- - ~ - -; - - Imm lit. m O I it wo i. -bi -WOK i fmm '.It îl«*nVfl~l . bwr ill *g olim, L* pîsi'. rmIu« sgray hIMIW 10 iiorwwaiebv, tt »IIIvIion.4 IîîhePiow Md mWilS mmu it m l.. ri isgômrstrie visff &udd i SlOW qblfl 'rrnIly it 1areLamh, as Dr. J. CAy.millewd?,I 6oIl 1? ii>Iwtffatiai oosig ý%i 41) X it T.- 0 àS MtFV ti fieff I IftIhAY, ntr. 110, IMIL i li e -vet riép 1 t pklinofbli lrlogktorti, LOCAL1NgW~êKTof Yaê0 :.ho aîtîîv w 'îka li n i e e o l 111111a111«i'm i t .v hgbt (tyli iii e'gf .pon dtuf ba rmoflA of.rll ii' ea-tîti el 14 N tw flngov. .i'i hmva Ol.11fý f- jlea wâti.VI>.mmeakm wéfe rtrvà ,, *t i . 1A.olrsolicepy fiai f iyiptasof le'fl 1'.Il VV'I!td Ie s boi'ybho 'aiis ,iîîuiiof et lni4 a t-, lituanm ohnrShs.sv tht Im tii ii'ii 4 Ajet""ui u Newa.t.9.Thqsiufe S&Y.'s as-î'l t Str. r'M.lmtplon &UR e fiifftl t tinO, r-melcir lItnn$( potlts àéown 1, A 4 1 1.' litai' li - s a i l-l Iî emlev baOn* o nt e . floi' C Urîiiti t 11 t. "l Iii txtlt pgOfotfnlxy 1.'otti t 3M.Isei finr',i: fr1%«.Nab n off or ?4« .1ýtifi \%! % l ' ?' f v l e i)! t m' ' 1 i il.t1 tht1 hua i sY - f. tl lfii'feîler lonif lait.lu t t billLoe r t' ~i' liit 'mtri IlV tonifi holn>. fl@o flo ',.,îî tlsi.1 e è *M r Il. Me. Juhbi t.o ffer Mirl si 'ltt-i iisltin',, il jblt ntl, î'rî', Ili Ct113'lhlflit els adk miwifwd tbt,,int mhemrMVe tiAil.it f4. il ' F l? i 'q. &y10)0ttI'î' forlf vo," "imnttia rlt'*'. ilf'q e.rint o t Urvev i&U e t.~h.Il-%-îd1"u'r t, a i vldft wi e rôW't T AC)a , ai liéi î1e' f i t i i' t, i. tl nn i t h oa iv st ouu<I m '-vî h tii'ti,< itit ib itfiî"l'ICli It, îfll t e ofM \Vîoil futr' tv % t'l<, *t'i'itc -ro go tsd for q 'itivi.', t ru'leyfln wpi'.îyl tuat . m sC o- 'aI~~~~~~~rf lt" îi'lti'se iattroM eil- ht si '\rilfbqrî. iw, wtf, . ;'tkt'l ontfeato ay, f Mary fiasI Vle. ' tt "I'îî a it '. w en ehid inte.4 t i p i-v iii 1' î,au rnd >~ a It t h.# PRMe OD ir i r 1 mt b l îNr iifor wkonthro xw- " fil tWUe îvî"I NI r. 1ha'.ve 0*1. te tirRv r oetîisa, *nTulfi;î-' î,,',,-î wn on Mnndfrcoi. m04 I et rffin (Ileh (n rin.,q -- C r. ary wo Vfovf(i a. A. lýr lis' ac"rtvaa rpi . d h sep vo v ~Ir.W.etl, lil v, btor. p thi.aoov ofl'f t t.îtîf"li i o f Dédayot O$M5,M#s vheblc mtomi til îîof ~tfile1,m wort'k 0114g)c..of Cher.. A 911. fal . .In 11 v P . I înre d ï h', y' *~~ th 7'41er. ' M.i'aî1 ateeA. tht ret -th" Admo Ûie rert e o%-it f re'ltx-lUV(in the- fcf mi-f the «l'e t mn Wavi. lenmêiàrlt '.Ifo i, *4~Lo teinols . I ai *Mou'tcntq tir 11114 cet ltlehfor Axl'ioon s -' C*i' euAo titli. tMovrîttq 'Ir. «#t'yee, nseodd ywy, su« bMu', gooî'ýn tpd hliii'r.'cv" g iv s 1>1m aaluvfi onwheragfileîr'n fayo'of Mm. al,, CI ndwave l follà il ot nq.'1il tinf 'a (.