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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 16 Jan 1885, p. 7

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I JAN TAEY Ira&S -t t ~TIE -, *fahpmies.% ~Sqt. * ~ - 4' 1 o wnoo nwm MI 14My: -m 1« lot. To pno l f'mflluoeut *ahov it.1ag airpreent io rpled m i n go"i AIW» RAM 11« uslwmaryrmu 0»0ppi'fn.Iprevo et b.bms'Ifm si uu gray, reitors-sgI5y bals'tase v 001%M,, pr.îîst* baidam, PMIMM fe hisi Me, profluuflysI s og>wi~, auvrdisîdvut ua MI l disaàttq of chhealr sud sc"Po sà" u, m tii. ma" tu"Im, 0& VaY netw me laid by MilOmagglaoe A(4NTS YkftTRI PM,. Mft t h alid tO. sleu subsoIpti ~ Jvgylq................ .PLT~AiL AII.............. ..a.fl:LÀ J&t'vtii.................... ri. Lpms» DSfula) .........................M. LONrnr 144M......................WJ. M. DowMxVT .R~~~f. C. *fhAIs IyMrIUIAWI>..........mePK.Inx ...........0B5N Bno LL.............. W. L3.&ML AMOO................ . P P. Rrricea L Ai...............W. Il.Mcwnr yqgu AIA .........s.. Cainban ~aVNb<r1)i..................P ui Prnfmant)v ................J. lsr.pa r ........1. N N. McIso.o. Auav.sc.............. 1..e, ......... A u lem mvn....................W w. Ma jso .l'us. VsisWm. . m* Ar Paut OMMic .......DArN swsoz&"M. P. m . .................. R. J. Ga*uf4v Ouw................P. ti ffluuuP. 14 NI) ..vs... ...........I. A.-MLuanr 1 I' PI............. J.4mffl OL MAR4)Ap................ R.CAVANA 0 .1IeMM.............. DAt~Ltneo* ........ W.grm ......1............. CLII'V ..............*fYILqI. Limic MftswAI ............. M. W. RoM 5. .lii rati ................... tomi'erlv of Liflbrd. .r):, AV Il) "VPk Ir .kasrn14 UtmliA,s, ON 11O10KHARTUM. D12fRrra fTROOFS 'BOmS « liGaTs DEoigaT. VI* CrmaesAppreeelsg- T» auae1mm C.aatbl. P. CWI5.L ord Wolmaelyham - proeliîae.d ht the '41M'4"rern.Mnt l ha ha Ithe firsi ta enter Khartom. Carnre. nt'iis s v il ith headvi.icec cniieihave ulotîrssed tiseir Pap,,r'.thaI awtug ta lit of I elsitraphie tfuaî litiu. artelai.v.a o I lte r%iisimsiannf tlht-lr daspatchetaIo like-ly theresift.. r to lie tîner.vtaln. .Tiss reî..îs igr.' r. upbirlub In nsldu-s'uble raisi. %ertar..4ml>nssn )'é4aasîi raili cf srmq. WOLR5(iKY5 i'lK:TAIio71.9 lins aine.,ta.î l& isen.rsWssîsekly tel. egaUi abis 1ise trnei'of W-alun.r'hpasthi' vil resu-b 1< harlosea, on .40u8,24.le.tlirps ttsea i<vîia 'itr-i, im-tai sdvianes let taisusasi k e .1 denuuib 3flOfl pleked troapa to 1~Sis ilya#0 îp..nts e aiaamt 0 nan Dl.ie, auit op,.îi tit i1. lit-r route. le as h*si %u tba>-t. ilinn. holor tut t tiieinfores tIhe Nil.' uércps'ditsou, le las s-a'nîied athileWca. *#'l.'y # x je',s heavy fl41htinkt &fier Kbai'. toistu le% s'eitvsl. roc15»Affii) 'uxI'AIUWO. J~5 on. 10î. . An. Avais aper reports. tiisî.t. ii.malsdi it f.)t a&Utisa' výmea et hi,*ta tssa'lobiaKnof&ianî,sd ovds'red the iuusaIi'sntoet t'etefisf.4l' .vsoaate lise gt.., asut 's'iithe womi-iu csîlidre.asand! pntfilu tLfY<iiStise hAriver. Hi-o.,*asorderes Pias. asîniio ejuîtsu hlot#traiv. (>snsysaman taud bi4is isv ai lo weu-a Iirber andatSheridy. lii y wii btu' h'- frirst h oie.tiseEP.ng lîi. ii:it ttmaudi iN biamliy pa'e.pièrinx for if., l. tr OMM a mm -aequMsiem ~. hart un w . a;~Ti 07 me.wwsgw A amibo*e dibipshg m of - ault"a *.. . - __vL mbBi Ibmcs.iwrîz ra. "wpm suem wu a o' eniswhsp 1vonbusme w» c Veofwow m eues Cvei chaklm mssemss ab*le vn t .apous qmus aala **@dmi han as @Mir ta hIb d Menk edp-Md Ob Ihea. AttarSe isee.sy uemaud lie a" ur'!isv bi"se miy ses._F artL PmIam mepli eost mie IWe auesaoei MilCh ffte f* Km, poeIim L Teuiut OIe lm M L ThMoti