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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 1 May 1885, p. 8

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s - <ANAWAN --~ AY, E.~P 7ATP NAT Z 18S& 1H n OROSSLE CARPETS. IL bubté» b i T.in tisa>'. A prit 21tW. 1~-4T. DUNSDASêFLÂèAVELEBROS. I m~E. - mmm m I.'.' E.. v A.u~oowm. ON TuUtvOFvWÂR." ~J~J XS ________ -«"0- rrom he GloeG1 a m or TÊM aaw*a u r. 1w aPAaLVih t ggeananw t.ob m LzUMAY. APitiM114, UI. colunine t roquent applloatlou ma"to To an u uMciîrl h oa IContiauied rom Kiret Palil.; me»la reference to the Sen ot. B1 Ut eV« 4-retsfi*the 18doVOTIU dBdfgrtaTbim imit local b. tulfllhi lu Mw Ml~usg uu. (Lou.i promoahelliwlth tavortnq lntempertiesby Bot rko ha alvrycfd thi a bt 5ic.r cbe».) Tb* cowemag witgb RmW u ~aoit tlutbe promoterscfthisa Bt. I hiaivePtnhvavns h.we bu a e 11m 111 Wlr ij w1~Eg1~ ~d ra uzewin iI avLe, uWeil saumy bu*d md «a»é »tnd moéd in oui liaI below. .s bIIG ~id o ecuuud U Ot rgaranos ,thaaiGod.we hMetnreaFnWishes to infomtel à al h r cio ldb r «l " rv& e wt eha ve l eu dthruone n a ut c o'n1 [ lame (ooaa lwru» w L V.1select additions to her stock c J' 3SPEi1O# A >bîooly latitude. If we had a population of chamelter @Outcb Wheat........O10te Ons that rmaine la Ba A %olwy n ch as areported of that of Giaffow. Edïn- Y"ai t ..a....... .....O 0 W 0tO 095 fashionable for summer weari oo»uoecquvso.làbhoîw burgh, London. or a city In Ireliyànd, ne shouid SPrtug Whaa................. 090 ta o095 th of e vb t la l dt f im l . o en ho ot o n at that le _uid sthe A retka W b Ut .............. 060 te 0 Ï0 Ee.,uow n Stels <ffOIAI<S cfRoUaboth cointrietes W aaceng on th"al.,! vemy much whethnr 1lhis partial prohibition, by 0. ......... 0t f amitywein sed. Jlêwonldgmotoa of npate countiea. wili do ail the god which the Promet- peau ...................... W teoo0 that th«BrItlab Wenzvt. hwfeît pertect erg of the scott et côteig!whth. Trhe dlfficutr a ro.f...e............0aile go05O0A comfidncaIn hebut Wou,.l ot enforcing the at willi be verY great, it Wl 111a I cniecIntha t e &h o t a 1be reqtttrft t cordon of police arolind the cOunties. CIOvw aeed....... ........... 600 teo lrs650~ ndahado not; lul"Gbyeoetcth" mignt net haver oeenand ahoet of spiea tbrough them te detectiilicit Ciover -Allike ............ 450 ta 7 25 Clas ufadahns 111< PtdthChspostî. poasmed ail thefeets la tib caser. They that they wilIl silfor Ililqor. that. wili quickly Flotff, new Prooea. p1 im1001k lb250 >te 2 70 1Obonemo tiic a "ai.ed*poseme tct wic ceaes a i yr .bring on delirium tremens and tlnally ofl nmanitv . mi . 930 , 250 à new and serviceable. orsnl.