00 SnomNid uftb T po t"la. am ront &minel thce safeet, inicat »>i ùm.sl. itl invariabry eXpels aIlble kll-tus. hi îî îviieudy fur lbiis e.,elsi î'eetunmsors, si udEp Ilons .,tri -4k< elinq . is liifor il ul-iporçteiee used criIiej«VCl~t.lor ieorrupted, Ithuliblnorl, subîEbfl5ti,. -scroitiou ueral .'<rr~-~tiA'AtULAhuis eured lmè of b ,<',utered for many Yeraru. ~..C yer & C., Lowsftomas 11 t>.âI gglte, 01, $six htîlesfor W8 JIF î'¶NI)A B-i .PUB. 0111rrrll oîk, Kocnan!à Bloc#. foot cf Ï1vT -PA l.TES: ten cent$ pr lne, rI iorn: thiree vents pr lino i cemubm>e. ,;Lr !bri-verl;ing RatoB male kuown on \Nptif'E'A r local or otleer cotimnit, io.Leerqthîcu ltl ne, fora m am înrg tistve linefs. ~ r tt II tv4ry four inonth.Il,'rî1tnit 01 ieiv'y of printin or tirst inher M v 2. 1~82; JCditor suùd Proprietor :.sIFRIDIAY, DC.7,18KI. atet~;OTINS: FROM WINNIP.G Plit dFriends anid Ac qirnItaflas uMe- Patnte r'Ât eIorr.sýiPond( lr'ne or The lPos4t, I Pateteetv-t. sE;l,k Oct. :Kt 18$1 Palntej i et nt S.n~aI a pretty littie patetel nmo a limeistotfe ridge twenty Édiles ..lt-fîerW.ientpeEg Iiiiet a ecole îateîtee, euien weil. kiiown tu Ldindwayi tenteti roeali 1'etoer(oroý, both beîng lrom >tel4'41 10%'1î1.' - i ec-an Alf .red and'erg Maente Gn.t0eo Johuieton -for. some ime %,wrîaiaer for tlýe Bradburn store when, it et rt niti u .Ind4a.y. .Both gentletàe <'u-im-s,4 in Siçnewall:dlng a 'gen- btentr4 tn4;troei.trade. 1 niay isay tbey as. îteite *i Jtt t rade and, both are popular a Inm 1- ýi i î.ir.oîil le !là the town, beinig espe- ée war. ;:., atçîîve in rhutreh work. George, rumber Nar .t*rwea'dtnt> er&Isled With;well.doing. iîittiieee lluethe-abeterachievie- ud n 'uori. ir (r hit. ýeil, George bas * rw it d une iL, .and now batqka r lîruinî'u Ieý-1ra0ch of the ban- <> he :;rd' rurmit In the. pre' )-f i e> îerotie4 friands Geôrgeabjuved ~ r11:11 re a ife of celéIibey by t*ki dg o- rrt for wor" Mitqs Jennie Beya )f 1;1:ifetmord,,Onàt. The ceremocly %î;Kr.rued ly the lîriles father, asifft- i rother. May George'squlvei'be i M "ii. roaur, who -iome yeairi ago et< ' eun cen class in Manilla, Thorab 0< r>. îi vifl)Ca. ew miles north of ~e~J. -r et'.n tthé places m nefltmnedi Who çI¶ 'ir iiroug,, w iil lie glad to hearof hlm» ii a[ti .-;ilîlnue cKy. son@ of Rev. Kîvv.rMt<, ,at.one ime atrf TotL ~i,'k èdteîn, are in the rity. Ail Who h4-' --r ata.~rp wilL reuret to Olt. 71':. Jihnwho Ww .great favoVfte, 14 -1~ .v rt'i a4 v. interand bas 1471 in able tb rld himaecf ofit iii nov ,011 lg'tos. South. (aiforDta., for Id .1ni ; acmpanlon and nurse. The 7J rNlKa ywill returo LoOntaflo lu lis 1191 'e eîingee auo 1 r netL AÙgusCaa'ml. .4 ii v his ,4tork.. Ne reportr husi- si dtir.sarf%étorV. indeed, and fly iii. *~; .