,EE. G~ mmt,_@v., ,UAyr Av3I M. , ces. una by FuIgm Og Ul tr4r~ i~li "bd relief by l .l na yer'8 Av.t'4PIL Uisr t1-f L. 'on. ytbi dtiif. uIflyecln. ile Iritq ft!88e Pr- i%,tho àsygt(erf n îii -.rliit'tltl iatt j .thiSt- 1O itÇ auiiuiity !rorn future T .iîy M e ui, lwru- wpi.t t îr. liq ').ponaitt flt rtela% noiiIt ra e perislvrI:Ôî à sommi . 'wjlyo* oig, &Icholtn reovam îr'dil r.tssi ll, h-oFliof! ,îld hi tri)'figê* l< ii the wl it l of nithe I »t* 1. ni Mo bn ai wauka. 48 t' t. 'r Il r" I. t'. r" t' lt efI mit b 1 triO raids. ~NT mona a 1 s minlfer. -MueMI. .ê ly-- - Inltqum s as belé by CoSme r Jobuste. or Grtutes Mia ltt OlieOW-l" ýVodio& etu eu.:'iuI.Iso due", ve ii lul liea Tri wmm oent$, sMd *"a ubertm.bleiUIIS ai é,rowzwd bersoiMd muévsvsi s9UW Mlo m eé a ou IsIte mma Fm. Tm Noau m s.-Mr. iloum I COul orf thi* Daum nmod. levinu for' ha Northwostt torritory vwith *th.eduu.# bloI Mill f akeplafe ois ibe ISîla Instnt'isa .1:tllbroik. -He talormn sthat if theo mat i icpt-4are Rgaod h. yul paobably mako il hie ftutre home. fHuin Ar OK-f.Zulgubak omeral mtlfaton. Xr xîiUlomeIsa ma "Uon&mY: alwaYg fiué at the blm, rmay te watt on you Mnd linis our work botl with ifatlou md pompitude. SIi.çn- F&rine bave ahoudy cou,. mencihei r .priag work,bga.uo awf h ham reaumtlted tinfg viil ot be don. tor camne time. M %fAugMOTRnhBs - Mr. Jas. Dmannterné oreeuinj a man>notb haro Ibis sPrlug eud ham given Lbhecutrmct'to Mr. B,. Timme of j Svl'aAv r r.oL.-The Sandayusoool lit conneet ion witli st. Mary'. ehuih, moa. ver..,. w11. open on lb.' rus Si ndey in May. Jiý Onthedoatit ai Wl Ireni'oit. -Wio tileti briiarF Ith.-188i To-day WCcu<lt fte faagrant mati Witlî trernblng bande amntier. Anti haY this veil-beloveul ai Go., Ourt0dear demil Wilfucd undor. Oh. lîeartq that ache andi ache mresh. )l trn too l>initlyraleiing. Our hcartto arc weak. yet beleg fleshi, T#o tr6ng foi aur rctmenug. Afficop itile foim bcneetb this uod. Thy sol ah (is i. bting:. Ant In uthe prenence ai the Lard, Thy 1111e volca ins utnging. , Searea lad litaeycs bcgae 10dawu I pon aur humble dwollng., Whén the Rreat atm a«Justice .came. And, nippeti the bité Juet bloaminq. SýIecp. tiarlnit leep. cold r*te absl teo Tîtoti wIt flot knav su far belov What wirîde boôut are svelnge. Anti birda gobalh slng luths varm npriugi À ndt tovrsbloomu abount thecz But oh. the honeliluesvîlhout thes. i rt t r I r I I I r Fattheî,"Iwo wil1lieho aforteti. <Ir.ttn~.y'~i,..t<. ii tlit ritn. 'lhonwaîsi wvgracrions gtver: dmé a .1rî' 'ilit if pity no"nef la.... . 'es ke thon otîr chi 11 ,d ours for a day i qyont lit crueI l(grsttTi4whl heaesho 1 taaI'air nueliH'î îniî'raehttl. 11ketinind htîdweiay 'r i '"î wty:On tie 1titdcemer's bonom. i"tia.'fuir enoîugth tor nwtet 'SI.Nwuty dr ilatt'ar sinuaîclgrtet *.t.P v LAMv %vlirenne. leq tîgiiteoina inw. rôrt~ ~eUius-h uncIjl eh ilot tt titnt rrîuac pn;untirtint ta otrnmenXe Mbrsa * * < wit'?rl n 1tnve as Nive. njia>'off lant meeting rend andi cantirmesi. Cam. t ~<ItU. ' mti"ainns ere rendi fr.otrnlte pubjic "te.,îi. itriot aitî r'î'tîe chonl inaetar Mmd Lthe cumnll cf Sonner. u v '.ont'hlus. v erittàght ik..et6 vlle relative ta aippolntling a persan to art .withthe ilisrtor anti the Pension apooint* et by $omtrvtille with the ilev or tmicw .1ljrt~ 'u 1h 'îî tre wU reklot ifem SnMetviller ané ataccnln tte -l' it 'ui'.vt.Pur Piîde, Mure ta li. . N o. 7, andi from tMereha.lrran Atiii wht.iîiî' iîtth'nirpid. îr igilway ecomîittee ai the cotil>' Lr. Is>rt. 41 t iti fiitie.%t.hollgùrtlier CItincil relative t o.rail way mat ters. Mov- offb' John Braden, >.necoudébr. James 19 't h.nge', ,an*1 nothing warth t6,goit. Lluhgov, that a b.*'law ha tead snd paass !tyrtsriî'ntn hm iterinje the houc.darles off M. m. No.* 19and wche liro h îy 44et'if'hing lot 24 In thé ff81hcon. iront w..."'iehavlruh fi.q . .1'iandi utttachlttg the aMmetColi. Pn. 