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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 7 Dec 1883, p. 1

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g'~nrwrnJhiu '-a - Ira 126- v . ~pouo If" rI. ccc .1 - e e t e'i e" on 1lice a t eZ,1, I' t't l te Ia tt-. is %%f, eti'v. 5W W ~Wd W W U~ VWUW U oow T VOU VotGT flAir wu wu.u, AIl YMl8 J - 3KM 1.-t I * -F Il e e ne cil il i utatoot-' tutneiletl. '\ l~ I îerc-nn~eq'hle.eî 'telu h flic lia-c-et h t, -i l~ . - 't ,-,'~ - e I c t îlh'c-î'? e sieîurcri-î,t i. dc I -' r'~I - le - I Il el i"îa-~ I do." teit cee-tf cm'- h. a 1h'.' etc'e"45 ~ h-X1~<îl< r-l'Il î<'l' (w-rFAsaa tue sciai stu Oeat farga te Grill sud Sa. Sf0011 au~ t,~ete¶~- Iii lis, l'e-. - ta7i.'~i Ct. - TJaxto4 THEXTO -84V1 Sawft Ara, Bh.tes 8h ~1aat.,Pa~.r. ~ro.t I «ev and G~ ~Woe t iii t Du fAe *1 - . t" - e-t l~"u Il". il I8-BOT ilI le : fi M(tai Il rTCN el, ABOUT tri-S 1 ~ . l "' i r c I - - c iliN C~ lit i i,e't'tl* l"rci--.!crt e Io -"p 'l-~- e t w'iT11.1 f, o in, 4n a ri.,, Ob ce t i--' ei t ii'Nt -go Ot t j I t ilcît-l e-cc-i t I l"sc t t elt t l- m r nt,î ili % I le, N.st. f vô'icet'ti ip'gf bu ta i i W-tac i'tcto il f, W- aai s'? if.>l i- i le - o P'c %t &r'lf,,cluce- -j. I is fwe' i ff bp ote an "it ilain't <ofe ri. >-Ot C-Sbtloy#ti f, 1î rewat'ih. I-ilt iouf'hm OP Wt n ' Ï' t'- alt-?s ia a t ar fittmuml o 1 Pt. - .1' 'k-rOTTCI. al>!y fr5. trou other raInuraIs, ferradinUconum las. lt ub"e.h.&lmst tuinif tbaiail t"oksa.ltrsll ud in ha P' mi-e mîgeb. CIL o oai-h-avmla etve~ r .trbe".t b.u ai le t thik.lav vas held oen the 2it cv.prun kaU*ti wi b~~~~~~~~~ée est 50k ve Swqm7atAuui dhWi. Accim-Â peuum 1uicm emsveu. àMs. Or, in hi* remurks, thonai ontcfefloiu uue vr le.'-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~g. ~ ~ AlP"Mtsaharie ug ameountathlie boUIWJIhaUSU&S 1155 pro- e a . Sm@ Uiihout on * lb v olai b. viiLiIf thoibrogtk115. __ t~~ Ef laiAN =J 0>."A hSuTisn t Àaim.yar brey UIhGopwut mm f i*' la cf l b. melb hor sosmm og vlth tieant te aieumme- Se#-" '.m he - . sm=Og Iic t t â a.lgg., IU voilai b.b~ the ZV b.yUng ce. Lot. s'n.ev t kVb .Jk Dvthe-.nJua.mmm.oa-c hhmmsaloea o Ufy tte b oam ndis,----e -ev.& . , e.fetmrutý u lm u.à8g amhs othu 1bes.pl& a t m, iaischafaig tÉb 7 u îm oam W ~wwam dm upn.md Bugmevlaama t s, the usou»rpd. ' M SU &ud-lb. N S 17 and I., - ber ai- Ne fé, ier rpvoui n . b. M S aîc T 100 III>- No ure u ou.w.M A ia amls. OX iolrpmmoeSattbumoelya byaum Uà<~i~ ê8i- ' sed'i. -- i i.