W. A. Goodwm. W. A4,GOO»WIN, 1-flIAiMaEn- Imm 1*1 M pl1100U V* Ange P 0SeL dems. Artletu' aterIalS Lindsay. MPDt. 0-1 mîs.. *'r-.W. Flocal-firl. gq* &eO. CeaI stores-W. Hove. Mêle for Sale-TiinPoai. Xthar catl-3. J. Jloird. rive Local-S.a.Rtbe 'raxlûrfiit T. 1M. Brown. .ChaIienge-J. Wotherap. Tbroc I .ocale John Dlobson. 'reacher Wanted--Geo. ka4e. Stray <ai t Wv . i.frintrieil. lfôià4e t I rei.Ms.Oulan 141111 frn al'* JoIhn lto.rtebof. %M0111y to Loan-Wmn. Camons. Fe rm for 4&aI-lL. J. McLanghlls. strayed CaUle-ýWDL. MclshMe. Stock for 8ale-M. Barclay & fios. asetc.-cteo. Uouglso, mastf.- Openinor mervlcee-.t. I 'an!'. chnvch. M'>etl lsads-TI. MatcIaott, Co. Trou. Auction sale orf ,lnmber-1t. C, t8.16h. -4ot tAtConventlant.7 .Nelle LatirenceO petacle-A. ligiabogiba. tendes-A. Jludapsth a"d kobe. 8lau m Sale of Tendu-.. N l vson. Town Trou. (1rotnolI lmpinwi ale-Duindta& PMarelle BU& LINDSA?,FRIDAY, NOV. 20. 1S. LOCAL NEW&SLETTEE8 Ç2AMB BA. Y. PiEit4OAL.-We IMM froM jh@ Dsw. manvilleaesmau that Mr. Richardt darne-% V. 'm., sa enthuitiasitte salvationiet, anid Mr. Oito 1Frolc, a weaftby jand fOp Uàar Young Swtu . tclturtst (a hacheo) et Csmbaaby Ont., spout a fev dala reont. ly as Mr. John james',1 Meule Giove. Lac:TUM ON <Tas Nowrný1.*hhT.-Tbs iectiqe annouvced for Wedbaday evon. i 09dld Bot come offow1ng 10th e wet m eaiber and thé bad roadoi. Tt vau pool- pont-d to Tuesday oventnou, Dec. let, in Cowlemona hall as 7 p.m.. A% lt.électur- or, 1ev. G.o. Lloyd, vas chaulas of Use Quceen'% Own, and va. wonnde.d at Cut .F'nile nifi, b. lecture viliib. of more tha& ordinasy lnt.rsst. No doubi thra ,will b. a luge audience, as the roada un lrkoIll1gobe good by telDec. V7'TORIA (Q~R~ fflorrespondence o! The t'oët.l1 PIONAL.-Mr. SaMUel lou gIla, for- rlry a résident of thin plaéce, but now Chietpodà uétinthe Zêtphya publie cigttreof living aloue, teck tom elig a parner lath* b.person of a yunit lady named Mises .reigg. The csremony wau performed et the remidence of thu brire's father Mr. .John Greigg, 12th eos. beach, on 'lhuraday, 12th touat, The happy jparty 100k a pleawure drive te V xbridge where alter inany cotigatuws tions the 1LrIdé snd gromtook lbhétIras for Toronto. Wewish th, happy couple vuuch happlan uad proserity tla thoir jonrney tényugb lite. I>ISIONA.-r.John Wautdell bus sold eut bls faim, stock sud Ianplemeuts. Re lattacin moving ta Sea Iosn br. ide. ....Mr. John Baddy bas removed go bunderland. lne latends îaking charge of the Jilackwater elevator. PoirT IIOJ'E. Tit c,'As% A(i.XNT COL. GRAECLY Dut.1 El rsgr.-T Intformation that had bese 1 laid aaait Vol. (iravely, in connectitea vith the late élection bea'e. for taklng thée cath.of owuerahi p ho certain lands% sud C votinq thereon, tht it vas alleged hoedit! 1 flot o wn, came before the police magistratse Mlonday. E. E. Dotldn swcre that the de.1 fondlant had beeasiessed as agent foi, the lante lIn question, and that th. taxes had ipeen palet by partles ln Toronto claiming therm. Mesiroi. Caldwell and Hawthorne1 awnre to havtng oWerct.ed to Gravely's iglit to vote, and aitked the deputy re- 4..lng _. ce..aaer hm._al"e. PàutLOR SOcxiL.--Oie of the most en- i joyalble eveiuts 0f the soason vas a parlor i soclil ld la the hall' adjoinine the Me- é Arthur flouse, on Wedziesday eveningà 11h a-t. Thecommittee umed every efforti to0 r socure the'yery hut avatiable talent.,là and wt. are mure that ail who attend willi i astre. in " aIng that 1he7 vere hlghly suc. i ASef il. 13y unaulmous consent the tinties, et tvie chair vore aesfgned toMr. John fl Joshua Bubtler, of, Barrie lame. The pro.