a <'iC'il' .,, *-2 9 " jlair Rrnewr, ~,'tlnan a ne pptli'r omely ln "pi et g tt'.'h4,11 iaîtéîpoa Ille publile oonfllence eê au ji .tt,~ itil tKilWIR.Tii.cafflin wisiel il la .aaaIIb'l ciplte V<iSttintl i j .~i tt t'~io ir. sa i IIWrous beaulu t th om [mop1it lke,' ilfur iI t Anderftil Pft'.r to i .i1 I1" tlt . MaI'W.a.aalpeople lke 14 1B ,,,,.. iLmrttIa ' fi% iay, uai maka the bai ti xlhem ainti ha't a aen. ,t' . i . ue . a lr !"raa a i'y l 1'unIllo m 't l it V I ; l-v , i brta. l a & a Taaiq tgN la lm I ES I,,:n - a aUsiaai.l t t èmI moi' e 0» BUCKINGHAM'S DYRE as l'Olt Tilt WI'tKEfl' Il: lr.-l11P MA if the%' ni"tImprtant priu-n *at ltrg atabt a rtue. Iî 114 gjray t'r aaatrlly tf ait luaia' lati I. i~~,r\ î. eRlîA Y. MARtCKI M~,18. .1 TE W AR IN, TUE àSOUDAN. 'IRACRROUS PASEA dB- ARES TE». ,1 h.urp 1Eigag'a'ae.ft at Suakim- c.îla aed K.sséala -Dsposlitin o Wcdl.ley's Troops. le suri,)inlel are the. latent tolegraph e 41.4itrttiP' 19 tcWedn«ed&Y fnoof:- Zobehr PanliB Arret.d eua Chargaef« t;ùn.plracy. 1111* BDUUble oCorrse 11p11onfOswittue tii. aiDtoarUi'. wliosta . t.t.,(uordon ImlicIllty trusted andi i~eIl t nke lIovernor orf Khartoum,'. ib.ls habefl arrel't&ed on a charge off b.lag lai. plit. of-d l l ire'ionabtlt' enltlaplacl-s aminst th' 1 i vv. UI ,4r ttulenreewai* témarehd sa antaaaaa-ky aloa'uitit.t porovlng that Zobehr wam .ini a serrer. Irague wlth the mabtit %v.éf tiat. 'me pritonflr ha@ bm.fl con. 1mat.i aaêar1a British frtiate', whlch la -mi.,nî i rderat. Re wlll hé- lmprImoui. el lt 1 it-.. isiartioff Cyprita..Zobehr hais * ~lx-vin tle va i ri.oner for' tAie.pat lwo %t-,Lrs. It la tlb, luafifly acquiired lnIlleltht'ùt-a'rmLide, wM Ofta.tW<.dho w:iMt.haa«e a.arteurly utuipauntion con. dia"aa ta,'eahiiii fot leilive Alexaùdria wtt lit tthe. K hMdvm'a' contlient. Genaral (;t. ia IlIadî'd that Zobehr ahotidlie r restia','ntiii power lit tha' Soudan andti nlc. thoa- \ -t'-ivt' king %waittth ii. <07màn who hit .aî.aattdh tairva. andi pe"timle o keep the ëNnilb., inatul. ietion. -Gox. Gurdon had Pli(, 'a'aivr.'d ;et urturirili lahi'.former au"iiily a' and ihait livldenLalIy h.aa..c.'a1lltî,af. ttaéhrmti tns, wlaoliat N'a'ri 14 ama 14a m oata, and whoauo 1f. bu-. <aai, forf,'tqt throîctihan net off trtcncbery on /îa'ri~j.% \Vhflen G(hqeral CGardon içam me nt Il taKiaunoum rai autvear, hoLh lie k ~ ~ n suaitta'ehir emeti to havçe iiored the patt, andlIr waau aflothprof Zotehr', lions who m fily ,'.t-orta'd U.'neral CGprdoti fm .O!iromi -i Vitil-mi. Itham tbbren ducover. r 1I thmiit Z .Iîtir lam ibefnlitncontinuai Cor. r~qa'aalaaêuwith the mahdl. both, before aaaiI "ine' ttaiptire off Khartoumn. 8ev. rrît .wtlier tbrri'.4ts, ijîscItialing m omne promin. era t lita'. ~a are' u',pa'c'ed. The Mahiâl OUonis P AbmIliOS la \~ aa~., a' l. 'twrîrlhauthor. maIttlea'Aralitiaa Provinace offHedaz t,,i i le auvral hîanîlrad placards luut l tatt t t l <istir!bli't'ai by enaim . rit- .,f 't " a lat ti at Jt-ildai, Dokail, Litia, ati1 itat v -. ' pari town'. taputte the. Sou. i!a, tia. *e j.PbtraI" order FtheIt f,&ithful" I.o ir,. bi ' -,sni vxp..ttha> Turkiufroin Arabla, lir a~t l t.t i a'prophet. willl mois . il re v a' ilIl ia' iýpIa)yud l he isky 'a w. la'vitvno dota tof hbisIMent. L y. P, F I"îa'uta'hîId vvee ,uiti'lan tracîpi- atr. lait. .. 'l'i'taîrrkitth governor lq E alaa'a ,.. at a îtipre'sit. l'iLt Ilrt,1 hiiehbuat i lat tfalleti halo the 3Iauaîlq'u ifthte fabile prorahut, la 240 miles dt- ami ttof K< tatrtoum andi &bout Midway of r t n out'e fritaiKiurtoiiitn ta the Red Sia:lv nai.It laum tecondi cty of thet' -, ai ti.ttainini; a population off at leus; and. l.. t i theIbmkuywtone lf :iît.*-f traiti r r a.rgholda., Sa-n. >aa' 't,î'aih(ira, imd Guliaibat, &Il aof 13oV £lite Mad'ogmes Crepbaudsli Brilla irter». Sa"ta'a Marh I.