_______ _______________________tu_______ a-m-i - -~ ----- - -- -_ _ --D--e C~ietiem 101dr le4wll u on FEZ TIT1ZK _litiro1i4Wrs"IW &- ,qr Wot~nuirsceàulanW lus hs!ê I I9 l ricM OFrlWn t.e4: bel rtimur sdw' uomk-041 rd' mm fouie. s zpliCo 10)oeaj anN.shmto . k i. Pmmw e&o ive imm t'i wel-11 t tin misIl« aummers iven.Tu bilk1.W Obvn oiev flot Metg m4. ilqUlke liqeny thotkovare 0144 îradýwah --Tbe.m4ocurg#eglwobuhe ffuer1unDwtlael5«,onfW roery i 'Monai1.o1 tu 4 gilvM i 11W M X n)w " -lfldth, retoffal c0fher trng ilifoevml4 __ .J onj" riv n oi&i 4f 4!Itki%4p.dN'70fth and B,, tonhgO of bTSDe, ~ 5f Motw 4 Giv be f ti. Acl~in entrlf e,~1wt. W l . SOOI 't sun.lmho u bbli-M.L les u t-lo. su. «m i 'omlniit h4t ad w&hrn o I.PfePt ~ PThe VM W ornt I08 11 00111118010osfr poprofu frt onelo lb.f01111Mof Prtt1».. Ymr w&o th mm kummaidu i vDe. Grtaat18-hv e tr.li.youaoau- J. ~ ~ ~ ~ rau1itye r'Va'lu ForourbelfnIeliéBVthe. ______ a Ir'a Iflagel tiIs 9fflhé- (t Wa Mar. ___ - th e ut' on or lésomlv.'elgier to -PendlS *t.4!f. OeuI4 andattristé, mo tz s>tfL la th.oiobof oa MldIanfi snhLqiany reiis pa e iBsSA0V AUAOSi.mmu ~ ~PP<TI< l.er Ths em-elbont operatié oùpany wvu gveone NI A 1 4 ) '.nîiXt %4qaëty ait liîe cotte oweril last, n-Peformane. latii.opera, hanoe. Lindsay. on - *,I.#iiIi>. ~ 2.~'~* ~ ~ Par, ,lr. R.Julian !poa aP-lf 'oi 1a !;ne rker the altipices of Llndugiâg.Na. 10 O on ts enwIe1kW Matilmar a! 87 . C eT01. F lae e t Wo Jeffl a d J iifl1TTONlhe btyr mode.a *"r:n'for If. and rasn upthe WBVO itn an ai .tifm.tton. Loka'tfîrh prire ... A Utile tore of that -lainie WoôId iiîn. onno'îoenint. e.flitthi 1 rmnif. tt.ilor iM, "'i J8weilefO, P~*o %iot &h. ~ ,~.j ~ m'. Jibui. smlth, -. peitoendent of the ss M.@V L'e~ wvh, he uofcom~td tiê ga fttiDuorIe At0he eglr rn onof Lindha lodgoe.%'o. i188(IER 0F MARRIAOE iwll he )tod %vit hgi. The I..',fef1o poaTU CUWIY V WBI. ".iî cunil tlienin emin id<:Thomras. "LIIWBIi. 'X 0.; W SPeeiber,. V 0; ~ V. jot pSý o. .f1' ppiaished thp ,lO- C. i a VnIoim' RkP s, Saméiel Britton, peu ai 1fatr tl,~n"bMr, il«. L.Hîîgbe r.auer !ore- 1 webow. (;,(lMille, W:. ~. . AOIU~W f Torontu o rwun e hoolon. JIf IdiTraIJ i rhom Harri. il M a IlMark. L mS!q(: (j -40 Colertflad *anvaq'r'for 'l'" CÎAA? 11.440>41.f'for tlie .t 4y 1ofte hlstory of aur _IPentonIl il V C. -tlh Sfih iV :W< mot hertoQl',try. W.-rsn:eth iehbookstorva. , WO' odm, l14 ý W il tI4li. L S SÇ; J I Eaton, ff.p.