-i -i.mm --t fi__i_0_________ Iruw fr im à t- q» 0"" we 09 ta IL 0.plopll W1 the t ve.todi dsvt IboI. Oh 111111139miR. b~ Nh Uet aÊ B -us ~i.f~1O1fi ~At'Zn, osv.bu.Uwu6Nia(4t.es11, k 1*b [1h PtYII&MI bonn Mr.efiwy.t nin~in.~. 1UuuI usbIIIyu ble u sdcb uo .1h4 utheIaov. w M. o BIîbý0 B~BC.E~W.LEW~~.< . dPg fflthfft Muci, If Aly rdief, unî1-li 1 tooik a.tpirlbi4. Abo" fotty ta«* wdnlO phat- Pue@" Vý .O'tli«"ra WiSb*mz bKf ARPsl'A y the lime nt.wvren&k& a 90"4stmetao M .vt09ngana.C.mC1 ___ A. DOBA.a".Si>. & aSONSmw PAl'A bmi dit suUit rfiaîin i wridefta adC.rllt. btiiiP Ge~ms.o LTi 09__Lwmmu .- the MGfI laMoeS umad soU by pulity. 'llietitte noabl ctif furit-has ~A.1'UK.M. - wl t*Nnfcurr n mrhn etdin thiq vieluUiy c(.ivine#) »ne that.msà pmntt*Gtbe xý ý . L.*gRY p1îb~e, ~ le. IYfAFii<l" Cowo.u.fThe. PooLi 1« -th*. bu tobose. and; bugUI*70@WSjtS Ulv)j'eM maIuknd asMyiIiao .z .o a~. wyt ue hvîduty~~N~ U-. 113 RHEU ~ ~ ~ cirotèlrnft weArtheReSh o 0»or ft.qais#19« ote noauoUtToUo." sMEuaN êhwq.i ~ ~ Za BAIIAAIII* 4 vrLl~.&ulu4i'b m dI gon lfrpd wthat'e ie WYt Ujg.Teuaaftsuvy hc et pefll'10hIWUUSII&aUient itb A R L a t in u r e AlNtn,.ac i..r Il-'Nhw »seo f l t~e' OPi ggpy n oca4 P.LS., Ur. G. SuftJi, *0fiON CANA A LIF ~~' "; ~~~~~ Mr. dcatl !b IU vury deiy show sa nsll.ut aITuemnt O s uit. BCI I. u.yawuofrfvrb mtigu hama -~ Pmmuoàl.-. wWml Nel bau OIITUAB'T-W. e remt twchronwIcthe rt l oi app.0te Boaws, habel.B Ke t-t nau< 1dGnoI hui .M.w» my o oeofOr leh d on e1te§*MdWn e" bom The Imam Md mm 'sucoewdpn raiom i)oj-i fS e peedy recoery... Ur. Jas., wm affl .at the Greffl bu vylPatieederazuios 1faouar.ok P. O'N06i, au9t, 1M- xnx;Y' fi ilmoved toi is »mW bornie over onu ud.. luth uit. go hddweflaouu mih.u.auibuSaoeêtstâte . !Jmdamys Januaey2Oth1885.-2 Pla4suVfwIý, oovrhrym d vwanalwà>a.bon- Ei.o U. Iab uU& olstionsaénd ions emw__________________________are__ brfî<. T K .&ow1.su. c'-î Sthet hon sd. la ps AIug t. .... a wslasmdkuowoxotlywhat ctJohn Bradl-otthem -and.ala (if " .. - 4)p--, wlIU 1w l r'friîj, fr'm want ofUZ AUUUr.- ..n ha. ......j ___________wr (Iw r ,1 1>'theii.' .îî r tin. w' anrïeh ,rnw ammugthse farmmr .Jsp Awmadt Îas th.b. DBàAL-..Tlm.ub&hBIcub iooSM- anUramS e ul'inanane but rmsiWt. See ~ Ilv,14h[44 pnI III It V.k ibL rizlilthe wntlld iîîaktle oenrei t...... Rnain every Cher, aàbo lahout fourteen 7.ars et Iaag utaiwl aUltaua agehnaLohrCnda (4 P 1Iifàkf htToJ M' li.*. ..j, , ter dîf; somriies a liIuIo MOré. beca. unmanageable whilo rnt.tunag Ob.