(E 4*~îtfWsi VOLUME lV. WIEOLE 0 1%M - -v Brftto~ Bras. BRITTONBROS. ,çi MOgT VATONE Mmi one does fot cee,! to b. a mîllonalra te mvm sgood,%watch lu these timesand If yen requirs one fou ingbt iust alWall get Il novaiM*Mt enîi youlaMy up anether se.Ooo. Wsg.bui ve Scver lower in price, and NOW je the time te There is fa right and e vroug wva>87tebya vstch. There are mtir fw vo have lnIethe vaong way tiret., because il smeelte ohopu sud tuost allurlng. tg as te bul troustn epm oible par'le&o. travelling "fakra«d frudaor troin personua ai a distance et whcr n uknov nothîrt .Yen have no recourueif yenaie de& oeived y them. The rlght way la to buy freinau anetbumsed "n- ne ha vlue@ Its g0Md assis, and lIaI If ou take the proper method, oine trau"hin viii auffl ce sud you will ho aatieffled nhappy. If you take the other it wlll certalnly antanl Porhasv ou vaut a watch nov. If m, corne and see whct vs have t10 eler. Au vs ol oel! goodi' of standard ment, vo do ua rten ge enteri mb competition. no fer au prtce ama eoncerned, wlth --catalegue', men and lnerat fdlama. and if jeu expees "a 081500 gold wvata ®'r $WOCY hat'a about Ob. vr ar iiey tvrtlee> yqp -il bcdluppolnted. but i you lamues VU5.00 i.. sjou cen rely as getilu iun5M vllu foritand full value fer your Mon«y ln &11 azy one sol xet BRITTON BROSI Ltndsu.v .iunhq 36, IAR -ta. i REMO VAL 1 AN 10iW MOYENS Ky 1"»M S TOCK or LUMBER, TIMBER, 8NICLE& LATHiI -TO-. My New Yard, NxIt lotie iSylventer Werks »sutb, vier a> Ne* Orne. andi Lumber Bleds nov o1.4, Wtîhere 1 %will have one of the mosto ceae andl safi-i Yards in Oritarlo fer farmera.tes enterlrK trôni Siîaex.*. on the vest cnd Ri aa.sîthas wes as oir the Avenue. 1 viii 8011 fer theaSntzI Mx We«» u GREATLY, REDUCEfl PRIISu 57o Saî'e AMoing. 1 Dry, Dressed & Matched Lamber' at $14 and upwards. Shinglea of' ail Grades, a&l Primu, from Soc Up. Secoti-olamà ean. itges, 81.K5. onur. tliug use lu Prepertion. Wef«Y comeitien le Casai auimers Cali Md get:Prie» berm buyluge. 'lelephone connection. Ail enders b>'toe. g iito'-lllone prom)ptiy attendod te. LInd4y J G 'h. i&~- T 0TIIE PUBLIC. -.NW- GUSOU UT& IX LIND~I Y. IfavIng hcriwht onît the findingesud menu- Ia IIn,- l'tc rim ]s forîmeriy owned hy Mn. Y,. il . iil,1 'va< to state thar 1 viti Open out in thme aImO; forrnçrly occupied by Mr. Go Gaiun, A FIRST*CIASS CUSTOM BOOT 06I 8SM W01. 1 hav- had a very large experienco ln Ibis lin' anýt have for 1hs- pa8t Ivoyearà bad chre 0f the' nn'macturimg &epartmnntwith Mn. X. McT'av'ieh. Iwil! maik*-, p luthe ver> etsye i kinds (if Gentlem n',sd lades' Boots anti sheca teord'. 1'ho iba-t inateýrialisalvaja kept and a fine stock of selered leathers. 1 vi)i ,k t1y friemlils and die genenal public te give nie R trial, sund that thoge whem I1hae. ter-ed to t!u- alfaîin viii givo mir mop 5cal!. ('(SiE T<> REST-A Bric oume YI on Peel-et.. vary convonfioty1C.- beRltitu! groîndm. Tenneis noaebue O ROM O'l O.RENT.-Three ione te, nr <a d pID11 D _ey Block. Rn. raý,n <'e entut., befida j'n. caanpll' Mtr. M. DUHKNY. lnduy. a« w l' V. SYc H, M. D., C M, (4iz taeof raîveretir ef Tinity Collae, 1"liow of Trinit> ' medl OWRbo. 9utarkm ofCleeo h@a n UOffIce and reitieuCcecrner cor Rus. el LsyuuItindsay.- t17. NOTICE. SCOTT AUTO - TEE TOUX OONUUT~ vin int ~4>fJLTO7~~ HALL, -4W,- a mi Uel> efm la te o r i ec Mtge ai edww~fmu eie ne l vhebeCWIwuiu lmg dui ~5sc um e e uawV s AAKJWAD~~ ~ UuL~ K ~ EN~ W .8 E I E .W FEU W -- ~ ____------F --w -------v w ~ T n a te I. t' I. Il s. il 't s. v. 