y une & les - GAXAgAN ~,EI~Z WfU aÂ,JNMZ e 85 TH.IS WEEK WE'ADVERTISE SPECIAL BARGIS OHEAP tG FOR, W. have jusioeplthel. das 1a lame line et Clet"b ai h. lma csi mumuhoure,..alfmrluste unfr ea TWI vi 609., 1 . a" 90&, eqmalte I. li m air ly hlai 75..4 $LO00 a" Ume25 AI. MoMewaatdm-1 mwdunm -taO.M w have sor< lafgl loit et Cot-lm --odm.Amo.g- htem l we.eifymuaOur arWkle White Coilom ai S&* ,1000 and 11009 quit. equa ia quaity te ia khau.va asm Il&, 14.. amd 14W gooda Linam, Jan. il. ll-t USYLI:MIIEI! AND WOOD FvISHZR c& KILLABY, Wbueaalc and Ik-il Dealers, tu ail Linde of laviXEE& à6191WOOD. 116010»Or f every dearription. dry. drsuaed Md Maehed. reaq for tute. jupatU~fof ait kindhin lastock. IPnMIugItimber and Joiti of uit leiigtbs. Miliffl of ail prautecs.obap. et the very besi uquality doiverftu (namy pat Me town.1 sud ta quantities (o suit purcefl ASO ltitber, shinglos and latIt ut ohortest * pve ai1*.rdrs loft ut 4. KKITIV8 store viii bc- prfmpt4J aUcrnted to. .IdIIP r. îe th. IttR.. -Il i 1,ë àa verg aunaeata Tbl s We.- -i * toatu . (rktndeli. #Wr Maie - John Colline. Mntiru (1. W. Jewott. O rest KWCW. iiowo. #ocal- laptiat Chitroh. Doût $alé-. 00o. LI.dlaw. Mit ale liarciby & Son. viveeal- COmpeii. I~c-laintmAdvceate rirnitte John Anderson. Vitalizod Air W. M. Oroos. dardl of Thîanks--P. 0. Plikie. Undortaklng- John Anderst lliéoe and Prices-A. CarnpbeLl .Iudei. al l- Matin & Hopkins., Uonttiie Amerloan- -Eun k&(Go. ampqs Wnted"1I. (t. fiaclswood. Tir ) e un CM). New York. IVAckwatOI- Wnî. MoCaekoli. Proaomional LCard 1). N. (0armichael. Gonfity onctM tig.Mtot. Animal Motlng lndmay Ceinetery (2o., nosnI it âno' - I unda' k Fiaveile Bras. Invo~ntory t141e-S4oAbor*n. Cathro & Mark. Aution Sale fkobineon. U'Brlon, Uibeoa Vàe.Pout -IZoopr-Thelloultry-geffer Co.. LIDSAY, FIIIDAY, JAN. 16IUla% LOCAL NE WS-LIETTERS. ICot'espondenco of The Pust.j1 'T,,,s FAIIUIOrf." -Tfhe Rî-v. C. E. Gor. dmo* 4rmith cf Stratford, Efig., lectoien lire ln aMd of the mebhanalcs' Insitut. on tha28rlth in. $ubt. "v. The Pa."hluns of To-daY." fi e n spkm of an an able aud moular lecturet'. PO>RT PERR l. N4mw UfRlrwsI' ALL.- -The dedica. tlon of the Novw<ddfe-.iowe' hall cf Port Prrey look- place on Tucoday ]&et au an- mhuuaced. lh@,Crrand Master, Bro. A. U. Morden, trou» N iiaaueo, vaa promeut, BMc ffiog, grand senretary, wbo va* ezoeoted te bu, zreeea waa dietained hrough Iliums.. Bre. J, P. Pyarewel cOf Whitby, acted as frand mart.ha.îl for the day. On the. G. Di. galc'nX the chair the folovlug brothers w6ra appelnted beraide:. J. H. Brown, J.i Nort GA.(. CanPb-ili. J. W. lsa&ce, The doiellcstion mer s Lcs îhroughout vs,'e vr IniPresumive and Inatructîse. Bro. Farewil imi appoigoted todellier Me soration whlcb hke alWin a maierif manuer, Mud lu hie meuo.I happy style. e lltlug from the mem. N preent a beatty ftsponee. short sperhes wore made by Brou. Miller. Day. @%port, ('ampboll, Nott, and C. W. joues, who ali upokuî tory tavorably or the order En erxlly. andi of, Warrener lcdge snd ishandoone and welil urnlshots rooni. Délore clo@ting a %tandInq vote of thamboe w%-,.tUndered Ïho G. M. for hie very valn.i ibis aervicon on te occasion sud su Bro. Parevseil for hie ?aluable séeletasce. Bat4h1 910 nded ln a manuer befictinji the oca- (CorroupeuduucofTbe Poti OflMi'LIMI tAB PPEI.