~lDoruld. on of Alexan- 18W 'J < rcf frmninjonaaclerk.. fie 1191 - *w- Tiy~fr t wo yeurs, and. a. moreý Il~ ~ ~~~n *ýI ;r~lt rtn cn4cientiotîs ltILe 1001~ I.t'r kue-t. When 1- corne to f46 *iip,~or .1fm a way elsewhere I anis fea ali7~'o atnxî*'y, for, Bd. yl look aflte 1461 **rêj, .-.t a 4euref ully' an 1èvould." Ed. 4s'-i 'u .ir corrempon<teeIt wa.ve*'the .8t,,r over hlm. however.- TSIIX oee *;V we ait fer 14. **Wh'V, sa,îd I I ~ o (! Vlon uthink! 1 lwumht in (-fyrn cof Cannln#toxt t f'jfoTlike -hot cakes-didl lâast 10 ',r rjeheveinjEut and 1I arn done. 288 0, Woivdle -and North £ldon. iq ipI ~ r..ru.~rn. ha came- bere elachteen "î~. asre~eiedan appoumn éï.l~ 1r int01P medical collae foriW&Mai- » o~'rera>iing. fils thorougboess V, où ;lieu>ereqas a physicia . gOOs have 22 rdhk.fé)r in the face of mâny M tu411d largte number -cf estab* 29 ut"rt; t iner,. îîat atal friendly, be 98 ""r <ihis i fdivld"aIty' and no - P<rm-t ire e meênd bnoe -in,<he' 541-' ,fe'er1011orýVhp a ahology'.l g1~~'rP ~.~î< ~Ibi ltht e sh but iml IS'~ 4>e eqc.r. WhaLagieyoulFàl Pro. Pzui* lf t, he eelbt m the evrloetes lb)r * 1rflmter lu cêlhave &H teld ý11Tlè( lone lu the fail ald se 000 m ~ ~ l'rbre sow, thon,' their crope-"Ill I ne to 1Mna êMcd -nMt affer rt ber 1C", u Taththe thséwho hare e- ël- ~~>ef:4 th hms f limMt I ey rmain st ... preen~ the ihifddI'e ega of1 411nno soréa il yacelimte, and 1*11100%- ,1 t ae.tRC srten thetI' lve* from teté< :ý .t.Yumg meni, tout mâd ifl Oedu~i a year or two. of the bord- tiede,. j'aionMr1Die, Sud vimo de O efarr.leIc t f tClorne ont àkw. 10 ~ bOthur ant u uL b fe ~ersThm DA4LK YMP LE. r Correspondance ef The Pot] WÉ GET Tan=iuHe, lucompany wuilli Iire othem',. drovo uélîin s afurloiof our humble residence suda htn oeut both etf his double barrelled puas sud (lisrgsd thsm with bucI-so. He then advanced in good eider, but willi sarrons, oxciste ps to i e picket fonas and pro. se.ntlug thé tour muscles over the tep ba" covered oi Poorly fortifiai cet. Callin Le Lhe bouse hi, iequasted Ibas that lie- liousscwa, useDirymph. aerrespcema ofTaoi'0,ho brouuugb nm aMt suifer the erdast et beimg mésufiaused up !nto seives eed @Pm A"uithe Mftne supposi would mate soft aoap, s lt waug anl fictin. Withli (iflcully tht. valike ludividusi wae pesaffl tubêelatsthal 'our corres4pon en u a 8a1" u a ud fiePoîlod a twuoltisoN borna thon oulier. A. trucs vaseffeted for ch* Pres. eut, but. the ecenàtie individùal doeelare thwt hae an Lick forfy-elavenoftTaPoÉi'r're hast correspeniden.This strate o arrior 1( lthe Cannîngton inerchaut, I'w he a wovent festmie f the cme lea tvs mlght have beeu $boit"'I m piele fiheb nacrent Place thme If. î. man ueuld ne doubt have ntbted in, aa obit hs ie fpida deep seené fthther bas Whtib"eyould bave te sualainif thea' bai cula'the-Centra fmar" dounkey oAepen oi tédsour meir called asdenkey. 