awO - -ffi e4t~ ulediu'*. BItptt0IleRS - undsot ltpltfl ieriswoLt tt4i-flftise t ltýla 6IS lt findamod" queeviq a"t luiii'u it. a hauetta 154o dflthe 6flter de pauty, Wtt i ll of e fihe Vitiowtatw i t-Il aseom the f&tOti*t e sc<rîss'urd frtselieW eos 01 l N *êsf'fa qws t millelt ou t voryifrfttifslmn(ngu twt"l sý«iactitti reuthe fwlilfse« ut limfao.m4c teulle .%? faitt iltha aite o lln ta.t'apt Mt M le" îA #vial q""t'r4 trîi uEmaaîitn.or If INiihua hîsisittiath a ise omm o êtiît.-l a..' aurai. rt'i oitir t-in hol iws s. ts o l. SIbbeathnni Md ate 100911< "atisu k P, teftktali efhnl a.ay lanS celi haut l 'i f t tl ., I tittf e l flaeV ~ ' y im A 'ti fo h tu fi _%f tt I-mltitsa 4i th.m< atuaomiom Cpiai four by*ftft1Ftllr owlltf t»'a"1111Ii y'a.' 1 li if4" l, btuir fu ent~ae ae a iaTu ~~Ew~ot sî~'rur qti ti'e eafflh o.sie et,hm . 0f au lnItt 0W AiW '1141f1M f s t lis. fls s.,41eWfq-e1uoil tietSeé" coli anea, vée %fsts4(4$ftsti. of.#çWltf îIW. andsis "lONe@"i . Whoau lN'tii tlttv IM'll titlf liies hi'. rîib"f I-la"j'i'ua.tbr lan? ittaI' ilsli t.te 1 - , iOiltilltgstCailW tq1~~, fla-ra."taa,,'aait ia- 1.ta Ç i af i t i l iv t" boté ffrit #for111 <iml't'h tofittl: tiifnt hm nt Il' ' lc-i a-~î af Nhaaaeitaef"fi l V g. l (P sreilIII i fiemi'y foolierglpl oi liq.,tl Iirmîngl. wit sutatsi iisfr I-ram a Ie it llltt*t. kInt 1, h atotapie lia atufs. Hi-a' aa-î:aîiaa~ watt kiltaîlwitu¶ Au Auael-a'wsn .5w hnen e¶mfleieulan intili~~~~~~~ *tj < bi ii< ha isl4w f itaaivîM tfoni'Iti"' e b f il it *11 taa't < -u tittt ti îîObl fs, '1'isllt. fi . 8 t o a la hi*5 - it seane lMîat wqi hai*ul fre i i u-,-a t h 4q<a ltq tt sîwaî@î 1 alt, 4t-iIOlert ut lilt'lm lb al -. he i a novm q, .uca~ti. riî a, . - vu te> iu'i sbiatlin' ý141,14,1 laCf l 'u i t110im %ejr(%t fnm t lg lu t< pet«~ lemaI Iltt i aterlio <.11 O U iati% f ao n arriva la I.ul" liti Sa' si.~fj.. aftIIn<4' th" <anfit rt aaariveat. wenty's oiî uMtu. liée., "Itftqrg huaa-vii . tnsde'Intnemntl tin î~,a, î- ccl1i. velî,ira'taeysmîial# lvin Mlls' f1qiýta. 't li, Il 4b ot <aa V 'd, 1'ittwit .Iilf i wllafe tN <tai ieptitttMuae na" t 'aai a a-îtîvu i>. l ta aaaa'u* li t vnt Nt'f. Iraiîtater i kr laafaine litîl 4i lTuae <tu i a lait~ l. !at' ielt ti<t5 kCt' vtm ta " vt ol fAnt* m r " r ftil,,>etit ' Iî t ct-'ih >hi t i uiltfa. 'r e i l illeas. f aalu't in<r o nw iisy Md tiliy thn -"r't"'.' l'ok huts ttî afîtrit'atimtela osci.e le l %bis tdott ofOuilei, -' o - ' ra-i "a "uoita btua éiélqi.ti! tt.i îr Jii, vaat1;' toiar, -lf 'tisefil uons'Who yrea a ~ ~ ~ liiI a'auîla' ai4t1uial (la blae, <iltw i ll n etimg ,'afhtalt-e-ffai hlm pi 'a e i ,~ . ilite a al t l,*î- lý t>. < il lkaia l a' (ntt,-w'iîla lia.balal ait aituMri . 5.1w' lsupuai. le'~ b le - -o- 1>. 