tudw meTdom sue vm<sune-7b soni Tmaues'ms'. I.Te lw. M;, P. M -m mi d; . TWoUùtM.uàsuW la OU mdtvl<k aimm e me 84il. s nu" or cher&sa Mtpim e. rbe-à suai. lier iwebginesamsilhtyeM* th f'or Ma. Gnyfer"ybusis. i .Jskeet v les iat , ussda"- c 1 mupsvvfui"me etMiudae M.r la MeLauhlIu0surmv faieb. Wm ucisol Ti lspmeise in"pabut. vil os miasAo -miarchIps oeuu Ir maOb spuaal" mhmJhe stmsStUe s. P.ww-Tie s. se. s ilmvsam selle ~ ~ l MM tcme a hiai su tsmamm l'as.o @*ay* ie $am Ï .17b.tou àaiS ise meu omoi~yoeIre àom I e milotmelair Minek. m taspeLn clu-i et1blumesu«Orasd d mw muet"** l'o'uegst ect.ad ue Th* mow» tu s.ameameon as' - hou» russes im 0i. in.ls fr a. ta e-rae oeiu.auy pre iie& »a th sam.mh Mhvymli' oms1,300 ebi Tas la. a.e aatSe miomlU d u 'ws ud1 n r o me l r m br hou&aTeluv T ilI st ock val, mot lu Caos. mafias', uved Mr'. C. Myon'. houe« u&" baru. ru c s X aN.P. Pau..A A&êr.-OnSoBturdày eenirap vek Pests' Larbin,. a mp, a01. l'ai netis pln oft obéscixolas Mr. Niis istoe anirefme.igoCréetum Ilos' psyfor 1IL He serines! sxias ta go te a..! fer thift dapi, boat Ch* mayas' iecllued te acomneo. date hlm. fs as. itufeh~re.-[Plack.i A Svcaua*ur. BA.uA iL-Tise proceed.. et'the late atis'Ilas esaa.mclau ails the Claurch. of tise Antels Gmiaa, mie aci. vofedbL rlher C4nbipbell atter bigh nimlà« suida woe..ek*ammiusd te t»s isadwome ais et 7j4ftî.2Tise spens. viteouly s 'rafle Oves' #&. lb. plezsdld p55Ccfftvas belous! hie meS sauoi THC bq Gnc.."- *"Nlov doai. mev girl Atru'ks jool" ikpd stovnsmaa anddb. Der, lh ssstaBukeu~avn hi.. wife m"Itly. "Bust @bs bas meaimuM- eveyth1.ele. -Psket. SAI.vxnrow AsIFDn.K . 7.He itea * de bg aii bas boom emkis tes hie @*1vitus o'i &My drus. Evexy mImh 1t ms asic le rombsre offtthe baruih, ami- ils s'emasits oui l bsmeohorne. UnsSanday veek tise dog Mtor et Ibsosimes, ma hani rohobeateds Tura Y. P. Aû*îse.-Thenrs eresameê trample in ahe Iaek-tsp on Fridsy lght, and Osat ,cr tVO tvsery nigh Imlaiteek. 2ev Vau sRIl adit,11PaTw1r-r %.r matit( tse nei tie'a Dus »w worm. î,î,,~ î ,i .îi, F,- i S trl uewart viiAi )uibDARI). C*itain i3ker of lise IOi.9&iaet two large basket full of .-st fi G.,kdîi on *#fond y mosmug saubrikera fias "IlAt veit0Ob poos' .mZîy vwi' i 21wo m'ent, t riarcrito Motemuis n i Igl ievcnî Sl.un oi nf.è ieif t 'sîr lîle l. ii)hli's Isiettenutu uh ar Ir gut dl..Tise food naui 9tepng.t 1o<G Il. lMtee.ari h'i.s la.a.rrein w*a f tf heb,'s.t quaity, beingxa paorinet tir v a atista e1)ixlngilln mtrns w ho sarmyhaNps'saiiertbal'frened il'.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n ela'ua,îulerw'orasîe *racimere. au 00. evoalg0f tisaIs ntIi t.IlA'cf4fi) $Ol.Tho t 0(1<14 511'buknqiiet. nt iitx<itlt'it 'n i i da llhie. - '4:1i mnSAY4'fla 5ÇAT4. lv PRR fIsR. SIî,tî'irnpnès of w*oud ned lis the cou. ICarreaaudenoeot ThePotj 4trii. li .tf h.- trsrîmp)ilrt. lia t r urieb E'ITIMW.Our villa"e ot Wye. s 'a. Ni&.tI- dîit onshave, bven sent t thsebridfie vebcomed tulahlisew mev y a veu'y adiiiir,%. 'Iliey ate founi te 10 ite suecu-.ftî usssine is rdnB.p a. saiil lui, it'iv et it,rr taile. 'rhse hiatis woeeCopal chtarch. Owing ta»lise nnfavorsile- lit J. , rsw lrt'.li 5i5iîC', and ltré s. ntiih of çtaie of ilee vaises' tise eommilte t - a, , 1iwly were m ililskeiy ti> htld t4 is'. raishpr dexpondent lna reg.ird Iotesnucematul Ati of. i ~ i l ii. y baqbeen ordtereudltôtO voninx. tmait tira erts we-re dIpelted on l.. &alr. l li sr-t0. r ssrai..stit e ini. (q.