- - L I - - - - -w, -*7 w -~ - -T - - --7 -- - -------- - - ~---~--- -- - - -- r I I~~l RAw1 t ui ISMI L<Wt 3WA 'DIUW av.' f tem dbh7 upid o th Ll s c 0 have p fm M ht USPim th"sa.Wu 9 rww~Ib.owoiS OMM kem d P blu 1 w te off h e wgmio thn dineet g iM'il ofit vl e , su towller s col emmIl the aee. b mmod vubtna. umgiehd ho i Ws eruon l'm St a d L nbvsy, w OoyouaVityour l'ov >n 'î lite PôIta ceits. Fr sie lib 'owas . orlwayàà w flpnli. liiï 'rt 'nM& j Fmatot'm 94 oll~a> f tt eî~.rItC f he. ro -eo oPn L1. otmi# C dJCeMa,~vwet . 4rule u itl0da a n uq itn oe7 theBsasW. Kolm eratei'r.iothe *" '." ' ie n t t' uiRip he yetrle of HIIII»d a~dlu ht Ujee5 oveSefIlmbveah andî 'rhe mPre* I 01.25. Fl a ule s i.ýÉo ih.iî .1fo*.i..:'Ii.lthe 'Nf.hlVibe cielne plv. he pove V.~ :i:u'~1. ;.;~ 4w41>.w ohththemon l les md aniovlam i I.~~~ me Ii u vin ltno th bse llf& T h Morse. Cesil.. beup nimber o h n.!de la it eau' locit 8OL~ POPRIEOOB 'poùar.lltudthé ylioomlkTameue m.at J,~ ~ u %.WP£0..~f chi'e bsle we ; R SLT.PNWiI4PA I n? iateIn W.AS VOR t4ve fifR.- ç% - I m'o1 l'ut Ctem«*, Th ffl mosnge 1~mes < . " ?VPiforto. wileme1nmber d ete t ina as atibute pvadrtlu of the emdlnery h noumerbonde uofitue ou t tut lîisemd e.p:bie tmm Penel SELLIand, othel:whh theyeus f a Ch to arm mil elï diooý ý#fr.sî lréýni4l bmldtfd essteshongtt bluti on arrfint o if, rl bfro es«an SI oeeveyIuan m %eu?»Mies Agflec?. 15 spil eititei as a hinrouu nald 1 Tb llliatloon g e ourse poseof m entà"Hf er* ofthenen4 of» hsu id îy Ami the nd istlau O/'It pv the êemidbn - ofpoplsu has 1,gI.fi f/ir f >tr ( t itifiberat -Thltt work, lx bameuupen Kotiu'1Lte I>IMrIof. etLut lher,.am. preparpe by Prof. %W. Rein. seminary direcl at Elsienaeh in u Germsmy, H/tfPîtee .V>D ,tid div<i.rtrantalate<i and edited- by the flev. F. tP. 1>19/0/Pf i'b<iee>'q PVq'e l flhv'lspr. Brookyn, N.Y. The, memaral AfS. l ii j». (» .4-tr! clebraf ion of th. tour'bu ndreâtb anilver' 1~., ,i, 4are of I.thietbirtihat excIted à word.- wlde intefflt. Aide trouS:-&aIl relIlome littoral .hanaeter aota isIl1worthy e~~t$tt 18e«tl~. àg. of sRtidy. To prêesut an amet lier sud ~î poplàr repord .oftheb.titn, whieb at i e R&mme ime shah bWser t adrellable litthe im ut mii volume lsmai.2 t, sit làvsluéb1e MdlIneniun1un tht tvae -volumes <not the endenoted work isanet! lu !one volume ln (.erviany and asnnouneed LIel*l~Y.i"U!AY.Nt>. ~"'~"1jfor publication n tie es cuntry> ortICeèsU's e~t.en.tve orh, utting abstruseit! LJTBRARY NOTES. teehifîa pfntA o f lmerlvtheênilla. eeesflytrrausii u clem n. e tc,' 1,r-eî ~' <sr.'. îBstt'. Tb Ilt' of un.iat snbjset in mie attraeîlye a-tuas -nut imu. 'u hIcltI<îuîtleîltit muisinner that the int-eeat: neyer ftagi%. We fa m tlA fi-; vo i rpujîmetl ir-c ie ,hi- Nos <inher 0mtty rr fit' 10i11 l ot prove the btiei pop. nîu*chuV iîiîc't ts, ! -iCr% mI '<ly lhennI. uislaIeof tise jtreatreformer civer print- ldun teb-* n,!li'eh languis«e. Ir l laprinted aui .ii'ýd lb -ti>iktntioluu. itratlrutina are re. n.-,V n & V gat'Standard Jibrr- mcurkliy gond. . lu îa is Il' t hv a.telîpte i . 111. -Pucite 2 Cent-.4linPapen cloCh, $1. là? r ie. bifrîli on'-.(if the 1,1'i'nc. k Siiuth# 11RîIi'lt*. OR N$'Climtt-< York: 1i1:rr.îi's't'"M<mttî,. hoctoncil lo'enltdtngthe -atxt,-.neventh volumeoai - t',c ii1- --- -i -ie' îanîee"'W agazine, lat ver> rieh In illustra- - é* it surme> imu! a tc:îi" ~c da'iîînie-ilions mAnd 11cmarticles a"e timeh ldetr . jtaisineg Ther frotmplfece, lht@itvasnn #liit' Jîhsia-Iit Is. ie,' ,i'i'1(ri*--'- th îe. .iii. c du-f & tiWl-nzl>y îE.A.Abbey. "A Vaelliffoi thu e uitT--ii; -i n-e ii >'icî >C i-c tm veimt" le beantitully llusSstw vih o0; - ir t - i5et'. wlii 'Lil:'a frl-ct' e vofOsiMnuis e~ h(.iîcIe-, ifl.f1c c. he' Tr, l-j rl heiime. of A Âtite li4ondenare avePnlit tftw-rt. If * nct hfic- amifer an i-e eroîhor ian article >y .lueeh fatteui. ltietrateet hy alci .' mlsi-ttcr. ui -ý -%*-,2 --tuceect ice- p01'Snltf4 01 Le-toei ilues, MilIIl trtni'e of) lfer - cwmiirtu i* l t cuel-qceuel ff.I OlàXbfos ANlima.l<aema, petrie muâ itî -'clr'ci i'cuh >iuî:ccIc rîI Ieuk lrkonier, alii iews of t-bett' studios. p--. ) te'e> Ii -it. iàIle t---liia 'ici ï11t eIre- Thfe lait, capital paper où the new NMetro- .