Tlie * 165 ~It,. * .-' t. -I la t" ~ ~ 't.' N ORTH A'Ni SOUTH ViCTORIA CONVENTION or' ncbr.11ANY) 3iOuTf l VITomA WILL 1az =jE&D In Bra4db'ur's OperaEpHotse, Lindsa~y, Tuosday, Out. 27th, for (11 cl'cat !on rf offl,'a rî for Solti Victoria Iteform .Assorfiî,ut!i ompi~nîniying l'or East sud We1st îI'c,' mr , -t og .~"a.n f or te< tt leoal membnliy, ulà iiuîpruî' unmt of gnrlor- g a ithn; t ,îiremme 1îu ii'q itun ronlont rte. fdrm IcJafI rm , iiii< 'kohun i ibe:- M11l.aer of ]duatl.m. Wod. W. T. ~P~XTN flouerai oreay Ontario A£ocrm Asseeatimu Thm mnn%'î'rîtinn %ill nopen lu Iiradbtîmn' (>'e lohii Li' e i. mi.,.111(,îi business willbe 2P. mi Ev'în nwiî'tin a4.30. iwitwate -.i nîi 1,1wtRicounty aud roi't ili i ' mi a n nI al frIenda cI fhe , tetrni cîni t " irî'iviil un attend cithout tur!~ ~~~~~~i l'rii!'a.. i ti 'dneluspecoally r a *9 euI il-b' i a uii~ a nîî uorier that Z~ 1.1,11" lI*l miîy hio properly otfecied. JAR ; DicKIION, 1 N'. . N'. tetorm Association. S'a ".V. ~ nrîAëssiation. -, a Dros. _ BRITTOIN PR" PA6RIýG FUOI The Fail Trade. «%Ve aIlvea'fl ' Ill a- "'iiî'au adition@ to ont'a aî", .tl% aîiving dally. lit!i ti i,ii ilîa ar r r';,iiprtr ok of ortical goaîiaun iends luit ai" a îe lIne' cf Siri,'t ;' iialdal. 'rese glass- 414 lire 111 a"0'rf i' fi 'ndi'îî I 0o pur -;liut'i ua '..a 'ui Ii)i i 'la pa on af, l 'ia ."iiac d the-ni as tic Ia.u.t. tel '. -'.-iail cit raînas. foar (.'iucu*' ' a-t uulr" ea?,. Gehd Silver'a 7.1 it t'iar. i ;aled'il Iate. *;Cceot ' -v tir.' Itlaif 't lîanui meçt 'cmploe 1afi'l'k *al ai)%%i ,i taa ,mlited Table- i~a'î.. I~tîî ui bi jansants. WA'îit is. .\n inimieta.'nec stock of Tii' aton'!ua far' hiv1,orit in thie market, andi %% ' gi'. e' ,aa 'a-rL iéa ranlee club avenIr a' Ii Ilua- a-l. 1 aila .- ~szrsizi~&ND TiHzil. S ec !ÀiLoa .y a ii~Ilie.t.votnaîncladtyant wu ie,.,vedt l'y e alal kne'.vlier. -in t. 'aiteit , ,iî,'jr aatha' r niinin le te- rcî)rdcd fle-i. i aji iof Vialh(arti o iColline. 'At.eait, it ! fy 3(,1,il8nOa- ni,,it l Mr;. Coline Wons 'ai-k -'~ a~a.-b t '.ii ithem. Iu lie- i, rniuar v l' il'-i i.' hoanateii Ainc uî foîud i-- lîîî l aenn !i u i aid lia- îtitaînd (Paitailt imlandl ma', tia i li fa'a l iperiplied lu -n. l'lie lînumea'«' avîa-n'ur tlite Utlolic cerne- &r-a on the 'outaikiat-a t4 oJinilaY. ,'n du'uply rgi'a aIltii nticia' hua !i'ofîti lrs. t;. t. i'ok'ar. Iaa ' t' ' 0(ît0r (If «Iiilý 'Ctomhon- i agr lla'.'i-w - awn Iu nany in luis tocu, el wlulclî Soti' î'ara ite 'aui -a n rcidont. '1111a Fxamiasa a r ai': "he ii e'aaad lady cas il! ailýt fnue caa', t ri : la, '" 'ti-ii' 'i.Ideen cîtRi é, i lazura%'ii tt cul tua.tý-" r ' ia l tainieaî'aion. RY Rer dems,'5e-a-' -r.--. r .'iIlraiare orphaned. i,. Mmunty lit 11h .-l-ti'satit hrcrtvemen. --Torise p eitm-l wiy Wednesday et lastwoek i liilh<je; Bi ~.T-a.'ateson, coetfthe niaIs uetlv'- 4u('1'-ii. Mr. Batteson cas bora .-'aunt t Iaa' ('ira -2 : 1'.3 ire lîveti morne >,ar t'5 1-Poit'i1, t- rt î5îf n oveait te (l van. whrieho ici "uiA',-itaraîîi'lne te Bailis born. Ho-le t'-a' i-t "fui' cvu'.'r lfiyyem~r. Ife cas bl"t i's i l" , &. - - a-?1'vile n1i trèn. ut -MRoi.>m dca-en il a.- Pi.1: tnt 'on le Our ne.