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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 13 Feb 1885, p. 2

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NM a ,~~ar lgt. E.~ rom as. me ABM Adudffl seps.tSi o ASI<mf, f.s EYEBS ACQUIAL me tloght 1$ wu wlm gOO& .a8. stood ,ith Donwes arr nd br Meita te sweot Maires mud, th" lledthe ille.oft th qow1do~.... ardyboadbad 1u ' . lysd boer o(la heu ar)ta 0t ôfo eGuards hadpl- 1 the. Park; mud frte a te i.can fta t ¶bigtoaim fe withous, vile 8m. MWee, -i thehome lift. ,itbi, amnd stood litening 8sud qieppy un 9Mpau.ed on the. ümhuold con- hund.d, and- fo«a e ond mistook D>onne for (Gordon, tîll Madcap loofod round and 5., W ber fâcher, vlshing ber duenna "Q0ood-moriag' by the looked worn and unrested; but bier hfart muet have been hard tuts mornig, fr al~ winla vld upirta ail %brou hbreakfast. astonlsblng Saua dors, who thoniht as h ad takeaorneof mlose occasIonas bavee out of ber fagli- @es book In which bu wîus "fey."1 Gordon mes odged la the lbaay, sMd uoldon show at breakfast in Curw ..-street; but thia morning ho madle LadyAan, st leaUt' ba&ppybDy oomaq l èèethey hadIft ah table and and nond look@ oý the table. él'ha wlyoudothia morninghob MM4, wheu he nad roacbed bis Prnanas, mud fotuntleraso oyoua and klnd that bis own spirite rau up dite qisicklilver.' "Z s a 1waik," sthe naa. "Yon, Donne, and I-and Lady Atm"Ilsme sdded, remeinberlnq ber aheopdog, wltII an effort; "and father wil corne $0 us later- w hen ho has got Mbsiai ams ovt.r-woîî«t yen, DadW?' xsho added, 1r". hild," ho nasb, ahsentlyl "un- Leu 1 have te hunt for Methuen But .à bave got hlm mothoe'saddress, mand ual) fnci hîm fn dSbt." "Mcth'e4' tid-Gordoz, looklnq'u *Why, yuu will nover Catch him, SBq lu nos at borne t bita oldes; friende sud lu fat bas forgotten thom ail-f oh. à "I wIslyomi bad haif bIs bratLus" UiOugbt Madcap, Ionging to box ti boys@ eara, and sighlng fori some scar to %ans down bis beauti, whle, Mr. Eyre "t on have met himt-you kaov hlm *'Yoq" sidGordon. "ho wau pointed ont to mne long ao, eurioualy resem- bil¶e Lvissud partlouary M rou nY k. Ituoemis that heis te t. town by bis mothor'a Ilinem .SituA bedridden, and caunot b. moved; but hae rrely olinws suywhere, and lives 1ke a bormit." 1 bThen be will bo the. mors emay f0 inI"luid Mr. lyre, as ho romsuad "Wha aupuet father1." uatd Donne lookir qaftor hlm; -whleGordoa lookoâ et Madca , and strove ýto derveuq Mles of uis day's good from berfae. "Itfe la uoln¶ to pay a morning cal)" I naid Madoup, jumpanq up aretch- lag out ber armns as t.oughte woult ~Iéto Il...for joy; ,bu us unat aide Apollo, f thiuk-bsroed'fmiss mtbere-tbugh, for my paut,1 bats àp"ilo!" sheadded, asalie va -out of IWO room. The young mon )amged, but Lady han frowned-she sw trouble ahead, Mud wnre hor gravent look, as Gordon estdown beside ber and- àasketl sho h"d ré'eved any frcsb nows of Ie "S8ho la comlnqr over In Jie," uald Am- "ébut your cousin