l'y Iuidieglap eut sin O..'. i dieVUuoU B ffr ii r t> isnr ' u , 1«0 "IDu g fore 11uss1h if.L Omowf *su. m ildrwd la aideretW5 rm-p Ouw.-M .su sto liTi camp elwJs aiy, feisllusrA=iu -- k M 1111 fea' foon ii@w 1 qw!olmd el, %m >.: ' in.Kn, Kawy g plart , -Nt lrua M«ibouaId, W.. Pe patm. *ob Avmt àro ,fttffouulM fln hirclMa*W, :Albert Vasas,', Dun<i -41m*AufleCdpbel liri Kilà Runkor W"m Keuto TeGowu br Ihr'on ehir Jr.: -W.. amn10"Jouebave t..,ll 1 T or TIe, Matuve. se 114clm :!,tj4fen O mirsarté J.ssrin eal pari.IA 1-; agbw AwnAu'os . P C Itt i,. chu l c'rWho ofls bol4nei.l tuchudtiit».5es. 'alaim wi apes oon ho fo! The Fand i h 141111a M. To, Mtow li wa unt hn n bh, kWoantrs"ablé tua &eI W.4 rero e hkavie tat »hi at. ti. .te orld aoeitphate tc lie. Ill i flirînkisrts o.îuMr* orsturer la"ti&ma MvsonTauontie fMAEAIA<;8.-wre Ca hfntltIly a?$mai parneêngg isouge hiori tle çbltid rr ui ihl a paqi.cfho .have ha twoatd eppeon tho Wfvosti Ob ande fi biai o liaerge habit;85pea rod& aNutcr wht1e M& a'.t4aste"and vos j1tQ1. bu eui WodtIh. ..g.Wa 11tthe oellptd hohm beedlon.liCt it on k.. thringare silusla aVW W a Whfar afie.aito Medy ,rii'.màl reiml ean t heudmown Ithn ' te h 1.1 ood tr d h< n. pmThey Ihael Pte h'levl.hî'y oma lerabor sud) et'd t'li rt 11% ont livthmatOurevcotednt theI -sine s larerno oih.ail hettîrti, à thwelôr owb ha boomlii (1îto *vtan aittta t llage erry fi *î'y'ttku, tet a.t (100Rheat oWenesds tlath ho tlth .oWet imIigt Apatettly n geoe4 t. heu noamvlelo tho en7 sdd Ar& Tttulf.tl litthe honorable, -t lai W aceumél1 oet futhieng! ioia' tnman ti eang foithit gia hounttcastouti *..oint ho ilaofered t ille a e'tlti i hvmolohppy vtit de on ltten fl mtetil Pierotthé poms. W. ainicegthen tt ypoaf. o plouihl#- aytohav e ne mi !n.tdÉ Mte Stiuh itor ay ITerth tua rioMu rntyrmr thl hooursetco aev4iôo te toatleg i. ndnsant iàèf1. 1vi the. A oti hanedthe poopteof in.ea. unhy lam,. ornelu this tnat t 'iilie'ratt haWlé; tr hanr g nt Tnhl ir. or hoanshtructhe rny uav e ote kn4 thit atter. 'e theatver myof e citin, vnd e a# seie cof' n 0an Ian tregtoearcitey ar fhatlyeetntt ci an',thtnx hanieotihy Ur. Mftr. lie. foin là,. Xb ,rit t4 in $ !linta lié 140 on got e r,0 < 70 v Iton1 $000 t rd) ne - GANAUkAN ~ KEUAV.. W~AY.. 1IA~ thit@~ hn iessm gof ou.1« i ohrcwIbulou mMr. lb hou, m Mt Mê& 'd me abis e& ut ray e t. Ut. ks. :or. > t. iid Bd aId ýai by. ra In- an r. ,t ty lu 't le to tahantles ovldent ly tlr&vlnw te a CIOs". .o%#"atlaRe pmtin. bavepusasitita'ong.k 90 lie lu0resttues. forhel. dri V es and twe ortr titane basfebob.elfibs bape oose LAW.Mems's.DeobamSud*AtShive aiened a Iaw 0111e. 15 ezwioq ipis.. Mv. ff. B. Dean, barrlsteu' of linduey, la aI. redyvl)l knowntbroughli.thla dia. triet, amIthe fIns aili doeiouhb enablIit ailrg p aties Soo'SIG>nnFauITm.-Trbe ae agoneo spin.Am oàk1e0& uli duoke wvan sees nipotng the sevsbe. river by Mr'. poveirba hnlec ooinorIg SNtu OUSiq iA iôr.- prepa. ire m t toroaiau ot i tte BRob 16111. me« vith. s. ueloue accident on Thuornay laL. A vork boit vat huingdrivsn througli a pîece ef tifIbsr and into a boit la the rock, vils about a foot o! the boit broke o»WaUndprs hiow cf thears' ydriver1 sud stmuk Mr, tàidhey la te mrnuth. Subt ,javw r brokes sd fra.ueé, e&and.vea tsi knccked oui. It vas a narrow egcape- froM Instant deatb. -Xr. Gmftly >I. tu. nately prgealn Voft, y.