o m I N Y L A, A I AàI~ , S L_ _ _ Oum Mm &W- - - -m Wm- mm a u- - w -... &-m -. Fa 1wmý««mmmat mm e " mbmàwmI vmbiii h. "t hb ab E~~~~d L foPn atiiw Ie1biOIm cm bu isa MM& GREAT GLEARWO CSALE. a-a o»I am pua0Wd hi dedO M10 Puffl MW% ~ s u. ~ WK AGE 0. W. en ~ua SPECIAL OFFER l ORCAIS' R. .. ws a i BU T 0,107 It w111 be*1iijp" t. aaUwcm ~fflai. 0m"5tg M A~~tiàr rat Mx8ANU Y v ue TasWH 4 obd rbafw fe P EM MM9*Aebo bm» m e G. W. REV O"Illia, A. .UOODOD N Do~5> CA~aInto~~ A. DOBSON & SON'S Ildelilik en limr 'i ar welI aîssortl<patoek to meet the demandaietfumepbiw u I'~'mnîdJ>i.liIi<Wu sa de »p .the cherapest. We are ahowlng am imosa. goth of -he bt W ~oOtch sMd V(»"mu asmafurelr. ort hieie tt deaIoru. tb be aiud t plo auie« t 3w purce rs.@ A f uil 8took of DakgYnI tlogg wssù auifI~d of on? own mninsfactir<' i.eptalwaya on baod, W. JE Pogu#, LaU. Arniamz A HOLIDAY. GREETINO Wcul l ntimate ibile h.iv- i l proapaod- With PULL Lisr.1 O>O (>&ftoo &. w'Mieeîwi e muWf etiMC prir'eg fie aI Il- wil i aR itva "%T7 ithe-tuti (AXI l o fl)W âT>at m 1emu pasmm Wu' woid Elntinfinifite in al eandoun, thm lt li iOeoai ro bave ovmeoouus lu byUth Nt'w Vear. "d Éit ailIy hope tha.t his fflts ewIi llbe a t4aiffl osreainde. WiduIn~a.iI aer 4 Me r iaitms«an sd à& H&pe w Yu, Welum ,YmSrîsly. S K WetMie11~ Lati. B~aata. OLF> AUX< Is A 3M<WzumJ& WSIL ALOW 'ie~.h.<.ier hgteLtuat aheIor 1eViao um ewia bOU& ~ A"it PY, IAfIt, IBM nNà,R? 1111 IMd tGkof ail kît>ulqof -f t4S io vaa» Ir «« Fe i Ig ~ ~ oo Fou 0»atUo~ mtê f tlm murto ais p -~~~~~~~~ rom lewat . ivwle s n i t . W ZZD fitte n'm.e. >et"UNlaM ......... ............... vro.mv .......... g .r r<V'lrr.filrt 0 _I1qum PM XL --m-w oe tue PAL AT MMTMAL £wecltorlitWnteC.rmvs.Jan. a6thto s, zSs. Ltasth, gomtte. liig0t bet. CcnutrLcted oniui.bo bn-f.-er THE MONTUIAL ARNAL i -of aitu* lacet atutratIve fam, of the mmaséwintev oemulvaias moutres, to wbl haduérion the ues wo weahu, yl bu the le. PaaWe noir la courut e metiona ms Domimsaqusi'..To j,.ve aur amadar am Id..ofa' the magutîtide ofthe idoetk- IU"*eprins î. a.mraving abo,. A. nte beloir thet eravIug ivt the dimenasu of the edlftcs% The UMistepal Wlruaqw m mm e, wbtch h.aueêdy smMud The LjSto a 1hawd md clouanud la Moo.Y~PDPMt^ 0" udwbh ylaMu.,If delivamsdwl oe.idiiaipoMpti- the Mme ememer, cislsa. toe b.dlshluut, Wtu" Mr. Prowm% Who d»08»a. uma attau t :hrvvqIs1. dmunLamar. bsu tun am ttenotio ta &hweik at mn»m.e 0,0 00 loah&veaifmk brou la"d.Wth 'talas, "Ioulagoo» to-day. This cold a Lbepparat&ua uopstlou, sud th* 1fW 1I spali, bu Md, wàs much uaded, sud ho cnpl»n o m etiesad, a .y mthbuetit wwaldlIikdl» r. Thosw»a 4300 gosJm cm eau trimmed, botied and keen tramS Lest uight, whieh cmtiueata- pkmiserdlU ay. ThIecomîsU.out»tffl~d day deapit. the efibyt& or the smn ta molt queliry Md îhesupply