NEW DRESS GOODS ut wceive4 Iy ew ii'en Omdin the populw' skies of 6,own& Oued. pw'ticulw'iy suituMte for travelling pupos il 80 ne výiet1 of a DUNDA& FLAVELLE BROSO i.luAd». v ,,1lis M .A A Irg ane c Lite lgata oflrsat the unuad cfpetfFmVEfor 2 - .- .................! _____________________________________________________________ I ______________________________________________________________ I _____________________________________________________________ C puas mu~ - oumW W. A. afodwz. wuA. GCOO»LWÏ Urne la la TIOVI*hDsoif mel boo- NEW ROMWOX* PÂPEXZ, Tenders- -Thoo& Walter&. Dorlés ,Clroc"-. P. Doris. garvoat Mitis-Theten & Co. "rit sud Suwar --A. Campbell. Voter's Lit-Mua. of Maripos Purmn for ,aWe-C. A. Maginnon. Mars Mryed or SWole-Joo. Preser. New rm. Good-Dundas & lavello lres. rarm for lao era tom-O'Toary I CLearr. w (tuaiaui(gaie &~ Pym nu e Sau oaiu 10t he EdItor of the. Mal'. KtiqrTw, Out., July 22,~. . Sf,-la îtu Mailof 1h. 201h lat. 1 oe St stat..4 Ihat "Lient.-Colonel Williamns vus tld by Colonel Stnaubeuie tb u8e bit ovu discretios as ta the mater o! a charge." Jujunsleto Lieut..ColoielGOu. »U dth dl.Royal renadiers, s wonase to myslZI 1beg t tate thatthre lasot a word of sruth In the Abore Staternent. On the occasion of the char» son the rtitspDis st Ruioche on the l21h M~ay laat, T ordersd lb. laies lamentod Colonel Williams, In, moot emphatlc and unqualifled la.nguage, te advance to the chario, which ho dld, the tva conipucies of the Mictlannd bat. talion (4J2 4trongb undor hi%- cormaSd, ehargingln lin. vlith the Royal Orenadieu (1-Y» etrong) under Lieut.-colonel Guaet. mi the marne ime advaucinix myp*if lua comniand of the attacking party.- 1 baie thé honot tb ho, alr,-Y'our obedieut er vaut' , 9B.o~ rrABNiZ,z iieutenant.Coloel. L.ate ln eommand net-the lnfantry . Bni. gude, Nok'hvcst Field Force. à NspIl tram Sait 0rue. (Ta the Edftor of the Mail.) Sn,- 1 regret exceedingly, sass Young offioor of lthe millîla of Canadia, 10 resort to the public pus, sCol. Straubenzie hum doue, te 4peak of the actions eto militia o*Mcers, and spelliy do 1 regret t lt» oeeptlontt he vrltingse ofa enor ofUi- cor. Battue e@««m for th. lie Colonel Williame, Particicud la Dot only by lie eoffiMero, but bythesuntire soliltia, ouI, 1 truskt, atffrd a veili ta th. igtd regIla. lions on tht. subject. r heg go stats ltut Col. Strauhenae la niiotaken vhea ho mis "the tvo companles of 1de KIdIad liattaltou vire <02 slngr," and hat "ldm Midland advanced lu Une vlth the Royal (Grenadiers" Col. William. vas lbe irai colonel ta adrauce hie moni go charge, sud thesy ral; cbargsd, sud hud me fer advuc. ed heond te.Grenadier's tua, h.vas tompeledt t hait that tbey might adrance t. tcMlinaent, durtng vhich halt thrue of the Midlndrsvoue voonded. As rearsthe order te charge, thé desO cao- aot sak. Itln I.ut. truc thai th. Gren- adiers as velia lem t= OîL and Midiandera aa'rlnid ln disorderal the village. I mibt mention hovever, that Col. Wliliams per. SOUal i nptd'more of the houns ai Nuioche belort the arrivai o! Col. Sema- beazis there.