OROSSEY'8 ARPETS. tu. butodaog e 4mrc*" i.Mera 16& - Taptry ~p.-A lAm#5trcbiM .<eh ab s mi ,wai4L -~0#m - kmUpWaz OUR FINE' TWEEDS ,For Duiafflgai.tM p90,SMd $LOO> m a hut 1»pwrolamai k th« U~%M47cw cm& TUVare tUn >i.Tiuede i.alg »a t $100. $1.20 a" 4$1.50. OQ mbd- au goada NILLNEE anLKANLESfor' Eswly SoengTisai. nOv Woig ESEXN yNa do» n bpr.du. --_ - - DUNDAS &FLAVELLE BROS. Au5 AGOO»WIN Mua mev a 8100kTHOV8AND 0flor NEW ROOlX PAPE39, pvommosbyompouauiam te Eut lb.Chapes Pamee la lova. Demmali Items Patueoand Dy* eorlu &geq. W.fw idveruaemmn a This. WOAsL Mprinr- '. foc JIat-G. A. Wau liumber-- E. Markie. Local. A. Caunpli. âtray Stotr-M. Fyn Wall Paper ILS . Porter. ocal- Bell 'relepliana CO. Ihorif'. qale- P. Mitchell, Ntotice- l4eu.1YA. fBucknell. Novw Dry Cooie John Broad. Vive 1oca-s-A. ligiltlan. Road Notice ' -?.ofai 'ttrtiam. iIa*ns for S'ale or ta Itont-Joho Simllh. Garnet Ituttpr 'I'ei-flrnett & Galbrath. Volnlers I niiax-Lkt.E. JIopklne. Nàl 'l'his on the Wall- $ootheran, etithra& Mlark. LINDSAY, FRIDAY, APRIL3, 1ss5 LOGUL NZWS-LEITTZIRS DA 1,RBYMPIL.,. jCoaapn~ee.scfThe Pomfl LuMn~w - . E.Markle starleal operations M. is ie'w.mlli on Mond iy. Mr. Markle halo donc a verY euccenssfl tratIe igi iirnherlng the PJ esamon, andal has his Tard at (I'anzington &*ke<t with overyLlîingq in the building fine. Mm bie advertiscitent. ICOMPepnndfmeuocf The. Poo.1 Nnw Sonoi. ivtuenaNo.--Tendon xarm nov MtI for the creorion tif a brick sobaul houne lu a P. No. 3. Tlhe building wilibc 40x2l. Plans Mdl sperifioations are tu bo seen mas Mr. Willièm kOoomfleld, aleairthis VIIlagO. CoP.:NtrîvBAAQUKT ANI) PRtlgT% MON.A copeeeenar~banquet anal reupnta- sin lINh. e otendervoi to Mr l>hilip 5mctse nI Oaties bail on the ovenine of the IN1th Avril lu Mkanowledgment ot hie publie mrvlcestientend. I« over Lwenty-flve jears. Mr. Mons.hbu jvien more dyme and energy te thlscouniy thon illiftpoeted Of mont men. andl han depervadly mllmned for himseit many wann friande. Who wll Do doulabt bc giad of an opportunlty teshow MeIr approlat ion. and ast poiters are out luvit lmg m*li t a tte nian at nlgbt they yl nodoubt ovelm a bumper hanose. RRA VIMRTON. lCo'nsvodeeeof Tlh. PosI.1 P~eRoNAL- Mm .MeNab. vle of Ref. John JIoNab ut Luck now, a»d f>ntt>en pamor ai Nues eftrch nrongrnematlon bere, le vlslitlujg fnmien sLa Ibis vielnlty as pieu t. Comm :rvau.-.lohn Feremnofi bis pisse Wase,,ý-rtirutted Ill Geo. IP. Bruce, J P.. to Wbit. W R fe w ci&)as 10watthie trial chargel vlth esalinlc a quaaity of 111k m»d ather dreaugoode amd alin owith thrOwing Viriol ait osher oorna- mire fluis on ladies' 'tresse on the public ammreet' ' -me Foxsir orelght witnesses leTt Iblis eveniug for Wbltby ta gi»v idom Mthe tril. 1'~~~OFYI:rmm. Mn. Cheanci ThOMP. Swl.!. upolntecl eolletor for the townehlp cf Iorah andl Peter MAcl)nuiWIl road commlso&oa feraltthe _rt,-iular flmeetinlg of ecadneiSu~t ell, l4.rn-4obn A. PrSotr baslrentai Me xrJot mai top a téerm et jeans te àrohbbaà (MOcaui 1 'andl Alextuder I>obsoof Ibis place Mr. Proclor hets bren longer. in busainess IbsuW My mail la the viliffle, Qiîtuv y.Who aiq sIlt Mdramaik lbe ourte tWurwhlsey te keep hlspirit up wh.abu srdeho volouteers were oeal ed out# 'UTRr TSININT. -Au ieatertatnM mnl laet Us Rotya l 'remplare vaa held In the lava be" jfr 'liîay tvVeringflaucd vasblémily anaesoful Tmc prteuqïam vas select and W.&$ carried t got WM lit town 'l'aeslay.- M-141-Anou@ Carmnlobse tf Hoat Portitge 1tir eeut proeuat Voaaurtied& .Mr. mi. Crawford. roireseningwBlusmes ilahet- W u<.. vas In town Wednesdg m0mre imms trW. flair o ais IAl. 1 wIIEW r J. Mambeis et Wîi- hm heim c ieue ttie pernminutulu lathe vil. MM. l -ils pèrelased fram a Pterhora ma WuMf-ILcunpropert..Thlvis.vsnyftnbuli lm lot alid fi le hin th" ltue l. svulofl but imuiltîy ho biut îbeV »*w tAI tWGEaAmzWw 1'-Mi IIcVu.lla. .u4le a iunI CaMptionit bavepoeda a ol. lo dém au-un ntovern uharpswator. Ail Usas Jr le -tlemo-n aans flrmtcias practical worci. amn. %',« tiret Iwo hsve baa.consete& W ' ilh la e, ge blt in. laBmasford Mm In bsl u euie of tigerAnolbsaohtii irorrffloàdpnct- et Ths Puni Uutw 8raaa--IIr. W il CevAs, voit 8"f«4 >aly knoon li b» o~ onta nula pueral am.lie hmbase& M lb. promiseiIy mu- Jdb, Inr. Jsfhmy, W"uiltuviibe ponsuonMmla eW 5 m . lia. CowEU b4ws l I!Ot, busines I înui.stwr foit jeans @4 Vict orI m dl s' WM4hhfoi w.'nd banse Mamd w« Proata TMipmI>i.)qm-wh dotSnl e fre unqi4 1; %sub a L.îviîà ogIwhI. e.Snom 9»114 avte, tAlepholéo cmsuioes ficmm ome1-0etommt hs istter. *et, ralsIse hegm it dowu a - ~ I _______________________ I - arym w vua (etinuol trou lot pge. thu theb leader aof .o»Positios bal boom the mm» of mdn; MOIet o te b omis- tvy t-. M., Camy rusitheb. ollovlmg extraets freinthe ovideco af Azrublhop Tache: " 1 v» Sir George Carier in Québec, Mon- Inoal end, illaroat othér plasosrla.Se" lonll onthe subjoat In~ e Imie 151se amnesly bal bon ramud, but hb u malà t eeu îcouli gond on that queston. 01 Md hîlm «here b ouapromues cf amnMey trequea:ly. mad ho 114 ual dony tha'sttumhn Nie rapoatel thal no governueut coul staad Ibal eniomvonoit 10 procura thie niesty. *Noth- lnog whatever wvuet nI aj ima mail by Sir John or Sir George tlathe sit a aIhere vasa dan. grîthal Riel or thons vbo bal been scting il ih lm ml.htjoin the fenimus. Theonoly roaso gve on hvlig Rilileare vas tW preveul un ncremme lu tb.exalloment ut lhe comlusg gn- eraI ciselions. This rmanIvamvn both by Sin John und Sir George, The.ro wnuvahlia lthe prenou af Rie 'i laManioba ditu tg he elecllens voulit ho taken up bj lte prom. sd vonld cause exollemenl lu the covior aiOn- tuila durlng the election therem. i m mm ricawo, C@LNT notamiers Amiesl a Iknaue 2.13 Many setliers