îvrled tMO 61u hy aâidr'su. t . Ryre'-e eti'<m o" r i Nli . t l osew, tiai- pm~ 1 tue ser'iîivi lit 11qurl eonlth tremurer biis_%srtAm la fâtof e!.<it«lttioxi nt' *el'.i, hm«lnmd>èffl 1"Itiorfli e' elw.or of sticis ud t'OCisamPl& tlmh.$(;: Ito-rt'. Nfovret ly Mr. Issug. tabl 1 R bYOîmg, % : I(a S-n, 111 > M.Wlla.tia tt 0sU l'Fw« os cns. l ittt 3imiImb, pexta clou mtnset Kti. saMIi' ncctont s ,at4 Ëvrlord meos and Id. isVe.hv .apit. :fai thm u...ofls'wtfor t ea* for., g01v i'.eler0In ti reaiuo th" 1~ uv, imt hbit.t!- A'.b. i'v, CI'# f tt aw, er li tbete.rmm, t' a yt of * R denoverl md I ttî. ae.seroi frtii. mmm ofj>td, for gelaiti *-.. aaiant-oml fea am' if. bu 't'... Pio v egw lu 4t t -o , orWB uurn~lut wMIair E w' am WEi4bit t 1. venomo sae shtM. -cror se -gU.. w r oouugIaEISMO*g 3 o or thonymokLrod- ut MaW. 4" tgU g b Mv leucUhuiuiIy tu tkwin obo toplg ao il t tt eow th a... IFu oft» bmmkw fa oaWu019 go dw ««m W sut S, mit "" nhea stesu sonmii, d t Md s,4dw;wnwo u& Wl.?s Oum wà-eilpt la m 1 ~791b&.1 eZtmlcirh M k 'olmOnt wt.sukwph f b"Mirw< th*tcti>s Md sua@W the ceadustwOrMoseslugil. OU ttiriaitvm a uOna.ouht uuio ffd ~Ie fausmmeChobl. Nwtb*beokSMhtseues r. Resot b"L bost o0511u rmatisfitosfeyMr. us1 r0 t»uIttedhUaut1au ti RmML-A laorpmnr cet w« «Pd a mwg utht emauinu f outlvw oue»à tw OMMO eonipobw4m- tht edéeuk g tves Wr. Tum S sor uwo. uth d~ 19ev it 'doespca nnrt ui llbt ooel e ,gp iLLI AND ffMJV3<q irirtffric>flTn.4ogoy.-4ht ac« Adwm foir thse WIfilna 09 Ta nwyel! salut, swumteo y weoW hitht e fflat a« eh* Et 011 «l t aemboRidthéc 4 bmke.lote tht h~o o0 oitms, sMd l> a. etRr a W". Moataly woOuasy Chms yonu mm 69 sU. Thti. seorsisimon.etthetrtata »Wby Imprusd alsoti Mêpsd MWlami"OW oato liv.. vi* u M asof the t atuug mm IM:-Th« cocoasi Wrtt i.. 4o ta aile munid ptastant b« s~okw ld de Wb"u M MWdlinM ihum Md & Lw1wr l. w s q% ligsh se.MOM oaoft Mdmm Ut»W ttfd MELaln ssthld ttp.r Wlibealte. o f ttlt b e. lkw M --- ~~r- - -~ ~ - -~ Arfin~~ J~ U~ ~__ ~tabr~ - woe~ ta kp~t~ ~I=.rnpa ~ ~ I -~ i. W~EEXE k BLl mN e&. ZObK MaR1z~ MML -. JOHN HAKINS, ~~~~[~~ ~ UNDB&Y, F.m.i., maL Kaéiufrt, WANUWAcTUEU ON 55*.,I# MIU ~h6serV~ Phur m.a mw~ a.. ~ ~ Pw~ *nmw..M*b bnuu Mh ~ - 2gBu PR> On * un ~ rufuh. vr - th ar h olnom*borl m tZ hWOd.o Sb&tanew l uhiputhsIom"M t ut ui -e'iwaag ..omTt