& gramime %aé Interapermed vitb vocal aa>d t insltrilmeUtal Inuusl, readinge, recitattouis, p &;e. The chairman hefora introducdng the w duffect pvrformer, made a fev preilmtu]l ory remaike on tb. obief topiceo f- the day, ti ,wzih eàre eu. rc inie the.public mimdoi, vix., thie licomsuat boore the prlvy council, la amli.pox, vSfaiaiton, price of grai testc F14 -ion thaepioueant s.ar.W.'*B.De ,of Toronto. Ile fiibesongwvamtitled tc "lIAon. ln the ]Foreut,andwua rendered a la a wood istyle, 1 011Y suotalnien bis en.,e talion s a .alnfer of rare cultivaîlon. M.a Vl'ls of Napanee was muct ounlte Pr.w c ansd gave ths vell-known piece, f'Th ai OoU.ge lu thse Lame,M vitb much feeling, tl Mcî vwas a duett by the Austin Bros. eu- m, ed Tiuinegas sud hi* Flu@." The ti OmsmeeJL'rild's vorhy editor, John A. m Cader; nozt delikted théaudience vitit aà comie rendiug tab o leua no vork en. ttt4eed "Ouautughm'sBout.» - Mr. 14o1W et Toronto favoed the audiense with a to Aon g, 44CRA Me Baek Agai.." Mr. J. A. 1' Gîroly, Lindsay's fumons s nov, 8eth@ pepuar Ss1 ug."TheMuh eauehit Camrons." Ar G tuo, anthes' cern merda te'vek, smu g bycoseis musa la gS i le sudmivos 10.41v emonve Z M vpoIe Il.pa.A I______________Ion. . ~..IEIDA, N»qXBem, s. I _____________________ I I lodet Ils EgArOlhu m e eds"aus dlsparu la lu4u»der.Themesui etIl th er0M M M tbe inuate m0050 delutabis luIkmU9É. 0. . J@06 *-a m snht vs.u su e tala Pmv but irong Iiupdf .va mbi t0 bu prest NORTE BROOK. FAU LOITUIN.-A lmasnimber of lb emera bie avi lasi« hi u É2eushfs. TIs eai«bu Iliomlsu ths esaen as oumVin> fasabsmdIâIle bus bou mau unasUal'res brolIlet lbavrk les heindomséluuaM exelIent mannes. Our formersaère mli>' u> olive tle .méav elvnsa o hoa liy. id f rom ea m OUglolI 09 omof l steil luade f&H. T HANKqxi.l'InG Szavlcu.-A thudkeglv W servis wa 1 a bldtuZion huseloM Faut. 1% adsmmg Il k houmadthe MM o mïls >'Is s. v subtor1;ti S$ e~ d appropdée sre. etITTLI BRITMN. N&. 20, oeumosltorilsunQrtsr emisa D cher- ve rs as lllv: P. LAMi W.C.T.;I E. Glenn>' W.V.; D. Mora", C-; E,' âalles, P.*..T.; M. Mpnlà% ',.; M. Glenny D AIL;-1Y. Mark , WT.; T.Poule, W.F.; à. !Pi , seerotanr; T. Cens, ast- setan'. C. Wsthonidus, OALG.; EL Bam- 1>1v. T.S.G.; D. Mille, P.S.B.; &. Ruslaad,L H;S. The Iodas ta le a prespnerouadei- lion sud vo helleve la bing a gesi vork, haîlugamembhpofevea. ahzl. LuE<TUM-UE.-Tb. e.Mr. 1ManI0 gene e liours lioney enenlmg a i unboàumn or nhle modu buroh, tu au et *s bible octuy. Offlag tu, te Blate or therosis :I attmdamoeas mnose asrgesas bopel for, but tIsas vIe attendilvers amit beneiltel b>' lh.Information lb.>' mmmiv- id sud lb. oxplenàaïuveu b> Mr. Mam- 1ey Dr. VMnc oecujsthéle harý oKeWuAL-Mis. J. mnabof Uzbnige vas home on a niait le ber ftbehr, Mr. J. Salles..,. M . l usadbevlsgi- laineil sloa&n touaIPoIssioo f Correq0adiISc.of The Pet.l FARMU.--Geo. Ta7lor bas gongtoana- Ing. W. bop* hi viii start a hraiscbeof lhé isavation era>' la bie selgborhcsi, msil la rymucb soudai. 1Tam N.P.-À basket factor>' bas b.en sitarledl la Omemeo. Wonder If It la Ch. .UfreÔNÀL-Jeues Touli, formeui> Of O)mesece, ljet IBrighton, bas seanrei a position la Pslebero scheik l u s0f tle largssl dry goodses«tablteitmsnus tbere. bas tabou lmlaeuwranIs omueo01lte 6,âghllag tock." Onur von-lb>'outab bas touai Ilout, a»d part l7 uliffl th icripturis, vlan Iic sys, "il youi aines- oui>' sInle yo ou ene cheik torm te lim Ch. oltoer." The trouble vas oun. coastabis ii mot glou a ime. NEcw ARnitm 'no.