W~ *4. i* ~àEKT Ram0YL U e___ __-__OUM_ -ma~- roi_3_%,190w Imm n ow rianguL riumI- no&.hLom o.m nýIbe bgnwg M gp2'C'ImILI TO Tý - - ---- ----i 24%01 olw od. ga5uftY aigu ofUTZ la o~fru - Ain iMw 0f n-é.àm amezw. manui. ui aa.* MmUma]uoe -.01-- M àwat e 1 111111ua*11t augmnWim à".MU__ --dur tdlInL-II3M!oaeabe telle. aW rfUn A T&ImtI upbnm4Li" hdààuzihriIialh tlw~. ~0 b I d~ I l-aiNidlti t Der010w_1- S mxmhu - 11Ubaror ff-or thesituaton.wSo -et._-eai lilâ i-w»l.Ia .mwm d .wmad&m.è an-r.~gLPotHp pua-O - talour amw;LichBT, m tid ~ ~ SrI ao-,kOue Mpwiidoatef« m.el uqg»auowg obgbdboel __y à oa b fPO T tthA ,e% tb u a t h or &sNbo g ene M mmy V» OU&" toeevWUii, afitelet CCm elI-,L.aV. m,0 the Fof'rQu' 1PltI* APfl2,eue& ai am mmj et.use r s àHePflou b.& fflwU *afIWbuaanoIe4kb.The.R.IpII. ei ~mO1ftlpletêfotktw tBbb& .1*pw0 10& (h u OtkmumofUw-» CfrLawtbt * la.Mm> im ni td th ix P n i t h f ote t 09 bff - 10 IU OM orte» S.100 oA U'flbs U oaf B maer a t rn u s. a el ag a aqwe< ot r. S eg a e h m eo . C r . O O tht twamly menwere atdfa.~Kee op ea~Piae .Bîtn. ___ . Ml cuaoý,m bemt»Lindsar cmpams aucpu * Grioi.-Sr£. Le ae r nW A Xgeriti Mlv ne. #lll h.1349# fm' tt CIUN& m... blisserwbm sw ». aee bae hinreailte.tleetonLa.THebr.J a.N.MMrhIA port t Qu'Appflle, whieh WCI ber di e ..e,. sOM uafalrdm »D"Zm wM Ialee îhTmdamon.Woda.T.Ce,. et.Aa.'1a. mmeur vwem aomtvaê 1w au m MineW» seut te Bugier SUBIrod it ~PRMN.3C. Bfto<PLS-e~t wfl .hcfl 14iîmrint tfôop*e M 5Iro4t"*Ith th. e..uaas , un i m"aatteoawy came douawn taiba .Lumr. hre atmr.JLb.J toielthe hôoîtbtnaoMOÎblêW.,Tht affloti. daeeiaUur W» alwa M theeau te arme A largaeod Lcar AHey,.JeuIGogeP e o q u eil --- l. --.e.-- iw e .nt Ouir 104 taadaOit nllUlt eer OU th eN otm eniw emotta&enhe a mwthe O a nd. cou y~nepwilltalt plUe letht atte Poi P~~~P~Y~ wom lued t thtnoa-ommimLooi ofle- iaay Capain vansdedtnlnthe beak p bI of ney t week:and WiIlb« Md#19 tPô dIv cmayy o±toiateg frmm swift. (',af71t hyl'usver awf h mitualloea ilt) pervent. wnir omll@ttuma$*mmmF th mun. 1h.e -AlMhotegh"the mon verger aaIrdoouttatws mon bl d i'4viIf1 l hîIi0lb.