eori "ea"- 6- cuul"ntom n Couwu LWTWG ATON.. -Oumkstl Iyquluêl.e - Uofbohedlk uni - - tehtv or aw h un L, MM Cg ttpl.mo 1 mig 10 39 Met Zf tst Oa iresmwlitA Shtflwbsgorder Iralvclso. mmsla soit lrt pkoa*., div. estrboe.; semd-cIa, es lit SU pi.w oetng Lm0, Soies etrir, mms M alolk* utbbl.1 twety-o» entrter, beyv muder I*t.e yosre, ftv.e mtrier, Offl .iwioy aLv.e grtas slky - -tOu e-y Co - umw. vw Imm-m Ow Sok douê seuildbu dMkm toboas îu auy cousiT la the pw visam tzdR«sl in rê Mm eond classe la mod s" thti we clau of bay*: JJL Miel, Wa. "16"mmdWnb. MIay. la - OMM .l.ai hm uetoeg Alurnemar sis Thu.. usu am . ýeuberd fii. aoe.u bes.Ch& WDWk ma le "tSbuhet ou ueuy i eolk beioe Ubr yOemnpl. edîhdor Ibo& Tht ateuct ofai ueta- tors "ma vy larepa"udfies. rmemobs- cm AU tauLe.m* p0 ' Me.se. u p.ou wlkvi ------ mi rPu- - .Plei tt, coUlaismive malehtbu th" lthe piewm tm MbmeMt .mw aI tht "dm Mt M m - tht - t = fcBa MMMs m *clwmte B.m Ir.,3d1 Joba CVf% j[lIu to e*oft7 AU&bW R _ m tet 0001 imu. A. ReikIDs cm lMJohn MFei4 tssNeti MeLean. Mlsit bbbWe GIIO0014Arctihbald A. c Oamwbohui, aeikn." Chariot eus ympie: Uem OP WabloMgSas, J musas, Baibm er StlhluJamesDixas. Bq.uu<kratfteusYom.. AAu. Rich, wS. 1e m SassChu0e. hattlaJ. W. DeUg. lamSuly~-.w Denu lUms ?Boi hope hum ost îW.youuokhChas. *eKon isi. Booeeslt muulo Ch. 'W.. sei, larqubar M asineej Thos.Chrie- titou Lusotimguddfuseow»'provdq W4r. M3to uodow f e.t tht nev »14, W., Rata, Dlx.m std Saon e. nWtof sorbeo, wami. RieMt& ub. ras midJols CardW» ai. paks.Tb& r fflsg wt h t euspttosi of the.clamse a»i otmatht faim or Mr. ion-. at is oua piwtug saOr ie duat quats u socst =w. .pesl orut thtw o t alsotme uawsttjue Mdtu gai tho sWho ooeutrilued a te,1ugÉ. aitheety. Tlwuosumwm oubutteacle.. ai8 p. -Omurw-w moor ut U 0, Dmfdmeahdiw * w4ÉJs OU aof Ltudiay, mm 1Iuivutofy ttod tmrom thtPrLI'tlie. ThlsWOuuS: a theuv Mr te nom t i U* Wo 1W Avch. A. CasmwauLt Couucau.-& a .mmk O. a ckom se. playud la WoodvtIh as Thunao' laug Imm rLGIr Il o.fum Um- bvtdM cde$bu fmub. PaTILs Fe~r C.seglascl<aop oaemea. Mthnt#, Bron.h14.,i,.$mv . Who@~ c E7ufs, p uei Breathisge .adau Throata ng *0k ue "a5 v IL. Boraun"rna e rLtMi achinze 011 s= 1RMEL WINTER LARDINE cmom e m> CRUB»ffl- t e*usie u wes s tt h wwt& ~ ~ i MA IX BremsOmOk~ , t0 BMue. TOlk a Eauf.r HhcN oue*by vem amt Whmry, 3is vao ath.r Rëooommmuded r Dr'. Hahieer& Ta Ipom i lm ba iras ~aIwadsrEu5uo 111K ~~JY ' Mrk ota; Albert luirite mybedy usesma uooumt d u aWl Uao aims pooioe- - mm wmu ut -r wmm OLO VERSEEDý 1WANTE. or mZEIE AN - - -I~ ~rw8~A t~~Ioe w~ I~Up JAMES KEITH I A. Kt~vIL I 09 leM ummsm ï--I Gu~ W~A~ & l ama .