l*ahusdau& The hW tanc:ent enetny tub teegsb Work wm» labot eà mesaoine ~maMm ug riaigu'an sd rmsmed this morsg upo.uthe Lau cm"e fiaally dragotîtout the blocka resdv te uder auspica. ef a m,.oee nprting sort bu coawyêfÎ to Doaataloa eqiaru la hy no thm ab aw auyet ebaamerizcd thte om- mmesthe emitceatIing lqeaure o ar-est. un& The Natrurture I* ri.king rapili; nival apwrasîom.Mr. Qnahsaaan Msd thetrawnmuat tSc.wall., brlghtly *bout îtrty mci m gaM as tU". oett. shMang in the mm amsouairpady a nource of The wora Lle WWmous,,and urnUpzude u a5tctln roa Lrgeonsabmbs.By thIsevea and Do 'quasi&Munt 0 et Ml YW»Lnn S.» Ghlocki. wLU uvebsa laid. LQOAL K 'S-'IJTZBa Jlraiaun, poIbBa.lmoUW ana4shiUieus for-building purpasa lCaaiumd.aefTbPms1 t the ilunefflof R-V. P. Puàboas sud thi. ng -orne fialisremidiseos limcaSsaîce iliebuh@-l4 lu St. dopamu ram Liay. gu ham oui'symu- BuLNGs.-Mt.r5. Rerell & Hfarrey. af Palàchurrh. Bitbasy, fromts v o 23,dP'thv lu hir iineutanuaOur- praper. feir a iCushoeouk, bave ainracta for pawtlug ut> tant .Thu millillutear Uil bc Rer 8.açoudy recovery. ises building»Iat Victoria Rusé, aathava, I tuJu u insy.1airmnashippti -a qtuautty aifbuilding Waseu-oee ofLlea.y iLIFFORD. 1mat.rtaI anaL bave cocinseicé sork. icorreseoséewe«acnaaz'anj Eti. -Mr'. Dons, village tmLla,,la k.pt P(>!YT MA RA. iAccInuw.--AabMr. RicardWilson 0< bur-Y. lievuialNorland, sud biieserermi ICorupoudmS oftbe, oit Ibisagase s*a. tkinP. y ana bnru tta is: ontrs oloauité, rtmMr. John Haruhas, F.wTITwrsnrInT.-An entettaixament wi lbrthen Dr. Wtlelu oor ' FeoilonFale, sud mfeaumt thome lbt givte ln a lu. uchool houll. a01Ite hoecomium ttuLiaudeay,the amal breum..a loom on alday trealrsg tft "rd Uotit. friathiutdé sont otaeet, wiet wcamad RNNJJ4MiàORE& Th oaIleiti ai thte .ighhoracidt ili t era n arlaxi aauvs e[SfomeSo h ot bu sltedby arepraemitattln trous Dauve&,er' L S> uSpm iLheut iut. atouh A DItm AoD PU,ns i ht Pethe to.Tile inateumminial ud voeal portion aga M wot &in s i E i vnf&>of i he2L.<» PReembertheN. -U th of the rceLu, togetiser mth these w- iiI51'Ot uth soihaêof vnosfah2.dD'iebrttpul, hoaro a spaliestab p'aiutéit rédolllrs.tobiethê-r mi' h a& tew aithe Young peope la proisa long vitht reebationai, dia-os.o. » ,niior u, gathenr andtgePm- iogeea, ic. Procad~tnstu ai sjitervîcaaPL.14, N? VAURIY-PENILO V athé. eealiea.fbr ' ao nlpe malualmal brs.A. tretclsor nteralu ICrraaaiasa i 'l. eassed tiàait tuacher, bMr. Aesêahs,vi h a mentla pomie& aiuoL mànt4. -,e auui Mbaulji isutigul vITtinîC deske accanapaiaidby -11f0- peveell a" billa ta tlchi o u»stos1 fuoloing sédro-.,uvrem.bv nos of NORTE M.4RlPO.~iqtht ocuit. Thpmo-se a fi atnthi'pupie: Mr. CaLLUag -KrIVD AlN IC'iepoduouaiTir. Putl Wt. T. D"cl weir«.sd te tLh*truetmmehip jRran& rxn nuc austhte w»ebas striv- Puucanu.