- eonu. »ie, ~ toumiT *MZ dcumpmdte wouliîbe taWn uvshpd oieau ai'tmnv u Who wll fyfi (.md the, iher .u'eond .ilvttoneplftUiIThe. IIi@iRoow»s. a tami10by sle rail iwouid havt h DOUlyu aeu.mdt orgre s.oelgya batft nc-nir aMay itf vilbar Co. Oter and e ' tt "y8*0«a tmqbo usee.iue.m.sortee. On .aa rnnankkteràue t14vs-Ltbu' n f.oid PMeIguîîd. IThe eha* bren id mek- l*ndf a" ilhfor &U 410fthat ioi aifRit taogra v».rocovdîsrcigott til alMlmn f«io I mr eeter dU1dK tho eM » one0feooUuaimoror oîâtheoutmaycompniemoftmentt Al r ngMmiio,& 10%k i f»*M@f ~for the uais. u mt foi.rhe. POflytuheFénloa ___ o gw&Iorutht district, snd an amse a oovdwîgbfUmblc sno steadr1 The traaOpovatlon .efl4* If'tMohy 1 umwtiV ___ *btIm !_ Chat the mon vould b. ai lda al n eevd .Teavrioeîl inte orXuili'd, àido t1ive hafd1015- ~~Mandaymoralng.comcoeythsrd udaainlt. 0fO04~UI i ets uSjmâl1luth-MUBTUI1G Tm VLUTE. aesmIh.ton rundtoteroy WiN.Nii-vi. ApMIlZIn - la foui & a aliai o. l .1uoAl ÇtSO, IÀsuîtt? f the men a h oa a. yFdynih p^lt.la fi 1I4h f iOthfelfy th0hI <1p. $ r f. té"paniesCapt. Grame and CpWla. -ii.ocelgyceiabet ldta non finIlattleord, th -léittr icDominfiohebà.nLk. »ororathemrmtwue olil dalaoofi1thh <hunmîike- a vigoroium MtAek éon tht tfort &eftl7 O- -k Th* 1 twlWy mornlit et lock. Ca.Gre g<jml.%fWI"nthe ftOLidybac. vs. 1 ber hercu «M làq WM . tmna orwlnedtoo th"thelocle"mmenbutvl the fOliditIi ooftht er e11poitn hl h v t7t S et<ois ha tamonshiid tetg 2 fram.ht isitatonvoldb0t"lethen <uit eal roblIlo raui b.oê.u.wIa. aioe~ 'eiok aa thtaI cat huraalecîor. eantmai.Theanad ffic at orono va - a- heod. va~~~~~~~~~~~~wuld b. made, af thteubr ~ wrdsdterp' eevdta h plcn Ce. *WU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Promptly at 12 o'c1ack thtro a ilihionisrtusdttbs9587oil me&W d oms-Vinifiers. .r @#mm.C.uah . îwartt h. doorad.a crowd sodaan f«11111 fwb trrrotisi c..m em.ru'ew. rtht erettormetWowm unaim agtisd.UZ ALAER 1 mlpeelitl eapnteh <o '!her l'opt frM nouf' Ovu & ite« ofl1 &= <.INMW an ok As fasI a»thteuamen o-plko ot h ugr a huW a o given InstructIons, u ute nU1aatAZiUs 14kmae KiNeii'?n14, ApvI le- Wu r'ld heme ber 1ilI..t5U,1OtOU tê0tet. amoral ordea vere t lme 0-h in. m usio tteIacsa h *<Ioîarrideflt t 4 p .#»,*MMaVOho f fl U<" i.mmm 9 rhgrule va. - i tirtur. ofCapt. GrameThteo etodrdhl-rd a îcse aprjmm Cni, IMMlula.a utai a 0cge" ta p.st&.aebangmceuxdrcohn u îirq'lataýIv i moBAIetery B biwraeks dnb. Maitat b aa mor breoh «eeà delliril. WbdepTh .wrntew, epe. hql therefleon tftw w voir ra.tood Chat the battellon o hc h ofitarvd i onMcoadl dv.'rf ond thinom prc>rided by lb. Cati "Î* pins.Albert m.ils.a kN04geLindsay contingent voudfonoeco-Cocusaiaoa pehsldM. Iadirs off,' ndmiy veee ntliaIY aprcboA.t- <at eOOaOai Party) vas ote %port