'f B 't lE. I. I If r I 5 TIMORA ROI D. est daqs la the blutaey 0f oui'rha vi1llaeIlbel«g eth elea cf ?aof r Mc- Cle picotpei. fie vueler» va chlat coulti b. dasirsi.About devis edokeb i excuisia tradan vUs about 250 pmigr hu m ~ M Un i u ' m ther 0p in0" rve mi le jota U»e"Imm lrge0ea Wh"n vblcad al- m mut>' aeu oulth n e ginde, A"t Whe la m ma> cs u .tg atiwatsg e ame smatbbitum e bs oeeboe et rmullina i v iog 1be Tb. usem §geai, vin lui u a Mr hm m""le for.Mt>-N. am. sms t LusgeeashlIl &tusla e Bhe uemesthe~e . i» e i 0& 1w Be biiai." o Iitcuver cm va myXCOCala~ LlhpTeleIýa inu esc m-_k ~ugmcd ri l Iet e bas emrytthered ta dueurve au"a mdli 1wUBeverias. hIiISL 1kmaT m mu [Corupondeof ThPmtl PÂTEUX DAvua' Pic.NZc.-The largepost- ers a re ut 1 w lb. ab ai, Pic k .il e, l aI.t e b. hla tuWr. Rtce'. grae ou the 15h, md ev«7dnglespeinttng te a big lime. Â v e ~ I ~ ¶ o m m tt e s i. b a t v r giting lIl gala vim lUnesu. Wr.W . Usud. rid a re et Bhe rraagm e t t hBe grur Nade, Oa4 t c. meev eryo» ms b o th" lII - kitimeruesbave heu.o hasinel cos &Il m fl > s b aivees Ll I.rkiid Olilaetoi, Manon ILI . omTh. ilag lcnln te Bhe fro t i d n h . m s a ths~ , utu ac» We w ielltag.beus et tes»w pubis sebeoila eo. let i a t" l bbdo lejeshmvem m. u ase iiq n g B b dek s.6 C m i a v u u e - W r . . X L l a a T u u ~ é f p p ti ~ v y R n e m b u ti t c e Uasiuplbmn Mm 1 4 I t e r s ~1 .1 -j ( c c P J 'I S p s n b -s n n 1,1 TUS RATE. Coun. TAYLOR Sale notice cf the lucre ducîleti et the next meeting etca by-lav Lc êlu ike erate. STREETS AND BRIDGES. Ccos. WcLrEJ4aierinao etreetMsu bridgé commitee revorteti von pr--r-su lng tcvorsbly. e v as ac mugit delel mued-.b>' b.upply cf plank runnj cf 0200 ro th îe cousntO I the Vroachu of lbe Welllntnton.et bidge lerecoinmendeti the rep anio f tl foolpatb ofthe Lludaey.st bridge. TUE DEATU OF COL. WILLIAMS. COUD. STICWART Move, econdeti by Cous. TAvYLoi, thet ibiscouncli > ---Ma vitb deepet regret efthe untin.ly death ot tt.le nt Col. williams c Mauîg tb. Mitlanti battallos lu îl Nrth-vesu, aller braisi]Ilheb.dangese l. 9r ati vho vlîh Our mesme ebiy led 0b cIerge et Baloche, deslres te place os vs- nord cari sincere sympathy vith lIces wha have euffèrsd beneavement et blé doaté, vi bellevlug il to be sot enly & local but ase a national celamîl>', ast Ia ccoy fl ttiIs »esolution b. engreeuil sud forwartieot lb. family cf lb. lite, Col. Willllame.-car. rleti unanimouely. OPENINO ASTREET. COus. CONNOLLY Introducet ac notion to Rive notice te luterested partIes ad have George-st., betveen, Albert eau* Hamilton "op.enedatonce. Il vaslaimdifmwe Cranell nd P ad Musvlîtinly obstrue- tit l. oat. The motion va» v tltravu. COUs. CrustIciguaranteetigo te &H Il eb tiutios. ftmoved Pernauestly by lut October. lu the meastini. lhe rona mabe umiti by tablng dtowu th. tance. SHADU TRES. Cous. WINTZRs msOVd, secondai by Ceup. bryan, lIat Mr. Dak., Inepeoter of shade trees lfor the tovu, b. ruquemteti te furaieh ch. coucil wvU c full repart et #ai cre Itlse iby hlm sud îthe mis ef the parties for vhoua the inspectionham bien madow--C*ede. leAU? WARD ]BULL. SINCLAIR, lIt sea O gÙ rMu At vm te buth a pialformin- routt seuil va<bd the platfom tu b.e aBiglIu oslips G6feu h1,91. Counclilor