ih k ? ipE.fWF V# 4q IdI VI sit , biiN-alýO I TH v ie v FOR y hin t A. mI" ~In iamlon FOREAUG' , àw q 1 WAINIIommea ou.s- F'or vasa. bsa'nmoo muhupotit.ret., * '~ ' 4 ~ i n d u s i r s î m b e , s d n e r v o u s * ~~~~~~~~titouble. Si. ose av os iol .>:rl:I:4%'~i~'e~idfo~ 'itt thluostfi 0 uta rue haeug.Ten ea 'X L 1 Ilk b'tt. :;(rtietrne ft tin habit by rsmonvin lte hoos '~VIl.I. IJrion of Tnoo4 a, ndit angso"seiall. RealIY ahoesa are I iir t tiê' *'.n~il.hlsd <>*net iWsansd. cam b.ispensod'vt la l iale i i'kr l.imm il ca&U sams by Ultg dgonna b u'1Ii'iII<tti4 wlh aceoet rtil 8tuTauvox Vitanwuq.-The buitnrtnof . Im t-laae l'r .on emu tal ul on a puaof bumnlg I ~ 'v.l ~ lt tpo urad l, x ou ir t coalm , la A s effectivle a s it l a sim ple m e sse J '~ia.koui,'hii>aitnttut.bal oiroubly e.ijurpang lte most Offes. A. i î (t-ibi.1"d sixfor catLIe uve ooioîseës ttS asn ' ' , "L'iluit-d eiirlet, thlt' natr fin&i him a aesbAtt'hi sa ien wr -i toi m h"baoed --no * r"'r t' a 1".,iyi neS lgtl ifumiléatîls I SUngiv or lbrebourp, ~. t ht , r.îIl itah>î~lt uakooma cosillte Onîd ce cf the venle e'.'~' Vite" ;. f tmùasbe rteiembrdf<c uthur. . riu ".tiileti'it-jthat- theY imuet blé taken te cther quer. ~ t'~ i.,t.~th . 'Jsotet of lslng ni torm If iV are in tho teifesielrmm ltai ie ..!til iI u îýh..lîr utasaî t vpurlisi I . à'-."' sfi'¼urtw nsd .. AA Tîu.m.î.ue. --A Pensqylviul& à' 'l irie'lthIlîî .PY Itatf rmernwrln.tto Ihé Tribune sape..' -'Illt * er Plilt. etee.liuei..t-mitan alès 0<11~aaa thi iAmascabege 1lt e.,',at '-ili'4i W ltou'tiai lui'd ench1*ev wtie gprotani vîbi a mbrp punii- * "*W-* hop. sud 1f10ARAIffIn-â,t frtulgil asdolit r ti rîl -:'-',' ofeI t b. Rome more If the .,thili sshow thitemselves, -'-til'"mi,, .'ed sd nit l.. '.oprat a tmé,oro. Ifl yothave at ~. 'îi ';.t't~. .~Uîh fis, tî . Ientfulcf01tem tUru tise unier andc 've t i i noiliser r ti-;. i' ii i.n t.)îu"e, Rnwern. about twise bis Ioe1the acre,.Ife -.~~~~~ J'.ire ce han hy appear &agnte tircoissnd ail :i -Ii filrer it- eîte. Of ()\ ord aider sund mow coin aain lu Juy. I '. -î'àîî~~rîeêIY trom 475 a few* more appesar lu pathes mow them fi e udolandI the corn and leave lb.he Stlt? lu the * ~ î,î ,îîc 0 hîtatfîerb"Il 9 rou,îd, or Pelote viols sud put le I *î 's-. wetif) <o w.t -f they nov udt-lot. ~ '\-iîîyi rcts f j",Vr 'YT Potýator MAiuR-slr J. B. lu il 11 ~,4 14 fiùuil oç of(.Y.e-iwos sment, ln th. North fBritish Agricul- 40r, W uIle.i . ! ffht-fors. tit. taile tla I bt des flooit a amatter ' r'~.1-'- .t.~l> ê .~lito f s tu.eiat ailbehugh thte appilcation of t u- tàiri.îl rh""el.w1hhan. maure heu producedacnooffecti upon tle.il * -.14* %> ilil el h uifil .111111cr9, 1n.0netprve effectIve tl 1 me ... -.yait uuusînoat. isme «future' Ilim. Year aefterwas'is, ý e *..u'î uu'-hi.. wrîrk. ctîi .*ben etasalrecoilectuou or the appl. i - .u vu iiai-e-tî ' sees..cailon ballepagisied aay, or poemblv vbou "ii tq' k ,' hkv' v - ci lxit- s ai ho tanintliaspasssd l1510Otterbshnds,some ec ta p". l <'pe.' *Yif is 'uield m& xtia ton csrtaln por. h liéIî, ite 'ti' I>ttuai. Y p lt.. fah Iavtdicalo Lthe braC.e a 'u-î ii'.\î'u.h tr., t>rOuntl Ofa latMnure vitîci va,4 xupposel t, , '~' ." ~sî~.lui have faileil.. lu ose oet bs exmAmesnra Ca i~ (rt'adij.