-Mu' SvbbicLoit i lb sot ut. 1! Pikma ss eicteésecton hea yen ame about ta d. im orsf-mourmidât XcLe ottbeMd ir.Z pilkie W elcte, Mnouwe.3 our pupia, regret the boit-. but feeling lie 13h o0IL li uisrlporAk hau-pusehaad Mr. Udior. resuit of yosar isé attentions ta un in a metteure a> IL UcCri mmou'.s bicai mare by EXtre, Tnsmwraou M&it Hnusu.-Wi. aOur-: shici vo camor lit nis a tiepr-ss e pra- fuis&baidumt .-um. Jp'ptlii teacher, 39r. J'. B. laonw, Wmttou j entjoat stth 'asuuLu4br tokma of aur euam. VsWMAso L.-àtMr Reli Bîler, la s. liiw.y toa choal os Wduetuda"mortninas.59" < t*à7eOu ta aeP&l h bopi thayoum lumbr nare O Rl"ý ettestwSk i& brne 'loi trtiata ven or acouomffliod by liapuiwm nd sucetsca. ~~ n~~~arcii~~~~ et a~~~~ creeI <51 'ukhi a., ikt gssd-digneal on behat i tht l a. înlrng ie iné lu ~.I Mr tbina Ott ,but iuruuiaeîy lie mss-bit hie pu- I lj (JLINI. loomlty îat . e-l lilv bhmsma table ta attend in hie, JULIA X. i'm-NET. JICMIIAU rioliET .OBmr.-Th& Woodll.te . O.G . dois atrt@* n al. mausîA. OCui-tr<on, Tinuvy Cu.nîoas, P dad. atb& .tsepuméc ., Wuc r sem.-h ek0 rynLUI£ CtvIN. JOIES b'LOon. To [iea thero4wahuir iaiasoewrs' rarlEa bitatheil iLs- lait on the t h dayeot ecem. oiBttoUiteyd.a Yn#fren, ber; Ms~, tapre'tuietri(t <mer, tes> Msso s zà.-Ti-teal mmo.ou[man sauire Fout that this ila a isant surp>rise. liè;&frtende. Ilquaeuaar «Y xnvcwâg aeitâMou. o u n11,11Ya& fe asifre odytateyuf suirmo p tE seflnnenrs'ttwau- by I. LbLiiltt, vas ta lieamadie ereciuLoenttt »mah baud. M.LA. A.liter- collection. wslaitrabea oup ilmme gUft. yousSiI plam a scpl My beatt (~R&qRILL&Ctthe cklo.tittraec.... .Seviee. -'ere thauks for tlre omaie. K1usaleides ,thlas Mr iconduced lu tt. veizshv Mr W' P. rit»duwm 5se 1111111-0111,Homever. tht tiant rCorNsISs boui. of Tii, Pu1 .) rOC tofaIner tMUM bo'et Pl«taU Va~la '0noue t., lama Plcîur.I r nv but e CAvoant. -hlttithameeegi. osaidîailit glesethe tching profesaou aa s sel! s&m ai~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELi'.htCraeou a utlimsa'friensla leEuiilamore. ad halle-. amal souk, #Ar. Johl:,Rodit hWa, flire "'hlp f xre..< oMgls 0. ao, et thont feelins Irapet. Bat as e ara Ob" t rle o evoPitê tM. lotilanbam whVinga&0 fi.tmme t til thMILwu Basot uppoiled tu o oue aur ove i-os" tt ihuti beleu invng ithM%,K«-ea w1 w» * - -Cirut dàgeusal.t a&b rw t a avanssu a uy clils tune La a nev fatet labeur. bossdrilii d x'Bcliu. A dyhaAh~i ia tudtou Immasheatil'. sué Itl ah amr fra itieye<woPt,ona bu ht!.a- ynt d7 ~f ture tUre cas father your iwtcz-ata LinaMy hriur sh puu os gaé osi 0 ampe <j~ ÈULrffspect I »huit ha muet happy, r4) do aM Tht. W»t suéepictert, sMd pl«OMm lae' ld ard. ~Primant. Mid liheholding amp the gU t lsahaap tugly. The youriv tllw éroe traLe suudS tTepot tableet treuatiare=d tha sovns, mrdallai' àwtia