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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Jul 1885, p. 8

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- *NUEAN~ ~&, WL rmDY, Mr Y270,1- lo. NEW GOO D$8l AIIMED TItIS WEEà---Ioaqtin7g Shawls, in' greatvai y Tennis Suitin7gu for Ladies and Gentlemen, including I#ath. aize, 4 for 25 cents. Liudssy, June 301h, IUL-17. ait »ovn-R. m. Porter. Vine shossi--J. 9. Bruiter. Ctard-C,. Buekuor & Sons. Four LoAMiR-A. Campbell. Piano For Sae-C.Noriock. Moxoî ta Loan--H. Ilughe& Talk ta Young Mlon-Jas. Graham. osu 0rnamente-ConmuimerÈs Ou Ca. Bars footod Bargatnm-&Boothoran, Cathro à: * Li)SA, RIDAY. JULY 171885. THE QUESTION 0F TUE DAL' 'ME 8C02'T ACT liN ONTLUZO COUNTT. [$peeil despatch ta TaiPcDFT.l Sx iin«Ec, Juiy IO.-The rnjorlty for tie Scott sets far as heard frar, n eM6. Thersanre sverai places yet ta bear fron la Brook, Mars sud other townships, but lie cammlltee confldeutly expeet 1,00 smajority for lte set. THE SCO TiA CT 19 PE2'EB3O.R. 1 To Iht' P4Uor of TIc tOAADI0<POT.i Ruu,-! have to-day read Mr. ..R. Ne. Nellitlo'. bIter in tour tssue af the 3rd of July, and your remarkia on sasmoin to-day's paper. i. McNellic correctly- dates the rossons why the vote on te Scott set Las sot ta be takren bore hefare or at ch. marne %Loo as In Victoria. The cnventions of tie tvao counties werc held at theo mre Ul me lut February, but aur canivassors dld flot geL through their work quite au soon as ltaos. lu your county, &n'il hus vs vers a vsok or sa later lu advertlning tits de- powï- t of petîtion ln the eheriff e office 'l'lien whn the advertlelng ivas fined t van found tht one of the novapaporit had miade an error lu ans word, this eglit mlmt.a.ke rfaquiring rc.advertietement of ltse notice. W. vere thon thîe veeki behlud Victoria, and tc aite ta bring on the vote »*fore harveat: sud on hearIng frin VicIa- taris chat 10ha<led skeai tie aerretary af state ta a ppoint chir pollnq day nmre Uisafe tr barvest vo aI once concluded ta try snd met the vote taken bore at thet saose Uie. Ait, coutrary to oxpoct&tion, te vote lu Victoria vas ordered ta hb asa lits most.h vs couli not possibly have our petition put throiigh lu cIme, snd viii ilherefars uaw aditere ta tbe torner roesol- llon of ha.ving the vote taken in S ýptern- ber next if possible. I eau assure you tht the Scott set supporters in Ihie town sud con nc.y lntond puohing the matter wl1hh aIL passible euray, and have very littie douit thslt tèes iii ho a majolty for lhe sot An al sections. We do not wirt urecnu. 'y ta bo the dîiakinq place sud dumping arotund fai topers aofal tbe surroundlng oountry. W. viii let IRaftings have tht ,disLinction H a I oIseif. Gxo. B. Wilrl.îhits, Secrettry Ca. Peterboro Scott Act Pct.orbora, Juiy 10 1885 vig wFF FORANLD à &IN2Z7 1 To 15<f. Edior 0f Tine CÀN,%[î xN Posvr.J Sra,-l uuderstand biat Prof. Goldwîn Smlî.h la ta slurnp thus cauuty ln oppostion te tth. Scott sc.,I vouid suxgest chat, ho b#e verueted ta explaluet is meetings hou t latht, as he pret onde lo be oppogod otae vis hskoy drlnking habits of Ihîs country, thé pttione toarrym eut bis pro. dohem aitemperauce !) are and havo tensoin dustrioualy clrculated by chonse actually engaged lu hlilquer trafic.