ît Land- anid au ioimsca ln Lhe fýPose 1l, about ~ *-r~ àî.:hu-lilaia wt>îîî'num t fan 1acreof ln asmnre1I i .hiî'u u- ' ' sit Càloart, Wrl Wftlh a.con,41deal &nMunt or potamhitasd flb v~ iiattis. on thut phomphare ut lime. The erop vans whei, Jbi .w "i'pIt ait rrings.rnr,,t-.and uhe preduce wvas I5! btîseln per acre. JTI * * ", ,a t"î.j . lus,,rsts>rI.'faillit As li<.land ilci -recivet nDomature .41 '-i'n' ti.1if itili rýflv;'e tîs Pleà. f viatever jieldeil acrpf1 uhl e 'rult'h o, -' 'eu t lteAroi tg vas lrn iati te menure bai in - ~ . Ct 'titi ici'diii'âîaay itlis. thf ' au'cinmoitla vers pplîi,suâ the pro- f c (ýatil u t àVhdL t thodure ltwa»,-11 :1 bntshels per act h ~ v > ikô (Ïbk;a .Mlkors. 'sêt tPriée. Wrfwbemt e00 w isthe large cnoi bd la ERogKri. Tis. eau itey have hant a hi 'No nat. st * . ~rs1yv~t'r'r~ t:g.od harveict tlie, And touty butelit 10 ,li à' -.', tîî '~v. 'tîîi-ttr~ fnilie jLi aretaloked 'upo1101as »qulîs a miai! *------. divts-l : i r'u-thltl brut suc. 1 rd:whlcn II;letctor gula eiL Illu l asrwIxy. m bitin * r ~ t.; ti 'u. .t.~y, >rvo, Ar. îîawî ro slt. eurbust% g o tt acre.The sa * Ih ' tsa 'à , -r au vîer~tbngj inercan sverage ta about, eleven buusls; fo~ * ,, t, :'î"tî-e>-: -riai'uiîg iue-parîst Ncw York sud Oio do t f Mîhi. -'r " i"'t î a ulIi a,, . T r at m e uît lu ain0 0 9 1nis o o s u n n lo ue r t i& ta i a , -. -' ', - 'ditî là' mtie.s'hmî dit andseulsv-,tàbusiiels la soins counities la an "'!fi)f 'k- o' îsk"i n heif *a , averaàtel twent7- tve bUhoesla a mmField i : i -1 ' ;b tir, Biiîii i ( udthir y o n fit aîw y Islar i , b aiutse ac, Fi t " r i r. ' 201~i '001 ~tha iefarmrervt'reacii tîpsoso o mi -e' t~ Lu.y *etu I sîîire>îî .wlias'aî «<niz e ua ftinaîl businesstb. -il lu <de 'ài~t o. '-v*r 'îlaîp'rj ov'r.eay tLogetemoit f thie smila, usnssb1 "-r' -'.ei "'l. t'It ood. to, e cnlargiîug If, l'y treatlug the. Lind more Il * t' 11ttl!"it. mmr n srte eîî.laa lia%. do'nt, min eau do. Solomon sali: lu h h fit' ý"U ej's hl.lIta t Ciavi tf prôtepeniîy jisoîe; l.îtll timeset brý à." mrt 'f -I utth r' thrl-côn*idér." And "avemrgWe" i n , * et~>, tr.~;tr-.Kenlrîas ,Iilq t verA mnay protlvably dosgvooddeal cf Or n..,~îîî m uporanî osdlgt-t uowl. but net 6ailo'e b Ib Il'.s'~ùenî on itet - dlAaTAIî:g fbsvsi :i'n , t'- aTt 1. Y(I toelrt 1 tif t3'h ite is.q q In ie.li 'tan, )Y-era til. -ai Ne w Vonker: -11f.a1!là i. t hae à * "rueî c rt.'agl l !erîrGacou. IcalIce incs, borsa boy a psir et pauî.uîoorîsme arffiéali',w heu' It j.<ufarrow 9 'il'el.ip-0l t iîîea >1 f'Ii -t'km * wby melert a paltem Pr~mke beci iFa '~ l I<du ist ut.nit!(-suil ut a look*absUrdti luiepositive seatodressor li Il 4it- h'ore .iiîul ohIvj ii ,1'ttrain potin child 11 itus auner that c ej e . ite e uosh'I-lyt otletdo uotg eoiieharth eio U - r "i"ifher aifer cuirt- ljdiejtoittwtpnil aatle istti drao b "rit. iIr sholithi ho.Suet i Of ils mate., sMd 1 bave kuown'lte sU aer "ud te frrinth)haltmOtflvlnioe1 ln Of martYrg borne by chlirea hrîicg tII a~- * - ~ - Sf.» fis Meanet je"sey as litpevally red witit baekunoi, hhvln" uici- hemi on viitt s neodie ud. thre Charles Ormmbla, rried av*ye jea living oabout a mil sýto u ite, mac oomunhy, Iuiued hbie wit t1 ce ovor ber propsssy --te bis. A t.ow affo é.be usPect*i ltIUte lntended brnghfbraMd 8sOUgiai mawyci'.â aid noevfnt hm lig viii blm teir only i. When he dtocl sy tO set*Mir*. 18bien brother forbade hià 10 taiie th@ 1Ormsble thwesteed. o ot. 'A ber or bis ove came te hie aawlStc ri.