__________________________________________________ 5 0flhU~0sd P1ogi'tagIiw. m g1.UI41tWmm - ýoUING Tilt IMU file do tU b.bsgvo ul. u~ v o ~ -S.iva __lwa u u.dg. aine hkem îtPme ~'ef1 .40 in etOÇUIlV pue u eU, I. uu » mau~dl. eltte M m èy lfiBlM lad Pàt b oionbus WIUIM b.'«v ond. iUuIr ovu ~ 110u NprW'ffa ber lma ly fu. Po Ow., fmnilbod by lb.MWhdumt lii.Wk C» no n " Do ar m om ent h R WM wwi Iliqe 6" lier "b« u» "ess*a biWektqÏ.15kg ltao~dut.'ctopie Top q~CIIine)I. tW>KI', o, » m lh. r"a t tiihé ofst.' toMtdImotIomis for the. cM 4 te j~d dnge.i.iît . thu Mu ig Iht 1the liii Md pliton lib h.tI. Notb. ïliuiàof ntâ=0 lome lmfl' ho~"o0»~Os'tle lule 0» nsi1g uldn g iiuiultimes i4vIn Ar PaM oiuit I, 6kb«-prnon vmed ltu 1.0 sun«Pb p w» diset ein.mus. flous kw bsu c"h. lir Mar,. ke iaiy1ý, Mte lbr l * o hOO Z O~r* f000the - ul4svlla Mdi. ctom.t'b t 60014au WW- ý " Mdmm -mes tii. ,ev l. k . UI81W I M iU lh.Torosto if"tviîg V(ia.ad l p w.r ver t"he ther ii' mbtiiueu the timWge. h h'des1. Th. chfl eclothus SilePjimmpu" t.1mtll t o "ob.ap..The. LtMdos Ti... ieu»w m'n- .,ê <'*r'a,>.L1. humgwy Isoar.d bt hv«% .Toed humii.limas. wse pMd A* hMsf m îtm oui.le npaluhe Th.e .v Ork OTbo. vuhm > ou Ils the ssd r.o.8..fbdIîi M. w p lhl>Y t'1. " î.-noèa, Thoe uctionnIn.di thep l .d, UW , t 9"tu47.aho 1 ceis~Tii yrl gub.oii>le ~ -~" AS m ('lN mmi SocrSvela the ?oto, rn>rr<>tMà *T901». , Gl (101e mayat *To ms a lelemaut et tho la IMolmsluU of i et y".ytonuioteot iliq'lï mI f.ý 'tt ' blll'~l. l.gi eli do4lwdadOiigrll buaiuios.dlthe mntiuwor &oetple or mon cile tttt. itt iinuitle iultebitilwAutî.' Whit. aa..s tTm.~ h" j% vi. nt ais « or have bea gulis shout' eUtlicelC <fI'00V ib'~ C e IONU isOltlliI@U5101WB igbiesm am llops Oaum&trheumi ta amuim ii 't ~A. m~but a. tt f p1t'lt>* th.f lla,0" oô(scf peepleWhosdo sel club .ro ttooleo'oohdamesàAu Instan -*11 1bO 0 fle MW th liseWse o. ime qsmo gives . i théPopiunet ~ tp..î uul.payi.h*huras.;tua li Tm buha.wreA 14*fam ike aia eh s uae la lthe tudw tteui ia ~.mte s »rh' ~6op rtly Wh" bh etmgotMsd iliu. Obllly ofOuul01I. Anti. has îrasspled t ébruh(,îsh *iq4<i -N'the re. hw i. uup ntenta~ ii lWFet Us Mentth tee mes cent ;te th )Itwvtt r*nu.br heohage M'fbètl- ls 9 eeve Itl.emse uddel* l M~1< t& tminiiilin l tiittIIUl o i.' * 1041v i'et 1pup.'nid Itesmth.leum.mîting eof aa etom lie pa- l ind a- to art t@»dnmtn su ed, tiostly, 94 inlo bu p6ViS by obj-oui4teOk oupas of the.t ft.dUS lore i e0dM"t o e t. own. ("IdyOtfké n h"d«W Mmely _______the paltw u stè vilve &che r".E, ýPàemtmhM by viii hie harveat, ..r t$js~luIV4 ha tiitlNd ai'reiî Kt~4 DTNW' 5theS mi. imasud 4mielook depy lat. 1h. u.~,..'h.. tu. >iîll u'vîe ~in' <ay cr e (*%*hW al m , l jluwtr of ilor rw MC* ite omm mai on ub.' 