- Venta ruly, SCOTT AUT. Tvenion,. ,nly 19. 18,05. »Poi,. Md ShLmsy ami thée ma t t ITo the RdUto,-of Tua Axu, <PosT.j Sin, -Wcwone tald by che secratay af the Scott set corneile, Iluiels tter t. Tp o Pows a eeks aga, that the temps,. suce feeing vas strouger An Peteibara coniîty tha It vas An, Victoria. 1 hhink liaI h.ovicie vithout knovlnx uheiheri he npoire lunh or net. Re desirod ta iii lhe feeling vitichle avery troug ber.,thati il the uot lacaarled la Victoria and defoet 5< la Peterbaia, thsn the Uwade of Lindsa vanNi h.o m, ezept, penspe,Iluthie matter ai gisesMM lfor aur -strets. ]Re a&Wasaia! thue ve sbould sot comsldsr th"t r hase.!Ofie uestion at ail, as it vas puret y busiess veruea1.Sca ot vas»ta eo et~qaitsdiuoma hlgi-e. moti-e. MÎTm w~eu I - * CI ~ "5.SUBmi miuI1?1tmwmm I s K tel ~ ~. il _-~ ___~5m, i Il _______________________________________________________ I _____________________________________________________ tm lafavaro09 1h. oct liaI m"e"hopea «&" d7alviimsmscorne vies the. bebarona P" ico ne«wine la lthe Kuchariat wil rabl, -lle Mt st cie to .tq sud t1hlai her»sCh fonale viii iead us? Rad se.bosspussent aI li. eldinu IaMt of Causai. vuld nehave hoeltted le rebuis aur Saviaur, a. ah. and ther &MoItsotpe do Boe lslml»we. Lin" ury, Jta, l1em [Tb the Editor of Tas Càu*nuux Pour.] Bs:,-Thcse lu tliacounq wvio *vith, Se much confidence assoitt he iBSoaI oct wüi carry la Pelerbous shouli rsad lie foi. ioviug boxemthi.Poleroras RExainr JUIF 141h :-"ali te question beenfuily conuidered viielierIlta i e te nov 5mb. mit the aet? Wiehhertel a Wise to brion about a great kms.oairevenueI Whetbew Ittaevise 10 ruae u is af rernoviug the Draes;contrai exeCwsd over *0e raffl. ii ith e t af carrylng th. setcsud net euforclnu Il havee i frt of sottLUgbock the temperane maternent a quarter a! a century t NMeut rhoecolI sot viiinl force lu mmornee score alteue, sMd lhe peaple cm expect hmchDe. nian government but litti Irany assist- anm la msklug At effective. And la it not among the powsbllties chat a jeais expe- uleuceof an act uhici vs have ne certain assrurane viib.enforced, rnal lead lis temperance people hmmelves goInass on lts repeali . . The Scolttoen, forced sud flot possible go b.eueforeed Mses free vhlakey fer those vho vish lt. 'the. revenue ta lth. cousty vould b. leat and without restriction drunkenuema vould be ineucie E. Llndmsy. Juiy lfth. 10M Usw ltu "Mts A«IWewkslI.OUW4 ilai As tiie question bas the. Moott act aiTects business la often raised the toilow- Ing t.stimony frou Mr. James Naxon, Mayor af Ingersoil, lis veli-knovu Man- ufacturer, viii buofa!Intereat: 6"Sbnce the. Introduction of the Scott oct1 ail visible signa a1 driaking hav. aIMMe eutirely dieappeand la 1h. lova or la- aereoli. f3efore, drufln on . ers ta h. seen an oar streets every dayoaitheie esi, Sundsy flot excued;-Blme(tiié net «cMe tin force) cases ai druakeanesé have been raeiy k nova.,. . . arn surse ioera swili bear me out linsMy, t liaSthora la flot ans glass af liquor sold iTi. bava cf o IngerWoîl vie e tn ers ifty saldbh. fore the oct veut labooffet. Business bas flotbeen njured by ch. aperatlon 