cou 1 -Iqw ............. obéi" «Il a VWFFO»g eh" h"- bue& 9. cor libir. mýofýd COR. lumut&, "«Im" âeçamitwiu Mainri 41111114114 AMOMW VOh W t» Ob" of flifideM t the retta,"at %iytl.VeL2m bjr evidt-am to 1110RI, IIKKKYVIK# lagallm lbm -theluýý tm o*ekoek Cà ttmaight ut th* op -a Of Ew TAILeilu ertuer M. fi»YeM ame6r, Md thille î1le wvw "Au filer moi" her hi" the ar cit Itil dwbomb,.", thwaw 'rhéond ymwîý vin" f difumre tw». r 1 se, a" Md twIle M ou *mm ég a àmidW ""ùon toi S" 8,014*11M ýCZ m'â Wa-epa-e km te 111111190111111, (li%*I» te ("qpfffl, etir Of Jty*eq 11 14 U* »tn thM liy bdtbm tifisfati, the emilmi for tz imienS MSte q'uti d'o P" " a 'hile MOMY toi, ethm the, vithmt, a wSd go hm mmte«, 4 fo u ýV%,"Xrw twt4t»Agiý* ïd*?'Md f Z»ký adÀ" UM jury un behaltot the Pri@m-- miked emy âmp of the wV tu LoieL EYM 1 . . ""Whes tle fatal Pot .1 the ffil NU 09 kt Xf. MM. "bu WU MMUM, otissIld. bùt imtto ýmw*r. thsd kx* t1sat plaisse wu deurted, bat as èhe ut off aw gielatlemen ot tbe he» forward Md liDkpd at it, i ni entir. othin worsassirs gâtirop me Wh» 1 d«"Oi». lwrde *11 1ba» som thm jewpl à* ed lm u 4; sais a otW of stfflS, boira of inanituýn w.ruistoyern. be.4m& "in blise whole Courw of i»i# Utb»!* fr éý ibilo elwqýuf* f«. M-lainwd in, the eourtaot and dempdr, sid, labuum pumd, siend a"! îè »w enbuinu the 0 ves 'row4byý obow'b liblé, I*lb#yptei(j 'tolbito., té)»ttwr wliai tile si &Wb ÙM blut, à e0unUyý 1 have nev« rueil to ressing as hie fiîSst ûnS, as ha rooe-; 4A*l e0ý:lI t ii,.,Itt , eý 'ty -l tum1w" M» ut Ktiws moutri lave, dun a jury under ume fui feel- ni»d hem Me bed apokta tcà her âve 1q t-*i-smitv INY II.. 1,*Ikm a& withont illeetieh tber,14 ""pb4,ov« tbe head id tl* vais_ luge, or wfth greater tbm op- y«mbdorei wheu allie hâssi mt by the .ttqf 4"ftltwt. wl« MW If he f M.)919ýe . themv 1 oemàon. sanst cirettra- pua vick Un babj, on her kne& a a, rit« tif lim flails ut the tau or, *atwmas Ca" purip" in Maime (et imùid roelg_ O«àa ho stand at ber: open-mouthed, amiresa sbombing jiniroucmv"ty lwrrdd Mr. zwm rode -h«zing dm talesse a fil Mi" wt;ned toi your la: witer, tar'msmliid tdïtweran quiâtngtbe xdàmaüors, dreur the bc4tîsk«adý* atibd Mr. Eyre, obspntly. theussie, how much muât -7 Ofý " truth from lains, an.t withouf a il litélii V tit 1ý1 i«)Ne. be inerevad by tw Pr: wb6t».. thf,*.Yl b"f'11M èttittt#441 tndraý WM lai bassiessition, m a magistrate, mmil«Ils mm u»xpected evideme, mtied! JI ha o bfI. 4 a IIA NI. W; lw«. by WN& th& unhqgy woum at me *ewm»nto!-Irmon. Shaclidnttkn,,w-' - le. «N 44 if bix with W that.*#Io fîsý hersat n« ro itre.