uchurcls ou tht feloirisi.. Semils Sumns»-The s-xcltzumeutr aer mmula ni t Ofrinda viib eha imy as tmelly via. 1 .othes-eoi perhapueavisait importancetablait 9 a i mllnOlorts tlit SIF r 11114làl"11CPM Msd trUatepb asais 180homhou mubdect bav, plalsee a.pli st -uamooreca Co theimu church, flinit the shiptin la Mr. J. Haau'ureturu for ceualu lot an&"j ita -mtii. c. omaupart of the t>eiorm- tieYousnogfarsuw',r buggly. lbath-tn*Mr.A. EL Cari'. ets.ais l rlo. autes. I1 i=tv. »I tt eyoulait peeple endeaVor- bmught 113981uaIt ktO MLr. Mé, mua oboily Meuh offSe bseitd 0tiagla *trytug laite MamaiU the"neve. lu a V«10» maa, motoened hisosu prOprr-y, shaw5l, mom.. atid ai thM 'uasthsi"W. tUmPPct oliaing andi tusitir rmnxgne aiman part luoUtîve atteiisit ai bfeauma**te tb tulmeout eur l' iasm ill1» bu- md f 5Un vingeo proS-dinuam Mainuge tie appetrauueora th taiu.~mteWm"lemort "-wmtcbrhuvr %ihau Thoge wbo; suasctaou a«Viye wab eer.i beo isitwhiur.aoywy. R uPîsaeu 'e u Cowopmdmeo TtPml - l b-swruses on& as tht Metis 11111181 114[hueqmb, ofThe.b@ O.EWOOD. and leu hiblot camhait bounm ahgluthet ISu use, n - Fia& -Oa (oi'mteeoa.s he si pPrellbytertlsm chuia uri ut tise paat 1 ul&utthteaiîtbuilding» of MUr. T. P.- Canl, DORSU=e!LNimg&TtD Toumu. ->~-Ou an. 'be ifl hlieMaes.uielon. tuo bu hie-koraer, sers des;royad ty Ors, tu- oue aehd u uour sMi se. UM spmio puma"w _19r:' acN" ethtenlwth tht U>fltuttai .MLcurde, Mdut i octie rutanalsatm te beat S ru-Luojx) îeagu ro ts.a l.svngsu itateai ofdriver»vert barned, sud ai m u ta tht ro awtil, Oalw'ood i, ki.Tta ur eL.Deis ii.a, et over ibrS s,andsiia, barn. beluuutlog e jMLN14 evesng, A. rartitrélasit la' pmnlm*. Tht e hia-wwthtita u mmr.- F-ran, mail caririer. Th-t1t ls a ia.u tluuegaaloge ai .eoaeey m oi M.nDmes --tluai s-ructv, p smhe..r. l.mWsMd thetafnuop 8»SU art eeeGlagllm i taoaiu, a" Et ude, Gravi, taMbwisl aeu-.olrr.v. yraut 8=%9 m-Xr. W (oe, l seriptiveleesurir L'eaou atetV.-hWt . 1tél eau sb" mur Esoala, Wt vil a bulog iiasvr- a ugut. be ansd wMaua Uaffliemm WOaas - Th»mtouuiamry hilm anee*. . nait.ar~Ws, teailler M. aunîbe Mr. Goirdon. lit a fÀsi' mé sirvteetul w ptamcta Lu sm tois Laer i5 (Whus'm* Wha;us ni e riba- halidllb huyffl ?FaMet ~s, h geaaibaism seow by tho R--r..W. FL Kmw Of ri tii5hontUl...I- OLiUcLma. tlmaet him. Leira"q sIL R Dole. or ff ero t . la hm. reluruud i fna.as i viiesuab w .: FusIaxe&MD om Orna.-The flEIrirof swit vrgsitai vo"y Lupuosave msul. tt sano 0Su msurle"y ssi. v'. ts nse"msIn Tua Porm .Olwgmoms, ewlbiîy delguo t s e a brotb Aue- mai su Edur WLaugh. ste bmisla Ceo Gu ensd Dilevw» cm& " Ut nmmg*y ermlmsq v7 okie l, umitff amot. e tmuer- 7--3b;.' ude* ce Tb@UY l,«t by buiaaug pou Md &beduTPY oai1thichusulila "sie pheffl sud bO"tJabbl t mbourm»e a tite 50DOW obi 1mp the p'-r hSfme tht illut Mda tbe efuer podui w asmuêcboot IMiciga -....W. mu4lýMt r. AL Clii-poousihy uLisg5.