--Wbutle attftc St.i ttt'aO if- gerrlaon b>' lie mahdi'@ taatî'-taight lte rebela lnanswer la the <l. -'. .pIeai frientds." Tho>' tion SwnIva ll,I i att Iv tu'.ruha, nverp"uwei't'ithe P> i'k.'a s aît i tî:acked tLb. guardu, hit ieav- ~iltiiiIni asilîg from a guanhoat decasnp* vii - auýrryittg uway their de"adni oundei '\rit,. t i. indy off rhIr leader, Abtiual, liaoiV '-t )'ian tun li&'ii tandard bearer. S-<Bdit guard* were killed as ereft Nt f t'î areh 1.- nrepeTlln9g the n 'l.av t'a rtk oaa \Vedlneu4(a I>lngjht lb@ Out. l'ttl>tlita't.t hral rallyîîîa.nt. l orhne l Rtvre, tive . Enatia.ta sîîilera isyoneîted Altfii ali'a.When <tsabied b>' wolus ln O Iii. ui..tluey fouitaln kneellnx poet. il~' Iring al; long sa s su>' renath irMaa- 121ady fer essa. i" t'iMaucta 13.-Usma DIRgna le <'i aîrting ai larre fomce st Taoiaaieb t. ivaTu lie(attir ance off Gen.Grsham tP laitêr.Thoumanditoff veli srMed Avai a' gui erig b semAt flumafi. atutimy l s a SgnesGmm 'A Kt, March 13-A mnutiny han brait. ena out ln Oman flgwe camp.Desertre tii tlt' frttîsh)Àin bring terrible taios off 'ýlIt l'3rlng ang the Araba and i mOhans ia<,na luoly able to mufiaiîn -hSautuor .7V hy a. Sysmioff Iertrlm whicli.la. Icitdeal ti* biieding off s feu usitsr- Cvrynomnru at maunrie. The deseter tat t Barber la lield nr» a farce auna- reng onm1y 3,70, «&sud tefh"y have seS More tlishoanduioervcmbe r1ifle A PROMUsà - m a"a LONDON, UM ard 3-l'h. araffeme htu een England and Rusis asuotucet. by 16r. Gladistone tili afternoon resalsid lit tte diccliulan off the cabinet mot to tmai*t tîpon tIbmiuthdrawal of Bapeléa, roopa from mAe oulpomte durlng the deliberml oue off the joint comimissbin.Baros de SIsal lemterclay protested againa.c the prepars. tions for ual' now bcbng madeina oglaud andthe lb emonuttrations upes the Ind"a frontler, wubîci, h. mid,. ern ealculated 10o leeaien the chances off as amicable setle- ment. De Staal to-tdal Informed rlv Granville Ihat be ua@ rea.dy tW sigu, the E*yptlafl convention. Thé Cu Dfesauest»s waar fy. ST. PxTauiuîîunui Match 13.-The czar dairlag an Informai 1.1k lt i several dtp. lornata at at ImpertL- leves to.mtghl, sai:, 111 crnnot conceive hat any but the wild- est dreanîcra.could tblnk liat 1K uould declare WAarainse Eogisad. Our onde mrt nd d lîl ho attaineti, but t wA1l haoiy' the grainai power off civillicition, sud mot hy force." romue ft e»as"" Iem. the Huiaian presa A exceedinogly bellicoe. t Ià rpenly teclarcd t at ela Intends to bave Herat. The Nova, Vremva cals the approacbund meetng uf Lord Dtcfftrrts ana thme amiaer amilllary detuonâtratiln on the RumM*an frontiera "Roula and Eni. laind," itsuaya, "ilîl noon meot on dry land, andi the re*uit will be that the Iilated Isecurity hîtherto enjoyed by thm British empire wullibe tqtrovmd."' PAnis, March 3. - Baron Nfohrenhelm, 'the Ruisiani ambassador, basbhes Inter. viewed on the .Anglo.-Rsla a ltU#atom. r Esparor William, h. aaid, uould exort bhi iluetce to avert war, anid would endeav- Oar tinduce. .aiand 10 Malte somat cou. cessions. He .coarmd tthe idesatmAsis wnidwvitbiraw fron the Position ou occupied. duofi artion uould relleet dis- homour tupnn theicRiaan arme. If Enji. land did mot tieclare val It vas Certain, la hieopiion tat Raimis vouAi nôt do mo. ne OchilIl extremely ulkely Ihat Englant iulîl tiolmr.war, n shtehan ber handis fulli .ar>dY. WM ia Vta e e " puae. LONDuON, MarrhI .-The us, department la inkug prepaa&CIODnu ith Ob riewlo the pc>sible ocurrencs ff 1erloustrouble la Afghanti4taf. Ordere have tuesu seat t. Ibm arseýnaliat BunbNmY and Benjisi to prepare ail kînde off amumusitien. l'h. dtalles for tuvo armi coipe have homes 'completed. Ruch i v ilîimber 1,5M09Bf. cerci, '15,5M0 inen snd 11,800 borseti. The. admirat>'1,1a afglg for a fleet oft Ina #p jorts. The sigificanccaofft" ]&telais Bu0Moa more la MI ven In the followbig, taken frum s races:issue ar tb. London Daily Tels- graph: -,,The. Rusisuh have now a rail- road froni the euttern shore off the CaSPIAD to Aaihkaba<i, anti they Intendti. ilM littie delay Manesaible, la pubis thoe mac 10 AxiI.Arvat, Sa"kta, ad ultianstuY 10 theUm ge trongtold (lierat) sou repbotai » wellquigh la their banda. t lise.b8dn recently aamorted that, b>' ie ,lime'eUUfl. an aumy rau he îhrowu lInsix deys £om the aont.h of RIMAI& lt th re labterl off ilis, and tuaI tforty-ebght boum 'uil mf. flte, wies thle read ancarriedti wROMnt &a the transport tit-er off a body off houP front tbm Caspiao." lorunoN, Match 14.