înd in ahr,'Inigatrcp~ o J'. uthhodplnteglzenuair 1Ln G ~ i 1~m\non ; John Con!tock, '.haji. .iishsrlptbnm,.'e,. at riiîig.'t1 *riShbuM. m«y oirme.gi bill for tri. Ipeut ,ont.h anotintil-i ~ ~ * sus. t0~~~~~~~~o. ~'rrý. ?.flî 0 f imetorest hlm 17e. He î, eevda .Cmpel',&lresp . ..... ~nnW thilnkg hbu Wi1Iflor te fi; tm'I t tahineter - bytloiA'W1Jam nrvip the- enst of gaq in o ivem fi prm. SW4fioked Han, Poli sud Side Smoked %lM4 BRaor., Sauna". etc. These meats aroi f reu à î~r.O!f lr*wa« 41%--n On WOdnesdavjui.'y andi n Qk4 t a turn,Thsmesar af têténion mid là lua.o n."r i ho é iimh" hoiwaitfor dlii. ar - fu- nita beomt , i Thé, nuilIdlmga s an OUd"-tc0l ý3flT torhreakfastz.immat the :hlngordn LVT>IA. RI)Y..1it~ î. ~ u ne ththa.et il htilt)%: enIoffthe pt0PVhy ad. fOr Mmd iahulànlceunack 'r arepper. in fort -joiniaif the- rq.io. oi<ind- t e "ake roent for tithe rie dilthe bill-of-fare. elkoltile:'L!ai r iusa . N AN YIT uiT YOPV <-rkoîgro' t ;oac eontpoav tat-romtov. lyrl-u i.... od~~~~~~~fi t t.'lr ni. gwinité,tifwhieh at. e. p.GUS atCno r' - ~~~~~~~~vittin!m enfno t. énuw Iatlon wîllliertie &t~oor aneo AINE NER AJD TE RI.'.Ialy ttto tutfa'th.'v 'î* n'd cur a M in. t)*. ta orplace "nt oah'i,.en tnd a Cnn%,Otiin(til 'tri:" publie- andwi wi!Ino daiîb: t tm lc T:u'd KavlagL.eusSadatagenm tuithrairi. 0venliIn .lannua~. The. program viii inclide. 1'. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'i publlié,, oilla .u .iirag I "- . openedon .Mondar of voeai and i nstrunwnnt^l selections tir soulaw "'at. Iat.ay ~d~f.thlma wp@k. , fIlat.' tal" w'hr of the bidumîte local tideot. Mr. George locire. ndurlons! mit p*.sea a"t faîe ic p tllcirbute. Teband eacrv 'i >.t W log i 4rt.F' W1-4hiRIL. ttdy lu utilt V.a'Mwl'hfur fmrtý. on gef le UPPOrt, anti we bave no douit the ~'r". ',imnî "r'î ais uhpvmktNrïq. Oytê4 hrtlrb îuaman~t. loiiungaît tite bottlex,., own ivili give tient ao inper bouse'. 'mv thé, -,'tit i n timn blk. 'ia-1o "'h. ai ; Afll.evilî. o!L -fin, whrle e alvatiao) i * <J'i'~~~~'* il-?. n~êtr'ijatoïly maeti, .iiattwk. éclx members of the J£ekrlabaDwg'U 'mDk loa.lrsmbn~v st .d"Titim th.'v mani Iwouslo g.Drilai CdeSiB. itedrumer-ht" t'l'mmt.."nltniro luhi. 'Voare, paiicel tI a eLhat j îother m,'mier il m a i-h (,*tttçifil aoft ilebr,Iary ith- lérOMrtl'- for f.h,,herléfIt 0f tht. èrfly. orfli hlle, ho cfen"rb4ot U1byMlliter a Tif tu c. 'r a i., ai, * mt"u' îrýi,L *rêorlh'lmu 'mllîgay tova tivleha enam4crbydl1ptri .Ts Onlrt ~OpmOdteetot" nol'.ab5~ 'he.coin. ittt'.tourth victîm. Aiîadiew, thé, Inaone.waa cnet vl;jt.wriMr.ng10 xN.Ir, 1 dar eveing at '1lvo girls ianti another boy t ifea i ai f 41.n .81 .raîi lit e e jtwl~.aue tnfîhf'lavefo , hat twelV.