Bs - -~ Santa Claus's Heijetrae stiti' at J R. £S.TONS; ÇlCtféi ftcris lfma Premt,c igjgp'( 71 Wax ad Cinia. Dal, Bui(ain Socks, Slegs, Ty itk, Pho. amid jgrj 41bum, Bble, APrero aMiNymn Bocks, L4 ures Of Poems, Pr oeWWgDss ýeelcass etker auJ PWW; ~Caré Caesa, Purses,- 1tsL Adi,? uslia#dLeatfgerHauid Bi~s, lwk A atioéew kctr Pf 'i.flh01ý A/f5Nç ni~7R A Chn:çtmas Cardls, ff artc i fwCnc Sa'Sc/o/ 1, zbretrki', Pru<'s jand C/i ristiusas 7Ttws fiuueis/wd at S$- itDisemin/ts. 11-AilMol ad- I., rf of .5wtior*yand JMw* Jo<>k' alwaye on Iand. scJJooL BOOKS ee~ u SPECL<L T/ES. Agrnt for t/a Cm" sad acf Raikq a;, Wlligg Star and * . t'a o O ea*ai/;~ N l h e k ~u~~rim À'or /D le >»the j a#i *. Axý,lù>a' t A III mu.. L L~u BU m ~ Ci/b, Dom ami ulm edbu0 Orr.">k ti ioem t lu e»b«oW tbat wlliau" thentiom n&:-*. QUIkIyuo coe e«* cm il;,> To bu m 0 et si ii Liuud.ur Oh rnT! m& OCadi., c"ésadirouet, lu for ag' qm e «t.ut Auueautcok0( .uàmand Pie. To ufn the *mow IosWage, My X CQake arenhsperb.- Be.tdi11yo< eer uw Cr honrd. ]4FrSI [ k 1 .m.êbe buat Z» .. Mp an« Catawb& Grape,, Th.y mmt1». à"Mtu boy thefr quMIky- Ilmîmw n« tevpebat tSocm be pe- Tes, toffS a" md Ccaseeetstrou# Md hot. Oyatew toutetS'sa ot l"S ve pro'vid., Pu"t, G"u., Galle., Cen, Raw, -%ewed or Fried, Audno Igive Mymyrvteton- Richoror, OUdor young, ShaI recove coir beut attmuion. I filE F101 CIIPIELL I mi AS» mume1, Thi~ ide o 4khitas there wýilI -bcno,ô.bette r tine durig (the nexi two weeks: to /ày in your c/instmas Groceries. LVe have e2/?rtkng of .very nmethat c ornies :mder Crsmscheer DoS ast avr1,cati; see the 'oodsç and Iearnourfrmes. Jke havle rnany ice Jtings in Chia and Glass suitable- for Christe Mas Gtftýç. Yu'ljtn betteir ckeakr t(a «rt and 1 Éromter sen'ce APOAMPBLL'Use A Nat hristmasPmet for Bweehear~ orLv er or themav lttle ones at lioe.- A ~avWoo Wap,81k tandhmefet rLiiredKi Gtove~ KId ftftta~a 81k T« Cahr VIMqgFr C4 Am. 1L~N mu 000 000 00 o o -Au -FiIh Cabl ima mbud btylugm; r' ~ I PRIMEA.U.. lE GROCERIES, lu aa, ---- cmltanem tof al kept ln a Tmt APIat22 per bbL w bie . - amicomlot stckhavng ver30Chi=a Setta or Et& PElD, IBALT, PIBH GOAL QIL «ar in mimd that vs am e ing huslaueon the cash pr~epie, mWn fi cah Ely, theroby Omabling us to buy the et àLaIsmalp un cmo"a goods agalme amhoua. la tovu la aml mis.~~~~ ~ GI.tscl. e a ae oeb u to rous. Wlth * m t uoe. wlh. von lthe Complimentas ma=n. loi. 5. lUt. ~ ~* es..~s. t~ mona umuma. AL PEINE&r, TO, THE FAR*MERS 0F THE COU NTY, MEl1 'o IeEERluY a The business carried on by lavuelf at the LINDSAY WOO)LEN MILL bu iucraued 8mumlch durimg the peut seamo th"t I ca safely uay that 1 have more than doubledi the amount of buiness done during amy previons surom. -ThàIsbelieve tobe due to the fact that the fumers of the Connty appreiat. the. way in which I have handled the vol business, and that it ham ber mutualy profitable t., them and to rnelf. In order to provido imeed fiitie for