~-- v 4 - me MW 1gqéýcw'"s - -----"- -0 -# khuIW~ WIVUI UPVIS Si BI6- VOOD'ILL ~It tjt~ *tt~ . i.t Ifft~ ~'.'Ii .?~ttomI. w uâ a* m idoe . m i or 'f * i lt ttt(#9.if ~~___~ s e #i met ---w Ulm _e-IAr A ru~ iee ft - -wA Uoe tw A h tg loit #. t "'mRt«7i ,bw '* bmp o«WIaCàulagi w o m m mma" a le mý,r1 tAccuwr-WIIku " I tifI A.' it'e t flowiUêg.J A GUt~hYww .b w ~Wly i t4fif!&tm of IftP Mii*amnnuuqtt<'lit', M fitfflk .i t'itim tt î-,'.itflt. (uu,4PIO--mroIU-.6qWaI1 r o h s" s tN.,Jb-WJaafer @nep ure WodCok fnf v.1tiqt'I.tt he i. "..tffle % t'w'to ob «lmuliqs.hiswbuêToJvèn, . <qI,, i Iit i .-Km Wl. ua bs ~**~ttt.tve olaÇtthVoc.JuI~»U wou,-MLwu iM70 aot i.aswe aahwwe 1( Jotetld tte t rek lunrteiIor_ CW qàat r"w Dm Gn%, etOW mbooumap atmoe' PfJ . LwulWt 09 rm Jewxoe &Çr<ipi1e -MlS a-o t d n1 omiI 1 ... i1 . 1bo. t~'ettt iWt.*~ #IpNbq tilito aOf iw bJ W ls ~ wiiu, wu o ierer ma it oL. A ~ c *j ir e t ,a n X u aay t o ePet 1. a lle114 e ti .,,,.. I.-. omiulf nvi. f'th 31itQtOb. b he eVs4teurcfNIDivgi14MfttuWr4WW wW hD UObS1&»s I&8 ,.'" o rr;.,. Ii etf- weWi.r iw>k.WaU4ui eut butff an ,mmr 1 twm- - ut t M. Iu. lorloUa b il rlbet O NWI t Tom9Ww )*%*th" wlb it;~o« ~ WLJ ve m F ro à= tae W@ a os -ler Ê -%.a etiq ietMIoab Imkthooo $1 for ee11!r hW ebftr. Mr hm, b1 sWSWfts «Uor. tI. c ie àw suit mW. to xMOrm ud 1mRr 1>4 't, W.o llItlu hfd <eii Ilt. sb.4 O W# . .E'bW~ ItUeVh IssetaliaItPflldeuc.am e flotirU al t <Y fvaiabput.u' itaW5V5. 14 ttttr II~ bt'Vt,1ti~ w. ernvoeu4 b îb Il't . C. Wlsoi >.w.lu b merofyouv Iwe uieftt<Stt l. Us 5t w.a it.,B unu- ort H-o. 1' Il' ~guu~4 o* faumWw ~ Aller a.oeitm# Lb. t.IWtle Pa"lbW* àdr . .. Do -b, t hf*omalmm &f.UIIntig toW=,Jutoui tho e,~, j Tjorl-awwIc, ;tjg 0Umos~wdhS z iWb>l si naun. .. ~ Jfl. ~upo.eethouwhuuk .~ dp b tsfriaS~ihW"t~.cUa o b orbb wtti.tî-~ ~ ~ ~ silh.lhhwq m ot u-1 newIth Oy rb Ut e 4w.1 nio7 beton.ttOht F1et Cps III a.e. 11011Wh @4leaes a f*t~4tt l'e e'rItw Ii4~$e< jjum wbim. ffldhItir11y. b11u-lb.-51.1. C. hau'u uàILIbut 11 ~q iq h t ma.