m Il-. Nr miJanUY ONT,.. 7,r1iýI> AVWEL oSo0 S bOuý~~.~i iUbSrtk JZn lu theVltde mm m theluniaOn .JXO 1 "0oefIuuemt.et.f _________________________ lb .oe wva ae ofs luwyu aSyu we labo1wuet p s.po am' bc Gfowne- *8ýb«M Ne w@@ Um Wm Yunm U0DU IwUow a"latti - a.Péa P. teMoi~n, .4 elUJPtugmo" ama. Est" fortrmia iraect hblye f "Pl* wuu "M am a«. niavy. MEf II Ualq. rreasos l teamiNSTe -=- J.Rai- e cuto ut tr.1iadiw be eerumt pl-ritA, £e Fnto PORT HOPI. j~gedauso UVtwek a oompaned bi M.mocCuil ~fh~ s iWe have a Fu.ll Stock oc 'el n ofGoodoi'haw. Masrthq ave Sap wnk puuOsB th &h ycompliment. j',qlA 4Y.nus. steek me Z spl.US6oliver tu Mt # I fmmto IaFetn apre te Garden Seeds. Alsike, Red n ht ffubtu IImsma*e Glowlhe eeourtlm ail Ideeneceean good*Ocasonwua mseed. Mer llclan ged.s - lu inWyomltw Md Mouises, wbem may be rmmd. ai... lmpusoaile Il w places GWlabeld. L. o y x eln nveu oât es -of the vorld. The rii- lm R .-mIdeuMC n d h r> o"r . veub right, . eaoWseco AifS edrsldch ap là rop a ebotltuig eolumis of water flve railwar abol»Ia uPort Roeu tii. sweterMed w s d. A lSe s5 florseCattie, sSep &SMi e il "étr ad- o" bundviM feet D' P .Part o te i ts oesn), and Who bas Ua rewarlyat te tini atlou of e A seod«etf'b Mt1iveroëhieconnStion wtth Ubm._ __ _ _ __ _ __$W_ __ _ _ __ _ __the__ _ _ __ _ _ bt~rs'ouar lie expecte won ta return.t om. cc~iDENT&- Liât weelc Mr. Ga. Wil. purposlfosto bauetnte for himnosif Cold, Inlam m tionW @ f s u e i inS. the D trit loek eilSfrin a osé of wood sud brol e tw @ ee ri l&1a B e e s~ wa e teil by ie -couhât C.1d14ltlamr"ýt> emloaege... et eftofhie- rb..The-.mm ay Mr.John taIIow.*orkmem wlth an addZ o -f 8eBlddcrS eIifi 'of 'th* iué,or.,DaOI, a.0iouiu75hoawa jamincé tweeu LwO oflS, very ,labevléwscca.anupend. Grands Row'nes otlie a vol ta enil.bere. W. nndoebtlaadtt baély hiut.W...m 1lsé te U thbt bouh an- [Guide. APITI.M .W ea,evlng bne litende 'to become te msufleentilyroeeversé te beable ta* move &HuÂDNàaApi4R-.Y Wo Botru 8~WY, &Oî £0 bspy racro ofonue ourbelleso Wu ba E'r ~aWnnç~'~l itirc~yr ninl w fi.h mteuse o nenl. NImmnIÂDUUA. étstardly sttOmPt Wallmastter et the publie whool and ef the J Çnra.A kei i R. ~ o r. I' lA' RE &L ITE II-St pr e &Ig al the * m ade te a um t* adwellihg et M r. J'Oisn ma dal eboul, Mse aucc mess r orM r. Goug lns, .... Lotse of"taê"... ool e n, wh"ha'r9-ftim0veil On tao à*&o aiary .ait0$M lt~ ~' nkttle...Slimbug on~...SpIu.theRnliwot remi, Pentel@m. sai i fJlSCtU A AàizBaur.-Laat Thuody a buil AnotJLs.fm I.q TC" ..n.J and d.EwVYWLEeiplle~ u ma'. oVgied.ligtetwSuntheupperrand lowur seteurdurianAmuesa bottet, sud nesrlv worried the die llmoîogIfheIum sec....... "Y-. po.r animal te death. The. brute bail taeb.b f eterce ta v n e n pr es b en ll speais aI once. OBIT.-MI'. Robt. Poateor died on Sunday stabbed with a plteh taritbetom it could lie b frter J. 2.F'intCo.