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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Dec 1884, p. 4

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P.-. 't "i - 0* E iw~ -w 1~ sm W'~ P. KO WL UDr CElEr EOLLl7O~r Limbe1 Dwwk SAVINOS NANE uwauurn lu but ~tim4 tN4gk~v ut U.rniit IUL 7~ 3~t4~ of W'4e8~r.ivcs~ 8 A 1E1P, K'7A',11 Umm .i.ngotn: RAEth Ov l» ad' othm pem flu0 ~ iunKm em Ci.MvtftnCfHieuAM D Ii.IP lMaur d-ImmUBea. El l ffs Mme &"me" idsi'rN %dowmht ae.uIs ea.irn -o f vi' plttnofU i ttt t* ~lheenieat. ««Man X«@.F m 6 .#y igetine-" Pt# m on« t MS OMO be 611'VkeR "cm Imtoc du1t~~7 r 4 G4 %,w .aVouohum w uuh àl cli.e& Ii, o wfbuw d IFêb mmii ysroote ut t m Iemi eutf gàmrst ofr #W.U1wloiw de Mr., - o<selMri on b vw df M Mt ipstgis- U plU.hK h.at o kI0 a &Mw j3mck Tuuao W. mismt.- sent ad ~ a - m - »lui Il~~~~~t laâcwh omu. U au 0 W.ubm gEp . 0il mo gr. âoms'1, autopI mps dau Wit t w bupo~t W&*MWi p soti, dl~w trai . se tr Imma mwdue ,es"mrl swaw irutau~otpusCh*ftlrg sontdmm. nTht wslerObvu 01motl4w b~ il de~M mg àopW.SudWboy,-m uisl &-.sjý bfg = emPrf e bonmIIgim pbu~t 1 supWw-WLud. iI.W q. ~am~'~ ~. i~ma U~ug a WS~. Aftarnwafl. MI ~1aaflyle mi ~~lMmh. d8 ~ YIusW. ~ t!i~ nom am CID .w ibm3eiuw m. to.mdêh m.reouFuir m m mtw.I& TIiw tomi outilmohm bad- 11wg womIu~~ W. -MOU lais, ie~ r ade TPls111111Iav dl ust ma#e pd~ Cbrbïw loiu vie., a"& us. umt. ati w~Wlikhuesi omme;Wjett* ulu jii.tu dra m SKN cium dm. e u t imalfor -iccvtot e artomuESM m ot htgtu o *hv - et- aar att. o~t~'~R»- se aàwesaMi pli "M usw. iî OEe- ÛM-&oe'Lw Sur Mil" - ~ C etaruauTMsu esow otuwmu .usiq rqsiueeor tirasam "»ipYslet sousMem ir"Ws v @ rteulwam isimis.i vou Ksiocoa. nt lesm-ite4tout"~ **SMSrn..alemtsis Wabe lhuiM, u dmESJ S orw. «&y » aenUlt nsa ib iiUi',r 'i u $.bop tugahL{m Mw roni as Pwt-sus'. miutud ifîw&bw uloberlgg tauempelu osé* tietvsUmE &W. aet-t 4IpUiTbPw%-imholwsm atbeuri 1501 O mo miL us * Wi hWe v m om eltr --.tl W asie ia 1>,'Im so lMula i m Cui p l>e I. Tw or s~~a ~ orecgmi-le 0 % us,"for ju Yeu. 'e~ w« te irae,êM,"aeag0 Utié 1wiu ~ Whtubukvll; wal r a. aMeW'.mlr" uesM mt0<ecUdoues bt ri sr ~~~,~e dIlq'so r. O -o. ol i - illl ou ma T. syMe t oIêsM pt .apsr051W 4>taw&et u o«fo . fflé mains vomov9kau Bd> Imwy mhug W'IUSrawm u ld4OUt - -M lwgm.-minMi bn W uot theW articl e,I&W 111110a" MuS asalov t 00 rim u, UMU4U 0k o'igoetooLMair<au. bose ~~ IPI mor it- a am l.mt WviiiTrbt.