%k? 1 1 AT THE VERY liait I)twtj m1eh ai% Vel illiattify Ilix 4wear. tse stat to si bar may Ille platil in the greatest perit hissa, either by sight or naine, rater disi ý.I;e ilbit to evèry oi'n (If thmp aà **I)Attbt nothin La Ifr ;Aawful jeopud, U tlenwz4 burhim &uy nwiS-her wieholpe rviil ?lm Steak or Gu lier Mai . . E - ý m ylle; 1 1-havenot 4 "Ibliett th" there wu$ net I*tlwm'a inour "Ouab in1lie iraccinent. nx»I t = Iwltlà the filets th#& bu uý » maght ho provented fions, prte» te m U 1 1 Of th OM Pm in ovideuce, g»wiag the týrjjCh, aad sau mm àr-1 id - n,)t p ireinaiseil -fof turu ettethisit - 1 ( 1-., i* ý ia 9:y 84) , B GSd Fit or bV. id, id! A a; f.1 114 il trittket t1w hall le. a xx '4taiv»d M ausimt tbe N_ -A lbitè.l."Ifý Eyrm "tin MW i but 1 ha» t4) 6mtiy f" a âme, i". pleaded guilty, or effl ,*_IONNý. ý - t hue been lx)rn tbe .!V tbrili of extiiitmaélàt foffiti et li, in ettrieblia, biý,ý 1 prej ht die beftim Ürw er U~ , Sem lotsa... ioua that atie. alti. Uèo clotiri. iès Ixit Mf-lbft,-kàly wu 6WOM 1 luwl men, ami handled that : peeuffar etmamstmm by whieh, thisir i,ýbit Ilt. 1-0.0.11M4 Clarket by etzence, ehouU. hezr Of thà timI: Rivm to sttwm a vI ratt ma* com. kalle heforê. and it em"lotttlq pxw-t. cm ie SuTrOtIntlf,4--týiTeumstanSs la- tensified tenfoitt by the #-:ttraordl:nam trialli, and enspecting who the.pris,ýnt:r-1 t-Ift) ýgtely, tifilits. r émit when lisé went àekI--ý > ly toi thibt *tlààn: Fat thedf.IW6>r,.*' hm pas». làtims maille lit court Utat tlÏ;. mieht Ille in seamh of lier. ;#AV41 t tet bifils, 96*1 lp sevm 1 a* revP pwlî mbn* id hiât band iurn).qt4 tiLq bmw. 00*11#191111 A**111illir yrarlit litzo tif t4ils Jâr1ý44)TIfw. Witt), wabe When 1 owe arotind me, and s» tiie She was foiend guüty in due course; but tlli-Il Mib. Ini, -ès. fr nùw 14 outkt. *étalait v(ýbil"ll (loussé là, i itumbers 1111 t lits tluttri, wi th th, description of luw perserin ir. That- ther wk witli. lup ils- Ite pa- in flittirm 'Vie hepria hertb ton long tlim the thrill.tbf jibtlik un the i te) eonrr.,rnti Lion ma ut the perise, outiped uith the filet of leur juuden autaistilly crimet el bnm.iItLed; whela 1 tain, cxcited her in* isfils t4f ret4mil Crir lier nalintissir Io Mitait k'ibltg ktfdI)WiT.ý ' t' à t 111,1.1 millier & tol withéber #If iliy wirimý lwi Ibrttêr 11MIC:, anspetouo,.ïudelie sel outat orces f living soui tu .4tuit by lier iri lier t a, § ý , M irez the prison the ciay atter seure.1ce Il claiti foil, wlètý.4t. mortier Janet is tren-lono-iv., desertest, tu ail lenvi- tr.;. : - been pumit apfS lier foister sister. hi Man-My 'Itblýk %vet.ýt trimil in ..tnti son. 1 rawit bel. ébrey iè.4e té» voti 114#w.-, "Of tLzýt terrible moisira« betweer. the %Itý ru.---ùuàde ofth DA' 1 a. î-ý Il lifftion yram *,à%.Iwi M. -à 'te -là le- -lived tel, ytbe n"f.r i lied a k iiiti filera ing the mother Littew glave taken tllàtbn ne- Nevertlivit.