- 1iepn IîAté 16amt .61oaek haulit 41 <'J ltiy 6àlonAthblie 1585W t1'Y*t 114 <llttftaE i l4 111111Itf irttulovtt aîîîl <'r 4V iedRbi flic %N. e. v.r I 'zut v '.i"rk 'd atte <'thé lt tn 1,'ritbv w T'.'h.y haud Itrie leil C.%t. dty. l 4 t I '~~infi4le tei lIIth. %Vs eetvz an ekhiit. mmv rw apped noîî~n.hv tintwof * ' Imsîym b-i"tio l. ils i',xtl"4 l<àA t uid fw lllesiii tifil. , la vt til. 1)1%.!Ltntq . hoîtr tha. t uit &'ah u' t.'ah'r nt a. n. No 1 tso.a l. ', (.lt t r, liiti~ ~l yr'y, New 4iîîh, ~.,.t'r, Ij,. Fié ' r'nbrt.. li iWm h. '.'î'&hn. lhin in- lU * r aer'o*.thé,r, fie,. enwalr m W . a& * ipv v'nq w - - M r s B I I. r Ut Ie ai eofthle veeve luà5hW tevu 111, Bobmaysu, os Kodsylut .msmbeva atiprue~, ic sv latechair. NMec b>' R. Ke. ema odi by Jauni. Liti. Mr- Crbs bq altteed to par., LJmsoMteOfmoner Dow u la bauds ha'fo asnasmesenaueivihmu mbalh tbepeprt o! the mumlcpaity aMi acemmîbito lscl'tmiau' es bAr oft hia roqu et eat J iSss.e@- a edg ýmvii 1>7 Robe. Kennedy, moede byJ. 1.lgu, th"t amoomola o mpari ami senst"I tt o gluatle s bli et Ontal ~cyig for cetan min e ua.et mre«ise19n !OoêoIWOU U t the.VIctoria ,->ralia, Md bhuathe, reeve ami clsrk ho autbonl.re t aigu theseMd, mt"aUsi il. orporate sea tbersfo-Caaaiet.Merciby Ch&s. Faholuava ORCOndei by J.LiLthizow,'tbait the deirn7 nee ho meut p o vo-estsea doleau fm tla conneil, le, ne.ftios viti the ViItori 'llvy matte', sud tira S*12 ho avant..! bowaî.Ilse upmum&-Car. rted. More.! >y .J. LIbilWn, ucontel by Jobs Brades, t&&ai abvlav sppoinuffn fOnmes viOvors and u-nn.t kbee o .d éacf pased.-CaMred.-un- moition o! 1fr. Ç~.the oMMsei donuîed te 17th *The <'Id tremp who wu a *"lflcigan ore iftom" luitt rmuuaer, WMllunon tlic 1usd tliq i. prng a a 4.0111 t vx, utcedr." lne iliotaglsonce t1saI ho woutd havé. t apspesu'a*a avs .ushqukhe sutem." but the. u:owds hale. furttuîoatoIy rendmrmd tliig tai' feoadectuse tîunuecs.'sary. Wil.--Wblthe u, ater nov John. taobuW »--Oh, Liai. nouralga a ran haclubse no Wile.-'Wlay don't .you go tu A f'csvu' drug store, lhadway, sud cel a botte cf MPuid Llghtnluaç,. you a knw Il ciore..ail muai hhunga s sàîsh.notirsglsia dawiae, lumbago, ma&"@. snrsîhrus~. ste. 15 guve. bitant raIfort.-' L5.e.snw. bar tTm Pncaremmw lrwhvfUm HK~HS~ fASHPRICE PAl]> WHMEAT AN D O&TB. Ille il denbnet4 aMe r=De epy h 1 est BMarket Primsr ffvsa a ee PATENT FLOUR-Ki Pu"E8. Hawlng itrd e t,.* new proom sfor the mantitat ýeo 'lu iey are fnow m4,0edi I11 11 riers orth.' patent artie . H PPINO in nrow betix doue ut our iUl and wU1 otnne fer the Mesoos. LtMaay. N'efr. IP* 1U4. <'rn t*.<I phign< JVer . i int. <r W eau D.KFERRY& IMPO>RTANT TO FARMIJW. The attention of farmenm tacal e.!th le WisnerJ.. imSme edriklot EthJ eea motn t2Pvent R nnuIL mm for Mude ortosh ic i i do»mieso aImait uty sMd ithout ukalaa vrencb,. as thmieron boit, sut or pin te rexmove. Ti-e New ais. a" MDMbum tas gae~iacosos and penitiUrke feai.For Prlam Md terlm ppis' Su thé uaalersfmm 06Wnts. u . J.llé *Ana%. ý painbu@e w C.V. E , Bnnslagent t' J[ORTGA4E SALE FARM PRO .PERTiY* Unend by virtu.. oI, 1K , rof te loto- dayet eruarY. 