-Msaumti N Saw w.DpVtsh.sespopeo laI1.iele iafi-notbar a ' -16 ~ JANUIL NIrOWLON. w mU- Sr. ' aae wbbut& hlysehib at uyrth dle lira stoe 0spIo ie i 1éS' Lisalep. Ds. 4.lUa.oi 1yv.Clnk w1 u "buRw etormwg log M«14 19.r. T-1 tl l i 1 F *atme hm m. vis.1- lbRa. li.Meu IJIbe isu rery iD r hitAtE s-hait~~Te CIO&- . th" Ou~-tuLiilM U~- t tb" pW» le 4 b. âw t EN i !Oli euman" et 1.U5c10UUsicIINThiapil, ~~~~~~~~c a aldObuoa tu~ am IUNW aTbU5W bné. Mr.tag om 13 k0, uuhtcni, Lt tuhwwa _r&_MMmg m e __ tfL -~~et ou Omnoaw vola Ehhom u oo a poupeut- more y morabeil hoi e4y -W o "&a egager. ftm mýt" wav~me~Ta gmrnn.sgm lhpoe ue '~ee C -A w» u ai~u a. tias. The a.tv-tidiraineet os. ui. ~~ zwamrmu 1a L 1kM& Ilatin, de.ILmt ILb irâncs U94 lo Tii. ceînei 8 ut lm J'ai % SNome& aloui, I ouumw àgà "va&à&c lu ow te i rtcoimw toahom j0...... T Mtus.,Cu e) Lh.vSt . fbbdo ym lI*t ayabt IIIom bMdj. It w» iatveig exhibition. The jdo oiih ~~~~~~~,~~~~a LL m- W a nuit sàimd te fDgird i8~j5j3~ wi* WIU ~the wuj abould tlaysaut in»s erly aq pooiMoo hebcm - _______ - Wr AP -o.om e aaMwt . m themJmmod m e m on m 0 b 1fmnbebigu u , t n e aaof t day and the al opented as al s p s AY RM.-Om. ~ ______atives for a couple .et hukaté the ricialmbectors vus absent ln t.hie l i i hemorrnng. thus alwu ml a-,_______________ T.&.LULx-Th* L w ve.ana agenteral 'omparison o oe yt P. .- ~of tAiiactoeu wm u tmM. C2w m tTh.jcs oftheshow. The ugeîsvs uwd tbs Mm~w ~ ~Ofi~~ ~O *bOOMTt&c5lm S4 N)JiN U eha" . ch mdemee frshc onside teman h _____ wAI.rr.u'paoeuiDai-~dod 40hr fom ely, hs plac-1- The meing thau difparuoea>u . b: __ timpie. lu Jut* tee a Ria) . rm Sas.ou oeU.A coert hiE ooUufl. G nCasxafza.-Th. oth nov ttehiBgl miy, habeeà -naledlmngwell pbeased with the popcso b lPrinc-ilI. -alter a¶ ek takinof. ait OOda a" e ne lion IO W"'hfl tis- Wih t.aOr"eaaa brsmshata ii teasi a ce tbwLoenavilie ai am& Ou csmi t 0 deu ~cit o h nun er-Id ostu iîeg.ilt . b *tlba a~ as~uul't.Suwa .dm- ces, Otha tz:à;c"eVictoria for te oa nyear..Otrsetp.det- - lIN a . tli u i a.Rsa u . laitm tbara oie. ulatoucher, .C.Smithhaarustgn bu 0111111h1111R W RÀIM.to ber ueoa iJ~bim «tr. Cltumuday. Te. vu b. mmmrd train Re lakes the. masterebip of ItbaY Public! .XI' T'. "OUML 40M ~le.O Dc 3 SU.011 ---three tw five o'clocký, alaS thuz addnmoou us éhool at a aalary of 30 sMauu.W.. Correspondence of~TePs. Z Tmé ofbo Ju UPRRR<yR by popular speakers, sa.aca"k pro- wtnuMr.MckD"cad- îMrSiAhuco.ab CÛVYTY OIiA«x Loix~ pea ~Ifrmmeth hit ot .7o.17.coi tonahromum set The PooLi gram . Ses bille fur powtkiular, but b. thhae both able tachet,. m.edngof theL-)yalOriai oîîî o *tIiL G.OB & LIITLt îonth hatIlo- N' 1 «#. c. 6.NOLtownshiplwlêash mmr ta go s&" ha.eaa odlime. PoSTAGENcy.