Ç Do fàLeAgnty. sialun ft, m o toe fredh ble iilicz§e aiInor or tfo iîiairs there wIflb e <orameal ' ..............000 tlaea225 Lx latr.Urie? .l«5 . 3I thoher brparti teo the o CveSu, but thry a b~oat of pertiona swîthnnt on4vience or oharao- Bran, peron ............ ...... 1500 o t 000 bp l& -woffld flot deviate frein the strietoost prin. ter, who will traie in tii poitIonouslu iqueir, 1 giortaIl....................OWGO telOW Meow Adavertisom en ts Thais VVeeM. CIi of uA utice by anticipating anyîlling whiclm will cai.et greatereviii han thut whieh IPotatees Il.......... ....020 teo0 25 Lindsay. May 1. iSi-3 5., of lte ultimti sueMM f the- fai nquîry sonle pfflple, deBire ta have aupprtsse. 1 amn KMg, fresh, prdn...........O010 to O0i11 .I-eed - 1. >rrn. they are deniron cf pirosecutine .The a mte etha.tt'eaipl atoimneButter per lia.................013 to 15 1t~ceht 1. Ilit~...cause of the collîsIfon lu, perhapio, doubîfu 1 l, P tr nit, u population 1>y thuir exhîortationsaand, Chaee ..................... 012gto il ____________________ Iw-Jin but i.l, lcertain te iuamans were the at. aw~m % vii letît ltwn ilmtnperanCemafeiy anti Lard parIi........ ..........010 teo 012 I u htt~Amtn u.quiemlyAn the inail initmority ait lia happettod Tailow, per lb................ ..O005 te 0 Go Pr40etarking ptlty, mta t.Atm u. eleewitwre. Moderate drinkers, we imay a&y on flense, par lb.................OU Wtoe OW Inbr. *,lfered i n litea, spl;lt, andi repute. Kmowlnfr pasant ctLf vote for moderato drlnkin%, and Turkeys, per lb .............. W te GO 1 'lait a htuw hall beeti mtrck &t. the credit noderame sellin>g. but thoir pretensions abould ('hiokens, par pair .............GOw te on1 or ol.-All>ilîlnm.an d amthrly cf -ou r alIy, wVa rs, unjble ta tint allow thet. t>vote for total pruhlibituux. It Suuarcured lulme ..... O...01tote 12 Loa-AW eutlc ~f.cloge the heoit Aandd'Bay îtit w tnDotclonk inrdevirtueman un- Bacon,.Io ................8 W teo 9GOevrnthlng new an I4em or utt' fthii'l'î'uemttr.o any more,. aIayiewl o >5~ wltim.opcîhywill always claisn he riiZ Piork. dreedt. per 100 Ibo..... GOà Wte il t0 to 001er pga.tage(â Wemuet do 01111Fhas e oe igat t he pivase. pt'ovidti xhey do net in Blief, per. 10 Ibo ................. 4OWto 6 W> llotietfor Mr e. >mroi-,. )lave rlght donc An the mauter. Theretore pire flair neigibhors. 'ThoeCatitolia ehurch lits àMess ork erbbU............ 1700 te 20 Go (frit >~agt 1(. iA. Mejitlt. iliera lm etuise for irar preparatlont'. lie encoliramgcd vollimuttry tutemnc y themeans si.perbbl, ..,I ,-O GOto i 10 A mtuntiut ermv. lrlîonhîrs.hopéti thet' oue iroixii not delay tg ~ fmAoitte4 tmithé],elle lai even gramîtod Sr...ero ............. 