1M7. whtch willI he produaed atilme Of male, there wit! ho oflbredfSrmite by publi ectIon by Mr. jAMES GALLON. TEE ENOmous& LIMTE 5kIrMZV. [orroopen.coet Thre PWMI S<tiaorLiNIutT thos. e i.m profthe senior department of tu. iti t ti i ehooWbt1for bte ,month o! Februan fThe report la %0bmsaiopon mark* bahta # exanyaion, attentIancso etc.: -pif tiiclam 1 ýLottie Bondon, 2 Fans MÇe er ..Sei .Feurth: 1 sais &ufthi 2 Whilte . R.. :3 Aima Keth.rsll. ,Jun. Fourrhlt i1pita' Allita ti Wllon Walt (eqat); 2 WiliI J. Green*iay,,'3 W 111e o.iSeau. Third: Mets Metherel, 2t4 slaMrk:iar Willi. JIn. Third: i Minute Plnkham 2 -Norman Willtlai, 3 Reury Antis. su'xwrncrn'lL- TueRdayeven laorvio a e a gatu 6&vrtd *wiîhà v1si fm th%t val knevir tostw'srm metenttfle mabtecta, Prof. A. a Keir.Eh treatet ie biutjmeln a thomouighy praer cal masser, and fulty illotratee Lt b ctsver "Pertient& '404,1't L.- A social wa» belhi la th. ibif Chrtatlan thehcmouThtu'moay erengi and in .qpiteot the liceinwey or'.tthe eathel Ste clriirch wast 811.4. A gnd tee vam served up atrwhieh apeaking beg.an Tispar t thin mreg va p ied ovin WIiIeu gy da . hy the, Revu Mxt and ti-er., ot Jtae twer' etliven. by relt't an. 4l:toum etc.. " islendt.t .stnugng by tlhel....Aohruesf social wa^ hi1ri ln the ome.place Mond.3 ameslg.Ail ep.m.dt.noeraa a Ing pasedas enjovahlotiuin. The.proceedim amoanteti te o'veïr ë« SCNISDID -W. am èsony W atoet th. Oshawa Cabinet Ce. hbave upemded for the present. W. h«opemmsstoause i factory egg a nbg IU<wit amort, esergS ibas erer,.- Ivindltager. APPOXWTMKN.-Ur. Ch*& 'A. Glbb., second mou ut C'Me lace Hmu.T..NX. GItbbpl hms boss appoitat smaaaeoutn 09 the sonate ai a aarwy of ePOa y.'arwil h anmunalicraee i ttlIU>l A echct tblrty4-we taMer. wlth tir tbea st .11g. resthe setuhbwrheui et Enfiald ail itde aimat wh.eh ttey gotaitthe Oshas depot where.,everaî canloada bald beau ehippet. te rbem.".irevë threugh ltova and i toppord ..t the Copntroî hoi f. , O*htwà. Alw dîneluer (be" former!tbter tmmb ,luaa circle aMd baît a phkoo*',apb, takes.The aigut wasa naval eue. NMIROw KIP.-tAbogt two edm ege as lIr. Witte, base ltuevesau"-gla to Ehro.h aiUMe. D.; Watlte', and wvire standing on theuts iasherabwe. the "wov e lest hie.,foothoiti .d 'el t *rSktmg ts fedlgboard of btseth»emhmii usehs anti then boandlng off te Se, na.le narrovly esape.t154111Z lie.tiecy1tuier, ivbich veut.! bave kille- him Ilstantly if bc hati. A* If"vwu h.a w s au ykLted, hotle sow KotlDgaToufdeguIm...Jhâa Aig OcToOnziAatAN. - The 'chIldve4 .&Jhvn arni mu M, asdhllredem ms Kamh itt a. celobrite boer Ou hbinh. day. Mr% .MeGrffor la hale smdlbeatty sud dlaàm', ta ho tii heaie dent of Osawaa. 8h. bas lveal thers over slxty mores Pars. 1 Low> VusRau ul..- Os Fvday lau while i MiEdard Godie r = ' shv cas attsudlmg to hekw bosoid dettes *ho ftI abu sappailiey ërbosnda&" lu.- ubei oru o e u sé mm a Mi a dmcte vasmeut -fSr. Seli aiMa al bloni vemmeti b bainelà bhWho&&, but If ts, Ilow of bls onmg.ft ohtsopp"sim la ham« te A 1 O m id Me u pruss ver>' favoyablyutil la"st llya *heà ths woumd, brokte out afnei uM wîgtgb hopes vers esiniei 1kw oa h. iroUlilire tiroag e he 4 A las l accousts altieugi -very weïk iben vas me . i opsal"0 si h brvecover,.. atm Mda riebarOttiSeC. IL. oarc Andl bu msade mSRan*Wbleruie wblle aerfoeninu boa'du"tiers vie sympa tbis vlt bahr fi ber obs[V dja gae SA Gobt> Pwszcz-iIy. lobi Bie hammul hietarnsbean loJebI, rp of-t.he o c., Plckenlsg, emixéiîmeimor0 for U2B Mr. Dsvta Turner,' u Pme se., Au Onu FPm.