'i I I 4 l-<t1 tt'yî tlen tr Iia ii lis.' rtiar Ia'n I 6 vh a' fora' bîae 4laî ' --î'i 'rrtkî 'ta 4 l it'aîa- ttelIr a ti l ty pi . latlm- ath*cvaasjeyaa lvo mà -te tl'ai . l'i1-t l1aaraa0 m.rî - ii ith lit a iib t Ilta f n fta leuse inuitor el le taai ialu'ha aarîu.uul M ie (1i'ri i'ilt k .t w mpre tlgeSa Ié t .1 1 lei' i ('tua. uimiz it lit a $11 ai p y' tlil '.itpti ea i ia'uaa'ît " a1-lit,<'èv<n' la. itIlaaatala al-lie tna fltru dh* 1.j>t a.m'le t'oirat lrl u't ~.' I ~ ~ ~ tf-ft Aa-a p. =-a- >ir . --aabs--'aa. I'~-;h In'hi ie:u'tl r.'.uIant it d wtu~-t'. aaw Mi. h W t<aa.,oftbl ht v 'ta " î ttt-tt.u hr' btbetis ftfm$nsn fhi'of t.îaa-la'aci ata a aieîi-'~ -a atPa a 1tîu- ita ti sbepir l gai faan i see " 111t, 'Th*is - ~*~ALw' A~V~ airoe~ R, - - - -~-- -~»40 pfflawP 4~Îlie ~- a~ o*eE telie~of W.flsgdf -#mgwoe& m a ~ t~Wi On* Ffw - i - Wh4 fwe V.fR l"x f ýUffw'm sud lwe*kleg lthntes qln i sth*mto fsg.L"RM FOR 8-% LE (OR TO RINT- mentis. liv vs. eag'ml anoettitshe=i X OU.% TRit.M 0F YKlUIS-Nonth hal saverati fmes %visthais vi olut . &te of LTA) &in jRtise th Conumton et KnulIy. tht-ocbltis haland sutlttmal o ffila test. M naM%nce m e eal . wtitu f2à <mset I« mot la u ilpehau ilu Os. >menumuaI 13 miles (rom Llualsy. Tisearem are u. sunissi sai eretyoanltise Proutea s& 4it ophuamidramue$ MWludmemv»enr.bars. 3bifram =10.1ueV biL Su manl neveu ajîîarteferiv uuei. oon e <le ealaral. veil it aul tht>'dv li ta.Po 'dsas ethdMdlst t ebe. lacairy tise v-en t alen %py te oR N bas. n? «ien tie custtulcu 1uisdthe S KfLL. inie. wibarf PiO.. coust i7 tga assnt ~afcie wuunnlenaieh,'y.bseft -liu,tly. J!ly Su ltt.9tcf a'utteues.One buinarea analforty.two nA FtM PE)ft SALE-Th. NÔRTHU rentuuvree hating votent ytiseho<loba - il HA LF 01? LOT No. 7 l lt mouseutoC O*testeefted by th* gêtium tei(tfta of 5 metRanly. aiînu 4b P«ort ftise vtlas e t t1w lihit-Pd h har botioet "*MOdt1à e »nYVb-.ll ltabeti etht Mits frouaLItdny anal sx miles front Onemee. 100 asiees-S,-11asses muet aS leil.vlib, ~ ~ ~ cleasaal.bmsauna'ai'n mîxeat<ntibr. Prume tomre. bevih, ~ . ,,e.. . Iui"s24.1 i vo ittOrey),N; ranue stablee1:28; Mmd Ion - Tie laffl bain on stýFW.G.lable tramian" Iixuioa nev. Tv. fan farta. nfflr cf th 00on. lektMe U . Waei ltsandl living sstm.AnY-te 1ORAN bmwnteat lui tis~~~~~~e gouMI&MlstThu'Mtay ulgis 'NIit t ' ot ILA ceelu togeuiser cils themusnle-tpaof(YN*IKILL. lànasy. Rmtly. July b. lUS. -t1U- bosse. hannue a quaatity of be Iupae.- siete. îhit?î deeeue ticol, W.. is*l@t ilicendary.prow.vaw W* e a rampli rttin. eoutbn« over leu stsaeer. or drunkpn u.wWhou "- bav oi ufsi tstuoâ h*wdbtta«abr vlaîlered. 3 tramn. te""tua 10Talua. uSl ubuusui'ed bains. uo tusvtnpstales 11.ev:one aMsme fou' 8450 lutte lovai, 'traien. dvclhl~ppt t . M RI -TluePC-rt iff. ope ua¶ye: About a 11Y2 Ms oetotW'dya$ae eOemeal 410M AR14TU RUT FOR. A TERK 1 Mathw K Ww o, f"& iluauM oSaWi RP bouse on 10t No. I 0M1et.. r ho, Wcas tei*wlmdsIlbuiUsy tut tlt pueteS111 nui«, o' leook the- coaqi.t àbie buied dise taisetgu vilanljmilue a b loi«$ 0gtI<têimneas A eruebout *« w mPeut t"a.tswnsatp t fWM cuver.w» liviru&M teliiuboula, 0 MolI eirala u osi-,"cw boub tise Md ?