on the tempeos cooony lande aI Sàrkatooî pud other places bave ahandoned t liu homesteadi, leavlmg everytblng toîthe mercilluso rapaclty of the Indian, wha pluaderand dostnoy aiuost eve7ythiag lu thein path. Theme poor pao- 1iedriven frein hem boomes viii havo la hoatded. Somo Ides of rlb. devattou omu nos galuedfrein the tact that setlru arriving ai Font Qu'A ppele in thueb. orth report that their pati aa iglât vas litup at stretehes with tho burangn bains undt flouse. The ludîmu Insurrectionhbu coîupetelj overabadoved the halt-breed rising, net atoine from the trenati Il give o tie l but from the tact that the redaskine vil! prove Ion remonable vhen termise t sottie- ment are bting made, and viii for 1he fut- ure have exsgéierated Ide cft their power to cause troubla If their demanda, me mal- ter boy exorbitant, are mol compled itlh. They mss urgeit on, firI, by starvation, me-' cmdl>'byy a mturailois for pluuder, and, thirely, b>'a deofor ravena. againer agflet«md officlasi vho have chum elaMd betrased them. Thes o fana Ibre.r. ful Pîsments whlch vili drive thein to mmm>'antaetfviolence. Il le noeeorti>' thal n sern thpir course bau been uummrk. aol by imn d 1us.tha came uer the cate- gory cf bavbaniim. Agents bavar been sent trom hems to St. PlmiKnsepolis, ?am Mdnitother pelIs go purohue el the repetim riflesmsudmsi. RITTON &~ ASPEINS POIETEL ginesmas ml wemoblulthe cO> ci aofn ul"oer sol overogas si e=s9pu s a mle Mmm o able ?o le lis tfr a p ofehssam New Wste .aNvmu, pogliy a Sai Ring. w Nevltu e flm ommmponisy te asy if orsa eati? M m lisBoi etlf«o& esj Chiat s otbsvfulalueteltmm W. npMeoule os bsvlaw emte mal & »OM"olesstOli hMUilss mmsats et1m mosylalamisyOu 0ft Md oe iT ~L~W g ~ - lm3wmu ;RMAND WOUL, 116117CAME PuE -VOR- pea a4Om* loleul dat the al D roffden stareheumont Of Dunlas &Cas. storehoumeRiEât Wsl, Llmd»ay. W B . UTEE a O flLGHEST OSE[ PRICE PAID WHN&T AND OATS9 Tb mZlnepncpre dlapn7îhe Rl- dlivered t nthair mili aI Llndiay. PATIT FLOU R-NEW PRUES. Ruving Intraduced the naw pracme for the mnufaotre Otf loue they are nowJ tyreiI M IIal aide fraonthe patent arti4le le now belnç don@ at our miii and will ecallaus for th. essM". SATILEIt. DUNDAS &Co. Llnday. ct let, 1884. [UUERF PÂRIAGE LICBISHL LZNDsaY, ONT. LaUagm. Oct. 2k 18K4-12. J WRTTON, thea imaOf Britten Brou. Jeveilere Lindosyj M81R SOF MARRIACE UCENSE Pm MM NCOUNTY Or VIcTODI* J. RICII' RAII WOIRKs Im w ueiT U-i MEW 000081 luai iger ndySr lI IO 9 miiFu 111 lu OFiw 8LAS LLDII 142176 -e. - 1 .Y mS zoom%,iy . eaTYu* ICHIÂP TWEED] KOUaE. JORoN SKITCKE Sbsaha ta 1h. pbla frtu ~L~i~~,mg.fr t. im h hm oo la buineus.eattrlbueubiisaa »cessla business tahiW m m iate.zngnu o m o tuielg lia w mlflum me c<U Zug recoivi-alWugostocki or EMU8II, FUMT M UMARIMI1 . Ai wool Tweeds at 50o aretard. Aima sidIo "Oaak et Gem"ma Tasblu. 