- Oueiay 1[Mt vsek vhou bu'. Alexander JeEvny wvie uitg lie store isuigibe a bircit ieg bc h&4 mach di- Icuiy15 plbnig p" the huairt, but mtecssdlng wae .srpnl.ste i iith. ob. stae ha mi ssa borsubehos emboided lu le, Voéry cars ef the tise atI liai lebad in mvale. OUnexaWulna t the veciaJ holes a. la» &s tblublaseÎatmtly urbe a 11mb ha scsnu ro"nAm us amepis wr humelâcs.e » 1si. *The twme- & sum~e, v a sé a là. vou-mei îîwm 6ï Tum ltnialvgai A«wm o! 4gmi mi wskosthe 'gorbsu1ls b, dis mames iw sgy m f l i b i aueto. Mmire vas mais Uamyle aump tO tu htlhto!oeug1 *9 Igwàythé 24uIhi drbIlm let 2 1ia 2 wctek P. a.. ithe folowm àhm pvomty, ý zý lw or &W jwou. - 1 lut e-ansy 1o! etvisento CoaWnlbmg cee humdrol asies. mimeor loua fevecty-Ive nacre r euai, 04 f hici1r8a reeor c eaul usel over iMx-W. TheMs ali ea etas' ais. Theone e lon- lMe pems dw lag l& SThers M la aie om5 uprtuigatie puism&The is dué about ie m#al ei a mlstem tq laIe ma4 ona-heMmil ue ils the p Mdal e Lunfy, fiesub àhIcil e lt abutsWlueao - vtees acm saus heà croppm W"ulta hiie malMdtonm srmereplv ol rosis' orms.lffg la the aprlng. adertat doulms telepal in le v ltbuat, labsi. iiia.et TUe M lfs -W7uil 3814b ,the Ulmdu etf lob 1 o court eld iluthe Houlsst:Liaduayt fout. at edt« en o«Clock in the fSmooms for the porpwom f akinir tato conslderatfonaUaIappli-i Stilons for certfllcatee for tucb Ilcnmas by, tht. nid act are authontized to e Wgmsted.1 DUae Ua Lndmay. Feb. ri th. 19N4. JO&. COOPE.t 774 01>ef Inspectur.i ___ S. corneiL LONJON MlJThAL. Omem». Ye 7, 188&. through the cokums of TME PMStht ay. el" afor la- suraaoethrough- My reomt wmosetue ba s agobe toeily »Wted by the LON9- DOS àmuTl, sud tht !cg th e ompany te lwtendng HEALTH WEA LTH. DR. E. -Cs.ET MERV E AND BRAIE TREATMENT HysterSa, .LSsas eatai Aouriet,, I*s of HMaonj, Wetknes, Sepfeesaagof the brais',, Preinatur Ol Ok .ge, or Exoerawea, and ait DE- seaseaof Ï eh. Nervo us TISe~~à Tiam aCempomisi u0 the Heial Preopertiset mmsasPeveia Mont Dhrect and Powerffl. Action upon the GenîWa Oruanu, lb ha.t imen thorougls testai anal la proval te, We ils hast. sataut am t effective Trust wmi kuovu toýMedicai Science for aile. vfl, oot nd am Ual formae ofthe diseuses&bave Fart WVortli. Tesas. M*rch !'-th. >'! 1» N . I aW«eNor"a re aft 2>89tuu..1 . KJ. YaR.Li. & I '0.. lenti:-,Abutt 6 e'ght Munthà ago' there vas a % a1u"labtni 1, MI&&guarateel upeiflo for HYsienia.Di-hreught te the utailai .farm nud Heurs' lb urnes., CouvulâstomaVite. Nervous Neuralgia, 'vo ho treatod for a h..ne spavin, which as of Ir HeaeoboNerMonProuationcasuel bs'tâtebM -Zes m wtl ttdd f u z% PreSounce!sL. ast iiavlug larne.! ubrougli ou-tsado sourpep that M set alehbl or tobeeco, Wsketuin um, Mettal roui liniment kuova m Keudanj,v tipavîn VCtre BoPM@ulaa. uftMblg ofthLie bialia. resulting lu vas very gond, 1 cemamenceol Ming il eM the 9 5maIby s&d Ieading te mimerys'dec'&Mi, enlargemnt. sud ahi rMlx weekd using and dfttk p»twe u Ag. BUM»§,. Lo ceha !ngay 1pUcd two boules thue herse vau ured Powein ettu ez 011 Mgo, H rauso MdLus ! oWs, ..vlng tire leg pea.fecty umootu. BptntorbSua, amsaiha>ovin exertian of thOe ungis Rnuuen brais, molabusor over'tduigse (l0» b=1 Kendall- P .v 'IwI uaMOIffs l eumnt. On.dollar a be., orS M. lVas'. 1811555.Aq&g. 1.. boziSfer in doU&naiuats:bs' md fl Ms0.sJaiE suICo, c,:td amwo recofpiet as. W. gm mesubi. six b o b 'etirn Inaprint. printed ooe id. omIs. Tne ours as' am WU ticml oeer remiyad brus a a8avinCure la la excellent dehud e u i à d b 0aems. ti vutitav M aat»« O-ns'ceraaimaIa. but torlum an v ii m l il pura a m er th e* " don « % e a's t li ets a im e r . lu o ui st n S '.I pie u ed U n surmtsto e t Un bems'it M e ankli ' kw tlae Tainee oflte foy~rcrcs tlaitoSu laimmef, a-it di do55~~fl ~~5t f botte hogre."