- wu 6 w v M~g .faWfftmabeqNT.b u sm h e b ullpc r l lb.wuma~I ht h.HI~i as ilu.W nbfasu %v» hm faimoi, htVrvu1z w -Âlarge omu>su'a"~ tt hubteevdaay a 1~itl %iftbfff ,euv<PIt'# 11 tbig~ .. tu-oe %98 mulpaimWstie. wu-espf-av-bs-vcmadvosi Wua" W= elg u arenih aM <"~ 't~~ttiiI1't 15» tftl<ii4< mo tO b' l'. wftrn î.m wciee t a-îws7M oa- fus b "'!blg ~, ~ H bufO b wl naaeok a ~Pi~~t ilQ ift-~t~t't- "~1 ~ tlol,- _ - -_ ML' un upww-i ,,..'w e - iwmm 5>bo>f~ u eas pe m NELOe a mt ckFrniB $lfilt' h '~VMb p~1 <fi'. t-fl a a>f km.f O a si M dd leseoowfr.î.Mua faumUmw 90 a.Yi~.. .yuafloh0 oea .pboon iietisei 'A 4m wwm iosui~o battuaasbr n-enutu br.a outa V E HE SEAS N Ae~t t~<~~t, Mt. -.. t'.dtti <~ i> ea Mu a-sq.p~wti.ad to unt TIow nwn nTà*m-Ta-boa a to u rS»w -. a n Ote ba 0-< <~, ... 14fek toe1 tmtwh f4é TOUMM u-.- nf<.ulpiw.-h.l lagot icaie oakT bava- b wr u rbêjarw FuenE oni. .J. Md=Mya u=laprhomaFoilloeek uama - gII, rnLalces.ovrqwAumuIUWUk uaToma OHEa htîS<1rt %t-.f~»,hl < b u. .Ioo nue* yly s m -f«l e,~~ ii ve -w f f uvuMdlna M a r iote Wa&lw m :,0W buefaa Tm taba beul tssak (p V»te. % ltIit*%,Ill the bot-4 Ufl l [Il te eïeupw te Iw f kWlorktom* er>,oIlor-IFm&".t b«I adLEt~Mnd kbR ueuin r ~@rhsuk lbu rp0 .a ~- I* 'tw- 'î'd.' it 9%'~tE tî ~ Nti tfS tmmthem eu colw U ui st. W tbm . Wê1(4 he fl ent cec" lona. expiM Ff .."4w 1wt cuse sib la-a .v . amu ~ ..tm w. ,,, .. the-bv - a u be f exelnt Bm.i.aauaeoa¶ Al.i1iw. me Mi0@ " iw am- . .rC<iuCt w. se *j cunthtdaxeut.«P .m aàtthe cIot olith seaso for wieiaLdbu a- a 1' î~" 'il~ ~.\...St ~ uî~sip iuamim s- W I Atova fe.lpw y syte shla. wtîb«o_00bvtw»! Jeeryof b.- ut the Dow muas inut oudnm.bv Uawu»>lner ata mku1ag tam't' ~ de l t tb*iî hîVii.'ï'reic 'ohiM T - a i ev .OM4 IV as.a "FftsvtM.>Mdmut~.uî. Oy ln th"day a- IIehle bot hiIw»amuaUi ~ ~ R nI> 01D.LI 9.bd Ws5* it% (%%4 nfW(4>» -~bu in" u be mid et bp«ome tOR WLIrNTOEYR=HWOlmRsK W t Cih" of T. t w Th.e..IIIh.;t.tet<t< I& dsoiw te. --A amiunesaci.*!C et Th '"<diatS e e"tq lt!evlat heoMl.Tw ho m a h-iasye eIl.duroihw Dsei bAti bon (kmlmf of deet ocumd o tbe-bbuildingsaiaon teetoia I#es-en iev s oi te nteM 0Jo1tDo ls.To uno'. les ee. lachldsa w ieplvin 0 l7 vi g. IPckvfg k &v'a nle ha I &k detclsesudA wblvtl--'mtu1 W VC' - wiiWqpmmeroam Dt uu0 tataada alyb'o..ai e"tiiet-.l. T4-IAèf%* bug~ab.utt tevelte w W rAu d aaelel kth ewba em vetim1ise amDNEOSSO.Teslueoa amf gr eae lali~î~u k~Ji~ti1 f<ee<ii'Mki ','oi'I Huw h~a oe a ther as lb. Il &à mn, r11 d w dfatolbrnithbag oiem ote. OCbiiadya aysd nemn 8 E l as UieM Ma.re bat lirem ainedertadsiafL iemit.liniment is»er-bt t fi of StUttîi<*51i', t volle t b fflt, a the aussn reg otue lu l , 4. ineh. yj1 ouj nflow, va,. 