-drn.y, ioff wib ithe IkIle on& rm lbis la nearly diiatracWo..Tbés usa I sved to have gone, telte Slages. On Tuemda igt lsaI&W@* mw )Us aifma tckpac noms Nlesoov, mlle. est c0Londos, Ont Tb* em Impllca.ed ore Lom7ons teplisn,& br- about 40 yet.ra old, sud twè youhg 1Wm. Iltta aid HmnyLanaît., bhman wWho lsasi tm bae o part or lte coutry'hou Qutes, sMd ung mam nanisiMeNukty. The vlegIm *te Ehlinlige, a "«; Who ivesou econi conebo olas t osmuî.Ir un th"8 ltejsniesbail au, boss' king lacé os tmebso"s Md vern mg ou U '* wva lte but toto 'vabrie ityvent ouI., ai EIlikgir1 wbI for bomba, vb.ub. -as pllail ou la vagmosbj oof lthe s Tt Pd a tolebave; beeà lde.tt 9,si &duporage atvuffle e. Kalvs e *ficsly.uai mi Nil. ge reoeled w.umbs trouwbkist te la àIvtr minu Ateitr cne beelgbotm la ,ome galbi t bave and beflaet a psa VU Wtbofla. hW a y ce . Mi - hyby, W1 m &a g P.sW. cet uhm wgmi "- b@ M t *UIMOfNM h «dW hW d hm bmIo by u tem uk ha .140 t. 4la d - bsàme.q u or bOt Sbo U W V 11k -m PMI mm go vbatki,swkhkte p-.ce-t -m*MUsbo te hM7aîl.goew ooe.uvifflk0f bckUrbcW% hum ~ et tg àtl ieu. whsmlb. 1 b.~~Wb du,,of u oeapu has. st out besysumg.b.ý to.owol.g. ps. a time retde oam watmi l gh e Odlat, bwute mase rnoeteu ahe Iptnt.m lh.ui ien .1me te mse 18 litiv -Iwos f îrouu a il can topwled ou li ani cuida ufllclen ta.gil tatnwfAmée#à__ ehou. t liteihy lb.k &"MMootterurd lu »kt .uvbtîmewh, novai bt doumlu cbs.do.96it m iis tr. >rum akteugaleiik. okutchla s.n îutvmt ug, faluco MI l w lyon l) 8Sri Bat l a5 i or ner te d e the boast for ou i , .18 tt o o l ck i ie alr o n ier Prov ne hey shouldinotatho reora party I[.i t t wo aluib l a ethelu euer sudoposeth ccosrvalvs. Lmàud PARK LOTS 04E A.'<D T w ve or chenus) Il la nOv îhintY yeara ince tbis I Ii*e-sî.. Town Lots ti. Two sud Titre. àm&uh matter waa deeided by myseIL Durlag «<Of Kieitbt.. and we8î Of Luige-,t, sud Town the viile or- home jhitrîv ft eS LIots One; Tvo. Three ad Four on the soub I ~v .n va on lit be ch, !~- ~ side of. Kent-iqt. and coul of Logiews, ail !à obiPrer rOf poli:li allan u Jie te si o e xd y. ogeiter wlth the. nn-.0 edowhth oi I b 1 h& ai per 3MIII snd ail building sud appurten00 and tlthn oevi ii otiaeaders; ance. team bolIers and engines, sud&a"e icc f sutTte»le poungmen present ltaI 1 the righte snd privlleges poimaeed bh l. nI- Tl have lever for OMO-Clay inag ltat penlol e» per Miii Commny tLàitod), includi ho fa tai i lghtest dount. aste con - their rlirtt te thte rie. grau,: la Ries :k«"sd correclnt5wprovine of Ontario. ý D nffs o th cmluléo atwhih 1rrii. TW re are edaupon lte above edm Lrud aud continuaied r g rjhlande a a rgo tramAie II. Ivostoreys hshhin, latler thtrty yesas cxpertenee, eXperieuce 1 front sud Ibree stores-s hîgit la rear. Wik tweo of every ind, suit la the Iîghr t f &HLte' trame extensionsl from the front ofthlie mainto Information 1 bave acquired, titi1Idectded building, oee torey ighintafront andi Ive for the reform Party. îPenewa.vai ri storesm igh ln rear. snd au extension fromtlb.ethq 1 have been witite .',orm «.al )ha rean of the.,:aid main building ee huidrd andt t ra at alta flfts-tstin iength sud oes torw laheigt.f tiIIt , a d id Dotthin i1 lwil erer belon g Tll« rereeas-oîwo ci. ach.d wcauica bois. tu tO »mY O Ierpmrly. A1l1I bave to samp 10 The asid papen miii and buiflga ubn YOUug MesMu intiregard le. folloviny among other mâcliuery