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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Jul 1885, p. 5

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Jo E B RUXER __ Bsvemuuk àlUMW a Md0Ur à sien ULLbwdL Mal M& *us 'Umm lawwm Z *ft Imm- Fne Votwear ffw LdhsL .uI MM ramwausvksbsv @m The bent and Ment duable masem a iuug Mam nmm MAmo t, l" u et e assn and &Il vork warmtd Band Ma" e. MY& lte bive MW ua uy*et hmnX im a.ig ho a*WmmnIssne hlo The nevest Style& .mlada mibusesla Miltsct i Mmbr j u.emg, «Mtetwi* u tgu ete ou nm m -l»h and a :sn aslpeysildmo oa su< iusd tensas& W 30b *« Ilsi«ntU mouu MU MÉ su; *i ý "eduimt___ke O go nters ho n bave sm i" 4s thas - M y bl 5S = 19r.. l d t ia a W. A imewas t5nb 4 voklofthe rosat Ialâm r O -T v.W u m 4« éth, rison m -efS . ubim u. woem T f e..omo avi, nYm m m et cat seniubugg .i.db7 e a. p » T h . e qima»7 mai te a Im o F o o t e a r nm a d e f r o n ts C a m d i m tM. 1 e uo ff t hlei i u n l uOlv s t uu rO M _ i r ii a n e m a W -Ayez' auasal heM n-m tC & e e YDÏIIB!I W aterproo*tlizi eth u l s a. tSj 5<~~ o mla v .ss o i tet II- lb. ta ut 1.0k, and sperial attention glyM te Ladies Hamd-md. tis = ]D*' itw 1<vnh bom humur tes" mta navoum fflg wri of v ry k nd. I 'n. o. si isps r U s e s l i t h e.Te 1-0 al 1 ira tu b, m a --The Oao tromlo olslimmh% t the m l Tut llis. tab.aanush. e toms 15 healalcu. W 11 doumaçu.1__ Mt I be. in the 0 0~ 4 r 1 m I c . -49gu ,Opei. 5a lw . --Mv.P. E. momblanof m n M tm om ana, nouE.aubou. Nt. oe lii!a.Jilly VI'h. IUAS.4D.smet. l ior" l oe i WC -PMI; nm&eM 2=1 UIkI ________________Motet. iThe aisse i be zPoeb& la 8zu.-KIud1 tT- poopisDet pB SÎM Bes CeP -Tis ScillSmie0f lemhe l ntu.ebd eoumtioeet VisinlamMd nuum Whvolemme sy W.-.tol .Prda ~~ ~ by Mr. E. MoTavishon = crmyet lmis vek ilhingy U"liss*4h. au t he dstchmsotnT».DvtUU u vartonmilwuwo s ott auat thesu m dnwtu is .ai n.vu euiaoy qui soqie uvitmin LINDSAY. FRIDAY, Ji, bo_88. ard s ,jeld -4 of tlhlae sSkal [Thmforivesjmrthys eesnl~ ee - - - In'ObM Mies m s Wf d m ss ot.d. Ti k eami u bIm a . <h u ne ii m a r T eqi pm e TO)WN AND OOIJN ! m.noihaoi.rvai, eandudy e bit y eoM totsaias- _ _ _ l f mJao e 2 » ait m et e m e eti n m ecW i - et thelocl esOmoet Iods' lvo .aibas villa mil uea d mtee W ut tli comelfturw on Off thlevosk vu i e iRvoltete g~la1MOnIlftboinIB Parisoies. dethenosvcacbsse cthe usin. et andmm tus h trn hlai l«aidantvs Winmors te V tudot*rhid tu s -e Vorof s u sMtinonltoute 'ýlÉ. Alfred Gandior. B. A.. proschod in St. eclock.The dey vu @M a nTMtl etM ~ 1~poê~u il- esc rmOtaat h ,& tii rýw '4 chtir h la t Si nda 7 t bo th s ervices. ass is t h . x u o l su u l i 1 ~ ~ a t r o . sleh. dc b . a v v i b trio t a in ta a t e ten feet ~I.