- iperted fa i,'iii. -,v. - - 'r .. pu. A to yean ugotIi'a'.'a -- 'a'-lif.".tRo homo' tOpad te tlii". i a'.aie'ly et , it te bis rle,.wtiî r"tui'tr Y Puen e! ti aurcaftev. t tiihlie waai tint a ci irci mmi.' The. TRi erai 'uti'i .ai av14, rgety attend. tioMiby ailtcWho knew hlm. -lVerer't ro lh.tva')la> '.41r'Ithe doti at Se". PlViai.. oîi tia1w 1 0f e' t.Aembea'. cf Mn. James fla'kqon. f lia' 'v.anorhlé taulieroe . rjaa. i>eko~ 1 L-'. t 'a Fao~l'als. Tic d~osV Id ~ ~ ~ l ca-1yu~ tag' lia casbora lun te. lava cfGal.ahi'l" .rlt"1c1,rihhire, Scotlsnd, On the'JPlh 1,0j. Ifetaaine te eu *a 18i41. .'l ria tai-t-- f- i nnhs wltl ii -iother n u * lai')fa ' .-a-ila' -likithIn t h. en'anly of ILs"prk hi' a.atti'atI n IeNahb. nooaty !'.ta.' Il' ý li-'aioar t hiratynino cana ir ym4j a» ho nf-r treWnitoba- a enq anWhRi for euei : eti , "râ Aiueweal an ativeutur. US sderpfiinf "pi ri. On thie 131h Jsnu- InM. 18.Re uarrt'-d Matrgî et st"uaftlvea bum. aitrhleaîgl five yesreO olda £t'-'fsamnr4Ild fieo f -l; iYe"rrs. Ma. liuekoog'u IimaîRet tins cent t'.ik to Watpnloo sud Cme uts ;es cf N r4leotn. iP..rm11111at Fr Wsier t ; Iausi, otbenrh'iioa f tic dey. elti thli ce u hom lhe liai!rata'," ré&1 meelaius ad et'cénsi1:qvra'iat'.1.i~.Y triene » W111, 'nmu hl i rpI. .si b'i n oehdoleaco wltii 505 ' liFenelon 1l'i'ls. cet - Viikoka basaà licensed pedlar clii tRia ap- proprîste name cf *'DropinskWm" -A meeting et the Y M.C.L.A. cii lake place at the rccmm on Weduestduy ovenlng. 7th insu., beglnninu ut ight e'clack. -Ounomir sevonth page cIl! ho found suother lnîeresting letter tram Mn. J. B.Kennedy orf Verulam about ies travels lu the old country. -A mammothi tate cetgblngtwo sud a Riit potnde cas dus op by Mr. Win. MoUlants on il ot iii tRi ecash ard. Can. pomplrlu hollow -The prise cmruat th Centralgrwu hi' Mn. Thomas Calvemi. wua cxcepti onl wîanm Mn. J. ECvorson botght it sud sla olug ho take the cake next jear. Maggîe BangtRie qusenof Scottisi son, MIsa. m cOamry. tRie cever elocatlonas, sud tRie "cIgmnuu subi @ase the.opera housto.nWt priées as usual. -:Memiers cf tIR inday caSuo club are cor- dially invîte te Wme«t at te .opera houste. iiglitati.31o'cRook. ARR membenauhouldmaie It a pont tW attend. Wear the club colore and g,'î yonr tickets fromi Porter or members of tRie committee. - Ther le a eharminir vaguenesa abou tCils Item lu tRis Port Hope Times: **Mr. Mark iloyd, toreman of tie Ti mes oiIce hua thimIamser we have seon this yeav,." Wrne lu tRat corul ou MNark's tAee? Or la it bei'setooth or popi .,Au- lnwklethe iiscoral" -11. danghter han taken thc mediofus ftitiltly, accordlug te directions, sud ber liealth andt spirite are noc-perfect. The humer is ail goa trom her fao. Icli severy snxious mothor might know chat a blsmenq Ayers 8$àroapaiila la in mach caaea."