lte tollowlng: Ou. four exma e.lsa-e ti herie Tecylinder moulti paner makinor macinea. itit gran . <eeeto Ohu5ae i enela, sixteon irsers and two stoks of clula,, wllb gra reepton ou av oevsnmot-da tur bealinig englues et large Capafy.aldnu shows teé Intense Interest os. and tio n e etrel _B rttet B a dt a n Vem ua n vitet u purePresent ber. take in lie una!SW2, erected ii a ubotatial mman ufPm question 1 have beea dlseu».In«.e. I rejoles onis- lnunue a few month,tv a nles. oesas lntaI bil ecome becaune I knoW tatit ~condelng su 'ad oeshigit arpus.witb ew. Mo Cmesse thsit 1%t, ýand 1 titan k ail tie tMoinreteUtMbolier.. vith a alcaueea. e1 Zogmou, sMd thlose vts are not younand alfitingae, t iwth tube. oma.shafg- d f er b.Part pou ave isen lu givîg m e 'i îI leys7 ln mîue lase era, ro m coa RWh th'* splendid 'nc"pdon- (LoudcI hassa.>1 h Te above vatuable ppou» lvTsi couent.i- have lovei Ontario ailvajo but ibis day% e I omis-stuatesi for reemvieg aa ilp ans 109mM e oe i tboler h" thesbuildi abeingon te bo" etti=river T Le 9-dîffwm athe"J' 0f nul in.dtenthnslgel ceen, ogeaettha tfwhoteOttslao Sid iDivium ofethe GradToariv» Th Mblool puriiS. ad oupaem reglattheruafler. vitioteulinteroot. W ii OVar p!aoM withithe mcieh o «rel-troerv"ed bld. Tte alter comWleS vi beci itimmsity-& W 9Mui aEeeti e _la d i tanding oedisillio r ite com n Btter Partelcars mamd ea.iitl et sajseamu th Of lte livew, blllounm% s, Jac, cmastpij behad on&UC aplication te a. urs. HunprM -Mltkumag o rs MY <issas. t the . & JACKMO%; Mes. frmNTmRE q w.M 1010is Or mild tiiniut aisue" iT ud maUoL AT x, è ia Etwtfb MIlars dmmes. Md Cure, 1 kmev its md su-e M*4~d alne tie 1ITtitday <t SsemhSgiU. Vs7boulte usiauteet teuieslf ImmISRT ACSN =Tor, ' aJrefud. Souetai emmveolas'Sollelu unmy wbudimppsadMd au Tas rFmamimaKa-! a m m g bo ouima lr e isSE.b.W a cmul bus SuIsàmew iimb boa.-OF.,wsh bu te«ha. lMd hr wlb. lu oh, imm t du awmi u l oldtht I, he iu eset fertam" soutlvadt. muatmWW.38 em. ri a at ateupomumitas ventaI a ttflmmdetg mmiid ssflat3-ap, a an l te li u bo ké rpi eand f gausan t d- tl. i. ua theago thebotPII ÏiUWUW03 Omuaxim ur issus Who te Md bsu d foa m& thf epasam te lyhm th e ae botter vill b vsloovmium it I afi-that tar . .1kte butter ' wores vse e f t il oM ly t 0mauoc 114or M If t theliib bs ke1xpius!)la u lih buther boter nos 61b, t. quaitiydue His witole P 'ero xi nAa eo!course olorm Whig bayed dr fouit uai 'b. tem ptealuusla s'ns, team dis caer of b louiwnelu mlo ifl ormuelhl armslto but&te r ic mucor b il) b.ow:ati sud moi ok Pèraor, sudir lbt.rnpss'siuifor et lilheorl&Mt. bu i e a ug lé of olac corne soiasiail. How w v o Rlwu ts N o ree- ClugaMr. W g ssye:- Mr. Jse.A81M f tmo con., Pliisburg, twilvm Up g, ied utolng tlnà»sk.magmlelsot uqI ut* hnte t business, a b. oàv tc aies, wtt aov ethuie yhslm [2 ebô teroncotissu asèegrdler$ td enaoa e ~winai iss ohmtlatoi relu for OOte a olcrwhara, tiI aslylothevs«b cao)d i. wnmi, W.? -Thea Oispa c baiimen csâ ltsa dINL Abut ivo omilatob.ree' -A me hore& o lait whuat lcea. atu Iau Insthe fegor t buofLe nov, m me o l t u e the abusnsdai1 -31r. sae.G, ) mae*phi. sio i o for da la o t.Uabottmecel s fvoro trais fere r v' oas leecte uuly the lb. cillbust ucle.." .la -Tii.ah Ohrlilla Tes saotem atpota saon norMdoulios ouîy -Bowathtvil&oe e dnou iDed wro e aiti Tir etres . ois ab tora re< 'gly butbte a I oet amans wlb. pea g.o lu liaSonc. Li v- lu 'rthie nlotaarrbod f .t fa -Ae f It tCrospug h.