( & nleabilitiesl as a pr eascher a rm of a ev ,nisa 1-Tii. fashlonable boit for pycugladies la oet ÊCUentorceamd <bai al membors or the. -Rev. E.W. Slbbal.recto? cfChrist chutais &et« ihdobeb oe Teeme e "n<Ior.lbipopêed b- oltBelleville. vili asail t Dunutord. Tuesday Thlr»vn « e àaerolth doubleauhis.he oita w , it ubovi . mPj ilt'tiselfevenim and ias LldamrWedmeSduyeveang. Prservlg b a umos rquled e gt e. bit oel liai.Constable if net deceraodlth aulUS deg É.. ;.ow om. woliaa'cjiist got iDon. carlomi 0f A Eldsutet. ousngiaruoedem I procurabie trounsLChier Douna.. ..llbi -rMonA.N6ol. lai m D otit]gaesluce ey o.t gtto My tlsiebinipfhil 5ve eil for dons vhlch have roived & mm. titrespeaker. viiU dreés a ceetlmg in the ai4exelentd. Praio ey 0.Qi.li quit. lgtseuX.bu!go Fedt.drv mon mci leducation. but vhas about tme grogs shoe ousm at Devneyvllo. aturday e'vening. 4 exelh't. J y nt tver' 10v Jilices. an inchl or tvo.mms.fetlliterate duga. Inoammos a ina" mm lth im8t., aetS o eIsd, la the. IInts; oh herd v~alus'l ever offéed in Silffrs. At A. - The committese. deoceatiou maiareola a 5cett5ifly net blils. SoOttact. 19I:II.-3- l. o01.verrenaWill haât a donna live ysont -Port Bq»sTimie: A graam & tesont -metlnseinmthe Internéotf the Scott ose, to pis-o- rphsfarmers bilng in leada et evergroena mand oblige onh undre.-aabaa rec on t OeagiU lie .adaireseotb y Mmas. Sua vassPeckl Vine PioieEiPilS.the oommittee. ma" mnch service viii b. pi&ee tu irudatLndes * tvi" osa ra iib el tOse ilae.inLaay No neessRty for going Jo the eity for firet-clmeson the list as a ubrp uattefmi ei mnyv. iiii n ald viii ot <boaSmtu'day evenilm Little Eritain. SuWay moré- .aork. Finelî fini4lied cabinet portraits. equai iyueegon m nut ithe 0 i i e yt o uark nmuragramd isM hc 1a:Oakvcod. Sundmveveailnm Felneloti Palis. .1 an.Mr Jon obsnwhoe e snseight ort tom thoumd."-.usty.Modai' evonlng Bobeay .Tuenamyaveu- 'o e 'est ci'.y wor .cail nov bcoebtaineai ut goa.vh odeilver the hn ou <Bnertznwh aoe tlyifn.lmsatobroWeea!vmm. phot roos of 31. J A. 'cOt. OtflO Reorscloinir themohool <Methodlst> on Su are blitnet gratultoul<yprovuded a -B"nmurl --Mr. D. IL Camersa or Lucknow, au cliiVie- 9. ,p naî Wjlljin.qtq. Mr. C. AIa'.lin late ef d M W ormai stand" that the Fort Hope park vonidtoma counrs boy, in announced lai dliveranum. jyroutoI peraor.- _______-tendnt. rendi the long it et »Monesret U laishave ea ch. aethtvctyaflve ear.conylahuIte hecttmt M.(am1n tii by:aiclntcm tsat r. .z :msltaeui ante rmanexitht mac a cnvumencefor ber oft addr-.slnate .northera part eoftthe ait Dova! vho have oebtained marks la th. ycarly compg. vh cuntbo r tteutaasta cker.stad h, tillenl The avermoe attained ahoedela Marked woerluao.masekrsad i ~ '.nrn. wl i" neclen apet lta mo xelec ehe npunuaily aorg sap'iaka at Lornevilleon Saturdar evenln . Si tilt' t<aoKirohtE. 49.1atendance, cerracanieas ofrecitation and good The. tollovlng trons thle Charlottetown (P.E.1.> hist.; as KlnkfleId, on Monda.y. 2». t Vicras ~~' t' '~ conduct by the seholaMs Wb aivihm noth'RmAi. on Tuesday. 