20Go go3 Go ('niirtof rtev;i'n- Aii . of Nittrt. ment. w hirh w nîld only tend 10 preipagate ittlne-sciîetfot, theso temperance soeetis. Ia, eton . ...............12 OW te 1a S Abot lltt'~hlntt'it t. .iîî'str.thble raàd aJewhem. t «ophjcéon, tuaith ere On o tl grnttaues tftitllperlteo a flna lb.............000 te 011) ______________________ .Aholt'i'ln..........ë...... .... .... ..... .... .......... 000 t 9 hau' dIhiinMi. fInay. mîîemid of paru.0%et i-liIzmen(ictefai~" ~r iic>; h vieih w'ool ........................ oi1stea(17 W CortMin.oflâdsy.men r, whers-an hhet lev'ed Os« hea.rt and hlie a have a cnrnformable breakfat in the C'ordwoo,ard.peroor&.(mwedî 8(» o350 ffFwAd veirtlaie ets. i-i.'ifrstleAIj>iumisl1'.Michel. a sl. pnpoomnImteîIm H hmliv.mforig ofmeu4t initedof alit lutea and bread Cordwroodhard. ecord, log>27jà te300 Ntw %-Woollen Fuitory- J. W. Wallace. etwhilo r servlng absolute liberty titioften wiithoit btter. mand Ile«willlibole e41....... .175 te 20111TRIAL TRIP.-THE P04T for three Peçtirlnçr l'on, lîtu- ratlbmrn & Co. judae of the- conduet et the aovernimnt crav nfratronwdrlnkand itence lesu totem- EBut Hie..... .............. S tu à8W T menthe for 25c.. for six monthe for 30c. 'l'mpu'runce p~~~~~~~ertance. Moni worklng lit otur foutndriceand teMaka.eearfr160enonaes <'umlt i- y. Eyrs. Prépu, nuL (o vitit thelffiwith Ite eou!cqmlcncep,factorip e luretîlmiro stroonenenirofrr111.Went. on ad if i4e!-Btnli t titi NUrr1r1,r fn'r- W. . heY would s9e forward te meelt the de. they liail a godibo f stunp fer theAr <inner PORT PEURY, April 28-4 Reported by À. BoineA NKGO UME Y R. îatir.maid to<f JulttIe and the ccaii of honor, andi or lunchtLiucrte wo ild hobeliis citxving for éstrung S .-o4wha, stoull0c. .priitW.ou,80to CANLUMBER. LUM BEIN SoYARD l mnYIuinject tu jugtice and honor, te labor drink. nek hlt7ete75,hry Mtobb LlBR"Tad 3HN ESfal -.-for the purpoéte of pene. At the conclu- ln vine growing comntries there la very uitile OSiS 38e to to c; O0 peua, 70c. to 00c;mrrowfat pesa, kinds kept in stock at the Cannirigton Lumber agi. J. A. GILLOOLY mc ft.sec i.-bue uoe nndriinkennuse. ,m Woinut l'îLmenrh0 e t oOc:0r;re, 55e to 60e; dremseti b mga, $5.50 to Yard at reationable rates. E. MARKLE,.l'ru- I&ClletrRd ,Iiivme fr rial 1 rance mand ieigitnm, wirethemcuitivatin orf 6O, butter. 120 e o100,egos,Ilc te 12c: potable% prietor. Cannington, April 2. hi-1!me lsClletiwanu (anisse fo j'tnCiq#ADtAw tond n iMu lonaed cheerlni. GliadstOne'a th, vineowing te the climate, 1e flot aucceufui. 