< zWl jt Î4«&oà fr Md~ coloe Tsm.' aqw.ptUjws» q a teemEsim % ya. mur M& bapt LSUlw taiirtor !W ïiolt. assw am*u walwluamtest, amioe'd"euolWs bu*uolirro iri iaseskO l fi vms elal oio Si hi for kk ý oe" frnus io-W.nimmitot r W ~ hubasSe les-me Is van-mutb<eors ttw Malaariuhulte M.deui gulwmle lr am lb. gl e sssmSapu0lervst b9tt gaIasIra. boob I* @U Mma sgea etWfm& w» t.iu fam eIbt re a tebhi. ang e MU. piSaibE bit u il .hism:vsss Bibi. U.1 « q-feau or.VrIu W w<sl.gml loi ui ! Sie bp ai Wllls wal.olo 1Mi' vis aut ly eb ttams et. OU&%wr@cisr 10 aefo'sef u aMW ti lpl m L .. - -b as ~i. uas, iiîO Wef'bua v Slpmroa a 1 .N .aUoo .siItsh hyMt oeduloleu " ue 0.ktat as~1 S1g~~.u u «Mdh& tb ai ia S olvo avetcs blmuis mge a m isth a SOn as lsomi ~I i..ped vw.ulo isus < b.Mu aieslI laMemte *- TUe 111à -M£.~'.. tesqleUu byo..aUonut.il <W wt ueIuiu ouec<,S Wrmu uae* su et~ N petL~ * .-- Po* 1 g WL 4-viSmM10: by"t~~ ~3eK~0k ~W '*1 iw -M bai *>*on 4 ww b& ai.ud5ý Goeu. Tb -~ ~tte mauâhst lMst bwa hm n -m villa. UM wM tatbauwh by i u m the ont a * vIlStUe lit hm hmâ L4 hlm lys!" ~ ~ l-Wmmuutyiug ter abutant 0! ber ~tr LISSl suile r. o» "mmd lm.. 3- ]II$àwm U b=.aW.. I" haUneien maimg? No;. lI P0%lUlUWbo t. min Un 116 fihem&,w@Maeml Tha~su.UsOt ~ ~ M. te re utmtjvhu ho Ot J-Bbd»IOtC& luchnt ouhaumimi ith- watci4ff, um vii atout boe. & mu thus OM * a"hlm. t t ull OSm$@& Thawsemd cfetar Whua Dr. 3XongauenterethetIi. lut An by3fr. sépsuSuon thung h. amw wm the face of bas gil, ~Sha~sgtun hlma~y P~'~ftu of a terrible dreadti Iat the. fluet flan tIdehiataum es m~ved.ReH. ut -Ithe dbar, thn mprang buvard.ouh ber, andi carrieti ber, faintin~ ui 1h Th.m1 lois h% by G O~romm, viiere h.o Ina ber on ltheugbsW làM u EanuwIhm loc« bua a poImr fou 1.lu.am r =9d Im lmbmdy. SDuaock l vS eaebbsào tI a.Stbsomusns am histrm mDouas.j m t r on have bom as. Èm. YOM "U wiliro m i taMr mm a W.o~wy. "bixtiiank Hewm, evsbzonht him uTM BEi) PL"S round! Sa yonra us iabmig virn1 oattusIpmm t rs CaummaPouw tsimhed, yen yen? W.ilweh'ail Omg«OM -mtt bttw lb e ze..UOIF, aUd rm as Ui uS& &dog." Toumai . hms.nt ot 1 Go., <w ot 1 . omter a&leftauioap ru" ta huh.vraW Moun ot ùgw 1 bredfia mea anteh.ovam~u V'amo JW&, euple miser mdlag 10mm »5he bai fuly returne& te lMe. Iubetfr am"myu And virea 1h.door bai clod on the IOIjIIOrSUt e o ita th thr & ti. octur, and hue mimd t , tXs UhorUwtne" ld oir irâ loy PtPr Udwobidiam Md W t rent MMs gaiES Valuse. Thu'qr Wretuonéhl*"laerlew owtUt Ca r a .do". au extouve = hba aim beera ia 1h. water, and .had à" ___________are__ &. ia"7 othm at ha ispoMSai,for h. bo *UM e-comnset f lb.mdca mas vicb. vas to ta". aglassof bt brmdy-mnd.vater antipgoltebei. At ii.. e wockon tUn ChralMa iCoiUieudjro~ I~ Pag. inrming Cyril, vho bai never feit lem CH~APER ~ ml~~ w epingath byt hifriend'a- bedmide timeoly n u.the.hum ahlgrvruoriy, or mi.mi bave Cer.ny XW ew»kepmg b" m .waomd lby the sdum toie. atch t0o, n a aderentway. 8h. bvmsutmTac Weu o'c houu vsawigby ieIe illaber budt Md at tma.Mhm Iga o nghehrPifo. best9be bad eI, andi ber oe imsbi lu heclockvauk routn y closb. Sire dd n.