VOLI3M XXVI.W HEOLE 30. 13.LNlasse. EI AY u o,~T E S,#. O PI E R nàk %mAma~ ---- GRANDI OLERWIC SA-LE 'A largeMsunt oof ur SPme Max00DBhue xu uwe& , Ot.u et ~and a buti aommt Of Faab Mthu r ihe h to the but in the maikt;- ewmv Ig DeSoi Seinut lé pweucet. below ur pio Mi <>,r pring NtocA, of Bootsanad $hems jua Opemsd Owt and uelllng off vup f&it G300EEIEB LWAIBPSE rma LUzaiT UNI.aumoa F.MjM% PROI>CCK taken ln excbangc t C.anfltnlllfl. arch 3. 19M. ACAIN ON OUR FEETI weI are able tu offer Foilete goa iL leume r aytha ever betoro w e ote afe w 11 ne 9 - Oood Yard W04 Cotisa fer 5': Uavchoei s hus, uIDIà« S P amy II ROCEINB teSMa.s. ugfatfor 41.44,afflsyrpwr. Poe OmslmUe. & Pims- 114 T" ti 9ne. 7 lass IiOiy sos. fle 'mure Ln call %id ume us. No old math eaten gooda., Don't Fou tergal it. The Higheat PeiCe Given FOr POdUCe Of ail Zinc!,.- OUR MNOTTO.-G<obyre. Bright. CIwuia. Wila il1>0 ho nderuold by any an the trade. Youra iiiilp, W. IL POrn STÔOK-TAKING SALEI Grect Rediuctim %«% Prtcs for Cashé Buyers at No PEIRRY'S, fked Prom Nom untithe l8i of AprUl. Owing t incr.auing tiadi te subecre',bvng decided t.remove his place of business tha flhu store now occupied by Mr. Wmt. IbKual., nazIde te the post. Offce, yull front now tii the first of Api eil er a great reduction lu prices. Give us a, cmliand tee the Bargalas. 1 1ikftA ia Ph Ith iI&.-a.m-nuw. THE 010 ARK STILL MOVINO AMID FIRE AND WATIERS Selling off <if great Reduotione. Mr. .14 I. MICT RJCRILL havlng stilil on baud a conalderable imonul of WO(>LIEN GOODS and READY-MADE CLOTHLVG in orule-r ta mako roomi for hi 4 tLtellievmything n tbm above lins wI', ARP NOV UnCItviNO ,A I.Aftop Cox@tiONMliT OF COTT-ONS AND!) TEAMLOOM& whirh we arv mpeinir at. prlcea thai nill atqtonleh ail. Good coton; a yard vide, asfie os» I)i yetril. E'x Oi ýot value ioe tàuloom iLt tn centa per gird. teli1arm Pouelgal ubae1vOss Brit nain, F'eh. 4. 1885. 982.13.S.H Ik T E II. W Suggtt, Valntia. GREAT BARCAINS AT VALENTIAB Iwigh th r7iirn Mr hef&rfg thanks te* My csoeu o or arn g *aurinIm iis Iriv- il rti.il ttuatnn to husintue.. merit a greater ahare c our layver la is Nlur fi ii h ~1 woîld resperl t hp calpolar attention te thc tolowing itf 150fpat f stook: CA lg]ySY AN» F ANNE U l 1wasoîd sa a sacte rifie oegoode ,m qi'i- h«>1 WMale room for maap Sping ftock. ]E OCTS AN»D 13HOE8-1 defy compétiion. OVER 2,000 YjaRDS 0F PINTS bave beenma roe& d. sdmmt On the wap. Thoy are unurpmsad for Beaulp of P&Utern.Durmblftry MdCiePnMmaue Ny COTTONFS A» STEAEaOrme lte let brande lin t market. GIOCMIRIES et vrp lind. ai ec4cepioaally 1ev PrcesmS8à»id 11» rfry low. RAISIN tram bc te lic par 1lb. Zy STOCK 01r: MCOOKETYis lae. and wl be larsel. 117 no4¶sêare al nov and wail aeorwedPurcbaaers ie bocUblugw& mm bonu>lSe fi E(xmitaininu m .pleindid SprlngMSckbeoe bu t leehr u mdatermlsded W. Sib e PO BÉAVERTON FOUNDRYis e Bmîflh *f irat-mie .QuaUty and ai Pies.go ffflf Ue 2IW. tThe propw mu e the eyes 0"o m' rs lputan- e aers pma, sud es.Ldmto t lam ohse lfN sd pes t hee igt bsesl.g e bs'bosueipeefo l bn mai bp c Ib net gIMMseotsaidmt'Otheir Pa>- UFe9 only Slwuld the gliasa 1wthé est and mont perfect, but they muat be. sdapted to ihe wmrrspieet fit-l.u4norder ta produoesatia. Our Spectacles aue seleoted wltb duo egd ta~~~ lie. a -tcts. bei! ibm usI su Most eaur an sd scurstir pmade gmode urable e lect and et theni