Kelth, chairtuasof gré sud waîer cOUnm4 s, Iibucoamlimn CCus.WINTURS titevti, ueenàd b>' Co COM rE , ltai 050 b.usepmurlsguth t BeveWAT-ICrnemeedmem*ai b> Cous. TAYLoR, m«chate counclihmve la =p~4for "Miesie ru lme Wefillta n. rige porkoesed aivtias ftmort dits~ 0 the.v*.sa r.pakuo »"4.W 10 COVE? LANDe A um ab>' Cou&. <JoywoeL, r COUsBeaAE, fs e. emeMMe lw mi-udbe mhg 09 mufedm Uv K.ow WM b1-&R] llab id 09W M i I c I E s sel- mua M - ~L~&~Pw~ *~*i 8*1 Id -o-- ýi E r ailbadaetth lacfTHE L"TE Co. WILÂm.r Belf o ýet lpepular thrae e am e. e asegna»I scvso e efn ficr t evole colua, pet cul th la"aou thle vine aMdiboee lause thet bie ovu baîlsIOn, but vtthé. wreleco=iIt vasdmtbllthetunwmu.of maamd. Thom vastBe deepeet rgret ilit verasuc. Tht. e»eruaayMMeo ai the lais et me gllent au offiteer, vIo eïb., sm nreoerIl husbe"., uin hati paseti safel>' hrough tlb. vil, eau- complauce vlthBe sp~udet vlhst c Daum as n£ln ag tlarge proportion 0ut ileCOWt.air twCmant Prom Battl.forI le reuisin. Alixsudoer'momiesu s»uuid ~by vill b. entahoa. vis Swift Current ud Merser. Plomb sMd Dtehqk uorpeeti by Wisnlpeu la CIarge 0f Capt. ReMd tiasMemers. ScolI sd Vkdl. ThIbhoua lIes mcrt. dlvfditions 5r Alezs~uine bdumI SeigeM a lilquel died t rn peitoultis. wvicb vascarrietiby 39 te 1I& Yollwlni Be va.& Young mmsfroat mesireMlanlthe divid iek ii- very populaevtk hie ceara"s.YLI..-ÂIuea, BwIluwoc6Beldue (De. TEE MAJOR.GINERAL'noRDEEs huchervlle) OSI.Auex.Campbell, Camrvili Ils~ anpdibs opmmani .1 hi Oglvieo, PequePumirirEmu The Be lbilawti rigment, vle Oort"A.M Maer nlI E&LE ber. oer du tl op n elmo napela Ther. -Â nec * orreti lu lent sti mi t e Ian ,ClOmeIl.- g@ bnl g* lla uliva sulu Asl. setet orlng son.er nts eu fI. flmng hivauibereI Mre'caa.Tbdpra eu& ecult h. rvedm; uaftsbis heyIgl ieb e ecnieuI Iýv o Cl :' c remv 1Iotgouueu Bi. gl 98fIe aeu our'md a cbouty vMdcseul vt tdiai fc. agj ra met WhIl lia u u à" M EtheMtE cr..vr.r.age. ... oma.e&.t m ehe bowu hW inemea o Tr es et mang W. oa f miede, miui. adlêbu ave »iaM P . wlue gbu e, vu, l e u flsch p he t» s lacescan.B cfvi à"h mWlb *Mash lum mionbatung"d bmacons . Sus OMM cf opsty 1"h Ua " id r.u B ao iw st i sslassetis MMEuior laMas rppCor"enR. disoePut be mits e CaaLIs olug, II vs nil saw riiie p-ugmig Kg bte a mM1W p a ot " &Ùyuemwmà l t sb.u i ei a wboi uai Be duskil Be et ia d-Mopueçu$.i.vs m d oga Cl" COIOd& ab eMze.~lmsc .Buimhs et eudtg000109 BeI -1 M le à numCaumm aukw -- a n kiel tet . - ets~ t i: ~~ZCU - ic ln u u a g I. Il a o te I p I I I i I - us s - - ÉMU Ml boat voùli outide e n1m Iich It l id, betng staMb z pamble ofhi «« eio tvSmt m& Bd= abusa four ale ra i twy ùdWfcr lim te b.able te lomale he flom vuimmblat by he UtE lai l9 bhlliv"that lIe iýhle, meudl me ut th" the ut " dRioMd sthe a u W"r RuttJW wM WM OUot *buisb l" .&vmad e mIser&Ue e m 'oumin. e . md s ma S» M"w ~IMu~~~YmaI5 ~3==.. ne~u I ~ ~ i. c I a r F I - -~ .--- j * bu 1 1 j ýim Fý m , t A&MAmilLze UMWOM jlrjgtjLp,&-T,-*JwlrdIr. la- loklam A, tôt 1 DMATH0Y CO)L wIIMS. cm a o ai z.uormw Tb.aounm llatlllgmc. cf go sosdm duo f COL. WMÈUDhas*bsUmo n «M. manier 0 e k d batasli., wu su d wM b. deepet scw la a cees. Tne Md--eseu1t-as e dtala, *0 be% Misd loquent aributuePMldto the a.scr 0fdesmed by Mr. Ceum an Mrý Bae. Poar Rps asmumtla pro Joyfl reapil of 0f .veluntoersver stcpei sd obengetila their oeaceer. ....TMe eugorvlugbirsvu BgIVet"e C*lonelacmore youbmappummc tam hi «B eualyd, lboughhiodMtau a ppir te bi foety-dothîy et0fam TM CA~u VM or TE BATTZMIOD, jwy 1, vis qàAple, N. W.If., Tuly 7.