lem#e ......... .............e.. .......... ..................... MIÉ..? ...... LI ....... ...... ....IA.......... Éu11 LINDAYIIIT. . eL qovr Or TBM~EX....e# d&aIt4. .LJ moelit proptiontsy Munion. - OThek? 11.R e .e»h amosi taite.~ -A ne« oi rnelit mmop at N bMThae era hisako oChe l0 Clîereoitltiu'and IUtwof 1 *Wn o a, hindh. ~,5 i -oT' 11 tiMent nthaîl îl tE LbM. n BqI -lh Th%'U. a mpedci mtoe ah - linal taer fit -ae bt4n e rmidhgeront$, 't lti a mektrupolthe euade -lie W164 o ce tloline MOIî d -111 swe hyBarnp piffl VauMW* .lt ahertie en.,11hzt -Mt.an Tati t iWho wmt bossnii dalsyli htttelgl ;Tohé tond u -tand&Mt am t aed .in onrdl te talo lfda wpk1, mr h hr 4j hae llt% o defriwol'd . WitIinî, t imekeeplnthe.t.i coni«ti rioi bhn hreoi veeaty nlir hhmli, tr b a hait-aic n th, hut W iveW] octnff tm dlng an' xnk T grahitht'foowtflg aflOtnIf etiib a, wetkly and cUnt ber madn 1Wbi -o!-ïlit lg oe e tiaMo. 6 A ceey cwned hy Tdhou M orelipnti lait .huln elincvo.ui rongstronte lnlamter shofu hatelth nienod ale . egS I.ao.î Wed tony ata t pak flotrvuverd tntt tr aout.e P& *ioml0n oOsff.om#. WOSSifa Mmitobs a fsow m gsocm a buih h .inli e 0e6@MsOrthti n'îitJ>ay. A fowq « aholUt4 tn. aM4 Wlut= a"itt i t wpan iimend uth ýè onor. t MelcI f0 -'W p4«tabev Kta ta as oo b.*fieo. leagl 1. t ta la« «»Wa go aw meaMi oeplelouecswd,.l S bu dseewawI" e gat b un" Whi. Mev tMuamm49s Md4 luteui itpmo l Jou m a wb ~ IfW.d dosusta IPh ,'nus1aw ua&0 lai .s <hri. ffw, w»h0% Ihsftle WCsit maehudg boa ~-am tv- ..mjuM~ aii Vie fr==Rat ? ~ hWWbusik.,,, et.. - % t- 'e.. ~ A wh... à- - mm - motmoà" vlodm aietadai m *D=~ w uutbéW.Lvbe, gli.et MW»tr-P.M bUM& t kdC se AP tbe l MI, e a hl t e l c Sk eflou"dat nID lienu ut tueiOuu. uIIIIII.-Z RUK b thenams SUO i. -ne vS Pt"WIS u et làe clu,'-et ont e Îwhu be*ic0f ue AL W. Reecif. bahmU &W" AL 0ad tu au ~ ai~ wa HW if »U W - lla . M is etsud u t W eisk "u i -fmul e UghOmar, M e.nehlie, 1u hhu -Fmao.lu Vge tu nteu impow .glieirtgoMg11Mlda vo 1 et t -ius, enb kmam 0i-DIusM M -- - -M lotis»et wi" ôm et Gum Y 17, 101.hm 111RIMM e Ueuli.CM a U »VçwS% la m Mkou a Labos ad litvaisue gOumet brd BKluhulew Viii*»ie am PoruprMmvictime aaa stteask.i cii. lu Oe hmina. vTa toIue mia" ie haetesshW msu ate"c -4be. Fmouo vewmm wuclml 5~5Ih u~ the vl. « < ustlou-t on,« er19,00,001,Mi. UMilWUyvriiss aera ais et cilla iSmitev mea- .ubamav u.