-U. ommals S mblntid. &nouat carrled. U0&G- $ 91Il011W (fg rimfIn l 'ainnmt. bo ----fro charchon $unds ,4rd lest. The bpyriL mr£N 110r am rft. ueto aet rVtl < r~<Iî'l n ' i l îîsv~I !t >C lÀNIVINO TOY. vwu hrov Où t eand the horse havngg br- LITLBRI.4NMMOAG. fle PffLd&alta atee n ee- .1<' ~', r,. q~, ,~, flrromiione,eof Thu Postl ken thp whitlletree and treed flseilfate BlOO' ST.?ujoUw~~ <ih.8l~ ~ ("iIX .. Mt~ .? h itw~.:.:s ~. î s,-Ty 8<àp't; 25cea., the best the. buggy ra .on rea.rly to Port Peai -atrMaitland Pu matured endowmuz±ai. Amurera Joiang uow vaip er offered In Cannioigton..6tf. .Tebug gy iwuabute ,hlyd Wcduth ctwiike wt adomth m rues OWW...rEÂR XE T ss14.PA Nnohhy or sut of clothessi da pes.fect lit go Ot AuMn oea Othype mnntha' trial froin. êW#7E -w WvGO to ~~ <~~ C~o.-~ut.the Uxbs'idgeOrgan Co. It ilé expected tChU q zwz.-iso.Ui. firom Chi.F.a -TAY É -Silkot, Chubmui $tapie&. Faitcy EsGod.Pnt CtoShtig.otnac l.:n }(>(~G ,i i1i ; Y B itl ft A 1Iwr'rte,14 'ROMIttAT'rLPOftr.-The: in they WittIIr..... MibixSusea ns. wne c ia ttinnft *1.b lt place. A--FLIN 1T.Table Linons.Mullna. Ticking, esns oelns akaec.ec 'ed. fe o nit iît.t owil>,4 IeU.vveawv rtuen hy G. CIouNstoirhas reternert home frnm ber proloimolwo r-& i STh ed*purL . ... Ralfl 0h5 March Sth, M&3Trlom ina. Bbuto s. rc leeângBtoaitdPns oIrShr, ,. 11W iitn. (flnI Ini'tii it 1W tt~r~îîv' l séfufihflClouston of Culs placc,who Ieit 4tasy In tisewe*t...rj'. ;olt. 0on~e n daufy...ry lM e* iod. oaivi ___________________GoveHuo3r ibn. rIinec.ec J»)>' Iiii IiIIki'I.>iper threryeff fflo tth A. 0.Câva fl . ue aviit theêtiret partet the Week ....Mc uuty Vars îe aF NG OO1 LJK~, nand himilrënialned ln l)Uttaexm a, Ïlt. AmosStone havIng ret",cl from famnums uihAuI blwu'ofcr ee______________ ace.Rns hi4 les rs tie'ford slneet ha t îInne, ha. reraoiettte Greeab)ank... Otu.side- L. O.G. TM-The fos, Combe, Spectacles, CLItleRings. CJjIit. A,. .. *, 'II'hitIl>îI . , îrm a»4l sm>oacR. ii,unAprll, l . 1 walks are groat1y In need of rptIr....Tise Inu*letl tht Chia ustr-Des> . iPer~e iS C LOKINGfl Vbe, on hlî ing~p jei4. jlf, Ti41 Iî,It mtppnnto yoti thins i1sa boys sud gtrlg are formlnn. aetton ot theW.C.T., Bo. C. £Prousei P.W(T; iS DSaesTn,'onIdlni. wolo up. hlit I1 4m safe anri yen nened hot foitl cadcts n.4m ~a~i.. Tho subject of .m;la, . .4Bm . T. Ma.u der.W. Justine fronhefutMer.aet tis P, TAT2:. ifrtit. v lRvelid u ofii tniesinv th dy l wr. .Ba.rl uTeW.à: aéesr XtisRam. 111111 flRFPJIRV '~ 't>'l'l~<i,.(,f .i< ~hfr'~ulîam wro4l3 lhe rébellion lia.s tarterid l.rlaard,W.D.Ir.; Bro .Wna .;lierG O E ZE 0:11,, uiitl:W Is-MIeplantî we aeB*I In teEDM cil )arrwkiY.TheSndWan EWW UM. a. ZW>II-W, andlmaille in thig part of the, conrtry. Vo left f<orrev<on.enco of The Pô. bley, W.LG. - ; u iL M àovu4W.O.G.; ___hoice and good. In fairt flearly Cv. yhn eddl h oa n ntebd : Fr. 1m 1..mr lhnn'pfoir wenko noéte corne o the, bar- flanic I-r. SuioW on the lOCh cf X&Y. lsoes L. Bionacu,1 L.IL&; listerL.Pi; body,. sîîe<î as Buot>.. Ru!hhnrm. etc-.. , csnbea n OEThueCUsai.Vd T le ur. ieorî IotlP.J.ri'kn îî. md.lo th fown.hal nt îîenbtîrn- acAv . D-h svr cl r hrR u o. u . oselL.D.; Bic. . ; fot put a few leauintLarticeLtt 1iwco adPtI nCu ~ytig;bu ~ i r ~îv l, I~-. leur.Md. Tile lroop-t reahed here TIrillaiy flom nsuA'rn. -h nyracldo uel W*Y' ; aimrL lakmuJa&EggAz.g e2.jea down at a lifttprofit. ThtkýLnthpbtoherapsonewe ; 'riiunto. Kinntoand, Qusbec. 