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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 1 May 1885, p. 1

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<"t ftn~uliu ~OL1~1X.I IXYL WNOIZ NO. i~.. e -___ _ __ - - - -. -- -. ~oe.. LIINID5AT.. ffNT... YEWDA'V. WAV 1~ ?ftA~ 'PURMR.. B! flfl P~!UI' w-ms a -~ BUTTERI À# short Ena mau uter une a ,Word abo ut sui& (;oodl butter alesys commande a gond pri.. Tii. boutbutter oa km .iys lie sold above average prices. It pays tihe (amer, or rathor the 1", 11 iM. anv'ifP, to maike only first.clau butter. 4 ne. 6f thé. pnintg apt 10 b. neglected là lu usiuag sait. Ouiiy the but 11-1101b be iuSd(. Ordinary coars maltitnl nuflt. It l a posit ii- -~'I'li à aparent uavinq in the con of coamse sit Ov e i.sk ..liq nower prie-t-paid for sucli coarso saited butter. 1,I4-if v<of bttn' in made vheIuacetfs greae-by' coarue sait. n'a10S t iu blutteor look hall, it miikes it tamte worme. It grits and grinds $:I imnu iffi l u <'o ndcrmn<by cuimtoînerm. i :'v good sit't. (Ime a sait tlînt is prépftre(l for the purpose. It wil .t s<il. VoI11 butter wili hriing a botter ptice. Coarse salted Il 1 ilit Wort h y froni 2c t.o 75e pet pound ait much as fine Wat.ed W! A -poiiîd of fine sait wili net cosit haif the differenoe. ibave ,jîu.t got in a large quantity of Fine Dairy Sait, a vcry sulperior Tt, i4 pti. il iii i; 11.. sackm, 'md f can recommead it for dairy mune. Tt mii mixc witb thoý butter ant--unleai4 for taste-it will mint be pet.- eeii~eTry tlîhtsait. TtwiIl sitiely prove itq vailue to yenu. 1 will iîl-K sait, on a very snal rnargin, to inducéo farmers and butter-makers Ilitt<'i- lealis tiellinie that next ycar butter buyers wili be moure 1110 Ilanit e(tofoi-e, net totsçliing- -except at Iow rates-morse saltelà I' Tt, won't sdi in the citics, and what wor't oeil- it- won't psyte Fi istbu y Fi ne dairy malt-then ue it. A. OAMPBELL, Inichai'd S letr ABOUT 77108E SELF-BiU#fERS at ew . achn«toeFait. I îtdratd that the aents for otler biîfr~are <.riia Iug q ta tiiat My ibnder diw » oot get fthe I HS T COMMfESDVI)i IN rSm f le ,.~ aie athfe M'anq,,enter pair. 1 wiRaht. Alate thaf sach repotai are entirel festw, (and I ank .the fairmers of the C.Etr ana m imh. i e Oe>îrally f0 ais pend jfrdgmsent Unti I econuet Ireek fgay bef ove them a repow rt om. te u.tge of' fluet lai r. RICHARD SYLVETE - i M i lDue,.- Sei-Bndraatlunichnoteir Fuir.e DUR, 'Ra,-.lu rqny tu yo u a »WSSWlbYe ezasuSdlet Judgen' Eooksa u &tà" OU M Vw«# dikorPpivue m Oi»plomaa usa os Um dow .zOMM" atm* »hWMd Im Ipi 2lstl , 85; Ut MIadm azMabIwl ue .Iby$ Jud ILes. Toursw2wê Th.ahnve prove buyod a doubt that Wi. ylvâmr àm hm*yhng tfil$dilie pnlc by adravtfungan itmtrnh. Ris Zhsal w ii nnatinfaM8ry-.soPahinted that ho dd M:nom pmisWhumw~ lIn)weve.r, there la sut a duufty or uappnm lmn *0.mmi. irtl;at WC armindused t bws .th m . 