-MI. Colin N. McDonald of North Ontario wil b edhie -Acfl aami f Nam ua. URIIAJi0 - geTfoXa C oneos u bsTuay hetitréDee.e.lat resi old Belfer. dawk bfflW wlh white = iapo<m Ns& e. 4, NMaaloifo_ Nov.mbei aogm o i ssmAý OT1 hsTueateIt.o one on*yesr li luf.i, dsrk mai. his wh i m ca, Wltr mcphuw4t]4 Mar MZ7 yLIsection end Argyle, %o parties wisliing to Oxnge haill anai wi.d Opetteo i@,g W"K .ola.beîlly: wo yeara eta ornabrtudled. the A muhoo3.id, Tiram iimiz, Kate e h P@sabacrlbe for TÉM POëT oma leave their IMr. E. F. Clarke, graudtebr~ OthV lgh ti ii#btsO~face and onailm o Dniu.&à dje, Josph SHO zu&vo.T.jaeieordeswith him or at the store tri Argyte t citor of the.Orage Snnl jlh i~~o ~ inomaIn ht 1Cox, %i Ellen Nswmaum 2Ù& Agnon publicesebool intmàt itlin.lait hiad one dollar for CYS!! new subecriber to I preeent. loitwts in Canada. %o merdlant caui get the laide OIUN yilbtwre.11G Puy ho colMr e Ialt, à="ez"M»fti on thei auo f TEPor4T as he wil Bond hheir nan sd' rr zCorSr ili b'ýhl een h ilfChl. P 0*l'o.4111118hwa JaermeDcl, tlêDsv1lat Der 2 st AttgU puihae ea em.the muuer prouiptly to the office of publi- l2th iu'%t., ty hi» lhonr Jutt~lart fr "dat tit C04#8 flie îowu Or cli> Merchani to o«Ilr.T.uvailD MDosld1 je<da short roman. silib. «giro caton. Re.lia gt quite a few new @ub- M.ETRODIST Missîcys. -Teaniray Tiachei Wi*tec._ __ -0---and primes dtatribmted. The.parmnu of the gcibs ta TRI PosT aalready, sa h. la w.I1meeting of the àMethadit muinr ~-~~--- - - BR('HIY.cnldren ar eeapeeiallv inriteai teattend.« knowu and fqutte popular among them. clety for the Caur.iuga; crui w:1b ë nI.ill tvane on tcoat. :ê Io> cm ti.isb. ebsafefl rt I WN'D.- eshr, corw cd~Sa of ne i.]ti aEseàoun.-Wê imaierutamaithat Our Zsa. Iedas , llt: ai:PerlwTîe LWn.d ers s N.1? Triîlh)perlGlesloeonui tahes1M89aSLe siMtcel ae PREEBYTBY -OF LIYDS&Y. Ulb Demrville. we'. .h bisoth 4 pffCum *atiqelei eltJJT-I7hasrase -hWtWtii. poau.l5leeubee.4frl ]SA B oa.îlla'ro 'o.~~î ..p. iiy;Tre.11 Wol.stog TMm Pretabkytery aILiday met et Ux. 121h: and Wlftrld on ih lh Seit Fu ho timer la the ldtm ~~ BilE~'Y bridge on Tuesaiy, Zith-Noveuiber, at IL, -ermons vill be preached talth bv T'~~!~ WANTED,-.For 4'S. but hîm malPtrd iaU loillui [Co ER necoToP.Îo r.a.m. The. Rcv. £Currie, inoderacr. Were wrîmed places on Sni fa3xh!tin,. ftw li.t. Mye remue amroll.etc., g>.