-UBe.. -?laftriende ciliire"rette lesMta t Mn. l)onald Jackson eofIMidouameht ih havy Ions on MiIslest l. His fias thrme-ear oId bull., Gaîy loy rd, onsetftRie Onest aoImaisof tRie kiin lui part cf tie p ravince, succambet! te thci brut on the way Wo Glenartu and d<ied. Ho cas a valuabie boaut. - 1It wili net be an unlooked tor occurrence if nne nrt«o enterprlsnq poung men about toms reach homoedi a charge et rock at allokinif in thie atter portions cf ttar amont . W eaum a good deal about fruit beinpl = -no.tstelu -lind raids8 on s fruit plot anseoff almom ulgy Sotiurnce. Mn. James.Watson bati mme flue g9 i p a s len o euen i gt th îs ceek Sut h . v ine . hiy aMan sd dmaryed..... Mr. J. MoMil- han Wet ard, iait bies pape vinessurlpati onc nivht last -cash. Pesontly mome irate l«li'(iCfltir wli ris. la hie wrath sd nlght shirg and pe;rtorato thie lnadera -Building eperstiousaa'eprogreslugbnlkly In the euti card. Col. Deacoulfehavlugssrmzl frame bOnse baîlît ou BjmertIst...JM . J'cane- lan Ries ptîlied docu hiirlad bonse ou St. Peter- et. sud lu ites ie a fine uebuilding Ie belug eected... Mn. John MoNulty bas compioucly overhatuln isiehouson <,ueonst. Trie bujilt lnjg has beta movoti baek uevral teesttram the otel. a sene fondatioa placofi underneati. an, addition bulît ln ibm rean andnth. choie bauid- itaioe claîpboardod, making a commotitousan&ud sitantial dw.illonhoase. A urestmaul other opersuions Of a sîmîlar nature are c "golu. ---A lIthtle n-yar @Muet Mr. Thomnas "plas wcnver. cas kioked i h a en fsufmldar atter.' noon hs.Hoeepau inU. Robmsu'sta- ncry, In front et chici a farrer's Vam cas standinffi snd elemmir ..toucheone o8 f Che herses cith hie hand. Tihe animal kicked up striking hlm ou theasulot théa Sund kuiz- lnahlmdnc.. We»aspick up lmmodiately by Mi. Rbo.btcslimlbeau~ou cas gîuhog trfnone crs.ia. cas Posao4i ud vsaonieloumm s as nu- siored the esulfonerW»asremoVe tu ieW bs thor's hous. Thie ceunit la n o, @es e u'ssa an »a Mumodthe i 11115fslow ts naplAiy roov. -Nec Cthat cornfiends of Uno Baptist charoh have acquireti thie lats . C. chancit building- for the. Cnaasicobas, vs &M latormed, beon, signed, saI.! SU& may loch fer susse imprvsr*insn lalbrauulg0ft she c" It coaa<i, pcrhap& , bPO prMat1s50 chat eliuld hle doue, but thinIM 111311=09 thie tact that t tlOO îltu csIRw&8"or osier ciao rejivemmtd. Thet namay budm- thefa smm e Isu usti'for aur pRaptIi ýfibsde te do a P bram OP tb closccsIMPÉL t1910h pwStino suwdOcti ttilbke au .iAt toamset is oc Mous«cti -on ?Ad«- abwOB04flMelma lg um 0105 sohoe o[Wm thuemd aowrle e stnaU"s mo e s. givea btbuoUSw M mmuPVIfOe, Meut anmsation. . e. M mg Matsi i chair sMd ploassuuy Inuag to sbssudlesf vaux MWole yme e asa sudà». W. s Kin.»a .letmmm - ssva ih i ILVem ctet 7 sdiffbSêUr W J.f 'bre sroiwebdmtmtpbnmm i ou4 ita.Farha r'ie&ouucoeeMdh te fM snnesMroanmeribl &OL -PWaWLe l 1afnr~in iffanvIIftiI W.. n m _I __ ' ' -m puis. 2W0 ras. M uYda. Tta -Tii.bassbaiievect cf Che eauo-the math ., w.Bocmauili. ) 27' 56 that brauit sut thie beauties of poed, ar1tt. Rabuylestr....... 21 30 54 atteruoon cf Rlm weok oun the cuIui A. C....&.... ......... 31 2z sa groudshetween temsfnthe e f Tan y isa. . . 28 24 Si P'esT s&iWardrnewePaape'ofHOOs.TuuiPow aPtý . U ...... 2â 23 51 staff tumnu'd ont a capital nine clith six men te, &PI. armOom..2 2 0 spareand the Wardar set pra tesa ntha t Sê-. P.R,tuu.....25 22. 5 Oreu. Forth. bemofitof an intereuei ab e MavII ...........28 29 le it casj'istsquesetou as ta ciuthorubo«sMors e iUIiaInSc.....29* 1la 1 wouldil mbit inp sud tRis loaL factartm oalshut J. 9:Oliver .. ........21' 18 15 docu sund nIl bandeflack toetRie grende to *eo1Capt.Graos ......26 la 48 ami match. ?the icbeneft o the jpublIc the J. Prkiîu............... 