-Ther.werstwo deathe on bouti b.the mmerbismcrsai amat simultamoualy, CcL. Willim.md Se. ValIquet No. ocapamy, Slxvp.ffth Bau. im The former complalim eorIlim om &uWds et obpamde, sud.laglad bae ab b . hevlolim e« a illgh su. mae. The cmsplng ioundetPIIIbils dm>pho remveicmuTuieday teb ««emer, vhersho ucivei alumasB rapldiy becue vomi, antiouThur«edh lIorais, »t lu. H.ieyerrecvemsi On. milu0essuAt 9.30 tht. Mmnsgpaied iecfl awcy, aith uhdMah i»un. « eced 0Te au hmeelngsfme 1 mues ~ ff geevyt pexreeuow tgref ms~~~~~~~~~O Ch lcre oe a al estdo Sucn".- Immvy svgémi fluou. vwu dwwe.N a ela Por bhm" sud mmbaihtud irua -s.DeeM»d vaic »ivOt Wals Midosai»ebi [ourmuomnm eae The beLl B Zn usA3g-ar. W.. Burbnet0 tI-e er, Ille tla cvuestln t"ea b otherday vat Mr. O tcyli i ih bis atm veYbm&d% latera&S&placs.mn nqmmpsbla fêl5frMr. au ke saI vii ýÎdmhmdu" b fr i»»eleh et FufhOx&.-Urs. Audr solmeS lot ftwj oc moseaer1h m avidt e Picw.Theanum à vs leii lb. ieou la tue uuel place, The ittuati. sau faisr andi a v"r ejoyahie lim 1 vas speut. ExcelleS:muge vas turmlldw by Wr. Moftearesingband. Tes va ervid y l. des udeverplhlngva.1 Ihs-l"ai The omiy dvavbaek te thue Plula lte l. evm bhe la vnbhilc the groundae mI= tle enait. tus vould euemcpa pr g àea c cet LWD5AY !'0Wli COUNcUM REGULAU xmONELuNz"NG-couxg,î. CATIONO AND REPORT-yuu Nàa5E SQUAE M IUOVEXUIT5..DEbo 010 COL. WiLLIA-MADI TRS-* vAI.» BELL'-RcMMMF r oFTME VoL. uuyuns-q i OWN CLOCEr. The ffuular meein«c lteva ncommai vas helti la *0counaeiu ber Xiomde «Menu atThe evenlg vveysultry and budlau vasu ueeieiitI lrIably. The comnml as u id to eder by Be Wsltslalheaeence tlbemayor. The ree.s ruilà a a.ofshort; duralien, bey. evor, as te ereding etthe minuldi tblmymemrdad tee bis ent. TIers wart K.ftb, couse. W - Sev- DOISY, Taylr, andaien SI eB& leeonn .,... iv Wo vW u as reetd vith a round of ap pieuse, d Corn amudell. COMUNJcÂTIOU, A ommuniestios vas rudivet hum Wr. L W. Reld of Ope anformthlb. cneil lIh" higaBoum the Milay Iracibat beug o nd slsMM: by nine ntou:'t.:%vers touai ons the stee et Linday sd lmpode .They ba don. ne damage. 1e2bM tO Psa ÔD50te »Let.hem aont, and asaékdchat ti ouW i under tb. clrcumstsucesaih realaula. cf the lie. Acommunsication frons Wr. J. She asklug forse croeelng la front 0f bie plac" 1Befurreto te echairmue t dmhemtreet sud bridgem untte&, A communication from Wgr. Jau. Thorn. ýdyke et Oakvood, aéing meccmate ive the Poundivensoved frontla front of his lot a It va nuisance and diti set enheuce velue of bis poperty. RHa6s8e offeved tbe lot forsle sud intoriedth le ceunoil boy tc make ae sil public Park et Il, vilI ?ountslietc. g. veulti mubscribi Ml tev rd suchehsee.-Beferred lu tovn prcperly cemmttes Comm. TAYLoR, ebeirmas cf tbe finance commlcte., attera tev remirke b>' v& of explanetios, reatheb finance report, W h 'ecommemded paymesenoft lifoilovlng John Kelîs. lire andi water .........100 John Makins, . ....00 A. Oartero. 4.................18 7n ConsumersGasCo.......... ........ 