TM CAM If F yol at teto ut vihont a Partielle cKpttu esr P oNNL¶DI. u -adudnlurloww&IPU.L5 GUTINO OTTHE 000181i C*~a: A. GerieralReduction of Stock Ordered. ne frOmm -A moeutng oft therilW oonuulttesof the ewm .m gms d WV-su-s e il coai OUltl lac15 e cm m4 fl OR oBtUdYf hs The ahop et TorontohbavingUpdud Sua- week at the couneil obamber, oounty buildtng.. dayN.Mrdi ud, tthe &a @=Suda,,ILent) to ho To this committee wu degeMýe4the duty of obsved as TemporacS uudgy." a. 01101118 soiar thevalwày Internats of the coDO emsvi .peoo aS.Pu' hrhL UTPARTIGULARLY. n bdq . <ROOERSt.YB PuYaWMO tOtlmd_____ Il MROSeBRs 1Tma Dmey loue amasooamml ta ems foe er Ths nsw oomblaulm.aansUiedle oe aller The* A.MoQui, uliDu, havemot OSfUIy usai aUheafttlljendorsi by m, CUMF .logeâî ug e.hv e îrck r Ih. lv rn -t0io.To reta'ni istc otbm ei 14, as easdeaiaLPractI- dm ned3rJO a OPUdiee It mît a t n Stck f th bff moié e'ot. Ths la an excellent appointaient and ORO flts~lbQ.f'.~'t Lncc1therc-it should bc on the tiwo .te1a.<ils1r ru ent lk«meid by Mr. Cooper. Th'is donao aller mfis crethltr t ialMdal sr opinOn au ta the oomMttutlo.a117of tbu :.~1îV~.~i .h! )f; dlhe houssckccpers vif thb country. sanl oi-77*aUre.cshr. j !~.t ~ettt ~hrc ~ hc ruc~tin. On110 te0#11«18O e liè Mr1icentaine the tollowlng A. meeting outhe cabom aàSiailos v0nbe -:+Lýddh.ýrc jý t. él.cïtin. Oe.d6 theb,,Thed'r). ndContral lotoet eàborougb.tutder held ln ther remisonshurday,Xavclogh, et , ~ ~ j,ý ~ jVt>*iry such induccmentq as youl11 fot readil -ya 5RUt~lIe715.ttaUl *...hitcolwnpro~.m viih S~îh n&îcr~n~ a~,ii. fct yu crut iffrdtol au hotel f the tevi., The whole plueo a. that ftwas uawise for luovam îi 'n -fct; -yo cant afôrdto, ber-n refluted àamI-rMoodeled soihaznow It e'oni- meut ta grat the subWly ofut 10th vfaverabliy vith asY hoteln-uthe Province. Canadima Paieioabu er. Dun, valloe tropitOns«Wea" mmdüly oau depesd BEcnesimand Dtokmon viii speair on the &Mirm- b.IrwUtaIu.dmc-et If ther vieit the ative unMesuére. Md sulin, Berry- and Skis- uer ou t i. qaiv C irnsan, Mr. Jotas McL- Novjubt attend t@this proposition. la Order to cicar .U WSI5M 5Ub Len;rtlv.Tarwz. ,ut thesl nod 01i aII havc bargains. Spot bar gains- Therfl eeting<b8of lnow e'uliber < "amsW A~u~ aassociation vas MMcl as Thuraday <venng si a typographioierri a ttll tj'c)e ar-cltt~rc~ Thec ôodq arc licre. Corne ii and and althou net m a oly atteudei aomigbt local Item, la Tamr Poorý lut vcdek that the -hv bnexpeotx4 It as novsrtheeu. oouaty treaum"Ya adjourneiL sale ci !anie for Wàktl OtflCfYlt Wer. I offltaiand outhaute. Mr. W. M. Doma cave j acrtlomaut is Iedigartio1* ut theToronto taxes vould taire paeO oasat Iowlng resolution wasdebatedt O*Resolved hg forconnio uï ndChia fr bst it la in the IntercsalaofCaaada diat therlitfrh seztWoduesday, as wull b. mecn bi the advt. Unvernment esiuti mu eriegrauté, te thFg s~4s'~ ~rccyfor