t 't 's 44 did well me place thé impouisoet ch. aelorovlidgd 1gouerai 1 pipani tk. ciWIite «t tht*fi"flou tt1wdedoSéOrne mou Do-The cowmitfer- tht ass.ryasaaahefor th. mmv quetion bofoce tt oucîil Ma, a vecU, dlsebhi'odthWtportion eot ChaIrtuaI I& sb« Of t hroMd@, Md Chai o»itloStoubidhoue us &wax" éby th aisles, sd mtompevClissa Ce cuIet1s ýW&Y Ca e th*&t l-UWrma s asr -me.umff.ys.btam sos !y OOutttee. t» Meous. USe fvleudiyrelmClonmýblp wyul Ch.Grand Trqmnk ýteopleof canada, sMd vs. coUanod MW ous u ort tht. mmer vm aumvMr mnou a sothoritle. .The sévies woo tlmely sdbY thtJudiciai commistos.Tht suwoma..retloot, scoms dosangeh "hreport laSThe.tousit efor du ,iésauortuitin appoprate Som, eoune.ione su ose t ther* sat ithem bosslIV esteba; & aoiloVe pus, auwebmuadsitltfgt sa spotas f ome. vueavis e h lu lul tmprer mthuI hveboss tbe rtoutatloa o!th*aMum bmgthatMt é OeuIna h. reMéfl to. Patach oArsbridge cSupasyteswiIIL mlsuelugChair places .t, houissé m uyamPly vitidiatsé d t.J-.uud is ,p iluulal sa-iug osd u vi.mwk, udvs sar ous the rmllwaypmeplsèbu.puyamoiof r mIoaRa polisha 11»pwvi fou ur ImUd5.bu bt hisooffun bigsl u auvuw WOMWc te imt la du tey um. bon gttlg th.me" oletor t W', o smlh~y &Mwm' WN. L Unuub, oredttvalu «r ick. h att0e e. z @vWpathorltlee. t stablehowlrly cf SIr-J1 aê COoulhhsiWIe .matrbla e tiicoer pnWlltles, balcoSuiMM I&ta*thtfull Iti of à ft Uihu ilbM b» .lmri hlwSos mw iai 0uetivisco o s-1 -w --fe----- ai- 5i theirbubàojs wou lkmViud m; u hom ailgcSmoa oe-un ehgorem M f belwi M soi~in 0"at L"%ouý" am* in» metweupi hi.suduttetruwUieobow e. 5 ii tlt FUPffl, lU 5but m E E boola.t doUi' zus aWtk0 15x«dqhiotd p'tleUm, I CC t m us - vsse peuso c1ut3ul~upu.tp. Th I~.UPmBXL It Iom ntm ss- mm«udbutev. iut X ~IupiUbw t. ltau mow boko Naso s lmàK01 Mml mwm -W W__ IÉ b _-I 19 MWEU~ J~LY m.~ to ~TflQZR Iet~ F-r »AYU SL&UOETBL $111 bu.o - hIe iwmj, UWave 1. ýJW à1V n gaat fàu*L aTHUB WNt.liususM~It uiwy t M*1 ýgit mnt5.b. a-. _MtMrlis.-U U U T'U * t ~~~~~~~~~w am a .p l t u v~- ou bmer. ..#ý lmà hlin ~ tbalhosuaoiblIe0*us. bm.ylwaomu. I. 9miu5nS hVEOhUWUn de CO.- 0,- t X PT~fhSTUIXGNNU ' ssm s. atM hiev e bulmi - W " m um ~.iEuJoumtmaimS tet Zte bu4 e, le MW S m.hem siidet abot apub turb ejud laeMM& e apebstat botwusemâenlkd.aebsh.. Tb# . fauta 11100Ms t0" mmmpu31t 1 temigk.. bu-~tht àfpo e me,'ma ea SI h . , flom g m tod laë, .md muler n uus o f Thè IuIlSlIlu h mlllie i n oh t ff Mmus w ut à u P~iI m ht t o om.i01 but ëoW & lluMo. M uM»s -SWUUACCI.NT- W.ie ha. Mi*_e_ mu p l athtUm f w tatlistb e t'o bu ambu et u. ba cm tue IEAIME th* db i.