01 the-act, except th.lAquai business. Tii. difficulty la eniorclng ch. oct has not been Mr. John IfL Grant, mayer ai Wood. stock, vho le one of ch. bu rgeet employers of Ia.bor in tie couuty aioford,s*y*: "i6 t1e fot tbink uuy business buasufftend, or vili suifer, chroug lths apWontions he Scott sot except the lAquer r a" e.bvs visited, ou my ova. busines, meveral plslu c he coustY, sud report very 11111e or no liQuar ROI&. Motels rua abouta belon sund dol qbotter thanth"e epeot- ed. 1 arn sum hat tii oct hbu squcaded on the. viole so fer,»as vo»lt a sbest Mreuds could h Win. K«nern . .P,(oawal HaNàta,Dsmye, 6' w ould adîlse the electors Of 07e«7 conntY of Ontario te ado pt tiie SStb set. Ilsadoption ln EsSIeu baste a ouent prevented lthe maie sud use "oCqut4m. Il ba ftnluad business." Win. McCraney, M. P., (reformer) l.i fou, sseaig *The Scot;t awrce veilltu lta. It hua net Icindebusinese. Drinklag hms bmny nduced." Thfttea ot of merubere af 1h. couugY 0010c11 Of laitonvotel ugeluet the reputsOfat lb.OStat c. Sevi"alof!ties avlaaly Vatel agmit lie pasng et th. aoc, but vers lsd ta change thoir min"s bymemgtl. eMd effecte of the mau pou, Zi busiess ana!morale of the ouny. Thé iàqor memhais trie! mlxIesta have beass deiffl !ana eey ie Mv. W. JE. Beveil of Witby viroc. te Goa" ei Ml Dow ropwding urnefaim statemente byth e oodlesNot&Onrom Observer, sud reeel e 0follovlngre- PIF, vilci explaaise f: PosTLAN>, June 1lm&5 Wrn. Hf. ieueli, Eeg.. DzAIts &%-Tis mowungeyomats ai CMe M, aeucl th le ilowlmgoulp fucr the Match Ontario Obetymi et lie4&k "A BAD CONPRMIDow.-NeaI Dow, thes lamn reabitUm aéîscate bas mhgl.yl Moug qd" We scautg mors disaelu ta ae Maon eut dKaWè u n sb e va nMi iimpermtlv ha" 9e14 oblmo du ueesben.sxamlssi.' 1 de sa fou a MO u@nPsesthe Ob. @Ovu t li Y laml av te isi W W tsh - Thes Boot t aupslanvap iomanl opesei is Limdaspon ludar eveclnk by a massUr tng la the OpmraBouam The prediag ostme houtly afler lis canebumior ot»i maium uisevices. lia, hallwuvacouli, mma tilmg. fie speker of lie oeccams vas mi. Jobu A. ]Niobll. pou lie lat ddiUtion aoMr. ?Nicill. %rire vit wo prm«Wmd.sd about aU Oli minmes. Atetc"Ioud'aprayo," i br tho e « . Posise, l" hairma tàtn duoal Mr. Nicâodlle uvsw&MrmWgotl reput attommu, "fil 4" iuia mct& MpressaIia:wmm 09 a la lasfot TaIha 1 lesiagsgsy Uitmiae u à"Smoto& mmaclstto usele oacle ca go. pbe Q = dro -uvs iIli u mie otezmolu- BLelmmth Tba e gosus nuvla ls evus adbn. goumaiinb ~ -.biif1"Ça u~mu ~C~s~WLqum es.b I sut IluliUs e logi'up Ils authitly. s Tsta tahroughly aie as te attribau latome lhe "remarible statmmst" -e« Silmea! by tlb Obouvr. 4. Ilta rc h"lia Ihave l"lest confidence, o nlaProhbibtion, but li e rpublicen Psrty Lëaeela UMainn t1a le nation, viWeoaMenevla ftutalliance vltthelie k quoi eausof lie couahr. Tua reniera 1; ladtaesble laI" eieaun m wi".w hem da 57lmaPartysud 00e. opurls" w i oaci allir .arublfor the fnam destrctIof aiever voshlgo! 1h. iqUM =huM a e have beau la poveri Poutiana! fer amnp per., vtineeffort au lie Pars t adhu oniciais a upirece lie liquor trame. At lie lest muai pal elso- 1lion vs luflictea! upon the Party & McM iumltalugdefatebotin adémocrsate Major by a laene ajorily, sud luinwve isy r iat I 4tmeleIrvaswupiseh- csl aly orusaW out sud il romaine su,,o.da. 1 6. 