2.Iyulde<lium pa.Vat wirterha» proveri vér>'dainw4rswPruueW...;SstrLGaayW..gootimur±ui W. (tiIohring. J ar afrMsl lmirdored. 1 i enudt h« eelt. la t li Ioca.ily at ]esC thtaêORHOE Tr ~~ ~,jr ~ finit ont for Certain ne ho was ab&hnut onet hund. fAtirths of the colonies 1haebeeti rorm w t012oHP Y Caimif 1 Il mfrftm 1hure and tley teil li~a e In death ad a mniI1portion of the remainder A. Faz.ic Or NÂTUUU.-u. W. Reeve%, Tumos5 - Fiv'tub flru.p aad .3I pricL7rQrrButter.&Z .Iwooclastttue ime andl hmnnet Iw.en teon are wlthout qteon. .There lg but one pro- IUgon lot 15,Laha bàmora, HRo<i, 1 sine. I-le iht. havteirpeid The fidhlfl5 p ly agimlz(!tieeli'ongo in chia place Md basa amont uguina 'natuw l ui.y. .2Nago4-1O Varleties, JH R A ,LtI ian ;'buéke mir o n uden1y thnt We oulyhaul Mme te 1 IN I»A>' '1îV 'A M ~ ntel~Îohuuietînrin rrm the owne fetn-hî.d is colonntethronghtfM About a wpek aqone ot hi@, matasgave Plaa,.otIAY-2,1O Yar'jetietiin-hman. Mare)' _i fr irsist. Mt-5-IL. MARKB cru u liv. fà%vilevmt.lni Inmi inuw. rwlister me -e:à tigC rewarel for hiq huumat birthta a. foal th"ate »mu ye;nDot eveu A ÀI. ' VWIN F. $h>ii'ie af# ail rîh<ht and hot hurne. .Thhuîi.. lty. lieux ihoulddbeproperly Laksuu camtofplaces viiere tiseeyeu aulId be. The wili ot lie saitherée fr a éuu.or nmore. (Jne f If weerpret aay v.tîwni. borne havo km irwhla .covened-wtth harsud s»ia. Gabbage Ltdtu= ?PO85< Radithi» Geo. DuIs-~.Z emi nn vwu ef éon wodnenday night. Ie a _______________olnisTeoi.l oheféewiltom&-l f)MIMi~I..wif lie, nanhjllfrffl the fort wlion shnt. Il5Na I.7Aicgtv.RoAim-Telaknill d Th Iefoti ohavl. st ouae.-RMo n daUi ida -__________________ A W t4~~I4uu. t>, Sîuîrday 1i inom.i.unarl. I1imade hia Collin. WC e A .UAI.Tosk iiihlat>cUO. WPFOP!OTG.. rtil, f wamibrrloiit fladl trI)OiIt .>l nl lit rea>¶y te llghlt. %oWtre a eesd poui on and ti bIig eottinamlydvgaeM or Wî~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~2.4 - 4l< . ~i i :uiy Ur êo~ ~u~rîTt lhe troopg eae ttoday to reinforced. The lateat despatcho. ac Star littie charit. moere% he 8oTsetbla4aoer l>v'~ r.Nî" >1.,di . liii'.~> i$t aflb. thinluuaotlîrmlnfrom herIr. foueea genei'al îîprti4inç n the elemen. OU son. ofMr. John McKe,had aowE DS GE S OULSTNa nA a drlHî1ý ,.VV h', iew lrotI liritit il>;I .