young and ok' ithoutkeepers. The cut w Oi tafimtiveMè"Cm e' evewe. Parties proposing ta attend sbould HaladIlnead:wieh ,vw note the correction. ia r adi iiapm. Thc' Mosit nobby -and most j '& Y¶' Lme and. . &vce.tble. ~~~~~Cr mîmw~Lzuettete The R.,. G. Webbor of Oshava vifl jelve falorof theî allirmaive. Mr. IL, L Dunu, n critie for theaveulsgttbenvsp~we afteuvhioh a lecture cm the above mW n .Nt on& dr the meetln ajnved....The. stbat. at the g MthlUh a h i hriatiau chutch 1 argo ;I&qottncnt- d)if acy I NA oods .uita.ble Maoh tth, of ttilstovs. rWabbei le' oseet the. muet fo mantie and bràckct rnament.iei .mlm.d i s aaeilaI itýorlcar. -A slo lock bas boss plc.d i i farmere and nstructIve manner vhîoh ceanot Whil yourctect n m' ofer n CRCmarketn' ow&haiL gto Intercet thuse vhsIlites ta inât, Thom -Tii net metig othe ohol»who have heu tie !lecture speak of It ma. forgt tht Ikurp.âIl lines of fresh and tnpting groccries. taiond, mit Da' fltabet teRicetdo, JWu.Moruo cfPeterbeo bas bom nuueMa ithdmccetraliuss o oua0»yeur forafflulting usau aiidvobbsga ady.Neixt MofdA7eveninmSaa t eu. IL H TM.rir mahymeigu htv Danoecolobramid musical extravafnza "Euh- gonoil vi bel&ohiounda" i at t 0f ext bis%" vii hogiveR tiher houes y he-Ui Il . K I H Eweek. Pr pcucil muet. once ecdi g olla pWî Codsedj C..ith the tai-sted W"k.Pit por 1911&and haringMis a luaeHobznz&n la the mie of ý-H Je-ýK -E ,,C 1-Brtheaucionmieof&p@et the Bmue - - y.Wlnku&-lanvhlch m emay ieo hard la r.cai.fao aud M"ch Ith, sol gme hvethe oas op li;iiïnJr ioIredIoobtla a th utpopuler altotthde.Tm Wzaavdo? a4ow&hereetmi. Mdsud mPromt'ed Mdwe Li ay. -A ma Cmforswu-Çm',littie sud bio- do ne doubthon who gote heur thlcomblna- -.Kent tp 'nd- , thal; le, mnu vite si hqlypq- t Loéis. tion s bcmore than PmLW ePa o A kw Urs-lase dlau d« »»» t d sth- them aweIi4lldod os. rhey dnesr . c- posedot et-low PU&ices. iee eanit.put luaeêsme mtsand Pla" of halet Portes book- vourt uoders vitI dm rest.. ________ -The. aftersoos"eais roca COJ>ocouAIC ouh, mJ >~.~ O~~ sSwaurdai afternoon,414 notwmach lndts&çh _________ ountil %2n"yafatefloon. TM .train rpturnet -Rev. Mr. Cooper o am anuys conducted er- r«e i velusm Osudaauovlo pZs ou la t.. PaîtrechurchtSuta -pis(Ilering out balance of vinler railsovr w mie lin as kw hitbgo . leuIlth -,:t Wednesay being Aeh-Weidesday e7 . 1.lui. o<. Potitiosi aveln iculation, lau*Peterboa o m, id:SS in lfit. Marie church by' Vieur- &"uatlie ics auw-siil utthul. town riat the sl t mis~ctTa aae y large etendanco .INDSAVI Vii DY, REI4.21 tti lepGgre..groels si luo ommcFlegci he*. 501tw» held la St. Punis church Wstd. peitions arc heiug largeli' signod sad sheuid ewial Wesa: nt emslrseu i'1e. \ ) %4PeýW 1rlof heap Cnrrana Ce connell~itili vte." learattuswslI là. %Weton-le' The vwcasat ëitochai Thenunlero.Io«]concertoaewetiitovr bedor-*a« Ah'- à,.'ph EUlottetTrno àrjrae AND y nicaiet aa Muial nWom ven inLnduy hm$»ndF ... - . 