îprfibd thechtirch tl lai t lefltlo.dtooe.i rriiiinit i i) >prasei.se'i it- ouar"'or* aho sIandIl tihonu wb ouee îu.tfrd te, uoIsl lu 5Uap% ;t'l ii,. hfs., sd >a'îr* P ste he aseoroiramra sweainr. Oaroasedrsspeet. ) p-1 aM aievi titi" ugallua. tilt-ln. e d tormuer pa-trôt, ReW. A. Aaî.t.'nnn, ofthie 'IIs.:.,It.il O's.uwun7. jrfsmsa'wa* eéldidtasishe.chuir, snd l' in ai~ .t.'t ~r~i-.narsrle u sthort addmg-'es preme-si hi'.9laas's iL'K'r iîuî unt»s. 7' tit., herpinda at heing onces ore aon his formnes' pir heSSr fu.,s W.i i)CoGordin. The iuhoaaie'i. Th*eprolarm vas commsnca.d feei..?~i a f.Khaliuians on lt 8 1baih&l ; ié eblidren slainumgthe approns"sts. NuS, (.Z>ti-l si j ,< 'rne papers "R 1pejalce asu d miat" Nllm* S. tst.atwit t'>o it aly -uîiý)f.n %"cru tàken Anderiéon A tslowred sis averv fine tantru. tiiii h %1 11efhe'a'exceptionoof a t*.in» ment&,l solo.", A charisi, "Wsteitg for tu?- vhsch 'vtir '1w gnn uh.it r<ot<><j whIc Pa",' hi isers itie OË& pIISsud h"q uvas imi51<4 ji ' .I4-til.lI i iglsrlî' e, s.admirable srende red. Ev.D. Jamese o -'lieriq*Sv-é lé-- ii-iW (Ive sasaimensise I Mtlindsaee svery bpleslm addr..w'. on Sria, -'q f i >ti I'dii tîl ae-iDu4 wauplleu thé,Sber"et subeer, Rblees! il) Rve Cr l lie 'Kile ti min cufnîwrs. triba terecui.. 1..0 W uslnassn d Me btie sang 'Baby MUt., viyry mv.,? 17. - Pwsps Paueus.ms'. lagbton Lubs ofS etBrris gave a The iblitérffl Go.endhighly fa4illectuet snd veny spiiroprlate 1'he Clc1e~'s mîsrasov C&e cVOrs tasw"tue a4utn ,ThtI e à* &*time wu bave hué gei... tae sitise rlu ae done smtbktg. fMue rith se ursu tflNtstmlmgo tr. L n. s ad va. lait14. (oszaIt ,la &no htr 11taUa.î but t bs ieu nlvwad amiraton &bd p bosmmmplesCur. preciae leezps'essay pliMeu"poe et p AnostpspseluvtIVi rai pnosles ~s brdge vse samleimWe I.ope t 11 be m kaw huit places!la hie bauid. ly an IRalt JUdin, r si¶ert. Ms'. Mîisoi WYelsftecarm. ev miotai<afq 1the formi. et aofasimplbe Veetiible a .hoi? addrs. uhtasVie wsali r retieujyfor tisheoumi aud perannst srmm of Mrlso ilit snsv IiS (luasanpiou BalMls. Ostrris, Asilamsansd tiou ver, Y. Niasm UW i Mouma elI tintsad i l'uNA96081011i,14aime a poesi 9478' &5 sraC M¶Z.Tise Clair- pve mouj Mdi rý,idcal cure o s Neqvotè4heblilîp d aRut s alde.emi vusab!SsI iby M vod el aur l . ae P@ we i l t w eus ad s lm , ,m m m 1111 11111 1- o assqm. bas fait W his dot? 10 malts k hassa e a .i rsu rueasiu @4Madreete ohaffl teaitl vise 19 I, IisB.ee fs lsmav Vcae, la Elsrms.u, romoSor' Rn* 11b,.avu tai .dssote sfer pmspsvlg èad uslg. Sam 15,1 hp atim" ilh «Mdii1ttI iU5f ~ ~ prr a.Cn L"i. - am,* o s s ~ V!f u t~Ie vJ s! w t, r. s s' s r s s I I I I I t I r I r IN mo iar su 0.17 bul wbes ' .mu ie And ths.re "lh Christ aur Saviour idevafive et a Ilodmm. The hast et ail WeII haots>ever blet. la Me dse ura mou a thon vithot bopi., Whez maN withu the haven f« o bntes M » en befio, AU ltbat e Otiod's eter aimit. mriahlm w» oaua<1d to the gave ons atus'dow lm authe tiabauan chiurc.ie euileet idPraCodi Livea I lcsurcoy ita mavars nie tomerai ormoa Wm £ s 9à05B1 ]Fer V os mmia p ffl! be prsachsd lt . Mth o d"Iatbehbue m a" &«g sUe& r hm ou %Shb*tl4, the lOis, suéatat hait. Di. A. & Pueux, Cuiar Paplde. Nicis saye: D Pms a so1clok P. m. "I lbave ueed Four EmulIon frsvrlyeare HTYIIL.-.Mr. l a lasu etortbf. ln my practiceanad bave always found it F ae=bs &&km t e himailf a fr tbowLhly reliable. pleaaant tta ke. and Most lit l C. os or Mi**E. a Ishdetp« auabeor gs.hroaad lang trwLbhis.-2l3.1 damaIdIker etise lace. Tbomsi4a nve. witeuglalatm vimis tise yOiiîcouple mâiiu c » isMd aolypru t u m Pî ultnofi bapplsen. B*hm bat akes as' rte Wa'Vl. an. oeypitda TMPapid O ,ahenea ers bhoI anasto mke hie taueLlndiley. New script typesasnsd tateststyles or home. card, and pauer. Work oqual ta thse best au- CENTRE MA R. Curepodecct aI b. %aut.! A u raiBaa 41 08kv.