-On Tuesday eyeutabr. l2th laut., about two hondred of Mea friende and supporters or Mr'. John IDaukvl réeve of Fénelon, met at ie rosi.1 dance #Mr the purpose cf tuedri him àa neuim"of t fht appteolatiou and appro.9 vu.!of Lia court)@ durln hesx ersh 11» tic alîly dumcagd the dutloa09treeve ef thiit tcalilp. àMàny indeedwve theb. sgPre.sf3lobnmcOf aPPrOva..lot the peut and1 * asurance.t of as varmanad faltiafuai support1 lu the fuiure. The eenlug vasseua l WoetinM aud oial Conversatilamepe i ffldtby approprlate usSe.by th.e =mie Falla braesaband, un Iii abut tezto'clmoek whon the paug, repalreId Ln theon pseome dlunghal Im able. of vblh faltly oed beneauia the burde., sud whlch imllied tante, richaoe, vérint7 sud obtindauace. Aftrample jueatic. bem doce ta that departnavac thé Company «qýg dCaRpoîitli<nxM. Jas. Dîceon pululug umatai" te &lu meama m 4 o iemr umadimoSla S8i" Lutr, W &s M t u u v a..I ML a- -IMaM EL L ~m~5r~uLui Us et Lu paume u~ vU~b I I fvIc , E m Sheuram, iP. V= g and 1c...Nfeil. "Our comrulInter- et " bLMr. G.U*.Ketth, atouchant, Penion V.Ksi* maau cesllent speech. "Ir piulural -lteresterbyjEesers.G. lmd&W.-aroe»bie M MiWcrdey. An lnterudotg and pleasinia féaturs of Lhe occasion vasthe pree« c ets a m 3, bero etufmflmsmt mii ramsidiesuvh hearttly mmjcped t l i-nge! Prcendiffl and lentS a chorusand halo wicie neocher adarumnt could alre. M(O USPLI4qUNT. lecs, --çmdeoiftiPeut.) GOOn Truwr.Amm CoruCsarT-Tii Good Teupiuwsof thte place purpose haVIL:f prend concert on Tu*Medar ennib. WPth luts, comrnmeng ut 7.30 p. m. The progm viii icusilt of munie, resldngit, recttatloss, dialogues, charades sud tsW leaux, Nos. oINe r, theli% Msd four. Aithougi a nusaber ofem xellenS concerte have bien givis la ccuiction vîi Sih GooeitTempaiabermthla promime toixcel sny prévioue ones, as choie. pteces have heam elmtai sud tie buaL talent choses to rendtora. No oe cheul miss Il as Lie cmmittee of management, bas de- termlned su make il the concert of Lis esson. AdmIssIon only twenty-flve cents OUa Sçuoot.-Our sehool cpemed on lb:.d«ay, Lie 56bh tuést a agoul sttend- &Dce*. SLaan oo nWAX.Tm .- The piepr cf LiN' village aud lccality are auil ving for Mev te maie sîeiglaug. C&'t "me ef the veatier mie do somethiag for them. Wm think so, but cf course thev must have a 1ev yards o! patience sud tri' mnov vill come adl rigiat. i'ARx sSaLu. -Ura. George Semoy bas soldiesfaim ofo eebundrec aers, whca 'sdj cn' '0 tiSh l ete M r. Joseph Loewb 'ps bot anosd a hait moiles northLie",t cf!thi vlage. Mr. Sermoy Iwndeseoretire frons, terming for a Lime. M£'rrn!woY.-A couple cf veddinge are taimi of bem ou% s St le ratheir prema Luis vo shall watt untcl tii happy avonts take place, viez ve osah nive 7001 a fusll accouant of Lieu. SGai," MiLL. -M. ThomsBout ham his griât miii fluted np tu flrsc.eléss style now, anid ta able te gried et tie rate of sigiai busiels per heu. for',lth. vhole day long. "h0 Varmuers Aive a« ma B m H a- le tie cai« aependent agrultural journai la * Canada, ovueit sudpubileheit iya former. Wbat tarmer mar: *"It lue ut bout friand." nt le vorth ton tims. ifs cees.',The tdollarspt for te Adrocate te the bosS spont moner ra Lh. tmlru ,The. vite and faintlir ame"de- li¶ bru vti IV.' "No farmerst boum.eiould bc v tou tit.