î tispw.lat ac dhed it.'4oubn truet taIIb.lSX. 'w t .m-'*umîfo"tmmIa l"imng tn flaîtnn. î». Tle crh'clwlght oft he-sr in. wili btric 1' ilatfor thti,.ri0?017 .:fict u îtir mur rartt, 'Ar' if tnwt-. . dra. Iil,) , tel, nta îq 1< .2ibn. prne * mfld.AY. Otît. - - I --pasaîliro"nd. r.' 'Ita yotr nielg0h boîîr. ShuzsW ..e auou ~,.;nt)ie~o' ~;w. te ~*<l fjnilbu uàtel"i.Ttti.tIPr.of. (L W. ilotchîtîn of Abon, Orleans eo, :ftîam t<iO I'nt'i7bO4lM'l nain hoI»eJ"ab. i5:thaod 2htb. riýiite11t l. .' f wi i. l ia i in 1)e -fýpli c t .ld tOibue 0 av'4I!te a i 010.a.tî Pterhboro. t'aJis me. icPb. 17, 2S and M0 lie î'~,' m,-h.t' wa.daiu'~eîîq'al" 10Wjttfl!Ti. h'i 441%lCC &Ttt Prof.flote.-hkih ihàiunjhad over thivy years '.'r.<.tiî waI. ~ît t,' r iî'domôpam&otl 'roerl. acprlen-.'o has become mattr of. hi proosion eD Ais. 'ê,ue'mione I i uror.M* rit go'iieally hve aaty plac.3j Prof. tFi.-trams tugaual, umbilîtoal mi. Wrrmm. l 1ee.1mb. j 1 11.. , b tîy41. kii0W'adI!o ofwW là»*iMv.l Spn emtutrl.l well ai'ata' sie mYduhld rcu.ilofwhch nWmnlM Mr. -i. Iipit<ttiét icii- eéenttie 9Èi lonmoohy.' Tetke our-Word for Il. brother ho- treafs îuc.'sfîî00(o a" oS hlm for ru, '.-'.'.tî if .ifl..a,. trMtton. tîey don't. andprobab1' cgMrE]tei- aiuivg-7.O h l~.1 Lu ie l~ iits ,uemb'rbvasaIait regemiblertlie i4n A4 r .o inb oplbr d fo. tw0gt'whc Salîurfn Coad C~sII'rh arta f I.'n.4t impunetuated i wîîh r houlanagers of the Charci 0f tIn=d tei. ~'. n'.-. îoamomnw.It lethe adt tif he loa il nu.. O er'ta' v.to'IÂiey haiicarrangod wjth ituy.iV(C. l*v t*.. . w ew ti'r (ltpublie wa>vta. Wo .s't itat 1htie t ow heaps lra'tshav cf .%shhurnham ite iletiver ini tie rmo~i'î a.it,., ' mm' rukon up anduid 41f rhned ovet' i iestrect. reinotI chaînh"actn Titeaday cvenlinq ne . t an ¶ 'm(u'rurtî.........'. <'llow~,. :f 'i'lu Wnattodn".tii..t.rftiî aw wil-euatha ..uteaa upvne 1v v tunai "i fl-jo,' .Jas . ilmor. o"Ur:tf o.:r inerchantou looded wtth wela".wellkflowiiBnail ale- speaker om titis toplo. 'tnnms'm"...........' I. l.vrnv. -6 te.etaull tand 'tlt»tlng bit! t the' Ma - andthe saddrem ,will lb. wetl torth heavinor taiLmffr~ti - ~'.'. 'ogmn iatty '4-:1% mdulig' votîl pt'ovedlilaitrougé An additional attraction wilI be th i ttinl. '4','mtiamtimil 'hn'mîhTii.annuoa cru ptiôn o! inqi ranCo .inà.arm 'clmatangh! yM'.1 .Rbr wi ïl tir a î<;î,le'. iîom vEt:tiattti'd. u u-&ailiant oftitent bave a<tvot-haleecf "'u trm Pten.Ai r Ir.t B lkymeai~M.l., .'f cwiiW'dmgr.drte woetcIn ther Placid maid matroaiy a daly lnvtedoerustMeigconi- ,o t k li e. o - i e l . r l m d l t e - tb . . er d-i- g 1EI, llew. .