-Te adu Waattng Oysiuu, CPRAa.-Pm'vtoua te wdopes. mKumasrt turs et Mr. Lattnt uro. stouei teulciaer, We vans live, energati ansd capable agents hie many frisdwrentertaiaiad himtb su La every connui y in tise United Slatom and Can- oYster s.uppov at hies boawstug bossue Mr- aa taoeil a patent article of great mori oy iT@ P.» malwaa.the oi wnst a d aond: t«'MtrMTS.Auarticle havlng a largo sale. psping Te Mr. Joua.. LoIS..., brochers. 8. No. 9Ir- over ene handrai ssp« cou=profit, havlnn Dsàa . rmmueu by a sonne «t justice and compatition aid au vhich the agent lsprotected feollisgusorgratitude buvarde So on eassmble lu the exclusivome by a deui gire ornac hF Ors taiourg edpourebtoser ud XPVSkaid avery couuti ha maly seurs tramnus. With It ta nov one peur ainca. eiou rivea tu Our aIl thele advantite aOur agents sud tho tact fldéitaatraager, and bp lur vlvrtaa dsaclable cht it lb9Iau oatcle tht cam ha salAate very dlspolsitou pue, have wou a j'id daim tourbueesrIlmgbnt0 echuyl a hast isiies.Du vbat cuncrne usmmt ur am tise ih ntb oew t a lma f our lai.r as a toucher, shicba hlla dan su .trdinary cabeta ecUrmm Md agents gcod eiface ltuth rt~59500 e orime.-Tise atmcoa.but ve haveconclwsdd te ma"i t te rapta prOMM rime sby tise pipila under yaur ~ ~ crcuiec b eiae initrucdiau a sudaniabla pratatilepur anarshontcbrcniec ntemrMe sud&aNhly asa teacer. fig4p"y Our Invention, but lisa iabllby by au agent P. L'CcaunLe., tht viflhandle lb vlth energy. Our agnti C. 15 ORM. e. suw et work are maklusg fù%m $là@ to *100a Mr. Lbftup#ralied a% fuiLss.-Ladiea moitis clesr. sud chia tact makes it eate for us a ad Gnstlne: Jkîw Dot hov te fins!worde to mais. ouroffer ta ail vho am oat oftemblo . ttha t gai fufr tmse hosr viîchlm o» ue mnent. Asy agent tht vil pilecaur bueinc..s Mts thR eeoaUle .but J eun.asure pou wlsea 1 ladth i oncr of f.lailagtuse ailiase flucher a thisty dange' trial and rail ta clearat least 8100 go shich 1 land beaes ed, £ t Obave omeva,. in this Urne, above ail exponses. cas rutorDail os! ft àht ufâS ad ist is te Uet iS11 gooda nnsold ta tsnes and v iii refund 1ise moî.y th¶?saxées me euh, appreltie tisa! housor. r ; J aus for ti.m. Azy a&et or generaýl agent have doue imt dsty Fou isav., doue rusim.Whoua wbo vanld llke ton or Mm o atlaa work I loij, ap l ileaddreft 'ou have thieovensng tisoni th'ouu ue b-agsntlsfer înety day. sud' preseuted tbu me Isial cicr tisini et thse maa fai eceru et85)ae ail expense eau Isapy hmo "lae ~aa nipt pou. Ani &reau ail usid alnid et thair ms. hock. XO have to th.nlt)on ail prenantî more tsais ail for ather employer ar agent@ over darel ta maise issa socia elu,.e nlioha.t'inisobsch otrf% noS vould wvolt ve dIs sot kuow ishllvorîinlal îthlfeslnae rgrt.Thc rtaI vo have ugints nov, maiglig mors than remo raawe.e )urthia evenlng' vii a n. ~double the aMouaus vs muaranteed. and but tva soultei vi, ta>ou goerou kiduos. miaes a day wculd nive a profit of over82 coely thautliig pou for tise addreals and, Four mo nts. anid tht ana of aur agents tois eLghe S lshuw IV.tcimauaels bld j'ou faraiel: ordere ns i one day. Our lag1 eeltv Iat miss I a~ieta hie. su, sd god~bet ariiecplttin aur offers fully. and thes eo vlh. Tise haî' . b.wtr..chsr "Au&pr@poud tto e~ avlyeotoimlyabhvf by Mr. Ci a4d. Baumes. -0« bout snd nemi nm three une cent stampss for pootage. Sens! hostau* s&q Pr'apUomeohY Air. Padtik1&11).. at once and smeure the amey bin e for thse "The l&deWa" vsprou~d rsy