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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Dec 1884, p. 6

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a- - -#' If VUIIUFEI SegmeI#~WP~~Ut o! - r ~P - ~ ~- A-.- ~0e - Suie oeW *o# - 5117, KVTTOI PO2~ ,rjj~_ZTC~ The due ut rwi ê a 7 <dt dut-Mm" dre «Mare d k k m y Io u7u ba1mm m m whluetelw. m e*Wuto' # À~ W..... vuolKo vo Wuu.t r f s elba om 7 Nbu.oM i If MIta mgow ~ IM.Ui are oem% I w heaMdliWay oa" bit ah.Ma ibtww-litamir4l a rit0 -Plot Sk buf«,60.kç Irimu beaimete AMI riohi ram e *W,8b»4u1 froua h hi# me .v. 11$ .IUS I ~Pt~ jIwêWifo g 61o I-em b. ' B RUI- liStWtgoalrNouii IJIVA, aIl4rAs te4. I'>~ 5P<~<1StSouuluk i *1mtt$4in-loo shme .h110191111%~ a ganm i liv«mp u$ 1% otael i fIsh te~t'eg4~j t4uhw i amq 11%m lv. ber np if.0,huai m làle nm i ffuct-y i4t o em ma i rit t-lov, rtil l o. t l . atih.m4red 1 e gsy. la a asnad ,iefiAyraw, WIL, - h.hn*wlive otup» o hm tM - Atti~'v dofflS ei ta N-4 aist " be m .laslssiaée9a.hu e"vit# os»)W: ov utaehi. Mel*MW Npoo a obé itm m hi pnt. A v tv Wt- d m oc0its- h . m ýqnckl.Mao% ___________ Peuofhom cs phi. tala hua mi Imb#.hl# .myee. tIABKlu S mCiIRISTIAS (ft11wtamban" tom biMt m#1ghee' i.mnmil h-'-SOI "I dffld no#usii tphs i lt let 114ee oi oent. rulé go -i hKM5 4Vutsgo mih sRm<I hi ifltiftM ">eai! o, smtIui-h%- .11tF<I uItdite-' I<iuki>0 gS. e 11# s-uiy hnep.."@d mà W tf, aev a si'. -1 eiom 1» *Me Iukl Mienin "ifont ouki abs lo.ng h*va.« 1 WI' do «.109ha. We Wu1 stKo mvm Nswé" o au. "(a o- n4go. ft'<u.aiufat, eufom, .~> h. ~ , ~~i- < ~ Idée!. K.vot'a.,,o L v '., N.n~ît our&" Jul al sy taeilutygio ehpe ~ ~ IlIk. ~ . eoa~ms1abui ova lo va 1evdey. Mal>!" i' i e, Man Yeu. 11no s e t tisi e Sta Ohm.- lutwi is ini"mi fit -4-Nr omih-uMo owbmta.upbku~5t~.F umiIlie j <vefht-4smm ~ lut. mi au ....-... ..... e Y me IU -Oum& cmw. rw dong). s u Ymmb m amamaM &lu&0 di~M - WIs-u éeie . me& b unomqduip ên*usa o h Il à mil u r M N.o -»wm nauan.u bkk fruia uuet *hat taM---î finila avelieéipjeuunut ut th* i WJ'êBuMt -Se ~mableI Uudanum bmve t e ta mm idig rue, IMu re o tflutyu nabom b upr éam Ca yfe Devb Mr met," pi 1 l*" Stebu. "i Néib-t a.t.bu veubiu aba â u. m0mulng r MW r1-1 bSey, dii mail oule alve u bu ims-- m*oa asyh.obattuesMmi. But tM an m druly mmmnied e! me ua snt Nasmua;ho-lie ,"Whu"!", a 1."Opt0014 ?"t m&iiai!caueoyeu 0k!vha-d-l"tbave bIndmy pumM& .The 5IF ruaak ms bh. mowing ultmmiineetbat yen vee ealUve mbua -*atli hm alue.K Knd " by another »Se; befre-bit juos, fer l*bl hmk? faU vMm11. ene, but ber Upe ber-lt wus tes li..1t"àhtehomube vas tightued,- ber eym .apaialm titÈâmaumbsby vwfgtaffi bu-a ins: roi bw tebec Éii imbume MJàmýý m y=bmpMy va«l.* a'Ivu atisy oggoplu.»&use.ILndclatd dL. noaboo ime t hait rnmttha NoitephaiNewlilI4 a, vos.f* *9tue ip paes WM lmbk;tb alm um &ihW Iit f vOual ot va;je mv bsetruicli. ta holL m Ja et ~ neiu, Tuluattou1 it&l hi e 0Me "mu 1 Nôtetb n ur lI&W epheaiS.i Ifcta t cla 8bm $Whgtof befon boe ovamWhs!mil mubalbe. Nub? WoQU m kjeu h? tIrsug' moua r lme.hsmnm..nud therIM O mo, 9L "obi rMub, Mhh1"lh.,baée , ohu*W latdber. ai jmailo à% the bsboir woe à" MU us botia a"l&"yr1bon lmg3 ta bter ýwod. abs m,4 upu.M m r ta look tpon xé'. e m Plmg "Yul. Z aIjW-ur' util bdrisouté bhm?" o#Lovéi, me Ioulut rallier l; .,The aptala l"" i aoun. Ùdwa., 94" bemNereluh. lmÎieove ,as ,mo a mamet e b. lait. goeMws Get 1 .l -Puy h&eau.