the. future I amrn rbuild- ng My XKin lufirlaiust syle and greatly enlarging its Capacity. New Power an mceauwlNchinery vil b. put in, giving a greatly incessed jà thi e atim I bave a fine stock of FTYLL CLOTHS TWXEDS, PLÂN&RLS, BI, àxERSM ad YARNS, irhich viii b. soud at rum abl. prices Timi. Goodu are the ricjt âing fer a Canadiazi vinter, and the qu.iity in, flrat-elJu ii every respect jeIW VALLCE 00o 00 'I r -v. *1 I. F . b Forer, i- la i Dnghm A~ A J SO AN.ES -, LflIU&T. Dem & XU4. Il1 THETRIJE WAY, OJR GAÇ Whiose dot'tiù ,iw tar a/wtassek CanneialYnkeatandi Greek, -To relie et/&epain /uillu t/nme ek? 'Tùs 2VELAATDS. Ww u lses words t M oft and ikw W/sikt e aiù sra ve tvg, And pilk your tootI beforeyfois kuww 'ri ÀVEELAiVDS. Ww etreaLc van kimdbfy wkileymure t/sue, Unmciias il iù i stdsas, - And ta».esyrpai awq itk Cam.? WWwiun &Pu$lyour ,ckust- to./4. Gùees ÀVÙ'rou q Gas-gvedga. mlud4its W/uc/i injuresnettker q srjui Wia /m st/se /raer ta ewmurjUýPin EAd bnî<you bMd to M 0 a -- sa dsatyoi Me'er surit wmoq"afiu ir .4iVER-LIDS. Wwsg Jewdai work w uit/se gp p W/1sici fty it/sauaidp# 'êkumu, tid lm* k y âyq *ayr, t/sutc m~ wie kmsackdwi aewowdroug sw 17wy - oiw > mw wüt a t m«?t~ a NM "xtend their best complinents teatMe piblic 0fth town ana country, ani wùikMte entire congrega ton a meny,kaiylyC st s On the eve ofoimaki g Y~ rChristras #Urchasles- we. ask your attention te o ur facit- ities for giving yen god serrice. Our stock is OreOared to sue5ly tMe uzeedrs of Clergymen, Lawyersç, Doctors, Merckants, Farmers, M7ehanics, Làborers,. Emftle#yees of Corëor-. ations, and afl otizer sorts of ilent/jet, wivs, onsanddagâters. Our stock is, çot«ted with seru/nilous care and is/luitoftw tnost m;ode ru ideas, it- is offered at /rices dictated by skarÉ buyers, lively coiiiftitors and a de/ressed wkolesale Ynarket. It Ï.isyaur ditty taûbiy as clm a~ as Yom can, and o ne.e e4ects yen te to itdollars into sentiment and e5uy as a favor. Put yom IMeny M«b cur Stock w/te;st yen szeed tMWegreods, andpgt sati sfaction and va lue. Vours Respcefdy, RAIY &oC. De ut. jc 0oc 'hyU" q& %Wafmaz- whm L. ... ...-~ U PM U .p l th"t whlmbeue.Or obuylnbuty whoe ryouicia pa »e !ba& Four mouer briu gacivalas-oe!ly this a"Ud uthng acr- Baa moftm uaasmosit-ram the famoem City Sas Car Drpe"m and cy.thieri, LLsdacst. or.Bb 85 "Thom% a abby iog aackea»o, uobee, IrFmoucmn..> ter- *WM*tm, mlc yikmv s eei 1imbn 'If 1 ~ mymif MI kw It sd myui 1 otght te know. Tbme'stbat ovoeOe M Mdmuffler, that si d t tties bMy Aut a Pair or two of brao.-w te- 'mm 1 Tba&!s enaub. lte«à§V 't e. mut m*-dà?t icfum-thst lovaiyoamuami malr ?rm o owFU ghad1j.If yur vanta you'lljust da»-ne" Mmer. MWnov 0ve kit It Fm <'sude It ewery tire; Pmehpa the boa tUie m maet. ts to huaithe wife my pumu lmM e Iktbt. he e"dt.ahe *foau ildburo.- Tata-a or emc- hennmnuiikala aý m am aâa" 11ev, Z.~n-I uius--âuajotm. a~mt a thlugortwo, 21 't -f I I~L 'I DM511UL r