'TRAT AwsuL GRýoANq. - orne parties travellting sonth tram ier. the oclir nlght vers censiderabl U rialiteni nam a biset- smuIth shop b by wat seomtd tle Iheat'. b. tb. 151 expringrcAvn e69aoieking or othar. Te 1 ntsi buk W Mr,. .Inwn sud securl ixhisa mâ hie gan a mddog bore dclon a..hepép ass-.Judgtheïr dia &oppetmeni sMd isai cieu t fdiog that the groms e er slU thosaetf &empli of th suth sti base inge-a vovers tuning t hoessiveaup 9rfo r asecot t h. * church dedlc&tlomed vile lad elosen the bla6ksmuýttshopobu secouaotit Isoai IA VIXG TT dr.e-Wbfl ne eame st log. gerhuade vlî h aCmainusa *mlow v migut mwisUrixemesd espia s Isve are gettiua lep à ebotiow nma"ch anthla" is if chefr Parents dont ktp tIen aihoe ws oùighz poseIbly stick iluasdoaen oftise boys LIac comnaOut havein ~ ro to has th1e 1dear alI out ethLie aOustr iy lt WHRAT wE Wolcmn ]Lruca To -.s:w,-Tba grirloi Who -intsnd te proooqsesanti gelTut Pois'rfres.Thétimtis plaÏntain Maiwà.. nItem iiodie e&a chiaS the Victorlia cuuty counci-bai sma.sue 1proprittion te recpianithel Nrev idgek4 fCofmpondaaoeoff The Pnal.l TRJISRIO.- ç3àSmuel fa=gmsot Fiattekvilllah lamucmd a ailtelu macin. from Sà th« mPb BaIl LU. Co;, (Âshav, d u il 'S clafd epeattas m thé 01 io M.Andreun Home.osm onda. lst sud, lu the laà egeet alpeo séeendto wertsuiPuenti1 -the .~ 0. I . @ ofleetuod, No.96, 'Pieu lace Boys, vlli hél ou a s la ibeïr bal oft Cbriam eirs, EP0<.fl-'Mi BG« Dam ofLiford Wei! the coS or FÉlattalvilla, va ame lufernad lhm déeoe nos t bramea Wthe plîaiPue irNoeli vëeuft "trritory but aesten 1esaosl inloe le mnastuve oeZ"*mol:q pibrator» trashlm m"hlu-àaig&bld &t fsn plèeuras eAt Ib Ferai Mrt sJI', Colila a ma6, of rare.abilfty, at pa" éy ergeln lé i oudertaMong, hie fêtIsiuodouI vM "ha PBRMDLW- amss 57 ecOIOlki. Ifslîkg hlebone i bete buslady oin Aif Ihere11<,e ab * m.cl m la wÀtimve ..*..;l auu.Imm.of FIA& Tm Po« W hé n.If", "es wreu amro h ibe nusta v nomsonesIJatIlas '~a~IL.-M. W jug Mde Md ladlwm ,WU 5? U AVWV W - V.WV &la VU-' WIYI All 1VU'RIv.M 'WD aUff-IMM..- w , ~ a p . ~ .,~P ~ I __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ I __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ __ __ ___lin__ _ a eredit teble buins. Partieswlahlu Wo make a purcasée baibotte aeau anéMdas hlm stok beone bua'iug alasheme Ixr'mvmulvu.-O r Mud Ui r,@ nal la propagelufeu b& dwlh" , sa* iib.t bis building tompressabis o i alobilafueaeaot tbenaemtet bi Mr. Byan; uhila ounhe waa' tbey unee met o Ib0te rosi ha' a leogeboa.Lb.hé "ade scalei the feues sd meOù le s ght cf ir. RU.EIÂOi»-Mp.Glendenings lavs. engagsd as temimhmi for the emaulg àer I b shadJoiI use bistje' Mdrit XACÔ : ho the ull tbhae sane utbesomluga'ea. BUItM RSHIPMENTS.-MI.