*lm eur atyhes Tht peope mubnosi aIi osichalortaialy Brd. illani hui ett euvrqp dàt mugi an o alg 0%'îaauaoe% dduasobill 111118PÉ111idte the ei i feill aLp tvwg XMie hms.s.e tta s ebuageot lenus j nésoea.Tbemrt-a.Mu llmnmemmt Orov lameoub ww .Md ogt wk onoi MîilaM.]7e-mls Tll. lt t uvtilla.on tht dar lu qunUte ut" mthtUts ShssStadoptai by tht *, du-.b t srm uaohoieaslutaci e a a u teestt t ut eIlebasouan mo mbi..t blameim« lu- givio losémmw- fiibrimhe.aY. M» n aent epunl»mmi.ss. oulu buea honiel ai su hm e *:7Oqeaa tami 1111111CCuucw.-Ns.emNa e ui' mrng t.os bars'liki umaab h l, Wb@* cm Subehuait doue wrh ObucEsoetae lToe use)tei s, [or eng Diol* _l ~~ ~te' upmr« tlghi.empise s eLwte PM ue Mmlit gué.i"q siob ntimm Ilseishet llirlaMR nommPaL*.-Wee lem tu me uw ir uue M. h& e ila few h t w*9 u mf had W1W»ralleMeantm skiS tile tUB i. - num - «B Ui u u .udv. a M Umamui m w elle. MU.WMqM assier umnC, u seipe u TM uo& M 11101 ma M set@MW ne tuW. lu sa te b*adu oiuU 1 W!- - - -but... i = ------ -0- Db - @Umm" M *w mimedWa~mi W; 1.-E.th t~~~ *u - msea .hu @& 7 d@@ku 1 1- 1ur,~Jam.mb, L jTfftm L i r P. vil Mr.ID. Y laus lbJE. P.. tias iGILMD Cmaa.A oeolM md drmcde d mamol etstsinew, undor-tha auspim o it " R. che, vil bue hal la tht mehoobail, Klrkâeké, an %Tamey an. Unh, lem. A mimé a&W panlfi g ~~mmue, oeualung ai vocal mi lntu*metal mualc4 tahiasux, etc.. sjU h. missed, sud se expepsa yUl be spurmeta mak e tcferl ta mSm es.la adiha te tht heuslocal talsthe olios- :e ulagira sud mobielaus all pwc: Mm emay, LUnusy- U. LallhautsYoum"oFallst Mr. Shanu, Suuderb.dthe Glacer «ee oc*suîn t-m; UmIs au a- , WC"vtlu h.Co m!mLmrsville; C. W. Lyows, L aville,, thse Gllaibrothar.,Llnay. The. la- mous Fesalou Fm"isbuw bamémil enter- tain the anlasu lh vrfrty or eh"I lunch slllbu sensé ai te lb la ofathe an 0.t u melunnt Ail am e oré l I nvitedl te atend. For lurthu- purticulamae [Corempiemo. .1etThe. PoslI SCRKOL DosA». -Tht*Ialaleuig entia- mmu sua elected trumse. to commsit ute the irs sahol board for cuir icorpor&Wedvil- lagu, an Wednesdsy, the 14sh lest :-Jas. Ijamerea, Peter W41s, B. Madili. Geetuje . Bruce. Wlliau Taylor sud Donald Me. EmoLasuOkuauSaSVICas helé la situa' noms ».foiIowti.:-l t. con. Tbarah, an 1-t and "StéSoda, o orthe monh . . .. ]Nie Kan dmsd 4th Suaiyaoi themsuoth. Coucusr. -A ganduéconcert la la proars. af preparation ta he helé ou thet h inst. ai Alexandra hall, under tht asmupices of th* Iuiglish church. By kisié permmalon of Lt.-Colonel O'Donovas sud th"> oUEst. of the 3thbat. themUllt.%ry baud saili b. latteiee. 8ome nI 'h.chiet muical talant oa, Lindsay sud Caaaton hari. prasised Shoir aséistanceand viilbe repr-eentod on tht oeema'Uoe. What bai& n»ver yet uequ smen IoLetaverton. 