to pour Mabt ln scoordance with correct salmntifio siëp u d rules, and guarcutea saliata. UnUke tb. Irresou.ibMe travellicw qumokuo, ve defo achargetanoy pries. or interlor ooabut 5ve pou a fi-mt. ade t cea -1o.alpc.1- cknglt Up with murbndaz We make a speewaty o pticl os a es slip. snob ae Telesospe.m gllr.Dra Glae,_Sd sad Clubh Te«ste ,Pocel Vm- pmeReadrsu d also Repai te Spetudle sud Opticail intrumenta. BRITTON BROS@ Vaie mekv n et, su, Tes e Tebrnary lth, lI.. ST.. BABYCABtRIAGZS. amniagesetaiPie"os eprlima IMe. cm Md 9» 1» e@" et on anguase- wMl Md immelâ Tisolpeme sudmai ElmOU sfung ofmil 11M h amautsattaksImmme M aes. I. O'CONNOR. Lalgai. Mlamait 10h. îi ls Ne'w Advertiafem enta. G IRL WANTED.-To do general bueork. AUply go Irmm JOHlN EN- NEDYr.lndsap. Narcb 18,I.-i- TrO LET-The morné Itely ocoaapied b TMsic(MnaladreSpinakr. Apigy te N MA Dé. Undm, Mecd-IPn W AITD-A Gond BSdhn offairusine. Apply teoJ. M., TTw': Pou. Llud. Myp. MMrh 1%,1. -U-l. complote la gooè norogrder. WillLba ai a bargain. Oam 1w cosvertod go ml nu where team power le requlred. Cou bu sei ai wsrks bere..Applp go RICHARD SM,. TESTR, LndmaiOnt. Nrh1.8834 ZNEALSEUVANT WANTKI> - $100 a vomi, sud -Ivo ve' 4sI&UOa pood caretaI girl a conafortablm boome nUl b. given. Rsilvap taerf Toronto paid. Addres wltb referencos te JOHN E. BRYANT. Educa. lion Departineni. Toronto. Msarcb 01%86.- FOU ALEIN ,DUINSF0RD>-Huo»a, Eslbilobed over uevesu rs. This la a rare chance for a shoecuahmr ntth a Umal capitaL. sas thmownmr nimbes te gno veut sud nili meil chcup. No opposition beween Lindmy, sud "0bcageon. Ap y ta EDWARD WCOL. LARD. owaar naford P. 0. Dunaford, NOTICE 0F NSBOLUTION-Notice hmetotore exliLng betweens us. thbm naer. = »4.meLumbeimusu an ellem es *9im et Uof obocouk. bu shiis day bues dis. sovdbp mutual cansent. Ailda.onnft itmàpae ro al sml oaime &auithme sl a" lnrhlp are te 1w prosentsd te thebM iIJ.0.Rv ,by uboma lb. seme viiibe etàloi Dated as Orilils th".MMthdey et Match, A. D. lm& (signed: .O EEL Wtaes(ad.) 'W. Guawr. GU ELFE BUSINEmSSCLLE, effets ong mms sud voume b est tacii- tic f r iawa CMM&MWIE u*uzw Fo mot~ll &iIetice BêchmU#MUIOS Picia aufls - upnds~poumasa. :1 psimor T Po iIIPhyee elg.aift ss es - mm teerell Md lbmut u Bluet uBlum k lie qtro n toem de.toe a o uri et CIO ma un effym vm u omk ImmL am M-Elii TuE AFGHAN WAR-IJOID Rumla 5Stl1 A IUWand Englaad Warllke Pl;=aat n Active LOu»w, menaI-The BsadsBys S., Pems' borruwespondess mye, "Gomnea sttekPuJdh.ewdis~o.The coum- miniature.prevaile, sMd &a ouffl ~a Lomu, March -13.-A USt emburg dampatch saye acorps of sapper 4bauos ordered tb hold tiemelve alurqaidium. ta gotoO the souîh of Ruais. Il i eotdtonbas bees a uceaa fovwawd mvemet of Remsastroope be- blnd thm line of the oulpots at Zulficar Mtrobst and pulîti, uMdtalGonaual .Ko a I.mped CIOose dIm Jung- tion et th KM" ansd Mrasbuien, theA anoa~ou te ai Akteph. O~ rs, arch17.The mmmi of Afgbalsgsu loftiCabul onthem12h tat. for Jacdis. EarDu&rteg lsul set on Monday 10 nemI hlm. The Sgeermeni la zdly making arrangemeatCOteMou 3, troopa serons, the frouliirai short notice. if rquired. AN Ilm en. cou s e1 y eg.v L A specisi cible to, the Nw York esr- &Id d»td London, Match 1% sape: The bellevere lu a las.ing poe. eboîneen Bc*- land sud Rassisbave Souad 111:1. comtort la to-dapa develepmnents. The principal ofciaI avant of thm day vis, a