2lat; and ut BaIoer on - Ba"so ai Nos. -Tho. canoesclub trip te Sturgoon Paint on trndm amai end aintn th mbsitervat vho -ev. W 2l.A.M ayeWodoc.hcl= -N nateh will be plareui on the groisndi on fnidar arttrneca oftlust veek vwa t verywelil viendi nd us laiam Mv Mlavi smai toan cloqu-ent W.dApoertay fWae, ii aa attendeai.poésibi' <ho notice given vas to ijoeulawniaM .XTv an ianeoetad wru sakwl dru !rd-( inst. with a Toronto toam. short te allov et arrangementsboma mde by bride ail happînese mmd proeperlty: "At six meetings in the lIntereat of the Scott act. as toi. the 30t h mt. thure will bo a match. many te attend. 'Th. next trip Mult be made a o'clock this morning (July 8)>la 8t.JaneaChur-eh lowa:-In Presbytrlan chtirch. Argyle. on Mon. ~y v ('îhor~.stccsatul one. Tiiose vho dld go enJoed. Ma Mary K. Baju.. third daughter of thiat ae day, Jnly 20th. 6 p in.; ln t8pencer's hall, Wood- tV.(ourplaîyedut Lindtsay. t levrvladhd lemn mi . e.Jmsmne .. a nrid< e.vill.on tuesday. 21et July, 7.:'À)p.m. invillage on th 271h (' posihiytho sthmt the turning by atmer durion the ovenlns. Daniel Mc'lavlahs, DS.settied in l inday.ont. hall. Hartlaty, VI dnoadig. Juls' 22nd, il p m fy liab tlay dit L.andmaiy tie 'Ietropoltans -A ohôeklngIsane f Iaitu15devas no.Re r.Cauthers ohicitd mi a" Rev.O S' u,1thtat,.rMe 111 ilpreach noo 'ith nUc triutra raad.tlced ast hé mecting vutcthe reception comaitu ms arl.abot fte brtides.oThe m md in e liihyianrehtraubrc h. Modienarn11a. t hp nd usay baue bail club wili play onfi- t.on rIday nls. When albimîrptlona vorcest'otherl. brotertt . bid . andthelnebte ran chnra ch, Wodvile. at lia. !v, I.l imt., it thu MîIdand employciPic- calicai for a chap prettyvoell under th veathor fKaveawaJ4 the rie' sbemdu Ma Spm olcIn iib aou S1ts VAIl '.1. Il. cluIb orToroto. A fine affme came luammd betvecn alternats apasmae orhie. vere. lmBuz ayemdISa .. mc. eeings aaid othe Scott actta sýpelCl4Vl. ,.oonghlng sald hed fi,'. dollars te --» em'e donald; the rolmuan, prof. . . Wlni. Iree.4Itver trophies won by thc Lindsay thronqh.* Chiot Officr Bell canasdown Md PhD.. et Princeto.'...J.. and 11ev. M.Mm ni. t PMI[,* Ckmkre PMOBdaCoo5e ,o ltieihhave bectn on view:for a fcw d',yo matchedbina ot. the lockup, desito hiein cvnelsoTe rpt rn adti.cor oS Tii.concert that took place lmut Thuradai'and .nt ,' hdi club * <'sîro k Mark@ts Mlostrug etee v ra le. ers taitly decorabod vitia rothBanmd Friday evenînut a the curling riait.n adof the '.'.tI(tW ' oueoui hrouh t.thextono a er. flovemn:gplmto.After tho e omon'the i. v * . lh~'v\lt includes the handoome tan. -Amemg ether portraitsu aring ln the sle y marric couple drove tn thse atoamboat dock bidn ode t au' hrh uaget w..,0tviunat id. 189. cn t e vibot e f h potn Vo'de uly a tho e 0[ toaille Paage On the pnincese off Wala for auccees.Untorcuateli the tiret atust the pi.. ivîn tt ~ 11*<. ogoter lthMr. JohnIrvin of 4nduiay.vlalref.rrod teone pictn. A ilegreaap offriands athereai ut vahr aWonpoîîos uascno t'a "mfRhl) fftueMild istriet; aid a vell-kaevn portlng man.