WN*W.WABIWKWEp~~WRZp WKq K.E.4 -- U gaccwi m nom--op *fe4mM. umalmi, 515cwMW.1w ffuWtq ml m dogon.'tt fcUlIii lOt<>f l" w alto MW.- einotb W imfil$lff. upepl ~*su ui me aiS lfpf<flR1Y AtIOiint<4t'bu ?ioWSl, b7 IW fwo gnO~Mdem of Mie ti 1ww'f avMrqaflal. nd y* 1e~ MoiA ld CUI. *11 1.1 MIOW& 1 IciImEtnfVieI fs4O A vedlfna*pa'ctwholyfrmn the hiic o oi It fvertnncÎ u orfrfmaie weaui. mSuni tlendeblit. If ix auIfb i thoffifi pitt'lflel nnd 11enlIIw ton lé. It 5fi ta be Cî.t -um efoi, ahi meetof ther IU~ve folnh wKivyl and Wood. ('Ive t ai trial1 polnec.Wphe ~for iVfwb iit 14.recmndmdti XII dt»Wlia meif. Pcepaled noniry bt.hf S.fo ii 'm'cof l'ive?~(nlII,>aefu Pmplet1141<lo wblerh -ýtiot lSIber etimtt1'e d awbq tIOOMM . - Agfent. lindmay. N'o-, iver the rci%.n leréekleels t.Mbênjqhft7<wupooo. la iffltW etf hl lité Io biffe Lord of thy* hseial ml the macfh brfwlide? Wht at n?1niy vêt('f'if t lie h.aftt tintme 'lin fali mt thmîi hei' weatith ai wlll 'Thbu n mait rnfi r hm wbc a5tI lifl l ehouil<ti prfiv. whiiti- rUi. tkt brother t6 tic LOCM A W!fLZLI àw ltindk f I4 lSw wf-P4v, j'.w Ihc eli t1wu'O it léi Vm t i-etoubo W eaefi thémo <e1yemld fam.lcrila. IW4 WlMi b a04cflfteet hi>flneMthfvrIê *h l w!ttbw off 98W t dwe î t'twpftiiffe aU &lp#tl1doubleu béawM~hr41 tetif" Y v PMit tg »,4;gewd.»te ANWAt7ftW.iISf 9"*a <'!r~helomi 6it Mwtf w« im téiE 1611« m té willefrat ' IIs!IM ou Ui gfotîn6 il ltur f Royuriwt oup. <tua h*se 14*aponfef mFo .r mmluimt Mttw éril1n4iu1lm~ *i foe tflb1w ' tAftVefrmIIW f.I# bll*qi 1w mafwc Afm1m #1l'cthgreéaç s ueAmaif.li&-qmn -AI bom w: u tue u, WEIçon Uw Che" cfdiheWS*law e 0ft m reiy ot bo m&as 5bm ff#Ctê ' 6441 beu helft ~shunut l mist uomeoseut d il MMuy wau he md 'taieînumofsymoq uMd u lts.Wili FMOu WeulwuIof nIAImm onIAf dwthwig. hebuo tbr h Gfim" wt1w Wmw f ow 1«t4r. d by. lfrwt% Sm*.fa, M -99vue r. ap- obu< lb. ftt Mg f toI4 Our t 1411 f butindim ,Tbirlet m ot à- vélO iiabé 0W od f ilai hetOeila An<1 ~ of f5l<'aUWNe gUl'i or s" bth 0%« of i ou e met-111 émeu a t hmthmtW* -'~, e.1 m 1 an---«YO ?Louab poutMd ol owîle It heowuhA" teUe1 *1 oan tm-e i s yen, tundvuadflue unir, ii- tlomY ibir you v# meefflut umls .hfl5Vt0& pY~ l.<af line lv~ou G ihus 4thè rie- les t h*Ii le Ithe. amppw»ueSit htaint stOff .io- omtr at etththfesyel9091W b thé nau-gof sbltlu 2 ou- mmo su at oloSE tç"Ulm suitbeg50 htaujm- te m lietbsa romue fl~Of rbll Ai bi s smpul er Vuw.Mtoho" s1- wté uo rt1 ohiabustIV i g ajot~ u I lit st ii ~mugrm JO "-Mgf- d.F1uthv li __ -f oo y s01hi faiSMlî iWLLeS Goht» CUUfr (l99" Flow 1Ian,- % mmmLUVisLLmI r A Vrne o"mwfuso ~Sou bu 00 ~ laf ou-sS.!skS bsWu.* promIse là tnr'lmunuoooot e eil magher*eu A eu w..bem alt IePok tq r5hhg wwoowt dfui dve- su~ ifflMa" Se«W bnsese- 1iaipmotbI bte~l aItg "M- Dol Pr *-om lW tkob. ~~u.OU Tp leoft~ slim . Wu3fKewf 'g - ci uI olm s t'oagi14 of gSkei ot AMmi CitupliofD. 0 uuww b.h .bu ntru M -ébw wUmyflu cewh..8 le m whApmgbo a hm turir, weoi t th th& pbeoi a UVU4L&1'.TilriWe fsut fmorf3fS tewnshllp t Woma& un br*.u-4ta -o .