& ssu ~osbpfee~ IM 1bato s m PMUoetsoi e w»en91110et1F4ete tiseu&aié, 100X, ipsai Cr te 1 se&i àos t Vl ~v -~ w w ~.m. w.m, W ______________ M ______________ -M W9 aulu .ttn;trame biUlamiL .Part fLOUZ Ôoni lSaers.; nom8 14. 6 lt . 1Lot2S n 2,m tMauv.M une S. j Lot M. Cou. ,somaeavil1mnluRPMVed. LotU2& ons. & Smes'vlle: Uzlmprowed. S. i cre Lt 2.coms. . Bsxley; unluee. Lot 3 ai . W.B.Bsxey Utlese,' IN TmE TowOr0FLDDAY. Par lt I3 .GIoms1g.sbd* lwlsk IZTXQueeu-eL. ivo trame ta..6 LOU l pa-kM-. 1 aum;iuàgaai LoI 3. IL Aibeat-et.. la Par* C.. 1w'M'hou& Lot P. W. st. L&vrMesut.,pu$ li&&ni. fat &'%V. Sioux-ut. in Park a. La pi. tPar . 1 si. iblrn44te i nom O'Hellaran's butcher shop. Charges modemt. cm give you botter satisfaction. andi gouat vork Eor refrenc apply te A. Smlth. principal a in hibe linsetofEave-truahinuc. lumbing andl Ontario Tsterinaxv College: J. S. Ceaser. V.~ Genermi Jobbing titan,-any uther estabhIL-hmeut Port Hope: J. D. Iuncan. %I. D. amid'V. S.. To- 1bl the eunty. route J. Thorborne. M. D.. Toronto. £t Urne- & WEmimauee given for new work, or repaira mes every Tuesday morning.-42-ly. Liver Stales.SMGl & flNWAIRE DEPARIMENT. (4U~IT AL~S ~ STABL S cmpltely stocked with evtry Une needed. GJ YOrIeTrei indear. Cemtortable con-i A EALL SOLCITIED. rates. * RI«GUNIGAIh Urr.H R 11LTk re.Idatsa. N- WORK31AN nsa.Ai.1. & »ON Proprieters. The aidemu establjahed ______________ Uverr u"m inLàndsay. Thse mont sivâ*iatPRC AI o "Y Z AB AI<DTHROÂT. WHRAT AI-DGATS. The umderslqnsdar!p!fpre4 topytheH11gb'. NB 6. . jlet Market Pries fort IWtTA5ND OATSie LE. ~ ~ 5 - j vemd a atheirxnhilai Lindsay Laetur cm touImit. B, ar ami Tireet TrlmltypATEIT -R U REW PNOUES& UkdibsCellC T mIl i etotheAereer H aving lntraaluced tse novprocoos-for tte aMi Bar <ex .I% - 1, mwa=mete i jur ttey are, nov preparei l tIoIte àtft ethe bm Brat- ilai uefor the patent article. Tboy bave Sui~1ctb fue amflub>Beieill. n-arraneai viti J. G. EIQAWSD. hardware Amua~& Ryal d~ aeclaasttotake oa'denfrs ena. Ailordso HOO1tL~MfllOlU~ 05451ascenitral " m hlm thro'agh the telephono viils oulwi aumisoulie.a. ui~brsm - ~m Ua.m. tima4tivmwtb? L ALE ---------- -If. um d M bf w eh* sW ~ th.!ê~saim -kt,IhOF t WuSSss MWT e ts af t amc e ga ir. Yfwagssj f.MW Wbflg~ e .i~rUy s1i b êThtG u~woe« fi Imm ta.b** E. ~i nawo da u" *ràm r. u.-» cetw1mmtusk ui supe" h" l Ar& V **dot& e*om-g i-. ume ' r'P w" Omo o i s. 