Ikzw~iIliu ~*st. VOLUIM XV EMLE INo. lui. LNaY iTYmT àr a 8.TBS io E EI _____________________________________7.9__________________________Ise& SPECIAL OFFER 1Il GANSI REMSE 8CMLBAE UI Wit&>sus B".h4 Bm"a.tJ'Ji F~~~wifflvoitoa, rma EiucicBook < &. ilt wtfl be si, te aa7 addru«Bomttgi, u Mmf A WEITTEEGUAI&NTU 7?o~ it i UaIW=T NAGE OZGÂNr A G..d <haut. fe vM7 01Ms t g beib~mm ppm . G. Wf, REEV, Orilia GREAT OLEARINO SALE 'The unt rylgneil. liavine declded ta retire tram 1»bli butuo oMes hi catire Mstk for mie, Ci-orkery and GOfirfiwre, Hardirare. LrsEegan id Gcatee FelU. Cloth, Prawètella an,5 Leat her Boots & Shoes. A mer fraib anid Canfidiam Coul -OU anid Machine OU&. Thf stock in new and bonght for leu than manufacturera prIe.. The whols Miut ho raId withim tic next sIxty umysg. without reoi V». Also one car of FINX BAlRIEL MALT, Alto one ev Buggy. omsle- Cutter. Kos». EaguBellh, Mte. A@Dobson_&_Sons, Cn I Lgjn _ A.DOBSOIN & SONYS Great Wholesale and Y etail Business is now in JUilIai Jfavlrrg cnlirrgetdmir weli-nsantîd stock ta mepet the demandas of the public. we are nov prepara-d to s-cl gondsamas- heiap as te cheapeat. V.e are filowing an Immense stock ai FALL AND W INTER TWEEDS of te best Scatelia nd Caniadian manuifacture. Fine C'oloîîred Blvock Worxted ('oat1ingM anef PaiUgs. of tce latest designt@, to be aid at priceim to uit the. puichmmers. A. Iull Stock of Blanketo, Yarnt, Yull-Clothe, Twetd ii luola of aur own manufactuire kept alwaya on band. P'enth Groeerle,,Crorkery, C/ilaa, and GianMware, Etc.9, Jri..t arriv cd. Nvffthimg meus st Ruofe m VvisMe& '. H. Pogue, Littie Br-itain.__ A HOLIDAY GREETING W. H. POCUE, LITTLE BRIT'AIN, Would antîmneato e v ell preptret i wth PULL UE G 1, 00019. a;h fr/t u111 bc zMONi t repli, elose prires 018AC.'eê Il wilhl abat giveî -ery liberial D'~1I1ISCOJUNTS an ail larmo purchases. A Fine Stoeck of China. Chaswaa andame- p O.dn.. mitabie fer lirsmmu, umMs Flac ruit, Elacuits and Coatotoncry Ïor %là* ]F*eonoMe. NVP w-ctld njab it itmate i li cadesuor tii:af. if jq sr tn have ou' accounts lu by the New Ykr Vaail inerely iope tai ti im notire tvll taca .itileiitLreninater. WVis«iiig ag Inv- ea-r atrisna id a Haptpy Niew Veau'. We-are. yanirs trnly. IlIli hri~iil.I eeintt.isi.W. la. POGUE, S. iWoods._ iS mETrI--NG OFFICI[AL. Staitling But Trie t Those who have received stati'Meiits of their accouits f«r the past ye.ar. w4lI con.fer a favc-r by.scnhling up thismoath, a# I WU require ail ava.ilable - uradi. E. WOODS, Kent-st. N. IR.taIme w1sh te thasak the public fer thie VeT7 eoswa#g recel Ved. and tiopuý te nerit a coutiuancu or tRie imme. ____ . Iiginbotham._______ A. HIGINBOTHA -Mi M .ano" mawbn . V L TU AIESMAI 6ML Utewawt DO&MW theams et Uumgwa et Uffeâua-lum ss mpime Ur MmNE EOUOE OFFCENs A»U5XTT'YivE -mzNKiLLE-GEN. sTitw*BTs NAN. B0W NUCAPE. TIi. Relatétaoopa amdths XMls tOme..hase b Mi s.emouter Montdwas »OMooec han u expected.The Nami haviheued ef GenaeaStevuaatmvmS @Mtont teeaui mmd Scmmi et tlt Aimeoof Saugira very .U'omg fStot lamwepbtisemMarck of the BeitiLob.Th» batltbockt place mur aMetammai. Tes Cummai rebele attachai Che qumwr. SI insla Wh" ithie Bru"leh oeue uM advaueiag, but wveocoupellai cvemwmllv ta retire. The. ebels lait 8O0 hillcinmd M 0 ounded.. The Emotg l St est l A&MOng Ch. BuCluWho lotil w»COL. Burlmbyi wiio ma"dei. anion. "nids fui Kbivm.'sA waveorroapondestt maya the. charge otfCthe Arabe an thie Britlai square vas terrfie. The saugesha actually no testof death. Whou twq~ broehe loftC rueir of bbce ome, ubere va. marixiton lits minutes; but Cher officei,. nushied te Lb. bneach msd