7 AKUAW ~ a~ G?.7Acol, 4,i * - - ~ <unI scrta ias -AL- OU gbligimu !111 d "Jthk lià l haem'. or tne *ti la ewahl -o kIsPOm2Uvoe. nui b ielne nalm*!cmuca ABIL MIt, but ing stasl gmi $WrpIlobsiahm**edé% W x» *» MM u Saiei ot te hmul boa, Il: missCr a beralajdis. uptos m h>c "Nus~1~.,,u. .15. (vastee<baue a1111e grl e Iicdminsaul im a "m hou sos- lm0wl0#4qami, ni., Ibat Idoa'l ut imam adrstmgyu ul. oM c uienC h'e& evsiat lim goatlay aooy.niuor.B Me1oans uàmd r oshWlite, te. àffu atne.h uoeeHUMht r peje Wu t c9one glrlmgly opboseray, la W~~3mutMP~ ~~ 8"4par is. e oraludnto m-# ta au lb ~~..vae *uwmuib pýftstsi_* 5, e__ ,ivepu Dm 1fixr 1 uvebom ielken ene Mr T b t oe'W-cryug âmekMI i4mr mae It vero ySlà", an ber b but CIanW IOL Esigemautmes ~~ ~ timoce*m po»t.a s . t i hunier . a may 'ou ibat At ir' shn have ti yaI so, uwib 1>511 iUo' witssmohleoe, n9 n'c ofq#mt hes aa ualp- 'vtu thnîgs voTedo"e bc" th" levou aomarld neot » h "m Mdbyig istF ew w po te rMansIeiz jpzabbavea 1amh. own a a1 t. ne. o! mohh. TMoyldie lohel "Ktab à"fzs u " mcveximoa. 'ewlm timen-a smietas I li ta , b" wvltipkinlle.osp. "ima ut ýo$ed VkM 5hm aMua mon er ov de, III z i W»ievnahiielsvs melf l MinM1 al à, t realedo» taic dîasra ifd ntvatbgo mu omtgo erl001 VOtai' he ladiflterui bird by R1-u1W %espas fla au nw ic<5~0 1f. l etikli a umhaeatar le lpi gieAuc Whrat 01a hofftbure u (lai m n a.) 'ilào » <>hi O iSxemutl jEkldel Ihe I Fand 1W 1* e nufer ois defI mint gil w 4vii. The s iétam GIdmslit 1 i1'mt u>i 1*Ic wlhi ~m1ewts. t .1ul ew. bt im ets le t ay t irn-<<j t xt w t lght.miAnti Traah, oq4l&e mmv 11h uevsuly' arspw'f ov.ieh we au bR4 e preu elveerv, a snslIi ui m..Iîea 8pVi.- estOe t iauelam et UUwbr itaay uBohcS*6a "0ihe e imtuirt «4t,1 Lhm'h, MetunaOi. n g aadl ni ct I cM 4ga . hwta <a l a a lm luas imauinmos ' ompnyer . ! uuuêreosxm.uI .e frhmwMadid ne uaunime liaAime a laim am05 c IiOmiln. W oua mm t»do,'I '.n aoMuqfarbuu >.,.a l psr l 'ad uati l o 1f m d e bt ndcgs a tub t n s)za a t tmnhe fibt.i-o f Ii t tOltth ai "» >1 îuo tmipe oose ul or epaise 'u VItOIC -ib "M"ebeeis. e <>1117011.0'P aneutt le -O< . c1 rwf.ai t.a n lirNu ldlt o fu.sc eba.m lsa bout,. T ae v e i.wht ~hk.litiaî. nt sgIM e tfdon u-s.M'yonagla*ties «a nai w» T#à tsleinte au n»Smhellpmyg. ft* blun, oe*ue tvi ball e a ite t p dolim a i tete ophia U beou l &1ri ittè me. w t icng h euIl liiP«der los. aTit .d aumsu.b& ,li avt BI otnottll tiij la o4. q arirmet &MOr% may bbi'o b Uen T amhuesnulut m e.n)IY l VAfC41,1f wui.Taeing, hOveMdver. a gêeuiando Sd sfnoash, amikit mb *Ard i u4oti 4fér. w i, 1 in arlwtiof e tlioterf&*1Whil hae luta th:ii ome a mat. A wo~v ~ W 15W ld o axv IMro1vua nujt ty anrtiaciniijriai h«na - rô» OO" 7ea'0011l1 arae*~ r bsleimy ahoo qrouiaiitty sewoedeg priLsa eqwu o, e Nyi eamer- a l ùw itmo<inuim tlUe geam tem U wT*ýwn ee'tuiiy eut & tvyIladumm supe e r utetl, atfoîésI tib ' qhemes %Pl" b". rm~l einti eS.Rtohu (~ljR~,mlaeu~st ouhe .w stebal i i 116 of *0 b out ls W -ith îu'unxuu 1. mtla c f C plwàsamu»iloBembeitBl- t bes otitilla crtin tao ot ite ti l e. i hibe r w<xrds tm at li r iite.91 b bv mrNa1y simit Jckig prscuth") ii . - ncit.' ler t hiey hot ae sm* yitk ei. Fo *"~'nili. euomsnoiueibeefj"ottd. M» paki'wLie~~»J >ltr a ehfe tino ifandlinveueti li~. tr. howh teiretita, îwus 11,0if the Alî.i. lf lolby , tono'rwi sahm nleu ha- rlt rs t Ml ott'.'