îciil,~...~-ueii. r>~.meam tame eiI 'eim. pliras opra lieuse, Necw York, prestnsey iiii;iflet and î trii.îî. PI... t î s«'l elîe 11 ilainvevM>qovùfthee Vatmj,, of >U<jle'.~tI'e>it-,..cnnk.lot -I Nw ) n>e hy tise 11itab1 wtth illstistra, ha-leENit tF1ice:eivf-cî,-Su. 1Y.-nu tl t,. Jhou. An.lntevaltluig bit!usapieassketch ilet andî ottIi-ýr-e. 'r îsaeî1i'rafle-e-. f ': f c- ttecs 'iontefiOre, the ,ie'wlth- PhIl- 18a\ - ut-hc-lllmt, nov ie'rtrluponbiti;one-blîse-- i'îT '-r.A -t-erii <' i- ae-Ti ' .i~ et le'ith year, lit ceusrlbitsd b>- Mrea. ZA. R. mevil.-euin-I -'c.c'>u-cuo -e' Itr ,,P'e .(tNitmlon wtth a portrait anid Other illas. led . "OaitChildren'sJ3odlea," trektire-ior- 411 -l'tîrîIc~u~ tc-, n - -a tei rei loul*~iîaly 4t Romme- defetet fotur boume ande uieueîiv <f ii Iri i-Icete#'nfil itfo-.t t-cetoël traftfîtpfflId lta sngeatloisewlhi jet -itîreM'r &Pi I M-~?dei.18"<0n..command generîl attiatn, .Thpre-taiqa de a' --: lec-Pur i. eu-r idel hir(lil1înd f tiwmywith a- cnmpl: suie!Fwpir n1u s- elti-eL ltll uIeîe' ite-t fil i- ,'iIcie of te- îmoasuvniraeta iivt!îîw iIé1 r:onfil advi--tl.r.lali. of an i.dT -tl-l, l Who i-ltirmtud ~urimuilc1. lac seel-il uane-rudmlgeit iis iev .pteftileof the uarcotie i.' ie - - - ,ci, luemp."-luila I lfawthorn-é intcthlitsé . to i, Ate rica cdinx. pucile tr ram the ethitltAfil Jalleeop mIa entiiceel te ela ltg ituli etcof i uid uîoai eeurt - l'or 'i-île fit: l>.ritvr e4 ad PIemt . I ussîet a n ull of ptulmerl'meteti 5fl lic: Cîtut-smuici-ici 'A.Ace*,'Ih is !li noumueilment ai thse tcruheomig hrlmtmse ( 'uu-Uîri-1 u. star- TIi pe--"cY 11u1 wrd numbor- tlise repulat'riawue for Derembéir- Ifi'-i-tt teti'.lui Me. tntewîî 1.1 IAnd ofthe lendbfilzatt raet¶ens et the- du*g 1 f w, 1-fitiewili ell lar pns for -flN, indieierteïoupuucpose M tufi 1blrý eut hpv¶ceeulc nvfIn -inth-fi uly e maint-ais lice- ig oblo aces file ts!,:' a uuîe pcc.ifytctt galltti.f or'this perldici, but ai-eu t lli flhrt-tmt. h'a'tl 0fsose eetit nieud.ftrfhr arane-itMladurd of literAry, in Itee Ihek i n f nini ;t l'td gic)si~c al î otr ther..mri-leic- iiti-4lu ofc <1cr. M-kn #t Pt&'fî-FRNCVIIUI.î?s vot'<ipi ir of aith.-te'ei'a-tttcn, ba'lnzinie- elseeîsuccenaiaeeea the-fecs- t»~lia-e.uvîhleite' .eîftmiî'-t'-l a îu lunes wteli made-i hé (cteber riunber ose- *I*tteit*i-celani is'. lhI-i ii crft iec' e sstv <ii>q e îuua ete. Tise- menal toreie, j4eti 1 uorTt'pieetli. iukst'--iels "htwo new 'chapterid, snd Mer, augdi du'upe l'ie iiiht~hliîa. E'e-n. rolie cfurftleiI-mai secndoM haoseirof îtReeolimo .elî.he ihtty Piunk & N10 ontlrt.lb>a - tesof Romserdu,'mlti ta&t"»Re#oîn- t-c 4.o.'tYork. 2t!îrî. -tfil~l( ig-a, f tiO n on f tlinfmt0t dlIilll artIles' Pc q ~ fi.î in a bl«Paphtle eli efDr. Fni* tr ipler ockThcC-eittun '.b-l'lite' t reîitîcw for fwihie ilis perhap epitur etll>Wbtemtte ef ffoenlec-c-itp*t'i'~Manil îcVVlolls inow.. FImelsourtism ofte- of bisenm eof <a aV- 850r thon 5UW31? tfi WWhn -tpffrie' nte-retet for a1 ai -nnsdlnnu nV BRuuntkr g lerf éose1uîg neg t. ha*té te rrait of Quteehi VScmira ~îta stivthé-he-ppci-s "Mt >'ioietb - iev tflmiuteV Thbe peetaiu l lt-D liait J~ams e oniiuqk« hi sIde eof Ttmc 4lseur, lista tINtable- ltiN* dl '9enmt-tl--e'.cc-"y fhecc- cet g- V' g et!reue t-ls N.f..r ARnfK »I1. fî1m'U 45F(ut 4 it.Iriti.daiec.erOPrIccfi>, o thIie uue@ selwe mmuw owratô,ue toc-Ilisea, ,"rlt$'e a 'îimIil îor tise-1 eduea liisa l can 1 ulr onasue <di~Ictiv'e. fitrIiri5tff b Al ill ie oet! liq liseoutUesmtéO IruI art of Pti iri* h1Ift) luofthe.tct64f'hI ewoowlter IIF ct-tcll .iiq1.lo elwa "à1toAma qqel nel ihcore- 'c 'c:aa tiwhi-% dftýtie ie t- iretu lait, iti f sous* fwiivî r. tjn asés or# lw iWsoewi ppe pefr»Oft iiartuter.busi ..fsiSI T ly le fremI4v 1 eea ,W <~uffej~~ M"flm Iilî imfetfl. 