00dm mB Wt SUI& thehur peopale.lCU Partie. buring al, Ta rIE U'OH IRL Thon burimg eloth elée- whsre au have k m. mod sd timet the lowest possible rates. N. B.-A gond 1At guuwmteol. JOKNSK Cl NoirAd ver Égemmeta. TRIAL_ TRP.-THE Pour for threo A mnhe for Mo.. for six montha for Us.i one year for 81.00 Senl on nameS. 1WANT19D- amali oomfortablo dW4 el 7lay11 No chîldron Ad- March nS,U18L3p<¶ ma CANINGONLUMBER YARD.- LUBER, LATH and SHINGLES of ail kinis kept in stock at the CanniDorton Laimber Yard at reasonable rates. E. MA¶ILE. Pro- prieoar. Cannlngton. April 2. ISK85.-&. STRAYED into the promises, of M. FLN.Lot 1%. cm. Il. Emily. about the liet fNaember laut, a STEER oomlnu two jeais ad. The ownerSoaabava hlm bovin ppertyanuitpaying allexpeum. M. Y I)0fl7 ileMarah 28. lUL-34.lpit. MEMBREM or NO. 6 COMPANY. 451h BATTALION, are requirsiteW hl themselves la. readiews for active eryl.., if ueoeuary, ut a moment's notice. LIEUT. ROPIINS, la Commuait Llmdsy. April 3rd. iPOS - - 44. 0 C FRMA FUR &ALU OR T RENT-(l) Lot 19. la the 151h cou.. about St leared snd weil aoltlvassit; 30 plowed, Tram ban OIIO stblefor ton homne, Woad; "1l (2) Wont r. ltau 1 Meh Oc.ei B idn a aras the bund ruait froms the finI fim; 50 acre.; nearly a 1 cloared; gool 1o1 houa. 1oung onchard; s ring of wagon, fine and Mfr what. Tourumieseuctt ram Woodillie. 1! mils tou.themllay taton sud grain ware- haneas Grasahill or Perrin. Sehools and churahes couvemient. Theso farmse wlli b. retad or sold tqpfther or sprately. oseMay bc arrageit. TerM r as.Passesion aMr lime l^ApMl Aoherr1de acrs sdJotnag yll a"m b. salit If wushe&. Porfurther gai' tlculareasppy tJOHN sufiL Marti" Fr. O. Match 28. Ui-x4pd. DESIRÂBLtI PABX TO REN.- f-09la ire 0f strupo mii. Wam l l meg stame0forultvatim .Wu jde remt" for a rtussf e Thonare fowy secela nu& =Ma sit meadow; *tbmusam ised l albn loveittourues.sere es scaliser f11011M a"Ithe »silene un goutwo PIOumh tmp au* la nit far swing seedim Thera ls on the pemlmo.a rao welling baue =me IS o e *n 3u'&aratUsmme ~housLe. hackitahen 12ft tWsad aotos. flos ~e ulswMdmloIg barn for holing hay.Thonarethmu nevos'fa~g vole on, lb. fari. Wltbln four mile. 0frlâomsy on a mMalnd uIrondt and noarsabéel. For terme ne la mues JAMUS TARRLI P-OU& Tebý 181hIML-!Sf »GAENZTEF" The an otty oethIis Paehmp vu b. etauliae.Aus heein,-nsoaheeoraup do, um n0diptemutan:..tm* Np êt atus o.moueuiai r cannelsuans trIe bo<woo asêfase of fttwr a"IPob ti.eamabo ouami.neI1cwh a Ohenos a til. Gmulsl m eet»pe ostUeIeuAok pour gpeuai or nsem. VOTtCL-Bâ64 COMPaNT, 4RUt siuimttsb. la Mê toi r mot" iv m If 5a 1bui. al eulIk.y mssetmt e i. nin- fvMbgu) wtbot. & & A. NCmçN,L &lut tla oaL - -ne MimiN.M D1 W, ZOGA Kt.Utuery. Y. MJLLINER MRS. GRACE LEE, <YowoeIy uif »wadas & Flavefle Brou.) HA S much pleasure in iuforming &P friemids and t/e public getierally t/uit s/w -wl/I open out for