't.;a. 12. ('riled. xMvetby R. Kpennedy, tt'v î'î'îît ecowidîd by -John liraden, hat te follow- .itittitu<' liin'l .wet' lirg aha'Ltteta be allowf'dtuî the callector itt t î girit-itîiga 4feet. Of $1.1..11 i nthi. eA .con. 1. urrearus of taxes; 'r/>~n'Ig~jf/u < ~ .:Iarraraita xes on n. i.te. hi. 31, von. 2.Céie Nf ovpdt by J. Ltthgov, Al N EW4 ETTERS Iusecondautl l'y IL. Kennedy, tlàttj. the. follow- * - '-Ig ts.ea qb" returnesi to, Lre county t-ires.. .-r..r\ tirer, naaint'y, oun . a. 10, con. 1, ýl55.47,s Tite lnîhidlms arrears on w, li. 10, cou. (19 r' i "'"".f Th Vîit. i î'îîMîng âarreau.on. w. hi. 10, con. i, *~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~A: t0 o.n~' 'h nvi.aI ees; itl;.1. e. hi. 22.con. h: ant in. wý tir. "k f -~it.~ lirtaarehan.~i>22. ce.n. 7), e91*1; oh Iv. pf. 32, con. 3, 9iP t ..t'nei'ttt t ('trlied, Mâ%oved b>' Y. lanh, seconde.> r ' hai-~vei, itrahping bY.J.Iredtn, thati Fleury mhyrea hlesrt.t I~~~~ -i'artîti ..'u amsing e oitohavéthis bridue over Dlrunu'..creek il 'it rî a a..... us fofi pou Iiia ite oftaairepaît.- Carnt. 'r rt.'ria"inî~de luitI uilght "level a>' R. K&'nne dy, neronriesihv J. "i.iItt.Yi" iotiltilmeet eve Lflib, thta by.hmw lie rend sud patnae.t 'ar iii'r vii ltle promhi4e oet I r".'[it'p'rf.rtuaeewas tra* ajP tLnUx. lrte pat.br< mas#erA- Carried. * 'tht-a byl.lav 1* reond andi pam;ed repealîng ylov Né. 218. - Carniet. Moiled 'vIR. i;i I 'H'TV.Kenedy,.aecnn detl bi J. [À*mbithar teme "ra'î'l<'afriol's.l 'Lon h. ait e~t rOp tion lfur land 1~.'Nlltu '. ta -i' tkenfr rot.- Crripril. Jaines Long 'ie< miîgnnov. 'hey havetie Ihr ielieto aiu'c<'p$1 Ifsa ful ifhlm 4i- a lar ge anid <'ril>itse an d narnaet Jame.6 White a.. is iti UtP tr~uu.natculgrîgîsihbýtràt-or in the matter. Movel by' J. -f '1 ti' atealelyn >-ti n tYhf,. L! 1hiîw, SeK!n->ed bu J. Brien, hat the. r"ruattirirtiugu.-'. ti aowin eohnvit 'be paît end aidera ii a i Iusko e w-l l itthios part. driswn oui îlw r'tîît4rer ifor tht. marne.C.E. "",r'v ,îr~ t làde n itîtîtbr Stewtt, priting uttorai report and ad- t tt". "ilt a litrde nImber vertiatinst, $44; uhe clerk, po..tinq elnoli * t'h4 hem taoen'!oY ra um- rouît work, $1.5 ). On mtioln ef Mr'. Bra "'it itigi<t.th", colin cil aijoulrntd o7meet as court 01. itai:--.,Ijohn Wf-ltàernev han qpurF. revilias. fy.Iilthe f.priîE'II'*t a!thge Acnî~ld s~ r. riit r Iîatuaî a.wiGorge 1l akéesagsed about 10 3 ea rw c, o 1 r' 'asi r ni- îri h àal Iit trill. priîlt i ..tttu Driacol.s4t.,Anhiinan r".ati ~.jerai".Joe the IBatik'. rigetr wtîtî a. erlout;a acident Litmt Wedne*. dnyafi.ernooi. -lié waagatber1nige.dolng for wand otîttite off the mili, wneu bisls -g pnat en .ight in ihe cariesand was drawu it tv(W.'.On Tit>td..ytaainiqt the btîu!] , break*#ig ite balle -.tquaàrter. paost elght. enti bruising aid cutiig the lî'g. The. boyj i fiii..loe l îri,.ied trf.an vais laken hnout. ýsuamrgeon seutlfor. ai î'.itI'ir wiinh r'etî 111fi .. were hrred la-it weeik h>'ir u. T. Caîisnaoehi ia4..1 AlLer gettitiig Mr for Negterjç. Buick& Stewats drivit, an.> 1 i r w lkîd cown t.he pataorm, went lotou? bt10Mutskbei, méaia I vont>'. j 1. 1 ét'i 'it.îon cf goînWasrosa r livu ta >hirrtymen for Messie. Dollar& ýi'tmdr'ink.. The train liaeguiàhCook- who rocepe thfesante dlxtOiet.m iý- g (int iling lfoi Ïw.On Solca fifis îeek thirti or thItfy- iip igîttt'h'an i"îrort, in pam.a ln Ilve men ivesî tria creek, (Chandos, ta a imt'il4oithe plaiborin lao i teltir) MCerM..sar. 1Tl>ott & Sddlwr4 !(ktg«, m 11,41t. h.. i'i'iuît arm errô%a.... at Wrînpsae<y aisother King of mena "r'radi t4.ave sr il, ertimhi' atirt-.'tifor Iliilanids hitillîn in Dight>.1 --el tire rI'hîW t a itiioulp~mnn.Sri Mt kiwnd &Cofiretftncn have il 'i'tt'ai.lie g6t le other crm elio 'e rn lutown onnajilg unon for theffr iiardl>trign isre ati-ifpu. IIFltTREI'v ACw-A aotée 'itrian a .41111 o cia rfrut. c!l'e- e'cek itatWcdnetdrêv morninjrglIaryi t tigp wo ',a.crifti lui ln Che younpge.4.Cson eOf. KIngM. 1D., amgdo. 