-'Yourtt, etc., J. C. GRAC, C&DWai. stugeu Point, JUIF 2&. T.thoe ditor of The Post.1 Srlurferencesta a lett«rvblh mp. peuwed la th. Mail of the 22nd, vrillez by Col. straubensie, a vasuProbant vhs C. .William. vusaddruekwus,1IfuI je sur duty la behuif of mymelf sud the boy* of 11C" compasy, toi dsfeud the memnovy of ou bslovod laIe commauder. In Col. St'aubemale ve louud a Mac of no sympa. mey Who lad eregad for ue, Iwo *5 a W si u Ou"V oua CmàwwPom) Bat visther-Ia bhhaVet veemb- bus th. eact g msklug"arkuet quiet. VéVeUy 1 0"1e 1l0 omlW4Mg ot mcm .emou*te mxpw[y ocal iuLgq> mmulu.Poiéehm BaeUt *ss. hm lait wook aM @Md M qUUflow ..... TII wusk the vspa hmvebus cet ut wcsk o i** iu whistad hmua au s counlu*the M4 vilbs a mont bountifu orne. It bu mever boos btter ami lb... la bafflet Gol u pulug Wh"stle lOok tug uumurwbW OU Msd v l solo&mpes 414 p oOif uodbuu uftowsecornes au. .... aUUl ls pluudd tim sd vil! Aile & ver lump1m. s.ur . Produceslaisla Ur deM autgoaL id is sud frit or au hinds selle resdlly. spectal croppM=tsho u il . inter omdlpingwh.npovlaguwe*dml MMU mmfy oalerdfavorablebut NichA nn udoie vaises a crop equat -lu Ibat of 1 la4ceuimeuhs Mbu¶lObc hiomu &auusTom4muge ud sucy on DO, Impouvumt tlb u doiro riu thé latter two ste=a1h=mi Mv beyinog 014 whist to atart up 11.1v mille, The ftlun o 0 b vlter whist Win disse. trouuly afsect the rslhoate. SpIng whist ~JOPot5EdtamU5Uaveaecm Ifthe Lnqed mn«tulloch, 1 t, The mm coup of the N0111west eeual the crop 0f ~ isampm4ove msd a mm" gieut gala la the. la.toutem dayé, Acbuadfam Cutil eo bus dvice teailue faera i me o us- socable tha t It uoulàt demaund 11.1 thoughtfl 'eocsldouaon. BE sld 19 vou&dry fedorsW to ilu uing laterta abbut Mei. ime of th. yisw lne" t socfn-l Ing Ibom lu the vluter or esaly Sla .h ~lg osa beemw lois .1m m b. ,la toptm l doii, aumsuspansd lov- er votes. ofreiglus Md tinursuosFor tbis ressautexporter» would bu.ina poso to ta y botte i f th"y couid ou geaithe caIlWle nov Isi. i .ly in theseméon. Theman ±ea tItube tuaI salboutheb.Prio sd ii Yser viemotgo amse 4"Moely Uh compae favorably ouough, wUi my ue vous Iear nvew oflthelowev rIeso0 %Mau sd other food tieiss. The prospects for usai year' ho mayeama good, se thippen have 0"dea ti emomq Itis ve umd wil theroore bcenecourmgud te Continue la the rade. EsuisoU» OMMUflo aw. At Point St. Charles mouday moraine, the demaud for Ilve catie vus fuMr, but tiersWvasa veshesfeulinug ào- xp buye M d comoqumothlb e a t or irhlpping cattle vw» slow sud price.. sloady et 4:1c sud 3Qc pu lb. liv. velght for de. sirable biets. Thon vas a fuir demand for sheep but piaits von omgetmi4c and Vc forgood ta choicespou lb. Ilive gle. Ltre bog vivesioer nt 5.f pu lb. As po0r muikethle recipti o! damle von fair, tIers: being 300 oied olbood, vh met a ooad deïmaud commoa se cholee noId ait 015uand 00 ish. The ofrafeloro