndi4 gr&4s8 0fo L4gkt aM a ot . usgr gm aros.asa LU No t. aaa >'tA ialie in otir Su garatm Iair QUALITYacn4 timir CePm&&a.Juda .&tqu4r, aak, looké at tA.ui, samplW tl&w&, oand 4~~êa gmAr ae're i'. o buyej A Ni 16 .. in aU ase. of GWmeu, rv iïJars at bottom figu&res., i i i I 1> l so oalopas>,hoBsp mmuae vamoeuqvut n 1w ý& m-%u: un -rv » ni~ls em em ako-ui - I *8 uimwmoue ith mvfteogm iiehuvi" mnppmslBsvtue Ie IMn uum ewfà be . mr ouemdmNsuftfp. nflB w James Bamilton. A CAMPBELL, UI~IIL. I I~IIIL INR~ STEAMI WAOOON ANO CARRIACE WORKSl a w i TO TEFEIGCNUIY Every. Farmer knolws how weil work eau be done on a. farm by the Pro> use of Macinery.' It is the same way withthe mnufacture of W&AGGONS. They are made- to RUN EBASIER AND TRUTER. !N, EVBRY RESPECT, and what is to every farmer an advantage, are.*SOLD CEAPER. Ever farmaer at this time of the year is m want of an EXTRA WAGGON. I beg to inform them that they do not require to wit until one is built but can get one at any time as we have, on hand THE FINEST STOCK 0F FAIM WACCONS IN CANADA, end for CASHf are sold at A LOW FIGURE. To convinoe the public that the Wagg*:>o they b uy are miade of EfIRST-CLASS TIMBER AND THORtOUGHLY S EASONED, I invite inspection of ail timber Iised in their-mntcue Lhudaay. .TnIv Us. IMI..-.SA.tf lAM ES KAMILTOir Homy .Kigly SE SNABL E GOODS CAIID, OTTE AIPRSERVED 600USe TURNE LUjNCH TONWGUZ LUNCH HAN~PaxooeK&m IAnd!N LOrzu~ SHRINp PABTm nw~ MARD 6mai i.o~ oeiahjjj wI staroit, VSOT pour.I nom~ Di~ wajry he bu~ "ome. *tl City. : ta on r soai;f pste tJ W£...eV aIways fanier ripe, an -it sha 1 c utU thiâtltn-- every of laund to .cruw lessth --Ali -An »Uni I arm -. - jing t hc bog ci trouchî Swon by fiour of Mon Buckle single Toientu t 11et-ou Sbei ~ ti Iatteic ~mexaced betor stri- for thb enie tivek j l'ws. Tht t* fothei treaii. bSte T -Tht fiemau .JUST REOEIVED. À 1 g 1 2» : Tind . N es( A KA r:-Q A R A 11 ýrtle% K 1 JA

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