-mrZmuy W» u~ vsdermine Mbol m hmjoi faan.,,uiet mno mbutaiM bu ad& , l. Btt-o ld met àmYu.h, .itwuly, ad W hli num tb. se a aMW ber ftgugSgbraboie. bIli ... lmaloetng ber ta * veueu..Theu. t r ethebocik Stoplu "<Iny* bllme, 31b, til tmudô o t ea iul iaismu. . make.Îmnsacis, mli viii di 44-h. omiu srthe beillug r ui. aiS- pwLeei. "*£ -uéev709 cmseyer bu vay hbbsa ompilmbd whenvau! min, nov, but homwMamy 1f t."ymjurgait vue nuck tbe àlp. Thoe va *ild vak m bring hlmt teme.," zudituhpigu.Thseud theas --w esi"» #0 ?iL~h.zie ont u>,t asumi .ay have. Pue'waiL"' res, ami iugl l, aa Samhu N WM lmt nte vom ti l em us or: me * '~ e c * i?.t u t hidi, ie fla Wb, £lt ImmCrti%,Ph=- ntsnut Itejitlkt dace Mmbit et b. ldv- qulhet th precmame misM4 Ut th& ta ~ ~ ~ ~ MN mibmr ubaietmavhskvu b r -émus l î -- mbdmq but vill Ksvasuoun6whm-uvuy in miiute~o. uM, mie mgvOW ait dm but, ha bbSr~0tae~ Ut a busbal qp bà ta bâ ~fr ie w us'. If 16 buu ~ hvaueIN liq a e Wab" mev c -unutsbbe in tha. Mt lfgth ah. bouse.coumemou t board mv dear aId fathèr î u ,veau gemenc o! Ihngire. 1h. *ne10 ad mm'coma atba lve's fago, viien ho au& Auna mary were àüid- The. lght-laearted girlvanishod as 5U'V51 ani ash. hezd the hil-beli usa living on tueir fatilansfarm iu au due apaka, Md 1à w» la vaMinthasthu m,"hste viâ-hà eil-nemembered i. EngLant he elamittk 1present usedfto - nlaLheuto retum. peInons g ah mIi a a"njetdeligli t um. Lsft aos,*1 ait rGertrude bemm. »te u 0S hlm; and "They vers veU-to.dopo omd visahe w nerLth ha ae«rentere tha. ram, ber oye tae Greens ver.; bul0tnt miet b,0 il I 6 cbmvitPrwanuonS& Ougit bisviithst alcof aitendSt ay- a bail, or a shepherd's pipe m is iâchrst o!~ ~~i duni 1Inojoy m asC mm's Ws b"i sase naum ho jasth. Blms tcint voumitimake faîher t tat iariF.tm npo. -asvthrvbt a.li frru hy happy vlan lawva aboy: O ~~ iilnmuaila hmamamemanLt fut tuerwvasBo svere- basister thaugla .b a 81 of' u~ Oh. hue ber tbObo hau MmiLUSOn EtivardFeaton's a hi. oea nev dclior.auj oua prett V !l vus aaeMopnteho@Rbut him, and tae LTiin wl hich lea mdudherwmas rak, vas a* joy indeed. Chau' I- làma1 t l*h "- dsboithaksY ta biDs W aranpYoe "h e i b t m tmbi. veil, rd M11k ow! %Nr Wy,. ina co -X I, &16 0&vk&a YImani, d, mambla ho0support ian. thait a boy ofthais day, a reaà bo of tho 'a-,N4WI&a gsho adifaak upu.a adit.peeti, woult aider himscil m &ONU& twba hi&ni- l"What is thb.Mau= nU' h. aboaed failav if ho dldn'find on oa o! hou. mmlmuu upo~~~s e eL"Ts hdsgi.c as-tre. al bu&i~baddknh mMe lMdar-- ----u Fum1ui o mm us viua. Wàrdy <. as a ~a seetifictcp. pe , box of carlentrefs bd" iwW& e theatlom etfaa ni"iaaéadovov Mraaylm.art00114iàpdnmg ~a.asiei ut_ q in hI.ILwim.'"ni aSaO, wPuok.undit.Ly iy, atelephoiOs lut m u" m oumm mibS * Tiui. bSiiiip, a BscibliL ham MUSWR. ~a