*sL .~.- t-... w Mk ~aIt it ia -_domo=ÀIYfJS m m~iE a~a~~ A.-àa x. .M~o SEAT LEA lN, SAL .- - wwwuw ý aie, bilm b mal il* hb"ibL ?.,xa tm . uur~I~ E ~ W L W . KIEFIED. *~ 4wmouk or vint.Yami- a-iJEkm 7.ima..nléa m s~*Aa - * w ý- ____________ At f- f~dfhua sO .' d d m ~ug gttemtea a td. o C u<.EuBe.uI..:d k a ghmid"7a a em.rt s . thk. ~ tmee.roevdp n13.ILu e utv1d o'.. - e lem a udmt&. taiE.R~é a wm.e * h... _____ oab. auuecumbed=o9 etdmm pu _ Eà.fsia. et "Mbii ;é.otthee a th wa throug ~~ b. eo~~~uw otvqpmm etMW âw domai (M& iaien.i amA . a ae h a m h t flj~ EaSYA0W <a.11iWBJUBlait metVnUIIrpp ~a gaivsmc eee * ,* ,. ?oR MM «MM& Umm*CU 1aEaU txohosthn'labohodhauttaem Mt Our jumia 294646.0 !sSemîewTOub GIIbRIIMOu TI m18I 133 WMMUMrn46mM ma, Umm Bk lestth Thae ai Studs n~h c te v oli h &de. . ...fa. uamLftStehit e.xWIdrtucor a=otrtiedbbhoFrotr wm~ a te lame i M paart .forToroto !iveity W3erk Oouê( 5w~ IEf*j~Uj ~ u.,,,w.m opeu.m taIe'Iot bueti wmdi-.iuIbtei a u Mi r- auiytah xeliemne tcmanztouarue etfw Vèdk ..MM ,maae aebctte eit1n. . say towuligt h.li .5 W..... 1808n i lobIwy . ieuwISOU vxepsadi.Rv.1. barai Dk m famayfrecapedc ab larB...aJ.408 lur MmdW, hW W«7WM& ..aMer W~~~ ~~'NW W ~ ~ ~ ~ 9290WFMMUMgoiybotLh1 it f b~ nah eie E~~ (1k~RoI - ~ a~*tg m or.dmeieJoaIrla-a.orauaedafrPm<aau-r er hrod _________ harus shldpuSU i li. ~~'-la W hu beeea.l y t1ê Wdm rthrc G . ttu.pacja Cbiiuima m àdr e . "Aaeo"atlod 01 aiU'slni ivrpao esncr t,,.l:z "busiJ907s . 0Mr .baotemln.orl ey apBucakpiaatdbyto@eth" iuza _____ admirableff. lar l a lelu là X&M au" 'uurn" @u' la' Ca Te~ U ' MtdhMou "Socahilhiuhlh pcWinAthasrvc k wII ïliamwet ultl-n M" 18333 iOaibu» ei'otpfSOUa oUtmtbuu0moý lk w L mnmiaWgeêcaaasarehh e-vil bu'e-am duA, ol0llathe _ a& aot aiaio ayuml * 16 I>~~~~S HIG~~ bas abmo m ca.thrlan d olt1kbu-be e r.au a ne la hia thé* aebon ulso hi akbt .01831S 11301 bu g @~oek..- utia & aofur daiz.uus.tla ht d. of .. G1.U .......sSla ITU<#U wu.wu TOmOS4dur != optaSU Ut h ai bti 1i ia be1Cii .m oreocrdiiti.lurc A i MWIV. OC * ~ ê MS3%2Tiii aotba fln erne ai elwiethou e 1Dielle c bagth f t gamai, D. ur"auve mtaiu stn. a~yr rntil U arli a h ~~OM~~ ~ ,wc..Udaaê%MItlàSOIRt».w lw S- o urs th-sstrebo baitutra a uxe vi- au ia ne tum doial. ht Ugr a NR'I .sulm4 Luse. st,. W M s o le adah. fn, waimb t rth utso u tle. t a vury la anutILs own~oIw %XM& mgaveesr amnvyaspaiofvr iuaDl A i.,i.