0- tîltic t Chp' ici! nti.t iwifilahoit et rl r, wao. nv=ta>' njuredhya, a tm tain, h1Ajiin trrîmpi d aliiliv. Mle wssn ning biiw imaitnemi' the b xwîe <'f hi.. fthere reiîtencee.whpn the c 1J'4tîstioni Coiborne, M-PS liadi> rufiahed tt)ward lm ig, and,'Caîcltig hlm on ci .1t îilay rlfom lier ckinîhing hrhra hui'lett hlm Iot a *heeîibari'awci tiftit[ Iernrjurie-s fin pov lw re2aived tee sonorw*eueta on the for.,. f boneai ithior uythe. barifsh Oe animal or h Tit..:. urrny MwMie ;)y b>îhftbi ué" as s #uie jureti alt the . )Itlliey anti John P. Dunnet or mout. NiS' lose aIbaud, und ti leWftl4h1p have had a lafgo StRia- ' êtOml#d ten l;$ 1ý Pélw ýfi1td r.im esdsn aé ie t IonIl M I Ya àtee0O CdV.,-14 ?lo5ffl Sladies gf î4qw alwhts ia e. h, weis m o&4the eonla h. f it rred thé do6rof af<le pom t fthe bachemiU ist l efeIb& t idrillen.ià pÔftaxe StAmJpnif mé v.Heunr>Collines, nyriMaf No a"as <if "liua kindi. The. 96Me ox-varen of tu 09 Ptif le améïl> i <"»Mftated fof üy or suIV oboliu. Vauý t a>oU f_»M~ riss~. ThjiI'> ais do"U* pnvate, vue . of air PaaliuOf il Ira d4trawa. 6-09 s MaU fsss Ft 119. d"ela Misa.M saisit w:m *pmuveU.mr~~mlalw "bb e-W~aI lUsifliyMflsudj uu~uuh ko~s. une.h oue «bou âmI u i ci Na. JI. P., IL Amki" ffteer luthe der Mt lduuub îasgltute, hoItevie, wusau Xon&w.nul.kg Mted &burgawe wvhMdat.m 13 no cmrlo the. adTauik rail. on Moàandmo melmgdevu.brakSo. m Ni e m h « mddoî h'v. bewm ld.oun the. M Mdbits aplue v»diaiected.. Hlm tove th canénoti'.c»P Hofst"au cte fo mdut. v ca Re Gc.vtkous.mt. tMgastema.toci~el BOBVA Y(OEBOX. meeting off ChritChuachNoea. A. Bo. tum mué F. àMioas vtO appointol mudi. tors; %I. .1. Il.'£hompson waa ekeeteti war deis f«rthé Onoereq7atlon andt hIenni. bonI &PPOmnâteclMr. Wm. Thauraton., Tue, aUbjeat ai ciiurch grounda vasthea aken BP, andté sltovéîs u w» Ilvsmugod that Meons.IF. Misa, MdA.Botta.n sPhouhui be acôMMlt"e.to.take charge orf a mubéorriptioz liat fordefrayinx lb. exoeins arnuinti the, rhuuch andthe pwag& TheeT. hohlowingvawreauoolnted aifluaecmr. mittee ta coillet Che itip-0d:Mon&JH. Thomptin. A. Battum, F. Mitas, E. n borg andéIW. J. iftti ; mué th »lloA n gent lemen vers appointed btael âttho. ln colleetlng 1ube tpeaié fisuneummbereilu t he conîry: t-eirt.A. Mihligan mnd 'A. Pindlay fur .1or1t VrnIs., »d, Mesei. W. Thturnton and> Jais.. Lng for, Sauth Verniam. The tlîask» oai tho vmstry verve tenideredti taUr. W. -B. Rend, the rptîring cburert varden, forbis hnmrvc.nthai offce., AIme in "Mre. Pas'coah. foir hoer seces ami oraulat. Aime 'b ,M. IL K. Conseil for hi* services a. treasurer. Liko- vige a btrBaalautmanéMissTurner rnr thteîrcof?14dPrato attentilon aué taote ln flttingtup the <atry. Mcsirg. E. AsnbeM I A. MisliMuan, %V. J. Rpid and George i¶ye- vce.. appinted sdnnn u anr.W. a,.lfRpd anti Wn1Thurton, verappolmîed1 Iay déle-g4tes la th. sysndt. Thé. îertry1 filen adJ(tured until the 2Rth, t net ait1 the p<trgueilgo, forth. pnupossotgecevtos the atîditorh' rrpart. .v#i: it m.,i R.. [Corrompondeneot The PM-]. WAR TO v'rîmuTiIiTa.-A gri-nt battî.la àï tn lie: oumht an lte lot o'ivaÏd b>'the late Dairymiple correispondeut ohtue nPom'uon Chç mi nie hai tle'fieid on whit'h the doctor and denîii.t hué their pitehe> W bt Iat year. .Ail volîînteera are isvited 10 attendt ta their own Interestik, as the flsh lauru t lake a&re deiutroyed b>' a craut rookery. 1 There le, ve -tindmraand. to be a g«eat shoîng match on Dominion daY la the roaker>. W. wim o ta uehitethieran. It la ..xperted an' oy.tei' aupper v111 bt auppiess by the Canutngton marchant (tb. ma wlin got îr.ed visravinis lest hall) asti a p'urty hy the laCe, Dalrymple corusd sondk-nt. if lie'is .011 clive. W, haveýnet hourd tram hlm this longlimeu, TheI. hat vt, beard irom hilihowas an a Cour throuil North Victoria mad. Onttaria .uC clîaairîgbteu. lewam jenavri ,qiieeu-for himeieli, Wer winih hlm gond sped. Tnim may'arecuint for hli4ilence..~ BMigFAΫtllxh,.-l ndea'stud Mi. Pettît and Mr'. hav fImm Port Peur>'lare ont purphaeiau hemu throuph Mqà" Victoria 10 and North Ontario. The. taoeué stmrtiug t a hee fari at Dalirmple. Mn ÈPetit Iniends " 'ane'kceper. Wu wiseh hl aI succean. ,Tbers la not a better placein th. Dominion for thie pirie.r.f R&.oogRiN.