-unut. lluO e i t~.tetMtusent S». du à» she Sudar la Wautw& d~rubo m o u - - ~ Y i a . g . r o e I ab bt " o C h . e lt I . il OMMalabvtow J .Wllamuï et Ia n'vid nt bqOUited e 15Ptii. TtU trIttoso»u b-eM~csh Engad, la ApOIl luar, hv hW aos WOLvod la iâtlii f eto lage. bom s maceu, o m. or esai" er. mm" hm KbonaI. Ntd vitude fer lillug &suma.usaoiLuno, theaoidifS am tUmtid. UZ am deeldai omch.ealaytlm.uoplog Vluu"l ratl -ue1. IFMuEitciambouet h màm ear ae wae almm M aeoow<ibyvota sedMampprpatim ue or M e puiamamamip eaqulai. [wvdb Psud.dbY lb. tte ltu-ntauiuWau -Theeeummgom th le biu ailvee dIeSiuàr mVeuili-eh"libbinla GmuteWa raolad smculau iqTht&.*Wtahi<.e M ** Met. Tii. w"d M e l aComnnteut0 e~P18~ t l0e Gate pubhiation ofIlca1 quafstirort ou-uWsuui' vcded sudiii.police am . a imef Ime. llbI, lain- .VDmM.ll uca amMrpyle VUrnu à"u a e ii QM 1h. p,,ch w à. plauevosaboi, !inlbd g alr .st meevS avsdaynmol wrwffl u JWM b"oh.b.diaCUm boum afmter. mm»Sa b.UntStve 4 âe a u. Ulcoellemapei, aMd up t0mePRUnabout OOfOtmebb1 ebtsps1luoot hIe puua. Uanlubyue peom tiu Ulmd plc thmmw- Puiso bamra Cuutumi.bw snso a tu elamit.~~~~~~~~ th.mna as hlh.p.mu~la e r*ua.0<al.l MdC" t BL Beumsr,&. hop b-oaper lm eii lUe ulds mrna Ma UM ami te u hiMasi ,l &ofly ole4Wa.pat tumoU eMMs to VahkerIMM g~ o M hIeao:b.oatUambleit oms, the ldm canniaMitKM.SOM" Mm Wiell twé boi@msd rucelveduw nb-a. boelagit iUlMMîtte hr be 01 mvleu 00by Do. J. i lto dm .public ntapon-le=mii MMSdiiunag&e E.lo» u a hwaempmu -A- London cible aaye-4ai Un ~~ Whleh riet entigssl es&à tu .Setimaut bouda selai coifunée tlaetE'nl e M. air.ateo lonent tvillqage.as&tenaithe rmeW"t muiIMa» t tDublin Vtoumndse ofafflea ofcropeam. under P rO»et fumnlshlug uo W~ la Soth mEmoqsy, cugaiesanot Witor W &,go SDten i au olon.gs mpenmlen-et basv.mdug lu.a mn. chah WeSst1Mr.l xio.se mtu rahether dmtii.miy lhum smuly pub. - A*tIL. ]D, et Wefhaiqr, OUI ,itit mJme trom rmlami <ue mm& ua mDent:- -W. fmlyoras-otheecyt ]&ip» et the Imash cd"se s meant tmadtd Mti.houe suily to Bchtan s ~ ta s.Prmlp ouîuluamk.entMduam W adet hb a oluff Jilmuitgo do I>I, lua ieWbce down. alouttvsatyftest et bm~~co ur m tnMIuMMlo et els 'lY111,Wolfs . c pitot ut, bnaktu mir Ca ï. ,btnIm Z" lue~u av 18 tachew nockJ ,cauag inermi doati, snd luurlat i e P' t »fâ W. Ie lappant a ters ineekuo A -rcleUae s . ci uircanaervatlvest lu.aiderta evoit y C) tMheàr lchanc te9e. a ntU tryMdiIlluera f thO bM usrnod GralusanhumilIa, a. mt 0- ca*ncentary candidates, lise lie iim 1o s1 mo t boms de~ai ircvan&a awd eMmed-& a. Mie bera cih. phislen q erpus, vaé *tMpWU&IemtîP. Twc orthr.adagelatm boue la Che ex <e.wtt ma phn ho got h. rme mraby terible Pain.olloco by e.rmim*y et pmseouslg lb heedyaîsa welllnn et the Hp, maUUm la desh. powmv. Lro go admwolo-t e eume mogmahi )M eventy -On Thumday evaiing ab verte thune t he ROPaMwe, ~*pwPoui bd of maIl s'or mmpalmidover Wlooderocho tlhin