* W11s00, uho lhm basal purchaalng- butter for tlmlu feW dakys hipped a unini aMd elsum kege o<fr atgclas bnttion TueWWa, ro eured cbiefly Iu Verulaun, sud for whilohs paiid 9ery0200 NÂviGoWct.-Tha eam" wiud of Wed.' neade nilht sd -Thiuidma et laut wesk, together w th a omaiderale ri»s In lb. vater oomPiet.Iy clashe Sb. , md on Raday eeun thi apis avwved w ith a scou i oeffroi tsud continued bowiuigsoowa.ei8Bat ds. Ont Moudy the Mlary Loafle rvaà i wtb tueins hundred fruitt bas hm Port Pery for delivera' ou Pigeon sud Cheseonn isbas, eud trie trais vent on througb on Tuesday. Tt liq probable that tba fboit of, Wednesdaa night hasn ov mtopps the narluatio br Soorting -imsu have beau ont making lbé màet-if lth est unes> efthe Be" ... Pr. MeCimuri sud a fMoud loek a raunble on-the bOrnt laiddlu the neigbborbood of Ne.gey"'t resis-sud startai Ibri uice deer. Ona ef the thua. va sapeedilly converted Into venimoù..*. '. Mt. W. ïCiad shbotsa lance doe on Bigfiaaa& sud Mr. Purda' bas Petalked noeaiwof thé . fôreat sheep .... Au Amerleati gentleman ba» bad nsesinter. estIng aport, chlefiy au the B21ilad. -IL te cousidared grest sfn Wait lu * canas anld it feroi asim W ha rua fuIe the wawerby the dogb, but -Ibre ia su magoT. n esab -ut Lb.eair ju@t now that makes a bit of lire uery confortiug. Bo ha veut on 4hbes sd had just got thé lire. blazlng uiceiy %when agat haicsuddenly sppoaw- ed. ou the other a 'idé ef the lire'sud quleia took stock of tlie Ainerïcauuatlemau,wbe in the. liret fluaisof bies emprise stumbisi backwuard over sosie drlftvoodlaudabriýpl- Iy st dovu on th booi et theIakâe.'u gieeueus rifle vas et course la bis ca. noe, the, deeu skipped away witb & merry wag.cf hi. tlansd the vuster, vas rie. mô'm-iarkably wet ber the Urne oethbe jear. -~ilndependent. la h n? ii. untnlooreliffor lisumal xud. ache, TasIbsohe, eM. ltebblng aàfer drops bikly la &Wthl mI e nadet. ,No taldif agueoue meifn for weakshbut oas MtnUuW aplilo amkom ovuS ail pal j sui .11prove Sma BrusS Vouuencf Fld Lbtingr. Tientv.flve ouata pur botti. at. A. Hiîo. lSIOTii s drugStor, Laay-8aiw -A clerlinaI Plttahîrw stoolyartl appropliacoly rfers tb hieslsry au &a "stypoaaaçd." li a ptparellon of carbolle oaid, vasaIt. andl caaté, called SloGrer & Pàrke'a Carbllo CiraSe.. t iii cure any nmr, eil, barnor bruie r*boa aIl cher Propuataions laI. OsIl AtA. Houoi.madrug ncoms. Linuy.a snd Saga puaw& gaTwsmty-dv#e nta ir ail it comte.