'a4 t&hqi,4 me vuW, 91',zest that ho vil bave to be him a food amyflu.Md Md MW tUba ROOd illany f"irabdo e . ,III. b. MWg ,nhWe b"h Ne gb U. te tll cht4tÈam rowem'in th hAm li I., lIonumi A GR0OIN 5TK* "5W" o7 T frm thse final ouh « ha*0bstemu Noet theis iSU fa*ut a Maurtvoe iew thom lm ne . lft eUu&ahwegm IJg ou AW Md. ,with 200 of th.e Xidis.4bettalion, un&d COL Wmlheuu*maiunb.aubiase OMMpab hadtM bai.. la t'n ew-iuw ae huam 'Imet à un provijum aiaumulMd a BalhlWesems'xluowhmasboia m 40m e te he asubiuegS oe sma GaUl nmas abmimadpma o .Clsvk5Cromli Sle lupeeflte d uug the wouadei baook t @uhateWewea .uuWgàm- lideou u morve nmlih.ouieutvoeammunition. Th woondmi ame al l m .Cont Lieut. lwai fmo th fth90h, eh. R.pucuaihi Gabriel ]Dumont Killed- -The Rebel eutre. Keavy Canadlau Loses-9 Killed 45 Wounded. A. Bullet Plerc« Gen. Middleton* Splendid Conduct of the 9Oth ant "-A- Battery. A lttle &ait or ) ocloct1at Friday morm log Geai. Middleton'. command advaui adong tise riiat batik of thse Saekachewai cains Up ta a et rong faree of isalt-breed eider Gabriel Duyanot lu a naturail: staong Position. Chnr taope At once de ployed, and a. sharp engageaent commenc a&, Iastinor oseoral houre. A. clear ang graphie acconat of' the ennagement 1 given by -tise correspondent cf the Mail wals Geai. Middletou, aud re.priuced bc lew. Ag immense Mmssr coh ue vobbieh about the batitleand Nr1.e WWla e m"Illy le tolegrallaed t hedatil 1ýgesxlong i%'lt theiubsransu linew; bul ermatis prlsd i ii give a Lul md accurate descriptionot the situation. TME 10108eNQciiAotn. Genertal MiddIétnn on tise rigbt bon) hed cthe followtug fomci'-, %t1h Rattalion tWnnlpeO ......... 304 *Y' compaamy lchool orfintantry. .. .u Armed t.wamsters..W......6 M.jor'Bol......ous ...... To.....i ................ . Colonel Monteaimbeft cas er ai town the left or wet bsuk Ati h.he W alOc onfibYal Grenadiers............250 *Wlnn iVed Rattery .. ..... ....fi Capt, rVremih saouPe ............ý4 "A" Batm .....y ................ 3 Tise enzgagement was ofeued by the ad. vued scouts dincovertng the enenay poeted ta an adrancagfus aposition. The @cou Li led by Major Roulton returfed th. tire san11hd tl oi bI hemain bodly. The rebelm haît taken ground on the tige of De.,'m rne, frai,. hiihet"y pouerd adeadly lire into the advauoig columu. Gen. Middleton at once duployed tht troopsi l skirmlshinu eider. *"A bsttery could ual ai, lins ffel thse memy Wlth thse gens, go good cag ther sheller'. ventuallîy. Soc. cvrn, thse battegot lIno bttr position sud rained a iratagarmon% thé-M. Three houm aof thé eneany ePre shellhd sud many nf thse 'ebels driven frontlhm. Th7y then teook reftfe li the ravine. The lainailles cf the rabotafoueht 1gr. Oalsin l dianaaeion. A ctftAI'II DBUNW 011Tue WniaAo. MET-BIUVUT 0OF TUE CAIADIÂN Cr.àuscWs Caoeemc4, N.W.T., April 25, noon.