3du e edl.tlaue u xr *. ~ 'iot'î .4l~h~ v'çu-d, ,tbla".ee4J.n hrs-t VIta "« toi is.@"t% e. i io < rome-.Stet> f>gau.-Nr. Burrwe-Raymo.aau NILLUB% u um uma'sfu r de "cal -_________________ ___ d?'u-I - J;e>. 'tl o--.os ienz a« otskvflq d.t$,4 lioz v te ewkh t[Trada e m htbYltBerm det o tell Ott mveÀer ~ " rtb Et M amm« l ve t. uee"-g o hmtaem dnt f îe busts ow 1 u ta.' ue -mli st w a comhe ete lanc. lèt-t tehl.lqqrtow frM eiX.2. TewMuw 4 »o. -f eau M kmbomée I .Thta-upos h"te bae arein the at t1(1t on&amier. Js N.aiso mv»U1. 84t-ts. &51000uWOdit htn. nîgtisuloyA it l55 bum the ut e rlun tmu i i..., i., aeb& WntLke I W(te l" - Vi' fatbietetire % V wlt f w t1 i b uMFi Iseh ta el. ispee ra... i a st Ut Tr . M otuelsE ,ai tt&en d t ra rtevo $M x.n.- -Th t.ha e r uci.usme nsof hisood oilenjg. H esîi c.fa nu t '~-t~.l'-'t î~î î.~.t ~ ~ ~ tOOUVlOIi Iusetisuo&tuila satre over bol lu lb. Gsat andlg.tleu unir autced liaTovonlo e q tefr.as ltaIse tuenly Tien tiy M hos e o e elduto uae eMfR orra aledy eleuaollih tyo ot. e aFrnoeh n ar d aoaall emarsThe puelilan- Aam n fgegq <'a' ~~ M latit spoleMfoith» yhait f the! OL soit vifd. ea«r# ae.'Io (Iodaloeoie. lt s»l inu.i.Tr&at uiSdmita. e ewa nd w» v afterwn due.the hoo r  L&LOGKE .LfflU&LIe -' Ci i.- l"i e t»M -~t. het~<e il*"asM he t tifS> ap ln- en- b tewf oh <tit i tuphrtcp u d nro a la g r an-i .10, cossm t4 alei-çîm ofeAndt ed toar mol elr ot b. thsv er a m-1 uvosith li etticl 'tîe.t'~ê beT~'t'asteten>.e'.e'e4't. etteseat pe mls- WpI r eteni sd ceneque.' y for om meb re-habnicIle w Dg-. co m, a t denOU Uil(tfi t e o w e xhbtd.o drr-no llii'.tt't ititftiYI, Atli.'tencns ~iy.î'n lutt.n.-1!oe11v.1> lsp vlI ~ sws-awuloa tesI..uaêa d. Icoat' cmeer, xh maateirebli bnswek orne ptutu or healasi kD doe ît tlitP~ ~tl. am fil0Peofl r4te~wml»t 104848 4 et rfl *M4t è <f me am %lm ew haDmgt. T oontpoiplm w4cIL Soiz c g1 b were pimiim brt lm. m.Adseoai *.ytil9 iew71 tey.1te' umtumy. suiagim i esttessb-îs sSu i uN Aes- vol. wUsweî .a, 4e<lanaglan- crossu-h aservat gir. Mis Qmenlaa. 