shoep ven mute viti a fair deumd ets prices, hous b= Mg d 0 0su 4.50 o 425 Iambe ogueed wbich bob *aU Sud 40 ouh as tequallty. Teree a f calvUes esMralil,thers beiug 50 ofrd vhtch vonplc~' Up quicklet aI SS ~e5 Ch.PIge brouiht $1.00sd 75. iLdin hgesod t U50 and *.25euha ta quslliy. The osdilluS 0f the Bilsie stock tr@de, se Indlcated by ourspocâbasle do. sputlhes, la vuy ur , sr s eKonumr Gousils 0f Tuudg. Ree 49aif aile froua cass" sd the Lunto" &meushbov hmIolu a fuW. Ti vesêborla troPical la tlelntemi.bout, Md the heuvy ernpthe domaud for vhl puices, Prime CuudlWMM ses buuffu cmi lSf,r, Le babluitm mncdayPilpues, a emier lw cumebshowsltu 511er Muls, airta oie Ulfflat t2e pairte The Moumi lmunhot la dUI11, vlet Ihlo 1 49gouu O um ud , s i udm prisse§oeoiehy toas bulaups w"S a shlpplMât mus b. dost, thon vii bc too mach ulue btter crosli ovr M u u l te ou of lie omm@. Labt. hokim a oua !am rts hne doguth"lsmut etg e ilim vu hm 0 CIMPF hav .hm ay buns Aliii W NewvivTu. Graine or Mgsilsd UvsoooL. Thc fovlwul s !Ishlrs u mi bar et bauaao1sd by oeuh: [SUe...... ........ lusi wflmmnstot.. ............î~ Nrvad..... ........... -10 bul Dumo............. 42 ....... ....... .............1 Olessbmsu..................... WNcn-nh.....................EO - Cowmu.... ....... j4 là .................. ...1 Lqi* @Lake................... l Nua....................00 Ciatfm zn....................SI ..:: o a..... ....... la.......i . -.m ....... is.................. 50 3v. lutasbld 8, esrlgleub ta moi»esilechlu , bought 9R lam e .e. hfroUn 1e eme- BC=m% =srâouth urazélMh bM- mueluehiidoeS mm uraL.nt mt LCouumoled vowly.l Tonovun. lily3,SUM. ataeCâirmha. il;. .........005 la 0iU L,200 ls., bl Msda ««m 001 O O0 Moc ..l........ 0 X 0 .1 ..................00! 03 Stcealiat.psul.M-.008 00 do beavy perîlb.. 000 0Om blcico,,rr d. 00 4500 Saoaudary qMuUtios.per buad............... 300 350 Lambo-Cliolce.per hond ......8 306 30O0 Good. prbed ....... 000 000 Commeu, por bemi... 000 O0001 Noga-Fae afftheccar, por lb.... 0O <l *O0I caivea- waMi...........0 04J 00 Cales-répd Ootoé .. à..... O00 00 scotch Wbeul.........00 te 085 fau iM................. 000 go 0 m UpungWhst........000 le OU .00 ta 05 Ose ,.b ........> e #oS ... ::: ...... 000 la 00 pou d....... ... 0 W se5on MCloweu Pmk..... ......408 e7a11 . .lymo ............00 ta 050 nlouumsp av.sp M Ibo 255 ta 276~ 2::ýe 1 mized, " 235 ta 255 O alilprltllIbo........ ..000 ta 240 Corinal .. ......185 te 200 ~Fay~p~*,Om...... l.e-) 06 14 de .00 te 10 "d Nu.febedm ...........10 te0UI 9 u r p r ! ..............013 ta 011 Cbsse(la bulk 1) .....-... 00réta 010 Luper ..................o0 10te.0o TMilovplb............. .505 te 005 BIpomsps lb ...... 001te ce Turksen.per lb -.. GOta GO &-r em r.. .....0109l Bacon...O::::............ 800 1089<tO NenprkvlM . .. rd 100 tlu 000 sat, PZ@rbý.....-. -...000 ta 1lis âtmvperlcsd.....- .200 te 300 pu.................. O 01 e000 akýiMspcr lb ........... 