'ofbeletPubi qîi ii bIP cso ia.m m'tmrsit n i t» "vlge o tJo#,".e ou . de"m el'w i e s li.eon i c ou n e@ ett~fvw.. ~lhed ms lii emdldd em amly hndised people te ubucmle tail4mx ,. wtt ,,t i lIfiuil' SIAt40t %b Me. me"tohn il'lvl1w. th ton. eof1K&4 Whithy. net*tl ~nh lau l patunt iehtBamï ti4%'5tbulthe 154y ipp<1l4"t 'Nui.. i.Kua ei'p t esterhle, 11181 dty b milsth:stitoïebehm enot tt' ,h(b hii im, hu'v M113'.. wh i Ne.dbr n oblVa wm a i5't dW *tbmit the mouor the rhor tîuOf 11W polKea.t*. $ht, nuusrriecol.whtch. cem pemled te ho sutIt honsla î..4îîAdvm'usuV. Il htelliyt'U 114 a " c fo c mo iuî.lmim orthe mcow oe f, ro«rda"y. 1. t"disesa pii ~IVI ui îê.~ cîiî. ~.~ oul~ttvll ,. 9rae VO dtitlIt4remMd iii.g 1'îrmvn, hY tMe wiMeayee 1ilovvmonth il doué W t8ceamivlit Robt, i lfobis*nCl. ,CV~lW1, 1104. Ouinssodutbe shbiuîîîomthte udîme. î~,. ~ tîf ,.u tut W itu ovdI x>"'litete lve. ,thle h.k t 1 ew'iqua Ï Itro i ut a lr. sIuu r l Io st eho I'ou.,. ihe"e. t1w f tit vélft N%,blSbiu 6t'di i tw iPfftiii e -pî .i'î u ve io e' 41 l ý*MOI& *hilk le u fibM ré ei pientest.tai avÉ»'si w or mm î ui att<ltib,* ltfu' ili M iuî ta. 'ASUf It RilulCec. iilfs&bo a-fi M i 150k, a, booe kosp.' fmm lfa&*m. ~<.' l' .l(mm.,lttt Wt. Vvy tlyWe UI4 My, Y#»ifl a I7nlaW d, isloeamfron.st eff~ have 1'I5ciou a losog the mwîu ~liul IlettiM& P01 ion. c pî* lslilà *#*p r»t4m Mde o asme a. (m t 0411K -i..Cak p :, tLtkav And tbile l Mllmion Udla tiim.,r RO hm cte ed hRodem p lit. tha ssue that i P&ehi cill e lgfOUIU % it uth" p'tres lly <ler in. kilus 4ss»li.st "Wa ikr% te li hic hi iea ien oSordlepoe tta ui, <'wtathat i llb '~ u auV101%tfo *é hr u <ite r o& aK i. culste b t^i lisct6 hv id ho w,îiftsds. isesgIon is assehsglatsIu th"iloo.lslueslKme imbt'ut, 44i' 14n4 (14 tl.oups5 if h51pWdbslrmuisota aupIulIW egeelslt toies. en.làh. las. vltas h tl5ifSutiO l if.ý,t Lado. m'S191 M teopp . bonto.S vUmie i.l.w*untht islucf ie i'Ohe Pa."ueriia7 ller i.fa .mm m sp A. Oes ibe firstisa Oufausosthlu IuMéosI tsiills' I ucqmoititi aes lh.'hf~ s hoPImuteu.l et te. a.yms11esL"jt T<u<'s*~ dPlîhia gtqdidisAfDow-et Ste 'm"w M vo. #op@ Irkw e w em, ,,~ .~S5 Imemd*W Fm ppo ehboa m. me m m. t.'viiiliilf Ilt.a40" la ~~ .5r.fl imuâé dim sela .m ua .u i 1a Oouai# nIunit **aOwuifUto toS» 1b. Pi'>0 et mi fl i 1<v ieud .4iubgvs tebuslnvs hios & . .s**M fdpouiiles vies ay-. __IE,îe u- t i ,ii a ~ ~ n l àN eie a s us m1Î d di s. OL %dIu l is oe '-kit.u wvlt: usé ui-lai, h ue uu~,omgds~l5idlt*=lpm e br. mi Ma-buk A~~o»..i - ,j1,~ ia itesai gvilnus lls.lmUe e ademi t t ln "ia. i Mbu b~ NsL.g IsuICseyM0101bi..s s. b go casa. ilA aubmgbl~u sSiflieaIgu* I' Us, Il-lui.. lm tan i f ms.pisépa TM~AS#UbePr'Odm et ému mm Ibli 0" S, a -k s iass pu..cr..agI e oslf meOD buih> i.Oadup<W7*~** tUmb swombs~ "l isifflclodel !#lyIwsuno and. t I S O«W STEYJLYCASH IADVANCL SPAKNOF.OR OURSELVES.