26 le rsounMo f the anes mare Sivont cmTHEK Maw&b ..... ...... .2S6 à M Posr: McWlfty. Faoe, IDmW.Eu . i 1 Blaiu.Lyle.DoaeSana isIL J. MoaW .......... 23u la1 3 Mu ?b' rom tsaWarde 25 9ssw. sLcpd......B 1 1 Hughe ne9arr B. INewton G'. qwog, s, oti.LetHoir .. .5 9 cot iW.y Huk -Zt hmJ. T1I0fl1¶.........17 12 28 Cate. 23 4 h lhnbawina.27' 1'1y op 5crtyaflOr eo 'eas i .. s la liêudmrhl& A. loue ......s.-............* 10 ppeclsîty r *g ast e bbwt or ibm Ownte -o h. costtutiasMsutby- muS siW heb. di7mns i h! r VS ere to Mat* ote Meebsos i thae Oul"lM ru ever' NuetThon M W &Imatm or hva VetMiesa% boa sumn t fla uwml tu ~the g RvI dmotummofhs Enla mR, gb« WIM »S enum"bIS foVib11189014,,bu t" mimd Luh I ~ iu 'telIsalla1sesados engkvtmme bu plL fiam '-bepro" e he r ofULL li se= te uesa -7 tkubuWfUtSti #usith pimswtan iSu551Msc z tUOBtBIUtblL! LbV-Me - M - hMU- mmboeviiLWJlSLzrnua t u r e . b i b e f nsml a m n s ~ f m t b i ~ o p b . m t hat ia vans foi. u eu t-a . uvt - wmtfq es c aabai Mdme *fflwM wM l RAiL 1 wu. infarsii.'& laib la thsles.Tu oi~ "' The. 7"« mt*wmul iiw ace Xui.g a GlonurrnWU&s111140Mm la ov"n'qo P.0R Pomtand PriseUn sen eut uo T The 1ar4rae f u show nt Oakwood m W, 1be ueof he véne o et enme lu tis Il»m. WIt luh fime weaths ta &onmo hibition mal th oa ue Sv Attsr 'ring ms'Id"sImmeer~ for aftw mmeh the hsaleag *ourl telabnugb out aMd stratghtemsd up forthe sppabmàMi« ouas Th mua!mtlng of the club yull bs beld a hornonWedns.iar 07 et zmoe wssi OcobrTh.BusInwta wlnue 0g U luctlon of lUb ofI&M t or lb. club Isar, se pointmeo e ktps, sistion at m.w nasubso sudothrmatea Mrnbrsam toqustd U attend. and te do .0 jse asprmptly asitthe tiret wa=eof thesscon wau or uat m si and gocac guaraaeosd nu Zam s seur Mr. J. C. Goal! cf Uzbuldgeîn prtstof dh Cobcconk mîli u in lutowunh"swek looblu after the. dslvsry cf thse'natesrw teo oussd il robuildlng the look at LWiMI'. li Geuld n celved the contract @mre mente osusndsudti niaterial clii n tearrivsent wcou. 20 tweea 84.000&tnti , 00Worth cf taff wcliibore i nrtrodand -work clIicommece atonce undei charge of Mr. Thom»s Wallon., Thé ock noii In ewllb taknadown te thi e el cf loii watpr below sud rebuilît A cofter dam cll lx put in arenpd the heatioffthe loc ok ealoo the work belng carrliou. lm .t 911110Tb..M One of the moiet dslihtful vocallstMserS houard In Ltndas la Maggle Dam. 8h. ulugo clth taultame expression and gasn Eaus nt manner. MixwoMGnry le a clever locullonise sMdi A reade, oft great talent. The famous Telogman famlslare Artiste every Ons. Thsy rank Tory hiah- Il as înetrumoeualsololats l'b u il make ne mintake by attomdlmg the concert tonlh A rare and rich prograsa ciii be glven oecure jour Saut ].arly at Porterls. Corne sut aud brlng jour wtt., daughtors and frMonda. spoetl.g N -W IWîtby la gettIng up a quoît tournament for a gold modal and thie championship cf the die- trict. Momehow th. ide&a m sm te prevatl among WVhithyites tiiat they can dlean ont any team at quota. 