îia ' . .I1hale F OI' tam illl ulIo n uOtwthoronuhfsreg aresaili blokaded bytUisec&" i rn ubelng = aond.Souîurut Viliaefr. Il iwi>e l..r/ iliir,4t eolteliten he iiA' oty h hnkfuil yriilivo e na ple eto peau-e enomy. Our britigffl gavéen.way wlth the . lismfzdWith ou usibai beesuplie- hw hi e ~n ne'c Ouiii lur -I'Llt ihit. 11)i ki llkê-Iýani juiotuiese-- c otir affoctionaté brother, fit e olhok, retrcatLrlign disorder té th&se edr the mdebOUmiThie. mixture 11showsIDS! EII taMu Pl'r. M . *îuIVb ic. ou flitr fênldriver, 1 eîs-ns. p.Tîer wmi~L obé s e o eet h " Isa-l. w & ous oeoumaee s M or R ItiLUI RFI ANCEIIKU I1le41>l ~TW PfIKT.-~e SUnP» eww one b mlti,-ltelfor eour roada are bad communoSd visashie, motier diueov- 1 '~1 PbluII.u.:M, iul nc.Osw, oolmpaaaahlS. Wu wlmh cuOir Worthy i?»Vae l.s.-mczauniai*11EGNJ u I S A D MSI R l~4<îh,1Nruî,t: .~u'<-:scu, r. oh N1'tsN ATIC'rtcroV'.--fled the advt. r.W. 'raylor, woffid look a&mu"i tm&. uedileaith w»tet onee u.oouredAu A S T i Côe, .7 hilîtrnlu, insne(,f teî- < Iobon Sn& l'ielmewhert-r gïvlng so vayat hls-earllest convenitce. omette wa& adulu.tmnsMd tise bey l, i.I MN Ot.~:grtisIît ui> lIê'dê. c i hOn >teinlt <f their tiimernivi 4 p ring att.rac- flVRTI lt LAiTi.-WVe are 13e«sdi. MW ail rtlsl. -[R@WvIW. emL NI ÂD WMLLCis-MT., BouLght Di.rectfonhe'a1uf.'.ers illisa çînfliuWhf-its swatt nitel *'.4 trwe',,,tt lion.. I.yh .eoc s d a tohe able te n4bice that the lgorermea .SUrnonitDLTIg.-MmaeAuuyte volM. nèrblet "t mnvt lh-i. iirte lie lias flot Ofueîî .ork e0.n'aeOnabie priecea. (ilvuther a, ungtneprs have heen insppetng Lhepropos, GI1ws wu vsa m ulay on avfrto LMa.I.c ID& Sthi hniî>. î.' uohri>-i îwî it~~ 'iil. ed worlr of cheartum ont Chie Outiet oo usr POLope. tls.u.st ofMi» iPeplow, Wa»,~h *3tua( îhn i h4inê' iurîi Iîl Gns-.n laétec !drm m.. W înîrttnd 'on g<>>< utho«ticy M<~i~'W onda j j»' G3 Vlu fryor ooy GIyo.ie r»P-e-on li t iu. feqlrîlr fnr tl-1 ii'etondt1i tlu @on topiiDaéibayo.hinrlu thst Lise work will beproc.o<eted wlC ist iiissiom te folovngWucady. -___________________ el iIII. C <d.ook wftt na foremaîsi in u<>y. îhe. oncy.:llu.sCt&5of. The woII willl have& lllntter.[uide-. -----«eb ltl'ssw mii hrtl warîiîni~î su> \?WVMr.. 1. n.vnah»oh~letCfor ail tise issdentwahabt tthse lm«.ETR 'RA W~ filerl ola-tul il ; i . it i l. - I ktiAll t r. ho l ina nti îcy fo r inRtirvilîheimtaseri sr 1tiae. h"î»' luiwt'iyî-t lurît "pahi I~t' îfamine.-..direct tise actencion. otthe councilitti tise wwO_____________________ eto -.-~e wwesofo!Englîsh, P l9 o .Xeons#U&gIttiIDUhemwo.lmou he "' V i V YL I- 8("tvth ami Arnelu'1'ntweedA, cti rely nw(o ont-o fTePot od m b»ueMmte elesding: A~~~i %%4îu pçl iMîîasrte. adcon-imltso han .'Fn.las-Tîna v*iî iestable. s:oai from DairympIe ma" VIloluy to OnU I4A I sK 'I --- .