Mr. J.,eepn boom. ud,ate worlc an the terme.nam.d fla MOCOrh-Uii a cquit rwOdlrmonâd Our -xtraordinotny offan. Wc vould dise ta hmve goei lashappy vs: hI y<theiadetrem..o! ail tise fagent».ewing machine sblictiorliand ecarpen ers in the countr,, animi any reuder utliiipaper visa eadîttls ogtan t JR R £I 111Y. sens! sas ac osce the Dame and addras. or ail fCoi'î'ssmogdence or l'hopxjaici they <tnow. Addreais et once, or yau viii POLIRT lNfflUTà& Tite sd'utannaW boss.thet hast chance evs.r ofered itafihon ont of~ meetlg f 1beteU* -48- Loe FOPV ntt.empleimiqat ta mnalie moaey. RzoznuIiN moebîgtifih~tiSai .M f Lii.Yol, mt. ' Fa'crvus!lo COa., 19mlthfleld-st., Pittobumg tute Wao liî.id &4L itet-i)is.îîî .31-'iffl ,2- ms.J. P. b>ey, the 9,Liuîd.r, vas alied tu - --. ______ the chair. L bo nte S ettd s . fl 01 C7 B z ïa E ri .r " lf q sd ev-rYv vet-it'O for ail lime, Chu..ïa s as ieavlngmuma'plow 8.a11 sla. HetShen ~uu m i r'ewpf1 sacs o '.nis. rinreI. r:Omaion Ema181 L E EMI8811U and Mrl h *. 11i Dje, uae kv M .îep, 0FOr LONDON. ]MG. trustes for ch.- currm-i a5.R. k. , Ish-w cuuot 4181.eut.# hahppy stp le, iakins !!' aspproj.ria'a and gsasmeistg p5W. N .SACIFE EEA AGMR The. ehaitî,iu aai p .kerzpntleg r --MG!UU mas,î~s7boyho olas d *mati on, tenu. tu »ueuut tb.. lm -el&§fnom%* t iho UU.IOI I~ f 16edIst,Liuty mwsfamfbg ntraischraert SAM 1Bpe¶uikI Full ever mBtUs. Tie kf&m&ei ie uoesetI Inviol curLabasWM. b, maur 09 SW ma mtuow p i' e.iSmgi, nàt Se MM M« neetls sud bonss ka.sl.d'ote e pu god "Mstma.î w , 1, mi ne eie - OutISm .Mr. D J. 3i.IisAwtl v. sas Ràwj *,&lmon akicti a. a* mfte s e h.ppi. la.' she ~s. slsuu vr cmrsmy W.A itise bilebu W» ms i yp uudss % m esBuaBIaa hm a misl Ks..V.er fiw ber kIttud e.etlms imtmbel. aisa h hter &W Sidi i.le. r fi t ,'y retu a-ube mon am d - ~tw h a " Ma.fat y,0 0m .1yV4àa $ie".bt.svaaage va kt.la a t j ý 1 r c mis Mr. eltai ~ bss kv~. u am our ic Taacuu&Waiu.-W ambt metdm bg.V i f Tuwrm.T laowtuglame mm" e me mnieaweodufotee TUA-Kf.-T efuldum et St Au. the i.vg.aag odL uau Md 1we.l tâ&*ecob- 5aurow PLvukuw..wsuut ad" by l». gggfOt clowm m la t" diswg- ScuooL E.,omi.-The Iliotug lbth MMoeef e & . 10,M mmies,: -Voux ci1aI Rchard CaS..., 2MmSIL Frcer 8 WUiI. ietz.. 4 YlomtunRdg .Thiré dam so.: 1I mmr 7 Ii tRoin Uuuf mweJom aM-il-iFrtrTh 8 LodeBII.4 T"" Imfrtue. S.ma a O&Porc«,' Kalalmmn àmter*«î»~.Panuaeot -t book 1 3m sGiU, 2 Erhel Campbol. 3 . Skue. Pmn très tet-tbcel: I1 th Pborer, s .wBm Inaitvie, a Amno.Cale..,4 ls mieai s.set.The va.... «~dmcRný. IIUhl n MOUNT fuRiR soddsBmai mu ,'. ma akt sui~g p hinueu ou f un hssts hGoly rooI& ceb ai vh nhuw hm. u 1 at UMessi08k.n ZcouSftyetmaaaugtive Mud osasse ouka lu.a "aOMM of hie he.vsIV mssr.. H. Ml nlesp la 1h" am»i of J«»esmas Ywly, lb 91 ah au., Aftara kW1 & Ottlaftw* sy, vith ta. dam fmZbubowe i., asthi moadyam .007 Usa lie bas go» s gsme hura CriaMphba.rsluerama v WI!b.I» amwy feu la Ch ise"mmity. KcS*UpBIIJ ~1rv._BRONZE A Au G. GAMPBELL, WOODVILLB "T. yinOXAS Pst mUa Gimu emu en Oum"er t" abou eb &tase" NiWE taUL kGRNIEMLa".~mi 1 1 - au LmMOI-- -a~tue, mm ubur Si.~~M0 "--uee M.CMaresdna t emt.Thay vwsm X"y mcelvi Lwhas m dhomim», MN.Car- SO'rMSUrruu.