*outd. fut mqrocntro a baby luobr i, udali for ead, itlu iOWafftilicoe. Teby *Te lampo wthaloev rosua.ejct s-e Bafo sud roes.tllftd lea&Tener heen trublai wtt b b h~I th"oy b m mh1 Im homw aeyompro>u. ,t Ibsybave auMuOf MYopoclave eau anhong»I eau.- opiitM d 1e- u et. m mm110 ATov efbla l Ce m altet cte r Mn laluIkemOfMrcunr; u pb ongasis p ti, ubiS are[tt.aiIe eUmtamMF a tuuue -d.o Im eu uisn.me * rne BmtuIam tmuQu .vhusowu ryou 2m7 1101» Md faulihir - i &Wa ta ba he vpnut ao, b tUG G S % ~ n mbete ebouli babSei&rchcar Uo , vtha . ams, nt. 10 k lita rpn, u sumtaeuSgm te mt TTEV YLOETPC . mu Ofte-eW dumi h ta budw uuist asci vle as£1t wSee ft t ou. 1 rvi la the remisa.. aMIMItaeo A- oa l uuue , or lgm@, e tuhersot tas. bomliteu T ite I aw l t hj Yo g*l ea lI* w n e tta O the elet lb. rsSand du oui lua a C * ba e s tgbtumsudhivave mon amDot doubt fgl itba a slh oe lienaioga%= ahpou vi&. huveo, naUI vte un eUt oun me en aoftt e vicbbitar theithemou are ti argo0»IMUn.ee t l, oul I» uountr.y, vis 1» $~y.battb me ehuem by ahigh sund lorty-pstrtot. Pm oi tei Lod cheis.> isboci.uli e oura chPeoPIeto b& notai everjwhere for their *EE U .~ mEI 0M.- rauoky thiter eObdley, ibeir uhitt, sud . 1 1 b rdomilnefrenewed coie..; sud telb.im ouruiùg amsnialto demetblngheuts '» ~ oies b eeveOur Youg momare cli"- vu tM ta i m,.lu eider tu do ltebéi,' BO1»«'O 1:47e cma fS the couuly rhey v W i a"il Decmeur, ifltsbhave mot dé»o sMo hdy,- lui tJoa one or Oterot tepapuo il a What 1 esii Of Ibosewho am besttinga 13D, to whslber hey should jota thi. orlia (JftT & UCO en PMry 1i%.D no temiii. adectuion vitiacut O o tfs Im 89 Vj vor aful eonstdestaiout. Iiinov ltai on. î.y viln And ltai Iftbey vaut t) do tte- ot CViNsu for largosipossible amouuî 0or good, it laaises. eed mary b jota oce or oth of e tweIo ra Wo peties. Govoraîment by partv lus ata. uy Somsetinq mq b. asaiaginat it; but it lu lae a fiel, Mdviii lu* rom an 0s% sud t. b.c OONO u uâttslndaeffdeaî of etier party ltu m&Aug. -.2&81--IC-ly- . h ave BD ve iit visievei la p ublc a i l,. 1 .' e e l n o w e r W h su o u e c o r ne t e, c o n sid e r v itieh _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mePry r oboud join-! Win give ihe. Maiviceonu iaipotint, ton. sugiater aid 'ufIsDn-R i)ii f- t mx xmore >adr me; cite.> 1dam sy aula n o doubt liai S" at lmrs. IIPHýES. opr>ite Mr. MeDon- n. ltes. vito bave had a retors aincatton ar e il'Y rk-et. Li -tsar. sep l. .S -1 0 refrmeanov sud vl slw&ys continue rrn .uem Citem..>1 have no furtite PLES! APPLES! suuaeilous 10 Maie teItem. ',Laughtor aid chas,..>They ame aII right, sud no- 40 liadthe smîfoagune of baving a coilsrva. n a m m ivO, tr*aning to ties. Who have bai con. SOiv&tive aaeoclagioes or former conserva- CHAR LES UONAW1aO Stive prejudîcs. Tit a vamy e*u Poot-j t0io. 1 was brolt ainthel.very botbed O DM<» ** Ofe osrvcisn, sud a» 1 knOw a gr«t -11wbifl h o e omsaped with Appe Groweue, Ilmauy ood cosrvtivn I 1ha"v, v yMmrhantsansd Shippers. wti a vlew to d.kindlY feeling towaris miens. lI a spea-m n Srngbsîe tmg novobravera j,.,m iv Laugb I-t ndSrigbutm Ston.) 1lbave notbieth eato yotan. îj w1fleo giv«sthe u rac utdeo bave ibis kindly feeling becauseI knov o cîiitomers rt<jiring adlvaaen.