long cou. férence st tbe foreiga office wblch hept. Downln"t. crowded wtth , Useariagos of csbinet sud milltts officiai. al the atimvnoou. Thme m4swaers mmd amny es perts poned for hours over mape ot Central Aela nad bâtd long sud sot always courts. oua debum ergarding thm rou'pectlvm poai. liane et Genersi KomiMansd 6m«à" Lansdmn. Both Ibese coma.nadmus ame now onmsoil nhlch la clalmned by EnOmsd to belon« to tbp fAghane sud by BRula te belong to Cib mmroma... Tbe situation te tickllsb, to uMy Ibm lesat, sd tb. poul. Lion of affira ia sot iairovmd by tfat Chat nohe bmoficers la tl ie Sla c&n know thm docialon et cabinet conucil. eitber la St. Peterabur, or London until mAz.v day* aller tbey have brou reschcd. Ait tbm iendlmnc ot poIical discussion ta London le odrive thm Battlabmlntatry intc a declarationof e ar. Thm Jaet tory amcusastln inal Mr. Gladstone la that ho.nlItlly décvtheIbmcommons sud the ceuntry by ibm test aMd thbm auner of hie addreaa lu tbm houée lai nmmk Ells worde clesrly comveyod ohm tapresalon that the wilîma agreement vib Ruia waa au mvmnt of recent occurrence sud w»s lu tact but a tew bours old. The torie sp ty hat Lt te nov knownChat ibm agreemeut vas drated sud signmait s mon Lb; Chat t wvas id merely sa a etop. uap sud Ibas ibe cuaicriait bas pet go be met. X-. Gladstonme@ admissions lu thm bouse of commons to.oay bave tmsded 10, lucresa«.thbm suietp sud to atrmuthes the ballet Cht th. govlerument l ie. paring to surrender to Rasis. o11013 Stwaenum fleu Er. Olcome LoiWar, àmarch 1.-la the commons Ibis sfterneou Mr. Gladetons, &»aneelu auveral interrogations concernlng ihm ex- ffl nature of ibem inounccd agemment vnlth Rtuauia, sd England sud Resala hsd agrmod Chat no furtimar adrances should bm made lu Afghsnlitan. The statemeut ot this agsmmeul, the premier admistesd vs. based on au tuterchauge ot commuai- cations beineen Ruséas and Emsd. The lateet communication on them sbjuolvas on Ma'ch 7tr, but t. obviale sMp possible mltqisntwiuig Granville vired bie (Glad<tonmib> exact voude to Sir Edvaad Thorsicu ou Saturday aeklng bim te0 ucer. tain vhtber or nos the aiu""prime mlnlsterandoremd as correct ithestalêsmeat by Gladstone of the ignmemt veo wt Rassis. As pet noe nply bad boss recmlved. Glidatone sud Ieb.. boeaun» lime to obwthIe &aaote imeemmiCO thm agreement. H.oiamrted Chars vas no, doubs ée to, Ibmsubstancm Vf tbmannune- ad igremmente. Htaningbon mid the Essimus. ccpy Katansansd Abrabat, snd ihm Afghans stili occnoy PenJdmb. Be reftud on Ibm ground of publie, poli"y te make azy fur. Cher dtlcoeumau Gladittoue s Vtement rngarding Ibm agrocant belvosn uassnsd EnWad rnislp disappottsd Ch* mcbers of par. ammu«lr. The.Maquis etfSullbury mnd Sir Stîfford Nofiboote viiitoimorrow OMPIe sesilbeponi Sstke=le =n ai easo, r. aG1mm.. a masseg th"biunme quem bal Iausod.Tb* efmisu ws»wssoslwu Boette BouSlts Usiob.ooder te u..Bh te BhsseeuV Mii.tlieuvst m lusmosl aOuR,01 hi V» @Coll, B teine mel 1.5w- e m etoubmsisibyE Mmna% u* EShMou, ftdSb" Imme U hsom Imm im gbutb& MMIË!tmsi TEE S0OJDÂN WAI. [Speusisabla duspalte Tma Pm.] ouu=âx4.KasUl it. £ p. ma.-Te vie uet Ick fore marted.Ibis marmingmntsevm e'olook van liras de au m ;os.mai on Ibousan mouaeistotmmuitla, te onèh mmula the dirs.