-Tm rama '. lit., q usebiosbdi M- e ---aupe Md tbfrPMI as tishe ee.tvi B&m bà !. pmh.e id ris' mm mass. Thon em a upsasi.id etyguMr s Pmuràz.a-Tbe mmes A&M M Curi's~.Mur WaàtuIatbe bui apesfsgbe hollpe A lmas hoe M ladise &wusU&tanisa. wGe ùmebl bd euci àmOuour asubat. I aul venteuste 'mil camailgconnu ia i se la!.hemeules. -OL Tm Ora> Lon.»Rouj-Tib b lovfmg tev vaeA*a. aoms!hy tie- loadlusg meu uniaÀ modet eus' mM asydera:"ia id hy tise bkv vieogatha for tise may Yeomta Cflmia ut frdv somdi;: Nous iberebyacli.en Chat an pîjication wM lic ruade on bv.half of the Municim'i Corpau o" the- TOWN o! LINI>S..Iy to he Lia" LeislMature, ut it.s net session, for power ta base titat paart a! thse Qnoens %uame.n te Towî ai Liudssay, lylng soulti or Kent qirfsl ad vuiof a Victoria Aveiiie, fer IE'. NINLýÇ> YEAR$lt, RIICHARD -S~YLVVr,TBsm. LUNE ER ~~~A ~~ » i upon the bernas ansodiontienoedsa eertain drait leaie tram the said muuici.mblty Ite the said $ylvestçr. or for saîch otisen terme O~ O OII AZU IIIDB&TSTS san upon sach otiser conditions as n.ay bs LEIESA. - Iagmead upoui. Dated ut Lindsay, thla 1hith December, A.fi. pteàwtg ofU ait j g 18-iLSoicitCor for AnpbaSnta. aie. uEumsay. &DM ta RorroMMAUCMON SALE saluVEZB ALEEN, agat orCV YAL Llnd uy a oe. 2M So-OL1 1 ý i i É-l If ýMBEILLÂTRPCKETS FARX PROPr-l TY Undor unit by virhie of s power of gale ca&. taises! la s certain mortwage. wbîj 'h v511 ]L'u 1113E IRpraduced se aime of sale. n t spon vi ail dimensons, otrm iste bhirty feet long hO Sais Day I-,LUcnEEB Y PUCBLIC - U CTION, fur emis Md Doars. VlOm = -dresses!and! asir-m.. aitLise Lbiaap rd oraet aur mills l ceo ai TEEMMCOUKti OUSt W TEE TO m Wz~0 cam m & i w6m Propiet m L.iDSAY. àSt. t Uns@ afa fA .Pàrkhs.l is e county ai Victoria. un WB.lmbm ais! CIlk Yann Fali.Au. 4 L-8y Tuesday, the 2Oth day of Januisry, fr'111ELIVF RPOOL A»N mqLOD. 1MO thesotar of one a'elock. tenal AAND. 14155.Duttiseeatternu"a ]rM] A.îLBE îSRAC OMAT thse ullowmng lands and pu'emibeii. vaz: PIRE AN»LIP . jTho West balt of Lot Numiser Ter% te lhe alevanlh Cnesu of tisa Tovuabt Tiseurgee PI. Kssuinas am~smy 1 t d artuosa, La thse Couaty of Vfiatenl T h u c e »i a mao rld . t u on ta inin g anc h u n d ed acres. nm re o r le m. ." o uTe sali la good ay loa in u gocit atate 02 A'apiau!teFuds......sO w ' ~cuiivaton. (3o'd dwlig b.re and oui. Invstîd i Cius3a........ 00 builduîtt>a and! o! easy acçce*a to make. Raeu±s itnidPrsxniiun, ielos as b n=y mier re. TERMS Tan percu',nî caeh a'tisas of Bae pecu.bie Comtpany. Tise settiement of lassS and thie balance ta ho paid in t asst> ilsyt? x. i rus;' ,uclli-rl.Tise remoacesand standing interuat t seveu. percent. froin daste of sale. .< Hi,ý. qosripiny allrd tisae inurei itpertecl IFor furtissir partîcubrer ap-ily te 'eelurie3 u, i5tls.sO'LFARIY &O*LI-iRY. Assurance etrectod wvus or attisatDrat u--- 'iod'nite rates. Four-flths of Pr2tts iven ta ,. >loley-holders. For particulars or rates apply te- . *4mGl. g nt foran u anad Ca. Vittoria i ~ - '~.~ vo vlîsh Fmatoune. thepeuit Improvement vo have rndmis " p~ labOur hemvy ssicha. Tber armoredurablde taves suae made oniy by u.. Wa Invite aIl ta inajeet aur stock aid sur JA#4s, NIDIL TOI LinIsas'q. No. th. IML Rebt. B>7azM. ROBITBR YJIS, lrUEB9:ER. WOODe COAIL&mai aNE Lumber of ail fe -rip-ao- &Bdilemstbeanda ESU Staff sultable for ail hiAusiof vurà, kept alvl u stoce. Luth and Pino sud Coear BSiuges oS fl als.a trom c:»ta per 100awaribs. Ldime. LimbonS Diudecs. aid BDli taffte wllao. @gaoumtom ust mu. b reduiesiPrias. for Cash. Dry DresseMd aidNtcheà Lumboer, rsuidy Ibr um. lao qmftY f RYW OD 2 and 4 feet ETOVE COAL vhl.h vill b. dehjv.red at any place ba tovi tor 0725pr tancah. AU arders PramPtly au. 1 have 41- 0 t.",« f R.oftdry one.lnch STOCK HEULOVK Lqmber. isIR Io& thatt 1 viii so ait autnhujngy 0w prie-s tîr muiles. tisai w- daibd it to 'Ihair advaagetoe al! betore buy ig eleetiere. 