111 duclt ire dormir M_______e l . mba. eLmmav omr tcawo O ifarriag Meaumeseraglngnesly tvopervuek. tE adtitosawa. and preai i St.A dovan,ý."Ct unday mon- -i. ~ ~ of M'ît' .,IWtf~R1e4 llI'of. IWr u-*atosthe c~ urael*ing coùqipanushave becslUberw-aIloir. A»IM Eiot ih» ocujieew. there noi u I.WuEakn satMtMofPon êtlunere rs h n l el WUhno inso4Iy. tl.t. t.phm as eon appointed cehiCf constable of -The niglt of the, hall la, Uhe opera house a he *wlll-hti'oa cordial welào1i* -Boy w.atet t yoW.(7who llIsonOvaltooi & valtiablo Pernulan rn t)i.,prlntinig ,triui' .? itliet Th ii.vie etf. .T. .. tmrrtt. editer of rte = Mncp ont of ».D. fet.McWbbesuemrM wi sî.îtd.and willng Ita tdi iMuh. l, Xfdyrn lq baucoaneCMAln for a seventb u fovrétpokt andrplacdl wttau cdone. ITbeflnrtî..Dccasl oh t fDubanmto0s tl.X« e $i,0& #- UPPM -rd;.4arrt patrobuble he:I t at. ca-U ndWaay. The. toUowli*tgmtlr wAllI retire .rein newea. ait a lliIjxoadryev menwers presolnt: The Nova..Rural Demi Allen. car= =me&.but fur salutsrametitskinaWemos-Jonae. W. PatReGma" aiW. C. A lIen, ai..~.. aigî.twriksf o .i'ia1 wLUOibI<tlk itU e cal Unyh uimdeu hIe fbf"ohie "deshuttica then Rey. Mr. Jeusetf I& do 4U no eowa this wlnt àe.lTi laCbit newsplaae 0'and 4the Rer. 31c. -Js- et Trinîti' coUlg e v 'nIt.T ntid, tsilaIHli 1 .iAdnu-i t hei. tmý reqiires, prot aud playoti lame popuw ared .Thom Presmat asviastore. Atproâ"tabl ftrnomw lu &s.«dr 1, Ili,-Pitarltb tankm'o,Wp.tti d* -Thé anI«rtment of Mr 1. J (*g w'eoepola incosume en -oje4 theinseives hbou-~t. over tSt h oopter et Pl'a tI' e k 1st p t le a otake le thâi et' headnmstr of ilyI Phlfplun. the original. in vitcitmaay 9'u4..'. he normal mhool lt Winntp-g a net y Inort- mgn«ib lade rehr inItB'"USig points, et a dSceau' puacilcai na ft, tI'dri i it.norainw t bey ws.r iawn eut po'utlon. but one for which M.GglnI Aygunvnomada-r t.ofls esopud p. The dar w» coneiuded« 1a îepistepi'regfrDttei. a. h lwm-prnent 1401< Part. The Ren. W. -i .11t. sllo-itttitfatti stlîo aî hte ardmîatli eplero potbs arln4t t i hiegMos in-lfothéeii-C Ain flur ohrilaw elti moi Ut. hn~' t.' cltiatl ty .n hos. he Morier. Pnsion et0ftheltte Revr. Wni. "d ea4il le Aïld tha Lite oUIle fair ~dote os tondi he n ti.saiof mlssonary or= tla t)f W..,.cte titlblIe4 srmw placsd them N Morisi' unh.ij? . 1IinF VMrILIln laToronto hlm. Lient. "L4ahtuust red" bas rotumuod fo==g a~t.Owfng tothe ic am that vas Wdfu ith rirk.,s on n'hctetly. The and hts endehane littieàbope' t bs a conri'. tm ataon and wulhborwof.oorgn.ioevr cye eopeett o .r4 v. iýtiii rittilètîy. stIe inninit -Mv. Pnnmhon vaw.aboilt venttarin ' 'o r a a rtl roint. srgic eve.dr oe wmpoue b t .uuit.e. ~~~tour tbrunh the. pronince whon bh as a - ouimowrsntt sjitieopii ,.m .mhm lit S.u?'c Aî"rrîî. rntuoft n temrossyiriI. (TorýonteWorld. icis orme"althts weok. Ou.