- Mlaams rtgI on a a fair way ai recoverl nti ter sb able a :retîentaiDr. Gilipin ai Brechn. Bis V va.. a crIical camént one lime. 01 -Tna -Npw COUIN'vy URTIvoN-Thereil laf4 bepn nmre trouble and a. grest deal if i t.1kl about; the union ah ouir tow.nship vlith the proponed now couaty oh Lone. W. Cl ar'e smtiottied vitis our present position and Ia want tao union vil h thier Lova., SImca. <'t or Victoria. b G RAY.' -For nmre tîmo Pont the fai. M 'vitq ai thliq cemuuity have bien dimeusa' It [na the grange avntem. IVe vontatile 111 inforrna.tinuln regard ta tho requiromente. hl <a lodge li Ioahlty. PenapauMomte lu Ub.ittîerwould give' as the reîusired bc lformatloni hu i tl a (L Jfor~îoNz..t Rmeur Bayes ta a ley citizen-ha.. hecorne an adherent of Mor- uîonitm, etail event4 he was *een lun. OWh- aws flot long mincefiln company wiLh two o'f old BrighaniYoang'n disciples, huujwtaîg a la%% that wam .not hi* lawiul wife. The fflofli'iin the vicinity ffelI *o Indignant to. warîl.. hlm for tbusj acting that thcy pUr tlone ta drive him back tao Cbalir:lake Finas iîimerwuonplace hlm ln & car, chech hlm for Sait Iake city, aud vheé thert di.mp hies off with a nietamor>hlal kilk. FINE AYRSIasn CATTLL-Mflserm. T. Gîuy & Son ar E:àt- % h )itby aold, a lewdays sine Min Ayrhir. cow "d al for tbe handsomp aum of $400. The. animais go FoRTUNâT&-ffr. Dairid B14bop of Feley hart fatllen helu'hy the dem.h of a, relative taè a larue pxroperty ln the chy ai Edinaobaî. STOCK XOTPS.-Vlei4qm. Joffrey Bras, ai INblLb)ytthipped Ove Cacadian l' andu i mporî cd Clyde mares té New Yarklstue on Thîiýriday at gond fgrs v as Jones af Gien NMai ai'ha.sad hilm voed homne "Srtottl'th Chain "puta M.:8 ra hams of Port erM for 0,0 ah dArn ArcrnuNt,.-A saom nsmd pobatbiy fatob a<'cîtipnt occarred on Saturdy, 12th lame., toLouuta Monts, lot, csp. Uzwége [t appeau, thast h. situe gil. Who fera*x yeais aid, wmapaasngmag a &arroW PM. sage near the ttrmpdoroftbseslmmweà by tiome means crhe*Veu *down te.cillae stop. andln ber fali -ber houé strack a.mmml stone wbieh, protruésti frow 'the wvi &hout tva fromhemb.botom with snob violence as ro birpak the shah. complotelr drivina t lu upan tiibrai.. Theptumsso iraken skilvoe romoved, 'bat thore la or ttie hô op f ahe .litho glilrjsea'e se ut lmmation la alfun tsrfttemot lm. BAD Eu.uls or D*qjc.--On isaturuluy avoeislat oneof ai.r Epsotavl lsjgrw, ~ drnklg frsefy with ambew or baon, compainl7oii.,-Mt lIt> awagon wlth amp hAu boume, lIOMg lh.o9» visan chihd t0 Uepsud won.frr w y be. ddt ua core. The vlllafmr tell headlouugont af nie wagon and camevou7eareI ilwd, ne was e iuuhMbfr for hoiaunsuatili hi.ý man d nd a#i oliem ndiscoiored and tiumb and p.vserhss.The. dotor thke th" t h. cieumoahabom amen tspdluis b ma amne Owing to a nevm nb..qt &bu bubaof., t e il 4low UlU*cBBIS al bu w,& a.S g the "ut» ory sWpl WouIrbr Iudy b- ir wU&p w,.bu go* sS wb mtu u a Nv. Sa,-et maeUN mé' tiah ma ARetrk al lthe* qualdouel b tnowuh t» &qým bu hus It U te z:evahof Usbulég&E. H. amily oUmIst lao < vita v. swlevdauglmsge vas p il» lau.mué e t îs tk ci v is h élt ws a umeodr et el ahl ohwoh for . usé sé.Ni aurlgl A pomt ¢ ta an ed itor a contribution antitmo aà> do 1 Iive'e*itil the medruoraune.wïreti. "Becuse '.end îr -conitribuations hy mail ituateeiof ianig th.etinîI)eroa." -Amy lctnd of gonds or fanay rtrtirle cata he tlja. calur ln a emnwminutes lIy rTrianeeyeai. A A can lils* thetn Wl tii perfict itucrtà..AIl tht -A neiharingpaper. rearttng a recent soctal, "The npening pietri wac ici eiii tlty ai itie t~"The reporter wrnteit "Mli: quartette,' the conupostorknew ttr. di c a tt ln i m lx If t' st gr Pa [t It e t, «ai any but1 'pu d lf d .The enerv.ation and asituihe nt spritg ime ar'e ,,ut indlicationst.of the siggiub action Aifthe hhnd, overtoieed with crbonetea ctîirulated ibv te une ut hicaiinic fond imn winter. Tisi condition *nay bc rt.'nitdt.ult. y thé. usetif Ayet"ii Sai'pertla, Lite Set blucnl purifierkow-ai1 -We., aware ouuo.a! ,..lta"doctor. "Jiy nieumtimu ugone. J ruhitedmny knee for am hour wiLlrn our lotion,, repiltheipattenlt. "You r kneO B uit you tetd IL va. iour arm ."; t-Tii. un iienisùa t -et thi11e Triangle Dye l ,&"lauin oithiotuglit the country. T>rey r =iitul iî'tiînitutremerkahle d>eMmd =ve gien abwidmetvdmme of uhei r ia&illty ln aul I-Tite churn of a boartiurstta, hotel truck .him Iv aveu s jll"Ut itb. a uah-bowl the. othe' de>'. Wbem bis friends auk hie what aile.ihlmiha ..