't-4 » m"It b. bisetby gke empiffw <if Il ...fs rh Md th*,awotor tt ln!.thtug ta v#wJaeu alloi e gut 6v mtm su bis sIVhr,5 I ilI8I.Imatys o f fol*ek* gu. r" u, bO tuthw ds I i 09tk» u f@ff 19i m sa. asbu g etasiu hp o n u l î. site~~~~ Mbg Mt*hf~te htytarf . u. Weil, but Mr tms ltaitl.obtus sStfuSt SlflM atghso.iiano regalconuUss li t vi -Miss '00a4oltcs u¶k¶Wr» for tu 0»,»V@t« f MWmrità 0 D*W -TW eMauilsm Novi ýa aUtfthutt he fies.., IIIUIDg<'cmof0< arkism, Who ses -=A f rimehuit a&bout sim &su a, Aotiaw eamintgeu fssimntugon' a wnoaertlly milmfr nuWmhcutf f hav th.e poffy large seat. irs lt« Nrt-ve, have remlveu Of af m 1 tw.k byto ahesetouith« use er brmsagl st . clii ln «ii-ilrly u ue fsteen, whwte na u mbm tted testa us. ntiffly rcso& us Loua item gowa pl.vw hleh tom .elgh fuwswstai p/m no n twààe& moet, Md 4 elu<'q ghî d sudy 1> --TiselI if, g ete~tvo sets 09 men--iai da3t e d suai . i le. bsImo4~C!emm lI*w aew< TWe' I ou sevouty aces la twty-f us' 1919 o -4y M hm ti ~ bous,- lei fuuey wtfloW, lath anud h Mdbusuut ht sgjp, do alui eur fagsirti en ty taws. Tiis <i .î., t.f«r«lai olfilêîaTh* <.<m itderful suphi. bunOawhole MSl beot, 144 r ont a(Misotw chib", tome wtes cubth*ise uecSc a fhuiwlavsUVm n louta fetwren aix tue 8,1.MI and cas eu wpmbffl'ip lot. 4<No. 7, «kh MR<i, .f fl<ipp, -A davtuw robery wu pet'petimed at <mues'uht.h nm bo et.hlp .n yln.%oottW» bot ci on Lthe Pevyrond, solrtit of Vlertl>rncv *ulled. lins.u, D"s. thise 09 itis&. tntait. a =4'h flcmar>lla' %Va 71 tt " Qnew hy t7 uo meonon Monday momnug Vil*tUoI d4S Su <sss C -ý- er, iappesis that Mr'. Thonias a viellito u aai'ulneialL. tssevoa, pas, 'eeve of t h. townushl; oft arrie,, ha wtt st.pteftovTlsrma~ lutwcesdrIven ta thse hotel, asad thouobîl"qiny lefti i. fUilai 00171B1 asathi f810 l bi a a nc eof owhich vashie pr.. d -e XPlWea h#p'fail ofailnxio M sd anme valuable papotaLu -l'h i>oa "Pt l 11Pi'hSIttYity 11*Mtwa<qgn. ThCm men ateve, rdreat ta. » rMro<a'p cli1h o lWbI aittln Who watqa<mplOypab on the <oeil, alomveved ,'lcgeVtM, ote'aI ami y It 1%th* Ceaot Ih ltis vabiable content anmd- clihuwty owi'hcue1 di itt tslug ponsmesaon of the uioney and papers Whw i titiste, eavel 1l4tise cho" sMd cens away. lThe luise us.dîucvered mm'ent tise Mt 1theis.potmm*0, the 01*100fw mu coir depmwue ami titv udaien dia- cittort « 00F m nn e- e l Psmt usa e% Iitu*te of te lied t li seuoennspetcut -Tise ban. <if Rohi .tmoew <linomubut tisey have t eeoc touud. W*'5h9el y ¶~int>0i 4~~~<is een -hu uthorne enffprlme aMy* tisaita"t tomawttb. ii<ili p<u1> r.fotalnfs*gThurara. Mr'.. Hoît. Flpoomîelald, .<' uar i the bafuenniatm th# oPMeU« ofI eflu~rf* Vunonvilte, flailmsaid a b&oise te 0 of 1411 viet, là acem of bar, anud SMU) sote Aumiasuor $ *itlNxt movngý htiItW <of 0ou#. 1No Iusune.- 1 ise mnney bad im.lappearel. andl no ha't tie -A Mua.(~rltsuen, f Eutebltln Iauman, maiho hadnt't he tighr"t viit WeaitW lime geOWIOU tgeu$ght isOlaIdont hi bsatise, cent laeomp y. The. of a- *nakr., <saidv atn tMgled at Itm hoqman. wîmu.ivah% name aJohn wrue faifte it*atiod a.l.ion te t me sêutke toa Innhp ll"ong ssl b M.lUomfleld*#' employ oraly times. Tito frlpht 1Iaromjht ont fvt.r Iem about o-e toght . loiadeserl heiu ci* a io ttea ste'hmnlsitI tisieua eeka. atose .7 yeff Of amo: medium helgisi: fit. hIauth.'ouimarstse ly .Maout touris ve lie nt, î 7l) potinita; fant1air ani Mouba. 