touabit 1Hie deuil. gais. This accounts for the Jase of ulme officera, ont ofa] ai proportion to aity.five mon. AnaCher aud still severen flghl befoee Metemma la reachei la .xpected. LORD) WOULSELEYII REPORT. A deepatela tram Lord Wolseley, datai Korti, Jana. 2liét, rt-ada: "C3en. Stewart hmn bai a beavy engagr meut vlth a por. Clon of the Mmli'à forces vomi' Abu Kit& Wolls, vnei Metemma, msi Omduamaan. Thia aut place was reestly otard byi thu-Maihi, mmd hu. Chp -men vers rele...ed trora harts Ca flght Stewart On te aiter. meuionofJua.16, Sîowaea carv reportei th"ath euorny ues lapositon a iev miles Chie aide aifbihe w.1l.As t vas Cao laCe lu tie day toa show au aivancer an-d auccenssi encouniter, Stevait bîveu- acked for the nigisa. The oeny kepb- up a barmbnens tire.&Haingitt, and eee-t.ed vorks on Stewart'a righl, Ilank. On Sun-. day Stewart esdebvoured ta drav the eoemy on ta make su attaii, but the robellé huattateit, 118 coneequoenl C tils Stewart loft #JIlhi@ Impedmentasmai camels under uard said moveai toevati, keepina hi.g forces lu rh. faim ai a square. The men vers on foot, The Britiah amy paàésed0 tounai the euemy's leitL Uni, forcing aheni Ca make a au itack or . teubject te au eillade tire. The enemy wheeled ta Che luit and deliveneit A WELL ORCrANIZIRD CHARGE endwra vltheri l rfrin oaur mmn.Tii.t s4quare was untortunately penetristed by', shoot' oeight af numboru. about tsleiC remr, wobe thCe hoa.vy cavairy and camel reffimant wers lu position. Tht admirablet eteadinese of aur mesnesabîidthona to I malutain a baud ta bandflght vtîh thed eppoatinit forcé-, ohila s-store punlahimntnt va. barni icted upon abs sneuiy by al othepartis ai the a-auam The senamy wote finally dri-yen back under a&beatyz fine ram alaidesq. Ti lOth Hus-ansLieu i pusi tn ,)wari Cri the oelse, vhlch ver, la aur possession by tire ln thse eveninic. Tne usemy iliuo e]ls-mthas M0&au aronath square. The pnlloners uho- vere 1 akarn wvllir thes emy oes retining report thâttah. number ai Lb. ounay l veurudeai w.> qulte exceptianal. One lin.1 Medilete i tféect ut te batieI thatt KANT O F TUE R191131.8 ARK SUBNITTIqG. It was neceasary for tb. anay to remain1 at the Weil@a come hours ta obtale Walter. As moan as pratîcable bheisteteion was to, pus-h onu with ail oxpedtoa .toiMe-. orni. Tho Englit woundaed ars do.e tmg veli Lord Waleley mayaStewaa'tt coneld ielsreport as tallove: "tlusa hesmymiduby Ca comnaiti a. farce fronit wbicii exceptionl vurk, excepulonal hb rdr ship and exscepaloual figktlg have bo-nr calilri In.Lt vauli buoinpos-ibie ita ado-c qustoly doscrîbe the admirabtle support1 jîliven me by ciery officer ait mmenof tes fonce. 1 regret ta 55J aur ls amaweters, l- but aur succees vas ta complet. that ila mav diwhueaten lbth emytau s hau ex- tent that ail ifuture fighiiuw may hieofa les obstilliste charmer-." Loti Wolseley @&y*: 'Ste-wart'a opetatiome have beenf moast crudItabît ta hlm ais &commmiadler, and theaiobalsa.every rmion t teopraul ai tic gpallauîry sud spritbofaiber majesty'i. aldiars ontCiteoccasion.Ourlasse, ae Il comntinaloned, afficera klleit md 9 wouud<- uit 65 aoit-conmnlaenei officen aid men kliit sud 85 wounie ed rmare.rc THE PLATE P.oLL. Besudes Col. Bsruaby bhefollowng vote blîlea: Major Cmenmc" ut hePfitLan. I cera, M-jon Athertano et tc itth, Dria- gaaonu,Maujor Gengt af Lier RaglDrarune,0 Capa. Daeîy Le tl, utth ounth, Drm¶,,,Lone. Wolfe ai h. 8cotâ Greya b »d LeutkPIMUbt mirDeliellrot thersai il fgada. LotiSt. Vinosse »dmuLoti 7-1 bed rmoltveai&adampth orefit gthe im ot timopu fort'Alueltm.e - B Alla.UNe*,eabou tbhueyuuet wom iomvurai yem-à