-1;D. J. McDoO&W h" de isat Messies. Peter MeUMland GemThe Rev. John Smith and Be,. . J. Mac- at seven a'clock p.m.' _____ witb Ptien.:A PIF te, donne,. Torasop tbsbonyobIRD. B. ,....... - - if y 'us -A YKMÀLI ~ blIt& sq h uaed &t a1pulic3- Grant, both Young mon of Knox churendnai ,c-MhuRr i.B coad ato" la goob, uwalfor aponblie.at m"Mount Albert, aut as corresponding iner- FÂKIÇ UT third clan cer.Ificat.. fer the .'nNPRIeLjXT).. ReheG.G Ppasgto ir~bars. The. Rev. John Smith addreesed the dcparm - Ent L fliRv . t C. puatio cf a,,land adbse Ti. pbytr eKnox callege endovinent, srum-ni pdlsrksui~ ju dngor t. i. No i. e elen y Corospoforsotheathe -pro.seaion ofvas m e h name. fThe when It was mavod by Mr..Cockburn aahinhlil orcuc dra 14tatilit s alary. te. MDI>W lbetLMN IFNb. N. & rt <oiw.-Theli = got ig o agmonof the «~e~~by Mr cnd. > M.Rs ma gee-btluatfilve veeks wwebrouîtaad..o owa. ie.temnoCmra .O ec t.. rococ waa made haroleyb W e rge GUat, lu a vey amut suaii poîntedthe rs ery having ard the Rev. John Frt!ayjngit letw arcpio evc ~Ii 8iSUu~iildl~ a 3ai Can Catificte. fr i. . te loaai th. r. oek dep. hr.h s peaech.oiiMr a ter mmle a zrseu tab e ndshmtastaiafrteal a.o nnbrhp Ž.W h a NolSmerîde.DuiotecmmcneJanh1. 4ýrd;:a attet iftoen eWnhih>aknv:o taîa f the M>mm i n xtfond of Knox colgem.îed to th curch and cea ïkl RoTE% .-uT otel.ha-.4e1 doTg oLEcesud&asChHseore aof theu- anias aifth.conregîloinwihin heirmha îieek noar cf ii.enthe enÂnuity dicaireof he eliionspsoperty ! enbufdr haidthat the kforovth e a e a frumai un ~ m cd dnr 'aR WA TE-Seondcla god joue endsa heealaseeinte bm ne men a! mlii. caHanetionMed u rehrbvah o a os. i:f mmbr-nd Rv.U TEXh1par la whirhS.ha basolaid.the atter borore Lad chaop -ofrthe fat à" fa ot. Mote ievin litw. D t. A heaMar he d. profesmorgs a hpC ad cifidnceth" t hllRaicA. t I T. APFactrta.in hsaF . hGec. ' n mel.W 9ttikti o b oucnmt eadfrtedteo avnsaltecnrxtos ihnter ciiý tnborham. or the fai week makieTselfo.e lm atrkwsdPb 0.k 4>1sud aov.beiBrookMahianofficBe. G.dC.aPs terreoor*e o ppilty in-'the-o%%a r-.-r ofofothe ____ - - - ~ 1>LCHR WANEI).- ParS. oeLe the r he, a h beau long xpei ane ofte i sprpeit f h nSmhacms uc udspte ndlrvetBey. A. Curi Beert'onf bwonrhim ,.riia"y 'Aicu:hdoe u Ne. 7~ FmIt>-. iolaing ~nd or3maicI bulaemserparons 557 dpeii tact Gamerldg, Banda..a.recachli: C appointaitîmueîonado thepub'crasa caritosu. ui jes e cmmnc th lrsot' oUug mth assIulesst"reaykonabReYounIDenofthems a±tk e.. i..a.e. .Rs;WiksdGeebudrigtemor .t- ~eaoe vvc .4 Wlcyi- crneor salimet wigraiahm.accideon 'theResp.cD..B.d attacaidenteofkthee- PCIwoffeL.