-NI-ihnos uy ame painlotle. Mod Mou, auxione te' M U TPLE.4SANT INSURAINCE de the hast forteïr country. « I syal MY 1 edown early amScatoaan nulc A GEN CY. Bt ers lu thstireeiou. Btwhen ayàiung Ma 1aa bouaenqulrinu, jua asrnan _Prtw hYoug Mename nov dolng, vit al befor, dniniz..e. Werpprcent the GLýAS(,G0W& ca res ci hltIwas apable as îowhichaf LON-DtbN naurance Comnpany of Great Britalu.. e- Itic twepari«es as riab'L then. 1came o AuI:oizCapital. 9>.5t'.OMZCanadtan Gov:- go ie econclusion, judgieg tsy th. blstory of ernmenre dpposir., $iffO.'incnme. S.00O0 the -lot Mdets cf rte prementthat the 1 .UStsinii Canada. SlUo.U0 This compaay We )r efOmenwer riht nd neconsenvat ! Mlses a Spoutal lami P>ley. whlch centaine ne reforera ers iali sudtbC1 vexatlous cunditiamna aI L Damagfe b» light- te wrOng. (Cheera.> Looking ai blatory 1 Iinîngas veil as iy lire paît for;stmain thrner na fourni tai refo .rmerâ aîtalaajbeen tallowed wfý.thouîcxrra chsrg. Equirable rates! ly rlit;sud conoorvativeq alteay wroeg. Prompt S~ettlements! This la nov a muater of history. .lakr. JAMES I3onuî leagnt. Ont apounsi e overe ruet. It vas OpPosea I>y ontPest.n. £ (Chenu> h er gtalaregrdtec ro modelt th lifftehpne dor qeions efor lte cou r ion, efl00e iomerae aZUJJ ar P"u y rsoîtety . The aideratmen tan éodn ts ietger snrurve TELNS yef thr lb reow te. .-ve refrgta vs PAESELLCe,<Luls S Pproveit hboieas u reard l l. pa. n ~i.... ~ tTownahip Cli SRER~~F SALEOF LÂNDSi. a, the hour et twelTre clck. noua. 1 wiil offer Cour Houe, l ths owuof Lnds a. ilthe rltitie sud ateércaT"wthe defeudaut in the undemntoed landeansd teneUmts. sefted e meeunder and by virtue of a writ of Fieri wavea. Issued out of the County Court of the County of Victoria,.sud ta me. directe , la -hlch Adam Httdepeth is Plaintif sudnJame Beatty in AdminLqtatrix with the wl!! annexed lot the Esmansd EFfatet fRobt. P.. Beatty, deeeaaed. l defendant, the sald Landes ad te- meuts bBInEU oopsed ofal and elugular those cArtaiE parcelu or traets of land sud Prerniflses atse. ying aud beinw lu the VUl- iage oBotargen la the Couaty'at Victoria 8ud PrOviaet fOutario. sud bcing comnhwd et Lot number 8eren, E= SBOtoflt. andXvea hait et Lot number NîIne, Eaut Mansfield-st. coutaiugm by admeasarenieut three--tourtbset an acr, ta bc the saine more or les&. GEORGE KnMPT. $heritf Ce. of! Victoria.. SHERIFrS OV ILndîàay ath Antgue,. LD. 1881. * , 1;0--*3« Pirst publahed fth ,tmmqt. A. n. ISAI. JUDICIÂL SALE 'k. COUNSTY OF lT7CTORLA Puremst btte Juigiue n aRUSSETL' REL COURTi h milviblia pp 1. TEE GODET EOU8E. lthe OWN 0F L1ofSAY, on tAUA. i 1 - ,'ëR9 A mit -Mam une.m mmit voe k em.1 mes ain T Amer~c.i varu at-'& PbOMITChELL, The lalu iP Uofuhere SARSAPARILL à BEER hotel in the - -i.n o 1-a, rh'ý! 'aific r. Waggon Ieliv,*ri e . vt;e w k. Parc£: $ 1.0-pur dozon impui" quart& SA WE Y Lc* CHESTEBz9 Akni) i BE* WUfXla.àBleC.%ida.%y The Lý.r.zc"; ! o'n-1*" l noeu- -'r au ":w -r~~' ~ ?ec . e - -"'t--I" rl'.e t're',î ai' rr -'I - ' .- r a.:-;rd Ai-ý-t f r ' re. - .Ae s;ru" U'ý. ' Nti >rîv'ue,'--,urqa ~[0O3 B Y e D eIUMBE= rYRD OEy~ C Z0-DALD64 8AMIJEL WALKER, ,a. 'r. ~ucmbe à', !Jvdh. SI, ingIe8 au4 Pfrket.,t <ki îtft Gè'4e.. Aise ROEC.i.YC~ON LflSE la BuricIs md ta Bufl.. at~c! CJ~WOODt for Sale. iâirdrrî:-. 1>-" _ 1 i J W71I. a 2 O'cloek in tthe atterneonl te iouig "aiuabl' ;roperties. la 19 p4rcels:- LANDS 3IDrTEE TOWN' Or L!WeAy' PARCEL 1.