25ot'> 00r. Pricoq for grain mae Arm.Coue d Ps a i;t i)ilzo to grn eit q fo, wirdacri-atout a pm'fou nd sensation. Le~t he' govt-rnme-nt.làuîvumc-s,înq î înpe.tmtlyger litiprice. butter anti ezgs duilibu" OTICE. torq of liquorrs, an.i alise punisît ail aaduiterationa iflhasquiet. Sprtng aeedmng juugtcounmeumclng, unon Snborltlnu. et. ud imansst 0Ofditary bitiui k4PMbi OPIu80u«Mgk GaiaOsuWa outst mv,-rtly. andi ive -molllo t liave uany dui. lieDs.cuises cf habituai drunkennesa and dtelirium t re. -MTI IUMCIPIL COUSCIL Of LUI ~~ Mu'. c;îstustone'~~stana sud msanîy monna. Let the governrment also punteih aaverply 1111111110Inday o SM da.Arl2tî L 1.Ti Mr. laffttoelirboldstaltidmd mnlya repetitîmofît publie drmnkenneum hyconfine. u.aLidy.oSuarAvl26hWI NET1c., sa.is~ speech mîmve proved ver',' effeetive. Tha neut inAfl 4owi bladlbor, ev-enby compeiUn* 1 the wiý fe cf1r. A. O0Leary. of a .son. ntm a prem ier Op VSSUO d ea r em . t Il. ui b"în m(rtet that!thc lime c t e i .( F m i uttiufe hs o pa. ha tt-t ff enuitel InofayonnTees. CU RT O RM S N maiife i4followerm. wite the. martial prohibiterI In the bibleThi'bs le lie the cage. Our Ci. rm'ro-8.xr" Innram P o Tés ofaomlmissm-nens*e hascaptred iv~~Iifie t mn(ýler il-sîitmtol one of Ilie;gre:utstday. AprIl 281h, by' the 11ev. W. If.L sE ,Mr'. .rINDI, . e l 1)V ý Ny , lttog si4 etncmhmcpurdt e :rut mut. ite imul&meutu ail %vine.; anti St. Patiuiadt- Samnel A. Champioa to M-i M trgaretS4&undi. mdN~A, ~fll)~ 1 , t ~- ores4. "War," sali a member of parli. viqes bNe disqciple 'riunotlhy Ito ttsu a tilevine fer ers, ail of indsay. LOC A N IWS-LRTBH~ment tn day, "with !tapeakabler migery IltjssîutltI'14 -i. foiirire urm-sjîsomîof weak i Eaî-r:i ~-ntho 291hhl.. ait saturay, the 3OLh KMy, N - o ns. We wiH avnid ti fwecan wth honr; Tr'ieoiii an ahi and a gotîlsamim, ai at poa. by the 11ev. R. Allie. Mr. Robert Ander- at 10o'clock. forennon, inthe Town Hall. 3fara. ir tnt w, wil 7rept t.wtifbater.t iûn ynwdink. andceptdotbewlLrisnbrn sonry 2 Lmh-ath A.Burgssroink."os.ndpetitisaisdoteubiess nouofl1shmenli ilepif,,ll pu4t. 1 " ýV preceived ai the Clerk's mlece until the 131h day W4 lrgî*ly di-ptîd lfor mina. for bsteacriental . of.May nort. of which ail intereated ivili take F,'it.m (tmiu'm~ax-i 1'.lme -vrh l(ipdmponLie' heltef that F.ngtand miii pumi-pot4um iplun nvineyaria in te salut h.n tuterf April 28th. Xartha, the notice und gvern themselves accordinuly. cftîmi- ut".jt'op--"y -'niivr mmmmutIflt 0 iuy t'xîîtjntrallier thanrup- iptimtlivtOtmario, berleringgun iétke Et ie,ndîtlWùbelovetimife oftWilliam Caranaof Brook aticd W. M KCE, clark. mI<n not ile u1io-nrinp (ot tii. nomtcaa.tn. thm relatins Mr. Glizstone's pccch loî îmtsme n ulm.tm i di ttiOrheul 3 years.Ma. 2dArliS3-S. tnfiit ;nr t.feclittrt t E, l of ,'arte tri m Dil ît dumiel 1 hétilit1qion. r î w ct ire a r'y fîlly on theiuterity of thomue Tm-:mvî.