-The Standard sAIy8 them areeneut betwOo. nuulâud amd Rusis leares, the essence off tb. dlffculty untouched. Mattire muot lhavemenbai! uhen macàlauansgreemtuiiiîas paraded asM dlionimsic»t4i. M 5YGM Sue la the etuatieni a pteluide tutiu Lowno, Marie13-Tht Neua Me li Koverament. i. alli vithout comfrmton et the repottUd OCMRcupa O ffRoba" Pam b>' Gos. Lum*den. AMOU121qC 0f frisai. es1 uim Ic owbaMubfflt a te Enpland are unoccuped b y euTpmlu Off chiaom tu the ti.wpruPiroaiflfV cti have resel So The am- Imm M*w .aet QOO~TY 0F VIOTORiÀ . 1 district. IL lfiestated they have already KjciaeUs. _______________ more amala chas hep msud, baulula hto _______________,__________ crippie -tie Englilh Ioopea b> deprlviug flNLY 01E DOLLAR.-Tai: sv5I~BR LATH, PIOKETS AND thim off the mnomusoff craumortation. Xe £W thle qemu t Ive oe ntis far0as1 i L ueHIGLR$. - -, US.@ mai ms SOtge -*______________________ A. member off the Ruseans embeassy sai WANTED. -A yoflng man (22) ujahea s t. a correapondoul lant nighi Raesiw» e~te obla mpioymnt asapprentice to L al 19 1 & R tedry goads or gromrr business. Gorr- for Bar, sud Dumfllng Roumr. BILaL STUF? Dot end carorlnq to push the Turbestas t ces cm eaufuai. Net ftaid of "'rk* où, dimensions.,frrat tenlu nhity leed long barder line aymfrtier ioutislao Afghan. .Ài7 10J.C.. Box 70. Bobcyson. Veb. 2t intan, but wae beat upon, deflaitmly »MinAmf_________________ RY L X the boundar>', soa astoi put a stop te fie.£ lt aa and Doo-9. IVLOOUJNG dressed andi q tent dioites amoure the frontier tribus* MD undreasi. aet the Lindsaay yard. or at aur mila on bith Mde* of the Ulie. -Ruefsia hanno at uel a lla i. Intention to Invade Afghanfiwan. She le ' O mD RFl -«S merel>' puaulahing border thlevesandi 1 , -. GEZEN ELLES. Piroprietors, catlle robhesn. andi prot.ctlus thm continuel'Mme AgI. at RSOnSý,. off ber owu 'tmrrtory. Enaiani ba* N btero . tLindpty. tlpaS of A. W. Parkln. riglit to dictate te Rucola a% 10 her condaeh EAU tUB ?eWDEZ. 1WIL .GOODRNOUGH. Assistant and Clerk. n rincb materm. Enoditnd's pos.seson* s Jannax721hy Fén211. elson IallS.Aug. 4. 83-4.y atm a long waLy tif, s antaia hae no uw»~ > f ows PH IELOLADLNO to maie a démonstration oW lnt laida. -. L IVGWEPOOLRAICE COPNON If the char tintended ho Invade Imdik ho vouAi be-carefal te mun nrilrka off Incuir. 3g -ND -I lmg lie ameer'. dimplessure, but If war la forced upom Rumila I illiiio.à bloody amdi The Larzoab Vrire Kaamme Compasi tu cocltuaive tstroggle." 8818DRS &il cMIEi1 t e rl4 htis. i aies la the promisse lately oooupied by Velteli Aa'li'ilit'tu!'i Cunda........ 30~00J LouoNMach 2.Theoveamuil IBras. Lndua>'. n .a'at an t al.......0.000o Lýiç)oY Mam 12-Thegavmmelst i iRatem atil Arr.ium a2-it owamlshur other r- bakiuWtepe secare as ample aapply off i 110188MIT M LU 80 MGICOMIISII I rpeata 0haL e.aia:aaay. The settiemtent of loss with P 5tivibcrit. Theiaareaaourt'esanil standing fond st Hertho enuble the place . th. MoUes sIm »«7 .t.w Xcis ou> )ftllii. 'aaraipauaîy a fr-d hotte insuret inuit peufect st and a leze ot amy durt ton. RIsa mamelag e au rds.VY tIMI.tecur.a. u,,a.aî,àt j. troope o o cupy an bntreucîmi end for%, For particuisrsapphy to LIE DEP-AETXEN. - tllmd position near Pendj.'i. Tii reserve, . . MCRATH. IA@surance iaffouetcd wfth et vithont profita ut off the native Iodlas aruny le hin« raised or Y. IHEL a nodcra*c rates. Four-ftthu off profita given te b>' Lord Differin. who almo proposced to %Ut.