-- Y.. erda.y'sengagasuet neulted lai a liard-vwon vlctry lom onrtr uoops. Gea. Middle ton, of cour». hiot 11 he h.brave anmd sctentifie moldiAr th" haIR . snd our mne, uotably the DotssMd **A" Batîery, behaved splendidly. Tise sature cf tis grnund, however, wai t uinl, sud it la ouly fair to Bay tise robots dliplayed wn- derfal craît and lwavery. Dumont, ch. captalned lisem,va» sa rezowaed buffala huâter ln lise aid day*, sud lu liei couteui ho exhiblted the quiltk of tise ilet lu. feucry soldter ta puafection, oeelt every sort off shelter with samure Instinct, sud eu- sbllmg hie men tu shoot vissent belag shet, cieise, aal .e h bbesî aut of war.The 1101h d'X"batt.sy. meon ciii seto eupi et ebe h i u 1 e Sbel f-»we - - M - am. At~ ~ M daMI émiwtbey !s . m ru_ cc ulepý6 .51 UeSdWUlb t %--ac17 th* U.uueeW.mb.1otu5 ait~ Iuewbsa&MMne br 4 Wbmmdwgr wif 5w M- *mûr, se ua ~tu- 9w. LÂTES? 1Mm1 71K nON?. The Trouble la Qu'AppeU. vafley. Uusial.huateh ta Ta Pow.1 WIimWPm .April 31-Gm. MidiJet, havuu maritaisbrmd lyisCme*hThb e vus. tiew delay hm been oaused by the um.oenva 01 aumatlosma aupplie a t iie rui chbt the rsm -Mr ibb lai lthe qowAple valley iefWB uatd.0 meeautime. hocevoe. le belugmi .t eai Wd hm besu rumivedaitutIe iMsMUI L- iem klliug off tisl aW e ami " mirm To âh Qï auef o p alqpol s acon CaptaisWhteof the Mi m - a aeu U4v Who hbm arrived at Reid"a tram Deer BAu.26 tUllS sentis, reports ever7tisingquiet at prisent lA deepsicisWeiuesdar' reparteila @mmsie t lortAP¶l Tih. bueede thons claümei a yNiiRw ais"lake" aMdi.ers OuatA. eabirumrttmd. Tiser veesai lu have stirrai. up lhi e Idlaaasmi O'Boup a" t am e ciefs ce re uaiSt te be TMvem y.l "Om 1THE f WÂR." Tise ocupatiou on t seAltaa Another RamUr.. n r Anothr RumanisAancet A. Gladatone DecJane Engind'a Poutiora. w'ar.Cred Votes! by ParUa- mmt The An Inipudent Letterfirom Komarofft MftBuKED5iTeGAprii 29.-Tiseczark»a Mt saUultimatum to Engluaidesnanulmg lisat tlaelsfturrhall ment Humides propos. ed boudary lUne beltauTuukesetan smi Afgiiantstmu.If Englani refusesBaiai cull piocid laorctzpy geraI. Tise Novee VremM acing tlas beiteved undr Impertal luaplatlata, pubHlses sà. article cAtistise startltug h"UneBut"Un tise eveocf car." The. article deiais. Rus- aIe, lu tise eveut et car, ciii saIlle malIen St RiraI, hovever', appoars te b as weil umeuyfl a dudei.paire, or dlsalov Or fil «W" bi aciofGen. Kom- ima M 5 ar S.rte la tsison 1h51 il tahmwo l & asgad wlîlaDot dam. visuoaa. cieftvor t suite her lbecow.àu a ..iua 'nua troops Md l buto . of arttllu, l fhern ye* tàvdap foth.uts. Tiser. vas theagroat ust mnhutisam. l'uty thoussnd people tbrougaithe1tisleth vlidiy ehee$n T he -M 100501ta1M .Iidigistini tima. on RendkWIaIIIIit Cm COuplautlot engneera, witis tee hundred carloada of rail way telle- Braps ltl aitfo Aelisivsieethse oesms.êeltlcypee &na oiuent rail- SMatelal hie1 b bien olMaeted tb bailli a Weil ta RirI viSAaihand Pudjeis. EztreIMI sy Palin by RLslsn edianice aire m.troopa hifoiîce up thse adimil f ta toop bytise imneiate oalucioucfraleae.Tise telegiap Uth» aaixeudy bhem . eded to Sarakis., lu0 mil» S rm KIfet. TIm'crLApril.