-At thc fanxiiy residence. "Tenvin- uti ii t imumrln S tm- tvomtnui4 b3 lte i 'rime Poai. ssya "the fitct that the war gpenlee Whom kt-p tîtese viumyardlsnflotLo ad- tiI.'reneion. on the:'.Ird April. 1885. Mary r> Pov. Gr.eiîr'i ot e A, in St.laiscredit waA voteit wthotarryonevenurir- iuterlaîf.lot cit- ytolii inuejlîir'it utton. wife of James Teevin. anlher Jrft y ar. T 2 PUBLIC. e1r' Ai a.ftrrta<mou serx'tce ilai li Imdr1a Ir.'pl to Me. Gliadstone la unp)reedi*nter tt will attend Lie înfom-îemutrit the Scott lite ~ , usu,'-hmV-?ili t t" O - ' i n tiileor amy otier country. Mu'. (Piid net. Tilu-î (tf i mmuuu."4 vili b1wtlîu'ovn utom=undt od ce ho . ý1- acon>. il)tt, r t l I -nli j n minnp'n lWnoiisgp la 100 aiiiuifle %tn ~re- u. . 'u i Ila hp iîd. , iii , eop__________R S UPr of 14, -ro'iis (n sîmîlfa, tht'Ilumm-t'minent. The atiack iupon l>e-n.jdeh iguleLl uc. 11iln're w.c a miniule 4 s$ty RI _ ment t-tVluis plui. on lat date. "'eStnaMsva:tM.Gldtnsho uverlinked. 1 have Por ieard of a sinicle - E T rlgt Stndad Gldétr.e vinty - in i! ai-to itere 1tilt-umivole are se, bo- The-uliderslgaed Vin pa heSI 1; JI V151.me the io vlaSeut IyfiiUtn s oOBedy ot at ri-im is 1:!,ttm . Ian edrnuk %od GEO.rCA E PR CE. ie t h r<tir-stod 'l"lie lPouit. 1 1 f nt anutd i-y s-<' i-înihment. and Ilc premjjntjes font of lCent--ý. t doroTh Aummru i .. \le-r fii-.)-ill helcele- 'ie-#tW'phtgnet belee thatISUshb oie ýail w ýl i1ctule. lofîuu-iîît0ntoxlcatîng -vesPot lrn ig Olle. whm-re he mill ke.p on brait-il lhere (W t It' p'mîik. to arllir, andm(lpectals .setherto~iqla o iibo" .il i(i iimtrý. JouxiN .;ý-;ý-u LYNC'xz - re,.wyz. ~hand ai ail imets the very besi meats posaible. tfurîisp1.u 1gur T'oorontoqf~iÔ ~- t oas":îmî ~... ~"f!-~Becf. Nlutton. Larmb. veal and ail ueaisonblo, InitePuip xr.ionm'iîla î,,qjtn ivid l. el fle otlpnêwaa tftreaatr1»hp.-'Pea1iu O ta mîa. which is-il bcdelivered tt cuâtomtersata yd 1"in ol ttmkimi il-ýî mi emiri ti:ig mi (1 NNIU Trim amy part of the xown. têeti lPa-r' T -'VAR1lat'.W.. c M. Iuatterfavel&çn«lotiPUhaLtisWV[eradncoh'-Pos.. .iNULo( G». CALVEE a eueae Tn P qr'- 's-Il te av int."[____________f_____ot]_te akchaISe. and il iii1e happy te attend te ~g't! PC it A t ey u rsfehamn - 3p'grtAr.Tt)'rlliIL.Ai>Yltm. --f e-Ill glvethe delilvtei l t heolti Brogdm eornmine.e.sut the orders of cutomere. fle aile emî.iq m rî'llh » Cn.o fr-tirêeefoilowuugprizon ta tht three persona r& oef hunda & '. aorhofle. Bui Ward, Lindsay. April .18U.