- Tie rlght informaionin te tiit moussu he beat epeolalles t"t caui benro- otredasce t armi. stock. dslry, gardon ana or- cuaard. poultry. voerlaary. aplstry. marketi. copF mont fetru o &apl autmentloelag their lot enemion as u -JofficeAttreesé, rm. or' , Acivocale. London, Out--3-1. The auaiconvention for 1881of the Outarlo branci of Lie Dominion alliance for Lie capte. sion of 5the Mojier traillie viii bc beld lu Temp- erance bil Toronto. on Tueéday. Wedasduy and Tburudsy, Jan. 20,21Si ad 22. MachiInter- e*1lug businesmsviili b. tanset danti scompil. mentar supper CtheLb.elogares Ire. a li& tance vili b.iironmontLias eoimg of the flOsi. Ticket& for stravel over thé radlrsus ilS b. gr»daus t first.clam b u aathird, To me- cur his reduotion parties gttending Lie cou. vention muet procure certificates to that affect stnhignt thee sret (ho &ansco sud pro- sea LIter aStiihecommencement of their jour- air. The G. T. P. wvilisshue tickets frod the 17sth o tIe'-Mrt geod go retum uap te the »Oh lMet Tiose vb vaut certlllcatee sud arsesu- titlei Ste roeirm Lienumal appil tM. Ir. m. Apence. Toronto. Vsda con. CosGmL Reeand deputy. Lindsay ..... ... ......ThmaWalteuu. John A. Bores. B. MeTavieh. Cis...................... . Hhask . Xiripeea................T. B31ld" W. erres. Klils.Baves. Knl.. ..... ....T. aH Q»e J. J. Mthell Iresn....n.............. John Dantels. .Kdn.......... ..... . Mecscirea. ..E2Stabbai, Viralni ................. CharlesTuiaira. somerille... P.Kenne-dr. Somernl.......John Feu. M. P. P. Caidenand Dalton ........W. Tayior. Laiton »ud Dlgbr ........John Bslley. Pâeiel.n.Talle. ......... J. W. MoAribur. Boboaygeou...... .... .... J. L Rend, Uuaemee .................Dr. Morris. Wood-ville............... wm. C&meren Drar a aud .. .......RP. Meurmy. M aani Rident .......W. EL. Bmw. 4toPhOnson...............Jas. MDiDeal. Macaulay ...............JamesTooker. Bracbridge......... . .. A. ilunt. The negfular mmfi mting thLe sch" boasai vas heW on Wedaesiaey evioret lu vie«. la tie absenceof fie cimirman Dr. Dp. GramS si edmchair. Menus, Wray. F1111. DUNDAS &FLAVELLE _____ ________________ I ______________________ M rsArjnxs, Dember 2!ts. 1884.].EL Denia-Deur Ur.-i me me of Our So»nen,4 a mes usa&l. busbeau Ulmg Mreet Feur Uniment fer rbemouman marsy@ t lanver f~~hPifiS5flme ivi bon-bus somaso» chby=Zz .Euclosed leindpsinS At a estaemeethin lthsOrange hail. Res, bu ot- ec.10h, 1861, the toflowlug officems ver. 0e otfrOpe Graige. No. Wlî for the cnuins ............ Master. T. PDLevuan...Se.se. J. Calvert.......et;r Wp. A. Sutheriand....Steward. W. J.lMoXeeve6........ Asot. do. D. IL , mntJ,...... .......Ciaplain. Wm. ElekMas-....... **Gatekeeper. Xrc.f2len Herbert..