àttd, swmilwuut-ummlot.omy oSBtomlu a. lai bll tfeuê ee cu, m boy oWb*n oi~I um t ttunv t htvlm., ut Ç~'1f 11kth *wiu&JaaC âIsbmeba &lbm 4M>= oyb& DSwtut--m. yse u1~9 f lniw vene rsutee ehur lseuSe Tht lulervieeomeu wbuehrof, swluuui eMl goum st-coml~ ouamswu.r lusvlg, RslW cm eu& tito kta mil u~pu uicet 9 *M by uoIIlw - - W - p is 09 uflu& r nom a W»i .ltai lut bw*ed mte gain li fu mmc Cvilm un. il A-~~I SéS O'r-of-Th ma i miS batWuuq *@Mr ma -Wr Thm k.ut-uêmue lime messil I twetmur fat meMoikt clor. htlu mshliiIwiltu , 1 rw.mobotemg &a. - t - me w --Wr ~ - - - mWlMme ~te tht #Au" t- e O u*mm O Sb tkuht~m e -un**u uu1S. ci L& P. B.... eur-.Prttb..s a m dmuru f..The .48uba. Um anulhas TIMth hOm U*I5S5Mé ' baàfàmte Lusks N1utuet wSwemo tlwC. a. lh. .Sgà t thM&tthe re hlm ~ ~ hpln Li hm ~BJ~Us thd vil.hu 5uýr ftum. oar 1ts tu iBrm - r.Th ..Vs ort ory Cm muwrmvwus *e fiu. k oI. ubl cuéWe f tksy viii a tms mo yu.d o Oum Comwum~umsms otT MdWhoar 019 tuiuv hl odeo awms y .&. C. WtMooo Avmvtlstte NovumoauuTnyug OM"êwelgi Tim nuwr amhamàplate lm- bui imrnm t t eev. 3touumKlamatt Iwuwtnsoieof cazte,-ThinG etest and am y or cmttu i th lfty orb~ and stUy evUlO=a r.let 11mb O te P jbs mo" Mgot vuano Cbie leaMyau.bvt sa u et lWuey o iem sut m&Wqere mmyth mfot. e hoaad fn uia&oomalatqtkUcn r Tbey -s. ouc tteum le pge . Erei bothe C'or uu m hffl. lipStU-1Paax. LIut mon Pur oW.mt U n coaeat, u ectm mmd 0,ta Pu 5OURpm i luoiA C15 la Y» reltftdtav e ae lo lu- elierAi b.m cIo dm o watRRi Ana domti coc MÂaw "in te. ueai om nd OMmd : ahbogutim ad t h h or the dmulbwàetuwhm-Whamte Bwanj eut lau.hd M te &Dlu a he alTnrffl W d.UUc, ~IU bmmtmmm tu enu 'W D. p L - b Ait thuOtTNRY zuLSÀX e h *Ru4T.Y NLrGED byls emuiam e asoe itas -r-- ~ - - kukiimuui* ~ ~- - ..... ..... Xas rr- mi CIEM REALLI C-IVI CeUp - - T le V '~ LI ~ I-DB SPRATT&KILLE-N ZWWUV pmaeeLwg Ar" ea .piOr«"*Nw f"r C~r./em jever -dw &V a Iimib.V JpN, bqiefo â e ot.rie. faprieea, andi before ithti e o em.fa & f<s8lidmm Ageoetmont 01 Crockery, Glassware, Lamp Goods, Etc.,. ww Se »M eut at Oum. AT GWZNONCASH- . mem .tmat that Me. Gwi. a", what w. MEV. beUg »W at Coe n mas iwe'l1 itonce yoas mnov FM1C.MTake Our offep SPAT &KLLN Liasa. OtMU I@ML-IL. Coui T. THEý PAIRS:OF .-FEET Home morning at thebraat table, then examine the olit boots and ame if they are fît to b. seen or to entruat the vau balth Of your attrF.?active famfilyto their Drotec.. tion, and if not ma nvenOof the I.Ma~ IwUmj Ou erûns, Bipperso oe Dutchae,~ requfred for the e comfort, sud then take a moders±e amoimt of oesh out of the x>Ithonc purs and make a, Bee fUe wi thout au ns tant of dèly to. the popular, Gap OR, W 'hothe q Mantityà «uxelled by the general quIiety, and the ie aut ta suit, auy resonable person. Often mwt giemore than the value for your money. TERN~ h KÂGUIRRO Llimr. Nov_ 2_hIB.-1I.-._________________________ AbortLea oute W~.atwm ovw HANUW Q~-uit Newcombe pianosr. SOCTRYIUS NEWOOMBE 1008 m* i m *Superiorîty of «one &.4ctÛon 78., cauMne sa1 e it , shw, k dd. v.wi lhaw et.r 1'a"a 19chuvh-t. amti 66 Richiptoiid-st. Pke& .Ciw at omt.y,15 queem..&, EÉW.. Als oeAet for the celebrated KAUX "AK~he fnmee Instrument manu- in the United Stetes. ~ - ~autorua mcug - - POWDEL F in t bl e luca i n f u l gerthia e ut nehowsi W* I. exq«Wl what tbo F powder ut» dO. ushasto a' ~ im om~~~ Weuait hia Ct hui jms.ad th-ete IL -- ~u-.m À XïB tHe 'SHOE STORE AIR~ oemm -1 lwmqfv&,&«Ir . v - - v 1 - - - - - - - b- IV AM p ý r 1 ri' ý eýM e 1 a-AM, 9 1