4.151 Consunler's Oas Ce.. ligbt and fuel ...111 7ô Chau. D. Basrr, printIn«g.... .......1310o Polie cor tundalhoun .........20 MAIRIET SQUARE impRtovIeMENT. Couli. WîNqTEP-, cheirmaU cf01 tevWS properl>' comiicee, commiiseloet to ovear se the verk cf cleaning asti drainfaig lb. akesquare, reported tb. von lmeed y the obsîruculons et the eld lhemelthe weîgh boueanti the pou r. L sinir$ h o ovuns the ell, bas Cèconneced' le move IL. He betirecelved a 1ev tender for bhe dre*ntng. I Sm I I FI Týý - =.AM, - L v JO !l 1 Mm, om-« z n » U~mm nu ma" mim-m Idke "a" omi&" BeC bn u à* *home setf omm U *0 B eVice am IV la 116 mm* litmm wmew veng etS Aimnier Cam#bUli udérteote cMa - thiamt-lapeaceceus.xrvl V muni abat thé mu'tesheotaupt à" Utis, sud em hfr Utk t« iuSmc du.hea mppei. 5fr Aleadir Osa bell aivliii Ie boitas te elhiuite th comeraof v donau.. The boum od cOOmoushm am a lvoem oRdent mma for ritoeSù ilspnaly cdausemstlbe a dmmd pevided hrteiulahmiMutpm - vioehmantust ltvultiboasou rsastobcveeetcmsoewuymemduana emmarlly biler. my eut justimCI a*0 piss te suivi chOsuet gSund" Soettsfer liquor, aupery. Sir km.adeen motien that mbi mate shoui bd@# aI s amedmeml vasencat by la go a0 àû. VIai ebeon moued lIaithe un ste souldmutnltuo a in e md heulu amedmius.SC MAezider Camspbell muni a"at00hi aedmea hould bb.ta. aed Won, as b. emuosIvenby tUe houai of commem for .Jolagtheamndis misi unaousd. ti ,parisûmut vam beund by the act of My recedlngs itt. ment eud tIaoi ilmLessd ounUes whist Adepteti the Sotausot hadne right te as mmi thet Is voulti neu b.repemietifor trse =irs s IaImit ve mnopctso te be i.This umrllmt vaswube. to doeanlplea"etu Me metter. The houam of commus bai mlrepeuested the lau boee&Il lIai vasproeulidti as&Maino eiîve a«M«on hould be tiaeCorepesi the sot la u Mrpuriclar Comir vîti day'. e fronmet mghaviwas l oobe KEPING SCEOOL UPU.-Mas 3"e . r tedskeepng the eSbool Open for two veeke t. th regular imeé for calg MdWIntre.oges for two ehJer BRUTUWED-The mauy frlende eofKM& James. Bryese vill be plemeed te Iema th ho hms returned te 'alt for a whitea&MOn us. ne gives a glowlsg accoua:of the Weil M e . lImau. of aiLtob. «We tend tu hlm a heaMy velcoine. [Cerreiiodence fThe Puet SCE00L PIcU5c.-A. vY en)= W o »si sd !~c c Mondor. uly Orb, lu s. s. 1I aupoa.Quito eleborete Prm lue by way of pltfoeme, esat.,bu o tee. greS, etc., vesm mde in the spaclous grounde attched tethe ecool. The in el lectual part came iret. Mr. W. I. Wherry, on* of the truâtees, vas elected te preeld and by bis agrueble manner oontrbu9àl not a littie le the suceuse ot the entertain. mnts, vhich censisted cof speechesrrsîd. luge, recltations and munic. The speakers, 4 Mâser. J. Cocue, J. Âwde, W. Iamy1 and Rev. Mr. Mfartin, dwiii upon th. bos.1 effits and Inmproveanents la our systenz 0f public Instruction. Some ef the speakers,c eerly eettiers la lh. township, coutrmsted the meteriliproiperly 0f tht. section cf thme counltry wlth vbai t Ilu"BS 11117 7i5 ago. The ruedinga aud tscllations by the pàupils, of the echoci under tb. direction cf thme tacher, Mess kePWfeilnffected equa edit upn leacher aud pupils. sBr ker prasded et the orgen, sud led à num- ber of seeelsud epDror" leeselectlons.. The Intellectuel part fiulahed, the «Aompai resorted te the table&-the soUd rud wblch faWry grosned, If the eri could b. suppoued te groas, under th. weight otthIe1 good thlugs. Talng I Il l uaiR Il vas one of the buet entertajuments ve bave enjoyed for bonze lime. FENELON FALLS. ln the lulereetttheflb.Sctt selct mag vas beld In the Memodiotet bh be our teW.C.1rlu. AdLeeee e vred e e. Wou= aon et Lindsay, Johu A. ichole, he ï vk u n emverance ad- vole suad others. Bir. G. G. K.ilh c- cupied the chair. The church vae crowded and tbe meeting c Most enlhueasliceone.d The W.U.T.U. in dolsg a good vork et the Feue sud laklsg asactive partin. the camn. DkO-WNIG ACCDmn.