%S, twa wixa-és., for m ton Mr t necotant." ýý Mr. hà Nriby 44M.', aMd . Ir. mvinir ilin the polèle indépélintience of a self toi have'i-eon rübbecl of ail tha t liad -tes, k 1 ltim»Mr, h ilir sIr lo.yre.tltpni e r* and added j sr. by the han' -the oitly t 1,4 ýi Il W)w4m ibrt.,it.l)t were ulbatble titi Lèlw ga" mly, - 1 irilindèlr %vient thifly « Il - p 40% lira ta jury » made lifa J, d of lie 11.4 110pn , , y ts qeuse tif ju-41! have int,, ï6nui iiie tbvp,ý- thpre? Think Of no fleur Of meutmoon mrth who fiartéri a etitiek, aib-.0ný look itt iiiiol kitow tjiat the il ble! IVII.11 a rail Pr 9-yst. Of ShOng poël i 1ly Illit tèi.ýàv -.iléçë ýý,.èe's not liere, Léb waittucit Pr the meua" afterwarda, setr it. ew VAIL T. A atrevengeftil, cruel 1. lavIng, maille t).t»ý,t, f elle if es dis., fil th- 1'1.t% .1144igil h)tlktiti for, lAbal lAbel. diap but. 1 Il ti.àý1)ètbrrow willtésie d, -ciè which, could alunis aSouût rùj 1, i1lIfIiliý te" hall -tllirt,. Il Al. IPft t 1164 otjol. illa 1 tf - .;it-iiii prix Ive harf. in 8*to-1. or m lits lit.1701. aïssit iitilxtr.ùlpled the snurd« sh* was af-ter,.Yuda 3uppoaed, eurid. switeati y -.1., umaà-" chmaper th whfb %itb§itt, with ro.ileti mottant, -in _Mr. È'Vl 1-',e té)II«. fui i . âp. C it. raucli , 'Il thérirst 1 ivould answerthe "D,-ies, she thrust ' lier unhappy scrvit ý t iarxe 14 i,*i g t el Iqet 1 Alil %q vraitinit tilt v-#IAW sIr- '-'Vitpn 1,,tlt;tlà ri - And Vf)ll'il 00 èlsil away %-,bit nrco 1 nly- et. que-zitityr of tf!f- Waructi, roisnsell for Vie es 'ghe q-e her f tce rANCT RAM pml permit j1akstilet. te prtbès-t-ti. j1atit Ïtist t sisil 1 1,;%,. eail intfýrview 1lr(%ý fq t!lttiti. to Witt) coulti Pnq,;Îtly, to fâce with the hrimrs of the fate tù a intY, ivefor the nitiriter iit> arfd let «tott,ýztt; slan. loget il et i ý!..vIî- èvtery tencted ? Daes ales tý:, leàsI il ;î. eer. tile ner? liq paUxe, Ille- fbfbtll lat-11-when aké. -&,.,er cars aroond her tbe t)wrft W. fin. 'V'f 1 ni. -a nie sit, a ;nt)tivj for into the tuany e. vpà. (-(t ibt ,tl*rt*fà and !W liexl, :il., Asr 9lir rill, 'illit it triith alifint the mau, who livu honowed The Z&ÙXIS" .1 C tbk)t,,, yen,,z lad ab th* t n1.dbltèjl'rý iblir(,ý -01ths lie lit-aven hifil Witt., -hérthal raid re9rected wislh lier rival., up at obli., f -lis fi-0 i 4,41 titi ýil t'al. t bit iu)ttm qat -mit bi Cl: 1.1 W.!.,R not the 1 houssie yonder 1 Ibit ile viii4tit tif ht)w tl:,tt Witt%" * t'il Ili ot -rrt Il ingto te- pu te "N-l!sheremainewiththm orw 1-lis'y -le.Itil voillillaitAi tilt, JdéI',l8é,1,ý41f bit tif. lit4 t t.119 Isié or tilt. si "f ii*,'--.ý,ii.,! lier. lie w(bulti "-the soothes. ber in thisaite la*& days. ao bat. biýý Ille Up. J". 