'hey should cxtend tie distict usas ta take In lndsay and Peterborough sud thon get thie bugcSt wallopinug hey ever oxpcrlenced. [luth LnRa andi Pètorborc, have god playeru lu the ranku. -4pclltrotttlg nus wilhbe Red osthe. Peýtcrb:ro"Igh driv ngpark. whîch le considered te bcOone of the fnest haitmile iracka la Cana- da. on Thursday aud Ifriday, Octaber là and 10, ch <'n the followlng prixes wIll ho compýoted for: First day -Oroon purus, open te horsesu-ocusti in the enounty tgat have nover won public niouvy. Nainedt race. puro ttI,$ for whicRi thore av alrcady Lwenty sutnios mado,_ Iaciudlng frain Lindsay Bhrtlemars, MceConnelle nîére. (Curtis's bal horse, Adam's bal mare aud O'Ha 1Ilepan's rey mare, andi Presbyteriau anti lýalpidist Chief. iSecond dsay-Offu mon, value -100.Open te ail hors.. owued tn America, trottin« or paclng. ?irat hors. a irt:clas hack and sitig4i belonaing te It. valued by competent th. je eb tlyc rh 80. eo d hro fis*ls ryts.wthhmhrsa rt ne r s a ebsc oese 35l ah o th ai s d h rts lh ae r ms e . 's _ -- _ ,a -11v.B.Woomjm m eo 0f L ig m oul deputihutae lL imweethwâthe daer' aofN£M aim a mse 0eteêw U& kte Th a tim cibe ohlodmet. ofoumetlli is gbRsr& i leomktesmmencs lut- -4)z uSai' me th le mUt *e Uar, othw b t fT.U i..wSliam a ms pacor, for. MK ubneL e s1,iy , V i plnd OPPOMrtu olai' lu yur f11 mdin.l ~ union fliOlithetiermime montm ii. fuS Sumi Oth-OUndthOlcM B u a unlos ueieolP--- au theeclam n th e hom mmno cFÎ&lis - afurgsou p oto" aswueomd for hemas. ~dwflhurej u ia s10osI, am. aun Judw.I &à. Duclum remes 111. y~~~~ - charmoe B u ritih slsuelKle The &U1ami»e court, opsus nt Lb&W m ar 1imehb om uteoutnlofblsaonMr. iTharela,, b.he t 1mue, butore Mun ýU1O I L The latBter Pab& upar- OConmeabis u t iaitteLbàndauijudga ehoas Beduteoloclbathmn wmproeUt Mime. ALE 8E Z2 . a, D oCarthi', Q.C., G. T. Blaokulook muitWu. P« 13.. of Caboara. ttioner o vaabtaMr Thoma sud M m Thora eau a full dooheti Lv. lminai ue ueiS hper m c u Tous f6' Co and anumberof civil 01a0s., àmoatheoC=ii. lot& c. . 8 mlly.hIOetauoneo ock, mal caomsto b. hird&mreQumosva. Pu& mur, and cithout fllotTO. t don, Quesa vTa. uiti, raac Qumsuva. Carilu, TRltMDAT Oct.15.-By llas Races, auction. laiOUiy, Quosu, va. Frayn, et al., larcony; oer. the livaluabie tara stock and impsments Quma . MCRao musait and nbbry.The cf Mr. RugiM l~ lot us, co. nUitS. grl-Adjury bI.OUtinrelua trus biâth e u posau. outt uoO ~ ~aim t o. mi"oolitcs eula 3 BAIUDXAY. Oct. rd.-Ey Gos.mcHlfugh, eue Tur8dayaIerM& Mnonhearng cae cf Ud!>3 TU. tionoor, two valuable tarmesiluth. township Utca~,aeuitl. ii our cii M 0tA . cfotp&."h.propeMyo£XmuJ. P. Fitzpatuicl4 à daun1ni n ader cf the cooi sd Sem ai et tei.Bouma homas, Ltnday. et eco . 84fs or asw cf eWei. oclook pa. laTimmrs«cnu MUDàl, Our.. l2th.