-A nev harne"s @bopls hmea Su ponilhem a=,a P j, f Il bal net been erhoel forehouhtZCoLLamb the citizen.of Omneme. vould bane runsaboill Ignr- ance of hetiser.of Bel. Ho hlndly tol. gamb he lsministes orfiste(ain A. P. Canon> ou Seturia> lest te knov If Riel vas leb h bed oI#s ouds>. .Atter ra- - bnnga sa oMomie>' blet E91hàba Vatd t 0 epoaqty, Col. Lamb Itmmsdiately telu.graphed airs'.oba et Ottawa onaat ulatlng bhts. Sir John 1.11 liatterai. A bou.flre vas halbi 0of lu Omeme, but Il vas pisperl>'dcidstl asos ICormm.peundenos ef Thi Poshj OrnlTutaRy.-R.efeMrag tle b. sden deatbit oh e lts "luger A. Dilînsu, vitose doine vasuotlced lta ashort item from boeslast veik, Is !»y be ads untontumae u l ady spent -lisai pur vltb anu uasmanre brother la Manitoba, us Brandon, coming homo la lte msi- mer; atsvards pai gaaent isI t ber brother l u Mi1chigan, &unitvshm for ooly ashortian e foro eing le iait ber brother Là Wilberforce. The Reî. AIr. Carpouler, who vus on Ibis utreuit lest yearsu mlta nov on the mission, vas vth ber In ber lest hours. eh. gevo briit enieco0f1th. happ)y change Oaa lin g ber. The fumeraI btol place on lbaakqglvlog day at the'semeér>' hore the Riv. Mesurs, Wilson, Caspeator auiL MeMulleu takiel part iu the service. Mn. Cargeubei and hltsebrother batseccompan. led tbo semaine bore.: A large concourso of friands letiol hoir gympebby vitî lb. atYticted famlîy. Mr. Wm.Malloy cf Nsvuierkot, tneecf tb. deceasel, et- tâe the fanerai. lira. Jas. Pmof Victoria Roal lu the cal>' aughten lot Xs.ý Dillman, lire. Wm. Boynon, jous., bat ing lied nasi>' tva years maet Kansas City. PERSONAL.-AI5. John F. Cannng& lest oe lOavieilt. oTotteahatu, uhere hi o-l-aM. Abbryruhs. SAI> Accrnaw.-Wo casumum itI ex- trame regret aà accident vbich hefel the wile erthîeesutesmil oilr fKoox Churc n Tue>' laceit,& ppulas hat 1 Urs. fatterson, wvile lrvimg vitIhbie wtfc, eIot s br sI.luelathe carnage vitils ho vent bato the post ofice. lie bald mereely gono w b a > vaguesM, pais. boae, a very s rnited animal, sud bsfore the btol ady seuildo»Va berceif the excitol beanî lad dashed ao Simco.sL, lu the direction ot the bock, cul vben o:. puits Mcelttu b asushporne 0f lhe ils M cme lu a ntscl.vltba inge atone. irsî. Pehlerson vastîrova nieleal>' hem the earelago anl dasbe o *aIlguuouad. Wlling bande clli> asted *lIe ls la>ym loto an*eUmme, ubers Dr. ~,poner m "ieili> la atttudom Fr.."*thInJurlées ms.tunetm too o m l ua sa u es afourmi, but etitobes, etter vbioh Mrs, able le ho tabou om,vlus Il ltearé b* willlhekipt an muli f i me a. Ur. Mud lire. PattsmoshaiseIthesiaDaly the autroecmmi l lais' lIto-. IRBis DERu.-Th aýmselen t the-a au og f lhe muWoleader hmas used muae dxouMeusla ths villem , milb.h omu Mid tel b.brui -a éos mlesai abou IL PuhioAL.-K;l Famul P. BVagu e et Cl. Oe.s~mu ue.N rl BOÉIÉIM iWua fllg l ute c O--- oum-- qn vW uibr mi @emi"b"i mms hais alftbed iwll Me usrkitig et pri& ,Va" Um08e lbmm uaga, ami Primonbave mmlaltsrulfrun ilustaus aiOem W09vLk The lose of mavi aan u n Il mm Msiestals elsMrumpmlaUs M le carry om, wllekla la *s.g osteat viO lte brlgit:promise wv ivbebitsPMOuel Pilousla th@B. E M mut"arbe aise »fer Mm s svérs degruosud albers*ils>' Are muel lover. Thes mmi S o f caIlle ibis ésurno le aIs e 07k iaI--cmorues»if 4,510 bond 0vS 188&4 UaIle h fasgt versqu taI4b