*$" Mnoamuwai vua; DOIIIOI BAI ihm h..-Ut - o d. l AM UrMW.- 4uhtM. CW&h L IIf»Si eharvan avis toMRnS lomwame a dmp ,touij ouieLu.of, amad:i C u '" ha happm md, d auoi ai o, ae 8" "ISOIrvut Dopta1 i 0s, euelOt 8" Un. s soi y rlUdauh e mt*MsM #Ummp 2C13%ptu uoe u S i.eupue SI.uy ue.fua tJim lgof iikbufe&Xu.Onee deot odt c ihrwl he tecal .P otsepoVe 1:»PMuI ~ uuW L-r .H CR.qs up "e Ni nteoplof ive t f e puma@, showftho othw wmBSlepmr v.et &ÙWay- u *0g t. f. Cnmcor. -u . Eallahtchurch I. mft adet * ethde woudW»6u0M a p» u is go su viii hav odCievu ~~~ITA R 10 lA 1k TEor 0mUNdaumrt "mm esio ae o A *n é crnraefmdtof nbairo lettrtcb oui l eoah â4qum. è P15tedipte udvl mvymv Uos ui. evniuas aes1y4ftw an1T.d -uoand Me- am rable - l M iMOb y eiagtatt Ti 4 my. u mmakbenvdae. ori m_____ peJournal telcomu nhou cillath bnrnsu co. Thlronehpeagé voutdk aIbb l#thTheGI NulSO o du, PP.MINRRN BA M~"'~ BU qucklymmd nl.ly Iap.ed e Ch.coêu. B late uh th moluel. ofeh.aube. [sursponParty ThP et Ulth ndyol4014. adraftslx tauliaulin&E.rode e itoh4om .cet'l r a Tuear ane ub awcboUl Mu. G. Tthmemas&va lmmnae ...Te SCKirofLa màahb&&ath uss COLLDCIOYD e. staS et TiNoieor "ch f of.al st" hoezhodldato fohmduoa olamatmaed 0"- mt.1il-a7.Wiilme d ~ropty u' ft 'urentraestionai nreatuttuita ai o celuselCas el omauova t b aukué bo "a me m iu Kv.m anrl. e ade 0f rem irftlntu UnraiSttOS.was, vlroulbve oomdM66lutamd u Lohespteuy vlUs.ulou omslduv rs.,mdsaohearviho e nldl Tt odwyvnt Pe.M Mlel hi 'oduopiuly"tdav oraevpods eek'a Soa.thforman capsor.duHo wl e h boyicoe.hr ep ate onrb011114shWogd4 living la Mataltoba et the9 treN.eP. plae c paaiet. uroseef APrvln Ouswo S ehRCo ts. te5 lvIn lbegiioof tii hgueiyr Atn' aou atUr Md -noâ and1fAcoar Chla detscreopth" ef e stien boe bmara oioltu r he . PtRSONÀ.-MIOS G ier eeler et Paurye SpeSIl$-S*laiMr ozrÂlte adeh plead a mosMP oudr fOgrit b h loi. ofbisesaIlm u fC.Dloi0 a.~~~~~ - _ wnen u h.Iudbond.o pa'.aa.____oJfti aies da g ëaUeo*pc J4WSA, RIDYAU.18 ISE lienc e f taOio. Caa andspi.tMldho If lut. Cbe ivenhoroMda& y eng A _...........ol êiýdà siMudùoF-IP he te d leh eda . Mg- M eC r a ýThy Len.tuG.iW. oseh.bas dhMre. f1huaTle spete _ _ - -Aeole etave s h thva og i iu cas rn udedsdCenty. tILLtout.