-P., lf'- * w r .îc r , "e'mfl i %é, e!ii&fnf! tawmna lx>"iofu It - op. 1p' " I* i ad te romy, lma.kn .and vcherrry lilas ofa, w-Rate aathue abaudouetla, hie proof Oert Aus.e [t1. ',njam rI rr<'.- ' f blipit, em.yAl1t4g itr l .htmeî.. if nia tiont flud theh bai.'hi rpmdA» te. .,-a< r .4r Il-ýti Z :ml1te. i th on an ieqlýi ~n- a e 4. Wherfon <'rut :rallan tniP. Hifwlcontuuîfront San lpran-1 *la'\ r'iîa.rî" ** t *a,îwu 10 look C<or ilt 1claco, and probahly row rTewner, lhe Xeomingj Im.it 'itt-. 4 1t . îlit eanui ."r i, ennàt rite T j -d1 râlotnig tt'mapf lrle iitmpice o!f, te rita" hmsn ng. h. ti t.m1'i.. f <inîwt.Winel.yafin yeunlIr W"ofIhq't-%(Malty tank pîla- : ;ho m. .N.iamg vtsosd sholf ~ tr!vi' '.i.. t'i tipoeus'laftnhvn itmtîu1î' vnn The wieft YOUM men CATIacquitte a prodtciency ia 'm%-a'r,'rat ti -mtnt t hî i. W. . Thomn. bite Ole tfWitW orly Mi.-ý Mu11 War. Miehmanly art of patneinathe ateilrfolotaiont9 *.t.jm.Iutstak* itmt'i. & m.t' lliéovér t5i'a kn siovtbi.W direcioun ed .«td a.nvewh f ritt i4VT 'ta -,a1 s .ie moph, gelrof'nn'rlh't: ... .rite ringlalaré othlelnr ln agunr1aVvaiir ilim ittir tomrh hpk-4fir kndoluww ILara o tuef-"a n fle ter fllow'in iite "."tîî'i ii îîm~î h ît r.,sé il 1- r k .iibl# x'ot'tnf- uîe t lsran il.' it t. o S WbIille1! ts 0at -rîe'5 ilIte-h.tmylaiMe Aclit~tai a>jecf mp-,k le- tcedm'painH.l mmtits eor tm'r'lmai theort»a M ahci-etl 19105404 o au &,f~1110 l **ewiiedtma', fl uîsaerror.nuilg»!itheîndou te>mrlut aw.us. pOW in. a fll'O amy; at.ge hlm osi'5te & i t -0 elr.yorMpot b bef&uOKt Ch, o!Iaili ra'mporrb, a, eanti*la elbare haitdw to 1rý A ol1huAis."... wlek.'alth'.* .d -O rî ..mffé-plîr a Mertea,.fN I (!ftbedWho r¶'ePw .Jvin o - t.eItiii'è '.t,. i -bn i f'Wd . :4 lr w afyp f l ori'.' astas. a"1m1 U ts U ar, ddl.pbiahsea 2da ts tv * ~mfp~ ohn itnô v.-e tono"iw- otn ber1p eble l r«Wor a4 lefre as I an ait.le ov t.- le'd ('ty gpogti ci mi eun'alu. 'so ..enwg Wh"ont s Why denMIt vsgthleese iter maAdi.ls t.fhrs14,R4'w1te~ .uîostesqiUouLeti,4Iê . r Psf tniwolb lboltl.Pu ihe.. UtnYpiftMg tlied 1 puS y o.rIIh(514 AtUr!ti Sm M e 4 iVrbs!MWna'ti .W*~h'lt tutý -b csnstu rca. 'iWvSLg, -u tné,0 tWadle5-ftee. 