000 la 813 Lamokns..........000 10 030 Woa...............17ta 019 Cerilvodbuprod, , svm)30GO I 3 50 BeofEiso...&......Gmt.Seo eumubosn M. Ir" issrla 1e setntafatln.Tholle vba ro elmplid 11usd wvie are ueing mui25e. tes our 1h surpausseuything they have ecrt b ut te amneoamer. In tea. e muat have Il un- leOsteai, vo canud vil l cbc uadermold The Gl Pricting k Pabllsblng Co. bave luuid lIliroceptioc, number of the inuataki Wur Noe. Thi. unumbr la eoe ofuuiua lulereut IlNotims ixteaapNMsad the tfuuatlcus mre enalusy compod or osei la cOnacaMlosvithle rea tturo , isvelaoun huomUiche uIbvhest.The pueiliesusau apela a tisetaW ipeg a lr uicIm poittto ansd llustuatathe pomdns A ruer 11 ont or Incidenta madeprecs. the Iroopi rruilg hbuste la vriUla by Capt. c. -W. Mlu1 ie ho armledsomc or theai &ïanipoil Arsim md Ula liluahraelby .. W. Befflugh la bill bou t yle. Tieaunmber le. uutryropot, l utvhc a te fiende al veu the vend, al a rsprumers. dm of lIe reesgtlsssleod Our uctursu bereeeWuu.alees mi besaahuodj m onmio»duad el i i luinesiedmail b pullues have bâa poal dif in l« 11m gre s sIll vubuyveappreointe 1h. wt ueh arInv rolu-nlerahould hae Wcp. IW- uIIS<S vii Mail cpe W pullto my _o osp t ri The Touanto Nova Co. au e ivils MÉ. OsoUs NoHagI hbas liaded nm s ceps cf the Par* lier Gazette <luI, M > pullaimet a Park RluMu iLCo. Daketai, oanatel g a ec1001111M et the ucamtioneto lsmma bilc dabs vwil .One vus Ilitisaymour, SI vem 614ci , i«u»et. Wakh b 5M3tIm ~Ui!I~S. JUST ARRIVED.-A fresh supply of BOATING HATS and SHAWVLS, very I)retty and new in design. Beautiftil WHITE UNDERWEAR of every description for ladies and children. Lace and Muslij Collars, Linon Coilars and Cuifs and Fancy Handkerchiefs in great variety. Panniers and Hoops, Corsets, etc.. of the latest styles. There still romais a few Summer Hats, Ladies' and Childrens' parasols, to bc sold ai a very low price. A splendid JOB LOT 0F PLUMES. Corne and see them. Augnu lait sadMi sscI vmsimg hrouchaut lIevet ls lulqCoMid C& vii ove a @crisf et t o uaummmm la l.epsu boum. ibub">I MMF UUnd ier blau 1 doeevukvotethe esses i j,I Q.1Mb.d mom" espar-ImamamismutatiouAn, u. s Pere. Crodedce ss~ ie ui amms hovimmdhe WbUioot ti 7mae.omat MmTic .h 1escitad la the lava hall fro t at e a* u za doluatlre ifkme efoIsdod end a Moster esumaloif etbuoOfLsa The PlIs putCD the lourd durlag te ls ve rs ourmânieiml vrrisitatemSUi xovenif tb. iicmpsus'. a lIoer prored eqgute laorioimCeh. e Luios adueium Muer. Lunisk lumagu- lia,. idgAvs ashw vethe .lsrmh lrsdUiadq e -MM aouticria mi lassa tous. "Ha Ban arr ce Ilupsileut by Bea iisyh obudas sstumbuifli. «Teyhave a ewtaie.t IbilsvitLthcm.eMr- ___smsJ. l"as ur ivrs mimblleg." me, go thous vithaut tsursMd The Nswuham unomerres e t HSiburtm has atisuMàa Ikmgnumbor it guests dinR cesation end h»Usl la its Plâmant sunrouud- tas. Amon the menracilarali aruthehiov- lau' Mr. A. Cex, Toronto, i J. Bain, Turoala; JudgeDa.L ur Us uucate sud tain. mou. Ddaey.Ni oand ml 1 Nias