-T IllefiRlle pn 11,4t a% ellble (1od or petvei'y fm-nt î%-hemIm 1tr-ise the mcinâem inzdsay. Toutu l>t>ttT.Ks.p in (humfiinrt. Thti'de- u U~* U~u.G~hetwîxen the lot of àMay anti let of0f tober- W. IDT NVMa bli, ]PRIME FRSH BEEF AIND MUT. est Interest Ili;naitraily tabi'n ia Int ti. lintprîi 10Ine a iit<ytè iat or hbonnet, valueti nt Li~dn. »M. TN relýellion. Moq ù i f epeih'ipVim lm1mii 80Ili: 2nd prtzo. amet of utittbt'e. vauinetatSI),-O the' rebeiliomi coutti camly btmav felu ..îm u-- CIA»sucw'.Caenuqo, éprlit M The M,- 3qpvae. a sonet glaoswstre vietimîsuleas1.56 fZTIGHUSI cA8Sh PRICE PAID- lete y hr ôvrMm rtin hM M IS rfli Md te89I11 1 7-.J. jHsîuostm'<. Cannîngtcu. z.U l ~ V I A i.llta IiduieiUqsud li ninlnl. tbjeshaqe-of a.V, Fiaiot assiuniu~W ~ i~ersenu Tuesrtay.th.28th uit., andi woulit i athum aving reaently bought cut thal old etableh. Tieewl itlié- a day cf twokinnot iheft 1h. ooo WotM dth.rg it.Wigtdoubt have booa a very ipeît èitoocesehall It M W'HHA.T A N~D #JA.TS d betiihr-shog kept by Geo. H. Ualvert. cor. fwttve« of ithseho have becs sqhot en. o tebotmanterftptbera-beles fortthe vory lmmemetweather. fHoweveri WhetlirDM @-a,.t-rfln.ihowf hseswat ehtbteacnrinosy and Ml-s.*belle to inform the wo e a#WaIeth iey til dtîe rpnes on irie.1mporid hrse mi x wre exhibitl, &II very fe Thuu- Iooar tneewg Ipie of Lidsay that hli ntentis alwa>'. t ,$UNIr)RRLANYD. Of-mdr hvUiPloi PUd 10trota eemlng b>'the baed conduitoet the rosete d modal etthelr mill as i Llduaycm e oa. tebu et falknuta f(~î.teupederoof 'lho Poot.l fttubter heli- beau Iiteva&ly oe- dam105anditthe grcat, tou-m which hall set le early t in3 it lAuît. i ook to your interent and gçoto T. garfteis of tAe B-,t (or, tier Capt. the mî-ming '(Tltsaise pru.vinteuî many farm-esA Beefoi.lWwuon. pork, A. 9.L MuICKS tfor eowioraufthm¶lf PatemmugitLIMs. llvemj sud mrorne .Otw el-fmon brtnaiuwtbolr coule ont. 'rt laI.the PIN w ~ f!ItLamb ami ea4. mlme conueteci in the, haindware llno.ý36-3.,90111, îindevC&pt. Ruttue sd WliluiIOe fim't sprngfatr thna basa helti hem ~andi Pm~soAL-Ms.A. E. Mice. gIWho MWa.- har up itWwlwmm Abtimt misaitmen uvaseîecmrgmatt odti in atubflnt he tk mm fr the orate . t 13ers ho le fa r ane l omtsile tîCn lsiimjutiedm a etebom~t.pet ~.e-~t e Wttlu-20yar. f te-auuailly. The jntigewereMmasr. Peter Chris. um:;; o por rthq, ontue touOres ikoaedfradponl ipeeuvisi( iàt friwliqin Pterbt,* terolat wth, tiýregot e Wihie.2 Johnl t* Ile. jrnJotm, nDmnaecs.r lomeorte Ubt anra ughmt-tfl mw;Vpmoe,4teliered o auarttcictee.ow. loaireof t tmwo eli, rottivrimethome Ibis Wew. -,'tfer Pis, Coir sht tie btLa h1, -, om Dm mnfi," lckiugbottom di g» a( âtmmIamdol.rtlLo a u "m U8DepfltuUluolicit.