... cwmolti. smmb c'Il11 R AC. O. Tnuei*xn. bmedi'e Mm. eedcoht a4b me... W Fr 14. "»Mis MMCelan e t L~nd4y and &t St'turgeou poin&t. de. AC= SOr_ WOG»LAKD On STUE- compisin therernainini port;on of hies grop- erty there. It adjuin.i the hotei, and >offére very Jdesirable ites for âummtr hotels, boardîng- housse or residencus. Thi'r propery bas bS-n laid ont ilntown iots, and! vih be offered in >1.ck Ifor zwo niqths, sud if flot theu soti wMi be *J Dose.!01I*a lot3 tg suit Purchaaerm The 'nuder!iMmed! off"ýrs for sale the folow- int VALÎ I. BLE PROIPM!lTY IN LIN4Dr3.Y : Lots 6i. 7 . 4 <P. north ci 'Queen-st., witb substa.ntal dwe1inrlonse. goit bain 30x.50 mheds and other outhuildings. Lot 2. mast of ('rndcll-.3t.. gorid cotiauxe tlwr- on one-rltth acre. Lofsfl "d 10. West ci St. Paul-et., 1 acre. Lot q, Enât of Caroline-3t.. i acre. Lot la, W'uât St. P.ul'st. Lot w~. Eut ~Liaoilsar-st. -Nor'.h. 'aer-. lot à. North part. iu*t StOui~uae~.16).and land n wieh itis ýjI ' ate4! ar te umboat lr. Th-e abov'. properry wuU be soid ery,.elieap. FRANKLIN' CRA'.DELL, LN"A. Lindsny. Jan. 21h. 1 4-2r ino TUe H as Ume SurEe m em s'e .ne dstS . ouren lu a e oua a ntidc Bwwihum1,80 DIk#rs"à opR bai"iavu col t hms e alard %w baya i te a &U av tge aindm i bun aiS aSlu maa Son r IUS wb wsuaveylnforb, e atswes M amivs g a ietwbe lusmm aur. s1 ospl té b a4 bteIux a Md h. bave wroemte dlb i. ag7m %=na"umeb ailssptduoas voLerm stio m7mBai m'es ie l.s'rhet metea 0919&M ayIt utcni ns1, ey sai Ilm rnl vol mmite te s'u iM jon vousuae of e. Itellou o.deiîvfl onenai thre golup.m Vwoj reuoetut te âchaU=a Spme V- O-w- . .Cure. 1d lau ew s painet jc be azig ý an olp pueiaswc1 velt f I ds e gai Spamn% maR 1 O&5 i ad be r oe s'nWwe8" buxareimeouaIcIe ibéwm *0 upbmai tua l1 0' vu bier. astaha ise mai kuy i OMIM= vesA as sas'ule in. I 1van foie- iss efil m »aU ai. Ae this ey le lours wagon. Eh. liFiu.sa1 am v«7yknu A.f0. sppts'M sevve ils r Cî medCU orKeda&'Seam ur. s mgvsCue. mtày bota bduM4thi "-Oum&& tire meltisur. Tum cnsi ib mair firgaum , ba meta m ota1no f bu m pomb u 1 Mv te uumoâ Wite. oephant teO ouctoeaa. blf,-but thon weoan't ho ait whaits clepbuv -Am OMO. femmse linsluals omt det.hy husistigirldti m b. ~Piil wsmau M gssd ailaluervUcia tgim. ii'tii.Trau DY"oe t. r, T Le I a I. I. a a e I. T e :1 r s r i t I la the TOWN Or LINDSAY, t 1~. "Ii»4 't'-e t'esqt 48 <peu' itr'. lie'.~ nh r. , ail %1tl.l liit. liCorrtioninte . ofutThou Pant.1 ,'tietr'~ . u' lldit K1 y i' <Wtt rA'riucav AoqaxNy. - -Your feariemt t.siî.?i1eozcllrrhî'îad aruid #advecaoy <of dui'trImu teCoanuagent ber. fitièet lt » i etee.Tîrda iicrarnasdti h.eumesd&aaloroaiu % 5! i k: -î.'ig of am:îserner.ta eP OIO. 'tiaPoker lnvadaly stands eut &h# m4d'aJYo'l1uf wèf.fu. provititI. for thor people'..r'lht@4 uhieli l n »eofthe i iK . ri aiS"t..ir. ma .Nfr,4. Very heat, fe'oitît'c'.cf ame o1apaper. 'r 011h o ff u, Hîa,0 l itér, Mo.înSnvrîNin u ,r n:r,, YAtevc.urt lea.d '.cf-i4.t'n< .ripl ,lai ln, u"'h l..'w'd *î> the, ýt.h t, t.tire grargens bel. a. ht. v 'riv.tve à Jmulnt.' oln.cf v'ry sui -'eest4tut meeting la the sehool. 1 dûîto th *nr - t Iu l b e4t. e tnec huuse e t lie p-à. of, 'etheabrinut a. ver>' IntereAting iias vadcer thé aiItclêaad waterourms iii<,ta iinftÂu.WY.