6"bt. bnleyâkswaz work< mIli alfto bu preented ta t"t public by the yongpeople. BRACEBRIDOR. ICorrsPondaau ofiThet]Pa. COxuwmà,iro.-MllsLordshlp Blsbop lamas adminîstt-"d the rite ai coî-firma- tien roa slarge sun-u-r ho-re on Mo'îatay, the 12Uu lt.m. B14Laréhio arrLved bers o &=yau=dyta Gîaveilhurst, irere h,, had lit eofl .4 a gooa number. lie luit. for Paueor'ou, T0, r" ,l1ix. IL C. Cona.suwi-Ou, aifdte Ouest con- certa ,th" bn- e% zS beau held ln aur villag. taok place iv th.- tesu hall an the avo-'lng of thel2rb i-s. The large array of tai auted pertir aie--q whlch appeared on thei programme,. t the effret ot drssming an uasuaiualy i up. huet. The commutte. sud Fâsir .ie~ ingtoshave tvery tes. mon tu b. mro.d ef abs sucee ofaitit entertalumeut, au the . *ajaetw»a carried out te the letter an evcry respet. Blohop Jamat sas onth ltomun muade ms les'appropriatt and iîspre-sive remarko t he ctoir. Tii.chiel pi-rorsu. ara of thm eveninz vsera bMr.and bit'. Petty ai Torante, sho -reudermé valuable assitnceu by their contributions, sud %wcrt tuthusiastelcy ruceivud aciitimos biie appeareal. Mrî. Gough, an aId favorite here, gave scvrtai sassm as nexcellent vaice, sud sasruicaiîad cch Lim. Thi%.lady ha a beautitul volas, sud aiusyik takes Mr. Sattarford aleocoutributed to tbteveningu» .utrtalumnt, snd hi&sosng* sera veli rsemired. The OrillUs choirwrea attend- ane, sud apg thIr chorus.. sl'b good ef«ct. The melca of bisumsThanesaand Poulay Sheahau sud Mr. REL A. Lynch of Or ers ~&giveu vlîb fine ffect. These parties have appeatté hurt baereanduéare êtwaat favarit" .A v«7ysica suni mas D UN8 F R D. Sr.Joa'a. S.Fmnrvsi.-Ou Thurs dao. the l&h Ia@&, the Stadsy ochoL In counection. sitb St John. oburch huld she-Lt aona" Chismas lestivai Ln the Ortage hall. Tii. hall was tasiaiuly de. corated hy the membera ai tht uchool, aaie.by Mme Jabezt Thuraton, Mm G ea. Mry and Mme.X.Wooilsrd, lad"esoattht church. Tht mast promainent hatura Aua the eeoasios iau immense hevLly lad" Chrismas, trot thatlu Iothe aumbarol lIa Ivosente, surpsaimé hoeot ifefrmer 46God bieasour Suaday Scbaal," "Foed tuy Laumbo, snd "Lamis of the feld.* Takbou »& al oathoéecoradios wttuw ' lier thas Usoal, and; shua aulsaslichtai Lt va.abiaussd ploaangtiajt. ÂA.ieg Mit of the autartalament wsaa gie lestera xhibLtiosi 4Z Kr.Slater-afFeuaion 1alls wirhclsoceupied about tira hautsand ealed forth f ne utburm& sefdeiight mu laughtar. M » udina the trot àM. lVarnoomh premted thet loaine 2#2mForausnacea, grws 1Edith Bur» M& I&MCmidyequal, 2 Francis Buiguaem oroses M»Albert& 4LBa ,for attasucu: IUNisaT. J.A. WoalI a labos Thumnsu, SGeorfflB ugausInfant clam' AnaLe AW»ooâl=d.Bible cltas: 1 euOnhie Thutom uhonorable mnton C. IL 0011«& t.SauiorcatuchlsM: nL Mâr Thrstnqhonorablt e UtOM4 e ale Kaude. llmir