--...Ceres. Mis. _ WM .....o...Poma. Mh. IWU@ Nffmt ...LadyAi.Btev'd. P.V lest r niWantei. ITo tee 241f.,- o! Tue CANADIAS Posv.] Sun-Xov Liat Lie eleetloqp are ovor 1 ho,. th"t vo bavedlcuied -humane poison la Our couny coundcil gâta it il corne forward vti morne 4eme Le provde shelter and a home for Lhe &SuM tiat ae heiles sd frlendleoe, a" moulut in heu ir l mge fro vaut ot proper nourlehiuent. IWien ther. Ie mach an exhibition of religion Liera cortainîr aboutit b. more rus- r tadsympatir aboya te the olt sud heip- un thsate confine gtemtlu Lie comuon >gaot ther o e .kepI as prisner sud left ta pie avtheir short existence. i oo scor. taliy noe laro te put people wvi h ave cent- nittune crime. but are imply belpless. If vo wboî are sttoug and beaithy now verto reflest fer a moment tiat vo mlght b. piaed lu almiler positions ve vouit shuditer sud W" tgli i thce sbefl ore ve reached Liat sta e. He9go w smre imméediate action taies nm lmatteri-Tours. P. u". P. et lebcolai for Juu7 anhe ait the vaiei etcel lent esrtures oftLits capital monthly for youugslerm. 1 te viii vorti the subsoription and ",eau eadlally recommend IL. Tor aie et tie ektos -The Jauuary Century bas a crovded table of cealeste, A vide range oetatpie& aud.emnalW. very lSe sud ammerousimstaton&The Va- per on the civil vit la Liis number treate et the operations of te western gunhoats ad le hinblp' nov sr, "The Rm f usLp1u, -The Omit Reformer tu onterlmag Il» Lventy- eventhymar dons a nov sud bandaomoe dre sandopthLe elght-pagetoru »nov-momach Sa rogn. Wa cemgrt * ierblishers. clii. & Maflivogra on te ali tu mand lnduutry. Erer ines the Reformer vas edited and pub- lilhed mmin leresawo by the. Hou. JaYonag It hms boom a ieadlag country par and tie pro- mont proptiétore are dssertaiued taintalu the oit staudurd and koep abresmiofethue imes. The Ilut tva (uses of 5the Part Hipe Guide bave ci -me te band mach improvet Inl appear- ue sud vihi enlarged border.. Buseiness vith the Guide liai ralgrèeed msamtlfuteoriy sit s ev sud iar..er power pressa va aecelty. To meet the .damand s new CampbtellI mprorsi cyllader p reueham been put in by the entprprls. lmg proprietor. The lmpa-ovcmenf In make-u. sud lu meciaulcal execuitton le markeit. sud Lie Guide veil d.serves Lie enconlums thât are be- lug shovermi on It. -Thi veteu'ain Eroobvhfle Recorder slgnalixes ite al#y-fourth leur of publication ir an es. largement of île veekiy to elghts p.uje s erinu columas sob, maiting a large &au haidsome paper. Thii roprietor. Mr J. DIl,lec- duoiag tie Recorder with muci abliy sdo- ter-prise. sait vobave ne doubt the. ole o!the district viliigir.lekoit paper a gemns sup port. The Ricorde anneunces s strictmd- élan wLte hemh-in-ad vance plan as the only one teob. foilowed vith mach a largo paper. - Ton ai ro uma.o"dered fer Lie fobcay. geen curling club. au. nov in the bande of the membeauitplalng vau commeucei tito week* Thi Boicageonftee viii iUjoy shimilvis It le jus euhclubssas the Baboagesu club Chat toma eut the kenest ud mes uoeiMl ourleri. Wthuacdicesuitpltyif tirneat Lai disposai to pretlce Lier ouago !oarard itgshe ruaistfhst ail viii b. pmcien t. Tien stesla the adrlce of let. iiff Ibrova ln. Bir. e5.1 mal ho a comparative s«amopr su the nicosies of i-uràlng but lmer, ha odeubt tbhal;h. nova boy Le "taie Lie Ire.