-.llolear ~<..I ct cf lSr'1..If Wil.. adjî'ina'ed Dutit UI ibln tnmaric i'i tuar,wttq killsdc xI v 1VEtird4geDartnell an opoortanity ef t.r.îi *taît'ln~role'y rh"ua. ~I eut'onil .nnetcinoW the ditch. flurinu wini îer'~ 'un .'v" hy lietréi ithi~~eBtnrtls.enit.iIDiosva hàta.t'iu'î:' ýriré ti hoÎ14 uaut.. tev('a by Vo..é%rwtronW' C;.. anti P. LS. h"it -i it"ndinuut â te fflsatWft hohad %àcarof.ul-ly.prepàrti ma.p ef the 111o,£u îî rec lî.uh g ditf'h. Ther eeOaind tOWovannp enfflneer k"' ~ ~andfl'0epc<mîandcnt% ofthle diieb. The 'U1V'i p'i'ru'nt.' 'nh Na. 41dot y. asuntesitgi a .%ittuhw a - 'y directlion ilani t w4 ~ rt '..o trtai n4jo-f ta the -aks. E. E. Crelibtunanti George y wen'k Thue<ni:u'h ww on< aa à ef1buttou voraeapoe.lanrf..... The ul>' idittr t n wm '.iîîi). n it. f-1 U11t0 >uit la u.hith thprie vanany fin n as e h b whe,"î t.it'r- w'î" i. Intti .'r? cf Corulgan voi. UMcVetI. There was con- ut t 4heît .,(,,epigwq. 'n ýkk .it p netiflrable, cro.an.flre betweea iawyers sMd 'N pr."'e "su'. mi în n oui:. "a! one is 1ense antIon i lie vhele lcvsslaghatge. d»' a iow h"',tituea. chi- Judumnt wa* gtvenfortheýdetendsart.... -.1 Op" (iri.r <if hueroof t îor m-M".'* .JeplîPsai >' #;yperfe i idatifs wloîïwn Off. ît. . lppo. d lti. a a-4 ilffe, lTt'-as h*lm ini ime toamg as 4)f f,-r >ri.i;n I, :~r>,the rlostt1withOt&tftat'.jaV vekOu acua0t '..un ,4hoàrxr wttha ýta. im on <i of< now rnlockaie. The Mitmla né s et irn lest~~~~~~~~~~19 t"tîir f<tnba.Iurr etbl thé aUs!Ctlsit fmMOËne'Y kDaài ili S Ii'O frein J.anrk, Sent lami,* Ov~r re',id ilig for' t.r ye'ir'. lu Otions.' .L VRO' "0-a t>b rrbîhe' .Archlhmld, whîia- hi IC0'fBsooMeseo Te POsL d.< hitn, hé thon Apnpovt fou!Ir yfoar* filn Ticyr SA' orKAnL-furiug' thé .wu if llt'teqrtnrotih and Itqif.'. it't. h~ctan lluckasde te train In carge of '13'. h.lit- aa elthe Kculr.(otiffaicr Mime va. oeotila Tlrùr. "ly iiju il A',ti rnhai iht.thta. . . <'s(lay golnx -neuth,s tieff wva. afrelgit1 i foer'fi tm titiwtahhh4qieq zo tr,' IÙ-nizIn & mnow barrnk e entheroMam ei'" cir fe"'.l.Ii.<lari orrîévlllc'. Thé. pasengetsanti train I."' .' ruoa'iu.t ia. ti'iutleY, wvhOôhaindste gava uip thé.Idea, bet es-ring thoe 't.bua t-a lafIir 'îriily eorive non'4 . hat. ritaht and<t mcmi O! them hetooc chef*- ~ri'. î,tn.îlir'u hnuie lhe took n qtitreo r.t rvIrertta efor tSieo sighrI.Theig t. rt in plteuh waaetmai .c'lsk, IWO. Kely, ddota&Mie home' ".>..'ratit'.île wt. lighîly îant.ll .IhîMay atierneon. Ifo sta'tel en 1$"! 'e't ..r.'f'd hy all hic neui.tdh. Sturdy tteoon vith ie uaMaile, bVira i% r.. .'.yl i q-fut. hv a widt' '.1.1gb, anti attr'»v"eaIupse.ta veat3ed a h. i ' fiIa.ink att netoeci tiithetrain gour AR to I.ntim.'Hfi racd Llmdesatai11MO 1 t, y fIN . pa."ad! a'mainéid tieres ai1 six odel-e 1 nr"'.qt.ctnr. c 'h(pn.. îMuday mranjg aMi arrive s uPort iQop. '>:' i"r.it.1i"r. i app)i.Ke on Sutnday stcgo'coelt,.p tirais'on Kmess111 'rè, *are t het'e la siitaàpI.utt, su Wail l r'lev I.tl flos, elsys a pleasatil W' I 'r, tiaca'.. j4. sich s lrf.. EIt oie. ' . ,..I *'iwfmbip ! Tiiy,<rînty of 'Um. ' *CbOIItit Ài " A' TrfinCAi*i*r.r.-<To the I 'i'. a'ouî.tnîr uai'. roen1.-u'.ediero 'lif Pofn.