-. . torilg of lant uerl. Hi* 'romflius w51' mot te ljeue il* holà, -T..h. Fo* t18cc.Itu on It,.ii t hi. atltwk 24000 bscf' o dJa na d Yo g - -- 81V/IN Yt hm eSe-hi ItoVUSU. r* PBtof RJWVASSVUs-Thraîva 5f5F<0with m ,t* AR VE TO. ' t li oviIr W++kOum&~ îichhav beu JuId n ti. fetodit UiW5Wt011I lumloed gaualy snd death I Corremondene ofTh10 Pot.1 lVO. urch, feir ts tour or fivo woobsweve W~hJp as. o i.OKUÂY u ouu aeltl eloatn PIdy at -- ntenrecordod In almeetevery Issuelte éeath et Lutach iE5IWhave OmtymD conversion.eoe afler another o otuen ot rspctedlr ie. N e Cie&R) Lie'ndmigstore, îstely îComooseneeotTbeooui 'F umder the. muagement-ot Mr. Woolheuoe Cniiim. uTr4t;.-.A meeti ofet he townepooplO. It laswlth deep nwet we hmbeou clo-e4 up, thé stock beinii .hlppsd darcholdue An lte Dwa>sy illechoses, Dow maite menuIn tori dat Ourev IMltIU" k. sek ettéswastliecan»es BtOI7 forthe etofappeitingiue. YeunfrAeau, Mr. .Kte. Archion Abel__________________________________________________ of - - eteiuv3'. to, , mesmenman milk.drWwerm wtmneld bai juat pusd his twentileîbibrthday,____ PiumotAi..-We noticed Mr. ÀA. 1'ev.ff-aItbe actei'7 on the 1W1h uit. AltlioWih and itfew montba ago was ais active ait any s ~~tIf lueonIrimd etal.th bitte» fth Metig d»ca. eroalfe Te olen criptural Injune. Quito a number ion that"In t flits we are la uN' 3 ort mafteIn eur' locality liie yeawr tiiw boum .death " was te truly illlnstrated l1 hie earlyLndv.Nrh2.14-. j eapy..' vou kw..... Anicng theu boys rpitoVÉsiWRT. - The materlal for lte snd." h. diedin a ToÏonte, anci on tbe arrivai a rt. o m. iqS IftI o66 uwm I& who h cjohnti bnéot e a Otuerlonfle. a eiv ldeweik in orlit t i t semornng train on ThurM ay lst a. cC u B a . k C .T a~m msz,.oossvtawou. îuai" *Ssa imention me. Naton lTbmpmu#oulhà=H VI.Ivi s alreeéioit ths ptund. W. owelarme numbur et bis bereaed companfons e______________- er A, lmnGeorge Sterand in.*Hutchtaon. IltAs- the generomity et eurtovtewnhlp and relatives -bore his remaln» ta the ~m ?u. ~ It aia 8.. u m n 1z m e U 5 1~ P I O TT NIa . - O nr ln k cR o sé erthsea. lu e o r etlav lng A e u u h e RI .13T . A D tin 's.- T he R ev . Wr. G illies o f son . .. S ue'al mn est gne . .. RW a eIn opp erinuity gme lut ertm l have theAie " t. k d n o cn i d l4Du pte t. n rpw e u nI L -S 9, erg muGmwde%%ethesaundngotry am ainlaeelimlpain.dtof'it betore the asommer b.t hait Ovet. church Sunday morning and everulag, M M M LM Roée[san&1P. ýQ, mp eiy une, rý able ...ýOur butter tub -factry le Iu fli &AU1LST ?Vxit -A tête casten of carlel Pnbacilng-two excellent sermons. blitit tee tînmes, a large- rnumberoreni. fèerrae rsported.ia titi. Iocallty. but hab itlarm.-ote tSretoice sare tu ploG ees bel g sl .or . S IU1 IiI. R. uy e ce s h . y f. ssau ati m e uiens b.builit th is isu rnt er, ail o f'w h ich are L e be i - .. - ~ ~ acm.'ut brick. à1r. Blck et Canaigton baa u ~~' H~OTRtII ?tKNEblWn liT kasw.4.