-Mss .a ur.utflurr ST ~ ~ ~ ~ ute te <C'linfat.IcI> MI.A ¶Vd dr .egoeepneeoth m'kn urrl ronoRr. Cokbîrn ho e uy ent th-làeu-':r:mlu aio taar iti tdpandeetaing lr-te sTl.'Pfl1.'¶ t.hoelan oe uao r wetyloda sce arme iiib. n heudrtdhccrdlglyby h odento t t~a~tet~tlst asi, ~UP IllLFI. ece'tr.1 ce P) lie l 1s-now dealzng luaitss.sud aI. COU D. Msrrrrrn.-aid hasthreconvrctionLof -- -N.e- trtPRnSoNÂm'y Ite. .I ..-a. C. K. l .a ese eldonter la thie hm a s yerok and Manille.at evG.C a r -o are! orti. > 'L.P- foi ' ~ ""'~W&T'P~'~'& ~ laTMto, ut frte rl- cougresifatione ta thend Ber. E. Coafableurno, EYt1ùRPhrI n SU- .Wer ot i k.fo the rail tseOV3 wua w.g..,.mand . fl .0 long lgexpr t. r oal ho ocrnt r cu Irre, ha e .sustried, whîetn 1 sa horo-ýurd ;z ",termmifri l H19RtAa'ai--eor.S Serice t ininethae 4 anîaimler rinaud t a ct. esucdccai i.PotIuebtgery A. Uxbi n eda>i:G-, ~ a gottingthe lrtust laslte reaisonpble during toe progrw.th hi" - exreased imaif a setousabot li oli so cfMs.Edvad Bîterohte tok îes, eofr. D J.MuDdnnB. ws herd icint' Theaniai vs bugli by1fr * - - .. ar v s'lA I. tatinFosal(. t ~ oarim S e b ela- tt th colie Teao ah mete. frOIait idoi.0Vusuppot cfîheagmetatînot ipeaE. .i A. .Nàatori, ANo i. ;ÔWL b uae rtom.a0.- 'ol.gheeIàsdasw ieso! tgura. sddaktost i tieMpoutft eafluor.is weh it .SAsopp ; aisoMr. c iirk tC.n. sGri a fwo d ay .tléoumne ('-TSfW' - Aplsa i.t eaut ana* sanal andifoineenialse on til- .l. Ml.$ îAM>fI'I.L tocetr>- Nrtîîî î. . rane In r urneiouTePt S. bra tea end ia. ldbutpendurcai ti.ely asM n n V o St nd Rev. Fs churh.Toron. Whoha sutc. îe< t te<î ti.' 'hîî,uî a eve hais Thie a spe eite re e~~dOtat.hoe ies tofhe Br bai pohit. , eplyfOhlb hmemssiowmit-ue TthLe wSÂfr the eh 1ot ei - -.doubgSusudlrtsmiTi.llo. I)ÜItleeo*,tle commencé,e ieomwha Inn-tii fon te, orbeaaito tii aceme or ti. ug. e Doine, ttthe -c-e 'tiI - lkni! -q. - .husianL-srevival s rvies ntYe-e1higva ou orte uhsl e takefr h aiit it hihheh.sJ P . -1.P Wh uy Ilerf. VAS ETY A"Leà Mli seretr ti-Frt-cî en P. lie church "Inin. otwuddua "d hwedethpt nsa wbid. Cpueuedte aLeUbtoethntexresS-Lk Sp n :Zv yu:4c 1 I3 bflt .C. .ld. T'itobt. rad ithl M" meet~ sberitln uing fthe i> f-lwis i l. tuni o w ie ates ap rovl o! i t ommBadi te te - e orehnd ew-.1-- .