1.motlstachte;-and wcliiia seat' brow one Tis ton fop (uitt ays -btiiT.rçpa.I e worp a dvamb tel: bat, black floyl, ofMa.aordnt.. ftgim. ennilmtor. vont alt venti yetlowtaah tweed trYio.r4 t meai wli it-117 " tlen PA tihefi. T1. IL sttation anal low Xaimes. Mr. Broomllebal otr'aar4e) on' Ttaify n-iomnihng,-white t rvlwmg tn aMd tanpet' cmi of ailtishe mouenfecovereal lin4îd aifin lft li tipid-ntel ftl, .*viendtslta>'hi.. rraastt aala'oayctlun. 'ehtnoe tiseb of hla Itslva'irm bvkesanad he &" ovs. <'sal mat hbrmilht ta »pu'uy Jtsiir e. velvaad&a nmbe of galp wconon utise heMan d, tanies o n othee pesta of tise 7 r o a Tht ftttit ny'tason.1unday nigh g OR .SALf.-A t&tmable fani>, eiugr Isew1t a lira'Feka. aanton tise pritemseo<f M. F(ahït'tâ.thçn fTonio iisthae-1 a.l tfslot 20.P1h crai., Ilamiltonu adnf-imi it ot5 Ts o. t o pe tifflMoylop f wo b4bOl>acr. .7Wtab-real; alanc desta7tap vo atts, hedu stble, <un'imxt î>a. ibnilbered l tIîlatiivosandl reatar.1 lm*ng. t lm euaat tp0fiuy ai is. bi nltbe oq. ou the pis. lm~iamun.ahabnpes, av., te lte valce titfoVlr r tlr lrfiam cr uppy te Wua. H NID. loi ;1.~:Innsa e'%50fln aypadts . lratco. FP.n aailv10e1. (t. 2f. b u l k l l t u t t u»ve o n 1 t t i m 9 N à AD E 1R A 1 1 _- - i l . 1 1 s i o ' - .ra d LINDAY, ONT~ ~ - todibm~~ Tuen, ~ ~ A. -'w; -u s M B; eioi SULPIU ]EL àffwiuo]I um -21 111ic b aottMuen.m ~ L A~ ppoii.oeon" iw.Mua boull. eD0r. M»auouutBuALlhuL Cueh'& nsisytoiomu. Oumic: Ku.S,Llmduy J Usines B*AEIRN.,umm Dsheý oi e ok188, lKuAt-st, Lm, o leo n sterusto £1L 1~. SNn. ÂIveanàrRIStc:4 Woaivtlê July18. OMM aiy P. 8, 'MAII&GH HPI if E. DIAN, BABRffTE1SLICI- et. ever A. Vamlobetls groeearnt om o JOHNAý ARRON, BARRISTER [teplemeni store.Lladuy. Oat. -HUDPEM JACSONBARRIS. AI)AJUDIPWF 090,. 0ALEL JuaCKSON MUKTYRZ &iSTIEWART, BARRIS.4 TEU.dtterneyu, Solieitors, etce., etc. a*ver onuarto amk,Ket.Lldy T. YI tYbRL . T. SEWART. A P. DEVLIN, BÂARRIS TER, SOL. LEARY& OL19YBA RRIS- rery. etc. Omfce. DoleenyBlock Kent ires J (>HN MeSWEYN, BÂRRISTER,ý AT. Ei orey-at-law, Solleltor in (lianeecon- &C..1 ont. OM ia kmu toni's aick, -nor=ts ere otrance tve ýPro»pitiefer Sale. F ORSALE --(;enrwlRiiineemand l âmeg. <(rondcsI?, traite alan>. Evéry estiiafactien given ma tebuaaaneaa atone. ressue torsslling. etc. Ir lon the premises.('e*eUfl .tg ltt .] ESlitABILFE TOWN AND PARK S,)SFRALK-Tbe underslgneat vili If on easy terma s everan'ebab Tomn-anad Kark Loats a*ailtngthe old bhmweey ami muer tis' .Ind, yi'per. 111 AddtrcssD LENIHAN, L1 Newa.u, cvYork City. Jun.t2, 18U- 12.1:1. HoU$l. ND LOT IX )~YFOR SALE. Being otg*2 anal 't Park IL, went ut A hart se. and soutis 61 Dur- lsam~st. entsitat hItan a'a.Frarne bouse. alnet. witt kitrben anut nv n la.1x3Q feet. wmb Weil. Ifousqe !