1 have ail hinds of DRY DIL 8TUFP. LU3fIERid 5RINQLES whlch vii bc eod as very l0v prices. TELEPUROXE CONNECTIONÇ. Oosam&"Tari.a.iomr d ramerw&t ami Vleleis. aveumlRl me tuW. P. P. à Nov.r.IL-I4. A. O. Campbell. COVN"TY Or VICTOIIA.) i radiates twics the amowzt Of - To. W r: hot air or any other drum stove. Strdyth2tPaofL , CalS ands!etel voryinformatIon about theni. ý '5 ttP (f 0eok oa Qtove, IlmI w i Coali01 reprt..eu *-OF LANI' - endKctaet LusjYfTI= COURT BOUSE Ma TEE TOWM LindamY. De. 8t. S .-ett. aalsthe r& LINDSAY.sý tii.ani t-1 tfthse detemi- r. ni ALEXANDF!L: 3. 1' '4.l'NEin the unis> j E ~ ~ mettiotaetlLands andi 'I 'îîîrannI. st-iaiat b. ~VIFmue ui.l.-r an'd i,'vira t'. tr w'r.lsiés sut Faarl "sh .iamitid outr o; iir M -it.ti'ai Higi e au" »ia Journal Of Politic .court ut Juatict-. anad tu iiieiii-t'etei.'vis. sud lu Int)ise (hana'c'-v D'iiq-en tof reilcoaurt. ft it dLiterature. 1 Cal.. b h.sworth .-laa tiisa% g. Alexander 14». TEE WEEK, Caaus Ltrary Jurnal," A lpine. whleh ba u ou entered aspon leseseons! year. listise Caîinriuon Pba-as l)ivii.'n Ofisait, or appeala be les cjnprebeave table o! contents *flie Bdak of 2Muuitre.uL'aD. lie.adv s t the different vlawic 4 sî wthbate Alie airai. ef aàcesttras!hume.as! sf11 entieavor la tll. Qlu'en's B -us1eba D o >%i îd court, taituflir ta railect andît simmarlzo tise intel. %Vulilaair Wraite val. Ir" xutaa le. >Ipine. ltu.sia"paliticai uleseti fth nth ail leso ýt; . u wul hthse W eisy Jo n i» ja pp wsm .e recog hi thesQuaseiu'Aibet , uiici ýu ,o.,"i d "asaxlrt, nm us the thnt Bedectanl nependeni irnebt Uuu.rford Urav vs. .tdexauttfr Ms- Lthi mait outalgened a. patntutleoa the com- Tiseaid land.îari i t .iirits being rom- muaity. T -lelifterarytalse aiofCansada. havinq -po^;-'. êi atuqtiau tia --,tcertain s aria? an oswan aireremai ttil, l=ai drawsa înrti. or ar.iers of lanad jut injreîsits. .ituait>. lyl u»d oir taff f ai mstituom s Isonistily i n itandbine coma'os-4d of CarWatlaItu o orsadNt. Wearelisuaenssbied telmprovu tram ;No TVa n ihe levea.ni CunceséliOo! orih tâme te tmesope" adeparieuens saj55e te ' To.zasip as! 3ii.-ilpu&tua. Illes t'oty of Vin. of Co.mero. Education. Art "&Ince. Muasie Vria usîs! 'rov ircc ut 011tsarlo. aeuiaiing cile as, Ci.us Thealoveraiof mulebave. se trust, -hitiirt-d ao-ca. more or le:d tlii- North-wesb of late besss msble o! aur daie ta promaLe qu.rter a« Lot XN'. Eicve-n.irata m 'rEliItîh Con, tise InleissisoS issam" geutmorai isapieua e-iimn us*thet Tow.iip Uf I'uitiy. iaise saisi Md însmmit. Cuity. atnaailinx by aditaeasuenaenb lifl mla ll . Tim Wziric la lheraugbly Inde. i acrt>, moai; e -isr. .%!.iu l'owns Lut n4uwher pondaul t.1% la ustrmmeticit hi parti con- Fi7ve. t-> sututh of ussarb-st.e. usein toe Toss m eti sisa re e ro pa rti leu m i g , n îlde OLnsi a y a î-lo u c mr. ta r Uf .i îu ,a b er by pastpoaseseradiou.,lu a 4iaipolitcoe fSix ad)'uItheisc Sauh bidei of lu eVst.osh. Iiaedne wflbeo tu rtiser, to the utomsof ta s hieh Lter Pa'cel or tract ut land may ho poes eliefrue sd houlth.y lvelopmosr of better kaswansd detteri d as fllouse, the& tb*natom. le tn «y- Commencing ut te North-wosst axagîs M a m ie V a t u g ~ d ~ I stl l e o e e , ofs ema L l.ot aum bes-:S ax , Mah i ence *'utti . xt eaa l" un utmb~ &tt et (114dtprutes. e .4t uone lasuturd itnd thirty-twu "TU BMJMN " Pf«MrGOdw t est t32eus). ->re ur .bs. tt has eruae t @a Smith) vtllcssrbte atintirvais. rsvievm ai lot. tisan,'- uartli scveney-four 597.0alegee.' t citrot e«Mea bCashal, lthe Unitedt States, &long tise retar at sais! lot oseua een t 17) tefi*-ix à In Europse. Principal SGsant a .D., Dr'.