op te iIonteulhr ait thpoiduof ot l aChe imeur wuessioflby oLutet. a mewhe atasi orn qustiubi moojiticmesla Reuuli ammm me cfhi ba ouet uimehus-ur Ch.rive j. bps. - â ckt 9-J et the, u-MThy e&el quu% U, tbowu7 r ls.tRe %@ut -§ _a _ m-.Il ana tboe huhh, o Rsmn wi.e & a Mbia e nruiai ddu --Imubmoveimottbet et wu v& heu by a o mse myrote5 mon = amui- . el aSulmlY of the rabais M Nmllh mmuè The. RUtIa nOPhu vitt a dea4Y ivil4 h*tRierobo versunabie te viMbaMdth" turmet and ettachai Ns. lobt ruer o et R.s Tii. Reavyavaley »du"ai cU=a dovu, by " eoaalanst brmke tbefr forma tAon for a fou' minules, but quiohly eallle aMi a bani.to.bsa i ftat umue Tb rsiol. poretràtei tt*Eettah iambe, bu em eoed tam a 1VY flmk finemi finllyelvubook. Géi. St*wm tboa umrrow e&Mee hie bauebolng kllud unde hlé gnrPoru"tha& h.robelà me h Aset er saent et Ge«MomiStsvut' emgagmt vlth -the reblbbaap the Avab numbaliet from,COOta 10,M00.Thuy mai thoîr a tacimala a tumultueus rush direct ed prlmopailV ponthe m.aie C he aqus. old by the umoe ate bh.bemkiug o vhieh the offloons ttrtbuted th.eu»roi: couduot e b <mel, hl bck mtpuwd burusil sud bocaime unceiîtroll hî. TRi lins wa-m peily ro.tomed msud the dit elpila.of the men wa. soluudid throahý out A *aiy ami demdîy lire va. hep av by th. huanmd mouatul lniantry vhlle themntllerynmiataluai suao"ald fou mu vwhieh pilai the demi Arabe, Up h heng. The sigce, le front oft bBc Ditiol rinft Duk va.a vonitabislanahter Dma sud when, the Arabe wva'lnuilly neuflto tbiq lofa .tliht uademi ofthele'nuambel dei upon Che fleid. The aumber ot thel woonded Who vere ai. ete naeh or hi nmrnfrntramthe fiaid i.4estimstei at 2,006 moet of the causeîlitles on the Drat-isi aidseeeei duing Chp break lu the liai ai the hussers. The British rook theli ove; ani the Armh vouaed dtethe vells ai Sheboa& Moat of the woafed md soini veil. Goa. Stewart. vlth the rommlmdieî of bis trope-,ls progemmlg tovuedu Mistmine. Daznngsihbu lah: pwcedfin the action Che, Arabe thnev up sual oath. veehu, tutended te tnterc.pt Sbevset' match, but they veri capturuait mud de* troyed by a detachment af Englisii Crops. col. E3URNAET'5 DEATIE. The morutig papemecontalu comumua ai description@ sud commente regaidlagl Col. Stewarb's% battie, unamouiy extoliuq the horolsua ai the Britieh troopa.Cal. Stinuay la deenbed as dylue 11k. a& Ceue British buil-do ' wlth bis right baud cleuched lu âeath about the thecat of am Arab, whoee spear vas tbz'ust thraugh the colaue's ueck. ÀA1HAN>TO*HAX<D FIGE?. Addilonal particulanas Pay the battIs vas a fenriful baud to baud lght. ,Maeb ai the Araba wors armed with spesa mmad pro. Ceeeîciby splka.d shielda ai az hide. They rais-bd ta close quartersaudaswarmed aven t he baodies of their de-ad sud vound-d conadew. Tbe Enullab tnopu ait orthe. firar.tw arounds, iought vith shorteurd siahmesand sopord bat alieti% - wla-lded at; haIt anme s ength. The Egyptlan alle* fougbt de*perately. The robeié.had pnsa huudrud apeclal negro n.fiemoa, ail good abute. ZNYVOEK tu£ UI&GEI!T. - PusRJnGf FOiLWAR[a. LO, %DNo, Jan le.-The. anulety ai the public regardlng fthe Nil. expedition va., anamewhatallayed Io.day hy ithe publicat!yn of a deu.patcb reeeived at the wmn office from Gen. Wolseley, who bail nat been di. ectly heard train fer five <lay-a. Gen. Wolseley la stîli at Kartu, and la directing the movementa ai Uenerale Earls und Stewart by messaget% eonveyed by aides mannted on camels and attendeai by truRty natives. rms dlspatch, "eeciet the war officu to-day tramt Gen. Waiauiey loua uaL amaunt ta mucit, excetas a proof that the telegraph comnmunication baie heeu