S4auc-" are il te Loe.efiberAma Nr ancy?" asaid Madcap, laughing, as ab stalei b.tween'tbhem 1"éBut I amn not aLove," sf4 tiieider lady, wfth disgnty' "I mer.ly rmrrled oe-th ooale John Làôvel-it le la my own rtgbt that 1 amn L'mdyhAnn. *But Dilkes' daugliters or no," sai Mbdeap. t4y Y, "there in always a Nancy among the ovelak-and perbape the one OU were toking about will suit Gor- Sho was out s the door before aunt ZIL ta" gala§ *ma bei ran%à Mt =Mit= yon à4. tg *àRow va.GANUIA ~. EY~.a~ WUl&Y YKEU3Y 8,MaS. Udnle aa§ b le M Mn IrRWSlu~1 vISbsw~ li. ok~~ to hlSUe m f WUmm u ha b" Mmer M umaiBsm Mabbbm 0 kW fa c PI*v wM I wewSM . *.14 bue swcm li av unudwauù..k mab u.u ai mtlm hba "iMu o b oeboom kiui d Aulubt iUm LneWld~bi iuuJyaM wu hmoMt smot, as - DIL -se from POlltiuai sb1ow Om% ma t.éme vomis or som curions zeaoi id mt Mm odobsila lielefru uit oto. o b te have 1 ma. oudbàdmmom b.Mni ber, aai nejaimlut AMi O o thulu m&be.enmu - umchOek»e (ti h m memd a M a~.. a i n M 1»6 o ai nmevvei uzt>aadhoped *MM tas sOU cf vinti§bas ... d IuauiIy fbonmm oi urt. aMi -0 outlu tlietr propr uba, vo t e m lOr tamfuU5liau a ma m n mcl etotfuit -mccata ml -I oaI y u " to e5h15 t. cure, Folling pmafor avm osna. y ~ <" bi b Oe as If tt. vins tueurBrt c.higamuid % 'Osi 0f tbSiOWlIf amq lmesug itai four e. m .'M E es ue. COU"te bu-"A bim oefor Mda oA &i 8Anh h.e airn. 01M yia5u i rIsbad moNbov become ..k_ b butwhleMadcap as bmi d 9ughturM i.d bailWao - thuegUccosn es alnb ovdbrlmskLy mmoni"t u ttiatcuà Wèea nuw ma ftr bail aummocf bard lm Vi Wth each otutur M. m osl' s oummnbot huarbet tarr ibiin ii sbrte Isou atatmd Ma"te, who foilgoi, aMd auiy the boit d ulet mmrn whi.i' r boa blinduSul t a ied IMms uli bave *m @d"dy___ghtMentfromtheonlwWho shul Mh n 4 udlu iiiantiiki vas empbhally ber happlassa for ever sud for lt.efi* wn ftbesdau1<ht, care lime Douno rialied boy terribe vu m buh oe weu Me rlsk Mr. luebai run la .xpelg about theliusebis dialia tofik ot ber tte chamoi of a Loudon soam mu. tmzmicnai' t bchb a fr bu long anDoua.bhard Ihtoi wn imuelf atmefm a feeling ce or bisgleot tovardbbeai= tesmuid mauyd sought bis ftiesm, v ithfit Imlg Cour bitweeu hlraiNauMi s'vund fIu sot Ke FMe 57 oubile 7inW luber eagernemste g"". Gordou ad S Tbat laterv af g bMdm Is cousin time in whica to arrive at armer frisais than betoa-; but tMlsboy. *0 pleumt nderstauilg viio vestt IbrugitBUlbis eçn"TIIOOS vTh o v atebsi Donne's bdUmmat &ait a aigu toWr, tmmbled -ors.-,e--Vo a m US OUlg mm Twufaming viien @te should mmcorn e t.utcmm.bi- of MuintMby tram bis b gh ambtione, ir kuovisigu meblim. __t poitai t. -Ilypemnga "lit is uiiueby bot," b. mi to mebis ibiucuW tos aeIciilgtaht Sistr, ater 0~5 ait-oua ilms lu yroerydevseloped, aiiould b e mrn vbich Maicap ba ou a54.151, rill- mmrvlceto bi S untry. But perbapa la eleed, sud eviai moem my othor dlwung that a young voman iu a vomasluthsPark.louoeovnmy be as aveet, freshmd "Hot'"»salI Mdeup, looking up te lovibleaMa