. u'avne. upos.,Fmâb hie. hon-;lke de wu>g &wig hà'tcc erpL.roI et m iftesuli eno,*. lss t:.,:.tîiyhae<>-~,»îc.tbie.,lt -l!ia4er nphe » iti baghoveut-ellu guigbo, Mvit Eni ne Marousi uq'. I'vlhug nieaisti bs134ne1 a t itaii lv raî.a "V n itiear tand ie watti hat tey neyer <~ ~c~is iuteîîie<~ 'ri ladis, btjnw vNu'n," a . ha himt«lte, dont ag'iîm. ophie aflervaeda foh ot t, uue*îuinu'uei s-une>xandvo r. l ncir'e . "I t a ppo e yg. l watt t e gcasti m aer$ , mu Euope. Her eoio.: n mdf1I. tau Mre i va iia 10iimf.! u flc deut" ton-00110 M ttimsohuma-bai ropt udmy r'fre nmlue ir ueîaat'abtc him. hl. tIl oprimqdcrod hersaita> SEMBaver> bup 1114 tl.x tvumihe faubw aêtbe lieum n. oflue iu" abi hlir8,04 m . iaI Ohecraiotualiy vzme i upu wulh ou e a «" ecno>nm% ts1. iYOH 1111-hat nrht ti and wieet lte 1an But lia Brgeni dtea Eelllu îov l mete..-tlé.er au-y li oul u 'iic<tiectc odab o>coi akteuLvbsarraL s tbjoalzte' £s itscusPr":iùtuiîe'iim.se'eli., Seagoti. e.u heh.h sec usmoioçeut . enlnll4xxm e iiàrýt fhie, l ul i er >.. bioîi uieTt> insreume toi eeieiIIme.Awc 4 o» pn hu drn 01 rrne .de -a niidi.- savcd luiru li. wahquif epi" ed very bot. ý1 hw1it Oft pW.aqmou !bei> o It neruh1sêtaeati. If ho i u utîtel an. mlier of gcat, vrs alt fr tit ici . ~>myaeuWi-vu kllib ~:efa~ ier, ot.k ti I SAutle' il 5.sh vo». a day only. The lsut MonccI beate (lai,. mi"md M. <i4dimr<nnmpA cu<:ahldomsinrn. aimu aleClre di& otfMaet au lum a braie. h 5h.vaul ischacesudcen-ou la>.4'tas belon-. lecw andi sime en -b U t andi h« "d. m bu!talked mm bo reol.M.A«Qiâail.viff P«thnihs tm t o'uîe of, their uincixbes- toeetuabout t l iftacm aM ,0lb" g riime, ui i M tbr#C» OeW laii ,tu M,tlo-c o il. witj,kict te meesthé »M'et aPuma' vital' vPiUS lIa 44 uom"e of !,wImi& o llancb.<a1, wtblu.m<tn-r. car ulxOhn.urtt..gv hung&. ah* al1k.s *W*lar4emu,<g Sia~ b* ap 1mv a lookhf et pIaýl athoutiqu ie vasc mrst. etnie(1tte Mury. lel'h«o iyen are. Wé tihe 51*looeuvocebumtapa sic dil f5nit» e.Yoxî ar e .YOCO 9zm MlEWtr at iober » hua per-on Whuo awueomitedjorrascîf." Pm ut c.he l. v&Mmgabe bW Nhie vauter! Ihoin te adilio erWte l l" 6"* lât req vi food cmne msJ trioCt aqlh4oavt lii. R àtM4 long c aq as f"0"&s, s«* ge, fie vt fsg~ai pn-050511l thhoy ver <id. Ii. ptp mihr l ve ay 1.*0ie«bar. O»s bus-elk.cimisw~g mnile v... ue>ve alpmae S uk et tut s d-Y«tlay vialudaitrtm the fil suili bu~'hm 'potfmuy. 7wShé 1"1-7l. s ott; madeia.avee cativitasn- iv Im yt isml o s< Iawt. e Anmab.- bave ô""-'egUrnemus. mii,, as m. f Oit lutes. emnu hitu p-ag« b Id lis pis ipm '-am1p -Y.. -b - mgt Lvgzas mlom _a &»M d W t bg--1 Whuch they s si lgnjy indloatad. -if lm thati been Ioà" capabled! umosteml. CIO jus$ how wvulga Bmoste y sunh, lai ijh bave uisapproveiCIE tisa it. Dm atontly. A. it maeas eta i fiý e ti hunsozi with fullrecoltisu etf tr uglmes, Yeuwlth 4ý latent ad pesu yr"paty. h remndedber f the at mercantule City tha" I&y 'seusai- le0 0 cg-y whom. bhm young humbani