reatareai, sud iLtla belleved Chat nm prevns iis4patche,4whlch Gen. Wolaelsv isuppoaetd had ru'ached Landau, muat have bs-en lost durlng the Lime viten, the tel. graph ilno oasdit.abled. TUEKET $HALL NOT INTERFERE. In London the ezcli ement caused by the tuiieuai occurrience ai a council at the. van office on aie 201h vas gu'ew iy increaaed by tlb. report thatthebsglavermoent hait decid. Pai to resis-t any ati erpt on the part of rurkey ta oc-eupy an v portion of E<y pt or l4ud troop. lu that contairy. Thereis cou. .ir4erable huatle mand excltetuent at. Chu war uffice. Ordenra bai-- eein cist fCiathan, Partamuti ar.d Woolwich, vhich have ennoied raiiich activir-y at thoe nival ema. tions. Ofha.r battations ot troopsatIMalta. 7-2 CE Z k--w - L ~ u~ et~ - nmrtmoolqsasBileill. Tbrisyam buS vetyyugmmmi ww ithoin ICocmeict lut veOOL PauMoWàr.-Mr. Boum . t bRifaplue, WM âhb Us daunmbmn4 bees. vimtlg hie iaMbe la Miebigm ,iCeeem.m.set Thie PMt! MM es Mu th. ppmws uoMr dala8 lm* of aIa- Lm a".la thes ias. Y" et un nid amm§e, Caabi, Tne col mbe, irýa.ams e. Jaue, vbo- qul.hly de-tu"hi l.The aMak vas mahl t h Lb.p$ma "wue emesples vers ouma ýi l vmussunudim un ta e .ove. bye mid .ait t u Sloc*~ THOR,£&. tCarepmdnsoc Th pwq. CmNciL PzOcE.DING8-ThI omuuil for thue wnamip efTiiommt vu bi& MMomn, dayl le tlitee', hall. Thwe . vuto mach bouimu dond, enly the aoeolataeas of the rovnahilp afemedthei b iale. ot thie meumeor. lises. G. Smith, mr., and C.. H. DattimOU rsala thie pailisa er chah Mditisamnr eviuvoir, #& àe- ducai mslay. Mr. John Metuur vua M apted agsomrma"Chue, liAithur aIL& Mamliudibas. PmusAli.-M1r. JOhn Nichi...ut Bowanaavil. bu boenavisltlmg fesadala thia vbtiag. duj'lg he pais vuc. R.Be. buenci homo btee ser da.y. Durion bis short star heme ho made ma# ilu. ELUCru> ONcu Mous- e am y te nongrabulat.oui gemW al en&,e Brandon, on ths re'electlon b-y a handsome uuaJoity. Tus vote stood: Bradon, 10%; Doumoa, 93; Gilespie, 97; Vamduroct,7-%I RATHI- RN [Corespyondane of The. Put.1 GRANçGE Mrmro. Famir Valley grange viii muet au Cie Pair Valley achool-bouse ou Saturiay P-:et 4g, 21rh Jan. TauffEEs.-Tlet.aigisr - o beun PX- cltug Cime h-te. on WousaananmyetheCi election aifaa i cte. Thua ie the tCura meeting, a cla ts&cipectai Chat Chere vi 11 bu esmneé- e1retic Chaim re. &Seral candidates ee ta. xtcf ,ri h an t he fi-Id. BULDNîs Žoras-Mr. C D'îyle la piac- lug th i ci-a- -îu inta remutrdfor a larme barn vhici. .é -, -tends toouect luth. s-uni. mer ...M. Jas. Edert'aidn a n.-w hanise..M. Robaert Laiub jl a liablni off hie nov hanse, ania a wedding la ex- pected. NRW SCIROOL SEcriO.-There la talk of trytigto ta 'tabliah another tacitol sec Ioun an Lie liai con., ana îo, -Pcta a cht) houa. samewlhere lu the MoGiteru staLle Ment. PERSONAL. - Mis1% and Mesans. ConnolItv ai Nlarkhâtua were up it.sitinfig ut Mn. (id. dahete'ts...Mn. Wm. McNitru-y af ie.rc toat& Rad iuvaéiitiug met Mr. M. Bealy's. Wtuilýt heu'. h. purchaseit a valuable tmare tram Mr. Jaunes McGoveru. MOUNTYT PLEiASANT. iCurreeDndeuof aiThe Postj Enao. -The date, ais aauntc-d lu TEEi Pus? Of last voek of tLia Goofn Te[uplars4' concert ta ne boul here ouni e 29th, sbuulai have remad Thurs.mytChe 29th inst., Instead ai Tuesday tht- 29( h. MEDicizAL.-Dr. Cae'-icicml, ohns. card appa-ars uIsewbere au TEE POST, haeottîcti hure tu prac ice. We ocîconie hlm Lo otar imi-'t maid wimh bitaitevery succens lu hie new tl.-of aipractico. OBiTuAity.