ý - - I ~ 3fl I ~ -I RF - .' Éwý NE, GO~ a ý e-n~ w VilE IlE MANtM TRI GElÂT PEMDY voit 5L Dhosugit tndaF. I u 11i10- ORGÂANS IPIANOS, Caa u"e=alt ny anaLe tartha&world. H&»vte laisxt -six frtprzswithin the last t Fi yer. ia prtz. th e Central Exhibi- tIn. m; Llda~1884-5, and Diploma ai Honor, &NWIM3C MACHINES. The WHE.M made ln Cleveland. Ohia with [ta perfect Automalic Bobbln Winder. t K1ing it ait Sewtug ?Me-in".t Canadien Sewing Mshusftom OUt. io.Maccordinc te, style. wiII »IL amrma".ci Omgan and Plano.a; âs SoeagMachnes ut prime that defy'cnm- i- talRoductiuns ta churchars. niiu- W. WLOGAN. Lladsa.y. Sept. 29. 18&.-M0 T ECULTIVATOR WeelcUei. Tim Couxr oxTGar7'imiN lu the les.dint aid ru stleaipublctoulaocpe heF t& -- a" sPftit Grooitg, ZLlvt k-us Dataylg. while It a"s.maldea aU minor departments of rrai asress ehas the Poultry Y aEt na- 1ag. Beoe gGseerh an sd rapery. v eier episFariaiQuestiona and Au Fi PreMeReading. Dometic Econ- .m aud aummrof aii e ws of the Week. Ita RICE? REPORTS are unusuaily complet. sud mch atemtou t pal ta the prospects of tb.croirnathrowing Illhtupon one of the most immlatt&Ulquessoms-Waeet(o Rîq; eni Mihen ta &U. 1% ta Iiberaily ilustrated. aid la iateuded.to supply.in. a. canialy increaaing degru, and in, îba boat senae aoflte terni, a Lift Agtoltra ewupaper. .&though lb. Cauxuv GEYrxm#x h as been greaUy eularged b7 nceaing itas ue rom 16 te 20 pages weekW. tl~ terme continue am here- tafare. when. pald strictly t ad aace: OxE epy, emysar, Ls; rit opiEs. SM ,and au adiea.l opfor the yea re ta the sonder et tt elb:TEN CPtE. and au aUitteaa& Cap for tth ert Ouder MAIL nw aubecriberu for 1M8. payinq in utva.us-aw, wdl reesive the paper weekcly, troa aurrocelpi eofLb.. rtmillance, ta January ut lm 88,wfthant Chamg. Spzumux CopIESFXm LAddress rLn WCIUM a SM., 0134% Publitthem .Alb&mW. N.Ir. AUCTION SALàE ITho m 10 ard dfer se.by PUBLIC IAUCTION, aM the premiminesthelb.towa of Liadsy, luth* eouMI ofai ctoria, on wmtye tb Sut la,.1or wtow lm M1 mw VleklatteatSeuou, the. aliw- TII10pý. w y wfl deil for s"linmone TI.nflen.,- omn idloitFrameChurch lem0,wtk Wh".1roeu attahe4 28M 6" iMM.n a beIek dwefllg hanse coutaint 8 » apimerk -hn --!