l.000,090la. S1'umy ii'blle te s f mot C-1chki MimIboIummaand CM Saou110walarai. delicîrarot lait pear sud lO&um 'Otlth,wlllcb bKv. George 210»r, *eîuln ncar th*. mis. Thge Incrometa the sîso-ue s-pe 1 crop bide phonoeli BRosand mail iore office, wrase t ll~OO,OO0 veot etOumlt, e 4 kuog famnitble, bue necvmd ta tara uatod by Mn'.Ch 1es-unqmbt gbreemi out beurmiaft.vm The. elemffapit olle se »for ichael hllf.oCon. Thuradu gli the m~a. f-à* MomeM son. tue. a bluefair fla Wh" aillihn W»i. imsls te e te neKCti. seampauloi by Oim11111:e mublbw sg due1tu a. tb haiét a million rltiiflolnàfti te ,la Che ad.nfrahr macouai.. chia * tii. plà, Ichr.i 5Si iane laSeNt orthraok le, espueet WexpIad ue Pauttci.Wé» &Y wh lk m pubable a. cornmfitzs Winib ap eh.fluerfa5ll&geamine fu, hulist. te,-me aimé amus *e W ,i hm d u r s an-'m-' ca Oha km et "09"viâm m anft WCeia a én=rm W4WaZj ai69 vai m ne . ti~. io weeo .~a @mromui cve t ý9Jiemi màb Newi fa ow à bim pu, fa-eh Bd vs. vasbu ihlsi i eut0adiumea.. r sm t uatmiwfm WeOhubso e&ladt u t iiih'0 d b a IS ai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mm aW qiu a i.m- lagi 0 k muS Tisi m.m- uêIw - laiquai> w w s o u b » Z U T . ? V -o- - - - --IM M , - ýi M!F -lm î . _wInu etutglu" ma S Sl adhuLIemslufB a m~lamlialaUm.am, utm OM iii ai mi wu stMa~Cmeu~ îeOuutli c manbua unm w eti 15 m BDIM UM qa msai» mil ~ OuimIgaanumveet.. 29. jr - . - ... . - ria REMOVAL lea ra- -mu- dli' My New Yar& mure~~,aa. mew BE o m @à> - " w as" k, ia. r ate anma. ~ s Suuni. iewm;- INOb Teiphee cumnmt-mAU crieraby tal" BM Os rtaepe.. prsaptijrattafimita. tidr JI h. ERTANE FAre w tsale or te .Wen± VO &7R ALEi th*lbtoranship cf Thanh M wýImprveti fhnme, one, belng ceai- r lORD. orerua ae D, 119Ll4T. F }AEK FOR SALE z âm t coh lm nsmrechoppai. oued Il ft soiu Ches NaRBON & 8311MH, Llaiaay. effTOICI BUSH FAR3! FOR &AME I- -u*aitfotlot #. cou. M .traMUhp of Xam ,containluu 110 acres, mU itmbrei rabu -t U bmuin aiwomimaple ani beach; mg l ay wtoD osi. tl-cvithia k mile o c ooas; ramas a excollent. Toma favorable. Tlle imdiunt- &be. a toM L]TAGAiET. cri?. 3 INmiipoS"FOR SLU.-lngSa. hf in M a 2h abo.t i cbaepntd. ccii mciandu tvated.balanc baiaet uh. Nov and cammadicus bk ouse;rn ai hswae foandation; geai Waeillamid air gorchard. Three quart- er. eta s Cambray Staton.