*'and as the.bonifface th. boorto bld tiionafareveli. Tie o04ligne queue she attendance vwu net as large an It Il ' u won dtri ng t hiii.tason ttltobeay. of thcMatkt hat in that city.vhich la the re- cromonieetoftuahe m hsvrnt omi.othorvlool aebo.Btilrskm sort et ail arortinu. vanleti' andi theatrim edmd otandiamd no little nmmrriment. Dr. mmd sotievhst nos over by tho announcernent beon I.lu-a c hwett ont te play Little classes. Hema eevns the fanoutottingteam Mr&. MoTaveh purise taking au ext.ndedtrlW made that the concert vont. b. contnu"d on i ln l'iesday for a praîicec rame andi NelileiMmd Gypsey." The portrait laagoo no. tremisgh<o provinces andiln the Nov Engai thefollowing evenîmanmd MWm Hovden. the <ift iîoaagain. havlng T runa, te -Ths Review soyas: "Private Wm. press et states. Tb: .la te the bride vers manyand -- am? teettiovoning, wvugraclena and lalal 1.. 11-l' rith w re nOt t'Il a"long. belng wlth. Llndsay. vitiathe Midianai bettalion, vwraS a numenoum".ýThe paitor et St. Andreva and eOnousih te sayuae u. alni again. The con. "fi.. I.It'. the enatlhor. G. Little. vent teter acrog lakpte hieabrotiserin Petesom on hlitenaeayfesureoet a vry bearty veicoune certvwas opened by the Lindsay' orchestra play-. ;: , , winai the a' <noMa t, etrea page tolsa t hchbln e _JohnDe__t__Lindsay.lnu"Lutapîed," iD tht. mod lai the othar plecea tiaaW'a. . IJinuenford vent iD lansey. oncetfthe victimaetrtho massacre, and terneIgtterdféetprsw x * - Ilit!ha t vtire. in the lth innioge. which beane the murdored taerra 1ntnnctoes Tha TfW ag CM-al'ims. cedinily awld seed imarkedailiti' and look îaî. the poltion hchmnd ahe ignature. He ue<h. e beeauevwrltlng [eteEio fTePnt]tecs c h hy alwayeeavorte il in- it --itvvy ei te or innîng vhcn pu or wa sca'ce. but it w 1 keo- ame Sîe,-I erve lan<thellst IssecofTavmaeryplehiauînces. Mtyppaaed ise spaosl i i tjre' to the field for the rost off th. e nteetofh.enmasacre mmad the WlalmtdeW uvr lmrs'n rlLl a#eitd h e,-u.* w jtîilî thager knnelced ont off jomnt. For match te Shâtah e. a challenge frems Mn. Chai. Bardots especimlly attraction off the eveiuînwuvaof, courue Mie Biilliiil'îy platca a splendid Rame. 1-Meurns. Lee&. Dunn. Dlckmen and Tuesr, intoleai dform5,aiadvocaheaof, b1h.bmedimg." Hovaien. who ion g hoafea d becone a vreat ru" i.uax!ua"Ilailt! tuan) d d vit, weIr. '.Frank. teltetofTorant, *ated out Wdnesdov et., tot m ars Lucy B." forOU aaie, favorite vîtia Lindsay'audiences, uelesangiln ber ,ri; îfkamt Saglnaw%, Mich.. umnirc t»."a tr miplanning andiattractive manner. Hru ad gave ont ire satlffaction. D lit eaacnetratruh h aes bv oplay' or psy. It eerno qulte ovident, trous the vele laasoprano of tlheigaisns rder. and pro J.Sc l Ste ailke, v h rs the quartette viii camp for mssfrle umapoietpael h :L<,:k îîp hIs nid position ln laft-tleld 8ua ck nipni . OiBi "ad ae os f becalegetiXv arittvsmm Issfa ir uurseprte. laolati 'I iaN lîiia~~~~~Ia<l tiadneroatlyle. .l C @, sud a usle inppohechllngchat Mirhg ua"n.u,îo fouCniim ogtr.M.Jh - - - a scientiflo Inveetigation et themi utan ana eaj ue-, "M m Brtetahi ee -bucuvbedpime.litivs.o aiur analwaiinni'agsei', .an i bonieronls strass undalj'lng A. C. A. le houa.. u atet"ddne vnscieapaeinptyws