- 53aoor. of Mo honey-inakems atlJiW & muile to dm1411tau X*ni- The flneu.aIealeg comuni undirtemo uutiae- Grxeor'. psody uam r Dy Epla ndWittlon Conutipation S sudA eos of t lverv, Md <au thlie nommes 0le1ffla îhhtsb rad situaria. ru base couclueauIoeplaci atssaIValy 'm S»o mashuMc limai timomaWho sufai M"gbave Aer o~ ours. 0 to A iffemlrAien u rôs5a Lfmla m siraI a trial bole fuse, or thae gowlera sty cents ad -TIi. eountMalot dolIsthm &e sshaper r - the gniamta coin. Probablj a sharper ring usis -usin-l bave boum, a sufwerifme ave nae, ide boadlachi, mimd lome off apIlle fèr May yeara, fiis laiw&ye irel, noe ltMae lie abrdes snd ail seusedduit Iome, I1lhsmsbi mue"catbaui msc, sud haie trai m ait ah àle u rlism u" n diie, but îisbomt afet. A nunbur fci ST naigbcru Who have Ulm uf otrunlsa 01omf5.1, ipusit ut fo ulvels tiol, hfta botaMtW it iemfs like ai fer r-oman. N190W. L, f594 Ziqgu.Te msnl.-50-Z4ew. -Bostn lashoruud rith. a wisv fuuiaezbut ai lthé bas.hol ont »d ulls. it4lI bos t» bel%, evarybody in hsppj. Wnillim Churchill kCo., (ietw-1I wbav ha troubliel wllh Carihfarlte pMsS Ire puai. Your VFoM Sofala t awu yr m accuaa i e ma hi Mr. ou p ftb.plie. ,Allai ieg 0cm. maa i boetts »Il mptns obff ae hm usdtMsporsne, sedta'1ah a mah lesomn am 1;sehm . b osé meripoumde llaas"I. Is1, Yeom lrl, 'u. eue from tlue Chiase?" ogfi $0 ilu COMain hm folIr-& auid é tisahav baubfi'umd to, le rlmu"" a'le $bah sm ai le eaao l but uno. Epos nPSh11k Gi s tstoi, min mie mmd pm hmud et &au geari EÏ& m Whou a ra Mmi" wuiC golstolbbilfutlgsa e t, à -% b ?fu, *10a'fomi M -eN o"at p sailMittullu ililuMgsmI w.biat~o uE lb ami A 1oe. 'w- mnouseleWM 4.dw eaid Sb"Ia am M mi wu ai f 011 Sabbs. -eu fti M101001 r udme PmiL am> t rb l Mi d aWbu am W té*.Mv go thonvauMv.C.flu sd . Bori M"diN.CMY1uet ohrsud Mm Klu Tom md" . Oui Mab*sikm etsi lu rose aing u u ferhoude aelatilek mis s GNTOoGNou " .M .-Kes'PW* A. I sd J.meCurtis lotI fMilget lest Tuas. look$ W U thm li tbmfe teout use ut hpe t isetheutbo al erext aprna HOME &elà, -Xà. T. Perm ahoiv boisa uueig sud . rti t -hl mu marssudIbliaI a ouri111he» blm ha. as Mvtegg.W0819cBomaboume id tlemo Megàrotiodvüle. «s am gladt ehier ho la uaover. SINGIIG SCHOOL ANM P8LIN9 MACH Mitake la tb. naine oft eueoet e parUS lu conuecton wlsbthoeb omebeel Msit shoulti bave hem Glibsa meot wa M-Oanww ýefd the asu maloh, unblek le val! psruuiue yeung iadta et tb. plae, bt thel&îst aven. ing morneethe youzut =u enbavai ta.& (llsc0rolsialemcd rubua.They ouglit te ho aahamed et thair baiàmmues JoTTIzGs--.-oada muddr.. ..Ourtssohev lias boa. raenaud. Theb.t mea m go a blitia dwelltug bouseson the COLLOQlUT OF DACHULOR. BILL. ASD BlAcÎELOIt DA.- Baye Bachelor BUihte Esoheler na, ecuse 1 samcertin th t i 11egilron Will ask mo to mryor gel t Onawu, And va ha I11 i Baehelor Don.-"Why, no sete ail lut ene, teho sure. Baehdeo ui."ut h adegnU jeu kulow .la leap-jear it roua thun: , if joli won t marry me you muat give a sllk dreas To marrj îbem & ailI a ldo bat, And to «Ive them a drersa nia' pus won't ailow ftachedor DU1-"Oh, Bill, I coufées, w.ame caught IluaalSa, For girls. likte suis, amarebi t, b icks;à And, would jeu blieve met Tais Povr'la offer. ed Toesobgirl uho sakea aellow te bave ber." Bot,,-"'Oh, wbat wil» va dot Obwbat vIlI vo dol" Duehelor Dan.