aphw~bu te- - v» as awodo tou&ia.box ciý f» de tu In& b , empoe. wia gel udrpin, c' Zama Oum h* àam a" bu*thak bihUuu, twenty or hairty boki, fl'< -~~~otmr -hef i tu.. s a l mbonbaki a Peckelbak vitu goâ YJI1III'îb'LIL Bbuni7 un. mme"in ___ma -pirof ka iglovas. hm&e " maavefargollea aoaetlwM, um ký liet 'haqk.IbSL Damu, wfpm bus bras oubk vbm ewdùmuqwàtw bat.. wfa, asi un à" ke-ont tbs's wI1k -I Q=681hhkMMN ha.Prper tuimmg fWt Maversge bot"- naa etl ~ huebt Bat arn SUL ztPMý1- - ~loue - -; - _& Imm Ise e ____èp -M tot- Il - u U& uoa AMILnomý op UM tu b~m " ai log mbr JEU im.htaie Î --Î - *Jt f M hue w hume, àm T .dà CI~êma -&Rite sa v, u Wba Mr 1it12* wmbml.A h (e irbomo te 66A. etbi namahu&mMMR Ibu Md ug ard u m te binbiyma arreudai by* t he M9 ieelclé bti~b tebWy upu"à "O lCla0 e Ch"." et *cee mue pibwaIL fm-1 p aeluladi tbor£-i - uah a& TU1h. qb& i inm amxw no icfSpiai, tua v Ml îéEgo Th mieliEDk «eSil-a1Z. .*Ont yM e *hle hàIam obe a MWa I.1nR auwwbihma faAI mmraybuiu~. .ti eti b.ny-_inb "Tam1 . aed," .jaice dB&UMM b- u. " hzuewm, d I.rncagex. ,«4lauoe d througorb.lo.g . ouI b. h 1.1tovulg Blu"1 plein. h yAbmta uem fvou hwea nosuoif t alsye Iwsa -.ft6 mhig Md T. LMUM I iik kt m lIZ 1 fat 1h.ndon y ahinre, fu cb * rmnîg meth cold su. h e . cmLwi1k*smmobI.as o viii msioela b. eueingti. Y,yoeliu uth - e1»p»etýwm Il 0f li a m 1»Ww. Caleho wdmIf, a long we vhean. & mi f mrzowbà==otetom"L gapli "&cmmm boné m o~I 111IIId LaudI9 ithe CW aMDV lovely *e iOOuxviiilook vian lv wikfils uMr et. AMI .paitat oo cieusta. ut tue. m 1k~~~Y cmat.l plar" Io bWh 1 diDotalrew «coiEmheroum. &Thoms garlanud. uMy Whea vs es t%=m of yen, IE4wad whlch vs ham Ofresiky bang me aim-wd.xl lA* r sd h moe.igy effeictive. But ha* amo*me .ier.hand, tHM*"" dimmalhi.Ikm ~wabtueon"er &a. -'iv waitlug vhich arm taoccprpstin ihra t.-Claie,' mid h., sud bis voice tremWIj liaite wcanuot reach. t thoughk yon "D " amnbon < mwomh, htas:t vilh iuhouul ifsmiing,'do you i Ihik toli mm EiiwadFenton w» oemipg to bMyCh s, W t»w jearun aL auila gboit 18ho.la ney uuis e =lu "lb. anement ? rJ.'h he in ia idl. prL niuerea a n hutifmLt mi admhizrdt% b. e e er." *am o m ifrW"ulodus? ire- I hm ait imas lui @CM uange ui.sjj mmab owym boluulè I 'aid bais pano e m t etuaiunt I1aodmMaLw"pseit, Sas,"sMd ehm hu0lovfSome, WÀ&tu@Liemay b., pmid.ikfàshm aumar poahet,66 mmi mus s eaihe uq "tors wm bavewomit veu- lm ma u bcm ah. wmu poser t o ujuuif. I oitu Lo tpleaL fier me now." Otunk 1 11k. ho uta "hmaffectiomj Tiare was a soiha.mm light lu Ger- &'lua taiyoamuai be guded by your ted'. je whhtzrnbied vith mmone.ou elinipe,' I rejoini; "bat I am cer. thin vey 1ke a tur, as Etivard tWun maI, vhaïever 6" yo= may apply, 'y v-iii fith". Gertuei lno H.UX~ bIshmartlampi=vit la ours, -wmd. hoPe an i-OYi The "oat tandrop d eu be. h" .cdii. "-9» lowbeau.