- Md I"m s lsm ryvm snu te remuiure vile the ouamis&0"Ise na ressers.Tle mnmy arete. t he b ld*.h vance. Tieeha or the M &818mcoluma . novam Sv*xoe, Msrck loti, 3 p.m-Te mannas iuab7 m sd scoute supportai 1711thmnud body, et te corps ae maoilnsiMx badrol, a misns ande bOs uai Hases. imath et the lins. Tite scoutreached thIbm mmft ot the billesasud dovered limastibmArabe had masodlibmthevmlep. The Arabe et once relis'- i toa Positien oR sieller, but about ip ty tem remnodla sicbl. Tbey remaimnl"ii pomiiles utlil thbmBritishm mdvae. renousthe Mmdgoft hU. i&Te Arabe lites rushet trou ambwàan sdmade aea s MetacTh ie captais, ot thm British force wva peared througinIm hc hulder, lnjuring hlm sevetmly., Tits unae ccesilinugetiz* vlthina a ev Fads et the Britiush liseblatre latleropenaci euare e dmTite nuprompdipr=f~amud duib tt lite utry aId everal et rnin ccudtiugaterm vaundéd. pour or lte lnfontsp voie k lalclodhug Liant. O'Connor vimuss borme va s sit frose under hlm. lT e ot the reconsoissuce itavlug beau obtîîued te Brltlsh retirebth Arabe sioing ns diapasl- dics to àilan, fia British lutantry uu&guands vers lofti cm ibmrosidhait vay baeen m uakim Mud BMbou HW, aupporllng ihe Indincoatia. nent fie Britlith toekmsuy-prlsers. Il vas ascm lnaeil by re oiuuce taI the Arabe w n llarge bibm oog utreiage of itille sudavideutlpmass1ng& navaemet ibs. Koutri.Msrh 1&-During Ith emit kton soldieta have diad troumabnerle fever. lTe cemery bas bomu désecrâted by the Voawet Tteaebuy ai uuaim. CAxua, Match 18.-Gem. Grambas credte lahbbtte t Suakin 10 be àmmun. . ai*unuea n&UMAW,.. ne aime may bu asile oethIe noapoua lu Ibeir pas. SUNDERLAND. session. Bereater suy uienlted ascive Loonresuondme of lime Postj faud basting arma nill ho irsated is a Bumnuse. -Mr. Calboun bas hon one oR rebol. Ibm largent stocks of dry goudeauni grocer- tes thut bas over corne luto the village, Wdflp5 ieoS. hlch ho is sclling ai remonabla pnices.. Geneum Wolaeeps troupe wml,. durionMr. Jas. Lyto recenlly vurchaaed a very Ibm sumaier, bu spieni &iong about 200 fSns poxrs sot bom, Kvet'a colebratmi mile et he Nl..Bis eailuartre u trnlture noms. mils o th XI& He hdqurtes, ill CATTLE Fmau»uro-The fansi collection bo St Douola, but the main body vill oR fat cstile la tbm tovnshl) of Brocit la remala et KartS, 145 milesurber dovu ta b. tound lu the stables of Mr. Jas. St. tbe river. Twenty.ftve mitas belon Koil, John, s. Hebas non fifleca imead of aI Dcbbmb, eueeoft me movable iletaci- youug cattlm roady for the halte. Mr. St. menti vi»l have its umdezvous. Theotmer Jobsnimaerves greal cueilIfor thm masser nUll hoestatloneil ut Badait, about haitlu vnblch ho teepa hie stock. He stable% vay bulvemu Debbeh sud Dougols. Mer- ar e kpt leanmssd nell ventilated, aud unri, about 40 mile* op lime rivai tram every coavmnlme attalmle Roi a mell- Korti, on ihm rlgbt baok nil» buthbohnd.kept stable bau been placed lu Lt. Hm bas quartera et Gen. Ewler sud thm Nadir OfRIlamil slzîy.one headofet ie, vhlch aie = Wgea.atteniai to by oe ancas, wmit orougbly ror fuither van neusye M 1hpsge. undmncania il. business. The moul of bis catile are grades, brmd tram thb b. LàOCAL NEWS-LKETTEEbS stock lu Ibm couniry. jls attables are nuil q»_ llghtcd sud ai * Mr. St. John, the pro- LIFFORD. prielor ofthebm onse's Home, ln one ofthie rocrrespondenceof Tbm PostI ~emrielst selîlers la Ibis part. and au Irlsb-. STWK PARMIÇG.