-Dy B eMcuah.sae- am tlioneor. the stock Implements, propsrcy am Th Ti. arnufthon gave a Scoottsh concert lu of 1Mr. Ch is bar Chittlok. Lot M0 cou. il, ir the avers houas on Satarday evenlmg cssk, bat Mauvurs. S"le on th. promises. commenui- ' bymre unfortanat ovsrslgbt regardlng k" npnàet e 'oo.B lxne ura Sativertlslna.for whlch Mr. Baimnsfather cas lu n dnser , Oc t. ock-y landempMémeno, uce )t no 'way te bisas. the.communitti'wuasDét vo- tloert.o r.PtrBaét Urfed Infcrmcd sud tic attendanco cas OumaLilaToit.epromîmes: to commuence et oMu enmralament wus one off the buat of lis lidd o'lock, P. m., suddciii bce ntitry deout ire have ever heard. Il casla every respect rusene.. squat tth tiiKn"sy concertsansuuupPylOr lu SàvUiwy, Oct. ;z Imm Elfocems uotlomer, more rspets A.a nrraonf Uutuua7ry the. taraeoeganiImpIementu. the prop.rty la ada ca f Scotthai ouga Mi' ofMr. JamsAndszmou. Snls ou th. pro. 1wae l otl conol. Hebu am miles. W . lat 1&con. 14, MAnpama."àiset volée aa n rmns n e anee ' mcloch. mot,9o es e dmc rusl aocsnSÂ'urn>ÂY, lth Oct.-By Bec.oc, ga. -Scosd rsurpoa tauae cOtmhOm tioneer, sale of hosmes and carte. pprty ct am emxnh Cbt. hbat fwlt h ne aosmac0h 1oUdue ' Thosé O'14511. aoutraotor. At tiCuseral moe volume ef noIse-sud It cas ail the mumeBous, Lindual. e t 2o'ock P. m. efectIve. Mrs. Balmnafathun han a mancdcSut eà,TURDAy, Oct. lTtb.-By Rll»s BocoS. ac- soprano Volée of rare qualti' ad bad. mpe suner, extensivesale ciftam stock anti moope lu the ever-popWala nsd e0aml1 Implements. the pnopsnty Of M1r. Thonas lcttish balada ou thes prog am Tol:vca Phillp. Sais -on premîsel. loti = con. 9, 1contributiosaaloue wcon corthy of the Brook. SaRe nt une o'clock. .most iberslpatro ansd h hourlceat sp. pleut&. The.young meabors of thoe aly slug and dauce admlrably. Tii he *«anOuh lt a formanci W s p ianisud rcefai ofMr. maisom M. Boyd of on i. -entortalumeut »aoes orthy oet puerai sup- Suî'BR.ataisnWest. Ont., on Thunu- làffl...... We iuderMersud Ih lu ropeset go have day, Sept. 241h, ithe cIteoff W. X.SePPatd cf a cevnetdate, chou a bumper Las, cUl U UM ho glvea hiD. MCl.Tynn -Rouah.-Ini Oshawa.On28%P. by che 11ev. T. Taylor Mr. LutherC.I ea PirsameL reocf Liudsay, Co. V' ;rlctoatMi"aSUarah J. -ME. W. Wood, Munf orn. B. C. WOOd, la Lobb of Oshaa. ln tocu vlsltlng friends. Dwvrn--COicFRY.-At St. Mlchael's charch, -Prof. Doucete et Peterboro cu la ton d> Foye as o tt etRyev.F. c vy.cousin oft he bride. as"stt by Boy. Fr. inarthu exhibition lu thé lnicrcso f the. Relintz Mcclosky ut Victîorilabd. Mr. Jas. Dwyer te >tMus=an.MissMary Corkory. both ot Llndsay. -Mfr. EdWard Moagrove, auceher Lldssy WILSUs-LA'ri.41AW.-Ofl the 23rd Sept. at high uchool papil, hms obtaiuud a secndîm thersidence of the brIde'. brother. F. A. Lat. saDuadas. Ont., by ths Rer. J. Lana. Mr. certificate ou appuil. T. G. Wilimon of Lindsay. Ont., tu Maggia E. -Mise Matile Smit o h e ii ndasy high Latlàlisw Of Dundae. achoci by uppeai b.d hem econd-elaUscertIficat. WoALKR-FLr.-Âtth.Maines, Pension ralseti tram Grade Il la Grade A. Palle5, on %Weduoiaseprembur i=rd, by thc -Mm,. D. McNabb. danghter ef Mr. Thomas Rev. Win. Lckad. Wu J. Walker te Catherine, Adam ot Ludsay, cie hue beou oun a vieit or uldest di.Ughtur of Mn. Wm. Fleti, ait of Veru. three menthe te the oid country, came home hiby m.D the Parlailan. They liait a rather rougi trip. Mme. McNabb brouqht a quautlty of heather BÂ'rno.-At Bailibore, on the 23th Sept., tram ibe gra.veyard where Bumns' Higlanlsd îss, ms Bateson. ageti 71) rsia. Mary' cas urleti. We comm favorod bY Mm. OCoxx.ou-ÀC ies repdence. Queen-et.. Lind- McNaii cith a fec ou tho lth Sept.. John U'Cuauor, ageti 62 -Mn. J. Moecypenuy, for nmosm wiclh yu Dundae & FiaveRle Bras, of Liudsay, andi ch. GDiv.