r. 6àLemave.Pul Onhrs àk m&&'agsu b a luleslualthe muais i aI xmis.Stearssavoteam r url Ncwnham. About tvealy couple ofthe.amitle vero thora, sud dancing wus lipt up ltûtmata inalhuift wu very bat XMua. budwell, ber= makiug the au ailhap com ortabi. No expomm se » areu ta .have as oujoablseveag. A mkili inialai frou Lindsay. lis Siait, vawon ageto 0play h dr"a esclFlvILla, a.d Tbtty m~ e t Ilaiealoy uscked. kid -gloves fur vo lc 1ev o. The gentlemen wveswaal. 1metmcise aM whites bld.. The gnessaof Nevuaia. veto la"invita&. llas Stersussu, PeterborM. Goaluer, Catherlie«;Mr.Slorm, Nev Yo r.,JEa. eCbleom .Yrkcr. Tornato NMr. mhiuo& sNew otalasar- riva: mrcexpeotd uat veek hmtram erborc sud Toronto. Il bn rory cool and ice veather iles3Mammkumw Mat& Ths saunair&Uali ypioulc mnd excuniolif the WIdlsilDiVisio athebcGrand Truuk rail. vay vas belaIet utlaaea grave, usear Lindda, on Satuiday laut advm» pronouneiltlabo one of thec11uest cr elbre h. Thc abeadnce vas miL la halarger Ibsu amy puevions galber- inand malelspramasports carried eut la a metlmont ter meat.At 10a»0the.train tram Coboonk arrive ud, iung Uicexcursion- iot trom ail pointe norh et Loruerils a the Nlpimltugdivision. Thora vers ull cears un- cou! ortably flIud. Ou Uihe Lhiburlan train train thon voe r e couche@ and six fiat cars froat Port Elope Sre crovded cmr arrived;- Pet cbe. lIu.s ».Belleville. lire.Pout Peury, ire: Mnd TOieaaO.eigbt. At thc limne thI listrain arrive« d idelivered tbir paucngorsil vas esisated Ibal thon vwere tour thausamil ot as Jolly.gaod.natuued, sud as happy a crovd as ocud-S f ouet la Ontario. Prepermllang ou a large Moie haut be a ode by thecenergfetic coux- initIee for lhe onjoyatunt o! teUic itlIensud the difeucunt modes o naet vers hearUiy in- damd =b te mS.rri Uakom .ou lhe art rivaLet trita te or vaswudinuer ad the goSmaoly aeepausiliti vol OUed bamkam. sud tIses ual limuppUed voee Iretel wILthe ulmoms beupltmllîy by tiei Mouuaengba. or dinud at tie ro- tresimont talse viere very geail dinuer vas puovlded. ABsu ucments th ntbulk rep lrcd tlothe dunaime i&luz mtee dlgi Uic plamurt et Uc altz-aidquadrille. Tai Mêule a5waded vwaonlliman sd coud ba h datniS er t r Ib pnai. The camps. a tnpd rykeasy cen pulr coemsof aBurtBakia. tihe eil-knova brakemmbelveuPclrboom udToronto. glide arouailgraufnfly ln lhe Polka.Burt Iaok second p la thelb.gaîniS und sports he con- testate vi ermsrsUadthe ommlaU».o eMnvhe Cc sta adant it credit for thceinsu uerl Wh"vtaLtber vers conductuil tiuongbout. »ud lvas planning te meUc the thc decisicas if lhe judgoersem=ï lu Muë. 1 bel«a aardoddm Orspise uo alY thelb.prettieslbu tihuaIut af ud, n dma la seing agom duel vbore ésu mie s0 "l/a -onomnd Isudume. Atluai tram ha C.4. P WC woutc.aOgam 0 ot buans hte haml e fiatt- ed by dbhorneclub. Atklvc ooiak the OrsI train arrivaetsthe gmovs, aa aoresc lias. ogsut. and durinUg cest o! lIe"ecris lag aw» v i ezemeat sud bandl.teaamors IMaM osutiecovisd btmmvhloh veslia ]ýIghl CrOdtuISeOtom teedlomSer 01- mrvedduriezgtUicàday1se mm arg o. Thc cmmmiu e Uc ues vesunalin uthelr a- teflythis 1outcmte10theluitonrmae conaldor thay imuucedud wvol. Mam. 6Chie. Tire,. Stewart sud Cirasvont. e u mala tentions te IL Th aiea muakiflIs uomsm ifshedayb galydue M Fard am19 mae*ai r.a bridge. Pi aalvru aluedat P-I Tuaume's uesI itru-iGeo, JobitCes bocan;2k hufS. S ull, laa. prisa. la eil plats wat halaaluod et84. hi, là Irmu sMd combvalutsi Le Setenamcuss..4 n9 «iam4 im poFfim gentisInuution. es, a lauronp almul sj"-w UmgInm ue-T oià-t- M.Jiu Pas S TlasIa PWens la NgbNuaas ~us R*RACe LRES à 1KW DOsESHAT 0F UNION nous£. Hesa.-AlLiudua, . mFIday, Juin 9111, umgxn.-In ftic townmb eoSt erularn, ou jnIy Mml. MUT. vitet a&N. lamaS W-ff T 7e.ra. New A dvsrt.iaemxtg. (JOTAGE TO BENT.-LateIy ocam. vwbr hb" azSr eudlerRummen. , oimaas le - B men q aoib t uig Ubm@mm. WA5~ ~ I AME - arcng,, arn oat C0ON70RTABLIR BOUSE TO BENT FOiRSA= n te to»Mpo! Thorah FARdi OR SAILLThe unuraeged bceantoniy mutel Md ago1d tate if cul- tiratimon. lnomils. hm gloan. O.k. veild aWoodLfls sd t ivie M"sifron Linsa. ii aIao i" oie iam .a usmehlIi t i atera goouilm omue For torm api o 1. romises.C. VNNOunuiateP.o Jà&US VOLm8LIBT, 88.-Mu niipuity o etoUm Lrsh ie btbrtsl the ao" iz goe munl*slobe.Iime" te la * m ~ elmet the b u 3180l. S et 0- ma ma 0& ssmFe id iiry, Ueuaed & Eatched LumbEf at $14 and upwards. Shfngles of ail Grades, ail Pricel from SOC up. Ma lole tu Prffl.rtion. We defY Tlph onectionmAMlorders bY t.- grai ou eehone ropiynteuded tr0. Enu . IFBEh.t ÂNS.4 l Ke It New Advertsemen ,ts._- N EW JEWELRY STORE I-1% ILITTIE ]MIITAIS- 1lboalasve t. aumounce that 1 bave rd Y rolarEtbahment la lludd's R5fl' =LiJith ErIIa. Mdui ikeep on band Wateh., Olooka anè awuIry 1 M aisol t r our 1ev C 4 z4mauirlsgn am hmivW. ivi O.k m*BilvorPbosa F ~ ~ 4. ro A. * Ce.. Thexton k&LCO. _ o' GLxTLnxu,-Iubstei my Litle Bruttbrd I E T & C l inrto-day lu tell vhest sud ldami Is wort la my atisasction. sud lam tecammendi l10___ta______ M=o rb. Wa - r er..H.. l oe. HAEFV ST N rr.Swonlhand, and BuTLxxK aflatemaipeauebiut b. so9 Prios utosuit. humable lo atet1s lI rted may Little fBuant- 1 feud id Waer&yda lu a U ieât. Parts af the RaWwot Toolg, P&rb G~reu,.uuLdig aper, Palits, dclil vers badljlaigeild an isi, but the bimIer vu oqumi t. th.elamk =sud ddilIl. U5dl (Maaiut ight Prlon. vako~enliresatiabatL. 1 oun truly r. touMr hblaw.fauer as su AI ma- china. Fmuoem ,CasuECLLe. Ladary. JUIF 29.M188., Lms veet déaIL canni ae, v rerable j__S._______________________________ ladies,Wh vieesez«oathUichâseirisidents i _ _ _ _ ___et_ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ LAiime,.Orne va lieMm Mveyn. Ticealter vas Mus.WiIaa. molIer a! Mu. Richard Wliem aud Mum (Di.> Poole. Mma Wilaoawua la inn 81*1 zemr. vaswbora at D"I-LueIs, Co. Ca- E R N S . . . man thev a li Sâ Lion sud Noir Wall. baud, vh a iMMiilbales ad hourty. and elmila avrn*,a Se me talis uty lu 1137 vlaznet Lndsy lhum- "'N ANDCOLO E&Y lUOsudbave nealded hbonaisic. Sh.vsunnr eabn.Te a e ual ~.?