> h. s Il'buauuy rounu.uea.*nd adroltly guidas té convtirsatien 1loto another vinunel. Ciaron Cotliaceand, nsaur.ulgsquick asasu, r.- liai. amy paie n Inttl>', tii.quiekeat andi cheepau application known Whv sifts, with Sootbache, neurelga. hoamdaye. rhoiàat.imau LumubagoScmiic, pore titruas, or saute 1Waxi09ai an>' ind wien YOtt Cen go to A. Hwiu.muAur drug store, Llndiey, and get pws pasacind i u"st*iin a.cure for twenty-tlia ome *uk plaiutd LigIunt -5e4dto1w. -'<Hem! Do you Ina. lontire riding Ila the wrono direction? Thin trafin tloetet go aaywhete nemt Phi ladelphi." I"TIire! 1 kepi a-teling of hi. taé& Il Lwan't rtghst to bu rdin' -back'ani;but lie 'lowed be u oveS t &IL a Me, làeuI. ramai ci e t, John IL Vert, lHàmltasisys. "ZceGjegor.,, .PeadY @q»s for dytspeà.&" anidigonen a ehup eM*1MY mm thi. piet"dM1r I. I amna -commrab mmam edtravel ooelusllyaid votait attmors think 09 laerlug hast e uthuat à bafle ai UcOragorà ea§Maflcurein iay vallée ttan I- sautl i evingtM> %meait shaieme.>dtravelllig on foot W fime tlsi bliSIlai t AA;HIOiX8lWAii'5drîug <ome, -Llii.i. Nauiu'aie it' mes miosdoll..-644a9. OM'W do vos y tbqy'm *.doing of la lsIyY a* m yb Mi. w*sbike r ai'mr daughiar, 'vWto vw ash mOIodw la r. antilléd #y tm alaI'peu. ee"A.panitheu;=n' ilW Pro- pImwanisMi0,uli, r , Ir don't 'n wby suay .m pormuuse lte poimngUmma, Sm!" IE ât S~nemam rw=., m oha m" ~ t upm r LjXTO. 1Coeuasu.meset The poasl Duci Li uPUELia iHOL. - 30001 Poil for Maah:-oua'th dam: ISuiy Wmt 2 Rouy wamd, 3 Mssy Guu, 4 pbut Ashby. Third elamenmolr 1i MaisbaMont bo. 9 Thema. umbsusou,3 Ulevuac Mateet Thli d cam Junior I TaBu terworth, 2 Cmriei.Mtchell, 3 Tho.. ShaMp 4 WemlsyàMumberm, 5 Noie Karehet 6WIIIIe Nateltett. Seconé elas: 1lEmnil Wmrd, '± Jaunes IhR 8 WssIey Reagan, 4 Amuis Sharp, 5 LUcy Kumbêjrmoli 6Xar Gauld, 7 EHeur>' Asby, 8 Sumy:elkmtcbe Secoud junior:1 Henry Mitchell, 2 Jassai Muvnbeîeou, 3 Pro"* eMamborusot, 4 AI. tisé B.naon. pirat cljame». 1i ale uC. choit, May Grave@, 3 A nus Benson, 4 Davié Mitchell, 5 Perty Graves, 6 Charleà " 1 wrg.-.IL A14GUs. taetg -Ilore houssa&a.e vated lu K'rkhwm. -'Tho eleig lag .heing lntroéucSd lota the cli>' af Rellevihle. -Bo6mbardier Rutlediof .1 inguton B battor>' ho decamped vt the meos fuudsa, lgven hinueiup. -M Reury RelN ofseaVictoria S8q tare let a bous valusé aI $230 throngh Its b.tcoming eccldentafly hfangeti ln the barn. -Brfotita. aSersa &,banna af .1,000 taCthe Ausiln MIg. Ca. on rondltion of theirlean. loîg Col borne mnd establibhing thefr varka lu Brightron. - - Daniel1 Bates, who has been rechaimmé by Che KInuaton .mlvation: &My>, w»asua omceorlu ithe Britf4h army mué rauîthrough a Loru»nof p0GP. -The wtwi.efonce@s&long the linsof the Bay ai Quinte rau va>' have beeu brcon dova la mRny>'place* by, the. aru muow banas f thé pont *Inter. 1 1 -On, thie Ilôththe bern,%and stables aiT. Cath brtson, living bah mls fromMNor'. wood, wveototally destroyeti o> tire, ta- gother wilh Oie hors.. and eighî ce. -Achlld o: Jaek Moses afthe lIdien remorve white piaying vith a tomahawk eut the enîd nai a firmt duapr tdean off et the trust j oint, aito badiy cnutg the thuumb. Prince F, i ard canbas a been mades a chanoery division, and Jute Jeilet" Ap. ointed master. All chancery caei .lu tie coiuty wiIllhereàiter ho Lried ln Platos musâteati ai Belleville. -TheShel bourneEconomisatitan sawverely meured morne rou>çha ai thxt place anti has @ducs received anas>'mous, leu.ters wlth itysterfous 'sud terrible Chreatn af ven geance ir an -lmmteniate apology la flot imte. .