~ bbL> ~ ~ OLJ~ O ~l Ms........U».. l'a 3 e*d~~... gias1. M!;baone i atulft Whoaneloqisuat =t'o&d wmjUéaa i.mi m t, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~M 1299 20 1 0-. * 313& or bew...M Apisn s ssu, utlerni a. htoauutmee:athethethae. »e «a, » oca si eialesse whs otran t,~~ urwrl tfud teu l ueo iru1t1%i.ofsre *use- su4aqwUI. .1 les s tom M X, ta aseo mnpa.y s. . R.M«aàah-Of. 1-- t gxv 395 9 - ttom e M IÎJabý pwm t heaavily-Whoais vitagrat. "oIMOIaaI.GSOrtdrsu e 314211 w»."-a ~ #l -» M proesata fe th chldas. 1k va.the oey vers i$ma ML r.e nol vtet4otn Mutvstuihdbyhohirwhc a~~s î.~ tus tt -tye husew o.toublezr hetting w» u riaTht nd Mm nomai e lo . Tii.meig v.pit tvioshnivx Itlu MUaS. i'111-91 30%W 1 U h ups fcawwaloam ...... &M iOU th agbil.,"us con sr mot als tM oi n d..>ns"theRr D.ammH.>a vo h ib *rkso oli. ..... ........ 834 1 J 1 IMM X rnê ÎaJa br»ida . hi tk 080àdbrlro eli'- et a ui!hua.. z tinsnj e . is Suht'. qlecur o t M m i- ma psdn e hatmssdue ya A ~î~1 Siclu f S1aIru~V~gg YuI4.jki 1~PwLwip Diata LuIe.....* 3141311i.33188 Ioal omgwmalath" a aupl&%rvesiun vit "Sete ba H". mi"elaurailier tetoeChrstnrswas ighl holdaceRe&"remD'nOhatbto A O f 'if<Wf a'ttu#lha4 30114a7 % e, W... .......3le A 10 I#3t m e <tg7Maiot ibisYOivi hingaw - 0&PWO s#amis s M@t theo us t bau VUVV intetuitg i. orsodmsrpr vyvatu i ool raoEwr IluiareI. .....s...- l .30 0 1383911Mtg i Vidai, am IabUT miztyMm o= teth c me.e wafu k ofMTh7S0ay lin b au lmlid l SOUe W57m i flO cuty crhepi e . M. . Of SIW Pflf- VWa.S l ».1 25 _BNbwomeeutob. Tha "iallaustulthiepeharo orattitrou, th 31 312$ 11811 II lu. Tt folew m e&Scars roulea ofs eug t ' at iL Thcf Oua con"ert ehiit v. announsila e-tmvsnsviitobrse.Mr Adr ............M 2.03 1 3M IMe &kW e.m lidOese ]r.batOzwS e..larof e bVbt it vaewcmthe sncalit out t . andos&bCsaong a on nalvn tperyMna onf ............3 2 3 ilMs SseRps .A 3esd;ta CuxSmdymholla hurm im m emai etpeaatmool.o i elevsa ieaticidrmai4Moth A H DAY G rýffrolR'mieET4 .0NG8.ws iu» IuWiup Wm mtom omeàWQ f 11. r v oret Tlm a kÎi wem hepnrtcPrutedli.Tt anwot<volvlaetemuche a. of tý%e #11A fimiplo i tq sthi M1114fl I t4iif 1w swmmem ..... twmuna a.ver 6--b teWho a* averybweru mS a"Mxi.tenW.oldng &emrmon. 'z'~ o e re . Il10331111*310 lba Rpu......s.m* r ia ami t eveond'lmoeote asiemlectSu. latht rymronChm b daeays.. ttthi. pautdvevx o11 oaegs oko huMe I~~lgm %m Io e11tlRgrCp . sseCum.Gaeepr ilg . hhWein.Hvve,1 a frumnutetraimn h sha-rcaelguue r llx' aeilte 88345211 o f kiuiv oa.' ltn mie;q 313$t1131131 o" ahW brderte t Af terwoo& a fl bmbe. n hom houa.ttwe,*nlctuesout. Ihe dMoia POmetmsoi.EmAneca vide<liate li'~' ~ ~ is~.a" @499 netu e.i O teeea aiami OSP b&Snarhrmeutwol" cla some rW&Y S 33M là 21A the Tblie te reiS.lte t 0 e cmianidatedviteeuattbe ncto. Ttis lecturrwall- PI f (~(<(VA!q (U OO>I>. f~h*rk ,rnlEhi.1>4 ~IWJp~#lt, ...25 *i u îî~ *'~" U~~~s-~ ~~ <"'~ 'se ~ a' ~ ' <D7 'sataW a MLA.of Grbwo bang lesti ctrnfltati iseutMead. Agea prorame h ala> ÜM. il 29 Il 21I I weaiaumi awmi cmarative quàle forthta"xtvove K leagdttitmiteafcia arai _______thé_________ pusaiciw»ehxelituhirsos Emymas ana donOn, Netht openina cf a ne. churcli y,.. ~ .