-Mu's. Shield, vIdait of tic late Jas. Siiieli uft tua pldce, vo are son,-> La si ate, cleparted thimi lite atter a llageriag i-lüesf4 of near>' a year, vbîh s-bRe bore atîi tortiaude aud tue chriatian. paience, an Tiuruday afternoon las-t, The funurral îook place un Siîurday m 2 p. m. and wa- attenaed by a large concourue of tnittuds and acquautmces woa ollowed the ne' maira tu the Me oisl' huryinU grounti, oh. mile uorLb ai tbia place, nere tb.-y ,soie Intera-i. Sbel.caes afamiyaof s-ix cldren ta mauru ha-r las-s The imniilv htavetihe hearata-it eynpaihy ai thse outire comumuaity lu teirmsad taement Prupmi. -M. Virey gave an inter estaandmuidnstruct ive paorama, coaaaisa. iag ut a numiber ai paintias on van vas, itere on Lte eveilmes (ofthe . 7th and lOab lus-t., la the tumuperanceh-,11, toia very latin audience Chaugh tse osathur vas exr'ced. ti.giy calai andi atanliiy Hia views utfte "Pilarîa'a Pioge.." and "Tien Nigsinl the, Blar-roau" miegondi, and wviihàve a temieticy to produco a gooi effuet ou the young. BRA VBRTON. [Vorremuudence ut The Postl PnmaLc SCEDoL Roman. -The. inaugural meeting oethLe publie achool board iun 1M8 ai aur neoly Incorporated village oas held ou Monda> uvenlng let ulithetown hall. The munabees veu&ail roeut, via.,: Messesa. P. Wals-, B. Madill, Wm. Tayloîr, Geo. F. Bruce, Donad McNab ani Jaine. Cama-rau. The tirs-t business vas electiiag a ciairman. On motion Mn. Geo. P. Bruce vawan . moal e lecied chairman. Mr'. Brocs, on Cmkiag bie chair, Cbanked tbe meaubers ef Lis board for i. ection, sud apolke et coneIderable, leugth ou mat tees, couesege he Iinterests ai th. uchool. Mre. JaueeaCaneton vmas ppotnted secre- Ca-v-teoaurs. M. Canerai vas sucre- Cary cemurer undor ts he ldbamea. The cammmltteeestor th. ean vere liueecteti. Aft.. seme dlacuauion egalng Cthe aivia- abiulity of ue ng maceti.amhenýthe boni adjoumn oi emeut la theme p on. u h. i Monadu la Fehmumy, et sets. eclelt .pM. Laà..-Ih. vili case, la tRie mbten ai thtstaeetthlac ir. BeShune erChi pis.. ernasun taie, vuek la Teo ore Criai. baoec ChiaiJusdue Pq TbmI&teabout P@&» laCth.emot"-rar @M uvera partm bumts teumlem llalavmeCosi&bd=me tis pu Who v ii.v maeivetbs iltà" i. AotCut TIR* s covuoeL-Tbc LA" mmitm et 0qWoWMa a Rlabtvillaem- pm P TheMR vui fumb& At "o -' - ~ eS» lunk "oeh" W'OODVLLLR. [Cornmpondeceat Tiihesboc.1 ANNI7AL Marri'I.-Tbo anaUa meeting of Ch. Eldon brach agrîcultural acley vas ha-Id in Edvard's aba-i lon tie oven. ou f Jan. 9th. Attendance very goci. Thâuditora report bulng dlsposei ai the nomnation aof ices vas pnoceadai vith, ,"osulî as folio..b: Prealdent., D. Me- Cnimmmoni4nnville; vice-prus., P. Me. Sveyn. Dirautors: iH. Bd ardm% W. D. licCrimmon, A. Hawvkius, J. J. Fus, J. C. Smth H. Cameron, Peton Morriéan, 1. Gilîcrit, and Fred Strioklamd. The ueo bnari 1--eitely argeaand aiproceed. eti ta eluie the sucntary and Ceemmure. The majoniby ai Che board thougit lit esirablu ta combine Cheu booffties.Aiter tva adjoutumentàanmuaiconaierable misandor. elaning bin' J. C. Gilcbitw as appoint- ai 'secret mry and tra-asurer., COUNCIL. - Our uew couacil met ou Mo-aday, the new membesm gettleg luta lin vulaasanblntcevenem.Judgbng train appvaraucets Lbe reste vili have bis tour. U neiWan sd guiding -hie [ConnespandenceofaiThe Post.J ANNxuAL Muanti. -A.iargolv atteudei meeting ai ah. Cartwright s.gricultural society oas held Istr vek at vhlch the officers -wore clecaci for te ear. SCaT AC-.-A meetinit of Lbe commit- te" l intae Inters-etpi otChe Scott mot vas ha-Id inte aid Metholimat church on Mon- day night, oien @teps ve. Caien Ca ctr- cuiste towo petitlona, one t o the. iseute, Lie other ta Cthe houâ. ai commans, praî luit abat ne change bumade respecting maijor- Ititea uecehsary ta carry the act, anal askig for pu'ahihi don ait an early day. BiBIEz SocmrY. -Tha aanual meeting ai tb. Cartwright branch oifte bible uoceiy viii bu huIt naît Moaaday nlgbr. To be maines-as-ihy te secre' arý7. RzcovERING. -Mr&. Parka, vbo rccuived lujurle train tahilni, as recevening. NiOTEs.