-Geu. Kemuct baving critten alettolr ta tie fghans, ezpressing surprIs. et th.h couduot lu foil hlm te male a battis aealntlhem, tise Afghanis have bicorne indignant at Generai Kom- aroffa iui>udnce, sud arm beeomngmore orl tail s the Brittili. Tse populace THE NORTH-WEST REBELLION. The msp-repriuted froam AprIl 3, cîtit come Important additions-sisova Genr. illdletea'é route fram Qu'Appelle ta Chtarke's Craselnx, and te location ut tise batt'e hast Frlday. A lt.l furthernort'mi latise ditrtct accupici. by Riel, anmd loto which Gen. Middleton wdll nov soon advanee. Tise rebota are aaid te have naimerous rifle pAls, sud bisey have taken aivsntase of the comlees or ravinéss10 sicure caver for thescr mari-enen...Tse routes traversed by Coi. 011cr lui 1.i- aret marcS te Battiboerd, %vii b. seen on lt efI.iesteamer Norbisete la believed to be agrouud aI lise place la icd tsa.on tlisemap. THE STEAMER "NozrTECOmp RaPortud ta ernu oaiUb ThéSe teamer Northcote left Saskatcchewan Landing. north of 'Swift Curreait, ont Friday.wvh a ve-y largi, qu îiity of supplies asti. ammanitlon for Gen. Ilidiieton. sih. was expected at Clrk's LUrnmslrîg eon Moi day. but hba no y arrivi4l. Four companies-tî, i icteilg-a tise >idland battalion under toi. Wliisme vers caitiste steamer. Thse nnn-arrival ofthtie steamner Nortiscote at Clsrhea Ctraeing caused armsai aiety lu lova, as th#-Lindea- conîpany w»e hne. tgo be on board. Tise telegrams vers contradicbory mud, uadeftue-it wae stalteisaI 1he flcsmsr cm aaoaiti At vartouspointa, Md enne fierwv énpruued tisaIrebe ahsrp-omhace athe higI h"ou n astise Iowea' panrte eroute misaI have cased faWaille.&. On Wuiae daternos A. W. . raaamteegaped ol. e =at & efm CUarrffani onTbuow ymoeuiad racelvii li follecing repy:- efflr ctrur. Avril 311.-Self aMi Ici cumpamis, hem,,Mjor SMilla a4"la o mea tuas aI SastesewsaCuiegC.<w IUj = sud touir ccammi""en o =ieer s en routeto lUbew. Theasama rp~ OMMiI& et!. TiseMhtmen adÉ«mma>cAisCoi.Wik liam's AU WOIii & Dzuacoms. à Oalpec recedved lae Thurmisy atterne. M"y. thse eteamer tea agoundona msasi beuta Btey milefrotu Clarke-s0Crnaiug.Sastbar IMM n eruema asttm la tieri.-s The w»c gis " emet e bumasiM , baSf-Seul oSes.Mit ame Mbar. Gis.L Celam do BubAitislt 11the auie.maabia EI(;LÂND ANI) IUSSIA. WAN 5T2L 339= MMca Kromamrfe ChasanteratI.Rqgy t tmodwa o pâoe. Mé aimug eu lea s Ite tw chu WM ata.mmo -- w -z~ne~y Imm ~hi.eMW'n 'n Mn 3:ulo witis Erglsn u An disasd net la Afghan- r lcned tocard Rusaisam tocard Engiand. boasa sie. Th. questinle, s.ta chicS paver tiseHrsut. ST. PETRSrz-3uRGApril 3.-Ou-den hiave ose could fayor las problematicaL. ben ismued for tie mouihizattou cfth entite Russtan army. 3358K V 31 wAE. P ive steammis have been pttrrhased la h the tTnited Stateby Rumta. Tisev cliibe ZU * Mfm NavalF M ausai as cruiere. V m IeBtIesS tî IThe report csbled s fcv day. ugo tisaI ST. PmmsuuuG, Ainl 2.