~oic--iuoldem For pariculu or rte apply ta ailt 30,000 native îrcoops ho ithe garrimous off Jas. 21. ISII-21.lf. &entfoopdarsu ILVrar Indus. The indilu ea nawmmauay t I.AL SALE"m ad 6 Vef aivocate war ila caseotf Ruasan agjreewlu. .UDICIA SL The Rtumsela.n raiivay from u KIflevlt. the Afhnfote utaoeHorst, la be gpae apiyowr.A ]FA lvi. S N à o r w h 1 _ - h R a * & " A d - .14 T i f s - i l N D E R S ONE, - wi Uoeaî-'Wiaila.ais Waa.Purautant tauasorder offthie Rîgi Court of i Lusp Herat, the cil> ln Affghanimia.n thst the Justice. Chancey DtviSlon. umade la mn action,1 -Ld-eu Peln Rassisais ouli like ho wnous l iia ppel. off Poaritit, c.WuiO tmiters ut!) ho ofabbésd i for sale uith the. approbation off George H. t1 _______________ dion to tie ulaieu snd Intere%3t@ oft EUg.. Dartneli. Mater off thm SuprernieCourt off Jiu.; lasi, liat§ etr&ordlnary advantagm »asa' tieat Wlftby. by &AMUEL BAIR». Auction.; stsogbold. The. great hlith roadat frm ILor Kabul, Tehera, Bâtir, Bolahara, Kilva, -=%.wrtrm 'Lnsy a.1.18. Mcabmdl, eitan sud iKandahar aIL mietu AMM M WSUV DTMin» J.131.-. 1h., Il ba%&a'apisudld climat. anilienina VULAOEor caNNtUGl' fertile vIle>'. What ln off mou! Importancerhrkevr iutc.rgnow , ur(m5IT IF C I la liait t i»i surroudmi by tihe at the haut aof 2 ocoek. ýp. Mn., au like tbe origin off the plce itodff, ik lab t EB It ,âe9),â DI o i remate aîtaltitîliity. The. îawn. wlîAch ltae si e lRV9Re Re LANDS *mail square, la. aurrounded by ai earbis A. D. lKS5, the folloicunj landes and premises. E paraet. If one May raili Ahin, viph Mét. being fcomposeoth lle i la 01001. oeril Duldt MusM. sures 250 ftest at lie. ba, anti lu 50 op 09 1I.t . -do- -l'me 0MI fret higil, antisurroundefi b>'aatrail 9 tost r1 ww e .mse1 enuo thiri atthe baseana l htest htabula ai. la lie m c1f enul.m et dition ta thim ibere lea . e lc 4Stei 45 fret I M VIB tlm OS! 1085 pte NtrM. vide anti 15 teet deep. ln taci theas u& @ È Tuunue «Mtfer uI » sian gkot lito trIt il o l smaut Impou. cntalning ffltY acta.mors @or lem off whieh ¶>Oarof GO.rumeua sîbie ta ges thei-nunia. The Permissetrlmê I about forty.seven acrem leaed, adbmhe FRE E!LUi r.une bmBteats Icatr tla lmISun IL a Rasamin la.remalnduat la bush land ti fmixeti timber. the andTIMmbenCflturp Kiwi. NOT butve. batn o ~ moillu good Clay lamai. t in oun ltion; ofthe Arres M U 19 -ooaibtwr etnofb h ffoMt.sven ases cleareti&U ailietIable exespt M Lit3131e Publie Laudsdi dpaosed ofi ima. A*ans unter Ed ward Potvbager.laIBM about I'U ari' on thm south end. whiicîlua gnd~a were l heN thr Paclt countil130. lePertlan* oceaplet I r, aia unfler Eus. pasture tid. The.saiti lot la vel atred. A .L..,,.d.trtbtn et%:: mm:ma. e RaIl*d âfr fSaJ and atan intpration, t)nt vere' compeilt i to niter-tling ereei ruinsaacss the north endi tic W1'o(venmeat Landu. Adru.QAA.~ nruae i li fflloungpar nde p~,ant a Ivilg JaW1119f vatet aMd a Og eaiumlLàMUEoc. Land Com'r.NX. P. EIL, «MeneBrt th nvasion off Pr nahe tr. &Il uuag tohle south en&. Tire la 11 musea on salid premiew a trame ban i36zOUDICIALS elugle engagment. Abdurrshmnsv"h:, i thaide andi the oaeut l a andw unde r -oaï- vie las nvery friendly term insuth 1h.which are god sables. 2ngtish, - itI putbabli nom' b. sfled Th Iid mises are leam tis, ahuff amilet aisgarlsulaiIl wltt a ah vy forcean, IretlieVile off Wilior, and leus tiasu îo V 1 l fD DP inupolisi wîith improva'd gune, or ho vii lesfristi. ilag ff1'feia sd betd.£St. amU. bu pai for lettlnq the Bri tish ocrapy IL. Ol uinles frois ia ilaetthaentà ombrulse oire vîli b. no sloop for lthe rOibMy mc« esaltail of teabaeplaces by*-IN rTaHE- enuotunate Britisah raxpayer or o The perttvii.slisbm oamrt Top ofE l the niornini liee froov ee"y qiint aet age heM b>' esCd Peuea ot! &hp f mi the olobe la Dow noftll of tareie. SsrU scteiCm&".Poiiviiclith5t & 15-U-Ir8 gUI<lu. ati uer luto ccrs de fitrema Witthae otnWect of allinz ahe> landi herein-. -Ayers Rair VigOtsltlt5the hairceleauulppfbus t 80 ac, ,,ou latatprin:r~ t0 h.shh ailesanti olle & vlgMus.teai fn pybefl1 the , lus.."f 'ri 1 .11 1 9t tî. c1 . ) 1a growni. lentame c as lm e afl TielambiuU b.uadsahjoote 0a reservetI Na "a S "iît, .li L Lbà..aaat i saliethe naluasi hir busiilfagt n n.blid itbrite smt.1er.1i o leiihý,ir fJci , ast; kwe alp milfuefrom dmlaudr e. Lepwbm w e e êfore' ire 4>~ t a liaiin . îilet> inoa . fficeuI venlte éhair t&où bucmisisdry end. îuah. a et__ erceta reth. mi. Ci'lVe i ti&'rs la)4i&w iIttLte oneRe a"nMit e lflexible &amlo..y. Ugbn310f110v-eUl eS tLe loat u esuyl *FIVRt-, No; oemfl.naiid am bi 9010.et qi anu ta e ming a pris> for thae puraïse e du Saie USel o Veut taoroffoLottNerecla.lla la _____________ jXd.iMdmai eSulimU ae mis 100acrea more or lem; uef.rred 10 lintthe a-i b* meIlm C. CanMIu& VMA.. v«ermia ti n tawich w»lubiahedi .--- S --a ffl, Cm*yuchmi, P. t-_la TisE CàAnasz lPouraewerapmr or ULimis.! W ~~ ~,a nin"ttf n t fmaithe MUd of Januar>'. LM6,til C" 2M iday Mr ifFebruarT, î~Iftinclusive. an"l.outhie teme 0f pajuient asathea'eonditioua .hserei auaLmi Tbis Puai he. M& W'idSt A5~ E V L~W -jM fývsUtm-.Lj 1..Local Masterat CobourgM -j0 M EWcUano s. Miscella ntsf o sta", wiU forTM VOStoe £X A and receate tree, a coatly box of goode laet MAT.aIL Seanna mos and whlcb 'vili httlp &Il, off mther mmx, te mom moue>. monmy ri ht a .aay. than iunytiing ese in the L~IoSOM BYD rlOu.ut. rtua1nes ait the t workers absolutely LUXEER VAUD». CHAS. BIITTON. COamm Eor MEO m LD IND5T.5SDru&;-., Pttut R ediclmes Drug. Lumber, Lath., SM»igiesatid! :eilicnm fatteries, ]Etc. Pîeket of ai Grdes Lise EAyEo£M LIM §- Eirsia Vl."ST EEANDS O? TOBACCO.S. aumt i. ami COnDwoon ter a" .1ILindsaay. July 22nd, 18M.-97. LitSa. A w.A iC. &IAm* PLES' APPLES! LduDwec2LM.-OS.A AUCTION SALEt A PL S CHARILES DONALD &Go Veliabla 1>ropiia 1I 73 QU7t "..ST. LONDO*.IL C. tai Prq on L~ndr ani b> virue I a oueraI sle cn- ehIto cD a.l Siapoers.wih A e weta V cde nda. certirtueofa goe ofwlcon-ili e AutuantanI Sppr bs. ithamua. raidi acert a inmotia". titurwil b ali inaidSpii bste Sudcei atthetim ofsae, hur wil b sod. The>' will alsa, avtiaa he usuatl acilities ta MONOAY, 28RU MARCH, 1885, a.norv.rq1rn~________ ah tuo o1cloek ln tie afternooua. SV MMAES3GALLON AUCTIOMEER, 'i il' -~ * "i The floam Nouas la the Towa eft Lindsa>', The weut hall off lot numb2er one li the four. O.~HXI'~SSL F LN~ tuentta concession aifIbmheownsipoff Emlly lin - the count>' af Victoria. contaiég 100 acres more' or lesu CO U NTlà"0 F V 1F l"t.A. Termes andi conditions wUll b. made knovu at >xv': lim e of a aie. i n >. l - ù - ' W DI ay of ' For fartler particulars appi>' to On S- *1 ia.if' ROBINSON. OBRIEN 8c LEPROY. i Vendors Solcitors. A-. D. tS3 aut ti.e ni e lvt oer-lock.1 30zi. 68 Chuareh-st.ýe Torontq. It a.a'i.î a m ORTGAGE SALE -O-oI FARM PROPERTY, noon. BY PUB'LIC .1UCTION. at aîy oaîice in aTIE CoVaT H0CEZ IXTETOWN r or 1LNZ.ty, aill ri t.a i.e. ta ' ' ' ofitthe tlartund. ant. .1. N t .1 IL J '-.~' E% i~li , 1leaa. axar lUader and b>' virtue off a power ni sale con- taeato ' t:t.1'nî vineua>nts. sz-tid.by taînet inla acertain indeaituzm t of ftortgage. nie tandir uta":-r' 'ar":- of'everal "'ai". or wiichsaid mortatage witl le produced n thame lFaa'i.u. - :.d ia it' lear .taeay's Iligi day of sale. lieue will be salai b>'PUBLIC Cou.rt rJus-e, uta 'o mei dairectail. v:. .&CCTION. b>' JA. H.ILLENNON. auctianeer. î I i ! rf'\ qi~ai tâaada'urt. 1 Calai> l'2savrtli M.xrti:a ta. Al.exaundear .' AT TEE DIDON NOUSEI mgTEE I 'Alpineît.' TOWW 0? LINDSÂTIn tht,' ('an*t"si'a la t 1.ýî lionnof Saîltcoutat Eiz..aiau'a!î Mlc'Iiaaaaavs*. Ateander IMc- in lie Count> off Victoria. ont lau In the C timion Pieu. I >i'ai'.iotîof natacourt. ISATURDAT, the 28th IhiFof ilarch, Th~e i3àaaiýiajf là ' itVS. ,'t:k A. D. 1886,at te aoîr of oieoclock. aftersoon lIn a';,ath(- ' Bonia. 1it .i"îofaid cort lie ioilowtng landas and prenaises: Wii-tijiuî : t 'A!. Xauader Nl('41pinae. All snd singular liaI certain jiarcel or tract In the- Uoaitîn ii.'