-Tuheday ïefu Mr. Lsllbertsmarchant la"orand 0. Curier vent 10 Greeua.whatar r tCoestili IIb. Not calchinit many Mr. Cuiter took a came.and paddled some distance eut on - the lake tu troll, Mr. Lalibert eremaislâuw on tb he arf.' Carter vas sot louag gneb when Laliberte board bila fr Mepsd thal h.ovas drovnlng.&=as pro. cuzred and assistance et once vent te bis rescue. It was nov darit, beinq latter 8d p.., sud vhen the cauee vaé fuud Il. occupant vas mimlsn&.p pu alng lh. trollng lnouehh as ttached. te th. casMsthe body of tb. unfortunate Mau vast drowupwvtl Utsges. ttespposedheb upeet andi net knovlna bey toeweita suda owlng te the tact thet dt rling lin.svas woun amoad hlm blndertng hlm tan hie.9 @UdeVM st e eini he became ezhcuated.0 se vMa sober sud populer yotjng I-ME4 about 24 ersfg, siemployed au b blcm rottkbj coudou M e canal. Be = M to the L HI rem ains vo era scoos. Bnwm.-The teioiv b. lem w &f . S.7?,cardan, the momth e09June.NaCme ti nerteila order of mait:--th dai-xanoe Nce Li" BWNoder Dri d ais-oreii lIy NeilteTiseLizle utin, NeOieM ein Frank Triame sNuit Hnry Jhhy; àmi dais«Mnr-John mNkche" Roche; lu aieju OhmuiAab George eels, s S osr1a84dais, l diam-Wanr AshbyFAM sCosser, naal Tres, Edwvin ébfil, Fraub Sheill LavA Pmuus luche. CAMBRÂTY. awrau.»-1 la with m~imre wv. reot1ereluiset t e. cooper oahme b U a n ta> Enghsnd. Re re. ports a véry nediomesd toemy runu V< TSYw-T e v. Wr. Drev the mùMmminitrounlb.henlfeu i circuit 0f lb. Meabedist ohurcb, Preacheti bis &ret mouRla Oui ehureb on Smbbath mae ta lrge cenurepllio.Mr. Drew a"o@every ilrangy la levr the Scoît uot Nrnw SEu,.-ign Biubeliy bhmjusl cemt. pltdàfiue shed thibaMho"~t cburch PEoNÂAL.-aew. Wr. sMd UM.Former of Sslby are visitlnc itb ams. Fracces Esther, Mr. A.1E. Come, durl t he Put veïl. Tbe tev. gentlemen pe=oedla lb. Enghlsh cburch on Sahbth evesing lait OBAZGE Smxens.-Wi undermotu4ât su Bumynd«sIbelnq th. lâth et July, th. mimber. t heCa.buey Oranglodie uan te match la lbe moruing, et 10.80&am., to the Priibpleim churcb, vbsm the Ro. Mr. Paeaun lU sddreee lhe nimber.; sud lu the ienltng they viii attendi uer. vice lu th. Methodat churcb, vben lb. Bey. Urn Drev vili occupj' the pulpit. CARTWRIGHT. ICcrruuedmc etcfThe Posti SMUmoN TO OaàXGmLAr.-ReV. Ga. Me- lay bai piomeea ce pru" a csermon lu theinrt Presbyterlai chumh he 0.Orag. mon et Carlvrghm on Sebbetb, July 121h t 10.30 Mm.c Tua BOrxE ANNIvURSÂR.-The balec or theB vill b. celebraîedlunlble vil. c sags by d Veut lodges of Cartwright on tha 13th. Grant preparationa are in pro. grain for thir reception sud acommod. 9006 Addrianar epecteti te bi dcliv. ved by' the reaitient inlisters and others. E SOHEOOL EXÂMINrTIONÇ. - The public school closet leut Frldar vltb a publicex._ éminellon lu the afternoon. Severul visit. c ors shoved Ibeir Internat lu lb. cause ci aducalion by thoir proenm«. Rave, Crslgh. ou sacd W. Wasblngton, ILA., nmade nome unceuraglgrumarbe le the puimils aet he t, losu 0et b.examînellon sud xprseid beamielves viii plesseti l th the lutelîl- Rence shovu by the various classs la the d îifeéreut subject.4inuWlicb hey versex«. F mued. Afler t, e sluging cf vacation song - e the chool rt'a pupls vers dictas , i te ngtoi .