- ùm Z= &a 5aieu from Llimy.: maboolaid Fcurbeomvenient Prionda' meeting bou on the corer. For furtber par iuaa In'W &RODGBRSýon heprliu&j Vi0M VOL ALE- Being op. E ot the WEST 1HALl Or LOT N.2.l the UîI&k CONCESION OF TRE TOWNSffP > Ou' Offl. la liaConty cf Victoria, caataimlng M41 acresmore or leocfwhicit &bout 05 acres amra dani-nierealtlvation. ThebalmSc lseaurclesr.The- preorty lamtuteabeut t our mile. frous Llniaayoa u ui.rami& Soi) dar. in. a. Oe ut" 0fet sfle..Weil cuirai by living sureaniorigon a rar m t pi ceIL Ternis ommi. App 10 aOPLN.ARY X OLEAE.T. Barniters, or rATEICIL Xc. CABUL ac DsI Nous, Lînias. Lliaag. Ju.ltIL-14t. lie townmhlp ai TherMhloc 2, o.,m17&OMM ne .a té .olyoa Ther re me. lue g bis geai ha &ho&tume gâ. araui boums, and tram cela et enfe. Itl fl ailes auCaulnu t lre. e, asWoei- viitwe. Ser a LneqUll. mma e.nitro >.samu. ]k la cmlita &Mce uamSleur- mi. lse baamosinc l e timbrai Timarean 20 Mile troua lafrot o ltehfma.IFartera apow le DWARD I. noS2 m naga p. }YIEfl-LAU TAUX R»B AiE tathTowmloo0p&.Tbeubssrbber fr m" th" . lii l.bnowmam propery, OOMÉWa Mannuabeng M W. quarterai loimMd wMhait of 1«btlu Sai m eula stOps, mewhiat lite a .ubtaianlme M a .hait iclng nbous, 1..ci ft^meitra" clii *eubas m la " i.b:tlba lua" b" _ m aish %;Fam, 2b na. CtndumiiCeIL na yupariauI- . jem. WuaMul m lmai me cdl Sei abaimaMms Ti I~ ~~~" tu M0,a ~I k>I ~ o r bzo Imm babaqu h. mmbu s uomb etNb ~& w. AUZ leumJ MMN m* ~I Prp Mme * I <- u. Thb ou etlisum ma iÎMM am A. e=p 1iy.mu T e Ue barl.ulj. rm Otaiai ouets hh a ma wdm botter 7a - Bar mupiowa iia tié belle teg-5~ o du u. vu"ea tutmg4l t Mv lum à% mn:9 nepilp oser. Tii. hu i um Bar, @Lwanmumlu heis i liua o dara VRah12"yua ami aIlsatIva halier. Andrera boom mhe nid Mmii rain thOata iM. Husieadi thatho latmdun luequal to aup hotainlahlb. ut.. Cnvmmam Mampl.roma.e. m'bu. ta aU*trm. e ra aime keep mes &Wem UlVurp Eaol U LMtabilag JOHN KENNET, rprma «esrouc, April la . IUlS4. 3jeATRU BOUSEjENELO]y furature agd.d, maklilMmotseond t mena th. onaty ,Tl.mmiPleramusaro ai be MM crier. -n-la comoainfor teurlata ami viaitor,.Rosaslark m id e uvmUatted $yIILIA OUSE, 0 ILAJS Prepdisea. Tht. verr popular hotel, minethe. mec management à"bunumer. ge. a tbrough romma±ieaand beu conte Iee reiurniallod. The. ProPieor bavinât emruoeof expertUOnceat ti.buainess foot canMdeat o! bo&mg able go attend go the cmm. fort of gnons oum ta mphotol la Ontario. The. bar la u spli with tb:'. broaise o DI Y. OUSS KENT.8,LIND. Ledadla un=ou on. a! tii. leuding Ceoridcouazy. The. promiseshave bomu equiPPed witi neaid baiamoefuralturo Rocs ilargamindoeilventilated. Evcry attention givea ta traveilen, The bar l.aa daiay. aid everythigthe but kept la stock. Frei 'hu te OaMI a&Utraina, and boua Llmdaay. Juno lai. -4.y ('PENTÂL HOTEL, (Lai.s Thomrason %P ose)Port Perry J. j RZUON, Pro. preto-The uniermgo. algbocomo pro. tr oetaithe above io l uaeeto ticulara roallpfIrmt.C"a. ouse. Everypat it bas hbeua reauvatai. overbaulsi