.- : -1'ioatiof-auid e'urt, off ladanad pua'mls.e ituate. 1> ng aid being inry "Wellst t': 'a dJouaEllis va. in lte townsip off Eldon. In the cout>of Via. Ataaual si.rIp toris. andi boitaitcomposed oi In liBavnoh Iaoîi a'.: i* a'sauid court. 1* NerTtrtealaisSeemiou. Ernet >aîî..aad jr.a' '". laxaun'ler Me- Alpin. M" t thOOfle £Cu et E is. Tie ..ailt nt ua .'on,'nînts baring coni- contaiaitg b>' admteaisuremeflt Io huandueti 'posealo 't 01 t.:sî.a."a. atua att'rtiiti j.aucels acres, le lie sme more or lem .Tiers am re utrairse*.il 'atiil _i'" ttlS'situate.iying «Oei laInbutidinga tapon tie Preunle. Fones janti b,,!,,ý"ane 'i "the 'est hait af Lot are lin geaicondition. himbor iused lafendii 'NO Tell. ' :" t t-1 .. 'i îs.'ou.ebëion off the je ceatar. The sal la a dlay loam. lrarmn la Tounsan. Qt ltaript. il- aI:le Couatv of Vie- spiendidl>' atereti. Ihere being ivavelis and moua aao o.u au 'f'atia. tntaining ose a creek uunnlnglihrough lie premises. Tiers izt r Nacut.. riau-tî. inestii.norzth-Con. le also agood yount orchas'd composeil af ap- qur wTao,,: . ne'X '.1a. u ily, Inlthe Con. pie. Ium sud cierry Items. Thm farai lu eltu- ,eia.tni Io':s.r nu>.l i i iraeda&bout one mile from tie village off Argylol. 4CO -1-)" a~rÂa. o~.Town aLercmnî i> ltmre r!les tram Lorneville Junetion. five acres.iore 'or la"' \s 'A ' w Lt umber miles front Woodviile andti îavnty miles fuom 1 Five, a.'ia soutl of lt"e"a asr in the 'Town the Loarn off Liaduyan d la on main rond ruu~aacsa. :;at.:t l-a>'iW' t ptu-OfaLot aîaunaber ning througli townshlip. ix ta 6urû ii. tru.L uh 'of Iu liuat-st. cas:. -- u~~~bici' I"ta.Itt"&t " w*ii atof land al nabcl r I ~better ...rowu nai. alvalais foilous. lia: 'te 91ay- oaîual u~at rite North-west angle One-tenti off lie paroissemone>' dowm on off sain [w, tatali m " ;ac.tit hia'ae goatbsixtOits She dayoftsle, and asutr sufficiet to makis up 110) di,%ze- ', ea1 L naîte laaild and liuty.tm*o mne-lt of lié viole lin thirty d<aya thereafter îà .. ., ueart. etac u:oars8. tfathe irt'ar ut saut vIitmtInteiso.th le balance t. bs secureti b>'lot, îei" u.rtila. 'uu leraies, oa tumtgge aon le ni prenuuu. laiabl' laaloaatir t' rearur f aaidt A i..a ua'ra07t laîtix Unon uatyeut ff ac-hal of lietu-. 1m one >ua hu'idt-,'andi thirty-two (132) feet. mus>' htpurhasr llib.entllei O ns.more orl tiï.,ta us:lt . cat.- .theuce atong saMon. thlie utahrat lit' ai ltaîÏ ssell.s3t. eau, aevmii- Thieconditions ofa'ule wMbe rode knovn cm teen (-; c: î,qtýiý w.tLie. plata0 f le- "Y Of S" gnning. voaaming i.i tit ti-intiu't,nd two For fortier gartienlau a mlt ADN uaraat32..îaa'i rer.mr re ALD. DÂVIDUOM a PA E~I. S oletu GEORUE KEMPT. Touont.. cS te JAàM. IH.LÇNNON. Miction- Sherlif <Sotunt>'Of i ctoria. ew LI&M. peu P. MITCHELL. lista t lenatIis 24h day of Febrnsry, Deputry.irherifL. XACDMIALD, DAVIDOSON & PATERSON. M OtiDeceber A.»D. lm8. Venders SolliS& ira publtahed Wht DeC.. A. D. lESt.- 18-13- TEAFGHAN YAR-cLOlU», a-NDOIpF, msyLysa *bn»Th COmmofh chie arternooa . ýGladst BDUotmooi th&% as apouut i; bou M amrvd et. btvsss Bo~ iamind isi by uhiui soulier *. Rolas Bor tlb. sither aide of the. frontier. air Stafford .%Onbem ot.aksd hether Mie Agesuent M epsruinsmssgi (Remdsr iew lia tu. mes Mi a t. laét e long aschèesw» osaalm for Lt tLaumhter. l'he sgvoemme h. ssii, Pro- vide g aim the arupture of ftl.udly voes- tions bote hiiwo aovrumenss la the. s'vet of a coDisien betuesathoelase Asd Af ba oupotn Mr. ers siu hetSthe b.a ment watt anew o04eor ou Wbioh bai bern MI) oi at h la use for neme.I apoewmmmt-onesa ba!Orowu ent of thea roent corra'sçod«emad ch. ou cimsuu. stance&s.e. ud be »m*alta.ewu Inquireà re g t h. positio»s asutus Mr. Omalcu (couseatl vo)uked uhotber the airof Atjbaoen b"accptai 1h. Mkr. Glaizton. mdno imply. l'h. Marquis of gHartiatU tat ta thereswume îlîl cales for ioat auilly r- ffldlng lthe relations botyrom Groat Buit. a and BASela6 L-x Iow, Match 13-BIt Peter f..uusde is