childInl a short one, on hie santly-cltiis tue ovebeai biincludei more tunbiis uister, vas throujgi hheb.April amsun oli motuuousciouuiy aking bis C cieo-' au-eL..bei, t zoi e l. te usgdof love, th cii of ambl-' liMW y 'sfreak. a pmnm u L aef1cti 1m. lUnone fine day al bhis honore Md dellght=ful. udfater vinib vllg r;s;o;;MeQbtnslt aae forus es&c A Nlo nnty.» of a pair ofbhe eyes t a a greva Waalvo'tc mud Douas, meodi- ah .1meetingis, butila vhich h. ]y, amb.oturned oce mrW.ss a-mgt fan U appinesa lîfh bai cap rua tiié gauntlet of lookea mi iii. W d bis father deai te ambition ped iComment; butSvas forcei f» tuuiover a score o eyaru smooth bis brov;u, sjiit tien fiiey mWas be mot choosing- "thebetter Mr. lrwe .Duhuoking as bisuiti-part?" In deatit-bedmon day wouli fui la-uer morning govu ., unly a vq>anamur th"t quetion. IN anciebel ac- MMm M. vho abions oaMctics id mai asqebed la Madcma hli, but resorv- atcd y br va uat thongh mecle aitoherselt the ngit of listening for dole, mucit pain U hbait b e)for Donss ootatepe hi day and dreaming niçlfpen aunomor ~fx ~ ,~ of himaby lit. he vas lovel1 as Pet it sven he M M ai tupat ovu le, ani bai on j 1ffm 1M d smitayM " .vur agob' - teehot iieJaifancy for her vebaianumovcihur N . -uintAaSbaimmbaiebrdialiko Maid- luvl¶ ml taSbotIs pat. h St rat imt wM«1ta mtsrk au a vomm u a browv a.d Svo gilst talked of gowas andj lips for awct and il *i. lookei at u.n s bu nye~obe1t- so ltaI lth. younger âMadrap coldlv, SSinmifba' boe quartette vers at odas. Gordon rival as tho olier one liai beon, thons dnrosg X0 Nncy of Madcap. Nancy vwu more haut in the look than9Mlieue h Donne hait suspected ber et ba be ellbe lieiaoe. i m an attaciimoat ho Gordon., vile Mai- Madcp. ncosciualyad:;14tbecapbelieved Gordon S. bave been judi- unconciousyairnlj 1usly detacbed front berseît te his affnity aie found betweea eto .14. cousin; ami Douas, for the tirat Urne lu dle-agei friads-"and tans' your hiselite& ouni bis siater as aggravating Namcy11 ah. adin a asly aslde to asthseYovelestvwoman, oneartiicm be Gordon, vito looked sasbroùm-backui viten by accident asefinds herseif ln and wrelcitei as amty other vui-bnci the place et a mucb-covefed uomebody youing mam ouai ho aPPer au tpnbliO else. Lady Ana looked on vih tsatis- aa~fanoe.faction readlnglittle between lte Unes, uaIt Nancy, itmiily eucnrted, vouli aî;âsud s*ste ees Io pair et lovera noLioo a ecnd tuas aS ber rival se 1 vbens before thons vas onlyne. prodJ a5plidand passei on, but 0»nemoralug lu lafe June, Gordon flot be1ore ,ôro bail cautit e jeal- mui ont at breakfast the announce- oua flush on a cheek almoat as lovely ment ot Mrm Methuen'u deatit he pre-' as.Nladeap's. Jcdnodybut eue, snd Madcap frein- Thet tv ai bien frlends %il their bled.;ut ne okda ea r ives, aud ho qticùkenei bis stepp W jei lyreAu ue aeded a ber, as Mr ber, at which Madcap, lbouuh,,ookint oe s b. t tstie"-et a lititle as;tenialii, said," "2v I vsil rot amioanmthirsntiely mièt