1I' egq .:-ge uchoc& fr~ Ic.~gVI Pi~ep#p~ Sptc* uroe p I a p M n k. M e N M [o h i. e *1 if 1, e e il t I r' k P. 'r I t i r I r I. ~kw.#wbun e - - -me hm Cl»oehswzorsdm gua pbg ret YANUTGOGwu CeN."o dl u bwreeaýmtV, eebk. ISt1.dtme mo 016Wtati feflaàbbm.-Th I. of UtfllUog am p dnommdlasw1 lu 1 la. e offl w1lo, evos. oeuC. r ~~Mtawd etbr. Xuglémp.8~ - 24 -Fer aélé, ai t uadr A(beIe:àâ.w*~ot fflyboeow e, swnlme .dkw e Voint dwmM t e&ThAileguy & U.vé.n WheeWhaw»uulost tua .mla..v., flt mm- sca4hd t.UCamylof t41. neM- onu t moeaI W fea b oU tblmklsgaw bbot l o t«Morn ruifr& malgnt l USNgsu l. Hsecipt vmlaer ZWINNfée. iis Womalfe' tas vd LlbvayKingso.IOtPia...~.a 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ti tets Vr al a Prt,' ad m -o-à d4l~. of l. souJamespilson au'ehvs peul toersl 01. a10018 mit pevl ~ i iVd, th a bNs, - Poyuof m t utrm and oU àtI fer a shm e ril mohrx h it! t gt -esy fr e le g ay. H.thf - 1.W0flelmdApgesne =lugptou. eatug SmVStoth eMPdiU l.The b=aêmglb rbetth .rw Uh .0IWIr the uiage of timn~hCbrheut-t."Llday. bt e tuutbtvle4. mre ttet -TheSi ciAmy.reseleWiilson, .CoaL asoi for, & vu. eobmvouvlugl flas faur neff a- Kngont o b, i eu, lle 0 h.'THNJS The csp o nm ber ill eviie t thde tsié.o --ýlm %l b tof1» t~Iof dbothebo n s. fetedb Telge yiiaï,be au tfi troble whih 1isngèm.d tro ey:r %cwhfrh a t IM iprinpver- 1sdyNeua the (wrv te the ti- and lae fm o o lrnie-ehat sd ero- te7Tt» E h.epbfoe IU.LI B *ucL. I SPECIC&Tor N'WOEX T »EPFlmEDoN FEOPOSED DRÂrÇ The." mgoda arouwuneavcryhoua.la cin he..1 pace2-0 feel suide the tîhl1 nirtboftthe-drain taTi-t b- e ,, - - coauntry. and the mule oi wbici vili biig )-un IAtcacles in the -thape ni loin., brusi ane ti ' ps». auad a space 1 fcet %%c ite o-: iD houiorbly, ou'ei'-e) a day. suitd ual occupy ce-ttre lUne gçruibbetieîian «,t ai -tcîncs .and rootsý. more Ihan hait, your lime. Suilable for bath i -)Thîis train musi b. ecav.i-cdin a atortice. with th> eitî.tn -lauun qe.- sexes.- If> oudo not moWw wshtato graap 6"Yoccr miet lie 2 feet wide on the bottem utad Sk-cal on tht' top, mai ob..tac it ruu:a1 Lt Ih.. Fortune."Unly ahowtislip 10 a fricuit, maie Iboltom anud tdes liait cean andI nmooîh: andctip-ningu at ;r ters-a!- ,cî .- t-try h-:- our tomait'. tisat necdsa helplug hanit. Thisuuay i ta b- etou each side. sud thc earth to 5e trhrowa back 3o aà to it-a-'c.. b-ri u! i be your.last chance. Dnn't delay. î40'eov-iy.l aidie bel ween it il sides oft iraigi. .A W. KINNKY, Yarmoiîh. N . 3. .A eul'err l te b. b:..Ilt arVste Cseîeiosit on thelin- o! ýtn-waL:f-, -- --- m cut suis scmnk level %virth e hîgcttouî ut the'(drain:- idust bit20 cet -ta ti. t a. : M_-.Co.,- 1 tee? inside front valito wall: it must 15 hamili t oti. s. ov-ut! i i*"-mPht--T . - -- -~ __________ I ie>,' .t,-sthan 10 juche'-ttar u ien re--ii.and ',i0 -it ta -:i 'spiked or pegged tallte top pîctet.& EAR)WA11e. . T present culs-crt on the Midland lal'unt hraîaia tî %hiul ht- utr.t.:;:, - ieiueredat the bot-am 2feet and refflanked. if th; pIblunk now tiiere are nox i (lose rutting, and elearinir SIS roda by 1I rads wide ...... .... ...... Grnblbing top oi drail Sl. rods ry' rod wide .......................... éExcavatiug 818 rodb of drain 88 feef su topul tect on bottoni. at2 ~.<it luches ....... .......... ...................... Làôweriug culset o lln llwyctad plarng, cboýti-..i...... Building cedar cuivert at <'entre Road.... ................. Removingdrtft and stinken timbcr trom bottoni o! iuns,.-(ce tance of about Yj rcxts 'outh-wtf!! t rem whert: dralin.!Iter- ii tl 1,ton-. EngiflCe1fa expenses. ........................... ......:... 1........... M...................................... ........ ....... ---- T - laprci-nt tlt- tvcter 'ronî oiovns. it: and att l>et (UcvS-î on' U ut At To tAc ?df&nreabave in stoc and Ioti-ftte a waff" -tST o proper1v adjubted toa aUow the water to pastetitllCer in th't - .ew elianni. D5A5 Smu-Ifo.'ig léotrolid tIbia eere camp iC f 6. "ihe proPo.ed worl, ta bc exectited according T'c-the spctr Lluktiun. anud :c. filaherts hal ie en vsitranWeffricaff.