- b m1huarnodmoe ling to MiU tue*htebszie.Ditthe mitotaoit, th.t Ecwdbai m rlinqui tahe a uýdo umi opurajmy suit, suifer me to "This mo bag owever, I recefreda lui ycmbmnai an sdwith oca pure lber nfram hlm, addnaed te me here A/him.of love wwviiis aur vawm," <vlan. ho kwow I ahaubt b. sendùig Amai, ot vmw la the. onsent aof dmIc a> namu ea ht~ silencs Gertrude suferelàtho youug Mnha intended ta apply, and Te- tomaiheu-heuna mglmgl -e qatn m aa-ha y dM bouthm hvm o"--k o vicûtyof " apumint, 80 thiit, the hi.. whlch Etvad, Fenton pmed ahould indvn uhaedsinl upon tb. Young gir'. nuby lipse under himn, ho mlghi aonmtisying hisnel, flue yg n aio ime inunie. -orieyou. Thus yon me, Geruud%' qusitlnSquis M.*avithuemlua cauinnd Cae, playfuly, "mny powen attmchmouk vh>ch .ubdMled btelenodvnationvhach you sougltoit 0r. hammsf uaL Gerude, Gret vas Mr. puga, lait Chriatmas ove, are proved to Marta'sjoyoauh,= tç h"athe motof a duautrtofoi I ca not oulv his. ou wM 1bi a MW& hd. hat b.d peneltete u rait erfulyguaad loug bisa*tuemSt aiawbid amofi asit ,but 1Icm &uimo te et b ivouheuart, aMd vM Wva tuiecon-1 ofai aomau's leva, for 1 kuow this tes mat Wh" eMh . mrdmii. otld.but mailfeultue mrength of pyur ThakhapyCrsumai ps i a lahet Ancd nov, dearest, I wüll qukly fathe. affiaumasti over, sud baive u, am eud Edvard, that ha soon. the perla4 anivei fan Etivard - may pfead for your forgavoueme. FentIon tu eea ta London. So saying, ehe dep&rW.dandi Edwaxd 1auy tndr as lhe part*ng betveen Fentonimmliatuly atterwardsen. bore with hlm 1th. massais ofais, =-' et ho,"bexciaim2eti,- it vua -belavai one& taper funge, tuat bo mig)>t. mima teste, "but iulinitsly more tryihg ca procre muogsgemeuÀt ring in tovu snd me te apply than for jota-to endure. 1 sien i lkt o ber. This ho diii vithout knew, however, that if 1 acted thus 1 delà,y, wama Gertrude looked tapon it, mhould. bearu mcm your maziner whether --I do not doU b* wbut then 1 saling apphires Reemedt tahave didi deeti lave me. Never. ditl my a i eam. the s oro e llpsofiEtivard, aud te =t beut villa isch xnigzhtv mdnss bl".hwhleh"bin vik s m tel on. whuaperf, "Forgt me not!2# n.v, vien I know that i do .indeed OUI, phem iUpu. bar furt face.-Bo. - *pooess .the.pricelesm treautre of vo ddietuhle »qMpul.hes bas orasy Chimiasve b.d came agalu.. --I5iffOction. Abi1! deartnit. eau you forgivre Oucemamoe a glory thal vW"j *u0ftpainlvbiCh I have causedyVou2 Il "Gra~aat cel ym M . t ies15ve.neted upoa ua"eat so, suifer me ta place this rng once jeu knev t"a1ibad dlfrm.La s iii t r In Morton Hall thera vas a Yaung mm supon jour linger, and ltlus renev mie Cmeasdue pusabaaum siM e ert bealing with glaL espeotmcy, for acm vOvaalu te "eeay we Ide li.aley benouai'ns~ "mione dearer tu Gertrude Ilon ot han 1f. taem frst lait hhristmas-.ve.' tut bu amaekopr.."itueif wtldaDoanie. And withha heart in whichs.om!w was "I ue fatb.onavi"et Oucemore the tva fair cousina vere taraed, ta joY, anid cloudti osuush;ueý puma, ue pever 0 flain. ti b, 0 t ly eaeqfflnlrwiig1h rae ertrude Morton suffenediEdwanr .tu. mu pu lsprtaat .eie"fui garlauds for Christmas dcrto. ttaadoa u ion htd once more wit.: - Garnie. Again 1h. met~~enum§4 l inmlte ptwi ein yu.Ihenaeet.ig mtit . "Yurrmasiha .vfdaalwrà_;aa4-Ui- 6"ue-,-am U1h._fce o!le 1-ême eMiteabugh !".â h

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