-Ur. Samnuel Ferguson man by blrtb, sud by bissomal and i kld ofti bieprt bas purcimamai 90 acres of thte manners teo d lin m &e lghmst reispect by "PFair Vien" tokftam for vbich b. pald the entre Comumunit!. a voey higit figure. Mr. amgu n future CANGimE Hàxn.-Mr. John K. MeLen. lutenda 10 eniter monee eiavely I-pto non hba purchased the business of Mr. atocit-rasilual Ournt' gowith:him for 'eM ePadimu, general mouchant and bis succesiulientsiprise. wl e oési etwek r e WEXT UF. keepàagnast deo te mpatronage miaItha& [Correpamilenceof lita Pout.l been exteuded to hiem predeceamor. Boroca Novua-Mr. Ibes. ilocofest a Ope bas porchasi ltaeyoasnglborou ebred QLENA..4RM bull, l'Ben Cook," frim Mi. E. P. efiaogly ICorrSuodence of The Prdl.) of lieaboro. Ibis lesà gool inveetment as PauBETzmEANq CHuRca.-Tme sacrament people in ibis section bava baen taing up oR tbm Lard» ouppC vas dîseased u inte te drii Intermîts ve r uch of late. Preabytmulan cuc on Ssbbath, 8ch tant. W 'hoe o eMr. roouyig5db At te prepaimlor services on Tbunday hep 105em Booy S " bte Bey. D. Mcîav ah of Lindsay preacheil hia Sslov ~on of bis able sud sarnt sermons. fie Lisisy cpegaîlo ap nell Reel rond C~dT WJG T. e bve s s be expounien anera [Corret i1osdn.eofThebmPosI. nouer oRflime iruthbosthe rnv. gentleman. HTyuiqENaA.-OSSthe Lb til. Rev.W. C. Un Friay Ibm pastor premcimad excellent Wasuington n u edlock Mr. Aibe nermons la boîb Galleansd Englleh. On Wtry. sofetMr.limas. Wenry, and Um Satunday itsv. A. Rosof Woodville gave IL Suia, isuahter cf Mr. Johin Svslm._..- a very imprmasive sud Rreible sermon lu Il le iumoursi a rev. gentleman nl bu thm Enoelisb, sud s"eas excellent sermon lu Ment te tollen. Gallc. On Buniay tbmhe s' ev. genîle- SuauousILzus.-A 11111e daughter et man peeacbmd a verp protouni sud louch- Mnm Wtllla-m w idov, bas au -t"k Of lag sormas la Englloh te a veiy large con- brais lever. guegatios. He se opreicheil su excellent PaaoS»Ai.-Mi. Wm. Pari sud hi.e5wu discours. n luet mchebmGalle speakiug Esebori are visitîng frimais la Lien. portion of tIb m nreain. A Egia Nic£ PamT.-àn addition ba-% been service vas beld la Ihm eveniug, ami there mde te iRmliy erMr. Thomas Wood, vas mn excellent dicure b o ncetfmime aaahtei. ai, .gentlemen proent. On Moniay the pastor, Bei. D. Me prsacbed a vmr M DO WA. gaod sermon l aolle1 a aitcougea __ mesouduaeetimPa5t. lion. MUL Movue. -MIg. J. Vas Bisle 10 PÂuwu Sdcuz.- parier.social vas movlug is tea u ml taSabight. Tbis heu atthe resîdence of ans' genial triend la te be very much regretieti as 15 vas se Mr. Seth Rlcka,4y, oui veîlby P. M. As convenleut te the BsmIllai But tgelItom* lun- corraspontint vasoee of the guesals but' and shlnga. hocoansd must traly s»y Ibat a better C0w KU.LE» BT A DAMRIG Nuimt.- plume for asiopuent vouli bu hard tefand. Xi. W. Elirlige bai a very maluable cSw lis programme wvas imlblrInterssting, die os Mo5d5y algMhe caOuse oR bu sud vae prLaclpally composdofiet bmfol. déati va.a diaulugasedle inu bu sISmacit. honing moste, vocal sud Instrumental, oy Ibm peint vonked Ihie gi ter ercart nd theRlàck&brothers, sud assisteil by ihe kli.d bho*Itbobooveeacvery bouao-keep- Ishay glas club, camistlng of the Brokten. or le houearmfi ful brdamng nodinas. ahim ansd Mopues sud Master Robt. Gray. Bmw.e or Brune. -Ibm voatita le mach Ose of oui village rochters gava a recita- More lIte spelag tlie.lmat tcv ss. 19.la lion entmtlmd "The burimioetSirJobs te ho psi tht t nl