*.b Nt". lilfford Of CeObeeàk o«» tri Wof-~u h ho lot hM »K bi h-M e «u» MW#. 21*"%ttl ILad&' HU11 & ota;.% ftrem @amou. isg tho irocir. uhWfrI bauhem bo t ogti. fram ba>rr"ChameUlor." W. 0. BlIyAmt. General Purpose. WDLW4uH, uNDaEC@. ràîu",. Itrarair 4. ~53 C'Im:mbT.--.A, meting et theKte , got by ere-or t hoittymu.ueIM MMgq» --t1. Geo. Muno%2Andrew LoweRoatisi Lour;nm*,li Omus11. aIffMthe.BroPIk bougseor ou 2t t iiraessotle-gew evi nng. Trho attitndàir oe ara lm ii. rWhaaiw beluq ab 0&-th"tsie-am rvmo us.1 .IL imith;' j. w. là"- Eqw A&CIll X5?A. R'ION- W 0 mt.ndlIgntf lite lub àftauctly 5e-Vrwas ab"117at a m t» muge Sire-OI'm11.Iutu wyu>'.Foalof M_ 4S. samnt ill.. r IM t8.- h bot tom' They fawe S96WseveM Mt m let iîao u - &Boruo@ oppote& *efft g- oî. Ciat.. Ynacle; Tw oar'oki4bul.-I. Joli- Gor-.WATED TO 10 -M aottffl nt Neioe lemer glyuiitethe meedngof for the cîmru se-aKon. if sl«* utbWsMW tw fut hcm, <don. ?rtam orolote"-i ECai.eV ' oliit %r ausuer mu. L'AiR M oiWfaMt<m f lardware Md bhou patis.itir. .te- lutvepp qGr-Barley. i Thos. F'oter. les'at mik - - btdld"ra' sumlpplie nwsomarvlig at A. E s>Zie-fge ftire- 111 Mg1 ami Mit Obdaim - TOSIISiM ihvut-fnai't mi~ C. poE- -TV1z BU RMut ne Oum » If au ONcartoeofftli ritu fbr- lalmrg t=alae« ai 4- n r u t giorca. -36-3.lite- Umaut. SGI se W ~ ~ C'chobest stock o e mt wusrtn a i Tmmî tia inI ,IL-LI& IU I N II~ IMPuMuTe*Ml<.1.W¶o0 fawer -ha. MDr 4<>?411119- wJom gtii. 11111 andi4entO1 t weeft andt lacbk and iJ vT«E- a o>ptin ipleunoint timporliMmmIla obio's, flan W. 's Ir O 5dttiVr -tcolored, wcrsila mt lem th"anon" 5UalF. suite f en um yrd~l biilkUa*n*Sd rill noadost ýtdo a prMuabl puise for, titer wodil;r mi - klTu,,çmwt*tooruer am iperteur t Boat Binirea&"eed.-ST-.t btiancor teeomm¶gsasai.twer~tu w M ~dI rihWs. ilt lar ne- New 1MÂ.qaAND Bowwwam-Lde*, it mLoooa.uwi1u P011[i lsle.1111.,-Tir. ut a94111M IC.uicfkl etiebnowu.Maa imusM ZIyW ou- Mthe 5#0tg yen wmt a new bat o one.trImmed c ti asà rwl a hUi h mei hme h pri. t ueLtnduu' fim, ttt w amtVwe lt nbgo-ha.uisAlfsGV mt radai sntly Cai etaby on 7. w ltlP. IL.-I.ZTOrtBel o by. sei ZIV 20y ofg e#Ik Sa ta I i- ra. at 1miq W otiier- dt 5 WX, cane! !hig'dr *mt. a mi,2r. Mol5*own Mos #ýl» oit thetidp lbF. tositue fl .al 19 w- aL2 a hwu. «emm.7 (W.rndowin f.