bases oderedici0 Impare tea .mer sud t the commander as HoMst he tenue of tb. agreement betweos Roelàansd England bta mtaim the millesey Statu W. he muembre off the commoné,hbad 1. Gladmtns'm anuhune.menî of as agios. ment betweec Enailad Rumeta with OLa.5 oral semme off relief, the agrsmet ftri luji rems o .hope chM at ma veud a aveclegbyip.lonaale mss. ie rv ed air Peter Lumedes ha. the Afahaus %uMleutly Widor contrO o b preveat& collsion beleenes b.oulposls. Pvo.met eonaervàti yena mirt that the agreement i lîl soc prevent Rasié fromnmW.asng ber troopa on the. borders of "b debsteable îrtory. anti object ta Ruotans being allowedto " rmain tven tewaPorarilY on the ferrît ory claimeti a* beloimalg 10 Afghan. ian. Sir Peter LUtiaudeb hnsreceireti certain deretionary poen touchlng hies course la the event toff &dangeroue Rus. nias aadane. Hlein a rly six dayse match belersi ho wulli seni ooers hHerat to aôrasa A, the Afghad troope uhile lie astuumu'ai a p)ltlon fDot mogeuaal ywarllk. st the nobat pa*. -. '. ~.KETU or0FC0NV OTZO0Nri ___________ia n-eu. set . e Bévad Sttutés., Ontario, Cba> % 84 S- ._ _ au..a..&.. ~ caytg. j~~ia~ .stylus. e . o wbm :1 vr y If Dot Pja dwby o.sdsa S I iiu d aP , .ot oiq bon . Dl ordI .. . .. . .. ..arg e18 .. . O 'L % Me caq, P. m i nU & M t r. -"» F- e Mid t c. . T m u Mea ur er b r , o m aùý d M s do do.... .Wm.Grst............. do. n. 01o do........ . . .. 35.... Fotwt.......Town Tteagurer l'h.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~P Qs.....oaGym rLm..........o2,.. do d........ .... .... uitdor~a Ge. a....os ~WUfu uuyt wpy do ........d...... ...5... m~I T owni teu .wM.. do.... do..................do 2il, .. do do .................5.. o mltte uef.t os e .....a . W.. m a ......IUk mididrMy ... ....... do ^ . .... do do............8... oet....tsd la defanit P..tPlk.....w . Aiui. .....................do 2, .. do do ............ .......... Commuftted ldf au Tohe U ....Cl..*.. Vau a y...............do2, .. do do.......... .......... 4 m t te o.mo ........laitd ......IJosps.,....ismt ......... doeUS, .... do do...........8.. Committed injd.faul. Stphs lie . Gore .Iuv muat o o......... . 8.... Fsrth it. . a Tre. rr do do .Taaaeed do de . do.....do do..........7.................oiefpel do qljdo...... . Ghemu.....d o..........o..... do do ............. .. ..78.... Cmtc I eal dor do, ...s............do.. ~do , .... doe o.......... do doe . ... . Lou.Staplos...... .. . odo . . ......... do i7s; ....i do do ..................... ....4me t e mpl% o - ut ......... o mi ed To e t un"y...4.àits lai... ... msi........... o 1, ..l d e...........7.85. -Commfitted la default. . déor a do...».. Jh o m....Abr av .. .....: ................ .... àl10 .... do do ........... .......omut*fosreie ftbpae. T Oive r da... F.U... ............... do 3% .. do d o 0.........F5BothUith .. Town Treasurer. do do eorge.1>1........... .....79U o d.........o:::..... eduiboe....Wihambn Dsodelycouude«t............do 26M::... do do............. do.QI..... J s éEku.y......Lor do... ..............do 27, .... do do...... ........... ............... ..o.........h........ o tient. apel Touaet laday. asil Sîsms.....luhlmd o s doot... .........doCu 7 ....~ do do... ......... .70.. othl....ToaTosr. Tho. olqhos.SishesOlver....Daoiewy sdut.........o 1 ... do do ...... ........8.. ohwt...TaTrarr de darIon.deIN.H...............o lag ag . de 7,. .l d o...............No urtte tceec a n TomnofLiUu=yTh.........s . adrocy.... ...... ........do 7,. . d o do ........................... omltdalw unh.... do do.......MLo.chalLe& ...... dokma iodw..... do 7 ... do d........ 25..orhi . ..ToaTsse. do do .. i.. a*OIt,......... gudo y. ................. do 7, ....I do do.................. .......omce o fu oto f A. efluma......Liait...... ............ do 10, .. do do..............25.... Fohut.........150..'p 'Ja edc..... hs. p G . . . ..rma............di7n. o o..........N«-.o17.57.... ih.b.1.. daneo ie pî tn Thoas autr..... <~'~ fisimos Aimit...............do î: do 1 do ...................1.7. atut......Ie t...0........on..be...tc. b1 JoepiB iuyAsaus...............do .... de 'd............ .....7.... .. ortli .........10r@dq& o£ taounpuc" Tow f Eui....lh. otr... L u t he . e. .. ....do 172 .. do do ............. .... 1Us.... ....th.wTowna 10.00 .. o 0fL .y Du.Cri..... euk U ZMo sl..........do I2, .... do do ..... .......... ... ......or0h...........Io aTesrr do do .... C rL s. ...... Dr et :iLorde l..........do 18& .... do do .................00U.... Forhl .... .. .Town Trèseaurer. das elldho wi ...... usve lacage... ........ do 2%, .. do do .................42.8 .... borthwlch ....... Tou Trossureir. Wonfldm . EaD.y..... as.. ...............do2do .... do do ... ............ 00.... ....... *»ltodoruemonth . T'h. Que« .... ........ IJ. MgSlce ....... .Lr.s> ................ .... do 26, .... do do............ .............. Camittodfre.udq MMsIpiolet Tows off Lndsay . Jh erur......DDaieunk anèdl::: ts0dt ........... c :,.... do do.............. ....7.0.... borthwfth ....... Town Trsurer. o do.... O lve r a.......D un amiduct «s.............do do L.do .............. ..... M .... borthwich ...... Toua Troasurer John ~ ~ E ............L..ere.... rtluaca bwdnth r ate b. 2; 88.... Rdo i.................. ... ..L.. ... hDombr18 do......... LT' tis ma............ ..... Nov.1,f8% .. d ... .. e...................1..... Commitovsmb r T aue Cooato'fBocyom dy of. . . . . . . . . . . . 'Ti u rdlr ..... .. . .... d o 7 ...o s o .........f. .... . . .. M2 . ....T ow ndo do do do .tua :. '..GoUla& . ..... d.do.d do. .. ... ..ej do o...........a........... Diteld forria.aifst t odo do do do 40 ........ do 2le ....J........ ...........15.. .0... T'pebr T, o o d d Jon f Ye......m .entn..... A a ul .... .....do17 2, .. doef. . o ........... : ... ::::i Frtwih Scepen peuot. ....iefl ...t. ...' DrlvIg..................... ....do 12, . . .... di o do............ .....1.7.... Forthwth .... .. a. Fene o FBala nctfns ad wte dom oM ...:.H. Sîà&13 maau ....... S Ot .............do 1, .... CI O do. .................12.....lForthwth ..do.. do 1.0 : do escoablet.bin d..o.... oer ht...... A"MSal................. do 17. ....Ia de do ............... ... . 57....Forhwith ........ 0.do doout ee do...... Js.Cppi . .. Fêhtn............do 17, ...I do do do .:.. . 3.10 ...orthwfth........ . do.M00. o <ta Denu....... luFt Mcene...... Flghti... ........d 14 .. ....o.do ..o . .. 20...Frhwh... od Thn.Wale.....WllamKelet .isturbmg eowei........... .2,18. ..S Pc.... CO..................0.... Domberth .......own yTresurer. drwof Ldo.....Jh a.....o d.............bdo 4 ...ddo..........LO.:Dcmrth18jdo o dor d. Thmi. e. . "Gine....... ... r tdo do..ei.............Fe0.la, 18... - do do. ............... ... .00 .... otbwpm....... Twiresrr dome doly.......N o ran ........do.do...............do 5A .... do do. .............. . .... 1Z0....t2srherit ry....... ontTresur.r. doTownofGniâ&e... .G a................do .d...............do 5 .Z4 o.... ...do.................10....... hmarch, dor ousdoth doe do....emuouu....d o..........endo 2% .... do do................. 1::::C4h mmirch fo, a d do Toor Lido......TJhnms fe.. ..doo.........d 5 ......................... 10. rtch , d...... oIM dourr ToRedemo...John Gcema........lCnanul evle ... .... de do .....1...1884....ohn..11. ... 00 .... IForhwth. .......Town s smurr. do do.... 'Wrrn sebe ....... 'm . rdo ge_.et....... o.1,184... do . ........te ............. . 10... . MF or.bw b........de o rdoraio'f oba-e do he....c...... jaT" lfrl... Mng oisIleodl o ii itrs tCovctos o ti Cut>,maetam b teJ itiofofIb daeofrIb dato mt'tdot M iAdDo 88. do an.24,M ... . L B" Md*Ore tk ... 000... 2"Janary IM dod Pdo VLdo doC 00 ..d l , dote a' d outof iora flf~e.ofti.Car fIb ees o nt f V rota adiI...8......_ __ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ __n__ __ _ __ _ __ ___*_ _ ___*_ __ __* 1