--- fufICAn:, Wwnerlyani seao'igodi nl. bl ,gl to Mr, Ilorsald BaIll, jris., took lia, tise latter' Ieng thse pnuop4e trading1haebn potdagtfr "Ivrîlf'utuehal . wê%viruetppore-Ilîi nayor l ie froma -oark fronta P le 01ruisbinh. atre, md e-iug tothe dlagnim bstweau hvben.pltdgn o aind 1'>'eve o! Drtla, r ted &if>ei l l<rnlnai îw',j< a. humng. l-isforuthe lrrwat otlced botis places, mam onovercamuby th IlIllt, hy pii> biiei ii < andereuim letfer te j1p,'<thf ii ~..ae vhohe building contalnng hie emi taoesoS al-il .blon mùn maciwtseSr,&4W te &O.N p#brtlinu.c *4r. .1in nGrn.vof! Iluat 1. iebw, îii-[:u-î.Iaehlu Mciii. ha n. u êlted, t.v n hrtrq,, I ire-, w.,»aslit eomMcueutly vo oeasloualy bhert part. bo~'tt.< o '.trl t wp.> at'.'ttuc. l'.4i. IMi i Sej frl> rop011 o'r, frm t ame. i<!thlug ernîîd be aset. User lmiux (>rway, ot.whe sbtingof E LSi I Y L S anti i4r1 -11mfilé l 1 theî<"Mnlfrtr" tuoetyB ltouî' eu'Ion , lot lsinivysm he hm> o lnltuaucebeuwApËil heata.yougmaafromDalympiaWK~iII>f À S4VV1<tI Au- l. i.r. ('atulu-rAiît eoutîî:'.îv il, Pîterlborou..ih for a term of & heghuufler. rove lghs or ten Umileojthi*tcue, ~ IdtIN w Li.Ium..u~ui hue boien nk4bc.iishuy *Vrr. I., Shî~.'or %VWi w1sîrMeîn'suce.sull S.sM.Jtin M& Ccwie olidthi. mUa.adtw&Iadlee-Whio aoomuçalud iieuei ~ ,t l;ii-'y 14 KacU hi..fa îuhii'uPlê.ruîl euuna>'lur. lon"J'oe fie Ranket" toteM. 0. à(cRa..fased mach by the col& and tediouajanu, n ýe"ie thihas(.ormrt a'~".~t'W re C-thé, oIuAÎurV'MWr Jh M'.ahn1bu « 0. olng teiif Ameriesu. ide ami vhchmay beattrtbuateta littleusup*- ad dsone lag.t irto!iiri'it'-ia&114iiI MI>>.av>i4.lhe àlmarfe andf" ia - few uiay'or ili b.r a gnof tpecirnein of OurCanadimn Ity on, tise part oftch. Young man. fHow. iq go'mht lliorner ti rooid 91r0isor tec"0'e"% rntîl' seoni l nne.C~nt'on a oiup~ leira ol'4î'di~4lIl'r i«. out a or ....-Ltt rA. Theoprice "reaUd o . __Thse reLleaot npuar icyuieslnn&d?....2 ?.... 1.......... *. a lb hrcolfdListe d.g < &afiqw 0eu ue f~ IU it S.m~U~MWfau.ieU- umw ssa L -S Ie.Sq uo u £ M0 M ast orev.t ar'tbeptvieooSsfet o.>.w*'bi mos em.*a me h * i 5. s it a ts 51i lin a -- -- 'i.- be« e 9 nie , COr'prI nefTU& dpuW â»UF ttome -ben. etcm . ___________ chr 11ore im~t riae th tmgI 14saritaaL. ummniuts b4ammeits gsa cul uni. .h oswI.evnigF ogb br4~8'ôd ail. feu' tto itpk et pndam.ot IhadL , *;MImmummmý 05 obM aits W o aw 444duqud jpemirM- Swg.t& b !ea .f&lmPR M lMk lm _R q a bg urtsp.tht f ItfFIiW ti ifflmveea» « M àspus . -EbD -~t's.U so. îbo t ie mlg ____ ____________"__ ob e u 0jiu , ______________ WMa *Undv"m-av#iww.g 1% 1h.Uly e (d.>Lrn..> V L ( jM 1 -W ý e.hrfW -' = -_ - -t. - -a rwf»va wlII M euM IL - . u l~htt.~d , ~ - u~ __ ____ ___oui_ Mis_ _EE eA~ M~ tu N ~ G'uo a - 'U v a OLOW % - -~ ~ ---------J X ESKEIT Wei Là, -w , VZL1i-5vusmL t ili t I t E s' 'r r -$ s- ~ 4$ t~ b