â otthenakd t>' iexIvitis.'kvth"aî'c'fetORil -Olur-.enal old friend. Dr.flotebIsin. wsuaIlit ,Tefams m soa cm ttotun - lnebe a tuediti daate e utctu e teî'a'ecc'al M.le. .Ya hfsnsnoiecstMondal'Md Tu»- themsoclety rps-ea.Y adflag Incrnas tiares lu re-fereuce 2 thinknairial appint- +lcîcî vih<îvrtst~-r'î Opnutv t iai' a ainnoundinl u 'l'aPos'r.Thfe jactervn ltommoohpvsniLîuna hr r v asour w -uton uttît~M !, tuîc-'harcl'cticcc n... M.nvrm buiili' we& d nicMManda the refftsit~V nuuiu Jatfasciucc svetld sbudu7 tiellethadla il"c"psc Oî i tppotniu qertltilraiis cofeenc iji iacalo is at e 'ataxsai)ot i 'aidest Ueime chis-eh 01of ndaani ti lbe C m. The tI,"e'.'c* itit'"nu. l l " tt5 of é coretines ml..s hlmnhovean4 aei l ai'os or Ut. manilpw aul e l-e u iAs-rounds. 1 Ic5. v. imb es-tcpas or he th l'Àcf:îc i- 'îvir lfite n hp. i t tuc i e a u m te thitt h o WI e v o M .rn lae <err e m ietc m ia is a l gs e ttae e r n dotu M w IIIhae 'litlc,.. 5> I Of fflthveasanusaslTtPnT atas po"sbîeandemilelOWtrmbiinguax- Ptrobabllt t*érluavi ttwîiers iti.e ati et li l". tt itt&tteO ith hait-a- kdgond tulemoes-t Uau lagnoti humer suer the llons the rpes il M-lwut l ataufAacoiO eIi 9 mib c Mr ,i'tî' tl t"tl , tev ir - 11Pfor . . . rvements-banc bou s a i .sine IM qulites h *vl g te. se caeotier wah a tt t-l ' * ' c e t i tn Ia np fo r 7 8 ut u r f o iy lm îîà e l" le. lit m ts.îilticrlmpsrovenM Thea"arcilehefoanof su. ontticM es-, so t'one l.gWthe reihecogeaM, y .~It' 'îe'dtha or i Tc outho ac imaottu elbitcidba On r tilt11um1411l , ti- t.ti cet léondy r ig'loietiu aIlbsitenJa h ot vas c Of -aÇ' a v ue s a ipoprn uuetun-rvru rc. c'c eînsIs. tIi 'lsesg oin..So tcanmmf,t afmn t hcneu;t'or Ari netl¶of dm uestri'et lSt. Pmal'Went w Uase Vuy e ltiý1tw Mm hrXd %tThe di£- Ilc' e'. h)Iýl ile, ié. î>s,îîîtr. lame, PetonboM ent1mi Mnal. *The0coient 0 i trc vwu NOWI5tghelu of a Ouite n *yàuo tn u bva eld at Monde Al 1i'th-i %vpk tw "r an idctomei' leos-ragaantiW tierse a gi butage inguouwlma Snleaam btl LdsyfoIoPM»it Muutsy114h c' hic ve'ktw Ink j~aîtfilics.Th ii. hbop vas premeutod ntap o h tie bu" mh .ae stic onmtienes., isas'be el.Lat euy s tuu asot- t-L el'b"î.'1 î»iee hlifet To lhaen-iuiatos-y addreuanmd ~ estue àA patof ti o~ete lit u u v'ut og-oe.bubbhosstcoi aWs paid the. lti"îc ', sv..t ht ra- ecvîct up C01111v11 s- e teylasl et churaistand upn roniet tce Prosmu canf'Ini~ 1.". t tîi, rst Tou etora-. ea e torlaiometia .f ci t ai.'a icoa te ana Ope, The nmeeting wVUY ver' Jarglstutida Vate int.' liqrthvtlP i iliI y5tt ecîimentcodr.1ï, tp'o s anti uing tiiets- eongofihieilomt Utsnovchaoh plucetits tecaprenulean md U the u111 ute les- u as u in l the ~as~' s-u seeîsut eîvîtI.cciifi> luliWàoltnamoin thetouel essi'epu.'vhois en1tket t ain-et. lot..sabeea oMud-c:ai esm-y u icPropoui tae- s'rnle twa th eil nd'tit- l. onle la th .ue " sfw .t hi gra ite ee' Itirgoti iie s m i'Ieclttb os e u etsoasit&.T h. d4i t t,"Itir cp ue-y..31r. T Foc vas piaced lu the Chailr uni wiSktj t fis , ht' .tî.