-atrait h-e. À& and kicrdeas described and sheu-n ,on iacvouipan.%in-. Putle. ii lto i;;-a: frealivry hlandtieau shaudonse!,1 iatItenalonsdta &FP npco pnntdt ;,prnedthe worI. wo vllgte ecoxtTru"iaa obtili tb. ate la tlisu cam't151 tey omîgrbî lie pub. sIouîn wlli lia- final iti case of uny dispute.,rsnt llma tlwumb your bures.. ter the brusli (f nyAiso a il il"nof f 7. The îonrravior to bcretsponsi 'Ie ror ail iIardiager.cdont- toa:iun :101o; Pho liye flfictifoiwitî h iis terrible dte". amFor U~ScSu u e ~ u ',U.g nucyfC s fl in i .5 (mplOs3lîent <turing the progress of thé- -aid tîoý-. tht ,puu'pon 1 i lbelaiWoct Famnhtmn,P. i., laiters I S. Tit- centl'aritr ce-ise mon hly paymcnt ofo! 5 per cent. of the aioiiiii trcuuîl lb. ritred, mn.»,(34. Amnecets(liartitqr.iCwho f oudsalotisecI tpertiried: the balance ta be retaie-c totil the tontp:ttiorl o,, th- ztra t, a4 4avgme he Mtloviln«,fcti.. Altercalevere atck If WvudollImetoogoodi a"g±comparison of pis, . .the flnal ceriticate ot the aupcrintendeut o! the weira. tkl iose adat-ila éti ttlit i - he contructor. if sa ret-uuredtt uruish aooncl un uftt-u ..- thi t~- mnedical trefatment ffter urneCiay o le lmlemo ù ad lhe lîia. nec.2zlm th h î3ri vti 1.npro roi h iat.l fýzn1 h nr oainit fint eit allow. when ilt pbaysician ahandunmu &Il - ETWL EBNFTE YMI R.N ilope' of his ren%-friy. i il d.eectCed; ila ie at, reoirt, s u 01r EO LANDSTfl5L xBNM TE 3 NT ta t ry Kendall' ' 1, iCure. Tht. renedtay, w.aà lo- . fl11a1.t7' ot . i .- - pieae.iiiternahI3- tiithe throat. anedafler bi*g lnt e.- -Vai~uî~lle o off one-hall i whbwater, wtot ic ite s grgeCon-C(n. Lot or Part & Lot. \'.- ;:::Con. Lot or I'Irt of iLat. Malnmg thtft lm'alnatt.,bot. imai ta la ii.8cree4 jIn Y~A V N( . .-- - -___ -- thélo al tesmed ni.two dréjisho aw ,botter, anidin Ile DF Q LS~tf 22 :11.110 it %( On ' .I î. tho eek h wup 'Aa nt - olr.emi t.N 1-1 22 u.îeeî 1- dolle i Itmaawek ava .riaa%1,rsîevd-n Aed .flyté"bano tafo lr'lnv ,>: T a o rTwSHr OF JI RA. >t'lit LI 19M i IC T . ilavinst lhidt rnidenfihlc c->perence, wifl litt (1 g.,i /lu fla. a<»<Wý>Onq l ,,i t M> fet Jù<g'jj>p4jp <f. Fi,. Pb!2 3.*.! :' T i remedi amRLiit ,m l Iii nt. end knowii,ît il tac lie 0-- ' t' S tf201) ; .00 .256j 4-1 h?;l E ptir: W verni valuutiI, for tnany.)if lic laeitl.nut atnente . Tio7effl Si..'IliemledI uul Tdtpe'te ;-(ÔhiDia*fî, <,-j8N ! 20. t;-.0O 0 ý1 Il (0-poraztiotai u.... 1'wbh ilei.ka Wlibe litMt',iîl oitmuîeh ictarlled ai îe» h' em' i .0.i %vel.1ité a, MViIe'ta finlîrtIl 'culi auimlinli-atejd Ccame ni 'X h LS . 34 1 Lb.cama dthlmiIe.t u-a coi. dhiee tàlaie rnviceionýlityawîopttd iliiTwe'nty-4mecd dy ai Septenibor, A .I81-. ___-, __ *- - bafllnrleikit othebîse ic,.tose, tnt ~ NVIF'RRRAM. a mîjortty iun. muilerof lthe ounera s, aos-en fl'rthe last raviqed Nestcint Ae>tî.tEr.te.-tlonT a !o;airtt tt1atc wta ina-i' mmi uf<carvbhetrru ndyong îmale 0 ll, afthe propertyhereinafi-erset forth ta ho henetitteci by the'drainage, have petition'd the- i desirable: uestimel vgrave. oncil of the iaaidTantLi a aa h oméi ol as h'ncucavso> of .4 etir e.oi b.. histtonv and siteenoflg t lw or ....praying thal teaCltiaih-t M ane'te -. '- .Qtép g, atn i awfrtho il age of portions o!fI..ts Elghlepn, Nineteen. Tweuîy. 'iwenry-onte . 10 creorarenacrr. -y the sî- ti.wn.::uIi ico .e,. n--upu wu to nt ait'. tuImm bs Ii, tg rIMni envd >tin iandIwenty-two. in the 'Mesenth. klghth. Ninili and Tenth Confecssions, and! lAts Tive j'hîhr. t*he provisions o!.t tica, rOne int:urtand >ev-ert;y-totur i.zthcUi a-: wtt Imisrsld l luis >0 Itittetn reel'edlf torii. I'ourteen. Itfee'n. 8xteen. .i3es'entten. FIlgleeu and Ninetecu. lunlte Fighth Ninth. (Ontario.' Canuada. I watt pleiieertotIfnd iL very- hit'hlyI>Itilti 1'rntii&anie! lé'cnh ('onceteimmosi ceie!Townsehip. -ît r:rîesi eot ln u -'tia.-l :e.tc. Iti adu: ni cythmi aiwtnmI nte.