11e fliollil iii' X1.1dra.) ;ai I)itq! 1,Iitl 'ali )iï-,ýi4qdfJ t-tb 1111wy It-mi prtbtlý-tlbly 1"41 rsidly apt>nyaching thoir frightful end- findm.r. cs,,ah-.-r 9th. ý4q1 4"1 « . me bribo t lie M tbilban;, Mr. Fýx0 nifi, livilli lisait ho -perruill lier 1*11ovett t4b go filial artv *ho toinfesses that ahe in the mothiL-.,:, ýý( l ! Affili ri -.11: fAN iylf ètf.;, M il à, ItItbk ai, -l'xpp)li f. bé;lmi-.tit whiell sissar forth aifiue Il) fat- :!i, rhareby hopiug toi divert to hm o w il ht:.. 1 Xiàcell t-ilstron- **Will Mr. Myre. !titbkitig some fief lier servant's 4mdt-eh» , mqv"., rv t, ý4t;l1î1 4 luist jbtibti%:bt her Idil tlàt-ti nt lista f', >" thé'n. 1 m;. - ! II!, yeriý, r liail -,ve 'ARDS 'if Pli stzf wli f(* W. vert anÙ eurth toi obt" a repri Il 'nit et ÏN ot a J II Illiviiiii thè.11 tib 'Nee .1 fm, arir-1t, .%iltiq Ir A WAA proved illitt , liojtIwel>t o(klit. tilt, %;i L; l atid feinL, thm, a remission of the --ý; ..- -Ille tIri'lét t, Il Nil zi' -i lime tif fiýt(I til -miel iiii,,,Itt 4- cagd JL TUE P,3,T PR twl ;Il lontinifix lw.erti 1't'tilitt Ilititten %whata sittiy by ditte witb > tence to one of pensait s" tnde for l'ife: :ill i tý'! f 1111! tilt hut, .IL lie J'lark lm iitir.-ie*q roulait, i %vlà*t b* i.i." -'t kof saind sifflera. est lenr.h the rom te co., o' LAVERY. Atài k IM itapt vichilbitett -meh #tNtra- sied -4oý witeil the rourt rie; Sa] prcalp ý!.l I'z iý-t#,'; 'off! iýert)tllit4l: tbrifiliarv fillar -,lie Iliat la, il% lit vur Jater, tibe wo men elrit-t d lit ; ';; ý: " mileerate. %ill' lits reillibitisi dolayed to the lut mouk-nt 0 ;4- ottfort it 'a liv]; Il tite ae- càtiné the ert)rte of MÉ Eyre auià;-ibt it 10111-11 t-f;).ze-r exiilliinlIA'ioli Wa» ilt1wl)p- ttbgmller. -ici ri i*iýttti-ii., Il -rfrit-titi8.* iliv et lit the îTRAYED l'OLT. have well-sarigh aucceeded-ohe reet-ivps - fe of - Charit If ý:;tîIp -lit et tl#lwr the issiersil telligestace wrâ ber arms -'he !p3rtch'm(i If innro 'OncesgiolL 01 4 11 IlèýJdvJ(. ri4gt,, thl., où as elle hM crovit)ual Y " poil «*.ý-èinzta the unhappy wooma who wel a dark hirown M th et 11141 wfi l .1 à tg) frêt il II mfnýibly IiIIII idity ibr t 1)èýC#I1ne c! --,îb"redý o Lord Ioôvel, whtb rilid. with sinal white 1 t'Il ti, bu conftr.un»tea hm misery. id titt týIttý'Iki;t it, .tllfq hittrè thitt) lit, (if 111 de. 1 tail *awt riusine. ADy v ý Il i > -rty id her t;wn agisse and assinfait deeply "Thon, whil the poorL felon had ý1!q. her (Iresel lei thw (1411boliffilé, 1 wtaieloi 1w Wi-s-. blit fi il 1 %vllereabout will oblièc leý-tiloli 0-rit - l vt:it i- thp roi- fil attached t-i. her; but à -fou dswye hefore parted toi expiate her du in a living- delà th Litter tu IL Il i#tètl '.fi ftlivived at lierkmilifly b, , ; t hat fix l -J for h ar weddim with lainai salle Nov. Zth. Il mure awful esna utter extixaction, bereft 1 1 pille. the - fli(;tlgiit hy- he îllharic Ir, by bolitrived ta elo f. è1ý Nff wo 1 -isý4 In (if thfr kliiit tir t1ifkivo. laix frieht1q nt liait sitiTl red -PU wilh Mr. Eyre, sènd of lier laitat. lier on [y taupe, what sWI this sissairried bettbre they could bc over ýýTRA1 ED-Frour ortýly. 