~pplyo MdN'YlhR ks-rEWA1<T. tm ie 'ur C.aK.d reacer' nd vas sympathIe ithie breAea pretlbera impporth ait marl, suaBisie- amzet I-n nie ncouc:o wt L taken up un Sahbatb teemnealu enta vithin. the bounais, muai ple'S.eNthem. PmoK. church, I'm ne mthe ier o& it. -D--- A 1 F-noon hodi g 2 d r,.ntcl m cr- ha" h moet n i on ay "k alb an.da he baiai Oblla a SoT ay ar. ales e t o drthai eg mtir n g- eforth t î oev FI. T nevel'li. OUi t 3(fira le monServ ics th rntirsewr st e' lr y, wl m 111,11fl flr8andInee W iti- lutha nd ppinothrfespondcance- Mr Ja. oif. ..hes bePost.]d y ii-ha t mrffl I tutesOfa. The 1*51 n to Dr'îe.U )h.FViR L0l Sftdy e. l ut. ee te ive t Ueff eetv oixn liT esayîey la!n -r5r r'. zuu-- ai C " x i fl S j % 1 p. î.er. l .L Leloaa..liser. :. IN1CI. fo bla n nalMnceef The Piat. aoockfy cf te reu a su o!hothev.:. C c pun AOoiG.haPterwara usn sfr îrr"a g;c 611-Il. CÔ?rcmtT.-The lIrebrigade halais their i l.iiii(Id h dncOTes ! the "dvarDeceiJ.B. at 0an*m.,te se. T. ILcen-the eetinha.~.do lOTi bu D-On ictnri. "À nnu ie inie Onxta b alot the Bnuervorii te prytlart tes orespecoktin. Theg su.DJ. C.Glcbrel w.......T itv.The aBri .mr. w.lt.jrh e-ne. ieer ho en--tt. Ol ltm at. Mings -Ca di opisaseaitii. te he eprteaof su lu -ifes i m the e i ay -spport ow us sclio o s tin cminelbyngai.u h. rc ut~~n L' uhe.:\t:nt. ____ opr e pholing e*'. fparscewlIasp5li.epr0gr anduo. ba f -fîespux eh scaSdin lits e. t was morgedaaaiMâtactionC. rg. wîe yho naymbgo hni styi's atellit ov. th.a 14t.IiBlT4ELh~T. he >wne lare adiene tht geetei le ue nt path andith eraveno aentslt iedvafs îaen up.pMr. Roedr Iri- po.at mn:of. Ta f aloo ie*e ati'.oudb -o mrie aihA-n' -annyolrtJ N f .O- McIi ta C rnt s n i m thr i e Bo ulr.Iinad elbiiof t h o dalîrthe ai a. vDr. Wpod-aps l e laees. pale e Brovin a rdl toue Rb. D. Jve bte il l kno 211r.y. %r.theohh witîtel a r nrcaii. otreil, viii dP.0 % ha is eebuhd o StraY t atn'te h ,bt roone tecaeSr iratn h rh.T ro- o ta sok Der.1. veino& he f te tie ws n hoples. Ater he ire badapel té l t. o epuy rous the home ision acs.rled. o:T hom H&RnaS.% couht ibo dil a a. Thery lam l cntIu-. de ewry Omyd ey. wAt a nd the f>5Pond onîderaïsd of te simefothe ana laux n Dreothae.Jnt'siivcshon .qg*,'siiojn <~j ~ fl-1I 1RRIL,$ I $1t II)(K ' D seapent y ot rmet, sieln a ad ooeaithie rve andmeettino tenome sIndecohmmteJ...Nols-ahii smdofr" hep-estcon ~* 5 [w . en'e.<i Lb. rt-h e f rh. a er le . 0 lu h vrtig a oefrth iteng r tak .te abilnov "h whch habas 1f. T. F.v -b.-J.ectd P W s T 500 Lie. HRFir st ees m.Pacm utchn-;f.a k nav; weS dateputiu part.hiesufba- 'eeso thecn e - b hall OUiunr 9.hael u n t. Mdobensovatie. 5i iloOi l 5 o.lt ay gniqetild. -.Th .dfrad f h agb -dtei prva fi ,cm ed tt h Ssubsm Iai lIes-Wei Geai t fe.. rmi. , seto l.îhry oos& T4'rNV.