1 tukeI"isoppartunlly hoa"mme e temperancamm eticanada cha tchers la sud cmnbeneo «&ervay for tii..te over- thuov hul trameic hantola mae liaI Poncy the. lameuu-lie mine qua nDm at the ballot boX.-R«Mfttall » . TOWN JOTZNBDOW put Tour Tiufl An Daudelian Bittemu-18-b. (Tacthe Editor of TbePosl.! EM,-! vaut ta tell Fou about the appearanS of lhe growing cropa,.1I1cannaI put varda la- gether ta tell yen hav vei l hey mlok. Nov ever. as longes.1 have been la Canada 1 have neer ess c he gravt liat thora la chia i1tU ai Juiy. 1- have made enuiulues framn aU parts a! Ontlandlp. sudIeema al l te tarniers are An ans M hle grain o!al kindla la goodertitan g ood. It mooma ta methat te imes are lirat-rate li te appearanceaiofte 12h af July. auoney Moetitanplenty, aimalte peoplo enjon themeelves No appearance ai vant yet. tas- ever, tiere are smne ifWs tacantend wvith. The itarveat viiib about ton daje lacer titan uai bi ail accouaIs. Time viii tell. 1 hans it viii PrOve profitable for lie farmers. Wheu ch. larmoe have gaad cropu wo al have plenty. GEcatia U&LVURT. Tht oiaving are ths naines af candidates paaod hY lte localexaminers, vili h heumbor aC Marks oblained and school et vhich prepai-. ed. The maximum la 750 marks: .Name. ScheelMrs Nugent.. josephîne-O 1 ............i 8tacsy, Win. J. 6 ......... 49 Flnlsy, Lena,.......I'mily 10......... 475 Bset.Austin 9F.::Maunt Pleant ..445 Wifliamnon; Rosea....Ctntemee.........44 eoa Lti........miiy l10......... 43 zoQuad ........aOmemeea........ 428 Moqu"eadeuman .... .......414 Bherwoad Arhur ... . .......3K1 MeCrae, <Vm .. ..... .. ........n iincalal. Nehle ...... .....- .Laidiefa. .........d.......371 Naines af candidates sdmllted by ch. loal examinersaviti nuntiasioaiMarks abt ainsd nno s ciool et wilh prepared. The maxzi- mum la -13o Marks:- Cameons. Editit....Beaverton» ..------... Rer.Blanche-L....lndeay1p. - Store. Pany------do; Gra ac s. R a h rP .ir n a t . . . . . . . s Nuilas Mnt.oesga ....... EdearOnin...C........ - Mi Mathws itris.-LideyP-s ..... 47 OCono Nuf. Opa.... ............ Tayor Ç~ill. obsyge.a..... Stetsa.LiaI .Ludsay P. as.......l Shnnr Jme.......dc. ..........SGM Keean.Frai, .... .Lnday ......... .....e., do........... Gralé.......... de..... ......iM Jarhdüyet......... ..... S M~U~LU~ do.........dU Neablt~~~ do.-----L BiaI,------------o 0.......... ....... Linadoa .. ........ .M......Fr .p . ....do.. MisoiRii.. ...o......... US@ S -7 I i Chilre'sBlack'liose. Job lot of Neavy Towrels, large BROSO u.A. Jacqueo, lie "cele alo vai Musalrssied lova lut slgl, Manwuvas maa~lgt or DoGretinternational Cira una i agm arla' AuguPa noncuar n eks. UIfang tueaoaPl" * Inljotuellasa liait o!fsiauomd candidatesj 'Nome obool. Mar Limie SSt,........ Canbay......... Luelis monffomert.- - SebrIght ..-------. 5 Gllbenloos...........Csmbray..... 1 aWilliam Resa.r ..1le maripm ........& IJohn C.ay.........Oô Maripos.-.... Preaios Nevoos ... gabray .....-- MrtsJeukiu - Samnul Flash, . O oa ..----- Nale ilovsa. Oukv MWood........ Jmpsesa . Valeatis,.......... 4 Botyusisuon. Isla,ày----------..... MearyCam- s . enso aw. jS iRoe ..