te ho would bal lu love vilh hbe!" wà om nams mmdaeyat IlTbey vould makeabandsomarne IL-bouse. Sad and<ù unVamllar on young'eyou. sid, f0hirnlong mgo. "Ho la youn' ">d"sh sii, timnldly, as sthols enemy," and, alan! alasi vas net tue Urpbehind him and venturte d tavm reason ot ber holding back the tact tht IS hpad te ber shouldeR, "its .amone site couli net add, ..and your eaemy in vexé>t "Vou to-day-have yen bïe.p mn" V ~~ tuct u ovn ~, Nota man bad.attracted ber iteart ci POýil'égente tuch4thelovig vice ftncy tbrongit ail the perilous chances Moved-hlm alrnost as potenti Mas ie of 5uch, a sesson as a fairv Princes wite's itai doue viien onseft ledort mightlbave bestowei on hbe' godchild 1 lta ovorcme hlm; andBMi ey titis ciAi ot a lover vho couli tempt ber toliRiû vas his, ovu, nt Gordon'& pet r am bu r eyes so high as te ume bis charma ori otlierman's.,faîlirs, torathetsrootoetal ber cold- Btho dii netsayap sictzp. ness Iay tie old reason, Ad"Bast uM pointîment b.d been as h. klaad b risko mtY Bew4lP'wvaber unecou@on norfrmn ek l h gl e, tlioigl, as 011e ai er another bermsuto tRienarn of ajo Motues vom (soinsfer pure loves hsake, nmrne fr fatliera lips.gresi, but ail seekln br ihilthet more - uest knowing ber W b.ftorbidien fruit) c9à»ru M.tatlai tuefface an Image graven on ber Tires fluesil the. ouruoof .0 bout Over Ivo peur. mgoL. as rnanmutai, ILMaitu b mm LoBg 8Pmg abs aitorgivn is la_ Major ennafar 0& tub rM le usIc 1 b fahbartortue rffl otit top et Gondon's coach, a" m ceoftut bai baSalovaityté b i rind lord aS Bushcy Parkthiougii ths trus em LovaI,,a"i bovever Pruk migitS bave1 ed W swilow hlm n sst d u inudetnulsoi Mr.Eyre;:.vu e neyer at a bail or ainner novr uier hem cliiand hersease et falthbtnnu a frIeadSu roe or ay lacswbere tue culi appuectu îvu naue tmi wonld and M~ e rnlitbe epct MUMatlasIP b 3MU b opofago Bbt Mn. lyre bai flta 05IDunOrt. uesnng1v.Kaojs>m Date for thot be h ai caiMolse peu-I Mdibeu autubaddvmi.1ndac slmenl1y as 3r. mafb.ume b e I w1 t lithessMMaid lie ii-lby a tuai al., »aoc9wlbeffl <Oan wlip ga&.hbaimco . u uber deos-stsptbe. mer alvaju vu te a a slike a tarevil slift f a "eut." Wvabebrfm w im ban'bmmdsý, RBY vyu .sto.b u i bis de msi" Il - aM - Im Me m- tleouo 4Wumd hie voe u i.l us h te b o t oedJÉ Pmoa s W. qme M4, biwbt~monis eloqqt-wmhwcwor it » WIamba»meW m Mt aboyai at bIs dait fSti'mautmir ban i.'ans&W 1 1 dl by Wobsow vas bogtbr a mmus, Idladoma c hum Wlamw u a mi MMolet cdif l u u vsA" m1m sMd Gab Tbv umi ui afisoeum b Isulbave u u aubs *eM» t h uT touftM mtmussa ehuma eh*mmi aormersulw ui enitetwp.M ln*uw. loi ArAM -MW =z 3 a cawrunuu xuARouu. Km= rhb. .