ý Atoie Froi Nov uth iwy1885 :Pola The reduction of the subscription price of THE POST from $ 1.50 to $1 per annum has been made.. From this. forward THE POST will be sent to subscribers, postage prepaid, for $i.oo per year paid strictly in advance. That THE POST ivili at this rate have a largely increased circulation there is no doubt. The subscriber gets a large generous Nvell-filled paper. He gets a iveil digested epitome of the wvorld's news--and he gets the per- usai of the best paper for Iccal intelligence..in the Dominion. .The city weekly may supply the, foreign news-but the country and local happenings it does not and cannot chronicle. It is in this latter respect that THE PosT has carned its justly. deserved reputation. To- the farmer THE, Posr is invaluable. He can. by a perusal of its. pages keep himself posted'on the events and occurences ail over his own and adjoining counties. 1 AT ONE DOLLAR PER ANNUM THE POST hs a cheap paper- not cheap in the, things that make- a paper reputable-but cheap in price. Every man can afford a dollar. If he should be so busy that he cannot find time -to'read it, his wife and children ivill enjoy its perusal. But payments miust be strictly in advance. Thats the very lynch-pin of the reduced rate. .THE- POST is thoroughly a family newspaper. From the staid head of the family down to the boy with a liking for marbles* and rougýh fences the wants of ail have been considered. THE - POST ivill ever be a paper that looks weII, that reads w-cil, that's enterprising, that's brigrht, that's thoroughly satisfactory.- It* never yet was beaten on the above points.. It neyer ivili. And the price, remember brethren, is'only ONE DOLLAR per annum. ALL CREDIBLE WITNESSES. -I the front rtiaîk of Canadian newspaprs."-Iler.i z iýiTimes. Tt hais always bten a first-claiss local paper."-Poît, f.pc -Tim Posr is a first-class paper in eveny respect.- Jcrfin, %t ould bc difilcuit to find ils equal outside the citics."-Fenc- lmo fs ltGa.eue'. 4The business meni of Lindsay May iveil bc proud of - such a repre.sw.tative."-CitusirbiPresbyteri. s#It is a model1 of modern journalismn of wvhich any publisher might justly feel proud."-Peûit PeM ySteuuZre. seTt hais long beca. one of the best cdited wecklies in the province; it is now onie of the hands-omest"-Kigs<rn fWkg. esWe arc glad to sec that our cotcmporary is furnishing evid;-nct. of the bemcficial results of the N.M."-Visuria arcr "The lÀtndsay I>OST. one of the best local papers published in the Dominion, lias taken another step funvard."-Pterbrougi Repiew. ofThc Lindsay POIST is no% orne of the handsomest wceklies in Ontario. lï editorial management h as evcr.been of the bt-st.- Guise/pIe.*êcny. . The Lindsay ?osT is an example of progress. Tt is as full as an able bodiced musquito in -the trout seasuon, and. far more enter- taiuing."*-Cboîn!g vrLi. SAs a co~untry newspaper il stands ahead ut alI compctitrs- in the Midlamud counties. andi ils large and incrcasing patronage testi fies as t0 the apprcciationof its publisher and editorY'-'-..awzarke Brea "At the head of the local papers of the Dominion"- VkkV Clironic/c. 64It is too good by half for the ainount chargcd for subscription." - Qwiwe Herald. " THE POST lias long been at the liîad of Provincial joumnalism.Y -Port Hope Ycws. " The Lindlsay POST has always taken a front rank as a local paper."