-Revival service..me. ba proîtros- at the Ctdrmîus churcit, cauitucteà by Revmu W. C. Washington andi Woodger....Oui' public uchool ilalaantsiy ttenaledti t4monti. .Veî ycold oeaaher on 8S-.turday. Sun- da"y aud Mauday, wiah sa considerable fait of snotw on FridéLy utgba. DUYS'FORD. rcormoiondence of The Paa.l NOTzs.- lu reporaing the list of pnizes prettonted bji Sr. John a Suuitay 4citil at thoir aunual Chrismasm festival an ah. 8 h lbat. omi-ssion vas madte ai two priz-s pres-outeti hy Mr.W. J. Cass.ldy ta hie cl&?@ far memorizlogt verbo- froua St. Jolin'. gos-. pel. Miaua-r Fred. Htimphrey von tirert pri»anmd Mat-ter E. J. A. Wfflard second pris.Spee-tiliservicesu af prayer mait praise arp haing ht-ld every evenanat thin veek Iu C. M. ahurch .-_We have been luaormei rhtia a skiraît,hinit pa'ay aifte saîc i sein>'parpase a tack <an the Scotch lino ails wa-ek. Why flot open fine on Dianiioro i? Tub. ExoDus.-Maana. A. E. Thunston and Wmu. Ctinley, wbo emlgratutac Orogow about a year aa, menai sncb giovina an causas of ihe advaaageaot Lbat seeaven Ontario bath lu saii aud climats Chat a, fevet to go Cliit han hi* broktea ont bu and arounaiDausiori. The tuver la contagions andi uew cases am i ly reporbeti. Mr.A Steele, sou o f Mr. ERahet SCesis, luit tor Oregona ou Monday, ith Imat., andi seral aCiers are affertng titur tarmé for sale et a haarcela viii thernteublon ai bidding Sir John aid the n. p. tareveli forever. As moset hoit vitedesirestoe enigiatemae supportera ai Sir John thenemay b. smn- thiag. oainous ba the prospective oxadus. IComru.pameme. of The PoM. Hvumz&..-Agia Chat iy Iittle amat- eoie anehsey Md vltcheey, Mr-. Cui, bu iilm-eluim. pmeault et MWet itIas, Inadi the nulgborhag harniet, Gemme 1111, aMi Chmuls the fossot bisante Mai maliecapamremi mmle&d, eboemve vitthmRi ntummaancet Cether memami àarfw M. Malolm. MeAuthur. aidaoetpriAs thahUr"ftuuuty lm. IL Simili a usAim.totbsoun oui beoum ofplacs lu hier commty vile b«hmwsu me ei b..va. Thsy hue-aur te- vihus fer a futneet mpam. mi unity vith ao ii. mbt *1 -N *-hâviffl mmimliy mimmethe, latew M " @W au iSise f iWwdtI.w» vu adw. coum o h m leket * for ï lut Ses .-I iYONYA. Om!uAm.-We ubmeu .the demih or UMe..Thona.Mar, cs. Suaday, tRi lmR ltntThes demmammi hâ. bernla 2hlia bu" t& h.m dno&U Baesa ium as thbcou- et desthé vRioRi vu bore s iCRi Cbredsf fotRi MW, 1,eciema. Bbc a letsvi.md abtmJ, obuilm nWbor. Hetense. erslasweed lu Ch. Salemn bm~~eàguMpl6 a.The amai Part- daubtoes ba»ve i.ampa ofy t tr blneda e hoir braeut LuLEm-lir. James TRbuee, Jumi., la agate confinonS tu bis roroou ma mensr ataek t R moet tRieluna. Miaoun orm-A regular blhmaud for a day, a sonble reminder of vintS.... .Smys eboo la erail blit. PORT HOPE., Yaoa-roenDaTE-Oa Satuiday Ilat TRie.. Jeibumea Hayam came te tovm and befaoenigit got aroty tmil 0orlquor. About»oen o'cloek ho va. onquiuinx for Arthur Ulllof, for a chance te ride home- ho boileved usai Port Britin-but di mot ut thoere. Ris vite thouaht h. bai gene to vios bis motiier, nuaiBloteees Cor- musdithrieafo, vas mot nnn.y about bie absence. On Suaday aitennoon Mre.- HunvySculhoep vhle crsulthbbcfields Ce, hi.mltW', round tho bodyof Ch. ponr f.llcv lving on hie face, obere RheoRiai miln. I"I. rocs ha iovuithat ho bai vaerei &bout a gond demi butors ho t.ll. Dooumuse va a quiet, ludusétrious laboring mm, &biout bvouty.four or rive jea nt ma.