*' -Ou Thonrday r etLhle vt'ok tva rnus er the Peterboro club miae.go Llnd.'ty andi playeti a match, vith the boue elub. Thtis match te orne of a mrlesplaytsi by the clubs oftchia d"trict for the-'Ontalatkard. Th-t Poterh'oro rnuis mmcbe Lindar ivthe là olock train tram the .ntkmut Play vas commeaicei t IMU oWeleok.Fo a LIme the game vas close, vti Petierboro iavlnir a muigis l[@A&. Two or tiree trai playenaetien gare Peterboro a decided airantuem vilci Lier maltaluieit ta ste finisih nt thi matcih. winanlug hy thiefUe mujortr ef il shotn. Thetesait. le eeoriiy creditabiej te (ho Peerbere riais vii plmLed on siange tee aid plaeed weil. *"Lladr* anet av te lm nuualfora" vas Lie comment eWIolecrs-ou, unithe 'iyers about ris. The score by riaki stands m e blov: P. B-ueuv Bmm m wa u Vhers hmt HoDm L AT HOWB's. GREAT 'SALE NOlW GOWmiGON àATW.OES MALve. 81w.. -V Li- U W x. cxà'-roàw FURNITURE. PÂBLOR, BEDROOM, S. -Al»- DIWING BOOM SUITES. JOHN ANDERSONS Liudpar. Jan . I -M! ,SIUATONWANTED BY A YOUNG XNTo lm ta te*Confectio H01US WbrTED.A ood, om Ontarfo Bank . I 7maft. . th. lu& -tf. STR.ÂED-On the promisesof Albert NJ F-ngi(thowa~Lesthl Lt 1E. cm . 8.R Caéneon . O EcBM. 27. lcm bave4th. F OR SALE. PLYMOUTHRBOCKS. GEORGE LAIDLAW, "Tii. Fort," Victoria Road. Victoria Rondi. Jan. 12. lM-23.gf. N OICETO THE PUBLIC.-Plmsm., N takle notice that My wt. Lia Jewett. ballas flots urbeild ad ,witotli caus or poocatiIo,I ereby gie =oteha I wilil otb.rmeble for anj debta 'homa coniratlamy me. CHARL SW.JEWETT Lladami. Dec. 92&188L-233pd. OTICE-Aliparties indebt.d tn me N aote or book accout ame berqby re. q ueatmd w cmli and ett. the smre before the ,torraqr. or ther wiil be piaomd i n y soUcltorahmd for collection. as I muât bave the mon1[,.IL'GH MITCHELL. St leamons Auci» utLindsay. Jan. Ith. 1885-3. D.N eCIre. PE.. F. T. M. S. md LC. P. S. O. ruduate of Trtnity University; Licentiate ofRylCoilege of Physiciama. Edtmburgh; FloofTrlnity Medical Uchool; Member oi Collage o Physiclanu and Surgeons. Ontario. ElâtbUI¶h.Offie. Moot Pleaaat. J9@13 M7 Wxsvo,. - At Mdn, S theSS» lasnt, lie vile of FrankILR.Wommterni t amkate. Pt7rav. --Os, Janmary». lMla 4Né% 10 Gu_ dorsloeve-ave., TorantolisavMe of Jas. Padtdy, butcher, 2U5 Gerrard et. oS, eta daqcur. KrrcamLL-au.-Os thieTi t,, 55 511 te M_ 1 a- 1 -. Osme nce. ite 8ev. J. C. Visemý. * thea 7 o m s eJs rymli. boti et Emiy. PAmusoiç-Bxhir.-On the 24th Deomber. as Brue Park. Daceta, WLe Rev. J. Scott, Mr. T=orasPatersonL MimeManle BeuS, ioda troua Ounsas CunuT-WàIr. -On Dem. IlL, at the rosi- douce o!fie bridas ftiher b, the 8ev. Nivari ELuoI-r-Eeecoa.-m Dec. 305h, aS Lthemi-e dauces etfie lrhda'othi.by lie Hev. NOyau Eves. Mr. Win, W. Elliots Lu lame. daugitet of Mr. John Itasee. oda of Mcnmouth. Mrr.aUXozs»a--WULq..-On tie lili Dc, nt Hyde Park. Decota. br Lie Rev. J. 5005 uMr. a iutsLmmenta.férmerly of Minden. Lo lmWilson, formenir of BoboWygmos F.Vaxs-Nîmsuv. - At Lie tosideuce c! Lie bnld's father. on Weoesduy,31sfDecembot' Li te Rer. JW.MsL(ntock. Mu' David Brans of Tora oAngte, eccnd ituegter of D. Nu- bot- esq.- Saula ROnoers-WArr.--On Dec. 24th,nt te romi. dauce e! Lie bride. tatier. ir Lie 8ev. Etvard Xvea, Mi. Benjamin Roberts et Barbart Umie Eabeidaugiter of!Bit. Donald Watt Raz».- la DOvuyie. ou thc ?ti Jsnuaa-. bIluabotf.. vit f rWVlis Reid. mo e oa. TaTnc.