-en.cnle. hA c i.Jii. f Ax»i Wusm:lrzice the Raid Gfnucil theretipon praeîîre'd in exetmlnatian ta b. made by '%. K. ;conuecteewi:It bi mailule- andd tontrui ted in aeejrtianct- tme.re.-wîh. dueineg .narkl Ientofieloi effect.' wh.rtve" c.dafiel aoit.beiug faperaoton-campegemî for mttea hpîrpo.e. o!flIce sait! loreality praposaet! ta lie 'raineet,. i 2nd. Thathtrtv t the adTwsl iî orci n ii r- i ,tttu: t. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ se lo.teee .me~n (i rmls m ias aimeoprocurafi plans and efriiateceor thewark ta- be madle by the maidtV. N. Varnolti. rowalzilipcttMNara the masu iI llt 'iv hoiî-iat i-iIlcandrt tzn4i r1iert3---t.. 2:.l Th ma Chnte hcUr -tited tilici, arolativs biami tan nasiiut tb i madle bY tairaof the ?mal prpertr ta lho beneflîted hy sohdraitag.é t_'fufndis nerrssary foi the ,vo,,k. aninar iat-io tue dht-turi-soft: lit- I A-;w-tI: lltgdc'îgimuof Montretal gave -fi instaence -wteroe t entcai iet,-aho rauage p rporondof antiilot ccr portpiion lIlsledv it cou- in 'ut 0 heeo.svinet t-rwt in - riat. rd tivt' pairertn. nîîurann:uîc That hit e tecranphy, o talw'lotionnt îhla At Bir 5.,lafnlIho report of the sait W.. Varnold inlac rt4es'threof, atnd orthte sali.i draina at euîîî~ îh-îa*~ * > ~c-' ctro, I ieunhie! en.nanÎ"ni 1c. .î unoiliawo -sr for lf iras :iT ae taiet l, . m oupon. fort i t ym.tl;o-, : libonbtemameeetîru.eLlaii 111 cn it'ce lotin 7'o tht'Porporvtim nf tht'lta thip fslfurrIl Cure wax znfi iltirnueh %ilentli liemalleTh tietarîbe liviape.Žte 0r!e.îThat fothhe ptir:>: of the iue Tof FvendhFtur inuniF-u applicaulîni t ie rssedy, ande!a-. the.remultlLb.e !-ic O %vivx.Pilsa t it. yaur lnutructionft > osurvey and tlocale abrauch drain serais *ad.othD-thlltas tiirIleaati.-lintin.rzvde agzlinthe mm1d Tu c > ! . WU reoivp'i.anle ihelreat, touepmenk a. woad word lotei 1$*17. lIit là. Il, 1 ; snd parlai lAtl12. lunlbhe111h, «Ptl. 1011> aud llrb ('ncesilons of vyaur . tfet-nyears ait the raie it tve per (- -lit peiannlirnt hi. faJlî;i.i:ý.4 'pu L -.ti-al foreu i. nuhanu, e nlé wrebne;v,er lctt ncomiti. 't'own.lhip la conact with tisar ditaeharglng irltnThotpie>i'i treek ini the' 71h Concemqior...... alilother rate-a. tshali beass &.ianti le% i-, -in th,, a. -;-ernc ili'lti-n, flev. Mn. Iloin. patint tt Ii-i rctoticf the eparle.>. tif 1 have the honaor 10 report thal the salai surve'y andI loration hure' be(nmadIe as Shewn on the -levi-tiltupotathe tint' vr-niev t)ed lots (Ir-par t lots:duet ~ai of !the -îm. Stle'. lc.nile taoctc*.Icl laiittoliait ouctainectiLritclt-is. otllpainyhig plan by i he (Ireen line. A thoroueh examntion nor the locality tlobe drainéit lavas ntereSt uaaffled al:- tzai,~~runs-« ai-h lot or pa:rt Cof ltr.-pvt,cîtr t -i:c Z,. ficeton fron.t niieKmndsWce UpceviteCure. by rem.-- made amnd!. faine iilra large quantlty of Ws.ler tiaws tramn thé .nnirh-eaat partonitl.' TownshIp iten-qaorlmdit-u-prIuîi hacc.i..1a.i î,mi>..il inu.a.-pavimi aid raeiltçe,lyenlrii1h. iamenh. nciIi mii ndInfigs on the lland neiarkeid on the plan m alylnog bet en' h>pit u!8: tEaifenyssa!lterthue tL nL par an off il :- b: tw.aV:!r. ilstmaj: tt e;-!i. liort mie lanobit lie viff eoly 4c--tnt-.flood oif îthe5a-îî tcreia le a omsed whlch iat leu it water ta (G. whcre it l impptar. amie! hava in s suuterraneas i-Un. vaille of lhe remedy ancî reloctlclkeep il cotsait) ..chaumiel Ibrough the' nieOud cames agatre ta the >surface at the' point IH. where at mpreaas a'r ----____ haut!. ~the itand In arlcou.titrectloni. -- ---- - At hnîîgh <crlËIated ai. a rernsdv ion lapavins, roir. MDnrg hl-wster, tuweyer. the rondor round ehas»,noîlait sutficient ta allais-of a r'spidT cîj h"fentIti ciorifal cepeiullc.r luihortate. vtcmpmse v'olper. aned clometiuent ly 1h. wter rienses ad trcsanuîîe thf ~d giro.ai rnGtram 1-:.-r asviibuce, fo i.,ttasmuîegvo, .