& Be baves a vite mmi ene chili le BRCHIN. [Coresepondanceaf The. Peutj AcciDET.-A5 Un sudmara. Luuday vers neturiag tram Oilia a fev iam augo. Chu carniage vs. upfet tbnavtng Cia-m lnaoCh. dltc. Thuy venuseriously lnutr. ei, e n urh authaï; Mr. Luniay'a lite lie ammat doeaiet. LThis la the second icie Chat Mma Luuimy has met vlth a simU&r accident vithin a few montits. DEEÂ,TIG CLViB.-TIO third meeting ai Chu Brechin debatinitclub vas held let voek,-at vblcb quit. a numbor ai prouui- nont speakers taok part, and tiio subject 66 htch ta te moat buneficlal ta nman, navigation on railvayar wase oergetical ly discussedi. Be.. Father Davis acted as chairman ion tbe .dpbate. This la a gooti move and abauld bu oeIl patnonlsid, es- pecîally býp the jeuna men. An evenalrg %ont lu ChIa vay b la e seditylng. The. meetings are held eveny Tuesday oveaing lu te Fol, y Intbi tutu sud aIl are cordiali - mpu- . V a man 146 b7.laws re-qulred forthe differote Mia etmoan md toiconakaur the mmuter Imubeu ud a~thelablidues b. twem the two owowoaum&s IDEN. (o.wuamlumme t Tbh *& COE5uOTbo.-Iu a ropors sentau eT" eotflm tweek reludulngte tb.,eW byour Obureb aasiable MCLePI"Em2âdas The instrument tlaa Io M »and - w»maanuftuwed by Kara &1 Co. 0f Wooditoek Haymuuroàz. - Anuube etof r 70UflE ladies, MigaeR. Newson, ha. takon a sqWd do em p lp 11b ma1111monY, accmpanled by a bi. Gray,&aYoung, famier reaidîunnemu Port HOPe. W@ wieh thmmuch hppi. I[fOUEUmiicoof The PewL) HyEEêI..-On Weoduesdmy, Jmnary 218t m 01.aitiioseehappy avents lu % hich the baPPPeuOm f the parties dlrectly ln. tewested goermlly reaches its sublîime. hfllgbum, tu-ok place At the resideiace of M. Thomase Mitchell. On that ce matou Mr. J. Tiae" vms unuoed lmahe haly bonde af wudjok taoilMise Letitlm Mitcelel, second daugbterof ithe above.njaoeed mentîman Th cromony watt performed by the Be,. Mr. Wilson and vaël wltneseai by quito a aumaber ai the frionds f aitah partie,. We congratulais the happy couple on the lmi. partant change that has tken place la thteirboclal condition, and trust thait he choiceut blesing. pertaininx ta Lte wedded attatu May bu theirs lu abudance. FEIR VILLE WOaueOoadence of The Pouî.1 OBIT.. Anatuer of the old pluiiters bas passed awmy ta bis ettrnal rettîpu place, ici the perban of Mr. Joseph Coi, whu dopart. bd tiislite ln t tue WOY-eijLbth >-ear of his mue on the 1L t lt. H e was bora li he caunty of Tyran, relatid, asud about fifty yous amgo bho lmlgrmted to the. Uûtiud States, where bu remalued a short time, miter which ho came to thîs provitàc>4, iett- llng ln the. township of Caviin, Durham cou aty. Heonly retuaisued a ahurt timo thiteouûtii ho moved overr m'a Optt Lova. ehip, coaaty of Victoria, wherc ho livi.d utitl hu was cal:ed away by deatb. He leave a widow ta miourt i h- lutai. Bis remains vere Interrcl lu the Emuiy cente- tery. bTILL THETy Go.-Mr. Isatab Fui r, son ai Mr. A. Ft.lr ut thia place, la" jointd. bande fur a walk thraugh lite wîtti Mass M ary Jetne, eldest daughter of Mr. Edvard Thorn ou, who resiuet, lathte nexwghbor. ho..d of Jaajetvilte, neiar L ake Sculfug. The cereoiony vas pe.rformî-d lauliège pre. *en.:e af a larce number of aaàsertflrd. guesté by Rev. D. -X. M cC &'mus oftBot hany, un the l4th Iiust. Wu wir-h the. yuung couple a happy and prosperous vo)aice uver i he î*a ut lite, ania A eu their témlil. li£ bore léeunded we bop*' they ba>th may ca>ter the port ai eternai l bu-. IIISOY)AL.-Mr. D. J. Rtich-y h&'4 gane ta thoe ounry of Es..,ex tu cvonetnce tbis dutit-il as tcacher fur the preenî yeur. Mir. Gtorge Billitius la on a vi-it ta thi; tieiglburhoud. Ere long we expect boae- thinait further ta lie revtraied. Tanc Rtëff.