-MAiiLTLA. msWr Nw-bnEllhospei t)** ~î a u ltho attention eli rad ai i.pbi fTewtr foredby temll lrme, Lra an o Te Pw. f rno.hi Nn eggd hrIml AR Dm 1 N .e j hia bodydeof- . A. eFadysu ha. rceived mail.minhe preanisa undor theera sîIperlinerninandheuaraneoil te give oodHarrison-& U1q>5Ay PfIDY.AP~U . p0tofethlie IOWA. Remlteaiscvèeek, Padyein lAttiMechild ow.. taiten .lck monpmadetungtheultural inîpîu'meuj _ M4ýwhlihoslu ronait luertowau Ovemfow.d Sunnay evenpani-died ou IMoudlreRpl o'..clurliplmn ibank(t.LAiet ThuMeay about eleven. TL iouThran Ake oetd et Dominieons.MiTcsys AX* FATTREI> ff large susertment aora I. rh Tw kVai Odu kt1w rectfl paerwii m « J. l ieele. fnoOIN ipnNe.n.geum pened au excellent aaesrtnient Leto dueR Inn CAV JV TQ .f@ ai 116101-whieh- wm bit er e l b J i p..4m ope gatîesb~ rinuand snommer tweeds sudd printe. j - W op Candai T.e o tapr * ~t -'atî~u-Waiepleased ta efsitm Mtità.uhavAuW uséernulnue& e bnuda'ha"RVe Os P tu t *uîneu.amoot -m Sn lau!eneryiectewdr nfdn e Mi ru. ih taI %te. Philib S~protle. t.,l sa t iieu"- TblntUia 86 t.ttlêaue nph.mmâcd t; utrnlntef drwnnî osaéru O O TO rebrteloan:OP~TETELGLS U'CH ~r-t.Lns til' irun7 ot r telà g or everlfiiu#lmiliCml&Sult pl5' buSS oa e&up ortw buainess as excellent .-* '*eek~ itti nl!mtlnof et ttilute. A butort tetunihle oit place, md.thir Nju.Etei sm'cruto alte rPRÂTdVSI n ive CW", yoillpie son or Mr. lie.. florne, -Our %worthy 1eatape. but ailt ue t'ninure ant eser t lit. .J.1 " m leh, h a oe ackerotu fj .igjdaen t ,w ~ Geurm;teeelthtI _ prkseouIar hreynoillt rleit'k .;k aao dwn with.ttbi-s swRnp disras..C.OntenW «m erutueuL Themeal .of.!', B"-. or ahrt t li epmit me ens t .edeaanizntthé i Ma aot 1îu-.- r..JaltuMege -,'.itqh eon.of *nuavessipud. nelrad-. hi h pYrNce . ne.... euhdeliber. .ioncourit holdherm The.case le a very 1cite 1w oe tu Moefeu iteut A we eeawata.Iun ointgaIewere'nrTi.tl ol *ryfl sOl~thOigI te Impi ortaton= oùdba riwtuinka ' àt, & ~ts-tt'legint freurn 3MîehIigr oisigo ais reestýoiL hsoa n heipht.w.. aueIfglsmrn tne thmDuaae .t*O rbaifinoewmen sand othera- rpmîlt fmeney. oronto. March lSth. 1aml.-amie.moum le~ MtondalÏY bsmtntuIm histbrother George 10,w.ihbtte«rytl ghw rlmnaier. iwast deîe.,and a"king if lte body. wa# te erertswrlaur fat] sur lit MWeaiaint a total &o.oL aPR.-v A-. uiay ba# cinbogtwrcvr$0 aacedt niy e .IR.T.2 Rose Ltcoo 500 sd wru o'ne' h g anmd ue, uhe IWIoowitiareprt wîUch. vye n ommiteory note. The pintit.semr, B R tCrrmu~nrneofThe Poqt] iAfiusrT e rimmâli~~-AN nsM.- MW- ber continue eCfçVettW.~I 1Soneaisuthe p.nliftetmof 8We.ua10. A O O &ETA sl PÉ~îrI*c,%1.-- Ui1w !J0Do of Sîîxdelmleau<I j ir ~m. lIeSad3UeeuiOema(Pull saper 1 M ,first tsalittobhafts .îiilLesnotIl 51kW Raaraio _______ a..at ;r.isrnt vliiinq %%,th lber Ibfother. Dvfr. frmn tieenglue *au te gD'.:. n eiolst'oAtlait1#OfCOor *,,1:1) garèred ee wr ind c"in remittie ou 5 E NW . .rf a l. abklIe cf titIsplace. t ea aufflft ite deun o- set 3su. eid sr Arthur court-, I~fM rmieieLry. 