-Tise czar han >t tise Ruestsius iai&gai n attscked thse Aft mui u ks acinngOerltgc W M iansuamibien defebated vitis th. baés etuuks acioigte igo kwIrilai. ham ne fOnadaton lta tact.)]aslaffleforce of Turkotnsa milliAs by Koun- -w----- aoi.Gan. Gourko, governor-generai ot » WMVOM Poland, hsu AnordreaIy teplarcf , il &mm iùs a smpaiequ lu Atghanista. Il la belleved s ~ma iseta ~ e. ~ Goarko, la tise Ovent ai car, cli be placéd lunasapremne coemmanst. There are4-0,000 RuseIan troeps la Polaud and 30,00 are LLONDON, AprIl 9-TIMe asuceuent underorders for Ammealîsie movement to, 19 of the seizurs cf Maranehui by tise Rue- Udema. This prove. chat Rassi tisina alu s " r-~~a ho tas. Docause to fier istilitv froua "» wà mletbr ie Suduto-ay.Aitrie. The feellig amoug lthePoleslas 0 Tisa uiaMMWM Mcase hum. ils àerrePon. ontetf Adiffeence. They are 100 veais ta -dent ltà Sir Pet«arLmaiaaa paty. Tise dream o!revoit. At Mosece vr prepara- B tandard isa rsevid hm TIEpal, nil io»nae binug gone on cAitiste greatest dmA ia 8r O e ti atn a ctvity. Large badies f troope are daili i- te dlnvtng for the sourh is il supplIes; antil- -ts lprvlousate the beab tle *lseumisisery mnd commiassriat stores are botug sent Sriver - Gem. Mrf ment verd th e iezar te Te.genroit for transportation Co Batoumn stisa tiser.vasno, dcubt tisat i allit, tise sud eher torttfied piacesbon thse RIscS Ses, 1= eodby lisp AfNism% s, a la 8,00Case have recevsdoretot e enlter. Tiée gaBamiaise" r iMW Iem eready ta mave, sud 35,000 dhom iiMu et tis ebeldstitiseBitisf oxhae already been conceutrated uer ý ta tise ne mi sumaithaïe Aiabila Moacea car la asrly iopsi. oiîrnsttm i.Agsta'ssdm n e a.At Cronsttorkmenarem busy day md siscaltlse rfee s!GuesELums- »dnlgisîloadluoe Whitehsead bapedeesla denle-miaios vs. plaluly visible la the Ohe arsenal. Orders have been givena ta oeleuimuall.tis hétise Aftisehémoment hoetilties boucla stationary gb U leirselb adam aSe,. tpase. shall bu placet! outaia a&Il Rue- lasisparouanthse Blie Tise Irouclais _q¶Lumm ook c.a&&id. 3 aa vmbm-Eomlla au.tisemounsTyphonLatnAS ate mo!rv*bmm em~y~ a " ai rosenosa. ready for Immediato, sa eAumeir naut3 auab Md ache. M subsseopo e eurel shAPe Beiischis lrn aapaa auletNiatPewgf sd 14J-Nouaseicli bu put In asM a.Ruha arwj c w U1w la Tu-k-oou l4 Md , u akmeu are omploirs. r eneeSaa wtisbelIUNo la. tise conntuid of tiIo mes-at-van. i. hahIEG D11 ai meslinA70- li tisa es- t t tisa Riauimportai . iseAamer waIllb.4 M M, as» ar cii ta lise noutheru vTi - - - It~isrt5s Amer os. o! borde«m gon tise Bi!itic, t3 [kuec l' s btthe b humi net n - ou»ds1ma. zwom Ts E -ro v bË o onB» et a ce reflam» iuuê,.Themmn tus Cbai sdEnluf Utgm fiu tmaw' ciii e inatetoa thlie BEni Teethe RBamuiauahaveoeouatis or da 1 "lh usGm.Caia .