<anu~- hi' i praia [. or oPlart >'; -for 1 T-tii Pi:i e o. rlart f -r *Mrtîmuttbmiaaçthat i a& t foetui er femcqam a he1'I>tmet way Do doitilt ta have carieit off the vater vot thave bee' a n 1 ~e î ~ - I f,.et!:; mIaýL: r --- l¶', bea-.t -thartdge trOm 0 toa11 b ut 1 tbhot Il qutto probable that iunen doing the rock would be cennnn- a Wie atWepl ,'ercchccm I1iaw an trie Iîcirnnaing 1t0 tooi ami e! %v. a*kuneer thoeis trumatanomis nd haveliern ta henryyand expensive. Asi ci is. r . . i on t s ient li in g u att ! for »a iive i n itde rale u ttin g vI ii av e o be > d a me on th e lU ne a iopte t. s hh i eil; les . xpensiv e. a un d surie ta ear p ThIlmune'e, w-ali l'o! c.and sitier îcy.ulf nor the E have ertdeavaured ta place wherk, I belleve Il w111 do tire mo,;t good. sudlb. a.vaitable for I ttire 19 10l ) ioo -e at(;; $311.4 0S Q:l >2 10 S u: if 'W 7-,'.a- gemleman wth ctiebuic ltaceevSr m oifty, emoi pr Opiflat . 18 ii100 1tOUr -42. 4*23 Il m-ý.16 ti - it Cc! W c 1 ment1. Wigt 4000, tcI se" 11.11 -Nt.Johns, ThiIlminl, llke the nther, pasomeprnlpalir throweth back Ras amp. aud %will nodniat d<ta 4N: Iii 10<>-100; -i»S2 Pz 5 ~>N htffl Ibm. ifeuiN4atlitvn Curein si.the MOt Llarge amoantfgod 1a o leandtwh c luaat preRfu: notai mauch va1ie awiug ta t he wayîit is xi 317 K- :'10;i.4 0122 l!~îtc .cl .l4 tedtlytany elSiedi t»sun Ileir uhets, lai cs a, verftôwt.d#and the lemgt.hoa i ie tho *51er remau miI rsstaispmpe oile.nl il0-» . 710 1<0,]eS 7) :iîi îe7 ot E.11:1s-, 2. tin~t: lusjg sa« mexeelIsnt reypuîation la thimîtvicie.y diivera largequîanlily ai watlo raiotLt1 n11 ocsin.vcewtuIii id n t NW il17 ' te:i l;:,s3 19 OIr, 11110a %u3! n . . u- iik.Wtltiums-J. Ihanse ale. Jeoli"i, kaspe of aI Utiýtria l t 1.11 1 f, 10$00 21< 9 11t) ello N N - I ,.:, .: ivary- niable, and a goîttimnal tman ch eSpiacîilauî ex. oU lAt 121»llithelit-h (Concessioan the ereci %viii b. rlverteit. andinlusome places iollawed: Ihis -!a S: 17 %V iti 21, -si1 l;:r .aîzt 5 !ur; 1, NL2i 214cV:12 perene rWmiro tefiléeaies f nSe,.taed alitwilUl 'scilte tise aea1ofaithb.waterr and prevent Its a otop aver the batik.,' be~~~~~~~~~~. lii"e; Iil iu!' eeoa.ul ci1.toi-I1 I.- S II 50! 11,; 1111 1Il212 -z I N %V -.,ipN.- 12ii c 2 i- muntniuccvt. crts gelieîcî-o ne. ccisu.monen m7 to b. pWrorimded ta seeduleofa ad ssue.wtch viii in Dl! opinion lbe beuttitted, eN. i-s! 61'9 7'7817 l'- Iitm, ~ cpine! hi% amklot, and the applction omef ttluni. aSltiOflhile-ia'eatabut ,10aures, which w pr lae dtroine trsurrer... 1 i 4!NI j gt!12 74- 78sî hil s-' aai . :{c 27 muuM eofeelsed Iacotre In a feudayit. - le- tci .poke wasspproxlmateP.-d.teiél.2ue2i hhiby.ni I1 iofor ouaies, gilon. and clloi praduasei port Perry. sept. 13th, lm là ANOD P S t 5N 1)11 18; 192! 111*1 i) :,04 20> 13 fil t'harýeidiie- Te - by lbhi.cseMw. Connty Survt.yox-. 9 E- 5 Pli10! 10 :L OS 42 3 2 5 in--;Si4- îî ; -..-- Thoffil lim tai lir. K«oodRII'î Spoivin Cuera ua is O S» Pt E' t imu I ou'- îî pusriarllsrtied wftb.tha fiet 1h51 il lata nat -i t W 6 f12. 6 121 12 7l: ti mic tonnsa. hieiitnma on i- llouPt ItttiWMd aoi, Miitn -.wtdê ................................ 0 Pt ofE--16, 25. 1» au20- _106,4,.g24272tî09" parlant actvantli i . i .uoing lui. Sre eand cmi!i.s thes (lP niu t po....t .... m Diinto8roa', ri wd ,t% 1 ---r-i-- resta i fmu atcuittndicnvetgation ou the pari Neuaig'12 aa fdut8 etvd o o nt-eto aton ,averae i . >mi -t i, cr T'l intsWhoesopao1.dsmandetoîsutatoni cLot ar Part of Lot. Vm of <t nerr. ,,tc itIne i. ,liai -tiblenuseit gr.lur.. mttin5x0lupn ea eteRose! urpa ta Imvt.;r' 1.-r! Tuta, cei livei'f, Irait lifting thceliniment wtLis gond seâm> x4,sdlrm i.osaio I1~asot m iA.- P. liciàasier t 'cmeson a ualushi fe Ounrat nt mre thal im! a ae' ri;fot bst uclnaIsain umin di, top sait hot-.-- ii 1 aeummu way intufil lofmme'cmmkle. N flialiqM@ce bat ho tmmvitut e stu!'-es.Ttlmsbrfid aeevt.1.20.. 