-el*irJoy lu anticipation. H'rymswà-5llill auotheryloung a as stepped ihto tbe tanks ot he bine. icté. Mr. Samuel A. DevitI on Werinee. a, Jue. L4th led t h arage eltar Ü4LlrzIe Jobb, et'the reedence et the P ride. father. The mystical bnci vwu lid by b. 3ev. Wr. Washington anmong a Iarem ,ompsuy ef luviteti guasce. The «preuentse orire numereus anti clegint. 3MILLLVaTO. l ICorresodonce otf Te Pcst.l OBr.-It la wlth mueh regret we record ti àe death ou Weduescday, 21h tnt, of el grs. Douglas, biloveti vite et lhe much Ji =aeteti Wr. Alex. Douglas. ene cf the fi e lngeciluns efOrilîle.The dAceaied pi itiyvwutheiidest daugbîeraft mr. John ae eancman 0f the township of Oro,ad vas C cru about the yeer 184M sud w»s married i c ;o Mr. Douglas In l8&&. The Issue of her tb tarnis am w» rse chiltiren, et vhom cvo ip lagters sud ose son survive ber. Wr. el Sd Mmre.Douglees settlu InOrillia short. ae delr their marrieige. UMi Douglé as d meu allis more or lus duriug 1h. pont E hmrie bà =iip piiashicb resuil. ci Iý la blcond un vith talaiesf cet. gverythina vse dosfor ber by a ilui n od lovlng husastid, e love reciprocateti u pi ira by s vite, an cifectionate mother ca tic rin sd eni inelgbbor: charitable lu th. pi ilhut degree vthout discrimination; aun*v oelarymember oethe Methodit w àuch iligent sud practical lu br r. w igous dugone, curtecus, ta thos vbo t lifersid from a r. In thie conneclios ltla tii Ieasing le bnew tbet; aIlthe epirituel cou. le olelicu of the church contisually sur. eç ,oanded ber drlsng her savere anti pro.ea ucted iinese. Sheiedina the boiofetla w famil, wbo ccmterted ber lutitnl mments Lu Iiespher. Thus peaietiw may frot our midit a noble veinal ho merIdien ef ber litesud uaefulnee, or mIryng vith ber biyo thie grave the el mng asti gond wie evrygne tht th meve ber. r.Dougla su ani mil>' have w, me mutre sympathy ofthe community la tir very mai bersevemmnt b A Orum 1W TmE RIeT DIEcTzozr.-Th aza ww Milllnglon Pastofice openedti ulon to me lat lInt MallseIish is a v.ek, :«@" m sThunadaje sti Smiurda>'s. Il 1M cmlii. te be asuceés as Mr. A. P.MNe. m 1 1 r .1 -l 1 ltas et Nia& no.mcâx.Te3v Mr. Millet, B.., pulPit hbeson Sundandsud-isvirui sa U mlle m animp"ul.suno.Aucuualy larg udience grumeW iesBu apaac DoNDncoeeurolbratiss of Cuads's natioalsiday hem.wvasa dacid. id succees. The dey vas very âne sd vebhethe11.larguet gatutbeg Iim ew« seinm la 1h5 is s. The ta"bles it formaei lau ne anti eevlly ehargeti a% 1h. proper disnnr heur, sud by the assistance oth aters heu tibm greuntifor twe bouts et deedly Ceabat. The pmetry va., leudly .pemiuui by by éali. The speakers vho appuneti on the stand vers 3ev. Mr. Melletse o Atherl>', 3ev. Fathe, Davis et Brecblu, 3ev. Mr. Ammmltrang cf Onilk, B"v. Mr. Mouilla lPiesbytenlea ilalt rý et Muti labe op fument and 3ev. Wr. Lawrencc e rple. l*be local $sPeab ers vire Musrs. Wum. Ivory anti Jas.Mc. Crucbmn, vho as usual delluereti ver>' lu- ticu-l spcest. Thlu li eth i"velanjehe latom.lu hecourse er lisaddse = he cleerly shoved vby there shut ea dammisettoual union et tsi. log bueblvfor vs bave aIl lb. Csend lu ve H. cloutib>' slresgly cdvcel- lux temperasce. Swings, croquet anti bosfl wg vusfreely patroniseti by a&l vbe vus luclinedth laï va>' Tes vas serveti etlbaproper bout, atenvbch the elec- tien cae vas put up anti contastei. Mia. Jennie Day anti Mue Eva Ivory wve the Candidates. Miss Ivor>' cannidlb.eelic- lion b>' lhlrty-live votes. The Dairymple choir caruiedti treugh Iheir part succesa- fully as usuel. The proceedsaemountet l 0M0 le be devoted te the parsonage funci. Tbanbs ho oui Breoblu Mrentis vbo so gen- eroumly tuined eut. Prnw..