inspection on MONDA Y, Match 30th, a new and zery choice assortment of Xpw, Pmmm Mm1mte &"Ué imi, tShpes. Tvllutgeg iPeathers a" N1ewv ..IMà M ilituery ]Fabre. MIRS. LEE resptetflly invites inspection of t/w above goods and can tecommend t/emi as the latest styles andof supeWr desagns mand values. Paris, London aand Ne-w Yor- fashonà l'le Bonnets mand Hat. From lkcr long ezperiem& in MetAr ilinery trade MÂ's.. L1-L car0zzwith confidence unelertaïe ta givc ladies favon ring >er wit/z orders very excellent sert'icand solîcits a share of the pliblic patronage. Wrpi* itou. Mk.rime*' Iteflam y b OOUPiI y mmLests. EueS f ho NemonuMO». Lent-at. T.lndanv. Mareh Mlb JUIL- 29. £%N LY OSE DOLLAR.-Tis PosT %Ffer lhe ensulmg lwelvo mamîhi tor Gm, Dollroulh ~LACKSITH SFOP and Dwellhnq g17 oues for Sale cita Rent, la the thrlving village of Kirkflelit. Appi! personally or by letter t L M. O'NILL. Postmuster. Kùt&dail mar oh lm NU-4& GUVELP BUIESSCOLLEGE, ofibroYoung mon and wamen tha buet atlil. lies for acquirlng n Comî»LrrxTaAixixt; voit BumnNase Pumarîs. Boak.koeplug. Com- merdaI arlîhmetie, Banklng. Actual Business Prcties. Businoe Corrempondence. Peama- ihip.Commercial Law. Teiegraphy. Shortitunit CaQ nhâ or- Type Writing, French Phyii. aiogy. aui Hygleue anc laugbî by t6 .mait practical and Intereating methoa. The staff comuprises six experlenced teâchers aidleeatur- ams The various departments ar eolegstlyr filIal op wllh the latst and montaprvi apparatue for business collage work. Stuite myenter at auj lime. Foran copyof the An- anl(ollogo Cireular. addreus. MacC O8, MICE. Pniudol.-S946. ROAD NOTICI. NOTICI.i e le boriveai. that the. Municipal Concil etftha TOWNSHIP 0F VERULAN. as n meeting la hbe ld in the Town Hal. Bob. as"geooa.on Watrdy. tic 2md day of Ly, I88o lntoni psslmg n By-law clolngthe. orgin ai allowanae for rosit batwoen the West halvée cf Lots là5anuI&1nl thi emond concession, ald convelng the saine to Andrew Knox. Ahata the anme timte and p lace, a Ry-law omtsblisbng a Une eot rond In lien of the con- amne. ,followinc the undermentlomi canne:-Commencing at the eastern boumitary ai Lot à&. Concession 4. anudnt a distance of flfy limke Barth ofI t. math-Man gle .;tileuce v1si Orly parulîsi la the aide line two chans and four.teen links, mare or iou, la a poat; lieue. oti ulueteen degrees easItour chais. ait DleybteUnie, mare or leis, tlae ceatre et thé ln owem Concessions 4 anuit5; ma rouitt la h one chala vide. mnd tho manbedU»tlm th. centrt amd alse for canveying the Sporto et omesto lmemecloscd tb Thos. Bprnl 1 L JUNKIN. baiss. Mtch Tovnship Clsnk. S HERIPF'S SA=E OF LMÇDS. COUNTT Oir VICTOIA.) A.. D5.maI 1mh ocret twelve o 'coms ; vin aUr for sale Br PUTBLIC A ucTISrp #*Mr OMM lu W. Smith, Beaverton BEAVRTONFOUNDRYT La.I oUee M POUgbs, &edcers, Drilla, SeH-Bin4.rs, eapors anid Xowers of FSrat-rate Quality anud at Pricea to sui t/tte Times. 