-Iu MontemiJanuary t. CA*t Oeo. Tate. umelae t Mrs. T. S. Whlllarne, Lindsay. in hie î M ire. JONU5.- In Ottava. on Lie Mt lit., Devereux Ford :yecer Janm e..let 15 oly bled obid- r.A. Speu nc esd i ahGertruic bOMs.- Suz -unsAt Aultavhlie. eounty Storuont. Onsarthe, m' abouf elgif-three. Divit D. Som mer% maternai uccle etf A. A. Moeaciln, Cebecoi. sMd W . EcNLauchlu. Oakvanl. GraIn and Produce. GIRAIX ANI) WOOL Tic umdarmgaed iipsy the R ZONESIT CASH PRIOR Raviey, WAeat. Petua" 54Oat#, and W.o0, deliveteit at tie 011d regi e tar.msee et Deamsk Coia. senaonie, Bas - Warl Lindar. M R 10-H15? CASH PRICE PAID WHEÂT AND OATS.' The underslgneit are o pay Lie 51gb. est Mariet Pif.J.or ad M deliveret at Sheir mm iat Lbldiy. PATENTFLWUR-NEW PROCESS. Havlgint tduced Lie nov proceus fer th. manuacture or Flou" ther are nov Jreared te suI an erdo"s lortie patent ril.COPN la nov bolni oue at eat mil ii iicontinae for tie sessaC. SADLNR. DLNDAS kCe. Lindsanet ot l.. Godlardi & ige GODARD, & ELCIE, TOIRON*TO, ar0 showig f ts of FUfRNI TURE THE POST FOR 18859 by endlng on your loflar. Examiro midreso. label. the type of wbich wiU b. corrected now about every tht.. eeka. 0&RD 0F TEIANKS. The iubscribsr domires te reta his thank wo bis friendis ad tLieis of eduostion vho stood by hlm snd recordai their votes la his favotinotwltbutandngthe cotlauaed attempts Mode br hostile Parties wo damage bis standing as a trusatee, by miurepresenati±oa saud mablon falseoodi. Wbile thanklag roui for yeur cordial support, 1viiil as i.hepaitendeavor La farther the Interos of education. P. G PILKIL N OTICE TQ PAY UP. paa«ge. iviam"mlprnting aMid i v«ItUMg seeuis, oiemreediMsSyer, Ma roqueuui te puy Up pWclput4h" OvewO weuMai a mmlsret iau subseeusa aeeeuemm u ha p a 15. tu thmae M. eeka im r Shey vi11e iseeiM» it uerotoefUetite S O. Liadm. Jan.a .on "-& Je ANDERSON, E"mr.. . * M L18K-sa VITALIZED AIR@ @MW-H.GiRoss, Ni. ins iLb.enl mtutl t. hee II imige ts t "a"tiS ~sLf 5. nti, mkig1 h u mthe ee isavri arusn emh la pie-at ai........... ro. a i BRose L. O'onnor. ABusINESS OFFER. BETWEEN THE SEASONS .r am.Offering STRAIGET-OUTBARGAINS. 1 bave en baud a nuamber of excellent BUggems ad Waggons shici I wifl ffur Bt a seuotn o atnthem. ut. It laat the closoof Lihe senson -for wlieeled vehiolos lat 1 mahoe Lis cr. FOR WINTER WORK I am veli stocL1 have a fine amertaent e! PIANO BOX and PORTLAND) CUTTE~RS, UBSATED PLIEASUREC SLIEIGHS sud LIGHT PLEASURE SLEW(;H& A Specil h oigis rnmnuaturfug arceut 4$EL' GRAIN SIEIGHLSaid SAW LOSKGS l aeIe tibu ieoi 04mUd work and voil fimeei I reoovci at thoelateCentraiShowantlmdimW 2 TIret and 2 Second Pnizes lu work I exhIbist. on worn mot got up for exhibition, &salut work that vas mate on purpose. Titi lea uarautèeLias Iraaeflrt-tclas s oodi. Farmers give me a cali. Corner William & Russe il-st8. Llnduy. Oct . i18.-. New Ae etamo a Y m ltothe. snth haif cf lot ÎsTe iZ con. Brook, A TWO YEAR OL» STENE. The owuer caa bave it« New Advertisem enta. SS. No. 9. feneon. Apply ta 1'. A. I'b'kGU- SON. Secrtary-Treasurer. Glenarni P. 0.- Jan. &. 1885-Le4. RAME BOUSE FOR SALE OR TO OR SALE.