-Mv. J. C. M1orzan, public achool lai- %pector for North dimicoe, havinit.bora morateti ai ait blame lau conneettos wth ýh rpcent, ex miiaion peper frauda ln .at dia.ce he touchers la the rldlugs ave prensîilhlm vith a. congrs taory titres., expr"netag thpir castnîîed andé inabated confidence la hie Istegnlîy. -Jamets Brown, shoe dea.ler,oI Dunedin, vos: brought before Mayor Sî<wcîy, at the 3arîie police court Friday, charged hy M. 'anteh Spry, pastoffre .isatpect or, Barrie liîlaton, with havtnq rauduenciy repre- entedl tiiat lhepast*-d a lette,' coulai uinu Ç-M âu Dunedin, and ha& -itcaddressed ta 'harles. Sinclair, Sheibarne. Thé mouey, irown.said, vas uhstracted vwhihe pasrtîeg hro,îgh lh.pomtofice Brown reporled hi. os ta Mr. Spry, vho seat hlm assistant, &r. Hendpeon, to fully finteltgete the calLer, vhou. il va.»aaertained that no tonsarm basa s, nclamed. Brown waë> herelare arreoted andi braught liefort ihe asgiutrate, who, ai tei hearlag Mr. 8pry's aidence, committed thse primnter for trial. -A threer olti ai rlof Mr. lIy. Scar- oraugh, living at Woburn, waM uniàqteci rom home on Tuesia> e'veninu, '8t.h iat., hout four oclock, ant hangh aearrh was xonce made b>' liii> of thé neigh'nonra h usA not tondouCilIate la the aflerûcoà 't ho nexi day amogt morne briar bunthe& alfa, mile Traim homie Wen they found IL!t legs anti foot vere se avoilen and Lilfened with thse colt tat t itle p'rao. re vas usable ta walk, and vas crawling roued on Ita handsanmdé haeff, failuI aling ".Mai mal" This it had evidesîl>' eea doing for Noame tiune almom lni tie i ime place, as fur fouror tive, yardî. around wax>, varled Rip loto a puddle andi the tile dear vas besmearcd witb mud irom emd ta fMot. Althaugash uéhî been out C he colti und torrtu fàl>'twenity-foiur ourt, In ber ordinar>' dress, andti vthôiit at or mittA lu coca recovered sud wasas. lant as evèer. Ks~uL. ~ S. CORNEIL- Pernse con&'e-1 to the di- revtupi Of-theLOY'DOÇ the sraLru#oe s ettle- ment in, fidi of iny los@ Of $11900, ra'used ksi a pan In~,train. WILLI>E FfCURTIS, Marine)a. Anril 7~ ISSI. - Restys ~a o ' HEALTH z-,E WEA LTH. DIS 'Es ci WEfsT mou It bc NEUVE AND BRAIN rREATM ENT À OUTAIN CME-FOm Weak»eo>s Softelting of the brai» Premature ou Age, éue4 by Over-itndiigee ar. Sesee, andZ ail Di- ncwea of the Nvervous Systein. de Tremtuna .Compsuaf'om«ts Mma iPropormonet Ibes Veiju cet Direct, and Powerful Action upon the. Genital Organs, abecs thoronghhy.tcated and la pro'u'ed la ethe besl, safeat and mail effective Triat. mnt known Ita Medieal Science for alle' viatlng cantralline and cm'ina, ail iorins aifLtaediases above av .' IVaose NevMsd BrasinTrat- UMe a gumx'nteed aocîlo for HYsqtcria. Dl>- zinous, Convulislons. Fts. Servoin Neuraluls. JHadshe eons Prostration causal b>' te u et aalcool or tobamoa. Wakefu nu"uMental Deproimi oteatng ai thie brain, eultimg la muit>' md leading ta mimer>'. dem>' ma" basth. Prumature 011 Age. BuureuèmLama of Povqr luelt mer.xInvoitintar>'LmusMd Epammatourhms, caumol b>' over azerllca of the btm asi, iehishior over-indulgmmeOas bs vii cure rimant cames.Rach box omel» o» nmathi'. tmeat. Osa dollar a box, oS gr housfor Ave dollars; ent hi>' mail Prepald on moeipl at prie.. We guaee Mx boxaste MM..MY Came.With oait ordor recelvlbt u si'iz base, accamapenlo.>wlthi ve dollars, va WUi mené tue purchasar tue mmantourer's muauamst breumnlbe mona if go m utua dIsiautoa «MM k ~ rs, . U-4r. Iha o v abyas aum ioe umm'ma Nov lx a favoreble ime to bris, &long yvaur bua" bn ave il made up. Pronlattention gente ths departn.- A fins lot of NEW HAMRNETs Jit te' ceived. OCash Apari 5J 1Iarl sr3. p .... lupusianur 1, 16,4............. .io.0st Pait ut Polmy udes,î .......... If you iih for acte instrance andi goat in- vestment co'nibineft, taktýi' rt..l'tu rate. Tutn- Lino poli'y in Mie Ne w YXork Lie. 1D. EAGLEaOar, Ag-mal. Liadma>. AIma Avent for Landon & Lanea&hfr.j lino sud Citizens Accidlent Insuritnut ecu& Lindsay. April 9.l. iSSi.