d thor» 0ugIr furntshei cith On. furniture. Tho table, miii bar wdlib. suppliaid wih te bemn thO manket alentis. Everr attention ril ho g ven ta tbe canvonlonce ani comiort o!fusa Te stable amd ied aiaccommodation 9lavery extensive and eftih. but qualty. Every oilbrl Wi ho ut forth to make the Oriental mepular ami teiriLble rnt fer> ail requlrlng hotel ac, comm 0 tion. ultable ami convenieat mzpie racn. J. J. RosXPart PoryAJ.9 MRW UEN' OTEL, CASNNTIÇo. ThZe drmignMecwtie oes Intimago to lis puc Uc bat lh ba aalaleauthle abovo otel an mtkbrugv rencvated. flItai mi for nimen ln u tyulo. mceni taomnl tihe eie elprepard taafflreveryacaoamo. ilant le mv ulicla aneral. Ti kfladvery commodjoushousa 00«o anaconenintacoomnxaioa fobrtnvehlers, ta rahcm peclalatteation ciiiho given.Lam ani well llgbrei smîpi eama. Thseb*CM aieWOl supplirni e s tho b oeoaccla ai liqum oreun igare t ail imes, ThSreI ima la comnection Unt.laasthuîga i h& oastal am eyplndyadmiaiaAteiv Teterinary Szrrgsona. PlneuftoT doam-CmaeTrm. I sulentifloai pr m elet. Icia sby taeumph ¶a~~Yatteneiia.Qem admi ~GRAHAX Ir.S., odmte of On-. mancd lahi&kwseïnopreparai te tre4tall raaauofanùma>tnthhmlatiwtantbeat avtem hacran. Ollica opomme a. iLZB 'pa barnen &hop, on queusairum t Piprry.àA cal). br mteraph or tirrim tende«. ta. art Pirp, Nmeiiy.L ~y .PtaNKy leL @@sud@ a hutapposs ~.Il mia w ahmrlaeuil1w t,.AMRm. ~FSe, ýL P. &5 Omaata DTuC.s ]I, - suralobor etceils.. Phymas a Mi sur- us, ~.. Ulamra1SuaLite émmi contée À. . L . 4..MP. IL O. rk» Bu-OW &GRABÀ M PY P MRý0PIM.EN. I T.). C. I.& ma AU»THEOAZ m th i.epr*Bar maiThruatTnimty Mfium"u b. liat. 0= ubsiai a" ineCetra u~~Uanmàglb eu.ma Mihrat JOHNXcSWEYN, BABRISTRR, 80- W D (RBA BTER?,AT X a.TORDEZSollsul mitet Public - '20 fIlE .bffaentat.Lndsay. & MIHBARRISTERS, P. ~ ~ ~ e Ir. UR+N .NOPKD<& HE B. DEAN, BARRI TRI, SOUiCI. e .TO% ~Etc. O0111m Doh.ur black. Kent- te àjýampb.ll'a Qrosrpstore. B3. BUbSPBTI aJACKSON, BARRIS- lUSPý--TZ.Q.C. ALECX.JA&CKSON.1 D... cITYRlù&E WAT.RTBARI. TE». A BARRoISTE, SOL!.e . R ELIN, BE TR j! A.RIO. etc. Couaty CrS-a &ttomrne, Ckcf' ieeu. CULdi ,O&SOfi over Hov .storpe. et-t K H&m AYES, ÂI'JORŽ?NEY, LAsoli =1or Coera&ncer. etc..MONEY TO LOA. Ofic: CmeonaNew Block, Beaver- ton Feby. SK18i-3.y Y 0 'LEARY, BARRIS. O)TESàlAttrney at Lawa Ulicitors la Cbancerpetc. eOStos, Dahaempàlcâ. lent-si, O'Rýý LEÂEY. HUGU OLEÂARY. j Offl MCSWRYNq, BARRISTER, AT- toraey.ata. olloltor la ChaacrCon- vOyancr. etc.., Lliamr, Ont. OMMic, ail ton. Rcoh metitmii Ket.mOumtrance two dceiel.mlhz rauzc=irada arwreaore.