-On the ZIrd Sept.,Jatte Godtrey,' basa been ton the lutI tco y cars ciii the chole- witef Mr. John Godftv. Babcsy,eon, aged hattse et Lonsdal, Reli &Ce. et Montreai, hab_ g neo heb.rosti"and write. that hoieWi nk is fîrai estivas of, the Lndsay merchsuta McA imm. --In Kingston. on Sunday mo-niug, during next weck. Mn. Moneypenny clà, ne Sept. 27tb. isabella B.. cldeât da.ughter ut .'Mr. doubt make a very suiccomful drummer This. MeAdani. 23 Wet.sIL represcuts s good houme. CoLLixfi.-At Llndsay. ou Wefuesday. Sept. 101h, Catherine CouIiirlas ocf the. late Patrick Colline, ageti 81 jeas. -Oreongratuîatîona are extended te 3Mr T. Texra-At Rame Cottagle Peterboreou -Mon- G. Wilson on hie marriqpgochi,wo que. fruadey, Sept. ie. Gecrmglneow bridue. elfe of tho unds Sandad, ookplac ahDunasEdearti J. Toker, andi ôuly child ot William A. ont., ou th. 23m4 cf September at the reaudenco _________ or Mr. P. A. Latshaw, thc coul raclung betng Mr.T'. G. Wilson of thoe 8 cilice; R A5 OCL& IO and MIss MaRwie, dauchter cf the laie Isaa Latabse. Rev. Dn. Lalnq cas tRie oaflcting BemVI'A2ual Hatelea Kt Linimi'. clergyman. TRio bride cas attendeti by-Mise Th a eniaua uathc h Msud Woodlîotae snd 1he bidegroom hl Mr. Th rtmaim a acho te Robere Ns yloioln idsav. Thoetemcompris. county et Victoria Érisleassociation ca» cul ouly relatives and intimate f riendjiiot the hîîppy pair. Atter tRe cormocy tRio ceddlug ed at the range hore on Tuosday, Sept. di ucaartakea of sud lu the evcuinic the 2IJL, commrencing at 10 a. ta. eharp.« The yeîîlngcouple ieft RIb tRio Grand Trunk for tiie waLe a aoal niusdyepo weaI ontheir weddZn% trip. lThe presnisto tii. ale wefvrbl n h ePo bride cors aurnerous and handooe. ceedinga ceroe onducted throughout la a -on Tady momulng lest au sevsu oclock mannor whlch dose credit te the associ. î1t. Mîchaes uchurch. Pension PaiRs, cas theRie n hr eealrg ubro oa seaet o s mlsterestinq ccremony. the occasion 5 u hr eeslrenme fcm beiug tRie marriage Lof Mr. James Dweresof petitors, exceedlna lu namber the. fret liud@ay te Mdiss Mary Corcery. alec et Lndsay. anal match, snd a aiarked improvemeat The indissoluble kuot cas tieti by Rev. 1.ather a McEvoy. cousin of the bride, aiislelert hy Rev. wau nottemble in ruaksaushlp, whlch Pathen McClcakey of Victoria Road. high nias belug atterwards celehrated. The bride lonked goce ta show the value of au association chamiu ,w mcs mup ed by herm igterMisitoff thi-ý nature. Sergt.WI1Iisoi, Lindsay', MalpdeCamkery, as br=dmmaid. Mn. P. Curtia.l cee ncrrigoftehnsm lent hie assitwnce tu the bridegiroom in tc~ ucee ucryn f the hunyom lng ordeal. Atter tRie ceremony the happy rcii- %ilvur cut) prebeeted by Mr. 1). J. IcIn. pie loftitic churci to the joyfui &trains or Mon- yefocmptinwl Ir deRasohn's ceddina mameh exeruted on tRie or'-ye .'Pfrcopttocie5r gan byhMr. Laliherte. leade~rout the choir, after .