« on eabe, tram. nmer kfteheM, woo~. oehlt drtvng oifte mmdai=a Sbe ic e ui = UNIim leas - 01r 10rt 0& vi ue 110 S of Ms,èt10mi gSb Sns- S b L m&pmem& with WiM P mmuul@4 , aiet Fisi& I - -~ Kont.st.Lindsay. Luff[B R YARD AT LINDBAT. We, thnriudenic- pd. having a gocd supply af l Ikeuus or eur'Tc :x,,' xi ..t loneg. !lave dveîdied tu re- ie' rxv. r mi r.. 8 2 pr M. fer. on sa (als 'fLx: .L'ta.Ilicketi;, -tiingIM-, Luit .z. * ~.tae r rugh: Forn.Hame Boarr1i-. Frimo sîCnrf. t:'inrand *vtrythlng Compet" '*"" *eni.tore to rrt.c-lae Luniber. etc.. :ýrrru .> .xty. We have the bes. a.sorîi'ti etc ,,i iI Ltndqay. Parties build- ng i ~ .nd ee aur stock befare purv.a.x1 u.;.hure. TIhis is no humbug. - G*. 27=1%& ElLIS, Proprietome At'. a'-tl n place af A. W. Parexia. W'M. .'hiv"<«I-I,.asistant and t'levr. UAnd.-ay,. 7., :,,!. -4~.4. ___ D URSL'AN'r to a jtidgnient oef the Ch:,.r- V. 1.f th itv hi Court of 'lt 1'\1KL et uin iiau action P\1:1.k un-t 1 le<ite ereditars of the iao. Mord xix d "oper Pàtker. oft tietown. ship of Fidon i' tt' . eunty of Vimuria. who die<I on ' i t .li- eJiut Ur .. r, i é.re on or bt :,,re Thte .Secolir day of No.'ern- bL., 188J>, To seuil by post, prepaid. ta Messrs. HUI)S.9 PETH S& JAVI.'SUN. ofthlie towu ut Linudsay. the Svci- -- ux - ' 1l .tx:., -. iUi'.btth Agnes >htter-nd Henry Ma.t. .the na min. lâtrat - ri-s ut r., - i -ta-il. 1t he.r eiii i , md partictilrz t- ' 'r cli-.e. tt tat'iiitt .(pibeir' accoure.i-r, . a! ri.at 're .4the tcîrre- if &L5)lie-I-I fh% -ti. or P4n.!cfatilt tî,r't,f tmier wîll , ç-.-"uto'l t'xcluded f rnttt.,.le- tetitet the]t' -i ;riinie-nt, apte. lt t'lf i f r 1;!ill(ii:-atiori ti t h' , 1i ii, l>:~" 1 t.: '.'te-. Jtl ti rr ,ib> t .r' FARM PROPERTY Mftriposa and EcldonL Pus. trtit to the power of sale contaaîied tn a. Certain itu, tgage wviin wiil be proiier t'dth e tint, tf'.alî-. t he-rmitwlI b'.offert d for suele by Auctioîxaer 'et bittAitctiun Itooma, Kenit S'reet, lu, the tuwi tl..re1yutn &ztîè~d f. te 321.q t y of Ou 188' Id J. At 12 tî'ctt'. k. rivrit. ihat valuablc farm proporty beinw idourr-.-' tl: FirietI3>.llit arrl hait of lot amîmber nine- teev n t1we Ft,". .,oxrrsinof the tuwahtp ut ', n tî tithe couuty of Vietotia. con- teint nic one hiutdred aeres. moto or less. Abaut .0 Ber' Sa'ttiftim Mrtii. ce ered and coniste oa oeood itmavy sil ad the balauce. where ln- cleert-t. Le tielt aitibe-revi. Upoa thks farma l erectr"t a izuo-t reiisebarna 60 e-et by 40 feet aid a stable -,t) fet le I11 fect. elimi gsd repuir. aid ilie p,eîee(,ry - e-ll t éniatTiasproperty wxu b'. Srlle-t- eroni r-etmbrancecs. Secirnaifyu 1l'hf --- "st bait loflot number one. ln