- BSac. m ealh.L mae imi to Momt. .u re wuaigi le àem1q sM lu the Tran.-C4qgautefritory. The Ili~~~~us. eume.etR s ca WMmses six tises- ppr-iiewth e mout etsi.d thea oULM 'îen tkuoslite erleaThe mtie mlà ates» of wmr laku4 ea rds ht case amol on fi ver, acai, or eriapa po enethde. ie dmS b il aldu~tah udimle tht d Lote » of meiut v m ouestinregardf os tis sad eor lnueat ontuBreaI1 bart ruptur o Rus h"el hast SetmaJesty' aoerm atrovi a W&Y thet f coa poyendiy in dolent ramtre therymighî ha aae ta whether or DMt tlny ad doue ail tisaI sii do, mi aduaievry juet sdica. table t entoprevnt tie5DgUqO ,o eauh MRmwu fu 1b bbodea e-o paIr. (Chasia.'Tisa questIon betore 1h. xmuattes, h Mi, vmssimple Ms u% a »W, Olt"sou-e m ustan. Nemotatigm itmsbut te flvJar!IManiupatwa hegswemeê ubusittai LsU casupes we0ecil vithe wh hole cciii la as- judata. Tisai sxslsabuadat cana me cor pnepaaM» w cislcuarebingeut- 409ic.(Cm> Te lhLuaint il t biattatiste ass c ab Coulimud ou& AW pua& I. 1 a a" tOhe Boitte cmste sator ai ty boate esil. enter Admirais NortsfMmd Kor. nlofZVie-admmi Rmmailoff~, tram Cran. &ta& -ci Geai. lUwneiate. r onàI ssi immhsvsè arrivedto couler cith the mSItarT SArEdivarn Thato., lthe Britais minIs Osr aI SI. Petersburg, ha.mad. au nufavar- able r rtrespscîing ch. RusalUmviecs the= note of EBauad, askln for au explanso e fh. cneat of General Kom- AReuter despates f rom St Petersburg mjc cwar bet veeu Rusais and Englani As n.oersgmriedainevitable. Tise czar ave toaari' Mosow, and bom t hat>Cilty ho cliisuesamanifesweor declaraticu ci ar IL suais au extremne meamure thouid becoute The efflèbstattug thse Czar could te. "imweae for Moicoc and isune any neces. mary manufesto froua the latter place han csused mucs ezeitement ln poitical sud di l m tecArdes. Rinau, April 5 -At l a eati chat th. empiror recelved a letter froma the czar station chatto 0hm utanoat grief ca. eeminevitable. The.emperor Wiliam As inucis depressed, -yet hopes England ciii yleld la soite way. Ai rumors about Ger- xnany sud Austria net keeping tise strictest neutraiîy are basele«. BlMftk Utuiry and Naval lwepsrsttns. Thse commlasay dapartinent of tise lu- dieu army ha. cosupletsi arrangements for fmrnibug transportation sud provi- aie=ons Indus for tee artny corps. Tise first consiste ai 13,0000 Britiasanl 11,tM >native troops, wvh 30.000 camp follower,, trans. port animai tendtr>, 8,OîJ.J ories and 31>,. 000 transport animnai,. Ttue second coubirits of 12,000 British, 15 0W0nl ive itrcops, 28,. 000 follecers, 8,(00)liorses and 28,M)0 trans. port animal@. A months supplies wiii be sent 10 Rind:-i Kilila and Abdulia aud three monchs' supplies ta Qîmetta. NKW% YoitK, April 28.- It la stated that the British are put'iug the Bermuda .ls- IanJs lin a complète gtate oi defence. LIMAi, April 28.-Tii. faat Rueisian cruis- er Dygisit i-. iylng aff thse coat e ornevisere, andi there are five tinie Erîgliss car shîps on thse soutis PacifIc titition. VICTORIA, P~.C., April 28.