-114y7. p> J. NKING, BARRITER, SOUICI- L e' TORt et the suprani. Court. Pratoraci teMaritime Ceuni ComnîiMaomnr. Co~vy .nerNtmraI7 Publie. MONEY TO L ZÎ. Offce avr heDominion Bamk. orillia. July Mouzey ta o anX $5.00 1 PRIVÂTE FJNDS TO olam c afmaai roMer, la saraof U am upardson avoable terme. M051T LENT 03 FIRT MORT. GAGE& a lmprovai FOme. E0UO M aUê IM toMS'k RAMET LAU m n LlidayFeb. 1m. UL-I. MOmITTO LOAN Pri.ate baista:la t no.nable ratas or Itarwutan iastsutborrorer. JOESWXMý baaistr.Lhiduy.. LlaaaI CU ,1SLl. SMM 6 iSt 1TaeooN miainim u 1, Incleasainutt att lb.~rao&kt UONEY ~ JOAN PYWO. ~. go iemj et - w~ - ~miai maamu.maauf uYaaaoe~voe I ~ 10 i~-A ~ ErnueI PLIASBO 1, UCNOEER FOR, .12 liZCuneo VictorI i Brock. Charges moderato. Adre a Matil P. .O.-lr D ROSSAUCTIOliEER for Eldon, .Cdnandi Nortb Ontario. Bailiff Slxtb Divison Court, Cowatr cf Ontaioi. Addreme, Beaverton Ont. W R. McPHEE, CIerk of the Muni. YI 6clpalty cf Nlar&. Atherley poscffloim. Momey te lInuon fartaand teawu Properti at 6 per o-7ly JOSEPH FOX, UIPTERGROVE, B& oahi f the :Sevetnth Division Court Aucticaiser for the Townsbip of 3lamanam Rtzai. pterove, March 1. M8. -b0.ly. JGILSPIE, Cltrk of the Tth IF DivIon Court. Cemniiuslonor in&PB. Coaveyancer. Vabuator. .Money ta loan on muet favorable terna,. andinlaany pisa te stuc borrowers, Give us a c&I ii. edenc:e, Upter. grave. Co. Ontaio.-«.»ly. D BAGEON itACC{UYTANT, AGENT, Land Vahiator. Appraiser, Ett-, Officeat lie AUCTION MA RT. Kent-et, Lindsay. A fera tesirahbe TOWN RESI. IJENCES for sale. Lindsay, Feb. 11. 1181- os-tf. L.BÂRTHOLOMiýEW, District î :n Watertovn. N. Y., anti the Coufederation Lire -ssocatIon of Canada. %Ioney te Loan at lowest rates. OdIe rat rusirience. cerner of Ruasell ani Georam.sta. LindaaY. Dec. 3, WTIONER. V.4LU.ITOC Et.. fuC-h toc nso! Brook. Uxbridge. Scott. Tlîorah. Ram a Ua MaripesaantiEldon. Pairt iesen- crustlng thelr sales ta ieniinry reby on th -: utinout attention belî,1givan tu cbeir il;- rest-. WM. QORWO.Suntmferlau&.Broc]. Nuv. 2L. JTAXES H.. LENNIN. REAL ESTATE A GENT.&UCT103ilM&Valuator:tnti ,p- gralsrAgent for firatciaus Tire Inrurance o! ltueul. speclal attention given tu collec- tion cf debta. Farame-for sait andti otn. Mofielu Keeninas block south aitie of Kent- et.. oppoite lie Benson Hou&-'. A fra very deuirablu building lots for sale at a bargain Lindsaay. Deo. I1 8M-bl-lyr. ýy J BILERWOIDLlCENiSEL & . .AUCTrielEEEfoi.the County et Vic- oa. YFMand motcher2sale. î'roxrptby ami chealyateuiuti te. Any ameutât of.MONKYX TO OANonGoati Ruai Esata socuritY. LALND LSALESor Valuations rmadilna-t cf the Counlp of Victoria. Several YAlUiS FOR SALE1. Reeidunce anti addrces, OAKC- WOOD. Ont. Nov. 17th, lfoL--aly. &ALEX.MITCHELLO Dealier lnandmimanufacturer et and al dueriptions of RM Eii MI ifRAIE WOIKS Aberd... Grey Granit. MdiAmerican Nwiabl Emadaies Ue.Aiorier. atumimite praMP-97 amitb~~gbumsanti correctnemsguirméemd la eVery uuir. Pricie osnaplicmtlcu. IlaAY My4. 