-MarkhiaiiiEcomoiiist. 6A paper of which Lindsay might be proud and other editors envious- Wodtstock SzidRvc' Ti E POST, trom the first-class nianner in which it is conducted is deservingz of its success."-P,.-trbi-tiigh E.Vtraizr. Ashan"-ome to the cye as it is satistying-to the minds of its re.tdur.-. 3May its shadowv neyer shuink."-&ziiii bserzrr. MIÎE P09T is rccognized by the press of Canada as the model local- paper of the continent ofAeic"Bw»<,ril Stirtis;niii. -The Lindsay- POST is the mod country paper of Canada. And we would like to scemore of the weckly papers f,,llowv in its wake. -'- Tmtc' Wrtl - THE POST is one of thie very best weekly exchangc s on our Iist. and in addition to bcing an excellent local paper alta)s con- tains somnething briglit editorially."-oir>iz- Adverta'. A large eight page paper and a model of typographical neat- ness. The management of THE POSTr l a alays bcti charactur- ized by ability and rare enterprise and to tie credit of the people of Lindsay ttc il said, that they have showvn their appreciation of such qualities by' extendingl a large and remunierative patron- age-apaence E.rpress. POINTS WORTH OONSIDERINO.I ,ONE .-DOLLAR'PER YEAR will bring THE POST to your door, morep, pt THE- POST into your very hand.. The postage is pre-paid for fou. Gsp the idea.--it's only MWO CENTS PER WEEK. Noiw ls u ring the changes on that Ta'o Cenuts Per IFJ'?k. TWO CENTS P>ER WEF K-if you're a farmer-will.give you a grip of your home, your local and foreign markets-in the wiay of pýrices-that you c an. t t50o weIl elsewvhere as in THE POST. TVO CENTS P ERXV EEK will tell. you. how to' selli your horses, your cattie, your crops, and if you like-you.r neighbor who doesn't read, the papers TWO, CENTS- PER WVEEK ivill give you the weekly politi- cal history -of your country. You 1%211 gather.,more general. facts in five minutes perusal of TH PosT than can be picked up in six months loitering at the ncarest- cross-roads grocery or blacksmnith shop. FOR, TWO CENTS PER WEEK. you have the doings -of your local and township rulers right under yor 1yan fbhi legisiation don't suit you can.,write to Tim. PosT and hcad the council off. if you've choice stock, or a fine farm, or best mach- vvo'JI 5 itandtheword. wifl hear of it through THoE Pos. Ji 8~ ~;:~êTwo Cents per week will do for you-ifjPyu'll let it. Thiik the proposition over and you'll neyer refuse -Û But --understandnow-tktit »cets Pr wek ,mtt& aïd in ad- mmwe-4n -One. Dollar at a time. Suberptolls mut ho palid lB ADYANCE. Ellolose $IINJ Aidàdrsit CHASm D. BAl fle~~ i al nzt LIIDSAYs ONTARIOnS -H POST, Fi-Last aid Awy,$WI per bail p ým m 1 THEPOST $lmoom