- A Russian *iDy, who pretenoied to be purchaaing furs, ha4 secured a plan of tisa harbtir andc forti. ficalions and tcf c for S'atn Fraiicis-co. Four torpado atï iying at Sheernesb bsave been ordered loto service. It i. expected the Ameîer's fcrcet i iil numuber 50,000 nien and sixty Rulns. 'lie Whtitehead faccary ai FMunie. Norths- era Itaiv, la hurrying the mantîfacture of a quantity cf torpedoes for Englitnd. Tii. governmeut huas acepted the offer ruade by New Siuth WVa!ets of their con- tingent for service lia India or elsechere I'amense quantities cf ceai are beio âhlpped ta Cape Town fcr British cruisers, la tise eveo t ftS UeZ Canai being bi0cis. cd. ýSIMLA, April 27.-Preparaior.s arm being urgeaatly presued fer the, quick despatoh af troapa to the front. Theti frs- Indian arnay coros.ts daily expected ta start for Pisisin. If Ruustaises Herar, Imdia cili &end oee division only ta Candahar, rcserving thse remainder of the troopg fur service else- whure. Tise preàsenco of anl army at Can dahar wouid probably ancotarage tise f. ghinq t adopt auvriîia w:îrfare ta checks Itusbla hending livitiLz columus te tise Hel- mud river. Thse Indi!an armny i,-in urgent ne.d of field guns. Tiie Duke of Connaught viii comwoand a divi',ion at Quetta. A trooo3hip with I,Ooo coolies intended for the Bdrber railway bas bc-en ordered 10 re- turn front Suakiru to Bombiay, being re. quircd toinsu moniaors in Bicabay har- ber. LosDOq, April 23.-The adniiralty bas, noc chartered seven of the fatite.u aud fneét paosenger steamers ln thse Atlantic tradte: thse Oregon, Ainerica, Arizona, l'n. lri% sUd Alasksa, Coptic and Britannic. Thse g:)vernnient w-lt increase the L uinber of armed cruiser& co twenty. nu GLADSTONE DBELA&itS £N"G- LIAZ(D'5POSITION. ,&veiWar cila Hor or Moel il vits Brsvry--TLae Nation. Engagement wit te Amez o be FLvmly Kainlain. id-A StDrring Speech Loudly Cheoe-ci. LoNnON, April 27.-Ia the hou.. to-day Mfr. Gladstone, bringing up tise suhject of tise vote of credit on tise arnîy and usvy a.ccount, aaked tise hisze ce vote thse tu:re £1,000,(M0 en bloc. Hoeisoped tise motion to divie lise credit wouid not bŽ presý.ed. Tise gavernutent would flot dem ute suy portion of lthe moaiey for particular pur- pose for use in tise Soudan, but wouid te- serve dîscretion 10 apply the money taken for tise Soudan account for purpos ofu speclal preparatious. Tise propo,ai to separate the Seudan credit fram the cre *:t for spicial preparatAons va. rei ected by a. vote of 220 against 186. Xr. Gourley ýrad- ica) asked viether tise govemnuent would endeavor ta bave tise dispute wAtis Rus&a referred for az-bitrament te tise United Statès ' le chicis Mr. Gladmtone anucerei: '*The' goverument are quit, sensible ai logo iiiiiiiiis 1 ILIMMAT. CRT.. IIMAir- igAir i- lrssrb- S. 91.00 P«R«R viv A -»

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