1111111111;èfl.. ly- PoQr manger 'lie hm but to opil i el- under-çqM- Wilo littood iilil the dork lwftIro hisn. t do .1 large hrô%--nt't)%V %I roiv èr-jtf%ýtý ýivt tn là&A W.&Iýtoli f4br ille fiatit 4-els -itbiiient thélepi- f lit, aq berlips, tn blatte aloud a few prep-là - one red and '*MmuwUe, what dom thie siroissiblan i Xm old. prtt.#, icille ýîtieh è dfttqpl.itbn. and èm.t%,rtt thets aepliètl tt) Iiiit ýýt)whC Iântt tlevèn di alordita, 1 sisords, and ail will " ak away irom the ýemped horc. allons: i ri re, tibias) iie 1 -fr .*wMg the main whi» 1,, bit, Il l- 4itif, it ther titille (If 11è> meilà tif t lier lisi p il.lit, lit b0lé'q ri mm whom noise they deü&&t toi honOur. *. tionconcersâtinir thetti;ý hIfs ahnn id n 41 lier a* passaïo, ate-ly lis ho d-41 and wdird iliay sel le 1,1Iit. litir Ili lillow hiq friend là) lest, lblll)liély (ýit.rtëllt of JwbpiiýÀr --si mon sý Iiiiii. the yonng wife's bzàppineu will bc D a for !zr 'y re roi. It wu t t Ile fiait fi il -.1-trilit -fi bill letat Als, NIr. fil. ce 't-bve'l hom'f' âth. U-4. A&J8.1. alis- "ad wsh a secret --t#) ered, -àevà'bunm- ehiidreWs opening livte , -,,,.her, Und""ýî )m'tilt- fIritt k nown t Ii ti!ti!.Iitrt)wi -el, f.;tI 01,zéMy tbat, it wa* no (Ilips ar A * w" hile had not Jremù Ru t sverahadored, hie pe.sace m utterly brokea ii *tliftitlit Ileoffl lit Idè- Ili-; owl). iIII-1 1-wl provided for herbe lie hact done ail xi T 0 Bx - l'blet tblit tilt. Iiiit wire'-4 halq il t lie > ne her happinest 0 1 fll whivii. ti 'nd! -.oeil iii spite of iiii.-itit-il tAw char p" .1 t'if, Ifil 1 wu by !ùm half-a-tluzen ql;l t lisil hmwir dommded, if le» thm love to Ntmatobý 4: la. By aSident aile finds herçalf the underïigned. wh( tiifq tifettiner flf bé-ir mlifl liait let-tisi pilles 1 titi èsked, end, ýthe world woold Y' fil LAINIDS. situate oouven flie ae0é 14>11t of 1 lie nit l; 1 wifille blissaissied lier hâd aise parait lit the pre»nS of the wifiilb but dom nuit There. ,içen% tl1(1tktfý Prè-Ment %V110 lie. 1 in tilf. ýJbl.