> - ln the accent ofthet 'r' .i141 e,.uit.t'i li- fCii i B-t'a-raten carruhai *hteh t lre i«layour l VIl 'vongond nf roi ieid aspîpetf 'het 22..it "hai.y lu la masil that "I& i or>.,: ~ îinîi ,.tn ' g ow &a. Prettv tballet . nitook Che bop." Ijnju.s c(whé'aas entt Is glqrowon .teailite-lad es Who app.edlcoum .t>î..ti nt. a on quauu la' leon tit toeaulailt la ont611rrii b siat i a lu.ge ett tntntcfui~ho'eandt h at 5» itcbai'aetevadecoic iyu lae vntlfritIn nt te .îgt ! rremcidcl iappars Pm. le les At ,c""a..rho.. whao dnua<t tak lrutrmon clf olosad Original deolgs vue C .-'r r th.>witilliietx Juti ta tnk i mu liaàmtfie atandW *d tobhave mrt. A Ae .todliu' will ;îâfor 'rîiu" ,>. l? ocd i uimprIais, ha. One. bmetoee.ould I Ilifiv. aint If i<irm kr ay mot, ifypur cormeepndm eumiai ber, bave t mm t ' IPhPe '.and I aianire t >' iii a "*ballet irl," as sS ucivassalerthe Ld ed W have aR apleylli d Me:haoilnb ame, tact sesbelstentlom Ais>' oi"a.&& here andi Sienot,-liqau nalgîh. 0!quated viiibishélit* of larecaeo I toand! thle bout. PlI i>6fMI ut'<l15arWbebai ore"m tien bitall lsa >ternir. a t ' U jli 5>e ' tt9 4 enof tîark lta1I novechs a #"*balletdaseVe dosc i igI. Lianti lithariming Whd 1nd u.uly lu ubibe, veans a Iev.mieheiémism à 1 ms. àI . %SamuplT-)'dd ha'. «d ai,.cii~ siWOD'luea i a SAr. % tuber from 1'rQouuj, lheto e beipettciou i'eecllug te l. e, w buArcher, Our blaCk-çtiî...1w.iraaesbcoou lthé amitoqeuer Mt h'a'o'd M r. Pàrgoýfrui tir e'a w itir a ureatb ntiai orfaca10 poute hoa tar l~ cttlieLJit <111Vltu '41 lstir !lsof@boee. ]io ë e kO! ti lly ......Mr-. Wm. Totd hata notd bis '011s fihelOst want il( i vemlns e9 c . fnriah ii dsomne Prie, and lewha. r.îrirlm it>vi mewer Iisdecciption il Âtaîther Piare cliii bortfe lmPr,éeve.' smses reutol' mi îlhe youg girlib Mr. icnlawsteP>'t)an.r vi vs sliWu are"mis i u,"an fitetanme . Hé lx fros taftvriocht. voa'siset plumi f, as ati oià 41Mt iakigotf ,i john ssr mi L spsttas!"sa as efile Wgki 5 Ot ielhiv in Ienib -gl t" Tmerdresse.a freatoros roa'. o. tht "lau d OUdl am mU berIl SM~~~~ Se.-crig oe . ildhr the tt p~g i a iballetb a 511b ber ar monegulg o 'sýuft lisobaum OU e g t u St If S, no, .409 l'0 i. A 000 tP (C on0 7(0 Io 1:0 fVrepO-#/ 01* 1 W_- gay or pougto lai WANTUD.-&. MW wSOD OWS. y t Caela hequtm ~AM a 1w go llm. Imb twe or tbiwe. rral oaG r lol mm-m4. et W Olflto kow thut ho baoo 1 ior ae uoret fsuetwoana R«s" ot aetl ne wil lm b. hop a fine stSor e!Wkp., Thums hm Va8.e. which ho vi iu t, rosoablo prieu. Demt-targuiti the BL. 'au 508*8 L %T Oa. a. S rSI.072' le heroby aireu dthe .Annuw8elhtisg cf BOA RI) 0FPLICENSE fSteLcom DIaSSit-ONR24wu b dm Iqwý itoa isilr inS sud titilte 1ars hem ta sikal nie MMcs hmltsenlaenfArmte himumif The Crevl Wat Soff hufors l.tb',rvolvers did.. -Tê alc. Arl. gana a la lths pring of the vw toe t b. blood, tevigonite the s%«, .aaaite the 1.1ert0 »VOI S msoMs lhe hustly tans sd vider te theoe phy*lui.lai.-L Ou sevan Po' .t.minon"a u'nmiunuuîg uGsa 4pebedy rur. for flympepial nlusm,, o% uvenhms, ilatacho. oe., t tiars het xmfum; nou et Wh"u are front p"rs* *. e ~ isSitcî or uhou"uaIn et miles swas'. bt lfloua PermtOlu l w »sManiKiteln, Ont. Wemgve tii bales treu ci g t. elmaiye citnnot bit doasivi hy puahastg a wenhtle.m aue but Iuiow Ite value heftrs bus'tnq. Trilhotis aj- testlunualà la gven free ai A. Huorre.ovîrW'sdruug ue. i Ludsay.