bu aunari 1o0esaslois.»Mauter ]Roeot Gray deserves mi te o dose, ad soce...1à iuypirea. o'bseleverness. Mr. Angues matem My tsia i ng 10 bu th. batusfre yien gave a Galîle song, wmuet mas on ne bave bai bon a long iasWe hep. mmlicl voit, and nearly brougit down their pcophocy nUl prevme true. the hoa.An luteresting remdlng bv i C. N. MeDomali fallowod. Atter lte lnes DUNSPORD. Mm vas satiafici viti ail tbmdailes boerspoudsscmOf The Pol. roided by thm tind hat and hostese, Punsou.. -àù. Wmn. BeuryKenuoy, Innocent amusements non lundmlged ta vioem nexeslesl ouna sen, l limg outlil a laie hour. Whm dim 6"no mia ber Mmd golng teMUliibtook.Be arrieheurs ayant te tal" arrived the Compay viit bSn Our boss viies teeorbisaucaSsodispersdait ibing blgImy sattafis i ni iMd vpusty. theb. njapuente o et to mentoir. W. PumummazasTÊa.- Oit Wodnoeiy, unierstind ualt teniesn etof$12 mu PeOi .à t1he bmcamWrOmo f lb. PWWabp- tsalised, vblchgoes.tamaris tb. church teais arei li &aiewy saucessful tos. eegan tu"d. Téa w-oeseod le NE. CbOPors hall and Ruxovmx-Mr. Riailon, tromam mu se West a credîllIbmOsladies oV tie Woodvile, bas rovai t i faimat of oburmi. MNe»sble in mi. hall wvotwo Iv e bbag, Mr. Rlm n Iiafni liai te W em ipoma hd W»o p&-- hmus ropffld 1.10 a quiet nmigbboebood. ad oope91F. y lie igMicOul- EMxIMn-Mr. Jobs Ihérnbuuy bas Sua slteu i uu dlemhroratai ies tam t 1Mr. Bmooz Mmvod fe eatls ohold by hiaSaMthe show for a tomer ea...... r. EBCoatit ba muela -,,baussbailober. Aftisr asted Mr. Ken»ear' ainseti or tors bu eRM Ib888as asmblaitula Ibm bu ori aiamner of ysams.We niai Iem, &il imibitosai t e VM uause dosa e u halr Wunderlage. Itou Ibm Be. n. Pavas,=Bàloasi m mnuxuoaa-Mr. Cupld bas Mis Cmm. Mr. Album et Bbuwj MmfiMtg pr.veilhiassatotehbua dentructlve tom, mePZ. e paias bahuas. eT» ala notbSo oiVut bepofas avinab tal unimesemlisodbVrs!wcolr1-vkellugoehbuarrons.Mi.Dan.1 bWsi sMd fbatin" Gr aumu.etWmiu silu te le bonds et.faim s DumnhpIUimsBreihure pessdg il lie te UmeAoute Campbell,liesat daugbtor Braias VLludapm.aaset VMr. JObs IL Caupeli, lotI ert Iis etB sysplpgBecf msem- vlolslp. A happy coupasy asseod te =I Bti . dssSsiw- houp mtase ibm cortm7mhleh vu perfora. kt lm ache sa de mWà oui bp ithe mv. afD. ch o f thIis place, n-- -@bilsKr.C09qS, BSbaie, u# vhseai bebu oue t mtigSo o006 masit waeM w am aieU s lna" tli .&hWi*0ie p"ia te ms liBrai aui ehhga & ew b lmtheusmfl-vidmaI eseplo laok a p'OZ Pealmaz.-Mib6Tb oW. Tkwstmtue me rive te Ftoamo. alleicos pedaib mmlh.U hBteism om ss he. By rnsm leli resids.s em lim' *mal hus t b al oe u ul b a a»ise min o hetýeta asiesbreua" wuiUe llgIs n Asaelsi ornbuwe pom 17BS * has m uidhoalsas. Imm * aramu M os0BS usurp VtAur àBSapauig are bion dam --0& W ieuBSpuy ssa atr ebot »me et --mrmill i i Ibite ului EqVl W PLS, ss.um i 'é eblms bap, sul v» ommuytoé pisetaI" e tidonc etlh. buriebalise ---gona a alarge aumbssruf IvisOifins.The lride w»a lb.rodnlet amy bountM ieaduvalu. - Ioue ,- oud.Coupl 118114e bb ~ a"i ancCsse ZORDE ILLZ EuaVy Loin-W. euImm t" r. Don- ald Jamkson 1aI woskdisv te BGsaselmu ai ose load 1Mbuabels of vboatThis le the aviost laid ne have head rd Vpt rWe vold not advlse poope tl e put l. Pm5mNwý.-Wa. McGlmnia trou the BIet *i NOsaààbas aed te Ibm taras ofm Vatz, 4th con. Hidon. W. vlsb. bSn, mil crepe and give hlm a beaty vem o10ou i aihbehood.-[Advocate. DO WNEVYILLR. 