suul s un seeadta PerismL A panting romank concerning a 15-lb. iio ho i the oouney trot. much loeu distance the flot. aos auii ai great demi. Heofe course brougilt %V<. . A. 1sigelow la homc for a short bell. sent thia var id iieb.romenabereai. ,he no doubt antiiptolJudging trem tthe ioiuidova the laoase-or rathor the tink-ma a t im ii. aLika nd bloiv m e b thast gentleman befera sald the curling club an lositutln; an action 'Ir.11.Ite. dntit. Ln<In. u hme n a -On Monday a visitor fronthe country'vant the. grs or jul'. and man mancer et excuses fon agminat the lesmaes off the. nk on the occasion Il. 'leu denigtLondn, i hone oa stoMr@ on Kent-et te dosnome shopping, ou- hie mare'. deffeat "ice tisat date. Fou' the Inter. for the hoen nd rougbnees cauSed inu the sur- ~isihîte lie fatlier. Mtr. Igaacea cmoff Lind-al. .Ate eigthetreg 1.P na Misinof thosoconcrnel 1 ma hemo tate it rtes.offthe rtk by the footapplaunitrghat came para"wae " MMMY ntentit I teentier "LCY .. in tthtlnish off every voernefroin r etti'. On. mîseai. anal having madeenquit' the proptis-llte couti' trot, uas ,vas inolte state .bnvte lob."0footeonccsnsffh. ia I Mr lb.J.. ucnlly of f incdipay, who hms bee lor vent ent, brOugiat lu the qileer CUstioi' ê a ed, owever, aboul hat a on'ho tus Moe Iss er. edmdvunasheîayl. ,,.îics tlaca ta aadicaeui Mt~IlcoleeWhoeofere te oy i'the parasol vhlclhe 181t es acme ootf1 oncludsd te let <ho littie On thisocelnmevaMe:.fremi o x l:À reuî. reurne'alhome for vacation Yriaygo astk pn el re eafr lu lier hmnd andi make.maters aIl nlght. A lo mesk an ov acdr< fdacllent accompsilmentea nadeaigreatli <o ltse :, e. atout price vwu exacteal. tolloved hi'oal ruBimeus et relief se the owmor ai Bart. « Cod rondetlng oet the différent visonsofethair IOiîîîriary ( pti ndQaremis .lecture frona the proptietor. lott" 1ana quîcaa vl irte accomniodists blnahi'respective paru.s %li PV'., ast0azet uarte ret mte1 Durnit the lust tiare. vek, iW.W.K. Groomse on i hou o e u asbnl tmi a:nrudouillet bu Mr. a vhel gasaseen fotern- the l asp lembi. entleman aun imato*'Luci'&8" te B "» l."eYîîaeCUIrv- . peaa1eaai ttI 'up off hie dentaltrot agent hie mare, asute heasbonst sireo lu Therecosa hoe no question bat that the decisioa N1.lia JriO it onKent-st. In addition te te.paponi Ilve, tahe Weodville rack. vithin <hirti' <W arrlved att. give thes returaîng volunteersaa In towl -iltiîrilny. 'I. vcnlok ell andi farnisheal. Thisroomi iib.eut for op- mhoerzel sestate thai cet mnh e r tch. suel hearti raception vili bc gencerally approv. ..;îu;aflI~ ,ad ore ff:leiadas il b sations when lt lesnecary tha teeth "al bc Woodvili. traînât(vhich lasin masch bttrcon. danmd that heds, wl h popular. The comn- 'r ':ii g aîank -"a.t;ank w he re iahoevilai thyms Itaken eut and in vall anal comfontably taia. dition thon the agriouftunai panaIs> viii .,'mt mse lehaeadraentemalte arrange- ::"~',"if mot lhaîo'ia ioeitu1Ofsae. Sovetal nov sppliancee.have hean put ln ashluparti' tan dollars te caver xPO bu tit&M monts bave lamai uveral sittinge mad a smn MrW A 'herwnod, aTthý1. aowof Toronto, Ite, facilîtate ei'k t n general. Mn. Grosehm hu le race coule on otn tr flr. amprpr Mari'o et i.proeesiigsince lent veekle ii iîlaaaty il)fo r a ffev daay'ihie wcuk. Mr. one eof the haaidaona.tdentmi offices in the dis. te aigu articleseormairemnt astOums0 Mylut mi' hso ili b. found bayw. On Friday nigt the -.."