- 6 8Marlpou......Il W .J. Uokeley-...Cambray........3 John H ........... Civoci,-------... Allen, C. à .......-S Mipooa .......x The Saut......... W âée....... Pas---Oakvoo& A O a t r o n ~ L n p s . . . . . . .3 Aunis Ruherford-...Felon Fails....Y LOCAL 14ZW-LETTmE CAMBRA Y. 1 j'~ Th adapart C yen b y thc membera af the Methadletc ton inMr. Josu i lklnaon'a groonda on Wednue day ovenlng, 1h inat. wv a vlattendedt as ai momeaenjoy themaeive& An excellez cea, vamereei. aftsr vtich a capital prograc a! sang& ueadir mSud recltatione wvau through itci. hoe t proceaea veu expese amonute 8157, uhici la ta bu applea on th orgatuaid. abSm ACT MEETIN.-Kr. J. A. Nie aile addreamed a fair audience on Frlday eveu igot lenI voek and vwa llsened ta ibrougtai vh tmanbeal attention. Tas Sconr Aci nm SnmcoL-Sveral sec tlenisn trou Simaescouuty have becs vlith amang frouds lu Ibis vielnity andl esoh suda speakI l le iagieâ terme aoflthe vorklngô ai Mol la thIr coasy. They report that cig merchants. .a ai vite.Volod agmlnat tci secae loudil thlrprahmeuorthbebeuefitatha alreadL.haeuderiveal tram il. Mani oat and w, ccaoyconsidereal vortileiséaccuai have boss =panf.sd mli ovnruep Foiazhy At. mso n any cf Chair ontplayeea-mat74Iy rencf and tal-breedai---vho wvonnearly niéelose or Mona'ay are aiesen baud to vork i toat an trouhle, sud lie y ame fot;troublaid vith cli meWs vives aoming In lhe midle aictte veea ta gel mener la boy provicios to keep tien. Andl lie greatibaer vwuhelal upctattche batela would clou thelrasheds. 1» thelrvilclnlc thev ohm e i. for shedlroc. pr a couple i veekla. bol <en Uiaitli hotel meu have relin. qntue&d od aue vho arm aoc viclating cht act are doing a living buie.-On cte aveu inga of elecclose in choir vlcinicistie drlnkng aiy.etc.. forrncuysasmoting avEu] C01 olias evening oet but telsotigu the cowa vuas quiâtlaouimy scer wvei svliiug.There aNse vas smethinir liai menberm ofpaniamens vanld do veil ta noe. anal 1h51 vas hat large ombe o!the conservative volea etther voted tic SastI sac candidate or refraind ro votqllug. libu touud that"tpreetgenot. stion et sioctovam amot sud viilot bcbhon dovu ta parti lises viten liey override prine. pies chat suany coteeauxs ai muchIimportance amn»y o«thepromeut polilîcal questiois. The do nos protesalcoessp thatliquor cannaI bhaM but jau have tai hs vel inovu ta gos ut. and evea tien you canaot gel it te exceus.The French iborng men vho forinerir mpent uerly thiasr satin vwans. for lAquer ocaus carcel nov gel amy.mas the vhakey-seflera tear expoa sure if Iby oIlta hOmosaccontoathoîi la ai moderatian vies they te&nim. go chat in moit-defence they have ta v-,carefo. Wiail iu fermer day. yen conildsarey gelitno t lev vithont meer nue drunkea- mon, nov cthey are nevoceu. Tac eTwurMu-Tbe membeirai o!Cam. brai khde met at their hall la lie moraing and marche the Presbyterian churoit, viere Rey. Mr. Pattersos preachsd au eloquent ser. mon. Uv. 1-.cornes &amlIrlandmd sud hec Meulremeutemsd benaitsfci.th Orange order. T&i buccn rein provlag lu cheir publie a: pearance. preseuting an lookbanlu leir ntemicyai dr" 1 T àtovM.Ducv aimad. àm-à tllieulu ths elvunlsglu tie Meliedua &AKWOOD. Currospouden.e et The. PoslJ THE bàvE» Anny.