lb. eiadahi(:rncesC;on tel hetriwnslupaiEdos. lut sad eunty, rieetainlng ornehuadred aea& mare or letiu. and el rweet bh ai flatIIIaumIIbet one i tritue inth ýiuiresmion o aied townehlj ofaillnlt. e'..itinitflfl tftr-elcreors n r. OS 10 aid pxtr'P' r.ro siaid weet isali ofi»MLlot une it ti i0 îîjt5nctîesslonfl tçe aces id or the noirth -tidI for taCn s, tuii e lliafl - Asisue. The lerreaêl.teri t îJei wolo*lashicleareL sua the place lis Weil reieced. This lait ,pi ouexrty will 10 m»ULsubjeet tW au existleg rî."îtge ctu theeCanada Petmiaums Loa dne,% -, leCo.. upon wblch there ta due ~ 700.>1) tncte-rmir at 7,1 per cent. tram the lai 7of Aptý-il.I, and which mortass lapar la ten ie«emly tustalte ortsi"»8710u frein thet said date. wlth int~ eton the balarn due, fôr principal front tune t une. payable roer. on the Ist of .XpiL. Upsa ibis lat' meund Mprobmrty l a doil- llng bouse li fr ocoupagio Immediate possemn or ai 1h pregiortiM s b., gLvea ta a purchager. If deoirable percel 2 migbt budiviS a M tus Parte ta Bull purobuas. T0m.#w. fuma aresBituams o 05 1 abMI ~Mrfont LiadflMa'sd aboutSriIII 'vi jiacttion. bao h " ul ava mietuthe Mid laind RHUalWY CMPamy T m sud omton aimcie ver favmtbla »&wl 1m be.rdekowaatMtMM cd MI& Ifatht uerticulasm ai e ts m-la JORg A. BARON M0l. elTi&E?~ FRESH MINEDOAL, LOWESTur l.ICES KE.LoENN CNPNY I I - - - 0 mo dt, 1 ; ý w : a :.+.td ýè) > ', 4 j-ý -1: ---- fflmmb. El - ýi P-1 m Ima (ô50) GTNu j t -L.1.14il hie- -41- ;i L - ý- ý J. PETTY, J~I. -1b.foem U~. W.ETM&-. XJ IMURRYLÂTR sad SHIGLES aofa&U IeLk@t in«Mk t he CaanùngtoaLumber Yaxd WM etebrates& E. MÂRKLET pro- phteuL~~~~ C1.g)o . rlm I5-31.mo& ffMffTON Tff POS T.-PNIR MiOSSOX BOXD & Ca. Pic&-et& of ail Grwa. Mle!3ia. EOATOEON L=m tu m ma tua Ui. a" CUO OM D a SAXUL MM g LlndaaY. Dec. 2. 18lm. SECLALTI ES. WIZARD OICL The Best Cougyh Remedy. BITTONIS NOWTION PGWDEI FOR HORSES AMo CTL -%T- CHARLZS BRITTON. DRIIGGUT. pFOuor aOn KII-. TILe iVE111MOL A-D LONDON Th Largcst Pire lu«mac ompmw y t the worb*. ('arcal . ...... ..... ......s$1.000,006 .Ar..tàil cjt'r( d srI3.........10.5 0O IivtEi iCnada ............ 1000 Rates andi prorniç s u lw as any other re- spectable ( TI v hu spt!4*uient of loues plrompt aid :ilit.r,t:. 'l'he resourcesaLnd standialg of titis COMpany alfard thom ineured ini it pet- fect s cturt: .ýg'iriSt 108a. Assuri-i ' 'f '-1 vi'h orwithout profit8 Lt moderaie ru.~ 'Oii tl i'0i ~given to te F.C. 4.Av LO& A.cIx: L i r ieiay ared ('0. Victoria. 1 - 1 -«