1h. êr~»'îîlemIta lv u ¶tsfp ie lEsi, inwry givitske -t w oa i*fonMdnm aitn 1 euljIr tbmmnht . Tboeeumsebrowet he su ils hs en caed 'e wtmlt fI"'~ttv & .tk h-" e I.ît.(4 ,Pd tvyi ML * 1..tous 1teasth-îe-" q* bvsn oos oth.byl si hur Sr>- ouespodau t rIs 1 <4 ktt Ir t bo~ u o ae iplwt<s-ss- WIe hoa» lyu v*I et suit h*toarb r v. ." a ie wbas thtlrlo p titim gd y sa @sses aie- txititi'iI 10 i c. T heW dml ws tfed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ulti..~f i ><'tj>'-'ttve sI1eop, bl»g 'i th Ma o siffle tes- ai- o)t5MU It s. avs-o le '119for iee likaironsm e u Ait htain uglto~uu acma.a bou Iiîl t a uaitt Cine a iS <tUOWfisr____ ___ îie'-ile îe."tt..eî, tft. e 14tew.lA - tmie amoo esouse in ge ws 'pour, u ehut îe 1h si-lut ia , f ortaienip e îl e îesai-4S-mil d at% lia bwS h>t~<iIssI~~>eqe t ii'tst, ,11 (e.psss-e-,etld=-uJÇes-tguomualo- owlay W&% . ith aa.. bel tlcm u ofth1e.a- Wxinio&or'SAX0SmrILM D A E PELAL IE . t~l tlt t lii C-tltilOuiS ui <lg~ ~'su' ('L5i7 il- itutes w e eeM odai0& makt.5 p5i80n m ae. n-wotlugesd hsîleto aaWpd eoRn<t. -Tht. ase wtuch okplaea gitiiucuet enit eba'qepnteoîir4em.sal- u naet-a i e portlae a lyu ezampie-ot, eitoer e 4rIaa ek'aladl BG Tsf&t& C r'WOn'*tId tbe t Nwfl of tf %eh.' id mmof'5' Rp ev.the> u farms.ec iitts l m o m .ai1ere Âc rI1NW'».H.....SIPértiiof Portnd.uc43z'n tt'c "tke~t* v ,ry l. Jolm' MIN k iXOM II'MA W% teri tr . Cl e 5t W de -.trw u fl hridre (.P t uht e Wein ttoekposuyrac 'aoil t bavea d i <Iii liaw0 oik t»M" _ T h& lec ;vwu y. "i î~tveî n ~iete. w wet'v- liteeir 4W owPmsse1 .pty.eevs eeooas-vitruti-se,, umtVe, u otm hol o-l*ralint rSsfou auri wr-net <cci1lucunM hJ ""M" LNG P.APHRH. Pta'z--x tWt' l'h ~ ~~~ e' e%'e v.e id O U I litg bu m w 5 W P5t _- t w hl.usurthw m u ê t ap vr po l ai l L P A G r t FJ n p - j tnCl v s ci G k a ii- n 0 F - w ' 1 W tt-- - - -- -t u u e - y e sios. v.um b . ' e- <t - e m e s e pe t n as ir n ee t ua b sinb as Jo u<Toronto< su d.~* "'~ jW LWE . AI S R ? AVL 1 D ~ ' . L L O I I p totoa wWr- aa c b Katn Ramit0qou4K-tit 01 'loronto. Ruaseli of t&'tt;~~»~.e ie ~ d~iI. f>e~ u e- 1 I fwobi e lu )w 4 ofac a-wiows h w wltof ard àet- e O i. W e eu s th ua u o w 1 1 L t m m i>L m on e uea tuî 0 f - lte ,.t tt n 4 e ,(1 11 r» e m tw i m dpce t o rli *eV * , i r s u e i e , wv . s . r w o s- i ti a . t-t e h u a #sA. a l i e c lo v u e e d f r oto m x M 1 r W % ,S n e l l e tE d m o n t o n . H a w L P - u11P<tfl -"fîtth4 ie ttîmt»u a-t f ~~- .