(6) tloches.thetxce nos-taisi<e.eaididegrews fisilWftom, PretessorMUarrap L IL. w.,«aonisaudirsaa .ii hriy.ewo (132) feel,. Obes.LE"ms. rs. Pre«. CIsn M A-..1rmore or-les, la ktuscih.st. Plait. thenob aulusa Uais llbaks.Lo fo Ec e e tts, Wn. is.thaouaihinralinaite of Rticîýe.t. eOist. sovoa-% Ir F.Biakse C Meret e a 0r A iiez, 17) teet six J6) incisa-s, e % tise place af h.- lm a - .,gissang.eoa.talniuàc la ail ttutrnhuea u J.. W. LI=RJ" d hundrus! <13.M00> nsars test, moreor les&. »WV. . et. 0 C.. r. George GOG E(T ', I W. J!.Hu «. Shuaiti Counai ofVictorta. uuMiepur P. MITCHEL, . LU&CET R DOI.Pa ~ PrIN- Âw-. UMia«y tx 5JaBgs& aialam ipnn si A.B6 I& e. .& - Guss'nXux.-Thnklnt Fm fer thea Pms t5'V' mMd aokbe for a cemllmtanu et raus fuslab the ftmm vo vilite a u! o aen tomwsur agesookof No Mame t foi mtA.iVaof rrJwi Wliiu tiso gogea paver aba ilaped. Pm thora veait bis pover Ourlropinghamte chmir Weil iyti*waIs.leutier - Limas.appear. AitSc mba missus sa a l&-l Wltblthem wS tieabrisl Tisesbatt ma ilrezmubr Wbsm se tm. hait Ousharo hwemesbrtge -Non raUmur hicis IL bore; SUait npbe vua sd order Tht saIgneS itiia itu dom Thon salle ldstas.nov fonsaken DBrusa"mmsy mars, 1 traust viii ha ememberel -Upoa Use oth me. Wihin Ummthon uDs uh W. ofes met tcpra ButMW esos ut la ebima. Tiatsajustacromes.tia«a. Tisaslet us &alpres. torwari, itis bstteroubefone,, 'We &alul hbfea t& m sere.. Lponuse golden ahane. -U nuSotbh hiaveuly choir. p 26à: zu 0 t DeEM L. te mssulim les. acre e Othe JIABÂITO BA.-Prdju thiniug of lb. uàzmneaba I!d aiIeai LAM. icim'eveift ohakw FIEST-CLA hesuvimts mli. u ashamresmmroI Lmpi»sisdayce aI ut. un8 JOHN R06&u or MCINTYRE & STEWRT l L4maz mol urs vbich vabe ev w as bmilbuilt etthe bou asmouai lmbes. W. visis pato a im tu tisa vukat.Tise tctthat vfth or nov nMachtaurp va cms hu I WOKý thas cnm als rupeby hm&vaa praet 1 Or Cmnral Pair, aobOOtai. m so e mole a Muais - ami van- »s. o We thon bai tise %irM u281~conl te cnmdvisich wbmn - ftm t W. a&M msalurnglargsly ail therefiss vse ahimeta su Chapar fla% NEmr A yul te a ur show roms iicenvicelb.- eullurpurobam os f tluu tact. paraiesvsutlng FOR SALES Situatal co mrea toravone&i more, morse lu.. ten t sitpuzbre 11110. Ag~te ILBU.,rs. olicitor, etc., Llnduy. Dec. Itis. IUL-174Lt DEWIRABL19 BUILDING LOTS IN UNDSAY FOR SALE.-Delnt Park Lot a.U st Ward. 4à acres, voll tances!., trmie houze, 53rmonte and uinmer kitchen; cgoa ll. Four Go"d BuI1lne7,Lte. on Meibaomee- South Wardmu oft aiCY.oue.4qr. acm fth.laone block. On aoe et the lmt la fsi voila, ýc'Ltu tc e.WMeke Aiso 50 ace"aioiMd la township aior usn clered. o ecladcllas.WUh ALEX. MITCHLL RAMEabc RIMTE VOI AbulenorSM Granitg sud Aumican Na&rbie Meadatusea.AU ordersa ttended ta promptiy Mud tho ouemand carrectueu gnsmted la . x1W & uIar. on iapplicatiau. HOMIKBOYD & Co. ce Tmsi A1 mm. z? o ce t l APPfL aE S! TeMbe l" O Mruava ith e o w mure tu ch an d r uemL a.Aa vil! w h a Oglus! theomalspchd w tiselas C Svi VICTORIA SOCITI. Tbe aonnuaimnetig of tnie Am. Of tute 80auth RIdlofaitise ounty of Victoria Nge.. cultuaa c, ty wsilbe hui inl TEm CSoNciLCEAUMam ni T TOWN tALlt. IN T«E TOWN Weduenday, 2h:t January,185 IAt One 0'010Ak in tie aftrnoon l'or tie pu.rWse at lectng a Pre,ideut and uther oitlc.ere oftise said Society ad racuavinic seatements at ig. oeiPts. diabtunsement. and reports f thse tova- aip Sacieties in tise nidinit. Ir * praomd e conaluier ahe of 1jiîi , j s i'i'p' a aro e e Insitute at Lindsay. À f'i attes{d.anoe or aiu lntereeaed i r- iu,teod. Lindsay. Jar. 7rii. 1W. 22-2 a-. - HOT AIR DRUM STOVE

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