%IT-o v eark emposaed et h y onldie&Ss o! w hi i d ulth e em to v e t hith ba va h edg the to-n dov.ubtfL heth oerh oid e -. i$ nô%- pwlite ir:riAriw il h lateslt là 1nt ty, e. ?M- ta' ODLy ten pi unteriattchnia thneaîescioTheybr ich cen Ual but& argeNP jand sCvestout ot ai-SIaeefott v- r~j~ î. c.~ CAMI~AY,~mcâu tprs*an oran ldMs orcerother adsîlong to eihle kneslut a halin Santheshidvs moruce hlargay t- IbtwE vilIth escontet ti' . in this \i.21 ~ V.eH t-rcm )iits.Ttb ftfr -éiti X t.S t rà, D c s. JAK 40du. 0eý 3,fflt [Comliedenc of he Pstlabou fily ofthe rians aà rw.çibos -ei. FhCokdoctoA.RomG.uC Patert a-aeacep5i.e4- .e t cfte<'legio h u ,sien . ntda aihe olia e k. hlqthi lo.ne ne.he r îs ibs neton . daan, RobaILot and.pe Mer.. ILie. A - bTh meein a- o. ecefeu w': 7a~~quJ~~~non. tînt t oualcthlantit buest ii -tretn-smaieseiyesc- o'RAîI'î -I'0rV DgIn ictora--- um al ot nthe Omnaicipall eoa heutb sud neit andhe J. C. li il~ht b..u......a...owTheip,, A aild-Mr. Z1I M i ~~~~~I altr0-lite nr rata'ttex.Aming. npptessit te braaed trnts.atdIlater ake up MraRberetn lapr-. wblcbao -. j ~~~Nn . :ti ae Il ni-a hi>- r evr l arg1h. ads oit 1hovilsage ave heenou.ILBRIT.4 i»poti qt tiio !Drhaize gsca stin.t i b seudhp W i ~i ~L -~~èt1Ilii ie'aviy '.ao attW foWKitee an A i dupeaa tie- uutayearinthi rne basheennt. Thre S-Und noe of Ti. PoaLi-Therelclvean tmobysedebu eer- as aotdbth amiri uur. - a e i if. .le er-t tiues..tiýut iteon.eito prme. ,Znunvlttse---in,--A iiy drequiredas cb Misbuyetcee of largeor q"aiocl talen, Brnga-ty :onacr. l . t.r A.N.C-A -E-i -l'h ê i r IiiiiI- Vrditto *lit eini f' Ofo i lu th .. urcara rofute d.slngtthors voulas olueir ee aG.sc i ee-y .pait e ýfr> &lstio i e. W c- Wlhvefbi LIn" h Mr%.m(illthayu. C. H. m l-r, of theSrsa.t rhaal ervices timesdecfoua tue r.. ahie. he mon- tien ant hereps ut buy u r' i m ýArN- hnayol@i I lhD-li o u n nwýVd1;gd ise.Batiaan car.ral,.otîtUtbbsstem.tegetrdela n h rilr e î'> ylspiavu Ogf hiLCWîLardtounae'ît b iai îsef, bu al!c m mlellon aid mhe i- erda va rus, thaite de pebas le rwÈ ohu ais ugeîda evstembutwewllL -wshr b oi r11 0in 1 011 rnr-b d s. l yii# i d i lilm .l- o b y:- rt"' C a t i t t h ir o n s p ly T e m t on w s c T ed p k no t: i m aeEEýH i - be c uL 1 o ttl.A<l<W PLt e- s- 2lUSty.vi h U. t. ear st-cni ast re luay hmuable.ouhehuli served But vliat tc fthe morse In hc si ebrvud iebsod asmti L' c~n! nN 0h lànv - s e. -0 u1 ADR Tlrdto,îog aataon imny isprac reliaifunepradesw»&lie em», acrtanàryoa niute ils; vhicit tii. . G. ai: rect excpr oLn UV areaa t is esh 'ctaa Isecag uti.prolo!tecu. itom e ciipba~lu or a b. knoandoit; oy nuicith ercas.. williamotrme ie i4moino ees > tmss cîten ont mat rmantel Muai. msberraldanee. lfnreu.sircila vil! ho mansd avi l cannt ftie I _ ltrpaye h r ork ie i isuso hesis u rc.