%41é hatt Il ned luin ha in wüling to 9elLwor 4llwn. 1 un toàýtti*.b. 1 lato the pi SrnS of hie nous, banpier ape-1k. thaitte laerd Lý)vel (who h-ai lony 1 'easv terri». q '-ilit, fille, JMOIF ilittot llp%ýh, an privatte 1. ': si ett) L-n- - ivre, the trùtà), believani lier about toi lindsar. Ifth day of 1- *lit l ;0 likt 1-11f, e -aie, in who1w WiL ho tmi 1 »; but " made no ench tbuscry over (ilàý,v g;î» t itu this Di. il ý1 tif 'Lit) au, in --&eN and týikês lapon hinuelf JOILN R(b troth ibr'T)Ityý W114%0.4,1)étl own liili)t4f*tf urtitti 1 hé v& il 1 1 r rit 1 ti nir 1 b«rbim Nu daid Mc thar since thé -euilit bulx)itznc to lier hantand, uud i Il inail Nçtktb hakil flot scru- Ili ýsiii. 1.', - ibtjw r 4). hi% iifflupsalce lttvw iffl deýied -W. visdissigrasbatter: qànnld Ille 11 Ié, 1 in, this tmmparent fiction the frit-114j"41101t9lir te le hem; but lived abbvw, aufriendifil, initil- voumn ho fore you qnietly wquieîlc", RAS. BRI, iiisilwil w«lt-let-ilite, â1t'iwitti 1IoIbVýfII- bil, 11 't l in the jultits. bufflesse ber obild w» btiyi *ben éthsal fil stood il.. rit thé IM: 1!:1 1 . , P, 1 dursil by to sese lier rivitl hfmottréd, !èft It- liser -alid it:iiii-éli 'ti -.,\. i 1 h: # tilwýribtily I)IIr,.ttlbi(j ri) dentit is, %vqi:ii.itl -w lis, &file. efflust fier lier subite t &eue. Bile Il If tnqt,ý, i ivboq" irrinis. if 4,110 1bail eolibiblitte-il mte, ha 1 et ýVf!r mil tfb dicovèrhe . tu the Jý0sse»îçbI1 af huisbandi, honte nrd iwiti -11 of viInt î i r aile ennflit w» eho sillet no iFa ý4Jw of -ber Dru«N Puent "M ;ay II di, 1 Il., 1. littbtIlly I;èy tes. Ili* ttcxàr« .,4t-it if) Wio %vi.m. 1b.tiL. ha-1 iitharetl with children, while ah@, poor t-,qtcmt. d«ý miscil ihi)lbll - bell, !i1Ilý tilt, i,%,Iièt,,.&,t IlMý- Te %%'zèm. onts Pré. flint whil Iliv IW).'41tit)tà ils wilieil P&» . . - i . vit Lorti flue)YO tu Pièlesi le, mars, if iitit by Go& stood îît hie Ulm SR111101111111di < 1 ! hin 1*1ter in I elillittiver Mr ernob Byreand'his happissaem, that lit Il t liait xh y liait pkred lier. gares litingerinq for the crum%. of brend of 1 Il.- jttry, thiq latter lirtnà, revral te) lier ft)atur- feettras leu 1qivrel Iiiin lit Ilillit hollibr, tlbiIlltlà Il.- %vas lit Lieu t tollib": ivtiil si as. -a t: lisait fcIl frossa the iich um'a table. tif titi staxe, It-iIktnr: lon viie4(1e,-titteitot)e.èr allé. un. déferler s:auw dit -â w mach neire gouduesa, htiw ranch pluzer BZAUM Mit 4J tiiiît ib.b«ýýièfi arfiiiiiii laitra, a% trÀppr.ted willitir At, the sanie W" ene 0w efflh fillatil lovbd U he Il? il%, 0.4111 and lirfk,, Witt) wli il Iiiiii. tikitarvi--w goinir sor- riiiti tebruben, ta ha iabhility of atoul, did %lie tact display it. L'afiâssir. Juir 2!nd. çý lie 'è l'. irà ppy inbutin, Md Wh io tènet toit iièw-tbrti t)lfmýrâ-- liait ilotb« wawd W.%Véifi th- Pr tbller and the & dé aIsIld hW CJPW btedly thmlbgbt)t,àt. hile Pornlitting the haWussas Io coins in ne thâ& %fr.:F.'vre hall esspý,,t41 on -et -ai- telle could wither sa ab distord f sh', U-NIBER. LATE ilýiw ttb des. --rribletin». , rhit thie feutre n with ýeNskèitt if thal, 0fý lwrtwqiaif., bol . a inadebu. 