~abe ot Ca.meron won the valuable chich the party drove to Lindsay, acromipanledd by 11ev. Father Mcllvoy, where a re(-ht»rc ,e re- cap preneuLed by Mr. John Feul, 5IP P pasi cs eered at th. re.idenco of thie bridc'q cf S,nmerviRle, h.ernaking the serna moin Ms ..CrerK1-0.Te ap hgetlu th"s sot 0fanumatch. Mr. J. rAna»sm. 1. "i. u. .T7 n. _________ FOR YOUR POCKET'S Sie' Get the Best Val"ue. WANTEDI.. WANE -o .ETJEY LMAYAD WOMAS To KÀNO iW I LA T A T je. SIMONS : STAPLE AID FANOY DRY 00018 sSORE 'Toui cmge àR lkinds of D>eue Goods, Trimoei2s,.t tns Telveteensi and al the Ieading shaffl in French. Eig isi n Anierican HaEL 'B"nts Rbone, Flowers, Feat:ers, Bùc'-z and anL the neveat things sitabIe foe' Trinimin-gs. ~B~.~ IttJ. boisthMs isfor you. Tell your papa amnd ar> big ait m dbrotheoethat the nicest and pret tiest s:,L «ero MWu, itut fit Yo014arm at Bimooe. .3.SIMTONR 6Otheazr;, Ctro&Mark. A8TRACHAN MANTIES eAM u bu o"bt Ogirawoe a" OeiLfortubiegarrent a ItM~ coo*tihat W" Mi U not s.oé rnjIêrCf87tr~fef~m tise ctt«cs of wotA&is& N tisstoencng thse çjrecat %w>nbe aWesdyao& ~thta £oooe tise pesent indiccations a*re tc4t tie fran qwi be Large eaer tsa ssoand as a o eatey godiatracuan mantie va& Zast a laedy fror,8 to 12 7/SIMS oeck ny vpWr, GWV 4ntenciing fpu~rc1boser shzov2u léd k a >omt too~ eay as st is tissêGo njte o xn dimc, and 4firat cice Wseama the best aw~iancs-L~ Tis ing3t r 4sqew of tMis large clemoenclfor i.t's ?eliabge gooda s hmtacenIgreat Prec~oDd opo'd m~ I ~3 aU hdau4e«, &ery SomATwlutod av .interlined wit7A'm WUien tiropugàm~t, an4 nonm but tise beast biiue bceske' Of genss fl on dyi <ls ec in tise manwufcture of Sr consatant cars cand a tlsorot&h knowlaeew4vegcmc a ,epatatioi for ÀAstrrscan Muntles that we caânnwt a ,'0 jeopardÂgea" ltissemuswho nt a gooc -relisbie fur gar,,--' ý-7t and &Uise Zrgeat stock in tU iseM4lkvrcd dstrict to cl&oos,/c, tuithoatSe vu osfb.>lut7/Orpvrchasing ca bcsc me~cc tu u M Sir y mnors c&co. We iscvuea rost completerauge of vrices. SOOTHERANe OATHRO & MAi %- Ofty flrm and OIothm, No. 2 Dobmon's Bic ek. 0«dsy c. L Iu&-IB. James Jaham. ___ -w IE imd iou MUCH IN MANTLSS The early approach of sharper Autumn weather will make cavrutr ' and wraps very acceptable. Our M\antle Department is especially well equipped to fill orders anid ht3 <.-r ers. Our assortment ot made up MIANTLES AND DOLMANS 'nr'e' latest Paris styles (iniported goods> and are sure to be satisfactory. Thiey ar., ci,,tvury deep and full, and taken in aU, the perfection of outside garn'ients for iad,!*.s .a. Vie have fitted up a special and spacious room exclusively for tsu'L:'a'z are pleased to ri Ir that our efforts to suit the convenience of custoiners lis a:r Every day Ânds something newv on our shelves to talke the place of mt~" desirable closed out the day before-no chance for goods to get so-~~an -'i the newv things are always the newest, the most desirable, tebs-o.h-~: ~'C that our'buyer can flnd, and generally that the market offers of its IzinaJ. 111rd there's no good thing in Mantle Goods we haven't -rot, be Lt -ood i texture, -c ý good in style or good in generaL. Our assortment enibraces :Wl !the a :t-hxz effects and best makes in Black and Colored Silks, Satins, c'tPIzc,'Aî, jersey aMoths, int fact everything novel, staple and fasiona-zble in aH-sikfabrc. should see our 'Mantie Dep2rtrnent JAMESCRHJ