~ U~IUUf R EE devout sud iaiuest meaiber o! thm Weslcyam x Metiodiat cdurci and vos tbe estectem mi ro- For CottgIis. Coldl#, HoareH~ vivet. o u reatb. Tvo died-one ousa isthrta, BroilclîUis, Ifuè yWlîooplag DqJIgîcui -lira.Chrialana MoSweM . vo lied aetLind-,Betng ad«I maroteIL Mdlli., allthe mgaetf735 r.ex- Bethg n I niulatome of Caadian pioncer M11hmasTkioat and Liung tal thltot i ob ml e. Oie vws bora la >8ae Seand alcamne t. lhilcouryvlbe father's tam" y sen scvs u ie yars f -- Atprour uMeiafor il. Sbld by au1 Dr4 sge eytb pterabade in Gleugary. ~3 D-gaauLMd lciao 0iuu. bars sud L conutes. vies the nam em. ~ &PRI Kelaa. NiemtucMclntyme an& Freigons Lindsay. July 31885.- 51. SOLE PItOPRik.1J: dsint thei numeous descendanta. The. deoaoiWitihoba uabamil and family camc te o realde in th10 ocuty about 29 ream acu. 0f hm Or= and Produce. Rb.B3as cdrs..thuec sns sud onedaua~ulihr e tu Klcbtg cdn as sad Ihue Nteao. _ID WOOL kk __a ==y, vo if vhonteare M (RMA McSwemn.barulaler. and NMm Floua McSveyn nsow sudfor severa11 apas t eacer Ilue.o! ulndu.dvilw I voei and -consistcnt member oaite Premby- tartan cburci. onceaofviiose miniateus lea sbra-.ABP5kyp WA&e<itg I Am Now OVING MY LARE 11cr of the deeeaiud-tie Rer. James Ferguso au (s STocK 0or ai Londou. Oie deparei thia lite ectlyea an ts sauroundedetthb odailoceheemeehnns.usao liigl Itsaut.anuuî.~! ~~iid WOOLp LUM BER, TIMBER, reagntin.sudiulyrellsaghe apuoo etg0fDundee à; CW'amoehonn m.,SatWard. W. adany. lU&I0 un .ARIS e SHINCLES & LATH, MoiçiwU.M-At LUde, "on SuneUi r CSW&RIElaI J1.Uthe vif o. . i. cemlle ofLaao. -TOCSE-.IC P -00"At Stustbrer ou Saturday, the. 25th -G lues., the vit of . ams écudescoq.,of a mon. -FOa- Inser akt. mWHREÂT AND QATIS. My New Yard, Nlaoet oW. ara s. to ureoatr. ieuno cilD6ieHih MY NOSe09ROsud Lumber Simili Ialsle.l Mia ara. iohlasetConea. D. e haum e id 0mW M ar. Feiber LuonV. G.. llliOiu 18riul ILnda.nv1tal TboM"aÔKcfeoaiWalsh Ca.. Dktt iaWber. Iviii hure one of t he most convel: May ulaguu cIss atber 0 onT. .ne. acdnntrs s afcst yards in Obtario for farui,. t C;alleebn . P MFUpuNWPRU M. Ilpa.etgta usftx-at. on the wusta~Li Lmm-Weian--On WolnearUdy.imt ill luaiWilas., hexvnje at he cisuence of te Uiclwd'atsgier, by Rer. fa Huvlug lutroullie asv pracesfouru e-I otia oa f the Aun F. eRichard laa.seacpsiorfthe N -el auufmcure af Fleur lIey are nov prepered te o i i o i oISxWmau if W. amn.ouq- Notvcod. la nov beinq=dame mr in vii ontlaua CAur~'C'_Càraum.--On tLeUnd! lui.for thmae . fITÇn6 xv« the ReT. B.&SDLKE.DUSDAMI& Ca. G ÀL UÎ E"PZ.gdard Ee amiaeut hZ. Hetr Li«. M t lot. ,.IiJ Campbel.Kinictelm CAiampelof.a laMh eXmBhXCapleil ,..wTo Sav'e Moi'ig Lau. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - -,W. t' k . ~'$. ~ ,~ i. IM 1 MAI-IL JUIZ Biè ISIO& mon- lm m_- q àffllvàý*»mm - ---% lit "dibm -q- - 0 Ltnd@W. icuir 8. 1 ýi mqvwý # d