au ne&. Mâ rte £m Bis. va h. The marbat tes expee wu asqul i@ aeI qiit>'. E1 er ell"d 9as the l sbtmer imot MMliaifor a day or' Ivo. PneS us th les mIle fei vers cuoel at Ne and ijo par lbt inve w t. Blh aWs~ îatls vers u gdm do A -àa- -Am d s a lliiy. -Sheupie la MaIn 4vwta fisvMWasl3&, nsleg Câlohucosrglag IlsBrlBsh uaille markets luicalsàemorsesaltafator>' clise of &felni, sud the. advau eat Liverpool sov amoust o seper lb. hm insheex. tremoly 1ev point touohud Ihm veclh Ago. The principam ansfor lb. Improve. meut hb heinlb ecrsing voiumeocf ceila romC= posa vek « le re- lIsUniel States ba cm at blhle thes upples fis. other quanrs aise lave sbovu a mota"l falliugof. TIsee as bain a -faits deman hemR bulsrs, vbchb Isgiven the situation monday, va =ou0, t e vau à fairenquiry at lhe bimgbcs rong quotul, sud a aSsi, busine ss adomso ofunt masseu haex«Poctul. PÉis Canadien stears Monda' vers aIt120, Pairte cel.es vers quosi et i!c. v to edm Alnt 1i ç, and inférior ai bulle Selo OMe. Themo quolallous ue Cal- culated et OL80 la 1h01. Diesel bil Liverpool leace"hiMaer et 41. Au- Om ULvaesp able quol. ta lua besf et lAd for hiniquarters sd >34fo forequeris. A Lonidoni cable q re . fnretel boit et Ut 4d for ) carcas,8Ib bth 1LÀàs BuprAo, Nov. Ih-ets.rla about 106 loadr, la pindt ef qualIt>' vas about on a pnr vtth thons eolat m eI, ubils teattend. sac et Countrysud scet ova wnbuvrs vasu Con- 4ktierb ~. btts;for geai fat butcheesusok and bees u i ppin @aides ad faaoy ex part itesismarkeol mied tur j . utong as ai Close of à" wemkor 100tel2Me betseth" on Xmoday lut, but thon vaswueoadîsuos ubat- ene fer coasse. hait-fat stock adcommon mlx- ed butobers' staff outhe othen baud,,lattesr Mmd mIel very il DeBoaitmaveraing l'Am ta 1il0m i s aa i B 8.35te 1037':geai teoboles stam, 11350 t 140Ib.1.96h.e 85.10.. medioum shippers' steens qf1. 0teL.00Ibs.- 4,50 ho *47'5; ltait to geoilbuiohens et l'No tego 00lb..1300to .101 a Nifou o r tCanada atoukèe s slina OL75 t ja enaid Ianh-Arrtîabmat OI5 vraIS"A baie, ut vblch 17 oinde vus Canais Iambe;.searàMuled ii ~th Mir d. Mu-&,but m ,lsu me, 'ut eleuC. aimhah 0 te 1315;,fais togaed. $4.900t and a fou de or consmou at 14.0 o la Buplyof mie bo us&bout 120 double for vlle ho rnof t tbugh stock vas llght lots Of pgs 1 60 t si 0Sgoil medium, $»0 og 03.5. U te -S;for hbut teaind etd ei oends.00 l e 4375;oueaienaîtuand comtmon. 83t: 81astenuiv. .s v ucoli sud Nul r heo eps loses Mis.J. k B& HuinlloftMontres!, tm ee el kuova, preduce broere a ethr produce bale. tUn of Nov. 1%, my: Hom e aresga saddied vite large quantit.ls of butter aI the close of navigation, sud ube e edeulund la t om frontmo te toff eur hinde the Lord only ksovs. 1: le te bc fenrmi Ibattise tfereo Casa" is viibave te do more bard psajlag fem, nov outIf teshesseat fbujere are teho suil- eiemtlj novud he indue then te Invest lu te varions grade. of dais> butter viecie uekhovu b the tfailler sanies of listera Tounabpu, Mrdbur ocMkvllle. loe, Poterbore,Went- eru snd -q mait e t amouraeha. Chu latter et uhice hallste roa sus>elov Quehe, here the orgnal butter tub eft tie continent u maie, ie tlentoet uhic la caietl>-preum. ais te tis a aj.aCter Umo f tais teunabsp are reporteda t l oe t u round lot andein . neal e v au Ilo tu 180lc. A few lotie!f fiai vuea for lever pert accouai have gone ah lie. but uheroe spectics ver nesuted upos Lec ha@ been psd. MediumeWestern bshem hmumid aie10e telle, A feu bots or hmsIj'ens csipplei ar estill, detsg storsgu and ineurauce dut>' iu tels Cithy, onu parmi, et vhich comprlslng lfty haie vwuput ont of slors tels vecek ahocSar fn.. rTe prince et the butter tribe, creamer>-. meeta vlth slow denuand, the Istest saie reportesi b. ng aloI teighty tubs o! luefaillmakeait 2l11. Sota tioni am as followe: Creamer-- -Fine ho ual.SOi te1I~; eaij aIe, Oc* 0?Eut- uns Te ahipe, choIesbo.; tais te flue, 14o te 17; .