-The undellan corthe - v i esaii etoe ie kpr r i rnh o.Rt ers a.ie tb éRS as. o uso.u oscoroodn os Ws au.visonte ellvetha duda lechacelormmvaitone tt SOndis7 <>w adt , ulse toriiela u l:lercou. s ie r htanos fleron vaarive am th. meu ç,utvl sd cuvolsu plt Iupotlout 01aw1ed ei fthrtlumurSnocceoai." mth nti onthedmncethe epsho em cv sMade 15 larqit. opartt m aipatsuof ~'adClir ordsips . quai. puevailai 5oýthè» et her ~itnrMi.hd dit n rm cas tor the du.,MugImer titOP o"&a mm tl eSatouojdCIP .ttflot amtbutartcls radb - al n FiiG. evemng oame o Prlatbovot unmd othr aie aeé tii fth dhe etv d» ceuscl, . o. u duor tvhe A cpamte a ror0dto! rer oratumb th odeaconseh. l h el lareoaua aie, m seoueehewusbua, s soy ftut fOt b.r aSritIefOnvthri ft h trr. 1mim U livingmeut dkagh" l ole. tyabonami suceuse.oyo n Sglc a tmusl hameaetinlarme vusuuss f e ue bt. 2rtnti oeee ie ud o toe.Ageddeletter oeh. of theB' Doino emtom day ha, T n, hor s5M l Lodon<tebr esjoduondce tMme Pssl'M "M""7 r tMa rom thr derttimof the è1ý.-otô,thJamte&leuumou iereloole ive--nu o both treiusu of si e~redliafaot t oArba uut- - mr preie hy CeAI sclar ufueuw» tomnit .oÎabe the ubviecut.lfmM a outd. amery fChai mci peutdena ves udtsdeaing rsîîva: , ed orimuce, latnet b eou h iie lm ts h"T-lois"~~ .my e eleeChtifd Seuesuusloulylu ayt f luaa lt souta 5Ythé Hudo. Br usre &o J atu ensluttpsic. affm rournd er liemi iiCutvaaum veuent nt mreY, eruilsi I& e but se I v an h.tr mou vh à, lahoate.p Uas l sveaoroiPSze.-Iteclalenugt ltSeCa nlng t trins ué ~ h. ~"cru" bondaylu mny paise but ave orrI, Gldatu«r, eepaa Ud PaU I utoIo glu Liudýeu dyv. W. H. IAo seteý ndelurhode &.M. o!&0 tltW ple va. eue e h uc it geuarmly . AvM E &RAMutl p aied it "Ciivaretul" r cesvouhm c laPua etauoup tion o uheatharet ebtlua ouéheleameIfe A v.Ee lias obtlué y CiMiwa pItc S tt snovuslturli ccundte -gne htmk lup lS otiervileomontC, vs, oeut. mm& he i e giry Cehetu be h. or hrb e s ermote arslèvs thedey laid haée asil oe tthe Cr"bouuétyo th -AlepIgosgmull uts le ShmVATom AiUITonTvacsatn adth »thfeh eau h.mot éethge OrmdTru» cshei bou, aprtuly tepu t hé,WOo tr.viiMeurr .it i îm vebGlue ae cn wl h me aof ér matwaylnwhib I wa d» wli&AW Thtou s p3 *l'm o h ME.