-Il bave getl ,"saBys Dan.,I bave oleqhii allmy-faim. 1 wii aïk tbe girl I have loved go louW And ask h er dsddiet l beluusalong. Rachelor Bill. -"Very weil, Dan. Ibat qettesi you; but oh. p h htaalIdl Baeh o a,.-WiY, therela Xuy-smart girl, I Coufee- Ast 'hersai rm aurashevoli Mr-"& is. And thon the old people v Iiive SOU jour fi der. Wbleh i'ou know mua hobehbeapwbeu jeu set & for uothing. Sud thea. when jour term le endedat.%No. 9 lust aa o ae nothing te atart onus farm;, Andîbsuthe od man viiiembraca jeu asa son. And urme yeull ho hem t ble ispjer bai A wsy foe ba beebeloeut et Iesap.yesr diffilties J. A Tanoy hq. a adia attorney ef Winon1a. Min., uriles: "Aftev us[ing il:f f or e than thias rears I tataks In sue ustat ,log baaî1 ner D. Niue$g's Disouvery for Conçu où euas thbe but rmida' it enrd for=t Cogand Colis.f bas nover falisi t cure the mont asve scodatIbave baid.an var ahi y reliovet the nale lu thobeate" TrMal bottîe ofthie re scure fur a&l Tbraat sud:Lunu' Diseaaee mvhobldf meaat E. Pan- ItxNs cmig plaie, L ,LargMaieLOO0.- -Wbat f erres dsl ay nJunie go rare A déý la Jssuary tg rMW! DRe EuC.lEST Weéakneue, Sofleî.hg of frr Leean, andi au h- *Mmaef 4theNvm lIm WahiS Nsl Gsmmi lanb 9Mt» ami h~ s ftulw Moet Dftect andi Po'werfal Action upon the Geuital Organ It ha& bous thonougbly talai suddle proved te ho the but, fmusud MMteffeoive Trent- mm meu own te Meica" ies er ails- viatlag. oonroluw"dsudcrlng ail orMa of :the diasasosabove mentlomeI. OMsiasheNenOCSe PMMoetloeeau"sd ha-the Ouee ofohol or tebseo. ,Wakoftleei, eulai Depremalo.. nfteuing Ci die bralrenaultiuglu Inasis m i nIsanlg Io Mbaara dom i deadb.Promature 014 Aga, Bareunemý eu osof Power la mm bes oea Iuwtary Louas sd bpeunlehoa eausei ha Br ui f the brtlus, aelf-ebums or ovar-indulgsneer. One ber vil cure reul casa. Euhkbox cotelus os, momMiaeUmt Ose dollar. box, or six boua for iru dollualgent la' mailpreWali00 seffl e t pias. We guaratas ix boxa t ocm auj e&s.Wth omet aider rueisby us lmor xbdxeaecompaiwtbd is ndefiUM e wll amui me.purehsar. the manuà4=lrerm guaratas terefuui Ihemail t e troalaint doesa la O ume Ab. erETIN MAs uM ahi t e au M ems- an"PU EDTNSOTI ()OW PAoulFOR AUmm > -ALIX. MrIsIIELL, matouLe l S11ISBIel à ohm le mw U m m i noamo Mau JO*~ B7OBU. SELLING OUT. A RARE CHANCE.l UILBiffaINI ,whcle 1Le lae u ei iih soL» AT A BARGAIN FOR Cit mua'~~~uv A Isuo l nhag&o DAIRY SMNPES te MW .muuulu k e M bMtdeuuuP Ust with improcaivOuil ea m»&>s* Nl rom vo m to usb OhUumluth@ mat- m baud amd Ma"e guptlyeioe. F«" MEWOOS. EDMUN D RESIIRYO Coal o OUNOp A FULL