% on stne na*aaaation mr 1 for hbriknw..4sasal vilîbe saild etiheraisalustands1 lor wyul 11e lriakei. For firt er palicularsa ply.on the premises.. or ta ROUT. CHAMBEIt. et A. MitcheIli'tqMarhIte Workà. L'aaibrdge-sr. H 0189AND LOT FOR &AlE.-Lnt o8 ut t Ruassîl-Si. vesi. ubree- quarters ot an acre, velîfeuceal. vita newrame hou,tan.tone titandat ion.anal gondl cellar. goal cistern. sott <ud bard vwater. goad stable -amd voottlhed. Terma. aMx huindreal dalleradowu: finme itn for the balance. Porfurther parucu- lers appl to . tlt IADY, (Who bas camne te Lnsyor.tie paarrym osf selltngt the propertyà o oJHN ÏLXL &Y. Lindrnay. Ja.19. I ýýH Y-ILFOR S.ILIAT.GABIE-, brIaigeta foralde. This bouclasn sttaated conter- vaysbetween fleaaverton andflreehln.andori the Ieing rond from Iteaverton te Oilla. Elrktield irt,ý MIk- 1 ~ ~ b ak --- -la- -qMi té Co e PIr n wMd aesrthe, CAB M WMtew.Goo*admdstalee "- Testât pasiudr yextracted vithmu et rmliwar travellera, à pain O . .Mr. Neelands mmaia uuu~g bsarvd or .iatsis.hog» du xddr Dr. Celtam et tld 1,gr tew r, heluenérofgus for extatm R0UB1, MRFMDand -SquinL»a ao eused Atijc, i - thln minreov&tmy wpm-mm o mt uen t.pu for tuper or tinder »Lt 19q-DOF feqno-tnext te nnt o:s9store- aybe I*~. I - tu - prlam to »ulitB ar. f~ onnaiat primae remadence atter heure. iist na simeo m"s f ita bradee" Ment- Pez9onstram aadiataite wil pl@«a miwaspul.d vth habo'~L~?~'îquo s ei <"îcarat hefore connng. K»aL ut a lo i tCaus ae r t . __ _ _ SM COTT. proprietor. This bn &" cm 1 nb el u an tbLO e $wJ na" , for bis bes; dentaliplates, .OIM hïaivuapà ix 1- - --- 1 NLLY.- EL& U = blwffl- ilau» wih te but rana quors ibree of the mont rellable materials nov inuse igare. Gend atabung. actentive-lictier frte upse f.Grosé unes the Pauet Mer l. lU-~l2.y. Egliuh kBlacRbber. and neyer <turing hj@ exporience of nearly twenty-th ree years. bhs b. QL"I;RT OTE -Th hou h. been ne uniformly sue-cesstul witb any niatenlak. ne HO ete»ÉImp-Tovement.Fel - Black Rubber in non-irritant and non4,oaduat. extenive mprovment. Ex el-tm and canai therefore produce conigestio for the rav l pblie. or r y ther diseese of the mucuotis memnbraus of te mudt Thusade of people who ba» ~rai'Wa7u ppliai bemntioily 8flnoy ~but 5ctuaUly torture Wlthts boti &",amigau&.o",istables b blae & M 1r2F ubo miot ~~l p blie. iNP re te dar wesrtng MaLM (bNTAIO HOCSE. BEAVERTON. befare known in térxperience with urtifleli T Tl teeth. An atteinpt ià bemg ruade b~y a certain 'L he subocriber would inttimate ta the pub- nonplused dentlit ta forcq upon his patronsa Mie th4t he aspurchased that weli-known hotel. hum bug called a -goIa1 alloy plate." )o. not b. the Ontario lBouse. amnd that he intends runnia deeeived by it. It is notbing new. but *au otu it equai to aay hotel in the county. Convenient thina reived. and doe--flot contaii, an atmo 0 mample ros re'ustaitan.HoMi od r. UGu ha asample ot the ucasine vii ie ee is fRm-elaa Uer1, cllnîart fric froinwhich