-Thc p - uniq *0- s mube M.oshu bushboa"et t»m » tfor esmulsmo9ult f Kimome. ie" casher about ML 1a4Choies Die. *eié amnI, viitvt Pl*"aimm" mm bue. tâ noyma IElfesatar" put. UflMi MMé 8wM uasMdam e ruaiim u tu sep vahi, mmi beoSi rmmver Tb, Parer bave mbin'soed Bheiwvsm ua suuir bisai.Wbuth& b.stamers, yeN omtou duvatheaNil. a musaappamnel c. hi bom vhi i. la o gbEmau aRete whlskt vmss aesith" SaIKhmaum bail hum esphurel vitheal lrin a mil.Tb@ cay Mmd Gordsnme MWvla the rmhdra isuda Wilon bals Mscflhled liaI liM toum, il on thiot *hor .Isusy thc Siti. hUE Pa"Mdmmihar Exuplm cam mandera, unteface 1.1emorut mugehaIha viiiBbmadiute etathmilcegy.pela fUmm ooe eaid.e theBictty "ile cm aotachmuaenu shdafte cboshs, anu etiar veu dopen a land vM& Ticesa hbeau, ai.rmerly puulied by Gordon. ItI la rpo. tlimticoffie,. comandluu Kberiuan 10k lthe ops tothe main ast., ere stiey.wvon admitted unies the dwesi t ulgitSomc natives ded.t. tiaI Gordon, ba u klledvile ohmsr els n ýO§ltivoilyhho bu 1.0krsfugs lu the fort wibkiatùl kv. Tio ers lemgbt tiat tic main portimonfetKhartoumn le ecupW iby tie rabais. CoL Wort lev sa thons tiiomag the met, &ConnUe.. legse voealfyin«, and tises vers .aay sigus f et obugr. A mamansi bas bru nouvL fpm tc Midiby tic troue maRF Kemua stslutiat Gordon b« bes.. a Musul-and that ail Engila offlom M bibelles toillavbise nample. The nu"iiid adnodbeue duirs hto figit the Engliai, but that unleslth" embreosithc ue feit ho veaul net luave oue tu the TEECMMs PBUmAS. Thc var office auhoritem bave bai a specisi vire laid luIe lb. office onoctlu viti lb. alnouti termInus of Lie EAter felegempi.compmays cabin a rier tw have direct oommuralcalien. vlh Wolseey. Ad. vice* reooied to-algil frou tbe Britli It te eore aIprovieustte c -aofe Kiantmou i madiimensGardon a uni. tartn sud informei hlm thbt Khartonum vws la thc mmiii'é pover. Gordon fre. quonhly Bried ta maite srrsmememto for the depatre of bimmit sud comrsie.. Tii. lattes becaine dlsbeertened over Bbc nou.arrivei ef the Britisi and muager and mistrowu vrsrampant. Tic Ivo pshas vbo betrayed. lhe dty vers tormorly slaves vhom Gordon maie pauias. Theta bas been a furtier t611 ot tbm Nil.et ti tre. hcet et Gabut snd nagatte adangieun TEE HARIs UMT"NTON&. Sbdk G.mal.ciDin, a wel-knowu Mo- bammedan agut nov la Paris, thinks Gardon lanMM oalive, but If desi b.hosNU vile flilg i-te rsbelm. The mahi, ho usys veauldrespect Garda.s a pi onor and migihbewflllnor toexmchance Gerdou for Arabi Pubsa, vbom tie mahdi bonours s a true servant la thes cause af Mahomet The mahilmtgbt mais a partial puse vti Enalai, but neveu' a permneont piace. Re vouild refus e oaept tieis.. of vlcoroy or amy other tRttiroua the Khedive or Sutan, but vould rema is h mahdi. Ho almed'at the cenqus ef tho witth .mahdit, sud have tormedîfor hlm mort :ia oDUarepîlar regiment The. ineigro reglmcn of AbduaI.l, Whlch va» « Darnietta at the lime of tie battleo f Tel. el Kobir, and vhlch vas coumîdersi, net vithou resson, the on7y ood eue Of lthe Egyptmmarmy, lea&Blau e ervlies e mmliii&MSens the oudan uide.' tic comma" i' et lkuPamis, it vent ever w the. rebsi de vitiout healtatlon. lie mahdi bas sMIlu hi* e e ca 'Germen vhe accrnm@uhioiHiekm Pauha,, sud vho also yenSove.' th eelis »Yho ham in hm ttalnKILOlivierb,vWhobhm adopted IMshommeia, ,sud ihm becorne he chief f of het ii Miii He plais a I&aiing part Msd Itle.unies iie criers th"t tErm, ----s1tInucments bav aui crece e It ic muid!'