çtlia4it- Nen g esîatlcai hie lssun e <otriet, Proposition mes vitia Mr. Eertlstt' a apraba- question et vlaechen or net <o have a Lauet as ~ auttînls itli<s Inuelsh mutlc, cun do ta keep -Anver te '11dBileg." viiovwante tSkokuvdtors. Ali thae lnduanlosamai bsannmmgad by a partet the reception w» re-diomuasd. Isvas pwil li t icaîîany ordue'efer worktem .t ll'hov shall I illtimîmate furthlisMidimmails" Thes cmling at InXhoesMU.t-YOUM .v« er' ot e'gverai <hi mauch anoccasion fcllovlng e raa.question offersa-a vide ileid for repli'. un i.spéwcSluiy, Titos. ADÂm. the. huril et tho late COL. William. v ouil b. ln la'r. anl Mesr. T. 1F. Briaa!1rn andi famli' of Icae RoS about 1.50>plocesot linnMy thliaeIncese boittes., [t vw pintel ont that 'the usage. t,!sîav are'ai utineeagêoyi l>îdat for Jiili'anal Auiii- maare. Double deva ons corne r.. Stick the hIm&oueS uxuemmt mllitéry service ml mec"h omismable. ad WCI~t h ace«QeD'Inlgemt'ouaia boom. a -tvavu' an as. ~5,tsuI5mS1<WaOida a h e a (qîlîa,îtcJn Wffs Ilem m'at of6?meâqpse affetoler ian te8"toeam<e -Vlefraxnal ta atlleE y ima. ec . ~ aS u ei llaaiîn iaC John W t# &114b .cld0IIÎeirtwInPoIIla <o he ffviii hoe -u Oifa ica m'm et a oiseth U g.Uelacache"e.u tsois. tev et1. eô rhl-f$M0)à" alhonoreafi 106 niueala a < aub u 6»os gemmw Ua.luo E,. M ow~Da aSatbebem le rai»EaepW t Ile prearer pestios Fou. et là!vas ia thv h rllati caedô Usy l Mpr dUltef mea.el<s upofdn Raîay...... Prod. Heuu. i off Mi'.M . ~«P "or"wk ntxum dlb» irdiable lo tie boys. vooovgetrdLI gateluimi aa.e pse lltuugvruktiaueol o' -Hy lie deati off*4 au unt îîVun nswSs -Aspir1M l #ho "q seqmal e t. i «a go" fuavm nt e iave o m -. *0 da <n. $hWOU W l 51 tan OTtitrlo baflk heré.e ndi ol-îa-Iw e lu,...~a - ..f.Su d'm~.ttlm nvt Se h ô)m nf?'hl" o M au M allerslga..mssstm m <~ e~ a e sm h ilis lgîad fort aile ln boit S Itue r essm - $rt'ewtsmai ritd vilnrne s Ms16theOhI%<oy ts...'ehW ]Wmsa 15f 1t nMsa et Peterhorabt Il, va beiieve, os 1=6 CM 6'965'.L wame.am * Se S - IMM Uha tl'tCat owing f4 hi bual<h a l bespr m au .. R WU bumiim -'ir. E. mcselpg)àa h*mmsocou&t el mis y"--~ Mç shaît s@vaflOloIe @Ml and *mg~teemç or loge lto binels a, h i MWm ma M*lg&t mnomWh tminai vaithe 4 d L , isai oà dh e Mm te OMM a nei this tommuffiti'viij%=r. l vsimf W M-k- sdBpmIg nminaOsîiwhuOs« it e X aei'le ____ vsskv baV !!!aietaBil eme oii, ctios chgegme ms.bue.i'uoe! IMM 50 "O "--#e --cim mméevbaivSn e - - vmbm ie W f bal 91.5 W41 bol wt. ____osbmWn vs m of am am~a~saioau~I~aaaeUWhls ~ mansn thes bx "M~n uh.~d u a ny,<«w O ~ efF m il M es Etl5buscil.u s etI~8ItUEL~~.m 1114 <b!