-SIX PU'RE-BRED ýF icecmtaimnMax rooam tcoi aren 8F HORTHOLL ULS itènmnh Whiiiamms, t.Imediate paosssiloa giv- cd lu ]B. A. Crd ,ok. Our hcrt now numsbees an. For turtien particulanu appir to Rt 19 bead. and trom sires bred by John Drydea, BRYA Ns, Lamer membtchant ii. Dec. à: M.* P. P., J. Millet, A. Job neton. W. Herron, kP. 1lm. -17&-tf. Calllcutt, and Camipbell, Kinleer. SeotiandL.-~. OR 8 LE.-hre.THORUGH.BARCLAY & SON, Lindssy P. 0. Op>. Lot F' BRED BULL CALVE& color nJan 12 _____ red. botween 10 sud Il mentie old. Sire frin imj Sstasrns I.Pedigre om Lrd i aaian iierdbool. Almo Covasui tM for saie. JOHN CULLIS. Fenelon Palle P. O. Jan. 1011. 1lm-U.4pd. pK ULACKWATER HOTEU-This ex. CIPRTIN0 HECLT i Y celleuf botel hbu been Lsken posession o!rt'.O F VICTORIA. by Mr. Wm. MeCasidil. wbhm basltted it up lu fire-ciahi erder for the reception of gust1 The bar le suppliai viti the beet branits o et T - C I ,Mmdir. Wsnm meâa ah Le arrival N oail tais.Godstabls aidattentive - le ereby given that ri*e hostier. WM. UcCASKIlL.. Blackwater. uiialCro jan. 1218-1 M-Ir. Council of the Cro C A .BRITTON. aton of the Co. Victoria wifl meet in the Drugi, Pstes4 RMedicimes Dug. COUNCIL CRAMSER, IN THE COURT lIGUSE, 119 glaSs Imudres, EecSre. THE TUA'hNOF LIJtDSAY, »Redirai Batterie4 e. t. TfliST EANS O TOACCS. TUESbAT, 271h ba> odJaiuary, I»S Lindsmy. July 22an&lSS.-97. LKDSAX CEMETERY COMPANY. ThIe mtiWa meeting of thc ahareholders of the LINDSAY CEMETERY COMPANY WVILL U1 ITFLD itON Moadagy Erettlng. the l9tta Januawy, 1885,. atS 8oclock. st my office, for the eleetion of Directors for the present year. ADAM HUDSPETH. J~lnaay Ia. ~ ~.Seretary-Tremsurer. P LUMBING AND OAS FITTING. JAS@ SMITH, PratialPlumber, Gao and igteam Fitter. Heing by Hlot 'Wster made a sîeeialty. AUl orders promptiy atteaded te. Apply at' Gu. Worku. LLadamy. Llmdmsy, an. -',1185- ~.. ___ W RITTEN VISITINOC ARDS A» »M"e ttiEaiU a tae . H ocimy. Your narnbeautlfufly written on- at 2 o'clock P. M.. pursuant to statuite. T. MATCHETT. COIUnCL.:%TYO Jcg iCounîp Cierk. Lindaay. (lth January, lbbà. ;-23-2. AuCTIUN SALE VALUABLE PROPERTY L'mder and by >irtue of a power or qoeas a tained in acertain mortga6m. whivh %vwli be pro- duoed as the Urne of mae. îhure wl ho aold 09 TUESOuAY., TPIE 27TH JANUARY, la%5 st twOo'ctock in the, afternoon. by JA'î H. LMNON, Auctioneer. ut his Auction inl TmE TOWN Oir LIND8AT. Lot number Twevcin the Niaih concession ai tho township of Ye,îelon. lin the couuty ut Vic toia, containing 75 acrsmuore or lese. Termes ad Conditions will be made '.-nowat at tmme of male. FPor further partieutars apply ta ROBLNSON, OBR[EN. GIBSON & LEFROY Tendoes iSulicitors, No 68S Chureb-et.. Toruto. J UDICIÂL SALE. Pursusut tW the judgniet and F. o. ~ RWGERS vs. BRÂL>LEY. SEA LED TENDERS vit) be recelved by W. W. Dean. Esl j.. ' %astet Bt Llmdmav. sddresmed to hitai. Linuisdy. P. 0. markd -Tenders in 1togeru v". Bradley." Lu. liondav. M hDur uof Pbrhrîv. 1 ý Pet do,.. Per pack ~J ~ ~ V "' SupeflueBrisoL nala hofe 2.5 at 2 p. mu.. for Lie purchase of tho. follo~.ng Gqtge b.elclothrwis..M0c oM. lands, viz:- Silppenrds .................. 25e 40e The Souti-E:melQuanrof.1Lot 23. Ceo& Bloquet LsP ....... ...........l. ' 'A.MmaiheoNert irat &et 23. MeuranmuCardei.............. 