-Mornluburg. chois.. 17c, gohoftigle, 14e te 111e: Brockievlle. citoico, 1e; goeite fOnu, 1bieta 1I5e; Western, 100 te 0ltotqually. scthWbeat................. 0817 te 090. Wt vbemt.................. 075 tgo83& om Wist ............ ... se o .I vio went............... 0 I, te 0 "0 sari«. perbubd .............015 te.e v Oase0- e 2 1003 Pus050 e08 Manefa PMe.. ..........0 _5s10080 ~T~eraui........ 000 te 050 Cau ud . .....800te S810 mli es Alike ........4 50 te7 W Tnty med................. 150 go Seo Flou1, »me iuas u= » 1 Ie 255 te I S m mi Ui, 35 te $5 ce:pmrepuIbo...........0oie g£40j .18)s. 1 90 Dieui 119Sa..................9l0nete là,Go Potatee, nov.............a : 8 30te oaM *gEm fnh?«dmi ... .... 17 ho 0 19 Ru r el.......'*.... Buttes CImi kin .............0-0 hote012 .Chemefinbulk>........ ».....*08 s.o 00 Lard parM. .........010 ho 012 TellIe*,per lb..........00 ote0,08 Oua., perlb.....es te IO, chcens VWpair ............ 0ote 35 .mer oured .&M............:012 te 13 .1"850 go 8000 ..là00 te060 Itre;vp.rlma& ..............fou te 300 Li perou............8 01000 8= par. lb. ..... .. -_- tO 0 10 ..ta ................. 0 do te O075 ................ . 017 ho e619 Jsiordwm&*l.er us aie te 380 Jacsde au=g>175 te 300 ....15 s. 200 ...... ...... ........... 00 te60 T Corrcsed O esklUykt 'rameuse4. lv.18.,1ML8 ECtle-Export. U.21&ad up- vu o .L ........002 03Mi *Wu parlb 0 .î 96 EaeeVees, par, lb.: 0 Q O0O lb.............. . l oc Mkkcow, utbud. 500 soie aueii!wo,ps1ai U 0621 l- n y aper.L'e& .... 2500 1tg P « 0503 0001 ammon . -. .... ....... i0U2S 000 W1Wie vpr od .....OU00 $75 Lam% d S, ar S 2m 301s ~~Oi5si 2. 5 t U ed i«*e su t0%% Ou ýTà-h£ fts te.. @Ut Ma Wod flu1o u&.4U I .N 7b g Sqomea Lt î6- teee%0 s t 30.iSI usti, 10100 se PORPEBT, ov.11,ihS -(Espee go A TOc ~ ~ ~ u tvosa&it vs FENELON FPALLS, Nov. i18. -IEeport.d by te ale; amstha whist,,000 t e q bsr. tes te Tic; mst.. Sbete Ur. polo, bliek*Ye., 0ne te 0e; pesa euh,140*9 houtter, s, 00e tei,01 butternf1.mhPO, tas su toGO; d b'u.te #W010 oz w u0;l m OI4 ailsse te tiq1s c EEATEETN, Nor. 18, 18-(le>otu by J. A. Breffl - 00.et Se; M Who&% e t es. 1toe 0; peu ,blacheez e tu60SO;me,m mmi.8ete 5&q,,ry., 00.0me; Litter, froce, M0ete S b ,tr Oiril, 14e ho 160; saes, 000 ta 00e; pota- toe e se30e; b»y, 0 00 ta40 000. dmed belle. U~toPS ebeepetinS$t 0e; bard woad, 50000 eBeaateoe PETMED, X3oV. I&. 1i8-2:e hy J. v. llvlt>4ptgwhist, 0b.te ; whisit, melte 50e; uuitiawhist, 75 go4*t. qbukre. 0SO ft».Oc cals32ete 00 uem, bhiukeye, 000 o t 0 peua. amati geo05e;10 m060e t butter. bush, 130 te S; atteri 2 , 13 M- , rotg. I 0lie; Pats- t 60 1 go 0e;hy, *14 9 15d Oelho.fm, 84 50,te à GO hspkn, 0 0 0;bard acot, 43» e t The eomtihy trre'madyt. of sa"e0f1"àt for taxes and a elmUlar ns front the houa t MM. nier cf Lindsay appeaus eiaevbersé Both mies hake plasecmnWednesiy, Vehruar214, 18U. We saU theeattention of huilders &u.tros and the publicegemerullY te the ,têiIVe mie gr umbor, as adverhioeA ;asfl uano o tins o 1 hem st IF * t yili laitWsdaw"a, SOtieNor., et thecya 50flLie lh. hTee lnmbes ho ho so1li mots haof every vauieUr reutred for uid- i-g Purpoess-bm e an% a 0u-JOeSoe. dimension tituber. ubettifloog iO l~ frois cuita au gSd ummontéeer. ài thivknelumfr.S one inchh o six taches;-a&l ividtb&.frmie. w-~inuu 0 iateen che, sd uPwifle. 