94,5 8iFsPt of N $102_ai(,,1>1s; 10s fZ1cils t,. AtallnlkrnSSpairwhes lise prpemet! drinyleavestue beà a tise crek an sof2t-et lu; co an'6 ts; 1r) 1c a-herow wl b.one-hutfIMMoillois-11WSpirtii Care. -A, elnbakmenrtnntbe ai uiieent beiglmiamd wtdth 10 pres-emi.the 4# 17 I)17 l ganleman. livng ini the vlctly>hSu renved a carl. ae hm tiioufloti -eoe hne fs 014 2e 1 5 12' i thisunie w»Y.' Tiemia mW inttasses h5t.1 icamus A nlirent se. osu the Kasi belvM 101h and! 111h cosins1 ait ation l10h e 40 i . N 45 21i:l21Sa-i. meruvasasîîrpussmaesonf -~~.I eb-bhiItelîhumgh sixinsdehWUait e*athmtieendi snit 100 309)(11 302 11 epvc tîmein eaeomplt.Mtigfoi' munandamie! buinî sll$ BunkIr lVel vt t lis- tuttoutof draim, ta bo built Of 900d. . one!cedmer IN . otti o 1=10d.11.0. cnua . ém thsy' ame but.%allette, ai whas Hiniertramfait oino u bvaidesntsleustbam 10 Incite mr-p Isie bn desmei;Nî 18 .34 17 11 7ot 11 lt, ~êe"'5e-<uS sel i*mo v cbjeon dt ob.ocovered it lh ammie aterfota. Pm'pcl12p1e i'tif)1 Ie 0 111e74, P lt 1325l o i l 'N7a arilo.Codx*:otefre fCnd hi (uialen amestise rosi bosnen tise 111h and lOllu ('mueslous, antaude rosai 1 19 17'3f lSeeJ,., I ch*mw ai etao le fqIMMe oin alaih51 he'eWen.LMtDlà m& 18,stationSgr 'lThis muas hal e s-tit inlenatu au the i ÎÏÛ - o 7ào i G 11,l M ool-owO areo vn r o lcawietuife 1 1» f mt rain. t etaeaiede ai t-e-centreroaithe.rofft. sMd retlug on,9 l90 L".211 0 - 63 Là a s i. c u i -t h e s- i e s a is iss 'p m é e f ft m -ai, f o r t - m u é n is I t d o v i le v e i w ii m . bot to m a i d r a in , b u tît ig m a n e n q u aa m tr s d . 0 f1 0 1q E I i W .r,'0. 13 I20 12 1 3 It i. alier wmbbel for, bt-t iii cagi 5 ie m t ibbermethe cl...av.............. ....................lda Ptailva W--------------------017 00j (iuaugeabdu"ieÙM goeMWuIo bclpiverect %Itaridt83,030 - 81,22 i 't 1h Dasee, ré lo aittisa114500book pIns lirand uerl (Tmitia ioem........ .......................................oss-------,I __î844, 0.. fiagliiUl57Ol55mOfie!teW#00 t iser sPubs....... onde ......... .lea-tWee,(m fuliy Ittuatrateel wm>mmrisI I UI& 1h. Tor the- ni ofpayiug lte mmiTal-usu IllL~ icca IeO £M.iWffoayteWylsuu a.51ime m e>plsan fToltnrn oliq )ýii lt tii Z c «dderitf i) ~t a el"Y coiutcr.heund. tise Alu eot l féb ami auêmsé-ruio,, a a Mmuet. be-clame eut Manieed ot fat tcaâ u ameaned fi auaf<iresmid 885ina1the saldroadsc(iftheti a lilciciPality. and tti o ittcl;îi the.eh&"s0aKs-Nmfase wtdbe-amuik sgtat" Infot flitamu i-ars lmt le rate Oai lIe percent per anuum. a speciai rat-u i auti.dio It-o-aatad il.cur iassi --s n i aeb oidlnIe.. of'in t li on#I tuntH& fgi'sctpvelus of cis o N otaatroma.g. - .a-euta tdlaesh& aretvoei, adupove tic heratesiehpop1 edats ei ont! i-II.T- bonsls iallon n ahb ' Suoi s, 2w5,taxes aie swueuUd la emtifsuiervthe tiseeis. imitI dofensures bave rua pr1nt»di smoitcisid ex. c1e a .teute ieffn u tes- pt 'g th. pariaieai fluleon&M M : iar t e Mte 0f li e @ aigownbs hipL u-of lus.01fitt, o s thrcaml',ta i 'hi bognestm Iu't rilbm at Sbottaons wft fotapes te aeue& - ai tasu, ! i'a" s TAK N TE« fflad M-Ion of eh vulb-oe tasar uitwn ds fo" thlj hotLtheMaRAotoni s rn pr<conaît of tise Çorpmratiou ieTwsi !Mta eeigt i :I!tl- ti- --»M ofMd EeiusPdW# tm- tlbrovli efili.ay MMi -~u uu éte ie au&mmd. dwloft chms mé ei m =ioozz",Wb 11111,14 m* e th les' M&aM' t ha" moan teodng ta aPPIte have auch By-law, or auv part Iheret! o ;iiî I. Isba1 Sth, onIvw 5 au ~lu It aI. thelime tluW uUm * 55w tOr su h si toite.- pltia te u d y r e r lt P mas thoerSof.serve ai natre lu writ i.ii îon l~ lt > hsintendtio 10aceapîii!c-ation.ior t hat 1Il"' mw t09 ncothtohlieeajda u t. ingté eu eteMl e11li luth ocr S»l cciC . .... Am aim e hM a etat" lpliw hrto e eIthheudByi 9 '818111uh R daAandutUte "I a-a el t th bou I.o tel mar SOwiSaD<am -1 j' 'Lt te 'ici -i1 1 for t h4 Ie k 'a li r 'ahi - bt E 'Île éi Veat .i rek -lai >r-ave SVîr , -wqIpu tnct i :e:r Moti i OL T Cntrctr i b rewmlbeùSail dammgesdouetO agjiuiiiine~ ~b jZ muribla pn19,'mtud MUN-a eescf ticwork. -thebdmon ee$aM«M theAmplSionotcent Of the aino, I 11 1 ENdIX Msd afien OCio edut. bubed te o teuiguirig of the conîrat*. Di,,., lits.cT M la nu ail mjo9 to kes, lu position thie pos mark1,Â( h 6f8" (3 Y âmg Mein lathe,.