40e TMc leun Flouraii 12 desixgus..-*a 7c Cer.. *," lite tevnship of FPor other styles ses circular,;. apes pflUANS iP TUGET ET HaL. ithl Ie County of Victoria, contaiaaiug l.J ace@,' 10 lessama. 53.50luasdvanmo Circulas ,tree.sorebor les». uave and except 2'! acres, therrouit AS&E YOUR STATIONER. FOR .2r 215v. heretolore .old otff thcest siuk- for -% tuad. jauekaoues <heuBisoe k lk.There are about 251 acres uînder cuit ivation (t cives a very fiue Une. sud bas a beauti- snd tiers are or' the preiiilse't a good ta-aante fud glos ven dry. ibarn 30% 10 teeS, a geoitfraine d welinic house GEORGE W. J ACKMAIN. 22leet. both in .cood state of reps irand Norvooul.Ont. amount nov. The alt land I.s ittuate about If Norwod.Jan.it M-23. mlesfrein Lindsymand -.mile f-om Lii:.,- Noiwcd. an. 3. 185.-l-t.Brîtaiza. RtUPT'URES!1 0OI Prof. Go W70 Koftchkin 9UDST- aim SinuVelm80 ML ML. a*»tl magi Ha"i, laieuh,1m1 a à$ oniimUh mislnet id uyi en5 Luth oa mm oh s 5 o M- man usai S i IS agaau i S Truose élies s vii sadlta H.Lmvlmg« biSol VOV.EgsBismt o if b~ ~ ehaImnsh maiatki l ~s Pai H ba lneo: The land vil b. soit tree rtramal inctini brances. - Zci tender muet b- mccompsnieil witlt a marbet cheque for S$10Mu vifaitwil hore turucdiIf cender utaLcesateit. The petSOu viose tender lemcptel viii par tHc balance of hlm purriam o ner iatire veeku front the notiflostlon of the aeetece ot ils tender. Ne teuder necessartly accptet. The Venters siail mot b. boundtat furisl mt abstracts, titis duels or other evidencees0 tien those la their pesemon. and the Pur Chasr muet amae Ie l l octioni snt tequffltlama Ltie titin luwniting. vitiu fWee da- tItou ci notil"catof t ho moceptance Of bi tender,.s andfi t e ieso doang. shah! bg deentelta have aoespWs ste title UDOcel- MUIIasly, The proimeril b. required Lteausa &tosar bblsow v epfl5 The oshor condition viiib.e t andi3e coalltiamet se Court. MWer fur partiauiers ..Il teLu Mr- UaB akor Mime..ucntre& twart, Baudi liiijsnuai . .D. lmL W. W. DEAN. Veniors soellies 1RENIv . REXEW EN.BUCKNG ALL TB£ LATBT a DFlavsile, dap... 15T. P. AtrilIltp. -.24 .No.!2 Rlak. @.à.MoMartrr.mkie 19 IL P. Boucici, ship..22 UsJctr for. Peterbero. 12 sioes -On Tueedar moranir o f fie eek Lvo is etf the Undegf club vent te ToroiSo mand played duriug the attermoon Lvo ia nu of the Granites ou SMi lie of (thelatter cib. IL vas àacose. om nduleLiULiai-rlters bat Lo pull oet t rcours and vot= hei-roc om v in. The mmicIt vas playeti on ocfe m th.Le Ice insd. the riui building r.nt bpi* available. A fteî a eln'e coUteme i.Luy M rais von y hy.es. Tieim lse rpiait bslov: so. Ozi Runk. J. Memnoln. jr, j Mlles, W. WLmo 4 Luu .jaII'my, A. NoflDueiL. W. E. Rami ibs, J. D. Flvella, ihlp... soc.Dalton, skip... 2 J.. NcSwein -i. I J. G ffdvmUs.-Drut T.E lhulban.Ap..If -.Tmpumo flp i Mmjoly fer liads.î 1ic" eTi riis ot te. luiss elub that pisysi84 NraM hg vSik repM "Ikal anaela tona Lie.ru roe smterwameulla tki mmn Stgp asoIbas veiu-kevu dMi uiways bout vmeunIorsIte un a mthamut. sai PM-bre Thmnt un "oi ie afl im ind ý -à-B mm biS. albieamk b ai7 usr g eh. ia. sen k prlnmi ls, *w Wamâori. h Inds"mu