-The Fast part of Lot No L. South et Glenolg-st.. havtng a troutage of U»1 teet on Gleuelg-uî. aud ruuulug rthe full deptit of ssii lot. There tà erecteti ou 1111e lot a flue two sterey white brieli houase38=Xt with brick kitchea :!OrIs. atrame mumnier kitchen snd woodaied. ndl a trame stable sud coach house ail -la gool repatr. This property was ncupie bs-ltelate W. LRu aseIsudtaee t the most desirable residences lu Towvu. PARCEL 2.-Lots 8 snd Il in Block C. oe acemore or les. etuate ou Coibone-at a deulrable building site:.weil feuced. PARCEL L.-lot 1. Soul!h of Glenellg-st. eat: weil tunectk a de4srabie building lot. PARCEL 1.-lot U3,South e :of ~ D acre more or less. PARCEL à. -West hait of Lot 1. north etfItua- qe!.at. -Save 50 feet aold sud couves-ed uoit the1 north part: a destnabie bîtildlugi lot, PA&RClL t&- Lot 1. Weat of -Jane.rr. lnu -b division cf park lote S sud 9 vesr t fde!aide- sl.. ! acre more or lcm. PAR'EL -..- Lot$9. Northt et ieuî-sot. lu sub- iviion, of nark lets S sud i9 wwci etAdelaide. st. 41 acre more or leas. PARCEL 8*--Somrh hait et Lot ~ uBleck Q(, Lindsay nertit: 5 1acres moi-s'enles&. PA.CllL q. -rSouth part et Lot ..veuet o UVltf..nlupark lot EI, Lindays-ott; I19 test PARCEL l. -South part otf'. vest of Wolf- st., iu Park lut HI, Lindsay mouth. 19 teet froutage. PAIÎ2EL .'.-Soutit -part Lot 1. F-at DaIe.sr. in parkl lt <C. lndaysoutt.'10 fted fromage. PARI2EL t2.-reuîrh part Lot 2. Essu' Daiest1 in park lot C. Litidia» muth. 34 foot &&oÎ- 1 PARCEL 13.-Sentit parI t ofLât %, est et 1 ;loux-et. la part G. Lindsay aouth;30 foot' PARcL 14.-West part lot 3 la Block E.! Lindsay uentiiý. 9 tet troaage. - PARCEL 1 i.:- West part Lot 15 in Block D. PARCEL 1 .-Wbe Nth qarte r a ocLu 1 Md the South.ast quarter Lot 2. both la the lad muceasion of the Township o e en. a he L'O=ty et Vlctorla 100 acres more or les. rhere la on thia preperry.a ~a rey tramei ,Oumae a1Woghouas, a trame bari sud a gue irei!. Tt le situared on a good r:&d abjot mites frein Lindsay aud j mùpstrei Caaubraý. PARCEL IR.-Lot Nyo, If l the llth conceeuion if. tetownship of EmlIy, in the c.unr~ ty gVjc. iris.' M'~O acres Umor orlau PARCEL ID.-Lot No. 1I& South Of ring-at inl is village of Omeme, i the counsy et -i- On Pareela i ad 17. tai par cent et om . r hem mouer down and the bala n, uee aouth wthout laterot., sd on the aremang reela $50.00 dowm6 If the porches. uo.y moui to that mm n.d lb. bais..la orne outh withOut lutarÇat; aM if purhausmenrn. elMm ium Si0&O% the smmnete b. pai euha IOwn. Parcs]17 WM lb. aold nubjet 10aamas blhepireslat Muaeb. 188 hlS gve h 4ht te do MailplugW hlag biL t 1'here wm bo a rsoerd bld cm aaeh Darea lTbe vendm ,wIIM BUbe bound bt nlah ar abast&. Ude deem.or alirevidemme tile tit oms.la thelw1cu I aMthe Sebam amM mii @àahe ai ud ejuWatio.a t tuds uibM làdan &thelb *"-einsu l deMMfit thair amdolag wMi deeom"e wbave AscOPed lthelitAs. The auher mditiom wuiM bu lte malug adwm .et M be ad at tblaw o&naMauve. M AR. MoSd USh SmUtmb4.L~ .W.DEAK. las%% oIitsu Ir le - :c w t -- 'r u'r ;ie- >' I"b .1 c t to u . .t li luicha Zotal.i.:l a e TonaforLialsa». Tl' T'he W. litet Lot Sseu, 1-lte FIteen Cou. of the Toinsbtp of -Karipoasý 00 aces " h'-1, a:- n :r. -i Ž~ecf .ulti- Jvatijî. li- ile :-zi *,:r:r .re iItd s, part of !i,»1:i: . :n Is eut-dLn S jParuk,:s-ezýi's!.rr'* -n 1ctthcr brt7 or leame tlisX fat hai t oLet umia. whirh. tikea tarins ILu:!ie Cux'ýy 'i V OEX F a.ALZ-OAZM WOO<li,.