$I asgata n stnalme!tr. Termr aeoeo theadgraveNov.myetingaofpthe udlbvaodme iionposite uvai. b.nd exDene LF' on WonrAI'0\..VSi-ande)Altram eny-be rm in talarer s y he t gS ben i@ stua.la et e vile si--ono htrelaaniaimetne berenantsrt.it hl«via-Il Ourezmlntles. ttndacerb asetakn. and tkeu plcelu anurir l r ranedb>-tIi reveas ollws ~, ~>Iti ln#WfÇVYrN1r~AO of the vecont.Senor fuor theod ourete tf dicusIonit as nMienti hohnmlsonahil mepamn o.rpe 81 the naLeiai'T"ei." Tt gvIcuiui-îu ureh ui SteEtbar sev e ar.«hai.v ~W~~ il, ~ sîu weae hhe id m. D the oc n ie'2&2~ cni i wit aamliwhtepo et ui. nuer fe f .amailt lesygrve . wRogers, Wllle Bat, WhemIe B. lime. en tionna-i Ab>- MsT. ubfsar tat-alce AiK.8t-nc. sa cliod erema.cn e~ t)a'i. 1.wor-k c mpod of I grltheyug isontf w lb. h e ry Antid. a v i ih cuturalSocietyw»Thc Id in.tvas armn doubfmai c. ine.y r etud. hc cew.ino iceiee in ilJTp'entiLt,.othe htt Analeh a.bymi ee tsuh thr wui Nocmv; Alk thelg ercese saiand T- W. t we il 'hva.t* ib klcb AM. DhiAN&0li t ol. IIJ êvt . OIlOe iiata ot o!t h.vSil.thu me I . antités . id of as o nieS. usil>-and l vusoreecieaiata posa.et for he fido-Fr-------------e .1. CoI.Al utVI. Cai poprîu die au raionsuifor aflesticorr esmou ias~ pondet hm rautsde ia ult eetinr a v pbyol. D-Jonalawrnce r!. o.'.up lt if oof tlan eiepecte.tte Jat.ai rt HuaAe airn .1k .e B olorha uth e, orne m y t eubet < bhe rsie t 1'Tedo oudnta I tnt-'longerNaineI$etl ti bsrnonte7onLothlmen sarci-votguo n. - --- ~ ulsi you Movhufl teliedSuiirgons, m t d&es of the oli---- hi. uru±lfr*t l lavttW .C ~ eg2e.mvru.ce.I of th#% ('ou WooO. i. m Oda ue l i.lia... lE lb. emaytbng utdncthe n relia a n! wcould.es- i i -ze uTi re tUi W-enj1tt.Nl i y'0 _ _ _.~._O.AU WN PN Maripas 8ttou e. ,,~K nom ta li r abtisthermunicipe formerly. ILme aL fron ur-ot- yesno. baioL. ein moot and*siy con- Tii. oan,4ip.tiýtn ou-nd -ltci- ___ ___ ,îthrOauolasau MIs. rildes g,..5raud fguutinie e coure. ra.lJ. T.ilRhovassonrs huz 1Saerturda>q lutteceosi-.! \001n4he15 al%à saio.A f\ rs ait at t d latoir tis nerlaWhai c ORhTIN-I the.C qoor, snbuastion f u reho tin bei - , . - --------- - 't'a'e -- -li-h' »Olt# >i- rewae -te iai f.th -ag avil. cn-L M ER. McPUlerlyEovrad i.ty.sed bt.vry elvabutt!-in,,tr

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