-<Tetlis Miter et Ts: Po»T.)-bin.-AI l isko ba!in ewa bgt lu. taierans t afoids, 1propuetau -.Mo demnuaim!l set vie naCmethsmsol Ves "Tic Saviti Army. 1Persons fpanotng tltemeeivosas ose of th ce army came ta cha iacolm apsn wesrsyil nifotrun, viiilace au Camps. t eh aifo. Md gsIthe onasn coi lheis u=noa tgloics ce uelisbe t baill_«_e"Sa number yousglady.ut ontml"ami infin» an as0a *m 10E oSl.l oal Umslr - us ti L .Tis anuneui liaI cher ossSe von lu la s laoroote c e scOu ehuciesniI b. claie et loir va" vool reies M r"e choir cnotahJthe meana mmeipiii i sa breub et tIi, own. PrOPS4mWr uvi volb goaul à au SCU& aiao lmmi m et m mm owuhn vpTd dm lm ]%-_MOLmaank a Pla molu m ýpvos fl5lJlfOI 0 etBeW izemqn& o F <c, .4 DLUJND-AS & FLÂVEM-LE 4. t j, t .4 *' i~ 1'~' -f 44r&i~ ~ ~,: ~4~f 9 93 JUST ARRIVED.-A fresh supply of BOATING HATS anld SHAWLS, vcry prett* mo and new la. design. iOt Beautiful WHITE UNDERWEAR of every description for ladies and children. Lace w' and Muslin Collars, Linen Collars and Cuffs and Fancy Handkerchiefs in great variety. 16Panniers and. Hoops, Corsets, etc.. of the latest styles. 425 There stiII rernains a few Summer Hats, Ladies' and Chilcfrens' parasols, to be sold ata dis very low price. lie m A splendid JOB LOT 0F PLUMES. Corne and see thern. 375 BREVGeo Douglas.-manirla. eeh tpped from, the station, two cr IMMd of cattlla.Mr. Maflon la a lUv. ue O and la rnaking it iatmaetlugl for cattle bay- eéi hssection. Having largecontracte '5s L ad priçu% Nau5 h -e01' ro g, ono ent 'PrZac.-ToannSookot);w Bharlery Forks, Stel or Wood# De *ey way. Full particulars neit week.Io Bo Ha dR k .H rv t Les Xim-tu, F Rad RTuzestIp Hoes hoMUD LAKE. 1mmd ù- [~Corresponde«c of The Post.1 Jtfm-It l udT r i fos I. A Niw EnTERaPRSE. - A gentleman Pr~ G z o oaoB eis e h froni Uxbrldge, partlcnlauly fond orai he ]ai r ]L.f Lo tbB els h attdova bsieour lake one aay c- tt&:"k.Rean't orne of those long-.t k wt M eckred specios of fra-eaasre thm we oe hoor ui lvat on.Damy, l" lrebull- hoopbut lmdh. ndG EO. DOUGLAS, MANILLA. et Cruz say vith him for a. regular id fiait et bis ilMsure. we wieh hlm ail thé Manille.,.TuIy 9. 18,15-81. MS âweets Imaginable, andi hope ho vill comae ffor moreè.J.A )n HOME AGAMn.-MI" sweLwec la omeacoin tte bé[a n Wniegorgc efour ,..?.m"'he recelved a. hearty wel- n.ere WnnqfR QUHART'8 SHOE STORE, Le rence of chis plâ acnsd 1Mm..Colin Robert. ofnOI 0f orlisî, contemplate atartingffuiorCA NNiNG TON LD SUNDBRLAND, n" Scotiand lu about tva- weeks, ta viit their ie riendu, intenditig tc, stay the mont of the.I n, stimmer. LSnqGeîqG Scuor.-The Rev. J. MoMiI- A 181 lau, ouibyterian minlacer, has etarted ra eiiool la oui chool bouse.. ALL A Li VE I N utn . e hope h. vil have _____________________________ eà auceu, as sinOg a ch. hardet bmn.ch .d of educatiouata learu WE i DUN"iFORD. SCorsarndienceofThe Poe ,e Srim A COLpzwc-hsaiT1oae Wmn'a ButM Bootat $1.2,5, wortJL' whaol inconuection vlch t et &t$1. 75, are onfètDw' 01fiil r church, Dunuford, held chela sauai loe «%9efas. D ' ai ocU toc fold a tes la Mr. Coer.hil.8017 YW'lA. y tes wua ta t culd b. esfreiid andAr1s- -s bigdn y tiected credlt on the]&diset tihe church. 