9d ait usual le=tsThequaaity làse lArgr, thm anruutlu luber %vi ugeîa g00d cl'.noe. and the termes are meuh favorable. KÇoaTnT - Ctrr'.-At the Commercial bouse, Bobeuaecu. on Nov. lTtb, 1lm, by the R&.J.R Cagi.Mr. Win. Northey te Mise Faiabeh Crtai4bath ciBarEyu7. MORRUON-CDOXLD.-lu Omeme.. on lhe ,%rd Nov. by the Rer. Dr. ginithett Mr. James H. Moiboa of i -clos, te Niu" Margsret Jan. XeDonalu et Venulans. Vxxvtles-OILav.-Atthe r.usdunoe of the bride'@ father, Bobosygeon. on Nov. IStb. 1W8. by the Pei. T. P. Stesse, Mr. Bobinerau Veurin. diuit. d ehcaybgom. te Emma, eldeet mugie. teogUc N. Wm.. Gldly.«sperntaendenlof »Lklxe Bob"mills. Bbe-ic MAîrcet-In Omeme. on the 7th Novamber. Mr. Jaien Mallocie, os.. agai 71 jeau aud 10 monthe. Deceasai vaanative cf Inchature, Psstbshirs. ootland. CorrzINeRAI.-1u MtauMI6 .on the 12h' 0f Oct. tth. resMeance ofbhm am.Mr. W. S.Cet- tiagleai. .%eset. Immrn. Lunde Agent. AnDio, rellet of the late -Samuel Ccttigham cf Omnee, Ont.. age ; ycru ler .adwvaPeace. sofaNulMa usGldmss u. sim m ai s fu Dr. J. R. Burtnteaof Valdouta. (leorgia, ms: &I bavs foit s«veuai Fen niai Sottm Emulato and d 1h itte set eli lu consumPtlcnanad acre- fuis. and other conditioni requiriiag a tordeo f aba" clas&,, ________ Trii.i'DAY. Nov. 21h.-B .%ez. Munse. auetion- eur. farmi stock sud lmglements, the propeslyr cf Mr. A. PolicIe. Sale et lot 29. cou.. Felmclond e te commence s: orne oclock. Wan.-ranev.Nov. 25h.- YGeorg eBuffa. auotlonuer. a quauhlly offarm stock, te propesty cf Mr. Jas. Hawthorne. Sale on the picouses. lot Ili 2nd cou., Opa. and ho b.- gin aI oe ouoci. Fttsir'Âr, Nov. Z - -Dy DDavid Meflaia. aulloaer, faim stock sud implementathie property or Me. Donald McVe(ualg. Salo on the premias South bail! lot 6, cou. A., bMaie. o com- mence ah ten oWlock s. nm.. snd vitheul re- serve. as Mr. McCuaig lu glvlng up farmlg TiIi-seA. Dec. Srd.-Byllas Bowe. uotton- eui.faim stock snd i. lemeute, 1h. roperty or Ms. Thomuas G. Gibs Sale on th>e prem- lues, lot Il. ôlh con.. Fenelon. and wlil belu atlWo'lock a.m. Terme as usuel. Tnumaaeàv. Dec. lOli.-Bi Oeo. McHngh, auc- tionuer. faimn stock sud implenienté.the pro-. y jof Mr. 1 atrlek Guise>-, ot lot 7, cou. C.i &Bab, te cosmuence at one oWclck sud wtont reuerve. New Ad vertiaemen ts. nOY WANTED. -A good, emayrt lail B of 16 y eau. wanted as apprentico e-la the baklng busines« Apply te W. H. WALS Il, City Bakery, Albert Street, Lindsa>-. Nov. 10, MNEY TO LOAN.-The Xiunicipal- ta oa on very libesal tormes. Appilte thuy underelgned. D. WALKER. Reeve. Ope. Nov. llth. lâ8&-6&-. MONZYTO LO&N AT A LOW 0àf F INTEItEST os GeaiFam Property or othes good security. Charme resenable. No cemmisubeon. Apply ho W.. CAMERON, Woodville P. a~, ont. Nov. M3, 'r0 THOMAS AND ANS GAINOR, CL or their Heins. - There la a legcy bere for you ro. the estahe cfMARIlA 5<ROWN. Fuli particulare man b.giron by addrsmslng A. U. WALTER@. Caire, Greee o.. N. Y-. Nov. 16. IM Sb-Bmnosd.. STR&YED OATTLK .