î .'rp bu to5 tri r t lcalei the continuieS gooti tolsg thal, -soscs incavgaea ema'ap e tc.lnp'vs c tf~litii.liw'uyWtUd' ea iaronust s ta Udjm se ffrdt obe i i-uehnieana. e Lcyes a"bmm ot pee ,eaig mit it ieto jp tt l'i'. lkckcw c . cci tbc iokn i j eot.-*sevlptiee, anti aan mmmd-pupl ofth*bar et hc chus-eh c slluiit altowens-ailoas ate f. mti nat nd itàpso A brids <tomtte: 'The 5S)7 fussiedi%.attas- m U. o1u@à#vt t u m ic a is ho tua y .ib es fi li V us-cr. li.vea-,nitocothr Ot i - sclsugatisuos sivp'aalem uhesiesciO sue av4arei's frua tii'stb.ra. . ~%Veo.4lfo>th olJs-osing o e uo oL -it eso ou Wm edaes iii hel IJ a petii~~elmIUem l<lV4!.ckl < .~m ea.O Wdutsqeeln mI h<gtu~Cs-im tpa er m s-n20ev ea .nsddtkspti Nul~:o ro.. , asipnoerpu a resned, aBa ibeviecSea1011111111=9ccma epelme ud*11 mdletprssos"sn N& 1hîP . ue W n à eNivb 3 $ Mn=l Mc&ii's~p~u . ayorbri idaIt*U5 pn.#"Ve Itrpeedlfi.Tira cme o ta i' thi asl,, tins iLsEsii.Doum s tel. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ é waa's ueri. th" tthe ver. gentsviuli the - &d es ift meviho mi»8 hle ie- a usfne -si oea 1115 laIs asi s lsb l he1 hti'fcmS quefvt aticoThee'fulemumugt utatM ..ja c.5 tt,,~ s uegane Te ras. se rois thve ombie-mNu UtsAn-ove is- mp em 1111asim Md ÙOMvM - v v'uti d clMes urlil I tii siplya ues~l o Tsaai ~~ oey i~eâe aveyjàst ss-bsit ",BdrU ll -gu - wu us. mmas. Stna mMlie Pm inAu4ro- mtt*nuf ni hi' nu ie. EI5I Chuu4- t he osi o, lOl1i1h o, alasaJuui« la tUe- et lI let usiag sIeNo.a -LIna T sv sbuavg,7 Ibo-un.., iUMM Nlave ra s ai. r OUR, and Uts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w servet ri aGpnmvànLa e-aths.~ Ua t eellgseet tMc oeme.1i. UMutDaim de.bW.. LMtiWeae mI» tskwet J D a- AWY M, IM. NOW 18_ YOUROt HýANCE. W tw Of au " me 'm i~.pvgnm"w aSle fas&fbe B'4aijwBm t u reatw. p mbrao4W key4rWg frI ~~tA. rk 0fW f of sm-mu. e EtA. iaC Mtrecl oeto~o eeocbe T" cv. fMaaw UafiErhm5 a i'ol g..'yhig:etan -wT" lyw wJqda"Fn.u. t00 AT .d l n 4.4 m- son 0mw Howae <a popuUicr for <ta Moderate P,'ws and~ aU ar.e of perfectatiaat4'&in aU gode boxht at the City Store. SOOTHERAN, OATHRO & MARK, hboWn Hock. 2 Doon. Wt of the Put Office. NOTCETO STTELAIT TEAE'ACCOUNTS. Parties who -have not get settled last gear's accounts are requested to cui and do so wit ho ut further notice. il accouRts pat due unsettled by lOth Iarch, wiII be placed in other hands for collecion. SPRATTU KIL LEL oe~satwe4 OUR REAT_ BARCAIN SALE THSEWHO WAXT MISS TH Eý BESTB *NO Time Likethe. Preet For 27&M ia m pUasatw#is theu lta at can boat th. e saion 0 goMmU mg or y0? mr IOy tLhS% y0% &"ut. 'W. anre dtmioto cdean out alInmter Stock and ofter: EmwOUR 01M47Omwuwo SALE MELVILLE & THGRNBURY. g ~i à _______ ~a ----- - -~ nd. tM Ihic~H5 .01 v I LM~ Undur. Irebý