wu klng toaugneut h-jiu, Mdby aso ceSn of 9cili ema dfnec. col ~Ut conionsh' muouetrma i* Dosli wa; wus C".i»'mode cfmeantp F: m ypoopleo i. i Inf4ia eh=,Whiti.tam m. Naui ezpuuu mai. heruinou. ri iyImm11indetsctm-iiiathe bam tdu m*cibe«àm s, ehihaaudthe .1* d &ie t cipoverty, aui beu M r laith' e uacel-Ysyt. ~oethu am â ie eniouaalt. dugy-claieh"=liaauaveue, sud le àbuButons -l gn 1sn =M»=- a @bt ame ickmnli .Mo"et tm à"kh o xo.lnet&Tmh. bàm wul lauoeub et s- tha~ it a-..te verni. be ~. a . bar~O ro~e mm t to amd ho ogi e rs ~ tib u this cio ! domes Is aticipa. w"W.sh bave to fi m itMMW mt@," she tomi bis. Wo cannt te um a hum. cf on ovu. But mpartmemta au wr.ymoeaMurqMxmb. Thoy ai quitaiM»ubom .boarding bouge, you know Ishoui ha sonry il we Were Oêmpolte beaM2." go. shonhi 19- dooland ilJofister. 1Am jlm «» etiat We bave Dot eDoli tkt e ret ammua homeail" Clai'e ye. gIisteuedas .thoug *0 Chance ol thol ù"omeb- i"isu t'O b umtchmnsfa.r seimtedcharming, pessibilties. Et iemon gave a sil Sbalie Of the head.46 No," se .decided. «W. shkliould offl u1 cum s uning in" debt.W. boel tube ne. raidi riakwlui Ybw m is faiof thtmP. #t i§4 KurbentBes& ayoar 'or two, *e chaneai foriLqt." scioli. Ber quick atsyet facts that vith mont womea bafl bth cor nd5 uuenatallding, uma no carr tha __oxUg It bâtialwaya boom bu liihrh'baro ah l iwanted. b) coupréehomm e l.ier mental ps estletwlght and brieefot. Itwas not long before al dthe'pricoet of stac lu the moin gpapers, with nai [y anlucida loce tioowhat itmeant ad Eiollimer iméi.SI>. made lber umaband exiain a- veil-%q ho cold-, Md thli s b7mgwmeana ill-bath tbe i alpractina of Wall Street Sh. soc begain toknow1 a imhportant investueuts. andu Wlk of thon> with faili glibuesm Mier combrol over Ilister dail lI *rM*010ed. *'5h. would have lswayc b Mau of mnch firmer will, and it in cer- Min that ho grew steadly more <lofer mto ber indgmont lher counqel, or bven ber. caw>icei. The douiro that ie éo pltiuly idd baie ta him ho liad Iready extimatad am a mont r14 tand Uatural ieilpiet - Tu bu. oye. asx touchod wi: no aubade of .tiltiqll- le-â; ità gotsm waitto ho reatilYj iongb condoneod; e e ik-ed solf.alsr àon rn thon. whim nature lied %wronghtj b funer @taturo, tram butter Clay. The r.een pinedi for thron. aud Septre: c îcy w.jrti a debt owed berby the worli; j ter conkd net belp bolng born royal. 't ht irritated hbis that thospeople in ýht bol *liomi ube biexpressed a viitn know, shouli l ot have m ilt ilr arqua utance auti Scity. slhe must f iave itrUmm theia aCroîlture of grea1t *ail ani gace. Why hait theiy o eeu 'voin jte, paying bier tribute? ThiÙ4c ras Ilitrsfond, way 01 putt.ing the a natter U) his OWn tiloUglt. m I .4 fow of thons saMuo people istil 1 .e- Malned. Tbey forimed a littie cJIlue .g .- nong themmelvos; %bey, wil weroi . miting for the dnuws and torlitil eatiher to wakie.xp windsentithleretawn. i il rl.wfby î chaiedailal2oito ortry,a&M set tii.'7lever showod a sign I s fcarm!n, te do molli than teeelier. Bol- v ýter secretly rosentid :hcir mdifferenoe. lnprido perlliapecunimpirect with bis a )VO iii raaking hini brling Clai a frexhilb 1 ]y of fiowers everv cveunng, thatil !U wertheuâbrillaantly- knottml lu M [le hmo> et her frss. Süeromon. 