5.PAnvam.rci DT.-Th natInal ttS val vas ocebra" dbore vitb mss at 10.80 &.m. by Eev. Yaute Connolly, sudsa lecture by Rer. Faiher Svoeny of Llndasy. The lecture vas simd y itroducmd by au expia. nation -efthIm e an d meaulnq of Ibm triple lest cailod+imebanrocit, sud vasa asrkod aucou. fLa account af Ibm lite ad eamel ibersf e msaitsud Ibm taith, orators, varriors, siatesnuad poste of IlSud stoved that tibm nv. Iec- turer vas a catr"i atudeat o rsh h is- tory. GaUOGR SocXÂL.-Tmolait or Ibm grang socilisfor Ibis seaseawuas eld als Wu. NyEpa, Maripomaon Frldai nlgbt lait. Titon vre about Ibirty couples prnasnt and s vmry enjoyable evmnng via apmnl. A suratnous repas vasesrved up, by Mrs. Epres, a&l of vblch wva crlty partaken of. Aller tes Ibm company wnmn treated te a very nle speecb rtrM r. Eyrea, toflowed by a spmech sud recitation bp Mr. Annià lu hie usuel good style. Mr. John Westlakm ieve a radlng in a mutmr. Ir maner and songé vers sung by Mr. A. Honkinà sud nife, m"se ichard Rowkins, ChIstphrAndersen. Thou. Rosi sud Mi. Stilver gave short mddrmuaes vhich were te Ibm point, but thm treat of Ibm eventn as Ibmhemuo d an sby Mis Baker sud UmssEyres. Mr. Aunis brougmt th. oeoungs amusements to à close by a reclîstion on' the lité of a druniturd, vhich vas very appropriate as Ibm present a J10ia peeoeauou notice endsien ilte ibeir cilrma eiildron, se liaSt thy vouldause ls. ame ime lshadah"alimrvawln...... Amothai voddil me xpoonoeaurta heurb lie"sOfo It in Ihe air. hw.~ boys, hi pou dousi know vbo Ibm moiS miiin ag bu. MO"ua«x. RIABORO. Km spmd'0"",el i S'an' ab s at vau tlh bis »binais mil, lnraing out a tiret-clama article la stingleý es.Bmintonis runuina ig until cheoae-making beaine... Mr. P. Pluast tas rentid5he. 014"A1kln. son» f ar. Wu. veme Mr. sud Mrs. Pluard b oour nolghborhood... Mr. 0o. Burke bhs lebI our village sud gos.tu Somerville .. ... J ameGromi le boas- ifylag bis corner loi bp aa ievire Rene sud other improvements. DEATE nBy Stticz»e-Oa Saturiliy Ibe lubabilanta of ibm townsip et South Mon- aughau, living neur the bofo Rico laite, vers sut Iu a commotion ou hearisg the newa of tbe dath af Mis. Robert Puevbo llvmd vlîb ber husband and osetss ouo lo14 othelot e. ofthebatownshlp. Ai about oum o'clock ou Frilay ablarneon Mr. Pue vent te thm con boumsenmd thonr dia. covered ie s ite, vha ls about slxty peat or sas, hanglug ln Ibm nouseof a rom vhlch mau fastened tea sbau,- nais vl a Isilder vas placeil. Titen la sMrcsly Mr doubt but Ihat cite acendsd lime laidor, piacmd the rap. iouad, bar acet and thon atepped off lnto eternity. Them cause oR Ibis most unatural &et ou ibm panrt thle lite âtre. Pue la sud to bo duc to famIlp troubles. OAKWOOD. [Carreapondence ofr he PcstI Pmagiqoss. -Mies&TMay Wakely bas go«m ta Welland, Ont., to tairech""argetheIb millineiy ronas ot White & CO. or thai teva. HyxmUNEL.-At ibm residence of the brlde'm atimrMr. David King oftOaiood, Mr. William EÈ. Ïurpbp of Plekening gen. oral surnt tor the Chase Bros, of Lnkport. vas united lu maurlmlmete Mms Gulia Mana. vidan of the laie J. R. -Mannofo Grand Farka, Daktas. Bey. Mr. Doxmae imd the kuot wlîb bis usuel, skill. The bride vas sun 0 b her sister, Mdiss oels ,King, sud ie rom by Mri' EL R. duR, assistant post master, at Uakwood. Thme bride's ore- sente vers large ln number sud very s. gant. The happy couple Icît fui Ottawa on the 7.40 evenlng train. Marty frienda vlahlng theai a long and iappy journey in [Oorspandencm ofThie Ponlt] P13ESENITATION ADS» OCIAL.