î Move' eveu 9me'rM U upode& round Une room.; mer did'ah. ment. t of fient Uburg0<dmors, uMthe uigbt Cyii. tdmibi u i ad vintWw lit in troa . ithout, mmd "efld ear fellovm!d" * i ruaii hrou Ubousesmin- BtHaontWn.hvenor. eau Udoe.~vuiesbotai-2"u, oknticu te toucà rband, ami. hi. gnvng ao&s sumathonUnhe 'ing Up. lipb crletiwith, contempt s" tar MMf witeet, whosle owuowuie "I bare no doubt yon ams glati te oe blaliatfimm some vacan baiMaMi , miv."h. uid, slowly. "ton m lght aUnb"sidovra mim with them in lbair bave. found yoursel ira a very awkvard Simi. position hm.d it gos. iIlwith me. Havg enddoci IFUmra uoke, umat *un te matsfld yonrmelt. perhaps- youav Rates rMot minute, c"ain u.bau. tloews me; and, fortUn fuure, plia. mg4-gava mMd ilipê, eh. w glidim Mmme trtar- acqntanS e aet liii. a diminutive gho.t iémnun aimir- oui." Cam.'ihpisumu," ml pco "Wbt ai, gua WBt a.bm.-but vo maya. » w ngrteaClose peuci "adr. vhispered, ms dm .met o»e I italla , 11e learer nne Mindlg as to the* "& ý'g URý W# &w b hereasmn. WmX rMiMj bus filou W=me fore hlm, evidlMyhf tbuugkUnns Madgaiovuei m di »vasa ar ernetiber dcoub ts ah.w basaItfor mer sa long i tt riOu hUm, lb.. arber mou. b b16, ..i Ui m~ "3botbsrl ITon Up teoIrinra uzlgh s.i m m o i MUa."pte bei.Tou muSibe toenlly tirai." 31wWY... lainaiof M- "te.b4 6y,4 r pia .te bei, Mm e ynms; drooti! Sudy1, iv.m mhouril. mi i pinte bavte& a %cat, uightais. Iheis'.no rseat eJepyu Sir-e Wpuisthe. Jor ot n Hvmg eua hue!taibrbM ab.-' ' Un dcc1 9- -fo.,-b- . mm hthh evn.yt Chuifflmma. i aLpp'Ma»Maca ir CbzialianmmiMt-ùSIfeng bleui. l a p us seU», viiora lheeChul.. tlu yentb blas e nChrismnmlda mnder tUn Pagana Mislltoo, ma vire Chautanohiermima th Unhappy su u ngwe. vi&laPagan rit. Cbrismm 1 Teoueli', louîngiy vs Linger on Un voii nem copedia, no dictlonary, umbook of ami' àm sur Io alf 1kàfor us.-4.rtie Me1v. x g.-x Chuini. *aTour mathîn.m m& imr't yen frget if. AMZ'? muà1*i. Who. le4oys hi. Chima. mPropsuli' thhoughiy v.ulWmt do a mem& hhing fra te ahtmter-t kno*h. vouldtt --mi a coursa of Chnialma. a-hdn moIrlI m - ms l ai bs-1PoJ. Who love, mot Cbrismna&, ivhsjoi t ia Unhe baritnemesi4 ai&,miréh. val, cam nbel huma» Ser.ai. à pophaey :--B.hu la v shall comuoi, ani bae a sam; Dam.e shaa ha caillaiEmmamual., viL, 14. Antibhe the. ulfment ci thât puopbay :--Foe l"i. dy iàbora te yo iavioùr, Wvi uCh" istUnLoti, iaUn city àf Davil-Lbeii, Ml Christ w boira irsuAnguste.w» ian efortiea oueo i ilh b 1111h àtra ba=lle o na; bu 4»00 years or a 11111e more, from the cora"oetUnhevozt; about %M0 je' cm Une sai; a&muât %m bfoa; Un mention of Abraben, arm a-11W om t000 frua tUn fo&m ceia the Unmupl The tramiàmothama m ma moz we» ir&U tvvieSmCh list w bois .veuypmeuil opMl; tbowth itià iouammaL., 8, dHubakkutk Mi.,2 L savumipit.aia wcul m iaet tUn oilla o iuy, rý aii es drton Cham sbaiow c* b. gra 109,nWhm" lErrilknt» hà m«26nMrde bffs ak hsth *D- bib bonir mhaet a 1 a"hie 1" la n- h. ~ ~ ~ b «Miteo iev~U ~IaS. m-II.M "obi hwN meà àk due Mw* lm 1 ~m Nbvb ýBi n o wMa.s"=:Io -pla ID" tomet mil "adWhko ywmmLoMthe iDam thog Sh 1là u m i te hien i.ns ïibnty u * Tba wr bar ma& bS om dàI . 