't Pr. t ww ouis m i e i. NW t mne auosof Lwu 1fr.A t. IL aNt Mr."nuKahi, "lii a~.'eamsw¶tl I Stirco - aol'sely 'umnkot ari Mru. Jo'hne 1~1t"<?t if~~~Itieee oree boum hnj tted'I 'to siutmWOI0mn1. n.' net~out. I bl nrtev__ ilf 5t agumthet. ha*% wi lai ft 'n~t ley~ l vi UWl Ir m 091J l.~RU51 wI~flen' 'tOflef"[wihLe ~;~aor f't OMwbM"Moom î 64u= én. Y~ Je(o.o Ja la . r of* mIIItrnthe t-le fifismtt of sV.aifldwiiW *M ti'. n'nag<1$ lIhm Y P.rie, Oueneam.tuu6wib file *m te, ThA4nsiy bo4jr 'go, - r 11- G. &Srt b Win dpe. tbd tee - aitie Y. t*WI theWat he wîlo repf 1" a-os ole. goum o! j-pv-v mi- 1ZWÂYY ~ IDAT. 3A3I1&UY - la. lUI n q@-? - a-fl __- --Wr Y W te u* a ladal ýNibsumi b ! lite~~~~ thee uMgi~1e rmsu U ho ne ilbut e uuuesbM e mbady eka t the IdUoMthe ouM sb. the " exmineiu o teln bovu c*sebc 'lIB"Mublo cBll a ar a" Eta paaI b rnsd bytbe loiletulnsrOumel- a few dbu &ose 3.01M BWI Rubito pl. otla bhW moul. Mr. GOMMu nes lhe gmi"ue Ruihir411« IBErtoAmentas>bluirrube.Nomlrl lueth., ortd, trca 01 o r de5a Plala -The Llnduap iigil chool oomnma e b.5ww pear witb snaflotdancse t M .Ttie la very good, oonsideiug the amuil sumbS ugns up trathe fgLldmW~ubUe meicele eltie les! ly l4ndsair.33 fron the conty of victoria oulalde t»e twu; Avo front Duriham ouat ,aand sevms frou OR"a*lo ouvy. W m that Wood board may b. badi n lindumy f'W tbosé %.àà t ~beCes eg osut A grnd etient vib tbleux illbea ivez, la tbs ippe, a outeeavly laneurirundet' the0 auspices of the~young ladiescf Mie. mld- spath'. swlng Cla"s 3m!'t M'lolNALor Moatreai iam kindly, .conmmtat. eamin& a ariait treai le asetîrot 10 the iate.loviag public. 'lThe Lindsay maisleglee 'lubt w.111 aisemakisttir Smiuppeamraeeut titis concert, a" viii gaî-a selelone(nm ttan "Pîru«esof Pcnim.oê" ile iustrum a rs areunder the able direct. le TfMv o'li. nl.7II 11ev. W. Cie-lanti ut.Toronte ondutctet mer vice la s. .ndreWs citurci lut Suaday. NetSnu evce y*ltbho conductsd by 11ev. Y. Cockitura of. Lxbridge. Mn. Coek-bura hua@ dechted a tlatteuR nanti urgent Oell ta flannis, anid romains with bîla Uxbridge congre- gallon, who are &bout te ballti a l'ne sew The print"tof s!allisg1evt r oTvii f Quees * Collews to the pastoral cumeof the chancli, le..%%-a unaerslssd, 1b.tIng informally ddepatie, -and rirev<tEmit favot'. Mr. %le- Tavis ai laviag matie ai' c:tmdingly favorable impvesuw Ho e l a younr influtr of mimai promin'. né: oui yttttmopiilptiit*ia everyday Pelat ioaalt ip witth lie people asdin uthe regula' sitfee rcGbum sVieloula W., liave before unsthie tiret lwo numbersO0f lime "Mie, afQueen Victoria" hy 3MinesSaraht 'l'jttýr, lte popular mjnthor.