-Ur. W. Ivor>', jr, bai been, visltlng bie fnientis hore litI', pion to takita trift Sait Lake City', Utah. We tea Wlli Lgeing te liormonize. ICorrespotnnofe iiPatl Nin LIVERY.-M. Wm. MeBe.*@4for ýmerly la connection vîtheIlsHemilton Bouse, bas purchasedtibehe iercutill of hoth the Hamilton anti Ontario botels. Mr. Mcea shas also added soma sew sud MINO N roýDAY CEcLEBRÂTioi.-Tho iot of Jul>' celabration boeswuasàegrand sue. eas la iver>' respect. The proceeings opeetiith a gaine of lacrosse betveen "The Eastern Stars" et Toronto and "The Eheckere et Beaverton. TIers vas no Mame of an>' account. Oui boys hati the game ail te themmelves, and Ibere vas no exitemenl. The nomes&foîlowing vere tond anti veil conlested. The follewing la a Ule of _prlae-winners :-<J0 ytia. race, open-lotILH Barbor, 2nd J. Gordion; l10U 'tis. race, amateur- let D. Mellan, 2nd P>. McMlllan; 300 yas. race, open-lal H. Barber, 2ad J. Proctor; 20 ydu. race, aine. teur-isI D. MeMUllan, 2nd P. McMuIanu- uarter-mile race, open-let J. Gordon, 2n2~ LBarbeu, obstacle race, open-lst J. Gor. don., 2ud Jas. White; boys' race, lot B. Faier, 2nd W. Ritchie; egg race-la Jas.ý WVhite, 2ad John Gordon; put tlhe atone-let A. Monlaomery, 2nd J.Mont- gomer'; lu g ot ver betvein glants of Mara and Thora, von by Tborah hahirng vwo eut efthree pulls, amid great excite- mient PEsmoNAL.-M. D. MeDougall, ouir re- pected teachen, lefl bore on the 4th tuaI., vacation bevinit commnceti, sud lutentis, fIter visltlghis relatives, te lake a rather extenalve tnip. ?lltlng points cf linereit. wIthin the Dominion. How w. are le gel alongt vithout "Mec" during the vacation la e question. LAýCîouSE.- We sincerely trust that lu th comiug centest between "The Check. ar et Beaverton and the Grillia club, ou yul 14th, th. gaine vill haconductati ai =uy as-these vhichblave hitherte tlion place between the Ivo teae, the games &vays ending la e matistactor> manner. Drilishm lien nligbtly or viong>' bien ehrgedti Irough the dally piper. vlth belng "elugaer" anti playlug brutal games vlth Peterbore. Noueetofibis bas Dver bienudiaplayetihbus b>' the Grillias, md the>' anti the Clieckers bave ota playeti bore anti lnGrillea, ant i t Ie net kiiy that nov, vies playlngt for thxe bhamptessblp, Ibe>' viii go fer forget thera- ielvis se ho doan>' "sluigglug...... W. î8>' add bure thst eur turm reeeived a perrect ovation athe station when re- îrnlng trom Peterboro lit h.hecham-' ponahp aidal, sud lad the notice of the Ior> been neceiveti moonar ths citizen& wouId bave given thein a reception whieh woulid bave equallet he pnoposeci eue te mie volunteere. On ch. eveniug ln que. on" a proceensienrahlgfen LIe statica » th. club ruoms (hait a-mile) vas formeum. weryman arryngeabroon, Ibheouli' rtv mas Camin t ovu being brought île requlsition, sud-but ve ferbeq giv. au su' tiurtber description. as vs do fot, '1mb t h urt Pelerboie's feeIngs. JoTnxus.-Odteliowu sud Marnons are )a tienras bers, lue ebeinz initiations - -el