91; iD!un i iesiInersforte std 1 i utanpu . al. or fiirt-her psrticu1aMe enq-uiren~t W- Nasw %,S'ifl-wo uAre Oel àtO e"i1lelolguheau atir mer e Ciw 9. ke--Saalu- Feenaon, 71Ve. te lOe nx mil" hedf. B.mJ Pofînesi <'r, fi hw ýými - a"s de swo m151lel ~ ~ ,.rnhant o&bil* et the deuom Ina. .B cLHRE.Idý.Mrhk.rU i r 0 li1 ageit cn agêai v1lttIloe« al. ouuitbyW Coroner 3.11 etat Ï~ 9) pesace 'stO<t uekpolice couutsb orPléireenon a wwFJw me 1. h tho-pt[m.tis-~ u et W'e9kceYX, & torr.keep«i erl FOREMN A » TI I G ternr'ktos Olsum'tttmam% of gmtmerThewhosçhbne requesc chaiaite eot thé il vsrse-~& ." lie. -warmFhm iasbesl- u- %i1114 i* ch andtmiru,7M'ad encloud thie ruenIt. thet hrue -te»u, a- mm. Ux-i-rai- l~î-:'eu-Mr. Timon o ofet sbe cir woeeho.but nMn.b fflIovup.eo tThe Pot 1 one fi e, oee rueand i to euesbla âenve- w _ u uz~e auaTsnGACTT ESrLD flea- i V4 re a? pre4t butying cattîs Orut Po rt- ROI.rW somoreitittUe rst fONIO'rzow F wftkGlumdsnniag!eownJsltuvThat}jvs lcdd~~~ trcd QJ 5~tetQ t'le Sr.'aaîrkeftm t1114#oeabo y, - &WA" tte uéC1wer lofé Vt promotion: esaomtonit uer. het Wenottse.ljs itwait. adhésilve guMMIjHvn lcd ni.Afe etetd. fe ek. lgi hpnrre « eeoveriy".l ait4 e' kowing raê centmsi lat Westcott thnA D K OIA V r" j,ýMdsg«"geae ll- p50t1l cl4uocem..Tn.ovenoatlontwe'oftm q5 . q4n <lf f~wsoaîieLrdh~manitfaMred by the cetred. r t.ae io a.Mura.w.-.o - ~~~~ - aueir.fo *,0em.Ahor d tue sorlloz ,tt scod lae chitrh1skuarh ie itpressasor eata,ncartriâge sheui,! et new n tlnow tat he ha» aonis a. knwleditd ta be about thi .:vlet aaa nlasw r eede o~ . fT ie v Kmsoô,..; trmu L. 1Cx.e twrmt miterlauf-msno cir f r.h. baude4 t t tethè, déendant, uho look - ir ricesTooUNU Me ES . NDoLDwuddgclbt okzgtrtg' u ieso. jCor~.pndmnce t Tcl>,t.I $~*Oeak, muregIrn ?auUis. Thei. nemu»mectucy t r.Oilttentl tmthe poqteOftoýMf td reiacdAt sMd' pouced door te JAS. WÂTSONe§ <t yguette «Ore9 ~ Ubigt u utmr a eeda en elsre. WAVA ua'o eialt^*5W 9iTheenuipe Wa*W d la 4couirt;. wlere hie'.111 keep in stock aa inte aupe. A O.m HE PLTN S l'o-r f ls eekthtOur l.rtonrb ôRsuv .1 nction- nIl m «* 6b"F Ne W* Innusé.' ie NBwlyalCcand t hat bou opened ai eue entd a"tInether enaotntiO pene"t .ie alstely iaucutrcet ôfcabbsgIat. creroi t bout hit aailleaof, et oliun"dt, .0wneevmcestllepumn.m laIthi teT £*mi e Bv Sn c Iig t AE.Iior LOU 'st -onthe -kenl, or cftteeA.eI begte oma. hm- atheeautFm areat bt ba A ialt-Wak ha .sfe é hi%va T h herflitOUn ilt pvu.Tb a.' .z. lMutsrwn lThe mLo! tspvteokaahpuébsminm.I aaldeetonleor uies eaemai4 s"epngrdwiost ee sn~or ttrren er, là<ou iod wlu*&"T hltiSd.Ia.'hv t.u.ahTiLA er »cDMd wuac t C-hatIpemna irctaa .. ' ha Cs M- *ser' eAe* wwii enil[tm atny-a brtIl%'The IPs.o« r >e t cn4 relts,-TbA*:anord esbtV.5t 10r openthuais'.olte wlOf c a.n Lidg Ja. 1. SS.ehi& ad..Lnu ta inaude t&etou tevn."a-11M laË 0 61 