Uodailot, plates ar. uadmg JOHX KENNEDY, Pro'r;- Beaver- 'm aie "n any one cm ene it by callinae te.. A*j lm U-3*ly. ut bMa office. He vill nmike platea hma la called Uold AUloy or et Red "'UT]K HALL HROTN>, BETHA-NY, Rabber for persans who want such plates. YV OWtaro. JO X LANG, proprietor. This ai ter theirposnu atr * ee ul x nue, large amivelurniase brieikahtelis nov plained. Ir yen are about getting artificial' inpetdt everM ariular for the accommo- teeth. amnd vent something that is giod. and daes et the travelfngpublfr. Excellent samiple that villi stand the test. get themimade onGatat. routsftocmmercial men. Beralwaysaupplied Platina or BIaCk ltubber. and you wfl have wlth the bout brads of Uiquora andelgars. Oniy tna canne for regret&. la !one resptets t*e a tew rada frm ibm rallay statios. Chargei: Black Rubber lasuperiorro eithtr f the metals moderàte.-4ffly. namesi and can be furnished uat about one- faurtit their prion. A full upper and under ,st ]JAWBURTONHOL'SE, HALIBUR- of îeeth frot $ePte SOL Mr. Urvn6is ta TO.Ont. The only llrat-clasa hotel in Liquetoealti.i<nuts (ix.ric<G«s. the purest. gâtent. ther ceunry. Every acconiadatuon to the travel- and masi rellable t ort ut guée in uise. The ltmg public. Cnntivalled hua=ingamui lab la ta natural teetit preser% ed by fillilng. and illings the immediate neighberhoad. Te talelasu aranteed for JEte 1/crs. -%Ir. Graiss wuli taie pledwih veydelatacy ef the bra.Te pltauure in explaining eerthinacto-te .rsons Uistaked wtth thechoinetbramms o! liquors who cail for information. Itooms aver J -N and cigare. Good stabllng and an attentive SÇEDY» * 8 tore. Kent-ât., Resideccc hoetier. Maderate charges. HEmRY gLlu-xa-x,______________ Preç u eyt Lo n MCÀRTH RHOUSE, FKNEL4)N ____ _____ _____ _____ XL&Ontario. Tutis hoiel bas beeu thoroiighly overbanled and relitteit. with nev 1 5 000IN PRIVATE FUN'%DS'TO turnittre added. making it second ta noue in the. t ULéan on gaod farm property lài county. The u.mple roims are of the lirai order. ;asmo ofWIamad upvards on favourable terni& Pirat-clamaaccommàodation for touriste and 'risit- Fxpensesreasonable. Apply toC. C. KELLEII, ors. Booms large and weli 'rentilated. Good' liverr-uiable artiahed. NOBLE INGltA3L pro- - prfOtir. 1UrONEY LE.NT ON FIMT -MORT.ý UEE~S OTE, H IJB BTN I GAGES, on Impraved Yanse QUE- HmwmlgLBUTý trtht LMesa a6 p« 'Ctàlk R.M KELVY. Pmqpretor. Havlng mo'red rl>T &JCS1i into my nev batel I -f=rthat niy accommoda-Ofce V ui-t.Lns. tions are in. every way complete ta suit the ________________________________ requirementR of the traveiliM publie who may N Y- E AE PEA E fvour me with theiir patronage. At hoice pac iFs,. E. - of boumaIs, for sportsmen. wblch with guides.-E. to negotiate SeTR-UIIT LOANXS on gaad, tams and boata, are supplied an reusonable ternis. uecurity at Bar alvaq upplieat wuh the beàt brande of ,a re 7 par, ceft. ln*eregt y.aaly. liqueru and cigare Free bus te and tramn aU Chare loy. OER LAY trains. Ternis modem, te.