-Mr. Andrt.w Fýrsyîh bas pureliaeed a teatn of hort-es tiid 1#4 nov nmkitîit thingé rusth ou * lie farît, that Mr. D. J. Ritchie purchased frouitsàNr. Hetîry Toole. Succe,., Sanuvy.,.'rhe nl w ratodel vllratitig thremher "tr> hî1a!eir0' wbichi has been worked Ibyltibert and Eleritia Hiart, as§-i-ted t'y John Siîîr plat., ha. beeu laid by uzatii anuiher harvc-t îas housed. FENELO. COTNCIL M E Tri.NC;. -The followlngt gentlemen took the declaration of qua.iîti - catian and office for the varlous officee..- John Danilel, reeve: M. Il. Berkil. y, dep. n'y-res-ve; I. G. Mu)nse. Geo. Perdue sud John K. u. tdy, cotic;ir. The t e ve in the chair. Mlînuteï of ti e last ra eeting rad and approved. O.> n'aiidai of Mvr. .Moyneam.'%r. Birchard Aas henitrlii, reamard t') th o'%,bti icriOaui n o n y sirv-yed ratd on te3 hcoL;cesion. 2M1tvtd bylNr. Berkeley, sec'rîded l y Mr. Perdue-, thât the. persoîis a'gaiust whornistatut- labor la ctarged (,n teat No. *; be allowed tu per. forait the saie x.ext season, atid thmt the cleik liiiiauthnrized l ;oaenter the saine on the liât of 1885. - Carri: d. Mom.-d, xcoud. ed and reýolt.eà titt the. titaie for the, col. lectine ut the a ute. h. ext' -ded uni il the- 13 h da) iGf Fe..rz;.iîy tiext. Car. riei. .1oved tby Mr. Ber'-eity, F(otded hv Mr. Keîýnegîy. th:t '-%r. Moyî.ûs i, here- by ita urléd tg) txalîinti the .'n-'.'ay at lui, 25, on J'rà c ou.. ail re-port :ar'lé,j ex m-reîîng. C.irriel. Molved by Mr. lierk- eley, aeuondgrd l'y Mr. Nluyn-es, fiýa1 Johin Can pbeil be ail.,wd an ai'attement of?-1 in his taxes for statute laietr per?. rii'd-t nmnd charmed.- Carried. Mov-e. 1t- Mr' Perdue, secouded by Mr". B vec.~t' the. fallowing bille bue paid :-J&-. D~s Risrviyinaiton 5th con. front, lot . 5)îiiiIt $6; W. Brot.'n. work on 10 b conti., lot $3; R-h--on & A;lan, repitirs 8lc ruati -crup- .-s6, $430l; tu% flhip of Elnorii, a.rayeul for Victoria R >ad, 82.Wi; W. 13rf k.ta' ' rc, for repaire tu i1oàedale brid,,M, $2; C Cuiday, repaairs to crteswav betwt' en i-"20;ttrî 21, ln Ph c-ote 5 2:. B.-ll. repairu to rud LUXBMeER . -Tii. engumon Becsbave cemmeuei bmauliug loge te Cheir avtmlll and luteni olug sxtsnslvely laCe lumbon. lug the qamingpeiug. SCooL-Mlm. Lenon air Plckning ha akes charg, ai aur achool.Me coum hune highly newcmcdi. ,PaMo<àiL..-Miss Kt. Cokeyot Lini- amy let on Moaday for Cdm normimeheol Torontoa...Misa Magate O'Rboly 7J BasIDtin est peeenb vwallng tfemb ndl 1 el 8 « -yM' Kend. -s-condïed-hy " -r.yMue.. rit whereaa a certain petition igGd by Wilitin McWstter and twieuty-Atx others, praying thit. caitucl ta paue a 11Y 1mw ta alter thu boundmry af u. e. e. No. 3 by re- maving lot .9%, lubte Stit con. and attach- log tihe saine te a. a. No. 4; bu Iltru.alvvd thât theo erolibhereby instrucrod to pre- pm the ad by-law and to give due notice to ait partie. lnterested that thiâ cauncil ciii prooeed ta pan thu "ae etuits nuit ueiOm-CL ? Aoved by- M. Perdue, emdud by M. Kenndy, Chat William >omr la horeby appoluted aemsr for 8S1, and. thas a by.law te coocirin the mmmb. recolved and ruad a &-at bine.- C*mntsd. Ey.law rocutci d a u ".mu m"MonnetMr. MKeentaInthe h*M. M«"ed 1>1M. Boekelev, .econded Vir.Pede,nssM M l&Camn esob am a ofumi $3 Plu his taxes br etabtelabour pfo md -dchw. -aanhd.Move&b7 1fr. Bwukale, me- mftt M. Perdue, that J. IL 'eutb abSfor the. yeoe1881, Mmd WC "Matîoineud e conla o" oeil a memm, er ith, the. wpwIatmmutof àbJ. Cmm rtb ai" 4mdaio- y-I.w11" Mn §I & MMe l~t~usâJmmsiîî,îte1- * imb.te mm et OFI