&. Ar'.. tîra ~ ÎU.c-13." ., Ont. t, i 1' SALbEIÏû 'Ü 1 --__ RVIL à GE O MA NLPAR? 'nd ~ ~ ~ ~ ro !nîi'ii -~nthe.'-.rstcc ef the atae .AJESELLIS. wl r to" r-! f 'r a-le iv 111t:J Mu v tii mi<ll5.u 'dnesday. the F.-'teenth 15th) Sher I 1a i Ot' oe u:..1v ,&-mîîAS '.%,leAs- t!titsrr.the fct!rin'.t :iru'ertit!. î'îz: - - 1 . l'art e,'.Ilr i !ct N. . -n tac êeorucr eor fSiencoeilmi Vietor -.,.... tit!1, Vil!agt ofMain- i tUa. àeu,-ng tu n.i"tl plan of' mcirt ut ttii. ec'îr iî,îit -M fut t in -on.i. . rte tOwn3hiP Of BrOc . n i:, fruic'agu un th. we'.t <ie o màu"'.c' 'r.ture tir l".b> a daeth un Vi".otrirî-4 of.3 r'hajn'. lucmre, or le,&.. on the PremIses art, ervted a frssntestore ix~t %rIth t,eleitmaov'rr 'sale. .lso a storehîloîîs wuth lûu» ,dàue amà,e 2tiaJ nd à* s an sd voodeheti. jIl. Part of the nerth halt of' Lot 1. con. S lui the wnshipot M li,îra nown sai lo-N.> 2Rt jouthe ent iade or h ieor.n..lthe sait: vilage.t of Manulla. coftaikin .of Mru,2 ay be o f said li<aitlot. an t 'tdltitLJ'. 01 '-imms.17 lnks froni the X. %N. allr4!f of s'aiti lîef lut un a Icourgeenth 1tu-- i E.. *rheiiceuurt' 73 eI' IL. paal lite enorth 1li.t it tif sai alt lot -3 chains. ihence 'oatili =E . parallel te lie veut limil of mid hait lot. ',W !lintks. 1heureo sentit ?3Z U W.. nôsi-aflel te the north litanitof aisi hait lot,:; Csi&la titl-ý Wffl i .etatut maI hait lot. thent', fort i 1 lr IW -, long the wmt limi~t of sais iait lot *,'3, inksmor or leu te te place et bsgtntng. On~ wlich ~>are erte.'d afr.nie d-iellin homse ?.Ox. eeand a huli to reya. wâlh Lîchen. *x. sud s@anier kitche& . mablo, diviag boume sud wuosinhL.d. TEL Vacant lut nuniber cighlireen, on :heeau Mel of Sinteoe-st.. lu the saii village etfSMm- ila, bcola apart etf l uaber eum u inte kh mea. ofthe said îtownship ot*Xaerposa TERMS.-ia Per cent, at lime oet Suc. 20 per ent. 'vith tin onemtAet.i ,hi-réafterand lte balance tbcb.secured by as mortxue of bte »renaiuePS>'abte l intre veam .witt> lote»Ma at 7 per ceai, payable hâli y,:arlr. For turter part icularsapplt eW.K.LONG., Truslso, or wte ar. MOFÂLCO ,1BRDl & BAILWICI. l'omaieSept 9kt14 -i5l~0i-4 t... 1 ý ý - ý ý ý IL qmlvý Ylluitf PROPRE TvauAipof Ynk, I> &, tmin.U& dla lb. ibb, y g eo6 ,o a t l e a . M . djî Uaturmy, 1 4th A" o! otbr, twol t i he u.coess on avelu w-ýý,mqw Pot rown 1 ýl 1 1 1 1 - MgjVILL P>AY FOR TUE POT I C bonew asubocribers ie lthe ma of the year Oued la Dm"a amas or andno at imes. or huai te ouplel by Captain Rom ,to, ront..-u-ssuh lÎMte trot et October nei.xt 1uly-ta JMBARNARD. LInis», July m 118L GECORG~IoejYA.,m Pli.~~ ajW uEoA lit a Will covsr Ih«. lin or shinees or grave iaist. The beat snd nioet ecoemicad ol,<comeul la ho vend. 1 refon te. o M W31 elj,31. J. IL kuovlSn, Mr. James Co ,nnols-asd oleSu. Orders left with 31r. (tee. Brysu viii reemiv unOmpt attention. Ltndsay Junei.81. M- A IIWB 0V M AX for Darne and Dwel:l-ng luss ULTW 411 dimenas fon ton ta thiris- feutlong for Sui and Doonq. FLOOINO dremsed and undrO-sod, at th. LlndaY Yard or at our miii. ai Feeu nFalla. ORt-"= a ELLIS. Propnlseens 8StML7EL PiRsoNS-q Agt. at Una.'ýýy, mn place of A. «%. Parkin. Wx.. GOODENOUG}r sitntsdCak Pleson leauIs.Atig. 1. iss and-18-ly. 1 qRWJ4 1! 1 la 'the TOWX OP LINDSAYe on. Or VALU.&BIz -1.1; -*iL-