-OU Ibe evenin of etiesdap, thm lOtitloet., a large eooepany aisermbled ai lime manneut Soupa for them purpoum of prescntlng the pastor, Rev. Mr. Currle, vlth a nil oR cingle taruese. Thme haines. lis a voll-Sinisiod sllver-mouated sett oR Ackermans mairm, and la a besutiful premeut. As tbm congre- gallon receutly preed Ibem minaîm vltb 5-borée tIis laut giti l% îmely. lTe address accoua nylng the tesimonial, prepared by Mr. Camss'on of Soagiave, vua suexcellent tribu te. Âibhouah Mi Corte Vas Isiton complotely by surprise ime made a lmngthp andl vcry appropriais reply. Mr. Kobaier ot Uxbhitio made a bieR but excellent seecht, nhch vwu much appisudci. The rernainder'oR Ibm evenlng va* spent lu musical and aimer amusmanents unI lithe 1"vs. am&' hourm when tbm comnpany dlspersed, well pleaaed nlth tbeir vieil.---- LITTLE BRITAIN. [Coresadeaoeof'INqPot] IRYXus. L.-Mr.Edvln Mark bas return- ed to thme village agisn it bis bride. We nlsbhlm every auccesa througb lits. PumSONL.-W. ame glad la se ons af our village boys, Albert Bosch. -araund twn &gain. Ha hua been in Brooklyn tor smre tirne sud la non on bis vmy ta Mon- trea, w here b. vi» taire a situation wr aperator un the Canada Pacifie. CHUECE SOLD.-The aid Methiet lcchurch hba been puchaise by the trusteps ofthIb Salem people. Thmy have comarmncedi movlng it. Severil partie have been lu- Î uing itter lime vacant lot sud sa lg4 as 150 bas beeni offened. STOCK SALEc. - Mr. W. Mark mold ra Mr. Wm. Poil of Somerville a flua thorouathbred Durhame bull a peua od by "Eaneror.' the fa nu rix.bulbrought hbeshy Nir. Dix. Tii.on Pealin ghed 1,015 lb.and wil» make audeira acquisition ta the. stock of Soanervîlle. STOCK Norma.-Our voitby îowasman. Mr. Fred. Williama bas a fine suffolk ccv .vbich raised îwa litiers of plin su ix mantha, the firai cuming in Septeuier an~d nurnoering 18: thme second camp lu Januar y &.ad numb>eî 19, tuailg a total et 37. thinit this tairt the cake fraislerll, lu ibis eammunlty .. ..-Mr. Urtal Cana has mise a lborouaibrmd bull ceut, lwo veeka old, vbich lips lb.hec"es ut 113 lb.Bm ais bas anoteibe-,timienseks olil, ibat lips mime seales ta 138 Ibm. Boit Ibis pou can't eually. WOOD VILLE. (Correspmonemot Thm Put. Sie Ac.-h- ilgebas bma c"- W. E. tîle e-Rourtbs of Ibm tatepapora enrelng theïrpmes. Ournesigibors la Mariposand Eidon have a"soben active la ibis usiior. Thimr s ne doubi nIag. evor neste iteSai umenit. Câvvr.nRit Yr. -Mr. Mlapho. vWhoth» lesa doing mach a v«e7 la* rgeSa bis minierlan ft teirla Dow Ibrougi tbm ceantry atotnd oville, vhirs ne ndarilanuf te le meeting vîi&a&good lim ot businos. Tlis mlnaroni Woud- ville te a a m - fer Mr. MaIbuas the, hsemh ave gond stock. A blmore aura trou Wcedviloà, bo le &aisegutok mas, maY& Mr. 347b«e le UbubsSJuda@seV saUle lu Outailo ami pip e .bout p"i bthe tsrigil kiudae tu. Accutur -Mr. Jeta ]EL Carlin, Who liveson the Ib lia. oe reetb» a mat Wb" imo t iia vuresrins amoient la MO "e Bmakmos na aig . A.Gun T. IL, Of Wbedvill.w»vas et for and hMrto vu tstil su"»lautus noud.Mr. Uý M stla oms et thm larpssi veundi k. hmu mudai.W. peediel a favorable tera l i n s ~1,t I~0$t. N. PEHET. *ssOrieulob. $4, IM -Ufnooew. W*o uIIE 1%11 KIIVI". 1 rvm stm. 1 1 - ana dll*f ïtn le