- The.ln trodîcton' i iby Lord ltomald (lover, anti au lie hooi la pihlihem by pertulsion, t-heantior iba haçi accn esmources of information otier -lin o 7lnr. I. vi prove a met interesting anti vaineble publlcaton, ast is writeiiln tlit!asy anti ehuning style for will Miss Tytier hms alvatdysa tnorelmtatloa. The wonkfeubrought ont la pars hy Mr. Virtue, Toronto, lie v.'II- k,îown pîibik'her, andi ln linely printed anti il- luslrtictd. MI'. .James bon lh4ais local antid:e. trtl aMent. aud le lakiiîg aubsucrilpi i. We rau v'ordlally reconma'nd il t o ait who want a weIi told-s9tory0folte iqueen*m'iite andia hi'itory. Wf our own tintas >Sîr'.-Pesve: BaIiley. 296, T. R. 3Mu(iuade, 211. [)cpity-reeve: 'Miller, M3; Loves. Ili!. (,Ioiîncillors.: Setuily. 252; Urahain, 212; <Juiry, 217-, Cassdy. 20L Vi:n-zàx-eeeti"lvrm M- 'Thursuon 12&1 flebpnty.reeve: ,Katune-* 1so i uakls,18. Coinclbom:LftgeW, 1; Lmmi 190: livuen, voi gelly, 1;4 Ro vIson,, S intts, 4e, Bell, 17. litttt.n.-Hee'.'~Danies. 21; Nayior, irý. Jieputy-reeve: M'mlthson, 2t»; lnight, 141. Comit- ------Moae,2O alJAT mer 182; 1Fer. Ramon, 1d.1; Issu. 91 .....'I*hs cousiciUore ame Mesèe. Moynee% Hanl and Palmer. and sotMv. Irergem sas stated. a iTus Por3'T "est. Poing mubdlvtaMlN.ie . 1 :3 1 5 Tot#à .III ;......... .61 *7 7 2l 16- M. ....... .... . u 2 on, 14 1 - 0 rmla«an.- :1 Si l -215--ill %MCDonalti :-2;L7b 21 1 -o mi Clanke ...............7 M:i! :u 21 1-- te Boulton ........... ..elé, 1M 2 2 - 73 MePitdea..... ._Al 4)¶10-taS0- 71 'ihno 'ond dIstriet banspel commenced at (labourf ti- 'ruemtiay i oraneJas. ISth. The commti loîtitPink owned iy t llobotzrg 4kt- havlg bsa etttiet fo eîboc"on wit stremer mm leters o minational character. 'fue 1m' as rostînetilaexa'ellenl condition. Tii lr~. daw a ie al'hfor thbe champion- ublp trophy resuiltinlaCoborgbeinlîtad ainst UdmY. Port I bope agaistV itb. antd Bowmanvlille aglion -Oshawa, As Necw- raslla etutin a apeamst. contrmry te expetilion, lerbwn, tiev a bye. Ca'bourg v. TLndaay were lie fmirsle take lte e, !oiow- cd iiy lts éthers ln the order aboes nainet. The î'emit otrtieaay play lot ant'ollows: J.. Edwavrds, T. Morrow, A. LéiflideritJ. Jethwey .1. éMilasJ. Jienderson. seamÏbDon. The. frdoft t burcir ba! deolti 0&noS te@hslêtui.se l ea.moeiowcmsmes4" hloveitma"t le nme Man- UM udirect b ths CU tO MOM poiU vItrlberalcoliSétl trlbutome voneZee& gi'1 nt a- Ibagl lte weathet' vury7 rty Md-l ommeaiem mvhst muw lta. haver lies expeelad Omlb. citlone notm Vi«tb corf thnnie mgI2eur