cuabltm: I Char. lteBarPaes si IL.A. Iretos squa; heusabi mos Mm&, Nas laL Cslvary - NSAmen& OM 7 CntyOsa huagabie menton, Fred. Waoard. IL UWlum o~SumoThuetoL. -.PFreméata UhMw J. . UWnIum sm& MlasCam&y m"M or utthola'clua.. To UM. IL Wolhd by mwaset bible duo, To BM i. r mi UMm Fummesb Lo.mm Busem-n. r, l wMUS a aha, w itth-Wh i bs ai Wr ai Llm-Mt phels nlom te of a uit sd o. Itii uah thorasastei , ma"e to a W. inoan d sau toJobn akmeu, sud t=a=.vamse vadasce that Jobs Simpngoasvala aMr say toanat ac *h0lm da o oeeLm as u ndar.aD. IndR&Wtht clreutucosthe mgltme ohau ihava outhe ce» ehi tria theb nansi vs, te the gevsl mussions or tht muco etmlmif mi. Simpuam boa »meatO e rL ilk habva boom mu bM b*ha aboule hav e a msapor- - iwte odmhi. routham an tb tbm ekhU be m S fSi' mp Q-te mtm. t te s ba mmua. te thie blm hM b omuum o is id&11 memàm. wft u »"M thot l dýte tht slt ce .ms bam. à U tm a m 4 rai aw, thleam otsMe Wb" 1"mI am tmt lomm -» M au m M . BwM-*bbsoe a uL e ==a - wu H.r POCUE - UTTE IRFIAIN w7y lusés, a&* I«41 Â.r pFREDp ~mmb~~ttd lobe 1681 po ai tht ý" r st et; aMdil -mi thm ti» ma john,, shme ft are hala"u haffy. Tâey cause taehi pest8%aMa ave albly oo& PresoPOM and lalut iattm BRRWBJZ( [<~om-mm.af TmtPt Roab r 1ante &. miel"%~ ola aitorspoélagaph mm ;%=ldqbe... 0. Wisaoe & CO. saà Ln tova iaoklahmo Bmwemoprulq.=ti. ai lai zmaie k-mmi, baierem.v.ed lathe pmrie» 4e.lst.Iyccupied by Mr. Dusesa CamE BFAovoMv-WhY stU Dotme *nterp"aiu m ar a tBChu.--aftaty heref W. think It wauld hbsi a aital lavestment. &amuy a»six liundred Cuwn. Coula bo gos hem, and that souk bu #àsii- diet a mer ta rua on. FLYRLO FA LL S. TUE3U & a hfewatrbavlng houa vey favorablteyack on thteml"irace baa proceoded rapldly, and thtecoutbas bacsa excmvagod is faU lwLdth snd dapth ». faras tiie bridge. At this spot the liraS contracr terMinat:es, but wva underutmd chat another bas becs or le about ta bu taken and @bat the, continuation af the race acro*s Culborne.st. Wall bu prooeaded with alimast Immediately. à LATTim-DAY SÂINT.-Several aven- legts Li.week a tau., dark-cooeplexomod, girva.looklobg Mas utu spcctaclcs, uhosa name, ut saft Informne*, la Mclut.t", bas ben Iecuring or preachinic th Iugram's hall. Ht aiscommonly apo]ken ai mrszgh. oui the villate am "The. Mormon," but au- iouaca. htttascit *oo .a sember ai tbe ekbunk etaittLIer Day Saishoot dc- dlfbr h.eo«W-> wldely trum. thos ofaitht 'Mormons. We have not been [0 hesri m, but many have, and h. appýrratoi have maverttai-or at any rate unuettité the mini -- of a few oftLhem. Taorrî5u. t;Rcus. -Tht lee.ding asemberu of the tolen Fas t rotting asuioclatian are boginnalnta. rmake preparatiosfi- tht anal tacot, which, If th~e wentibr l favorable, mili bu beldédurine the laust seoftai s moeuh. Tsvice within the paist tir da)-* aparty