SUPPY aMr IEeIVm FOS COUGES a". COLDS HEAOUOUWlE VB ATI *~IU..LI 5~UAD, UTILE EHITAIN. ÇOAL DEPOT ÂDGENER&,L lpAàEDWÂRE. &toves Grate, FoUndry and iElAckuzith Goa At Iownt pilou We bave lu fSkMdtook arrive a lare stiock et PLLBTER 0F PAIS AED BLABTINO POWDB, Fin $e#nd obSellfEsrdwm a'ewgt atieUoy fer cash. aWe wowd nuIlot. uspectlcu et goobd OMPUlOM Ct prion. Ltuy. De&. IL MI. JORN ]KAKN WILLIAM STREETLunrbSAY,' MANUYACTURER Or' S<swa. alsh» gle MillMacMinem1rJ'owwandNml;- Steam E#n an d Sterne. Pmu.p Rave a large aeortment of fiemlurum at en ethe ahove doriptin or S. iltb. Ail 1 -t. 1- 1 James Xeith# SEEDI! SMI)SSULKY PSHE durable.r hamon baud the verv hest e d. e - ilde tz bas =crptin«s. htlor Fîeld sud lGarden cf1P 1e " Bou adNeweetVaretijsand at LOWES LjtAd- PRICE8. H -bua" the11e Celebra" ed WILKINSON PLGUCH wblc#hu a caed off the firat prize whers- t aver shown. wrt RIpsh hfo gk& amIMMap helm the ketiwamhn ali s Luduw woee fer jouorr laau litedetslls eawr fiaonrt utha'the sub. cibo.Casheu ansd O*Cassa road ou ahert 0 RE - A larsif wef on r ed t HnSmmoi tuituis siwaxu om baun. PaioS amiNMe& 7lda. IVer 2igni&'1 MRON r.EW SUBSCRIBVW SOUR1 G«KÂT BARGAINS. .O RGANS DOIVE voeus Me PJUICE am an ivintup traveligt"ea' msai aI ton. eu Vus2 mug s a% *«». aMMImi a" »l b~ae lr. mtcblof i n toe, ukouot o auhmai ud ~~a 'V« am=aamed tmaari6 mautas Omou ~nudusas- Cttheboutbu>. iOHN AE~~8ON, Miacllasous. A GRAT BARGAN.-TxiPo«sîtu 'mara ore.cEPr o BAPE& Tum Pasiet orne Doar ayear, ýMLoNg Jas., RUSTaie aivautagfflo Ibi aooll Rsetoes Emmafi ha' Iha Pr«etAcaima'et Mediebe Eeaia~~s Toatnt. Positive sursta I ~ lutainâint EWhbrug.Si fyiibes by al ac *ja.uuaas.AMRIAs AGMÇCT Umbb~ ~Ca WindsoOt. a"i la WNLT ED o0178. N bt Pis.fmrWH WT M»uO a1- P IE FrIILIE Ul j?:f leadache and relieve au the troubles lad.k detta billou atu.Of tec11ytm.suku 0 paMNaua.aDrowsaejs. fistren atrtah -thu Side, &c. Wliik theirmoti& .cou bu bsm ab.oun la «ring Valubi n Coi.stipaî ion, cnring and preventrn Ibis annoying conîplaint, whîle tlwy aIre~c gil dimorers of the atomach. stimunlai, th, liver a"d resslate tbe bowel&I vtz it they only cuiau Acethcy wnnld h almoFtpr!ctcieu 10thon wb» anft.-rfronltis dKissi.ng complaint; but forte- meytheir gooduesaadoes flot end bte, and thon Who once try thent i rl l nd tIaese littfle isvalié. 'boi anianyw-ayatlîattheywillnot ewidin rahhanc ott'omnany lives thather e rg coe D'r ercat boust.Our pils cmre h Wb" Cartrrq Little Livmr 111119 are vey smafl and "r ayb raki.. One~or tvropjilirmakea dose pur rpo, Lacbthvrir gentie action please la wh* umfethîer' fil % a, *2Z cents; ftve for Il. 801 by aru,ý,sèt v uywhr, orsent by ma±à. New Yoric City. Mfiscellaneoizs. (IREDIT SALE BILLS proxnptlvami N-J cheaply doue at THE POST PRIN TINS $1OOFRO31 NEW Sr?