- hoe>t. =Z iLiday eb, O 1.LS.RY :ULA QUENS HOTEL, CÂNNIiNGCTON. vi ONEY ITO LOýA'N AT LOWEST QThe undenaigned desires ta intimate to the i RATES. 3MorKagge! and Dehenturee public that he lbas leased abovo liotteland has thonght. Persons.wisliig t i lv. st- or Lease thoronghly rcnuvatd. fttal unit tuinishetl in i fartas orother properîize wil îhass* 'oînuni- frtcuastyle. second to none in th rovneaewt e A. J. -:1NCLAIEL. He ta pre iar to er every accomuiolation to Bcatie witetc...- the travelling publie. in general. This lare and C(anaingion. jidy 2. l~.4.y very cammcxltuusà bouse arforais ieu ndcn ventent ac)itnnaion for îrav-e llrs-. t w1rn ; O:N EY MNY speelal attention will ho gven. Large andvel1- NIî lafbeaùaaniple routas, lite bartsa al-lo well sup- i ] rzju Lac» & A.Doe. pttewith ttn ilucatselection of .Ucuon ad rian s ai al tlrnee. There lu aise lu connection FIVE T110O7SACS-11)OLLARiS privnte fundt ilt4tlasa stàlalinw. goalà box stalls and newlvr to lban ut 6.4per cent. in suiù. ru suit hurr 'wers, plank d vtrandl &heds. Attentive bustIer al- wlankeonlaua.Faestfna rn ilis. H. B. DEA N. 1Barritsrer.&c.. ways n lind. ree bus t andfraaai. Jun ete.Dulit*ilyBlouk. ICent-ât. Business Cards. 6m c~r __________________ NR FO 6 ONET TO LEX» 6 rFLIÂ~BOWE~ AUCTINEE 'OR ti Mm. per Cent. on security o ailiEtt J he Cauntiesof VictorlaantiBrock. Charg eAPlt madetei. .Address Manilla P. O.. Ont.Mor .1 . Appl RON.Slctr nd ROSS. A UCTIaONEER, faor Eldora . Office. Kent-st.. nexi door west-ut Keith*; una- I.. Carden andi North Ontario. Baflff ixth pienient store. Diisoncort&ouuty of Ontarlo. Add 6 T OiLOAY O W'aL RUSSELL, RMI~L ESTATE 6 ]ONET OOX 6 w AGENT. Auctioneer. Valuator and Ap-onfvualtem.rpyb ij prie. Aen1 ortu-Cla e e aa asvu itbleterreabein or leaa anceCampanies. 3Muney loaned ai lovest rtessutheorwr.r o eest !pcal attention given ta collection STEIGET LOA»I AT S 6 ER wou". of debta.Frm for sale and ta rent. Office i rvt nsl ay em.Mripgsa11 Keenan'a btack. soutit side of Kent-êt î.oposite PriaeF ac aytrm.Mrggspr the Benson House. Linadsay. Dec. 1:42. MARTIN'd & HOPKINS. G INCOR.ConfVitra. (ene -IHE-IP 3MONEY TO LOAN IN Sum8 Auctioneer. Caunty of Victoria. *Moniey ta ban o Mo$0Mg o7prcn heet at '.per cent.. straight. with privilege it psynF oSTa 1.0 a e7 e et oeet oir in fuît or in part ai any trne. ordera leut STRAlUHT LL)A-N. - Paytflts islsu an the ai testore of' Mr. P. J. Hurley. Kent-st.. oppo i nk g a t o ryse runîatwono t .tyum site the flemme. Homme. vii receive prompt ut.- Xniount reqxlire ara oao IOOls1 tention. yeurs. ià on1ir,432O 2 ear-. t.'Noa- mission. no fines. eçpqZnse re0uceit. 'Teteinaàry surgeonis. J.. GILCHIMST is aim ent* tor'-s.ývsra :1FIR$-T.CL.ASa IMs-7E COMP'a .1NIF.-ahd foeal. a UNN. VETERENARY SUR- ithe lvading Na'wei ~sGive hlit i cil.