-~ bon MM r ". Th jpi ,om a D ot f omatn,.hnEkis in .~ t i>fbec iv ' t but ut t 'lleoeos e lteMsewtw tlm heMel vlieo. beeu- a n- uîza>e ati esoof-ri u os fa uickeBwm uvll-, ari otae w os n rn s A e tid fc ht e 4yt% rteîl eiRr. me* hm&lot waw ilsni&9»* caMi: vet pasi Jacksons-î-fiam usasuhe lst éX'" tpdtOttil5ti t .lte.Ve rf (h lta ltS1 -WA4 tir-* meso.ar i ti uteCrde i.aldmdn iM thee t Ramnmas. t.d sud ri el: aintre 1"OfHN MARE at l>#" ro tlthoeton:iffe m h Vu e". om «Iu flTea lwi iaas uui.i iMW b i>tsvc orî. i 1m uceulaad- ahI.- iaumior la byveMhiutw W m ut lapebadlmêwCbobtererd i mf:V 4 ubisir Ire. trou tMst»m[on LrhfrI .vd VcI- AHonu Tnwarav.-A m a Cmu, #111: Vie Br. Jhnmp#enl. J.W. at a % $ ~ i' *'.'. ve < # til o irs CO W Eillts% lt l~ i o - o e aie w s . W w < t, - W vtbw m q o k up a d e b.ê i' a k G -E n w sa rreeteti 4 M auud %Y ~ , * UM'-isy 13 a prh .W . % . C r . " Ir e ,N U 4 T U E R iUu5eonuo* rd"Wy mialg- ivema - Mn. <. inar d t dmoH.Clak. W.a MdtNM iesMd h'em w UV --Re1%»Wras-caMsèlam" O wmk 6M 91k W bar Pn Porr '~af. utosi, ui's-s.w- aurr__ - i", > UM- orttl uasgSWbGaumhes*kk aa W ien nh.' W~~Z<~ 80 teMPm ~ îs~i cor cloirt (ortiFs- Mu' ei'5~ bwre'n.d I ~W . u it hei' iiir <tGloss.' 4gbKit mith Is.rkip*1M Uume11 May loFi '; Jaune. r mîstn. A. sbmlam, farIs:i ~ ~r& wa-~~s s Ws i'v.~0sse~wIb. oebr T m i0 " I~- _ _0I & Ca M* Wffflef imosatamt&tbel BaliUU-effl MouWW0'LamgapeCmw c.o yb M erdugGf ip . Plauugua, PI'osi Ce.,OUI ti.- eoee, oh-b~ Wm tfht 0hefourmEyt» Ur.&Mr. ât P5ftU oei 89&_ ce L~may nAt, Geo- ut.aay23Torento. K WO=7 * fIrerer~ <~10êw -coc-os-lfls Ses At -~~ geet Wusbpe lu mbrw A Mgelaen euui sU -*Il for MW odeV1Q atsa.A 7.IW 41 fiMota duususr.'.u.up. .ms- uit oe omme: ie ffes T. l. i eaqMURyb f# huaMebpe- w r1 11 euw eta . . mwdu w , tbmm mimi5 __ - ~s-.~IUUUW o,___ b.~ bols heie MUd*161-buazimut fi I»t ~i m r m is iv m- - V~ mdft@mef ýq q' __ fr ibimb efr.u. l@RwIMarly * ---- mim nma n-u t sua I ul ad owvtetu. ~#MIns-.IEN ov 1 1 bard »Mau. ~ s . mia m A - ~ ~ I j. ~ u er ____ ..~~~ imo <dUs!. it.um te vJ âr M d. u n ,5h T àylU.U am ewmusmh e -.~- e