-BSCRIBlE.Rs 0wll ay for TEEM POST te> la JANUAT- ÏâZ Send on naines and nioney FÂ~.~TS11SERS, MILL- XoCOLL BROS. acole CELEBRÂTflD LL.RDLYVE JU CHIN.E OI mawamsteai»tmet CLdOG aor UEM t As Our dealersi for it and use neo cýer.- an ÙM .eh, fSua iUh.ds,4'-. o U W"14, IMVI. a&lew .pISSdphytmwy dnited. M ml a ph.'sdaIjeaftefy. cun b.eTII mlmem a- »0 z wm r» 1j Mý osm m yte oamane o,.. t ~ asuax ~ ai.s~k.. ou p e Werli Invested in Canada.......... iOOOO Rates and Premnium as 10w as in any otier re. ipectable Company. -The settlement cf Ioaassl prompt and liberal. The resoures and stndina if thiscompany aitord those insu.redta il perfect Meurlty againit lbs. &MITE ATMEN. - Aasuànce effeeted with or without prairseta naderate rates. Four-fifths of profits given te ?olicy-hoidea. For particulars or r-at. e appli, b I. SlIlER. LW-y. -Uent for Undeay and ('o. Vic toria NIETICMEDIIN. Pcsively cures uervounu, la .11 its st@gi1 weak r r mrory, Iona of brain power.eual pr tra1lonight sweatuspRnmatorrhoea.barrea. uems,scmlinal weaknesand general leu ofpower. It repaire uer'rans waste. rejitrenate, the jaded Intellect, streýgtenâ the.eufeebled brai. and re.torusurpinaeauvlor tothe ezharat. edjeneratve organsin either sexéi.,Wtbeach orer for twelve -package. ace'ompa-nled atIl OLve dollers, we-wtil@w,'nd Our written Gna=ates torefund the money if 1the treatm%,nt doq nuo effeet a rure. It Io tte CmuEsT and Bn"e Medicine in the at. LPamphliemeu t Oe a -l d d-g- westetat M cents pobox. or six boxes or t0 willbe mailed ro uea.n p'e it.u rrîoney by addreuln1 Maek*s agnoiceI-e aineu2upan. Wn mr. Ont-..Canada. u- auteeb izuid by A. HIGINBOTH t M- Lindet«. f PIANS CONCENTRATED je ' îý ~ EmBa fre Chuems 1 - w esfhs remahi. am iempAaaiv fr in uaed uy House-keepers, Hotel-keepér% .'[ori- iste. survejrs Pleasure Seekers, Meren&nt&, CjerksLborers. Married People, Singlie P Monle. oung .People. OId Pople. a"el as orts snd cunditionscof PSple P~Tws-vW»Inm ie-Ni& alag O0» or san at home, lUt The Greco Coffée le caretully selected a& rassed. 2nd. It is only rasIed aa neeced for us and bam no tiuie 10 loue its itrengLtn.:1 )n It le oaay of use, and ma be prepardinst.tr.ts.ne- ouly. 4t)4 Il oa hoprepared ini rflqantity from a oupfid te a cask. Stb. Thieneotlee %ams esavent te carry u auie. The putent- Wom p.lo elu the manufacture gireï the C~~1.7tIt requres no coftee pot Stb,. It 21 m nlo n stl; . t b u ano Sgrotnda 109L. Itle genusiq uid Ceffse; it la rot Pe& cofe. uMr whist =ofioer niait coffee. net burut suzar sutlIurioe coffe but thei bern Mocha sud Java wbich ca ho obtaineti. Pull divectiona for ume wth each hotge. For "al birGrocersDruats suad .Generil Stan- keepee, li 1lb,. k1M and 1 lb. bottieLs. TItai ~~.s, K Fms . unie Eritainr,eNov. It IOS-aoe.