-_ rJougs o uSt.il, Pour cke, u »thortaim. ill tavileIWlaem uroo - euMdouuc 441ai tsedutaioofr uai la s, 0i. t he1«41 u@v roWst l ieui Catd. 15 mere isaebuly sS sd oeu. tii. e Trosea oui cuuo bas alreaéledtione wuvety bout uurni>ly ago aW6ailulu C.idelteito s dhyuBonelahne vAtptaslu mauy tou Its aauaaMmoy mdtend otfer r vesonstiutn.ThtrSuv' yack 2m,&plt- oddurthbbOu oamteCniglt9» »d I i ,te h. ietunol .secu4w, ueeot the itatonCht htsqluelle oi'yii I. oey' Anti.epo'uaib huAera afeisIbte tnhas admet tMt 9 ilmpo tteuvsr heltelsPtor bahved teetr u l s, "com . oi» îuwp -M"y. I tîst tbuOsttt~ e uru l etrlAt.bytt e cu.ho an miïhrnu;Linmp, wevia ~ Wgw 15 PER. amT. 1500 077Off au Mad58s vse dw* the~,,*. iu 60 DI FS.2Ma largo i4cou*t 'ii b. aou au Une&~,"Ny aopos" «« MdoE 4.cuds <&"syCo«os, WI>M Cu EtaIeUooaiuhchbe.4M*g"ali i o. da GIVMIS &96? W. Wi MU AT <JOB? a ,iuuib.of lUws. in Drm& Ooods, DN- 2'~km~6gaeCrusera, p&<,CoUo» maB l3-uada CgotMhig and Men'a foflM as~a" hw Mats. m. wMUalooffer aboiêt .00 BIZNAxS and S&igMg Doa g. Ao aoda eat HALl'F PlCI. 47.w Itt pur C'Ammt«S I s iibeaimaPaso Yo." B.RADB1UR N & SOIP'6 i1?4~ 0f coly STAND, CLOSE ENQýURYR OurSoua w dPrcea.! h »> a"*by 1 -i &u!1ag vr tle gax"to usmims "e omm aorti e Jt prots; imed maaa um Cil amalwe ssii'eiu IL ha avu"y Mo.oa U meetbn paung thr.ughî n& -1»ut Roi uat te af tu. Th.aLvata~sst» tbueviademI with usnvifi borthe . di<t mluiyaLsveotests. W. wJA lie "hVe anl our frieda »e just what m te bssmawhitunm th.e @Gor i ijIf 0m 0 OMM0eou resuretecm a cuatomer. SPRATT &KILLEN, P.1XILIY GtROCERS.; et WW"alace LIN OýSAT' WOOILEN mI LI H9Aving bought the above and.go them entirey under my own amanaglieet, I amn determined to inake ý le T-HE ,PLACE* To oi or trad. your. wStl.Our gwàodl ea or better and are a great deal cheaper tlu he -:vil mwoket goodea me ueail good vool and n.ot one ounce of shoddy at ail, while market goods axv ihlO âlvayu atuffed vith ahoddy. W. ChMye fov XGfaoeuring: Tweedsfromn 40c. to 60c. Twili lane yd. wide, Oottoxa warp, white or Grey - - -25c. Okec man.1,27c. Ait cd WoI hCâk lannel, Plain --25C. Unio, - - -20C. Our ori ui10 lb.,ail wool White Bankets, $3.O( Union BIankma un , itWeights,ý 12 to U$W am M - 8-52o U two r y wîBtdý 2 per yar )per pair. O. per lb. 5c. -1 s An& i r aberqumy lem. la oelr uenOabomee to leavetheir vool and orders in~ early, wu anew a dàmomt c&ý the bmfi* et 5 pe omt. on ail order. that are booked before tie it 0 1 de ist iedw u &dwb* àwmte&mam to e .abtohav e al orders filled promiUy. ~saaA5CAM ug O"dsAm tm ur,agt. mum, cuàmmc take purt any tinie, Md a&li .Dym& Oâ weavins a"C1oth Dred.g don. meuW W"40lb em bu o u muimue&Ty oe m aO Mu i"fie thder"V.Tli mmSu t NaM d p mm oing SaCoB RUaaco4 --C MrS SALE 0F DRYBO IDCOrg isaU il 41~ I-Z Sort, BMW te the jéwoft Beimm vu rio Il -