at Knao uîa paeiaedo h oeann en nubed i4OMaio teaun ca Sur ay mter- Wedneeday afternoon. (rd, (ol. Wiliuqlq iiinTy unfitompail* 00». ft salwly r aisa pm'ro.uéDurtng Maaday àfter<nsd~i h utyabett t~c o h anri atftoi'pniqrr. Tbht K!n$t om ople gava' n»im an h«Mbum ahm" ~bo i - afeeIlicg ru ianh ii etv.Niigvihta aur iibe uud ta. avery Pitt î,.uttll lce etptltn. Wer in- waafou"ld1m01tgob u o,. w ah«o u h diîti te utsuoChae or"d"maito st&rt If!hr gove'nm Wwbae W&pMW.ted a, co- mmswho voete tago Wi okdo sozb ab rodoi atop~c.qit l#riday tnôrnir'p for the Northwofa m hsfiIm.I O~sttmiflqW. y. 8&State, & boinsrather lacky thanohate h w ro h aeeitd' h oii the ginjiitni sd Pemabrôlgrw WIwa&s"d Loràd» Mlaver; 8.mgmGOUo 89, Su. nmBeai.eCaor Ilia i', whra. Wo mer qiito- (ôlliOVWIlP,. hietti a»dA. RI 1o»ht, o ai ie~r for 1'hu camp g te'IC 7<Ittttail sdB. itroxeimo udthenea W Th1 Inys ore' ail wrIl and Il# lSgoot mt,'i'. p rpoeia.tif aenq?.Itng Iù,mn à4d <j ýl,.rp<tu igth f en b sre asdted aly b ut eolotttt a W. i. ri ta w tîîly qttppe<t hmver f? ir .the Rcla".-vI red feao4 S ters .RcIsdp-tyisacpe y aau reexsvg ww~~~~t.aa. -- pr~~~~~~~~iovide for o«eh man a f1 ato ne-ma.u pouigbd u u~ o ouaproeeding.Ar, ravsmd nC.tpa nalg ed acag h locai dry.geoda stareandbeoeihoc apvrwtiblgttcue0 hi OSMANI MG*4 borhood of fort CorIss M MdPruas.an miomer.,tva pairsni ocmcpadhroofureasudo vilIdt& - Al>., &,0" ie n romtu "»V atuorone or tva aChe, nomeayfrlhna hnIcm ovr ir an!cpc& -~~~~~ tory ~~~~~~~~VMgratul for the thoue flknus oe asaui is orpeiU Tî~ r~c.(h ossW*. cmannauon, Ibonsgi tht.ià,le onsd am Chat bad mode Cliii, volecapvionfroetatd r..h Ioraiau l.xailralegl.ve* e is ne.1 ebombmc&PL Craw wr» &àn thir perasoMat-confort, mnepoal xrvgne .hv etCa an I~e airM ISpfI t 'nPcE ou. hun&d .dMou, corspsuieme . C hame non a dsacbvn ank r uaadve oi ilvssn 0»clumoporUF a tar. e hurrtedly hamnymtesfrIatwmrh.vsonb heipo .l,<iApril tL-Oon.Grbhti a 0&. 4.pouce ma lPriam. Mberf; voSUmtemelf vnivonTri ihMOUIM 0. f e .auo 1 it1hmM 100W fRa0 to tbmmuai "usiima mn' n. * A, eh he ewecmmngh oom nao J. et lc adyeltv ettao ag xoamel of moituw tO'voeuetel*,,alnommtd ordC&e vote lmsued hat thecon. baspinlieeme u dlil noPOUFr. lienlm"ucJ ~. mls.