1Afce tuthe . orpay fbch ' huchfo a. tliectulle u.thL » onfastem XYput mOnd C~rips sewecL FR.El, lehurton,suPeatendent of h mna A T T"~ U tehul1oficlating as chairman. Addgesuees ~ 'yr ous y eus Wm. Thurstonjohn iSeUl17> IL.dO. ide hSteis.C~a1~SdSueln ..Tetoliasispeakers proelaled the iM ereted a finestable aud in sctively GanadPoue daction of ch. sonate in m.ndlng bock acot Ig'a build a "1cage" for himasif as r.' e &e amndîments as a direct linanit to ch. al ttimhbertlareadfnes.M.CM. opnios othe people of canadams.x: MOW w homae anerlng'c=etloa GRAMN AND WOOL. one religions boies lately la sesion A Mxoruov, contractor, tu aeafrtlm The underslzned vIIi pay the ir Rubftrtion le ua vatiienpene and ff lb ...R. LHargrave lhaléao eIG HST CAH PIC 1- raeed owarté blldin a » ___a »e ta"l... ..Wiiea we look s tut .C H R et Roy. Mr. untsc, pas of ot hcweh, @MLIZRUWvOmet 0! th. eoabibood vs- thon addir=td h. moesto «---l --sgea- mose lia" vs have a go-aheadclame faioiz hammeblowe et the. of 1Ph. se-ionaeplii.e m d"aita thawe ccili haveBcejW at @!ad iiigtly sulo0gingthe noble f D it.. h plenty of tminfor Imprioveuzent EEaa as voted &agair SA. C9 Ml sd hie. e n as 8 ine sasclate d vebe, Mi ret MicAHdoue ofTh oY. aiWoi s MrxsT RNUEN-S.M.Pl Um&?.Iw5mc.-The SIluday échools IeiverOet aIthe. aid Brogden stcob@ -e & W s reacisi bedgth. Emuil oda. ou the. of Ibis village belonglng to the Churciiof ai LIZdSB3*t.Eas imoralag ot ch. 1" hand to LO.L No. es Euglwe, Preebyterlman d Methodia t cou. .~ ~m saC iof Dunaford la che .veniiqr. Bath servims satiahds îueoecrios tuUn . . le ATMaaC vers large#y alended and che cloquent re. CE hlcauesdaÈ, Ttiituat., aS chat day murks OfthOCieUMagm.liateeaMto attea- hâd been, proclaimed a civielay bech. IGEI CASEI PRICE PÂID I Lvsy tesie la Compliance vlth a requc 1 on ACT.- Dunsford myathe. cott net signed by mmurn e 1.principal umrcht. -&n MnaM Md Meaitbe03C"rreensd bualumammote c.place.There vsw HET»D O T rPALESTINE. =()a5d7Ountivi ortP he f 1 epdmet vu et Gry L illa boat waéla Sttsudanc. The under«lu.d are freaedtapay the Hý HAL ArL K*TCE-OUI boys 10 saSv omey om oteprwr S& ee e nlitLLQst istlmu on Saturday mrang Mhem Pim t . 1. park, utbers avery ut MrketPrie or lieuada doua et.Lorueville, aitoeduiwlng ahout l ae. etla< ué » VUM il htvem Mîies, beÊqus eght W oeck.The. two clu t ml"" PATENT FLO<JR-IEW PROCESS vokuaale ma~1.s ther about twe heuré pleylng reintajj lu-NW ROE pet MO isasMurWclub sho eu m».M. s15 cicu atgscrj u itnu ltroduced the new prooessufe th MÙMt -à-rim. butdur laored dS semanufacture ofFinour ther amrewwar r UAZiaytg bu the tabrs fSimtheum. 11 aUlorders for te patent article. )ppix' f = iti s r » bmia" hmo On *Sor c'r-a.lm ott 1th Ohgianow boirezdoue et sur ill snd vii ceun"'t -- a o h coot *-à i. t. eoi.be- for ch. eaaom. DUDS o af ie is m a s ~ s&%* &UMM . Tiers ho5 bie&n L M m.The ,.» mnivuenev v l 8u Ofaiapatky dispâlàysbout= ch. r aO-' L eh euw i eU rne mou~ ~ t~ V~ dvriemnt 0 4 d S sla the Sm.b . min e TI N T Z P T.p sudSi Lensila lutum i anmai bl 0Bfttdailmmgl dmtmieul happrl uiur du th&iit Ia tmsi s m A.fO'vtU lPo ai. oh answgho.o anupraoswi 0

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