--55.cr..ow. -#eri' M. i' rlatnd. nfTex&ai.lpad u:orodtb llis ciuaroaion hast lie worm..I& ao Uv I1f ig thve. k&hw h %ve bew.hui hm pimh it a bat h. would we rin lth. M.In , unday. Ake you trouiblet wth Saàt Rieff.. RUlgir skia, plauples nor Canker zionu; if au go as once te A. Mare.BTiAMrdut laùLadmt, &M #« l package cf ilorogbr & Parék',ei ÙolIeCerie. ffles twnyfv ents. f15 wauneyer kuomu $0 kil. TEMM OPh' ALE:-Tdn per .,,.nt. of' ;lit. ~~~~~a *reu mme' e'a t1illa o.' --le anti lhe sctle eublitoncu niant h aherafter. Tila ie if Dt VI lt . 9 liv.Ê iý luaiam. atuuya sdbut.au Por furtlum part-.citar9s and -ontIilionu S. -ale IdPF>~ teo HUAS BOWEb. iAuctioneer. IMaii1a P. 0.. or to 0. BÈI.-r%. one or the. Execmtor.is of the. eai' -amuel DE'. Victoria Square P. 0. Duted 2ot day of irebrwary. 18.-7 -% IPROIPERTIE for SALE 1 1 - Iaickets ri/ all Grade&. MWe. EOICAYGE O!T Lm in laEsrele Mud lu Eulkt. =d iCUP.WOO» I Sal me. FO sALE. 8 IL . E~i e & o2r Hlavint replaicd z!ir:'. and bloitr for tierly used Inii l .vpri.a.,n; osflce withaa Gam Engin'. the above is Çttiered for sale at àt bardain. The engine is u pr<,.git and of 8 h. p Bolier upright. with 26 ; t'heg. 'Sn-okesta&ci Pump. Couutishaft. G a-tge. tc..ral conîpeze. Cen ha scen at Tju: P(JST P"ýinting Office. Thids la a good opport-.e:*y te ztai.;'rman wko wants à cheap power as it ~ be aoid at a bargatu. SeptLtndsay THE BEZV10ME Minnesota, ot,: ~:,Mortan9, Wash.l';c..Il . egon," t..# mO lil lesa';. 'vf r..id .tt,;. ýne tlil ptape'r. Ç <'CAS. 3 ,L"WIUORN,' Ion t e "'~:1: '. ;P.': .i t; frouai Chi-ai-,.t.s"":.. ia'a tut w lle ai S te !~ ~~ W4 sioners for ourh and Norh 'ctora.aw[i aib"'twl' bu 4a'id :m H.1.IL'iOX"4 11ALL Lin&.4y. an a'. eue o'Celck P. en.. for :hc tuirpoo e a sUng tarru anait hoa i!,*erases ""r lhe afresa lieusediâtiet. Ail parties rie.:!nro:'ke ont licenses for ISt-ej'are reauîest,.r to --.end ln their applications toe h e 'tcrs. Mr. Jolin ~WaUMbe at indsay and Mr. . . -I tLtichln, Coboconk, on or b«re 'le l r cf .ipriL .l. Lindsay. Feb. .21. l"$Q ;-. -' n.nn :W G«moiNEZ0F mN»AXL nDB&T.8T SAMUEL WAIKER,- il.. 1 1 il 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ý 1 ý 11 lgerà] ]O& c I aALEXe MITGNELL, LARD X~ ZNE 01 D aner muaeturer ci Askonreauoesforh sd une e ohorAIlLE AND IIHAIITE WOEKS i d.1y. rA forer et sud UuseliDobl Celam -07 VALSAME- adtoocnwanq rtneemtM! eveT prtkuulr.Prices on application. TAEPROPERTY TE IVEPOOLANDLONDo1Ç -JLANDGLOE XCRACECOMPANY. limE AND LIPE. fheecuto îors th le late Samuol Dix vil cfferfor uaiby PUBLIC AEL:TO LLy US T1%0Luami Plie Inau;r oCompaayla uow ELl, AucLoneer. ai t h'Motel lu Little.' tr Ve d Bnxailn. ini the Township et 'Mrposacm os .........Italmo Situi*jthe ItP&c!of mb$18 Rte8ndl4 It;lf, ipec'tabla o>anî. o .vt t'î ! $rh.su ai *he oi.u f -vW "'lock In the a1-t,rnoon the prompt and lbf.riti. TI.r ".nr'and stand*n followinj»&OMïfthsland in ue pel. v;:Tï ut fihs oîayaffertt r in4 Urperfec m a îr « si. l i kie m e nt o. oS* 0 iecuaty againt lame Tewamftp et l'Eis«a. cantaininq ane hun- -18M »EPIZTIEII. dred acre% more or lesm About ut' t' Ber.q .Assurance cifecto.! with or'wtthout profitse t ar-i nJîr mhiatickita, tlie renuaixuder of tue se.1na ratea. Fou'-titth-s of prolltb 6riren te. la.111. partis' côvured with bush. Thon. tg al>olkry-halomn. lor pariuhiror rates appijI. ieg beause as. a good cedai log ban. a.'o a goal pý , EF well et 'ester on tiibe ufi&Thl tuln 4r Agenit for L:lndmay an.d Ca. Victoris in witbin ivo mil«eoset a. tain. 'ehea'. thenpmM .gitU irtariebrfh[OSi*031BOYD & Co. i ýMô»-