aice b chiiteffap-p-luOntureu fuWaz ooes meing oet l. m WA" ebo aehobm %teasierea.'friembot rbeoien vu reilltiebMsyot thcubualiOb..moi al apee nlemi -Roi. Mv.1 Remubeadntmingntld Uaeflve, ten inwliltie ibs.ifho te tsaieb w~rcf iuo .ui anoti m-lW1lm randWwqdcbsýmaml#wmad ~esupsMo~s ~sawam a& ~edIIboUs t~t 11u~ Us mcoln mihsrlm al m.u.atw ch* a= 1plus. m mDabo rmik Me1u- r I_ - Soetkraa~, Cathro k Mark 'I MONSTERSALE.- -A T- REDUCE» PRICES. Dry Goals, Carpets, Eillin.ry, Clothing, Furs, Bufalo Eobes, Etc~ Etc. W. t sSdc lt of F.bruc&r, c&,i cItrin~g tke &tA of Joe~wg wi obrUi&prscee decBargis. We c&e eter- wbmdoto afryowaay ite,. d, and n£1 dt UckM si.rg body 'K>th &Borg&vr&s. Coma and ~see. SOOTHlfERAI, CAINRO &M-ARK, CITY DR)IL LD CLOTHIR. No Z flobnnW. BMo*, 213oM Wot of the Post Offfre. idffl. Jani. Z2.. N WHERE TO BUY BOOTS ANO 8 1HOES THE PALACE 8110E 11008Es. Our Stock is.Immense, Fam~y SUPPOrs for Preeta Prdom-iinc4te. ma*&ea mistJce, DontI W. kwe rettucact soma& LcLodig LiIeS to Coat. 2£o'wt: R~&bbers, O~,erakoes OU Goat Boots, ýB'utoned. for $2.25. an.Gée1.oi Footwec&r Cua&p.at i, Toiu Liaduy, Dec. '20, TM6. th&e E. NOTA VlSH. n _________________________________ MeZvlZIe k Thornbizr~ LOOK 111A YOD Ami et je= foyecm FU RSIm Would yotx make somebody happy? Buy her Gmet Cah g ous. of Unday. FUSI-l a Sealakin Sacque mu the Peruisu Lam%, the mont durable of Funa, will b. used this semsn z'or GeulemdsCape ut and ies> Sets more ta ver. -People that "look arouxm d or. buying say that they fid at the Great. Cash HNose of Lindsày, on K:ent street, by f&r the. larguu assortmient of Fur COew i aPersan. Lamb, Bochair£ a Lam, Raoon, Wolfe and Buffalo. The. prime must be rightjfor thees me Perm"f buy every time. The quantity of AstracaJackets sold already tiie ason at the. Great Cash étore of Lindsay hm. beau. unnsually large. Maay vere sold to persoa livinga,gr l lUwa7' tOtsLinuy. Rverybody semupleaussM&wth ie good value ve are giving in Kid Mits, WotI &u.1ig treunâvorable ves±her it ilusale to say tha.tlte demand fr-r dune fan int tM county in greater than over before-. sure indlicatiqn of b etter Flue FPm are cSdty, and tao much prudence ad caa'ulneu cannot b.e e- 1 f buing*eO htmhn- purchts» illvifi adly siowu auj-thing iutovmatk othon au the t Gruat Ca*h Roua. of Lindâay, where Blam cu èed repahrm ad ma&. up into any decired shape. OoeXLNETIL bathie demrfimenk undei bisporuouacharge and w. ~., VILLE A IHOUBRI, TEX ~XK*T C~ESTOAZ. I .1 -tt.. s ou. » PASSI1 1 'F