- stuyesilson -rndé lait, -ave -jear old onttle . oe a sud muiey steer wllb a few vhlluupoti, thee thur a bettes al white. Information Chat uinlanud ho 100 eor Viii hl b haktully relvei b, G. W. ORLNTNELL, Boziy P.O.Nv . T AXIDERMIS8T. -Birdis and animal& stuffledanaual as lIte. Demiidu is parectstuffud sud mouatmd. Orderisont h mail promptly athnedlte. Ordure niparoeo ca b. loftSait VlehctaHotel, LWiay nvi Ibe forvuiied. Deinsd doneskinas lmuui-su tur sud skin niat. made te crir. K..K BROWN, Valmutta P. Nov. lSth, 1815, -S7.29d. a.TOCK 1Oit SA LE-Th. "an'leraigned hais for mile TWO YOUNG GRADE CO)WI they have tuoesross ach, and are- tn unit ta Importai ~Oxford- brai by Mr. 8a Camphel er @ôÙolsl n.Alo an umi4wet f Ure bred 6UHOBT HORN HEIFERS aND SULLI. Prieso te sunit the timei and ter..eassy. fi. BARCLAY ,% $ON, Ope, Laduay P. O. Nov. 17, ML. 8o-4pd. FARIOR SAL.-Lo nu:beril, ttan imber. lot gooi. W" aul nse a gri a sitock farim.Tht.vaimable fam, _ sely aue.Rov. Roiet. Jëh seon, vilii h "oI ai aa gla sMd on oerayterme cf omnt. laor te R. J. IAOeCHLAN, at Joha Me. 8vya.Ofic. Llaieay. Nov. 18,188-ST-t *I1ENDIERri vi b. received by lb. un- J. dersgnai upte liTJWlot Janesarg, 188r». 1. Fm 'esingWutPas t lLot No. 9% sontit cfKn-i. ie te SofetLindsay. havis n trenl tageet let on Kent-et sud depct Mv IO. fer a toet u ujenite teolel ohurub nov ermtehetbeauvhlch la h oome ties propoS. vithoult, 0" dl Chunci. eil & For the Purehseof t bm bulitaq«of lte 014 Churh 0&aud thesainie ta b.se.. meve, o or etàme M d e ofApBarilus 4. Fm yee thuf~~evs.Pel uil unMd un Reaing latheuMM9rh; h. ume leobe raessers1 Am sbe li a eg lsirur sut. FortfasuusUeu r Mi eondlsltsmutmuls aputi ltas ui.m DMtai tUier tloembs, ML &OD & nETANE. <4)I I A maso GRÂCE LEZ 4 ls IVw Showa ; Complets Linos in, the FoiIowing: E-. 0 Othm er iNovoltios tSo umorum t. eno Choapest and Zlut Auoro~ tock of Thon 6"&dsin Town" 2lWoods _ __ __ __ KINO0F HE GOAL STOVES c'The ]RadiantHome," * (VITE DUPLMX GRATE In tte but CWc Store itbide in every respect, for appearanoe, for econonny cf fuel and heating capaciîy. stability of construction, elegance of finish mandcas of management. I can offer n0 better evidence of the popularity and high commendation accorded "MIERADIAT ROM£" than toEasy that it is endorsed by thse foflowing gentlemen (ail of whom have bought and a9e using the Radiant Home) to be the best stovre yet produced. .1 vii be mach snrprised to find that one of theme gentlemen iis dissatisfied. BarITON BROS. Wa, WaRIT JABM B. KNOWLSON. DAVID BROWNE. SARUEL IBWIN. DR. HEBRII1AN. A. W. HETTGER. U. MAGUIE. J. W. WALLACE. EDWARD BENSUN. DR. COULTE. JASMSWETBHERP. JOHN NMENT. IL LES& JORN RANNA. J. B. MeNEILLIE JOHN A. BARBON. A. D. F. AIcQACHEN. R. HUNTER. MiEs. WILLKANMON. CHAS. VEITCH. THOS. UN L-2 ]EL WALTERS-2. JOSEPH COOPER. JOHN LYUNS. PETER NICOLLE. WILLIAX BLACKWELL. lm. McKAY. ME. R!YLEY. Eethany. WM. DUFFUS. Wu. J. IRWI'N. JOHN. KNOWLSON. SHUGHES. JS. W1LLIAMb. Wu. FARQUHABSON. A. a. TERRY. B. S. PORTER. J. CLARIL REV. M&. JONES. REV. AIR. PEARSONl. EREV. AMR. AIcTAVISU. E. GREGORY.-2. WI. FOLEY. MR. AIURDOCK. MB. MceGLASH AN. M. THORNDYKE. F. C. TAYLOR. BLACKWELL à: CO. P. G. PILKIE. T. A. MIDDLETON. R. J. LIGHTFOOT. MR. FERRIS. RICHARD KYLIE. AIRS. McHuGH. C. H. LLOYD. GEO. RIGGS. JOHN COMSTOCK. WM. PIKD1AR. MIi. GOODENOJGII. NORTH WVARD SCHOOL-2- FRAINK DOBBIN. I amn the cnly authorized agent for theme celebrated stoves in LindaJ.; and no other stove dealer ean puc~ chans ihem from the manufacturer. Those rcquiri.ug coal atoves ehould cail and me the Nov wSquae Raiat IHome -and lthe New Worldl's Jewell TheKadomg Stovos Made, and Eoth Wanted. E.* Lbndea>-. flot. ?tgt. 1885-113. X~~WAY. Nwew advertisem enta. WXTNTED.