.camp la Omdur' Meu fmurmiles fxm iarisa.. l. t tes aà; m tth e, ism"miiiIV 8 nwsal tmrset the movememmlcorcf:lie ali. osPedlllouM d i aS bitsa vol supited vill peovtelousfor bu Iropu. Ail the tribea ne fl ly te hi.leste la coin. muie ili li. huo s heikhBon. 0".. et Daim, vlla beBrbeaot dt.eNid- Jas amidRs mse51 illaCo.mrmdnple. Deugulae "mssfavmsable Mtbi., 0» utaseft tcwM" tI te Imm sthe routs onU GaouralWedo ninj mate.mv wlm.1 ism mm usI uDuvs, vce .mhitvm clt àut vamunnimo om* im Lm, ci.S-A ut t lihbr Da~ & Go~ t M MurZATIX»UCno10 Ir7PPJSrfwvs4 im w**s ago Am. aWar raMs dredo t. s ~ amd ,ielk tent a» 1. saiw in mii oc L~ ~lwdam a a alo lhe a 'I reuu.g tA ~r@ "àUm h atmaiet in & woe auMer ad by Amesfwat& i Laat weeka m~ention va but a wwdF4 blit M ea ain k'.tgrade hsA owIgeav a %Woei t'OUn ia..TIWa wka tWordl is-for du, i" .foLt. w"diM"I8t anlet uk'a cord, sa" iu iri, il ylniiu t MGm "MurIZprompt reapomn.- 0ur atock ia M aiUcpoebis of uintMg LM. ,'.&- emi of ail who cus. W'. off,,' Disttiigt&iah. Bs4éai ta uMih . my sorte, of inckediae Of theusa sais4à:sisatapi. chaoraGUsr. As va "» . as bs>'ors, tue ls<w the 'nmi, odcs-Snd sudsasuMWlest 4upot Utbgna to bs taksufor gvrise& WAM ms ~o olMg ulmost by wAèolesaais1 u.sk6W m w *u&sa.W.saercly «»«et b.118f by those Wh dosot coma goto a. RAY & Co. Uid.u._m MUL. RUE-2._______________________________ j Fizbltcattoia. The. Met vopulmir WEKLY uuumpsper. de- voito 0seïeue.. memslseguerudis. Evetv aumber ot stw vthupendld mu- PSI.S.Th.pamlilualmmtaIwa mu valuhh¶Clope fltoralf'uwbleh no tii Sc u wi A . b:U Elà ,ic e oultiu nmry equais that of aU othfir p5dTs ut~ ~ ~ e It ie.omlePrims. SUSa5 105. Diacunt e cub. Vîd elaUnewedeMIoru NUNN ACe.. Phuahe .,.311Broadway. N.TET NuY.C. aeâlsbd MmetisOis m EairoS Tun-aSappli- m osfor Patsuta luthaUnited Staces ."d foregaoutresCaveace. Trude-MatiiaCop ricitu, Assommentu& sud .11 oumerpspe4u moBimgInluvente@theirr iabu in go CmdEnoIad, V»moeGsi u md oeber forelgu couatrlem. i»opred at sotnotice andOn resmouable terni.. Inhruathm sm - 1obstulu paechous- foUr giveu vithout chauge. iidbooke of la- tormlu usentfme. Patens obaeâm n"uj Itun &-Co. ame motiou la seniet American frs. The. advmutage of such notie t. volt uuntood by salpensm v ih t.b diapo.. t ter usteals AMes MUNN &» Ca.. O2m Uouwrmc AUmmCurx, 31 Bradway. Nev Yonk.- si AidontdXpezidenor GOMU*ofle by mny Set ot Poilu- ýCaWth an &llthe Nomsof theflhy in the amt m- t.roatng Shape sM4, with the ouraoY and ImJartalY; sMd t. the iomtionOfD ocratie Idea &Bd POULCY t the affafra ot thu covu amont, ocIUTy sdila- dUtry. Z&MU lm UA6 1oawAm .&ddr TE ISUN, New York City. New YSk. 3... 