-l. H IGHESI CASaE PRICE PAID WHEAT AND, QATt The nndrerslgned arm pro-pared tu pay thp iL est M4rKeat Prîoe tur Ws.t aud Oate deliverod ut their miii ut lindura. P0A4TENT FLOUR-NEfw" PROCE Raiving intron.<'ie*1l ie niet', roe-,' for manuiactiureof l'nîtn r*now r.r.pamre 1111 aiH orders fur thé patent aî'tktt'. CIIOPPI la now hiiKduri ttour rnifl <ud wi1 îontli for the Besson. 'N.EDLElt & SADLEP Llndiar. Feli. 18. 1 qeî. N OTICE TO PAY UI>. The balance of accountu uoiy owlng the LAT E DO. Au LUKE of mfailla,. must lue paid forthwith to 8fr., T PASCOE, Oakwood. &cco=u not so paid will haý'e to be aettle with Mr. (unigClerir divisic court, Oakwood. Oakwr"d, March Oth. 14-794i.-i-tf. Keiicalls Siva vin Curpe. - SumeamafUuà eaudy ever dis. ( overd a kle certain lu lxaIgtsan" dowt cuver bse.READ PROOP W. hiL"MM 19800 DoUaitg. j Anoe.DN. .. ýJeu.3& IM82 Dr.B.e. EWAI. &Cam. Gents:-Havg Sued a good deuil ai pru Kendma Spavin Cuite f vtii groma ancema Ithouglt 1 oul 1Mt Yo. hnov vbat k bas daue for ime. Two yomraa 1 had its esdy scolt ait;vas ever rae Lkrbascouusy. wu vsbreaklug hM. b. kiolhe. over she crama bar sud ga fat snd tare osaihiné lgsail WAmoce rempboyedi tête boia iudimabut*hey U ho goq" ittk t" h uuhahe ~laineS. apavins alval eh"am.Atba mvsw ad> commmpl tI'mllfh. mmdqâsd lu uin mii uoaes vubm bave iommmdlit o oale aitm il kdom t.he I»vas uwkthoiia tnelm"dis d&Mstors.in Adamse, dit OtUM ayd& M ma a 1» eyen amusthon. 1 lritebu'ilbt 9lmotU= madif vouAIles àte eliom t vaFm i a"mu e eme. wh Fm i on ould, a" h1vii u Dj=au i is a".Mr&etDm,.', Du. B. J. KENDIX.89kCo., Gau-hr tths Cu hias joa!bave umi m dail'a'j»tvn utr. me.,' a.olapavn, e zW 1have treetla sakllteent mail. mmd entirely resmoeai thie. l«ome ai 1 n fin t buain thai ie Sp vft Cure hlimas 1>'n . I ha w oset wavlnie l tenmtirei>' auted lier. 0ms reur mp a tvahundrmi poaind Mcci a les feu out cga vM o Msrklnm fmoota Che hm1. ma, tamis kwouai s m ta ~ M k avus vithoom t bmt venu OUaemo e sPain h ifthorK& dm11!. pudlu cusre, st v i lauTme, mmdinsMr daa h ouii viimul. Abou br» wvam arMr tanma - ae'l "threvmesont et tAfler suvgn ind blgidy tma Mrama wianusta i btlning os' rila, hvot for KendaI& SpavbaCoure. 0>'kg asdmrau up Md Mr Mo Um a dly. la m ildt vasable tovali te thara. K coulégo a a dotalls ume hL.md aube Ibisa ver>'&MU latterwàr buFii~ovi>eu. 1ham ver>'te. mpooini~u àm aOAi. ucln CasO W. Ho w. LAST CALL. An putes indebted to, me etthe by not. or -book ms- ou=tam-re qùuted te. UsW beforeo the 15th of àAPRIL as i out-standing accounts and notes wii be.piaced ini my bolicitorru ands for collec- tion~ aftar that da"e. This in the laIt notice. WK 1au" Llndaay, Aprit 7,4- KOP GOLDEN iNOVELT[B% B<T*WIIIVS Umeul Artil, and Tweve Hn Wste, P» eafr . mad th slip. A. W MMT. YsTno.th. Noya Sve.t'a. -. TINTID BLOCK EN-;EopES.: ato acelî'brate4 n I"n irmat TRE POB? pRitNTIm l'"(~ "lo vmtd See thev. AUEXMITCHELL, ~~ Denler inaud manfacuroeo "1 Xl . v'.eripjau@ ItWouD o C&Sa*.tue or ttbs twe amasss. 1Twaty.aevem b»heà ofci md dînothy bave beus sown. W. bave the xivaqe.ofioelons«g IN M W» M CaIllewtJ h be te cargeat Woodvtll riamiPIsgiron. TER»kIMOKR&TL k twtnudisa nt tieu. und umaymef M t0ither H.CIM Nor W. C . Wodnle.April IL 1U-.ML pu« BlEDAYRSBmBU~LL f#SYDBNNAN CHIBIf WM] be kept for gerle. S Lot il la the cmm OP&. SYIDKN!L1MCH[EF. 414a red white. calved 8ept. IlUS bred by Thas.E Oshwa; aire. Wm. Wallaoe.4. 1%,voL. 2:à Mai,, lot. lm) >Duam Osnwa lame 2ad. (M7 e> by Indien Chief 1117e; gedam.> OiiawaJ (613) by Burne 1613kLor. g. dam Els 2la Prince of Wales 4 1 ). aSe. 4xre i Regisler. TERNIS: Tborougbred.3,Loop Ayrahfr. e160 ther gisoe. S.0 cas time ai service. "Sydlenh&M Chie," took Drim et the UB4"CentraLl. m md purhaed rom31r iohn Brady, Up., b» FOIX & CUTIS. Proprietoi .OUNER OmBOND AND LxSAY.