4ali m Wh o dM, to th ,L"ant bhtas. bmto khow .. 1 'b.d him u? here, atmadn hlm 1.1 Me ,SU about it. Yon SavedMy 111.." 'hy holding on te me à".@du im àet obi»me i1 w»vat ar theo~'u G.. i eàibut lwse.iPm CE tu telCorne clownmam me.m] miemrwhen. onpi uWad, adbdtvhe , 1ookbu na q lu<yfaee il t e h. "utof the fa y, uoevzodtha b.doeidd te go "m ohv alook u ti m otthi.uet iriS w w»ot he mhà miw b the.* eit b&snL 8i.loohubugh mmd =apY, anti vh.ne. Zwhl vbm,.the i. ew» brokm andiLgr .ratey crosmed te hie side. ".Youais m b~ n bote"whersainteb- 6 Yeu"tbmake" voemd..1m ov bu onuliponuby t"ilberthe z.w.of Cyril vire th. very taut othi.&stsMau. go grusta chamip., "ISa your fremibs, tgoainMms nkatharimi. -Do yora wh thi.mordigwM ovma &au1o of lest nliW& -ai-»& hb.shov.d me a photapaph. of bi& vite 8h..l - lb.y vil b. berppy." Wynne uitood Iooking dv the1h a ILnmd m.Cyrhau& hum u» caufld h vt.h bertat. coui mumosA bace teiwhat wpM IUNNia hi* Miné. 8h. did mot dai tp iU" her oye. but ber color veua iCam&. Thora her bmd&mwtea mUg ly beld. "Ki, h. acideom"i h.ui then b.doctoe'.pst uns». "1 luiw "Anad b mc bave, Mmr. vbuapro "Let tas go ante ml thion at home," wef e his neit words. Katharine dicl not ask wiiat, but slipped ber hand in hi. mm adtDgethor tley vent mmd à»" them. JeGrel Te (Uaaan O* N RISTMA G.moOMDsu MwirmBrTORI Ce &saf 2E NSLe AW£&at km Wk, » lUI" STOEM Y N<ùjBiaübhsceutec. am~~O RVCTOO OrlaR TR OR1 aid Iamp Goodu izt groat varieti'. TRIE CIIEAPEST HARDWARE STORE -18 THE COU NTRY. pewu= ahm a po q" ueset bMt ama e - G. ANDERSON; N IPUB&mF&fls. FeIrn& DmJ & . D ..I. NOW ru thetm. to buy your MET Tzs AT Au voe a a.'iious to -edlwe Our atk by the endof the veài. 'e 5MO uiugOur io'Jatwiz'i 'scarce *et uaeaof pr-oat. clisto4utqb iY W ams mdin eapeur than ztL -tW1O8 advetioir «%eIng- t o.»ç amâ @ for youSelve. A. m'fg Stock of IMM"8TI OOERE ]MW » am io 7<Iaurueun Wo sm Us amm*eubm a ..'.- 't fS I.TMou or - * PM uoemarnai. MMWM ete aar te 8%.~ Mnao&"-Me& ratilwe "mn 'l. hl w hsthemeiIoe mev aubeft,4;.': "-i * ftw Wii n m" O«Maoaly uutlinet - I ti705i IIla 01 ae A~~r m Valot&. vi n aiplste moobaag et. &ëolie zmstanoe ~-ra UI. ill vlk he hm ùm aiiudito retnzn. Ibenkt.gswéaermmau. "Why)yora dwomm-f.l h ani b" , omi b tugfloah. hi;l hn ,nMmu m wbouaigo hvwUlbsêabout U c ~êv ~ n frta ill so tp, p it glaueMans bou bàmH.w aglimiami. - «cuwb s~a à lis làhkw n A ma w ru my inl& uiiimw mumuk . Wy. - hb et lbf, ma mir-ý'*1 ti pu- t -r-ipamal, tI KW ~ ~ot~~IpuU5 %obi> s-. * i e- Nov. 32.1USL .-4ý 1 I-PNÏ

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