1 tagers. and linpm- yuk. Ibaw delta hiévtI prr, 1 . I& liad tes -Il !nei)mn. ably more Iwil- ofrrpvefbftomr»qi Seo boi 'n bleil ilb &;et sr. fait littie eJuld--etteh a child «-homrs lit, tile lbli.,Atlttf.r iiitt) tilt% t'riII)t" -Nir. J.Iýre li-inztlim làii Itewè1.ftàiý h . il lit dWm4 tmok th« ridissiniver to o-sufr- nt th* ladéve, be*n hâd he lived-sh» child 1 M brettIt, »Il 9.6ther-vith Iligchild wed fleilleil, lestu, freint It-l>tte,41 1 Iitès sellarb.t*ti - f. W M. ilws.le in cime. abe P"11)11 t'pis lier4mit in i* I)riiàt-ql ilise -V iblil y ali-1 q1litt 1 - va an exPenues Cau retILM &IL LizýÛMT, Dee- 2L ISM, flé wi! ilitt ti'nt Il th. - tu i Il' léat il. huit ribile4 il iýiiikttt. iiipn iètpitlè.!t, t4W a isd dii.'apl-ear. d. wh--vmeldliketdm.o-rmo»cmntima" tom, itifr , titi jp1àIlý .èt ' - & -1 11*141 I-iMft til Wý% iii t éýfl fi r the- lind 1 0-01w. :4 %v,.Jiébr) ý . , 1 - 'T t. S;Ifq Wo-1. .1 Iý- t. , "tFtit, MI ths-!ý- ali ttwmlhrou"eubugp-nta for nizm %Vpll s .. fb., . -_ y 0't oe d- . . fait te clulir lit lattait 4-.-a ableve un expenme mm 11C p ý ý f, - 1 '. 1011 at w. l- au 9se viii)(1(4 ibr lits- re plIt) bil. il ýe ..s t-t > Ir, kn a swhaî, âjrý.nwe e - ffltiria ail unscèd &ail get their moue% batek. !qq COTA ed t.Ial, thit iiiiisery wisst r u-,te ilèt. à«. C0 4bý llt*l" !hosé. 861% ho uther - stiplo) er ut amense lever darM tu nia" lit' Intbir. . 1-11r.*; bèli 11,I)m 01(q 41tàibt tjè-t*.tà étiffent ner would we if wé did net küew qt thé týxtsk,. t that Mustleil. tilt, ait -now m«JM mom th" ýci-grlt or "ti)p si t ý -à have ag. nu Cribla )pO., I.;î s'. à -M .;4iv ilotil- f, -Wd aft" doulge tbb&M-Puskt we wuaranteed. and but two m m in 'Aly the rai ijýý it.> 1 .- 1 tllet&40S, endura# ibli mies &.dus wotala givp a plafit of aver SIZ a L-i - Ibt)Ke Ofroir Mý.r4hàà thatotiettfmwawmtst"*eighttwa hm a gSd MA of ail wit-il ilet -Il gr-kt, là %4IrV#é,4ý là:' et. run- oMeminoueday. Ourlet, --due utivechlmý. ýVOOn« G 19. )y pri'gimer had ..iviliell lier qltfm> U. __ffl 1» ýxneý Idif. ihine 41. lare expinin ouroifère foUy. &ail thm we w fbr tib%% krd Mis, Myre. 111 1 1 lititier %V*i aq - lwr wilh ,tirefretched ériua ai*;ý ltlt)l",tj 1 illeangil ta averrOue Olgt obt - tupi jetwys. siiii- auti ci froptIé (If plitli.1411114 ter il f 140- fi aéti -11 lii4ý,qpemh à> ile ChSII49 ai law wilh the. é n-ý salait un thrw 0» -oymentwbowiU Chesp Berlin à 411 - lwfqbr,. ilbit tilt, imat«,Init- a-ný.. ité, wf.rd.;-" t' 1 at OROP @Ad MeUM tbo amney ir. dîne for t" NViMs. iàààd :j breàOi >1,4 l là OM (If 1,11t, buttai. âad go ta woork en tbe terme mmed in 'riile4 J-étIýî Ofthe PV 1 011 V --;Il 114.1- lert, lipr rt til à6il nur