ý'S 1LINDSAY. SAMUEL WALKER, KenLu .s S~~pvin, C'ure. Frort Worrh. Iixe.'L.e ih A> eCg4C lIL îtu1t,41, ri , 10nai. a rial (Sa bl e taIion turuirlît te t ,rles tii tarnmaiand Hî'ury to b1wt oil Adfuàlorahmtt i itL wiîi&ah was of luting lvr tarne.d thîtL4Ih *utstie turce thut. your liniment knosvii a3, Ke~tact<mi's Spavjîî Cure w.is verY go.a.I tnî. tîcm-le.î îî,taîg ir un the enlsrgjeznient. <ant atter six weekie uiinw and 0 haviii,c applaed two boLtue t liehore. was oured nntirtriï, ,u..ving tho Ici purt.'îtlvq.morh. CUAànxï 1[natr. KentrloeU1's SpvinCur cm zNuEAN VLmuff DR. 1B - Ir.J . rLCo.. U..nLt. %St io of cilrculiànrecî.îved ta. day. Pleuse tndntiti'mnte wlr h my li ka~int prÉbteit e.n o» eMe onlyr. Tii. Ken(lit~"e ditvia ' î* i a'x,..nuiemn wlih us.Med Dot onîyfoýrâaîmald. but fat'bumui ailmenl aIBO. air. .lo&%-ph voia, one 0f te lesdng armn s uaOur eoenny. prlned an y. sual d kno leg tW iei al ofuthe gmm ily Pâîjoaue, t iiltun.hlmuêJLand it <M fuebetter S a h.eted. Curde > u upaa la.vsq habu utdr. Y 14upct111»y. - C. 0. TmuUxnD. Puoet, 11p-rb@eSima, or 8bowou e gr 8L - M dmluattéhave t or cm Mtî1t fer Fai. cS It i b. aMts ta amy addreu on rmoiiit ofprias b AI» B OSCAYGMON LZmr. !n B*rrcUs ABulki 'P.a"UD o' > Ldti.Der. 26. 1t4'4.-4SQ. N4OTIJ.E ITO) -T.lf'«: CflFÎi1xRS i JAMES -t>'. tjt-tario. M'tJaietirje .1lat. u VI1 t i . . 0"îx. Oc tt* î'* of lorotvi'. ivtcontrwtii. la ti-s, fvr tl...' lau r 1 a tI ait tî' t P. ' t Gthir v i l a......i i-i vr l,~ e r 'it' i- j i "' t :') "l id NV'tuta.rn o'rlireV.u.*it~ ...:I.. id ir béfornatheao errt'ifan a i< Le i Il ru W to I j -%11(1 tata,a i.. -;h.,tb "îr ajt r ter thie &id dtLt' ~tatete i r ,e t.:ttt' " i l- ribt.t" rite tStti of tit'm' httt.. t:u yai'd ti> 1,titi t ' t- . i '.o- thi-'h rio re IltU artheu*tas oii'r;p't"a".*oi. 'r<t trO auY DIitl'iiL " pvr-ki: î WIîOS"ttrblor lain hc -hît i r ttl& 'a. u.. nr't Toronto, Sth April,!"q W'. E. LONG. iO~N ~liNT5W .TAM..'.'~'O~3~a îîSe-e:Q %.4r:) W '. Y . . 0, l..TT A for1~ -~~~ e"-Jl/ 93,7the catnrai positic'n o iot~t , t, ua< ata " the W .i t b',ta os r"r 'rt " t . b 1,1C '-r 'e aunà.ruwitlout c'-c :aoa' erà tw connete in noan D Etnopa . Oa"i .t. t "e La« a0fr ad between t tao o~ .r'dt!i P....,j X zautufi 9~ct.a t~'±ra. 110.tuu- ca ne hawCru lmtan'u Pra'ttîc>t C.'at uiiefle-»,andte âa .cx& Laato of »J.htK ..iz-- dm55 Simdai nMaaiant U. au.itLeri±w S"&LM"NI'LEA RouTE.' A Ncw andi Dreet Line. -ia Serect sd Xiacs. ~st. NuhvlieLaumille. Leilt' .Citat a im. dtaapoiu naLattizettic. and OmahaNîai... clitnantiet. PeulMatI ntermodiate voiute. AU Tuirau hPasuersra rel on £,aui xpremu ttnited e 4 amffeaok"et irugh Mmd ratés of rar at v*au Ja1 m orpatitm uthmt oelm dvaa.t. M. CommAue, ILST.OHU, ws, Ua GUY. TStj mre Bad r th 1 : 1 --- l C ARD OF RNS 1 s; ik ,'t or y of forie. 18- 1 1 igh- 'ltu IL ed en 1 1 1 l' J £ Nu?4 .r sine uL aibi. Ceisu Abrdce-n î"rpVv , i uie 'md Americ» an Mnt Uieusdtotbî 'm l1îîr ,'-s Unj.lta prornptiy. and thoroîîrlî,n.,.rt iti ...t c.. essaprantSatiQ NEW HMÂSHESS SUz2P tu LINDSAY. AD&'ln',Z ORAN Wluhé'..01i hi-. aid frién(ds and a battallon or two nt new q.nt',' tekinow týat he qb peuge#à tHtarnà 21mEs Sop i L ticay. foiS deor te J.\s. Wîr iN~dry- etoatre. wherm lu ic îl kep1ain Stg;k at aultuues " .L~PO. i'>".îre.nt cf Uu< VaUn', n'ij'h i'wilI t'eu at ADAM »OAAN. Tr.IIEu>'LIVERPOOL AxNXO'72.t:'. PIlLE AN» LXY. The ~ ri Lag. T naursma c Cmpmuy the W.rd. Capital ..... ...............'flOno Amsurnce effccted with or %Witholit p-<tS-.. U noderate rates& 1.our-lifth., of prulrq gl"itet ?Olfry-holdors.Par ptical.'rs or nt t. pIJ'yto îOOO.ly A~en*for .Inds.rty a'îl ('t. V;(tcbr ALL KINDS or' LU U3ER for B-irns and l>wualinar lInulaeBILSTrFI. ail kiuiin.fruna vte t iirty jet, long. for SLSh tand i)osra. VLOOà%MQ fj!.rea-f,> an -nre.u.tt PieLindaiay y.&rd oz aý otjr intîU8 At ïenelu F1al1â. OB£=N ELLIS, Proprjetort. SAIMUEL PAWR5ONS, Agt. at Uudî.ýc&y. in i lace -f W.Ir'. W'M. flOOUi'ENOUU11.. A-.arant and C.-r. LiO 4.-M31BOYD &-. cl. -me4er. mareh L M. 1