~~MIL Brum m o'a me-diemU t l~hmcwaw L ~GRACE LEE. adies of Lindsay that she has just returned from tui city wîti, of Miilinery Fabrics. The selections comprise ail thtt w E L ring, light and airy fabrics anud trznmitîgs in %vcry -c Tapes and Chips, and a fine assortment of Whitc Stru-. - of newî style Parasols, aillcxtreincly du rable gjd ne Uine of Ladies' Faîîcy Goods. Childrcnls' Lit--. aniu. w doora lBut of the Benson Hoiue, lent-st., Lindsay. Peter HUendersozi & Co. ____ Gea. A. Metlzerell. (ýiIArTSL.tJ Ui'-EEit1N-TUE NOLZTII WE!.r Ecok,'Sa cnery, Wall Paper, Fancy Goods, et. AT J. IL AONSBMTEEnUPT JSTOCK, VAEIXTY HALL.4 AMD "ALOlT G. A. P&T=MMICLUS MUSIC EXPORIVUM. Nemi' :m- i:ai IP. -aP î - 'np,-a'hav<ie arrivod. Croqîuet Sett. I.LtinT mi" 1 anid Las." BâL tG;î-uaa>. l;i h l 11it118.'ricket t'oods l mn ucas. lt a lot oi tuW < la outside tSumuluer *orts. wliich ii l bm aud at lowîest posîjîlO epr-au- ut - G. A. 3IETHEREL I/S, BCUUlc M]porimîm, Op>pooiîo Eagish Church. Kont-ti. L1nt-sas. Linilsa. &A)ril 2Rth. i5-t SEUlS! SEEDS FRESH and TRUE. --.î <liii<Iothe>' vaitiettie car U- rot afnd al J Ittb< FRESH STOCK. - PERRI NS. Limvî(sair. -Ilril q29, 1-5.rS L. 0O'Conno. A SHOOKI NG STATEMENTF TO am CrzOzxETITOa If the People of this C'otnty want ta get the best in mînv'tu: ' of NUggy, Waggon or any wh*Ied vehcle in my le, , Cait CARRI.GE &WXUGîN WORKS. corner uof Williail and Ua wheu-e 1 miii show rsaunp1eéi cf îY woî-kmanshîip and xuantacttixe t entirety, mucli better thaonvoit can see on papen-. 1 do not wxant to brag, but I sîIy pl)tively ne mn ean Ctu ti i Cij ter, article than mv,,elt 1 ca'n lpoint as prooft t y succeSS 'atthe 1.Lt',, bitionn bel i ttLinCs.-ty (diuing years past. 1 eau prove wba:I, ,-aî only tek art inqpection of niy work. I dont need Iteav adt-extimur .'-li my custonieîs aulvettisnt for nue. Ail the ncxxest imprevemteuts in tint kind of Carrhxgt s on' lhagg- -i have' on hand, and I atil tcing- themin i building my new 'pi~ark 1 have on hand the largest stock in Lindaav of Liimmxbvr uv' 'e-'h-i- tien, thoroughly seasontcd, tint have the facilitits to turii ut any îtluiil- c avy kind of vehlicies. .&Il kinds of repahl-ing donc proniptly and idîeti' anditi -eaktîxîaibl iiem IL 'oeNNOR, O'Conors (arr Lage Worie'. W M. Robson. IJyD.ÂY TE HOU SL W.M. ROIBSON* wau m»olatluy a peur p mauane-M ltnkosadeslkoclcucu>of acte. Nl sud flagmat. and cf meexclience. U ta well-l.krim dm mm ,,varloto. blenu maemoiouaiy lt"atMmt l a tblrespect we iave bten fortui n~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~M the1 ietthtIedfl&CWmeatc& lsr.rOMOi 1 Iiieb. 'lite tUmLtOttti IS.~~~~~ m-apuori.b ii'gidita&theb. laa et Dmbs. Atrial swixcited ofut thir . wamalWtet .W& have "Sl mem gneMcha. oQld Uu cria risma. AtwII2 8M-8. u N RO S 111E OSTOSLY $1 A YEAIR. i -i-j - I.H 1 C - imi MMN» 1 1119 andi laiel

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