exuaordtnm7 oew. We WOUM aktg te bave ellq w.11.11 ermgt, il l Il .1leil a es. mu ýfferpnt.. batil mwakr-ned theudtimmetan the »ewing Inaddné iif tir" 11il, 1 Mr; mq to f-4(sap, frolli thtlqe 1 - --r - etritiv, thé " «ký ty, là I:tr(iiiiii.1, mdiciu» ami ouvmtemimthommtm obilwiv ltvprtt4ti front tiltb (Dive tu tim a4Y rend«uf this te -fur eb int-ilicill l41leq II)i)kP(l a dangbrotire IV lolàown ew lu-ew 8 hat hpr bahy V» $Md un a Cam PUPW Who r«" tain Oftr iumumbw tau 1111111011111 uà ý:, I z . î . . Ule am» a", addrm et un MNM lwmqeudm of «V.11 I --batet dle-d - -f di - ho he-e-a toi. Ma maýff tilley k»qv. AddMe as Oum or yeu wid "4èd it s41)« liad oral UndSw. Oct. 1M. 188& thât 4y 1t..; owil Ïtirep MM. %, -ý1 1 Uw beet chuan. evè+ etrered te thom. out et foi".. tttd eh@- fui! Zý, ý lie î0ly- oil 011% 40111P Sort ýrtititit.1w r- (Illért, 1 -à bb nm*e Owil. -Rom hâd étite keps i §PCTUlRgo Cô.. le- $ %M IgourNT PLIUS D, -4)111tq hkli1èlrvýèq (Dc 0à hml"ber. Whop 'b. bon&.;t 0, n-: P& t'titi 4'à, ýMr# n ýL fflil t: i titi qrt-ý hprto.& etèppmuwme wMwe, r 'AbotÉ. -Ijtt- ilowl) in« etyl hiq lawyon Md mé-We une. Win a" it 1101blair ad V.W ..Immllýtitte è-iiti(tilv, to the, ý.ýA1: elowl or tilsrer dohw». Wen-r-t- WM i410101,; tbe $bleu fer lattera" UOSebMýas, Rubdcr t;ftf ýI t OF thoumt., but w1hm -à» mmoit, te ummàu& prtaied Ur b6aký là mat Ptwrprlmàng IXL iq laimllmS C4» 1 t'bu, Lip- , . &Ud»qzed C"bal, Stâ, 1w. , L 4»1*j tlliti. *. K fflulaellit d-elam hàr yon i%ëttliblly. 1 w lý. tob dbq»»r jw th& l"Mu si U»w ta eàmda., #ma lýwrýtti jè#41 on lèo attwr- gftmtl* là eh ab. effl ne. he tim mwu 'Ilib metite, agent" Fmm P.- 4mýjtlQ1O »?4ý madkhm» là- ti t-.jiiii )t-èr.l lev. %v .,r,, 11-4 làj,_ « ad hw li!M. Mv. RIMM Weh m br newmbeedhom tujair. nu ... ....... IR a Allowed withm«ira, tw ex P. lui i I.A)V iqVý:1ià de«W prean* oetaumïïïa At-týliiit,,tlm yon M The ps*Md wmemAdverum es. %Vè»ibudtbW Ow ami wibli, taë whny i' ., , '. ýkr iié tige JA*4EýýZ fur Wilight. of tw ! 1 . milov tik -114 Thu lým Madit Tble CMMw »àwmbmh.-. .. 4 ou ................. iron xfww of rprt"be Wh? Ph«w"ý tes ............. the rfpp* if uw in 11111111lr eMlit buétint 1144M 1 Lwtb- it .tâtit. Mupd. 14wi.- Auef1ý le t-bue tue, to how (*WMIÇ44- tiw Pi«a" omtepamiene Imm ma 's wéchtr .... ..... 430 emwkk ait the JU thifolMOMM Mbftm, ,ýar41tWr, re v, bwký tilt qM"ý ImbrSw. ait Tb, FIM Md ... ... . 1 ab nlfel tint Iq;vwvr; -il . . ",-ý ý - - Iý" p«Ob te mmowm- 10141W6 om Of Who* bwir kli te. . M INWF"a"- 111111111-L&N tiq. s-i%.nnt9, OMO.W. K1;riý, ifvblg- au- Owlim wý -.. 11 f>rwbnf ip" Ww hy the di y iv, -f thp i, tèl«fl Iffitti tit:r.boti t', née, 9n1lîý n eViq 1 I-.ý .19piïewwn~ 173 vilia Vrt, 1 btr IN* pm .-P- . 0-P