4. '4. 'N .' 1 Ai Weff . MW a 1ffipi NW rt iV I Im JIuI..ylm mositmKinb fl w." F r v.M ER Cv. wuâ.~Ave s- RJGS'STORE, Mox -C.n, QgrPClmCIGold aend silver w tech.s, aRnge, Cuty But,, VOIR LADiE& -jewtrye ChairiWatchos, Loekt4 Mbuuil&& FOR CH!iLDREIK. Doit., Sl.ighsa nind1.svavi.tyof Tay%~ chamP I~c4mIIer 6~ t&~4. WNUTou GAN EZ 2» T.K HIKY'S RIEFREN CKES& PAS TIT Wttioiithe .u oac f aoJu apclIaip oftm IUIrIIt.INde viairUoewt Foks hfe - - .m~ ADUUB:. RN OOOD T'ON' m TAW~ maiek e te th>r Pm M& W £ N.ab"lfor rhum,fe* >t.W. lek »bo lo DkaM Ue M qia- u mr .te.fut ouL 1f loi- loué D~S~ Wfr Ne*~ fl~ y-i Woek ~K i ~Ws xm - I~D*L M I - Mou ea ,wf VA. mi ,1 mil-n .tI. Fwru.êtawe et tA. boeuf ,,'iees FAULV*JI, IIIIIINSU -AID-- nus sms MrHLTELrG Dm.*m te .pdu mhie IP jonu iai s &h ~bw £r lUS. -M W., kGOODWI-Ni *qhmUyWoeUmm~a ue -,rcm iHTS4L GIVJ. uduit mm Me zfàmw WIT~A~LIZE D 'Pornsram Porter' BUT yARL&fYp f]BUT JUDICIOUSLY 1r r e BuiT Fa0on RTR The t i th iMgtu , thm the boisteroubrother and the criti- car IL 1 - wu ith.*WC bve hae lped Santa Clans ont of au euibarrassiug powthà MaMIa tme old friend of ont childhiood fluds it impossible ti rm*chtht u.ay il' g t -16'ae lng bkai.ont modem base-burner and p1t@né 9 . W. eoee the re=and putting ontstore at his ds p<mlhav iIMd itto overfowiugwith elegant Chritmaspresuts. Santa Claus' E depot 'a nuw qopoE f yoçr iaspecticaý and beienlvites you ail ta cal-you wUl bc 4ulghtdL Rare mwveltie in Christina Cardas, Plush Goocis, Album of ail descrip. tionsi, Pocket and Téebers' Bbles, Books aof ail kinds, Bras. Goads, Leather Goùds, Q.a.Goods'an& atbosmnd _____________ etber » -t ceon-efts.Legions of R.*S. PORTER OCHRISTMAS JOHN PlIE 0l m - hra 1àb, Dme.&. ML PYNE .A1R M, H. 'CRISS, IENTIST, X~NT'ST., L~.A2Y i. dg i ne...VITÂLIZIDAMRthe Popular, Efficénsd Sale Ân eshi fr exfmcung te& witheut P.1.. V*itzed Air in a combination of Laughing GOsm m oh.~~~~~~ " k na.,js ousngmh.cmbiued form all the advautagsm f sch, and i mbaecly pifswsansd May to recover from. Given free. o peruon who iuhd ~tn ev tu". )~l frffilTekInserted o#7tMe Reliable EngMah gla«chRutber iBaue AWson Gokl, filver, Pladin or any odhe plate dm.1rd, sud in price rm&4iu ~]Natual tutik mvii by Mfli. Irrgalar teeth strightene sud ail vok %Waa pevtaimmug ta both xuechanieal or operative deutstry properly done. Mr. GROBG vil maireas mli upper or under met of t.eth on the. mataria aivoeidam GoId Alky for $8. Yancy Pluali ahd Satin Photo Ir.,es At ta@ BIG 20& Fancy Pluah and Satin Whisk Holdera, Yucy EboIIy sd Luncy Ebony and Lucy Ebony and S1 At tMe BIG 0& Plush Whisk Holders, At MAe BIG 20. Satin Slipper Cauas, At tà. BIG 20. Satin Paper Reoks, At We. BIG 2&. Pluah Framed Mimmo mad Curtain Polos, At tMe BIG 0 Pioturu of all kindu At the BIG 2&. The. ch«esat houa. in bown for Photogrmph Fraum sAt t. ZIG 20. Wrut BOX". &Bd Frames Of ail kinds made to or&.r At the BIG »0. LGOFOTHIE ICW0 There s no/hilzg Be/fer. FOR A PRESENT THAN A Handsome Piece of or nobby Plted THE FINES T STOCK IN THE TO WN To ulet jour Holiday Gifts frorn at EDW-4RDS Hardware Store, Lindsay A large ». "r of lzankome articles soeciallv su itable for CHRISTMAS-&' NE W YEAR GIFýTS. T&e quaity 1 guarantet, and t/a prices are low. poeatôir 9, rUg,. 7G. EDWARDS. 0mw Ck~ BufleU~ -w- Our-i mm U oe iL 'G àlm lhpIhâherafamFm&lu"km lie moi GoO.GMe ~ BVAN NOO ~~ IL ~ JGREAT BARGAINS MRS. KEEVE chçiicescietio of ~OCES with initiais Md mcnSw lm sichdeneud, in the Iatest : 'ses'tagether with other Jeweiluy of fine :AIS. a ..i"tlot if F&NCT OD *c.tOc.Md mti" Mth e.m e. u c-0 -P= S cd MasMrab il à#". M B *. 4 b 4. v S 'I H HOLTO RF j RIGGS, K<iitr4 Liwda~. T. HIOKEY8, SIL VER Goods. bous Or. K.no4y's Stoe., lait St., Limiua~ %mur. omet gomm% sa~ Namib, :-JE- : ; ýi 1, i ý