~ on... ~ ;~-. , - .- =- qu & Àw. . ci tem lrMme.bKetedyai w» n eth~ e OuGlteutsia, gave OUs m& Ine sclat ut ltlgibitoevs Aile- A'itite EUUIWSWI OflI5USIdi~~~ wUIYUW- u w ue:DRRL. Alu wd; th fo u ny eroibai tl ivtt alauuin e duaifts eatil&"allg he. ei ignmehydsa' r àve & ; nqsvvý tetein elate-i f e tha te rce h&OUn t e bo usea..1.C. m ais ite he dmet ai reututti oaiatl ... ...... 39 l. d ' V erAMK Produm s &bout OM bavegzbew» 1!Whl tmi aur ed hmkme wel IMIed wtthRociduadnnw cf the larofthegprii IIae SyIIS-.......3333 0 U MW nnut nL yb@ ve1*- a MCi» LFacim -Teetlions pl fhm hxe m.ef a.- oune fM x.b uulssa eialn, hc J-.ê yj D e, Chantes. Jahu- ... ... Mmele f92140u y e * ta oriIdw s o it o e ad "l mi. ast cf an d k.ThtIamy atcth lui GchaItxaybotmt rat tti.utotettoemito (1tîmu~Au8e~..... 3129 le s. sin tami ma oam& i hly »t.tg mens - copaatvoe-qui t noei Wda E bu the uma. t abnueite. h alytln t lod h poauthf oGla ila. (ffor ist..... ...... 31 u» ï)1a23 thIur o dHwxiwedl iev e i utoib sur uÀCatut ntIik. & og»Lelim murasiaitaiu ge tav Ms-.U ocaonv.ti atthtu'tehe 1<. rial aMtl< "î'elaIh bsii'tuwIIWfle. 11.. 3313851 aiUhoemsay ya apemebr tNcernlan. ttx.drl as htcrit ~a J B oua W .Ca. teMia Slesnd ichl. % hv W51. Wiii-tt~ w399033W ji~ ~Uiifht Ia.~M H I~5 5~f NIWtSSfy4eai iZtdAlw meure,4 5 M.qt.w &<.. " N hl'<410 MW~. le MgItf 6*4 par tb-ow. *331eKaluemrows4uecwm 1 > née.l wfla. 3hhprvI.. t th teo theitb. vdmIp Uhta ce nn sD Pmi&i'nrio<.- en"a uilSiii, 01w.414 loam14WU ........_« .... Was 1-10131Masilu1 ......... cet u rbw n.h te tmp _ _ _ _ _ _ _-1;a ill e S aaI n a m i M is s L aabe lt*htir ................................................ 331l 188171 1e _ a hnS~ iis1licas ..- -.. ....N 31 93F tu m OMMui .a se.ias ~ .e vs~t 5 ui Ln rche.Te Ioba usi vy leowwl»t umw& mlm omt nh- tsa rsoa.fesn 1~~Umi~~ ~ *.00 13 89 0u usýoIik.Iy __ . -taitevlas i. v -: Âiôé....:UUW*»MIti3rb lmr~* unm.~turemi tuh fis'1tlSEVb0 i'11i91 18hMmii S-u woSfu..rsflk eêW. 9 k Fin si~itti eutotw <t*> ? <Nar m ium1qrdu bM amas luiika@6 mÊJzeo ee~v W. * <11f*ie-g~by <~t li~~ ...m......i M~~ na m &ftesveaoemta e.s mc uSES 81510 enup beue* tht euavenue&i #tnOmrM M U MFi but m Mchnn ~ n~ teg bar MWh Ais vMbae 1 ft% eJ3l~ u --1u'~- _ai i. ~veanne e ji usi co MUt t 9wV 9 dob Mn.mat mw .thbmusth Um -noms -tau,