0 tratc4l wvith him ou the extravafflce of it utiL little devottieat, but' for once bie fi vertlel lier proto'ut y a. reforence ta f, 4e cheapns et fower a athat eueia mffas. She alway. voie the foyrs tting forthlin a ricb mams trm the j - 9 THE GOLDEN Âiij ______ THE 1W bW b" MMI"lab Ihta ncin h&M, la a fuImmpN M , il m * 0 M e ,- a d n t bkadahip by 1 - i g bSr ami itia @iM fW e lse ab au&o! et ble .11tne, ami et t be litias la uiasor " -Tu am et. tisa mchants," exOwai'q then, w vcorner, zranng tatcemy but fbolvzng v, m a tum c! isheet tombe« dam la r.Tauutaz, Louise, et -de bon enfaw- Distance mocudrowrai lthelamenta- tions ci littie Louise, andth le lady nbov addressed liersel! ta Claire; 66I hope my bati littie girl iasn't been troubling jon," ah. said. -6It. la reaily the. nurse's tainit that ahe imyed away iu tItis vil style. Aine ishboriully came-- lcS.. I've already diwschared lier andi t'batimkes bersmore no. iqt wc.iat Newport the. poor chilI uearly fen over t.ciliffs becuse ut tha" vomann'sot- Your 11111. gWi as in no danger hexie, I thiuk," salit Cli.e lig -Oh. no; ot coinoct," retunedthei lady. .1heb gavc Claire a dIrett. sccwnngg look, andti thon dropped .upomn the benoît bcsfdle ber. 16Coney ImIand i s %-ery dl!- féreut from Netyport. W. bail a cottage ther. ail SoMUM. Do yen ktiow 'Nov- &%"sai Claire. "It lu a Very de- lu, itful place. le it mot ?" " 6WeIl, yes." iru Athe latdy. with a cavert di-sscnt iu ber admis-Jou. W. nie. but it'ýs awfully -4tif.". Do yen mean coresonW.ous ?I" a-kcd Claire. "4Yes. I gttfrightfnly tirediof it. 1 a-lways do. MIMy bîumbtand ke% it, andi no 1 ;o on bis account. l'a muéh nac;her ; o ta Narragancett or 3lourit Desert. 'rheyoe more like rosi country, don't YOU know?2 You baven't got lu battus, your ffloves ail the tise, andi pose yonr parasol. you're sot, bothereil with inklng wbom yon .misE know an" tvhom you saa'It. You can let yourselt loe. I love ta Jet myselt Icone. But you cas't do it lu NewporL .Evt.rybodyv tiere las na kind of higli ici..Novi1 ik-e ta corne dcvii, once in a vile, audi ride a pcy.90 The Iadytcve a chilL. short langli as .4h ened seword.. Clairs had al- ready notetilaIl ber pesoual dotails. Sh. vas talE of figure andI ext.m'y mender. Sue bail a hharp-cut tac. which wonld, have gained by nut heiug oise ciilia p.illr. Huer lack eyes were fuit t regsties.' rilliancy; lier lipiq were thin, ndit arkeid at lieïrrims by ai n". rw bluiali line.P Slie caruleti berself with au air oî toi- Portance. but lier sauner wv en tfar from .the. leat tsupercilieus u(lià.piay. Slie prctmptly iniprosffld ycyu a» a wnitan whoffl g0ememat definition vas a demo- ratic eue, thongh aristocracy mlighlt aIso he mogber sinor.ainga. he iati no distabat; ah.was o inoagre in point <fethtosevere in rencrai eonlonr, tee acute an ber angles.