alt ltEff 'n'Ia owlad î' tw bmuettboum; e1 -eat. Oi1t'>-afnestckorlRt iti emon piese otabyIw- ia a:~.r wn apr o beoeroietle r in &îpynhato i % et:omGU tW riiPlATL-'-PlUno. Ite the d te rh. th" hei& belag bt u»"eitteutaé1 11111 FINÏ heih'iloi ý M. fflb-e i kqa W 1 41ei0 n%&-& -Paine- iDen asl: iedrtbeomen heao berladisuete aaa"pc&,Dw om h a rdc a ahoeca cf r».Sud]Prattcedafbtou.Gcnthegmh,,I.mS'.I nere'W. eu". hot --e I T A S. K E TH S - & rre i, "#R ist %44" osM fôv bd,«« th*i& W gen- hepo C"SasUomaSu3,J1O N. .10 msais lg 00. . doueMOI F tb11rj -Op Ste lleui li so et R> fi piw.- oSSBé .110V lie < ba e .. mie W»e. -7 tJtte &mis dl> ie 01410ued Sb« »M 61 U» 1«swwt@M.lo MM f«. bcï« eb. alf1 , ica - ref . Md m adi Iu>r.-îee soéms Cu.Mbmn ha b hefrm y '.55Usée . 556 Me11004-1U vod t Mp xf5 e. r eesws,61ec Ineacosali r. je"abs lpi aliD. ekoeiwasleg Ssu tant* be Envir« er nd" M trY 5taOl*et bie 5om S - x N ti~~t"e, ff thy aiWr ,sbs&'. vi ussppss e .'-eb -S ns iu WW1 pui am --- bt .hvsIs o dllrbi oo deoà ~<, W~t ~Asfet< meêp.e#i. eS eaia, bW Noo M e I M Mgmitapag*a$i. u b eadbw é i ht et lte St ouéhae boom euiy Mué çàt'y - iblx4M ber ow fmué a fiffltieaut-. prm fr"jre. If ell taiea iekli fu rsbp@'-Qre. seae'1b aia ootlo.- 1h fnI b Mv t jéf. tX.John isbem àIomr se.leu o la CisAohom re. euued hi Cee rU cit les ytg be heole SOM naO. buow.mmon. ia wIâow r'- L.OCO NOR TauusAwo.-hromtsytemesos esou.wSehVSY. 11 sin idrs . e»Clee.au e attli Sa boumATU -p. .6 ah n '.wtSSag t Seud s i, aputervbpl iq- m Mi ..%< .of6ci1 v ,.tmê,a e8e"Teexe. lwtou Cmeas;Pift é-e ÏMomta. afeuduh uas skr t Laa a 1~m tif. "rS# f ui liertOlOif W$btIte oiumalsegb guju ieebera('ae SAgo iomes uI5 liisE iaifs ayb es e R UU uCEPIT M FO ~~o1Ge<e r 11 *1q.AM 119 i.m egOb bC"g Ha.iref agm ae muh e o e t m Sist ut*od-M wu f"yI-beydmig erure or ~~. ~ eaU amuah~br Iénce. Hfre lieras. C9 OIbuMlta sseBr#* CAR Pssbels a ie t prulye lllg t sg~n tteai - ~suy see4~ h M a.Sueby.eiffl Clla Euuobm, amuofromrdow S Ceuhlme. E5so-bave o »eram er .rstl fS éveuasli ae1 u ~)M t' 15~ Ah.whckact. mboi le ýw. eabr os ost: ou. laS b* M .fIb ole PshMmaUL oeut llg 6teone.mél. ésp rt .atmIje ii faaa s.té1< s p rom Ut., Thei Iméfulvu Ma.e b lbv' obs o utee i ubi e i m ua liym aeeusin.fU T M vos YJB. woek u meil AnS ~2~iiOI5smvlmtbaa-raw.m.t5 mm -9,pko»dsi mss'... is, oMdé tu.M din.is.. I L. OM'CONTheNOR l mi ffd mtimi XKfume m fflm&bIMe-migod»-,MWW« b U we-» b &=b flw the I*4hmq To f he 11-'s told -- -houI.! ail tl.. e4. - of !he.-- 10E>)D i !ntaiis 7 erfeCt! :- etion. F, jual. Sim Dd al t-.... tore j é ::1 enZrii [ bd a ,t icd 13'e. ret. Oi. iuiejuer :1 epurj -;e Le ges~t 13 d 1w a - .a &rden tue lrch. l*-k Ld Cto.un-.- ment. C' eetiu.z re trrotucelà licol Sevt! y-!av wa oved tri.-C :C&rthat. taxe,- ou te clerk tue r the sam 0.en. fteco Molved. t telae of a D refere I. Whjt%, [vision et bterbeo. bampaon, mmer for t bouets L. i - 4-