vent do* n tu Cam-. @oa laIte for the. purpoae ot marking out the course, but thuuàhtb ty louiid nhli Un guod condition there scie sa niauy air hales thcy could Sut sccomplls§b their oh- J-ct satisfsctorly, sud have thertiore de- tu'ms-d 1: foi&a kw day. DasUiTIC BENTS1TAINMBtT. -Tht pro- M îaud Caurtainieùt by the i4nelon Faita dratuatic asuocation came off la*t week as aLnounced sud w» a s reat succesa. Though the ireather vas rather unfavo- able the hall s crowded taoi suff-ication. The actinit ai the young people ocm Doma the dramatir. club waà very mucii ad. mlrod. Thaera wt versi peruoistrom a distance pboilent mca were Lb'Mh in their pauise snd sha muid Lhey badl neyer aiea auytbing af the kînt pdrtoriaed t>y &au reihis, even la the citie, bet, esr reuderud. Thé- uroc-ed& of the etrthiitus.gàtwcre W4.44.-[Gj.zette. SYMOU* CHARGE ANDSTRÂYU E FAILURE aor Ju:§rsca.- A, geat deai af excitcment was cau»ed la tiie village laýt sceIt hy the charte of perjury preferred a aainist M. J. Simapson. an cxiiotelkeeper, by M. James. Dicksosi. It seema thât at the rtcent muunicipl electios M. Simusbona vote was cballend sud ht was sara becausa it sas ksown that it sas hia son sho la tenant ofthe property or hutel "ipas wnich John Simp-ou voted. It ai-oape-karathugt John Sttààp>on tcstiflcd in the North Vic- toria eicnion cabe Shah he iiad no iuterest whaiever la the property and vas aintply îaoardlug siti hi& amon. 'Thi. li iactuaily the case; yet at th" municipal eluction the other day, wiicn the agetnt.oi one of tht candidates chaliengediiis vote and rtqimet- ed hlm ta be éWarn he without a notuiet's heatatosi took theoath insuch c-ti-euamade sud provided, namely, taat wich Usà tesnd. ered go votera recordlng their votes as taniants. Upon tuis ground tht charge vas lad butor. M. Jas Ju. kiu, J.P. Ufr. Simpson was brouwlht biafaro Mrt. J unkin on the 9th, and was rcmanded until the evtning. It sai' hers that uot ex raordinary proc-edinga coniiiiencedi. Tht delcudant veut for Mr. Juhn Fe.i, J.P., and memêe geras wre aient for M4r. C. Lfair- bairsJ.P.. Mr. J. L. Rteid. J.P., and Mr. Wma. Jordan, J. P., ail conservtrive, thoujgh vhy titis averwhemug a rray af et.lacivatIve talant vas eS&4bry txctpt ta tring ennut a fiasco w»as ot apparent ta snoas. Whou bUn Juaki, the presîidîne meaisiate. arrived in thte venitng Memr,. 1.11 snd FaLubatra sert aires-iy on th-. aanc d mé seing that the, courtesy ot- LrIiug his brothtr magistrauin 1tu a sess. on tht hancà sas raudermé suuperflusous by their usurpaation oi the. me, Mrt. Jituukin took hi.se»at asalted tveutà. By Suis timt thteirbole lave irtre in "saLion whila U. Feul took upos himaeif the initi ative sud bagou ta examine tht virneoos taklnadowu the asora evidene, rsIt t suit hiasuellasd the prisant-, afterward, (tan di