111iBa% a, M e tuor Oatiag ald repalrl« ng short natice. W0SKITHE. STOCK-T KI NG SALE!I g'reat Rédu.ction in Prices for Cash< il. ERRYS,KfIL feld,- Iprom Z<ow tentUl the lot of AprUl. Owig to increaaîg trade the subucriber, ha.ving dde"d to remove his pluce of business to that weli known store nov occupied by Mir. Wm. Melenizie, next door to the PM tORcfe, viii from nov U ti the rmt of April, offer a great reduction in priea GiveuvaoiaUadme theEsiapin. lkUelI. Feb. lth. IUK-254m.eow. Octa viaus Newcombe &- Co. PEOFEISSIONAL EN4DORS£MENT -r0lice- NEWOOMB*E PIANOFORTES OOTAVIUS NEWOOMBE & Co. Waoeewoms. 107 andi 10.9 Churck-sit., T'oronto, Ont 161i oxaimie the VArlSoustlsfur 1Planas, I1 have founi t soui? that sabetantWmiet- onom vhiehbiaon th t u as oaM isu" met, srgssrnti mldarmiilà y. but aima m ess uastie touch. vich lodjaz a os u t e amîl ao 8the s.ape or t cf I im adil lb.e itlme, nltenss fthef le"sa. aisffavolue. vie Iiiesses aVhriiancpiïh ue :eAMANERMOLPNeinthe nasse- lh IM Oms.W. liiaibU'. uap Mer t r et MM" tMeUalVe@lly et tiaiS melliLanb de mlToumeute, elelbs' GOeO5i -2 S Me und mml F uns. a soveal - « -'Atr tborouglsteeite .U ILptigwPlno"j sare aafAolunlug& have mai lfs . m Vemitiemd Expmstweed out of HevMs3w .la@ s Madawtmm lusier Ihee mtwSe r» o mkelamomg the bust icmtraents oft'hoe bal MO cSxrI oju8tics, ma lmomedte , via: uamal ton tht o.lea. Ua lb. ChmmssY DIVW.t i ml ourt, i M CMrI mrwteoet Miun B"M uai ervatersp « leu&&Talpml: Cml a Usv.l r la va. Ai.xmne 1k- D..i aUdeplsmrestate.,h"lfiain aL al eUprghl amiqarelMasa otsU Aillas' -fulureMvblh I1bais plujol upo.. quaMite tua" me oaly aMal vit la instrumente of tha vm1 kUsQ.~eBeainiWon amaIScour, fDm lmit l.Thoir tome13e la e sRd briliant aut of a tt-rit.r myiutle il qaL&ity,. The asies Ià Uhabii cAimmo s. lexaite Ns.propt nI asIle, ilà iSheur tutetuluPPOarmse»-wusmy tuli appreomtom. AIgim319 11311IMMUM aaIs OM". Dieux, o.ymarlpComrt PialateIbis UaJemp the King b lb. Cessesn.Pion Divisimofaieaul cwt at. m -D ,Md leIlmUg tflsur et lM com»mray et whua. cn*nmmaea. The k miU.mtmt v. Aiasulr "VrbrinImv al . §etio 0q»UmtY et teome. 1 ceailrTour Uprlgh Piaos unequa lied Allas. my uni la Canda. toakiles poasve, tie trebiectur Ma m eoant m nota t a i lai l a st.em* Dtffmvisot saw clo.sst, I A mWh7StU)C uaVmuesbysadam-vs( Iri Mi tie. Alesar Me pc.luoi.~H . teOMIK. M] _ _ _ _ _ __om iiiPANSbyebr ae M ~l0f aL namgun o a M*W& -mP»Promu 4201- pu"Pow situa0ftsfer tàaà4or lme M mm ag m 1 M* iSeWm of m" rs"i bunrl m rm mon r is; b NiSvm wuwu mau Petuh aitb.Teg-b oe cury~lae" m" mjm~ i17 n!! bt it a. omi la e !tov A L M ru"1 MII SUPPLIE «MM-a*&bau** oreWdw là ""i i A"là»MWe» enoem boies mtrImuthefr _ et ltunda«ma ii1*e - aa'A vid mmisw " MaejuMmgavÉ»tlb IMM ~rcolisto lm - - mm*mW;2UWM '~ I j1 lieu i 4 -Unau". Apol 1 -. ý- - 1