<train .onflis omunls f ana<v"a lndty mtaked Pheng-haoy bii, a inWew& %W om etim, I ommw la m ha'wwh Who Iau. T1mdaV a P lOOw"& auvaoiialaromea tuta via ituau obegiass.tbW. kept lidostheu shor aaipite *ne ete MIoe& veal. ObWg~sutcuMIw*l.mtbve homeL Gnou . lla». vommbo- fhtummrmeum17 air ral. anam fima etth mdumt md I. u fàajo- w.g i hmm owhton etfoiecnotartinu Ar aovcesdvtlo .oa ~~ 'i~ roatthe ffl .wI,.i w. em à"u ep*o snualeà,ha.mbsa maung rond the commiEtteeoailadies o smlyomasdInin-(ppsCn»eiu id wnuiia~riutia, ~strfnt pouttiCo wroiwwa. i Mawlba ..0affte mcaToum âBret Gméà. for atime. a .vy ma&t on the prauialsbxsa b ocdte lroveiys~ hast &0&bm K. 11111MQMdAle. KeMuew»ali ttaa te meat the bu ruotms ma blimattIsemmnus r mmOu.Amn dhsia>socutvlo.WihMeiam; <eale eo~ddilt1 M mu -dur eChtm ftbellr atempp 4 f gu>m04 hhupow f r umsr hituthre rahulliabu bu ho- ..r' GormAputemmrt, Instruclair vlth fled Who exeted themmelfflametttoa .ynkohl Ialn hyhv 10 t? «~~~<> hoNy wtsh tt t 110VOo. ofa"ma sbam J. J. Wodil.n. o f' 1N1ilmbohi Womê m&aew»vo. sm d iho vaw iie prwa-Phamon. baud; Jam».Payas, tnmW» ar mundanco provtdode r n .uD its larceîCc ildms am& ow0 MaW» S b tim t t uan»ut minetcklaii, h.' J. CRin aiimuetrwth Mnome . bondiMou.Rdaeq. mstal il lsa iepans m oeirMOIThe ongiptIed m ono. Ktoasffnm.uey le a.atomeat anti amotter, nun»kmau.im ocosm8.71, ami5u Iatytm 3 @lm-MS rsialo u ei.I hnI & le su'asue..Tht itBae " bitms~ EgIa, ltnmsmd mm. ýSom es. -84%risj'PM"neaMi BlntusO attonséCoatr Md «baieT ahmo u~tta oeto nte nwbesICsn lahIte.,b.Mw balt ubmy eilammmd iti h ubrlundo,am reporte& ta eu. Sud <tItthe latma-vork Ca a le .eatnno rdu Riscspnm veto~@ Clocal pistil. omtraUy iiMW 6111e1ha11100WuImaté .ai éw u lb.CrioisWgentabIS'TIf 7011 gAra SE humSoans loguuur1 GMte __ __veeim.ilm I maasimam-__ --__'.owi h 4o. mlxSmdomiisocIsSI Plie sualdore mlIllmcmw mm,*fuimum mm-- l.CorSets dole Wb up t .irisps morare t w MWI w itCi W a II S-hu ___ __teintIash.ifasimono" . viimmur, ia dOn htreISsOreMUeW ~ ~ ieb___ m-m. e i,, a - Ioeia&ai bwm baae&w mhdamLv etl£mmdin iuem iliu ~MW gballe, wt"i raiWM» b da timl~S is@lA~ ~~mion~~In . b W" uumdtpbr e isê at.- Tt Ct ot sl OCng 'Agtepfml oulor Mtivh.'~ ~uf p i4b U .D amic r Ub aa~uéhiirI ssubmaiWe f l -"M- 11» viiwo t maiume htmumm h. raiBai rMWa, ISmap.uj u h., - w h.fur mm du, - 'Ptta «WO%1!- Mt 0 tD i Ma b *F wd bmrmd u Wu am ew-utue 4 pa wws m0umoyuueaRIOM - b-a0< ___ ,lIs u lletalaUmm __ PyME 11110waw n »- p -ým ePmd&Cail. ia u t W1alpuSs ~ î~~t S~ u ~ ~ ai ~e tw.~taa R~ai ht iM ____ ~ - .hm r ba am~ ~t i. Btmaqua~ Urnesur p - ________m~h.fl w Urial, - -~ tnU>etaOQvauftl afly LZý