±~~ .vuvlan~lu 5 ~ ~ i m lit ~m in~.i*iha ,_ aé thi -h» bodm m do-Poo THE WORLD'8 PATTERN The. Newest The. Neateat, Tii. Oheapest, The. Best, DIlUER, 1ER ANO TOILET 00008 W. hare.jiist receÏe fl from» the 0141 Country a large sitipiienzt of <3àockepy axai Doif Gootio. A4mong the rnost notab)le are a large assorernent of Toilet Setts of a meir anti novet l aMymp and t i tLappropa'Lately naèetl -"l'A. Woi,'U!s Pattern.*ý 17h. W&terêM fas a ricA cream tint andi Es hantMoomely decorated with. ,v<ews and EU»aoattiomsfrom ifferent =atsof the iwsji'1d. 27&efect ims atrilcng andi et once calEs ttetiom t. tA.god The »Mm patter»i. f. sown in 2'ea Setts, and i n a la>',re a&mo ilment of Separate pieces. 27ae prices a»e ,oetukzfiiff Eow, amti cousider&ng thc~e I6 f the gootis, arê4afng ète for the mon. Hewaekee.p«»rs ee these *&etettes. In atdition to this -i.q a larte as8oriieîtt of jLîe Greate- Wareg ail et l.,wprLces. eemuber the place. Au CAM PBELL Ba" & CO._____ JULys 18850 During this Month we wîil offer Tempting Bargains on ail Departments. Attr ff,. L faDEM 5 OO.DSet 100.9.it& ., &.and i awruis. l»A Soeal i n emhwoe rey deefrabie Fabrict ane l is. GEGN4Z5 PiNt S andE M1SLIXB et prIos t.e eear. MMOBE S in AU-OrwwFrneus dtug niisrlm ppkmmme down. Dxlvij PrA5 CkeIs.gOuf PPke..du fMmeS and 17lTuDvSmm..iE I UE» Y. - Driu th urk e.h. eeJa pemed a cmu.1 of IES-.xrAil igeâ in BzeeL W. am effmg £ a MW #a of GEE'TLKMrEN ADY-XADE CLO2N. 11, WOO uM-i.or sepevt woOs mento, ai Gaa .# BedaPpie., te cf ta thumae <auem moiofh.UA ts irmnch of 084P bu.i,Iwe are -uà11sgieeuut s u fE2 gm a EBL.1E8 176. N hv.e bo ~Va"iseame 'uume& CÀLAPETS, Cu.TAÂNDa Mi OE . rIBHIIÇG G 0DM arc inciniedt in ah,. Sale. RAY & co',Y, coei.er Emt ana winllra& w# MAL CENUINE BAREFOOTED BARGAINS& THE OITY- STORE WD1 for t& neit Sv wvee&sdurt s îiCE=e bmrefootodbargamins to te purchasing publie in = ÇRar Dgngg style. The aviseai l before it, and likewise the barefootedbargis e ar os, ea15dyl dmmo f Sprnd Ox mmer Dry Goodh, 3Millinery, Carpets, Gioveq Hosierv, FALL IMPORTATIONS a"e already beginning to arrive and room muet b. madle for then, reception, and in order to, make a apeecly clearmnc we have re.olvied, torai.ea omotion by painting the t;own and county red with bagina; andi tome who do flot take advantaoef thu. pie-nie vil paint themselves green with envy whnthey lea of the golden opportunity tii.y have* misaed. W. quote as follows:- 2-0 CambadMeStaw NetS for On. &itary DoUa,' 14 YMNU Chek Ai rtMig for another "I Dollar. 90 Yard& Towelling foP - One Dollar. »0 Yards PactorV CoMMn - One Dollar. 14 Ymmds Apro i Then - - On. Dollar. 2.0 Yard. white Pwnt - - One Dollar. lii KLLINE Y et leu. tl&manlfprice. 500 Ramnant of Dreu Goodeandm Prints, none long enough for a full dresis. len aill 'ong enough for uomething-a polonaise, a wrapper, a child's di-eau, etc. SOOTHERAN, OCATHRO &MARK, Nlo. 2 lobsoeu ]Co* 2 Du=r'West of the Pot.Ofce. Llndaay. ùmu1.IS5-9 A.Cambell. ý 1 I JIl 1! 'b *1 'I

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