1&, l-u.a, The utte taus Gver"enîcpeus Velum..J btph.eul.q«"akuortthe &a88. "OU N'IEM U V~ au us.gt. AiuerlcauAg~ntrm.r e tut .crn:Ysr vith aa rgsezibcr tia ia hnet au s - pnd,. prtod [; Iviv ~su Ts il ap.of EHioms, hs hae hae e uturlut a vol. corna vWstor 10 bth hbeusrdi et remideua for a 5uater of a century. a&eM11M &Uoar emgies 10make lb.he UrMm Ir "0W l mmintemetiug sud valnabe than ever. Anad yen nay rlghUy souclude giaI le I akokMINC te th. provinces, vies lrentha"eb» mnv ub.mibers sud friads, toaiUropb un . .1 oÙUaIon.. Pot vho vii failteusembras M Ou - OWWumi pern uoub.oe tO thel.Arneresu Agrrc twit gnulshorrmanfor ISS&whose @b. .cutodola =q17 forvarded to lm . t"gho Wut bes urDelto ce. 81 aper Yer.aMd là otsexta fr pkýr mdposhime cu the il-es luai-util reoive I:'N M q , -eMm, juistut, i7em m im-, ffl lm-vy mamb. sertber W car »W O o.L.Whsopompur fora. varda mu ubmstPUMla u scordanus vw" "-s ouWm, oaa--a"- bie yer'. sub&Mp. tioa dafo&m Karci mortrecelvlnu ftee tli mumbers 0fthe AmhlesuAgÉmcutaifo I»L» WhchOVUe oIty hhou.momwha,. bisu matIfo ~oe1hr I hvaudlaustoùsbièrea tamemb bolsv ilem iAsfs e Bond wul e1i ml mia b utCyo- iM , et usl rbve. sreeet" UmuÈ e u IMa "he LJsl 11>.lut. Pm esN~st.Bc t Imoetb um m -m t» oRsu l vt. -os» suS~ea am p GhNT Mus m- K uTmo ULar Z Woods. Startling But True! Those vho have rsceived atatements of their sconuta for tbe PMi yar, wil conifer a favor by aettling up this mouitb, su 1 vii roquire aIl avatible fends IE. WOODS, Kent-st, »0c&emlv. affl ft10 unita esua«l.&zA»w a Mti»e & uwoc cf Oh. s.i 'ý A._Hagibe tham. OUl ENMCUSH CONDITION POWDEIL" Why la it that thc chove powdsri s recom- mmed br sncb rellable memas Jos.ph Staples, Manvers; George Wenry Manven XWrn. Hancock. Maripos; Dr. Fluber, Liadusu; C. QuintaL. Frrnchmau: W. Bradea, Linds; Henrtr Gain. Lindsay; John Csirns. IManveaM ~ .IIji,~ - - Thos. Weth.erup. Op-:etc.. etc.. etc. The rebo issîmrly thie 'htt. that It le tlr m,'ýt honeo6 rellable. and harmies., Condition P.ivder Lim rnarkeL W day. Ramn or ahane it vun't hart suý animal. Ttted sud ried. Aivays doueo Metu. Laaig. Lter Tmking. and nover do.. hum 25omt, or .5 for 81.00 DENOGIE, Job.Y88*008.»&-2& ~ loookHoere!1 LookHRere1! OIE LONDON CLOTIIIGAND OEIlS'FURhI3IINC OM01 0ppee Lts a. rpbsfls Md ua es otes lals oaiem&i Juil M OseUd a emapige toof utR&ADTr-MADz CLoTmNadOmd Wrre 7mimuem ce" Ton"enomubfr............................... .0Wrty e 00. GssS limeS 5auto for ......................: . " l . REXEmBER THE PLACE. -Llnuaa. Jaus. lot MU-21-13. Mcool Bros. & Co. For YO-Ur Mae"vj Use MC ALL'S MA.CHINE OZIL, Ib Best OU in the WorkI for Reapers, Moirer. Th ieshmr .ad agi faat-rnin Mach inerg. Fo .ale by aU Dealers. McLezian kCo. HARDWARESPECIALTI ES, CoaNPNTS.-Portiand andTb oroIUL IPOW»EFàI-o'tibg and Blcsting. COAIL-Sko., NMut Blckswôit&and Fbundryj. BUILDING PAPBRS-Oi2ec5, Tarred acnd Plai,& PLASWER *F PAtRIS My RAUEIL,&AND CAItLOAI>S. MCLENNAN & Co. MIJL MÂCHINEBbY. UMMUAGTUER Mor »Mm mam Ageooe Wa a.... '~~iensheOhs &lamaluurtpm vs mU -J 1 ý,SOMZTRRG OFFICIAL. là~, mm itlh. ML-1m.

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