1ML-ÇaM Areiea andSffrý y JàvaMES DM- Ot m-tmhtm nodac m acqrn ENEA~ Immi mmm0 Tm CMF mr meàum uvTm MU-MM - aw~uaw - w ILavoera~ I M~hao~ t; 'r i 1: IFIMDD&r. aruulit'. DLii..XUILPINNI IL a P.D* ruts ~gearne lX & ~aPISC" tja i iumes J>LrC. I lesi.XBkAY, rud3 Us Uieipe undw mUat D&I mvtpe zmteal àbo tab tbhCI..et in" ur.o ~ Umm u a 8.6 upm b. asI=t. cern lagumwlItebm L :iamn thuà -=u rgast m fosv r oi .tracimg luam 1er aMr "Ir tplate =mui %ppai o r isut ce Lab iVman-sta aiveridAmmi bOI*Ir Ide94, ARTIFVI LTUEE amumi Sl ecoot trram The. maturai teth ipomamUy AU"d mAi ftred. Irgular teeIb stralghteaed. Mamua Petajrtodentimtpro.rydoms. Ioa aaos rai plsse"ome te aetliy by postal cari or otherralme a fera daym b ois tamuet a oveKoasdr'a stors, Mmue 1 3M.Ulm . comm om u tu e Mun e g & Thei. od Alcinssi by Mr. Neelamiafa ti. BOca teoth la a grand mucc of wifml Cm tii. faIme statementa maie about il by a Ll ua m tiatUm eno! utMr. Noolai.et7rm buigthe patent rlght. "W mdi, duel romombling t sawlder#or ba=i toiathr that itlta a poisoa ani the mmre os XL@lanilg Gold Alloy. wblch le a faleehoci. mthe Gai Alloy used by him cantains bath gold ani iloa and no polscn. Mr.' Neelands lnserts numbera ef perteottting meta of tluth for people in L"n. may. Opm.Maripoma, am weli as lin tanvers, mai 0thor place tater thisa douttut had triei and entiroî fatici ta give satisfaction. Biacla Rubbon has b.saumd by Mr. Neelands for the laut 17 yourm. Theo "nly Qenuine Englmis Black Ruibbor kept 3ongtantly oa banc. Teeth insertsi on ay plate desired. la extraotng tceth ratth ga i la a conmmon thiag for Mmx Neelantia ta extract froin 10 ta 1à teeth with ioaa dose aifgË» and the porbon beuvlmg quit. ramI and etreng, Mr. Neladadiaiaspoctal dtudof thua gai under Dr. Coltun oiNewYo lb nvmor. who write. te Mr. Necîmmia that hoh tii. thegaita I13 w8pes.rithout mu occdnt Teoth OUed ta l at itimo. Oue lady saya&ho had her teeth tlUaid with gole by Mr. N ea over 1à years ago, andi ber tomtii are il eait. "The Pople's Dental Imatructor, abok worth iha weight in gold. Cali and lget a copy free. Otilca next door g R.Smnytb s$tore. 3lay b. ouai ater boum at private residence, Mill-at.. mear Kent. Pena £rma distance wl l imse senti postal card Lbnd 5. sm.- 74. 9 MaImma am 1 ý 1 6tumummu-mm-M r 'Il;'. .3- i. ~i~t1f~ r, -i r' i.. j~ ~ a BUSIn«,o Cards. m - ýAw", 1 - , % PIW 1. 49 airirzar iT- lý