- Cbem aoey Cd Mamie. GC whvii>re- vau 7, emaly vcii h dme... (" t >uiaWu& ii rml'rt f co. Lot @at t iLOI MO con I" or l'lm et U.... a8hi19' 1» , 1 tfhî -1S l 08 00019 leu I i 'Il i 5> X hi 181, la <1lu $Pt of r hfofEbf l: :t BMM a8 X e lO 6: M 0! o'ult f h DhAA4Tts-Pr rflaayad 7mste lct . W 100: 1800 10 8 XlS Pt 16 4 16 O~10 >.:N *: m quelk of tonel1conséder your Urit Piano@s c..S>i r p. l 4 i 'Nhila insquaidby any madein Caaadà. The touch. i ii 1.j'WW go14.6.ý 0 IV Nhi 1": le reauesve, the teble laclearand reomncio jne h16 50 2 0& lht'i- 17, tha 1 mla & respetsruamed hem bUlad. zailway..... L. OTTO BENDIX. >N hf M1. Eqr' l- 6800 f Corporationito 1.ad a - j> Whl&N i. 48. IE; ,' mes a~mm s 9Ehlit5,.xPt. 1 10 LMTDRI F& W.iw. wiur. le , Êt bhtorwirti t 1il 1- m ogkuowu la Toronto as a mm thru, 5 05Md~ acompaii musîcîmu. tWihTu the Coyporati»& of the' Toirnimhip o!Macv To»SuTo. 2th sept,, 1891. GiYNLF-MtN.-Iu complaUce With your requer to su.rvey -& iid lOca 14 V~, w>., .Maw. ~ ~ ~landsinlu our,townailp as dewcribed ina a jetition signed by a m"jrit3 ut t it iagn. oftr» irwom& &00.ested thereju. Ga.NTLmuu2-Afterthoroughlytetlngghe Up. t 1 bave the homr tet report that the required drain ha bSnca el 'Uî nitîu~ Pl Fa ou ane amc iw manufaturing be go .s hwSth copyn in andh c leu m ukluga critical zaum- reua. tf osin te ran' a aeryTeareft] examina ion ni tiIL tlo tbudcanlem andwcekmanshlp. Ihave -hc eeghtmgtbable teoplace it where it wtotàl du thet mo-I 1 *!, mach xleaure iluat±ng that un aecount ct the available for the purposes of underdralnlng. foUlowug uslies. viz.. briflaueyor the treble 1 marobservesthatthe deserteionoet land through whivh ftie drain txtf.i.ý. ucetr the midie Pz apwer of tsp thacytt ufc mgt icliuing go the south--wt*sit. Làýil I'li.-t-,i ý a adt the %&auscîlme equality et the toue Isalocharinels made 1 r the surface barfcwac.hiieylu< IYp4j . thro ont with ammeblcnemaof touch. I cou- byIfetmbtsdterosae.htattmel pud orth-rc. .. aider thcm entltled tob1wraukcd among the eu grouud forwat 0fproper outlets. insrumntce he bidmacufaetnred en this T 1his drain when coutructed wiilnodou>t bea gret benclit to tke.hind.wsiw - *continent. Wilshng you every muces., Ire-' m"t! crry off althewatèrs romth tic noti-marwhichconcentratte utilie<'nru, Main. gentlemen. Lot 18 in luth Conmc..sm. frotte wh.nce t runs in a sotth-weste*lr dirt- i toit %,I Lu Your obedient humble servant. &JUd 22 luth, lOtIe.9tth. 8th and! a short ditance juta the 7th Couc<.-',ioun.; o wzat GEO. . STÂTHY.3~ ~ ThomPmon Cresi. which diachaiMu lute Lake r4incoe. GRO W.STRTR. bus.Do NaVu vili observe by referring to the pln that wheti the point A is rtaUn'1 L.i ' Professer ofthe chair aof Tne of the iniversityl foilowed. the object being te prevent the~ water rutnnjnge we,'tva:rd o. of -Trinity Lollege. Toronto. etc. the higIe ridees and! Iodging on tic low -landI below. which. 1 hai t*bt t n iîl:e* dring " jplgfeu, t Fuimmeus, .u'e~--n OU" PIo-I have sumare approxjîiaarelir dcîeriiined thle a.I of ac ~in th tcd by the drain, w le),iras quitc a ak o%-iug tothe pectiliar -ay the uI.... r..s* M u W t M lougnarrawridge. Thenumber of acres beneilcted wiilbelw"eween -.Ou niii~w: -~ never be et miiei value tii It la drained. ý«Aw l are ia f 1w lm" lies 104th.souti of thia. but i-itoo remote to ht . » lais aftmisi rOusElle Cthec an twhat appearste be a cr*ek Lb nîostly folio wert .- cramwaY Ontheroadbetweuthe7tli and bth CcSiO,îS. SIoaâ ro leudit ifwy MEIMR»t ei.qmuIsntguesu.Uel"thm CU intead otrnningparallel to it as.at pretent. il w- %il I Xt<I:rc-!zojie tZitetrii Nwhere thc uew channel is made. %V Iiti tis you viii ind pl-zransaasp..ciftkatzons~oi*,1 ;çrk turi tobt', doi W~F.TA V ALVE FOR CASI, or easy 1I.'ort Perry. Sept., ISUJ instalment ternms as mnay b. requircd. TiAY 10 .WfEA . tamis c UaL ut aruniavaute of, a laimb- nomme Mil ccmàmý phmm- MAN VFAOTUEXES, ZOn FORTTNH! if you wiII returu thiaslip wlth 25 cents or «I hrpe-c,tt stamps. we wlU moud you by- mail. Iat-ad. a a begnning. a beantiful Chromo