- Sholachked aIl th. charm *ar feminine xi-..; &ho was a livingc. iiayof îraigbt lno.Yen coula otcselye béeri-e ber w,%ilhont rWh-rkDgUt aliency ot Ler joints; ah.emvd tput cig-ether on a Plan et cruel kccciý,. It tic sanie tise >ier motions wrere Dotlcn iwkwmmti;glh. manageai ber rectilincar &fi cdlv with a mSnprxsxn a s ni lan U~cr ealt apparedexcellent. not- miths.tamdang ber ti raeandi chaIk Mlor. The warmth, speoul, andi geniaf- i ty of ber Q-peech,- evidently. sprnuging !ro 1>1ghanimal spirits, 5no.toubt en-; ored, this inférence. Claire felt Dot a littl e uzzled by ber.,~ Mdi Ixad an immediate vish. ta findt Ont ecterday -ahhi once o t'mm *jo.-- - ~ eukum uli.n s Ume IL U NJ sr s a . h u r. EIbuth. ASteri bmve 1 am 1 ba"mitsa#IBO ni, Ubeanew maiý 1< Doob4 dumSt à Ir- SIzES lx STOCK ABD TO O *2~ lme.anti 1 W'. wm ix ft&bssoireat islem~ lS widàot ail) IMAM IMM w1m»M 22 &zuasai PMby>. -IIMQummt bemma oom& SL. 1 e. - - - - ?- I Ua it8e o- ta 60 IefM~c. li:t,;tited - CLennan -HAR WAE00. o 8-n t0 t A: love rmia...W. bavinl stock and to arrive a Zarge sto.k i W of LABTXR uc7 AM«S vu DsSTING. POWDL osua fl une et tbon is an : vine ebta Mm Uelfbmww.,., mght Smtu'cly fer C" ash wout v* Im5emIm ý Clui mergMa. Sem op «Um woPim.i m - r- mpt cpe UnJamesJan.t2L ___ eN LOVER WÂNTED! X9000 BûJsof Ai AT JAS. KEITI [ILL MAC iiMi or JàiOHN Xia KINStr Feu WIdmr TEET AmDÂY NANFÂTUERT SASlaf au tuscMiebrty Oum* Ruas En te.. oen SteMd. Pm vontthan a -~otac anmamathé the Cenrw ] aW_ bs --Seven h ir. qa mver'&: --. V l1 witit- ha t , ç -Niue r -r, tw inauoc Clet. Linca »"teMer. - -- là.b5VSten 'z «Ild saap. - -Over 7utu boom made «i F Il -Dýuhmg t lut of t.irt> - te repeal .; atoje 14r:., -A larize f Llceeter irmz. U»e ceebr-zc amaunte. .. -The brt-wt Sttoare - tbait poli!: euu onv.te-e - - -At aleatp ame the hlîti lunewLmgthe- velflng for in -Tho pr;ce Soiatry arour' *ian it ha" le ~ aupply la set> -Tva uiem licitons bave prated the value ai be, r Uettil L punds teriam -An aliiir.e aMM Austria rui Caoemaanîli- lm o1 vorl& «m a Ohi me Leust er Ii. Puretr * llam 'wa- le. hilleti fed ouua Thu Boum u w - isnd < 1W1 Soebu't> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- a u u m JURE DEIIII Wum to un Itbe oatàs t it e m d anlthe public to hie lArte and ei i a unin te junise nieuy va oevut.audi maramteoeui e q. Ai A" i ail g*s e M a aup mn mag te the (n-aea w ifl e sali deap for Rummbu the esad:o&-OPPOSM TU E E.NGLLiH CRILRCH. Ktât-. r OCE PO PÂT UP. vulu luU. au M RMoe* U m*»s et or e90stae bsnMh. Pier cornpmion lochea sriied fur aj aoint. SI>. put ber t"aface nather >oe ta CWlai.The candor of th. tter vas a no'velty. ClIre bin lae ;with a someviat suitia latent. Rer eat tact hail U rtaahmlatitvau bout smky to cSnl hersef u nt" cf tie - mWa pale behinti uhich "h.Mons-lias petei ua gazinionssatron ho. M 'Oi ~you9ve boom puer?"l came tb. neviat -atlhug resp 66e. "utcf ms you're net snov,wr eu v= oulu ( peak of .Poetmuat hom wfsctl airfl.IMuns vies people -o veI dom't yon hmovr. the mple Who. live at'mmi-h.aanI Th. speaker lum. jmati, vitea,. mgang lbig femaucte gl<ve atreachetàin a vy wzb"ùm . atup a pet mi WeebIy m e 1 Yomh Put~~~ . ..~*ÀbH ....... ePosiqamwIeum&........... Mi n . ........ e M aauelorieP-O...a . ima£ SSuMa .......a HE Lbwrmy. iwm 2L IML or Shim wilitawam JRAIL m 1 . au--,IL * ukatee»Rivenn. Cr exton ~ Compan.~~--~. ___ma SAS t a Il-bc sf- Si