- One pant maker and one VV eaa msker. at once. D. PERKIN, Greuhuak.Ont. Out W1, iLI4 8TR&YED.-About the begfiannÎ' STECERS. The owuer cim bve the, My sov lsyJZoVrysd Jaynexpoes. Mrs. I& 1 ROCI.Nove. MIUM -6-3. C. ST R A YED. -From êwuerl'a :renitees at Linsay>. about Ochobes 2h, aeOCow; qed; on. haro broken off. A se- vai'd vii egiven for information (to b. lefI ah TePos.T Printi Offie> Ihat viii 1usd to ber recevy. NOV. Ith 188.-OS-tf. ___ à&OSOXBOYD à Co. ILOVlu 0 F ot A Lli D.-T Lufmber, Lath, Shnglesandm Piekets of aitlirdes. Ma Ms. O&«AYoEN L1 lam.o amiluNug.ammaCOEWOOD hi laie Liadeay, Dec. IL 188. T 110OUCfBaBRED SHRORTBfORiN ýr ffrs omiae that veflknown 0horoughbs Ioithor uul BARON OLADEBOTE. Haviug bad the ball nov Ibre eans, suds bis ova stock la comlag la. cerusomtset x8'nlslsr eattras. BAROIN CLANDEBDYE sos. calvii June t. I, redby Hon. Senahor Cochrane, Hill- husst. Comptone. Que, sel by Baron Barrlug. hoaL ule(81; dams Counstesu of' Dufferis, !if Prince Vicol5SOOSh5id dam. PM=Um sAde-I £a Ba~ ir James MW90); M1ham. am. bUplo01Tou M M:Anidamnlet, b Monster Ciiarle(L 12); 11h di.am, Daingj by Rex <1385>;#th dam, Geucra. by Rez fS); aht damu. Elizabethu. by Sokoaon (OS0; by Sheni. brook M) an sd by Trlckley (381q). 1. elg icbruds.hesebydeclare thal the forgelg ndiaec u. o oerDMiemy knov. Jeige sdhUttrue. sud I1niaku thiseu ulara dmo atter bsvluk takun 511 avallable nsete m that 1115e crct. mtlst 73M. IL CocuA.aMu Per. J. A. C. Avril %.1lem The bull vil ha solO on es" tbrui Tins la a. O-zosllsut chasse for suy faumer requiriug a Sue bulL Adieui JOH&N ROBEUTSON, Llndei. P. <0., Lot 21. Cou. i. Ops, on thu Oabvood rosi. Nov. à& IUL-1-U.P AUCTION SALE LUX BER. Thia unedni v»iUeby Auction AV B XIr&"A. IUNUELOX FAj WEOIUSDAY, 10V. 25ut M5,S ail bis stock et 8AWED LUNUlE, nnounlln te about tiees sd one hait ilmi cf aul os; amei Lulo, Piokots, Bblahot EU. A NUMR or HOBBES AND MARES, (mom» lafasaaptai te rmon. "mInSsloa- Imoe% w. ork. sud mmne Lauseskfrm Ma eur nolt orasM bmàtw I is mli, a Itu"m uveml O Liai WOODS, - <l~ames Keith., ___ VSPEOIALTIES FOR THE SEA8OLqe Jum t e ham&.a "at Lseu«Mt er (ondie et tàb btlSecod Growth Hlick.ory.> Scoops, Lanterns, Buck-Saws, Spades and Spading Forks, etc. Specel Bargainis iwUl be g1r-citr ortn ow ilitil.Yeiil'ear.. IMPROVED THORLEY CATTIE FOOD, Eszevt amn&1%0hestoulod aov ta ltheNanet. I.lndesi, Nov. 17. 1585.-O;. JAS._REITH, Geo. Douglas.-ManWla. GEORGE DOUGLAS, MANILLA ZC. W» . Xa Saws, Axes, 0ow lies, Window Glass, mm&.a NOV. 1. iu__nI. Rope, Scoop Shovels, Grai n Bags, Halters, Etc. GECOe DOUGLAS* A. Dobisou k Sons -Capnitgn.__ GR EAT GLEARINO SAL E -or- SUMMER GOODS AT- IDOBSON & SONS. ]hUdriitn uCeroomfor ai0018d. v U sell aU Summter Goode AT COST for Vlh1 bslneotheesoa Wbaej ust ruoiveia largeustock or .FEaM.ea, 8AiUfMsga, DreaS@Goodsa, Velve ta, Plusles, mad Dre.. 1rimminois ol thte Lateait Design&. GBNTBML' ~f~o at'fil te -auite Nbb 'aux,,W tnlli ndrlobugsd Heej.alNu od. eej the IulistHaIs, les1. ollai. Cn~ sd boutqualit As vshave made apcat lti lis t uss euos avau gt A e .eh=the ce .Best grades of DOBSOtO ~ ~ A. DOBSON & SONS. ~?E&YUD OL.-Foflov.d l*. ab- I1TR ENTu.-Iu the villege cf Victeria la Lss o huiY, Nov. 5. I L ami. the stoe teat fanibue occiipt Vo.O.0 usi lud te PM"uero fn h. tl ve jossb> cava»a & Covan. It MMRfamtaoek lb.alt1he utalsai tu the wmae. r« mmcte Air l s ila, S !!DONALD MoKAY "b M 1 Unduy. (ML 21et. ISM-4M