* r r~j~j ;~~ii*. ~ cmiv- .r~,t> ,~JA L1 ,'~o' ~tA.~&Î~Ç ~ ~ f * ..- ~ -. '-t I Porst u g i I ______________________ I voLrn XXVII. WHOLE NO. 187& -. Y~nç»s.ày, owr., rImÂT, j.~xu.&uy 1, 1888. mxs, sî.oo EUE ~x&m. 01501LA!ZON, 4,000. - _________________________ _________________________ M M _____________________ M _____________________ M Naba tbm t.~e T PCW~. - T The Foat."P SETTHlE 8SES-3T IEbCÂJÂDIÂN FPSZT FOR Z1886. Once again has the time corne for reneving sub- scriptions for another year, and THE POST COnfidently expccts that once more friends and readers, many of them being from ten. to twcnty years standing, will continue the relationship for 1 886. The past year has bccn a satisfactory one; and the incoming year prcm ,iscs steady progress, and as fair a share of pros- perity as can be obtained in ivhat many consider "1these hard times." The standing of THE PO3ST as one of the best local papers in the Domin- ion wvill be maintained, and it will be the constant aim of its proprietor and staff to increase its value and interest. It is enough to say th at itsý local corres- pondcncc - will flot be di- minished.' In this respect Tiîî- POST rnay fairly claim the first rank. The news- letters of our various cor- respondents. make up a most. valuable and inter- esting feature. Special attention is di- rected to the new story just started in THE POST. It is one of surpassing interest and of high moral tone. It wilI picase our readers more than any of the stories that.have been published ini the paper. New sub- scribers, sending in names promptly ill get the twVO back niumbers (Dcc. i i and 18) containing the opening chapters of the story. . .Te, need not enlarge upon the othcr features that have made THE POST popular and attractive. We nav add that, the advertise- ments arc among the most interesting things to be found in the paper. They are fresh, bright, sparkling, witty, clever, entertaining. There is nothing stale or duli, not even among the Renewals are now in or- der. Write name, amount and post,-office plainly. Some people forget to give name or.post-office. In changing from one post- office to another be sure to give the o/d as the ilew. second name it .as well. address,-, name as well If you have a or initial give Register and CHA88 De. BARI The Caad<ais Pou, Dum~ ELEOT.ED BY ACOLAMATION LADIES AND GNLMN In reupoas. tes ve"ry geueullyIex Iea.e viithat 1 uhold ofter maysof #a andidate for business honoa . aLisdy, during the. oomiag yeat. I visi to mate that snob iin my Intention. la tact 1 May go furteSuMd u"y that I had no intention whatever of retirisg front active servios, as 1 sisl be very glad la the future as in the put to haveoen countemancean sumpport. I May "y7 in support of My request. thal during the peut year I have beau active -mad untriag ln lookimg aftor your Interests. Buok funde as yen May have from lime le tiwe lM- veutod vlth me, have brougit you su ample roturn. Without golng into dotailu at length I may upoclfy Ihat through my exortions you have boom emabled to, purchae e very but clamses and linsos f ail Dry Good, Droe Gooda, Milinery and Mamlla, Houso-furnishingu, Mauties sud Mentie Olothhuand Suit Goode at pricos nover before equallod for lovnu in Lindsay. I propose bo continue tuis lise of action during the prent ytar. I propose t0oaveu beut my excellent record of 1885, aud to givo oveu botter service. I may remind votera that property qualification je sot ne- cemry-though no hindrace-te, voting for mv re-election. Un- iversal uuffrago luthe leading card. Every man, vomman sd chilci can vote for GRAHAM, the Dry Goods Merchent of Lind. say, and tho leader in loy pria.. Gentlemen, Ladfies, Youthsansd Maidana, 1 once more aik yor vote sud iluunce. Vouas RIMPECTFULLY, JAMES GRAHM Sti of the. GOU Ois% ece, Knt -at., ZLidsay, LUnuis. Dec. 36. 189-73 New .Advertlamen ta. A YOUNG GIRL OPFGOOD EDUCÂ: uation au ai. Appipyathe oce ofTHE POST fo*artoularu. Dc., USL-aeS.f FVR ALE CHE&P.-=Lot No. 629 11,lU7 Cfurob-et, = Oct. 27, 18M5 B ARN TIM BER. - I have a large M ,uanlt% ofFIltST-ULASS BARN TIX- BMad taes ombliato MruL~: quantity.WI. DIXON.19 L OST.-Oii Monday, beusa bbthe*pout. AUOfcMM Mdums loa enai, a mosAIC EROOClI ut la aL .Tho Union vii qit Bl. al% ~rewarded on esvins it aI TEKPOfT P NINOFFICI E fla ,iU5-ll-. FARMm~INOTITuTE. PubRec Metings union lb. auspicesor the Farmnais Intitut. 'vi beho hl S COUNCIL CHAMBER, LINOSAY, Wedne>4ap and Th&zwdapie Jan., Gelsand 7t#A,1886, iv0. JS UW.U . P r.hat m m the lb. Olne Auefoulturul CoDage, Guiph. viii beprnttmahueisaivi Pedets Aidrim .......... tpu fray Dmer... ..........LU 10 1.45Zj ............................. Lu 3.35 Deuon.......................2a o 45 AniculturalEducatlon ta tha Dom- inion et Canada. br Prof.Miii.-&di.te415 I Dusoummn.....................15go 3.4 Weeen and Hov 10 XUI iThai, byw D.j~.nPason.........345 t.4Lia EVM GMETNG.' p.m . p. question Draver................8 b 80&g e amronsMionuoplosbp plucusuiau ............. a....&00 b oa ...............................8 t 4 Orenonhu a pThimuasf te &01 .......................... &4 Dlscuaslon..................... 96m8te oo.0 Questio............ ..............s.m9» m.m.6 ............. .................306a 10.00 100 te 11. apei.......... .11.45 te 11.00 3stiihaiInp& p 6fU*te1.5 " On umsian................ &Wte 2 Pà.......... ....................... lmte 00 Pu-Mn .... .................. &M te 300 8rdir itlh ParmosmaMIR Wr.bg . . .Dii6 ......U t103&a ......ca...............t. aIo&C ]Remmber the, viii tabe 5h ma JA .Md K mTH,3.WDE New Advertiaem enta. [IB. DEAN, BARRISTER, SOICOI- JJ.TOP., El.. OffeEigeWov's bioek. ent- Wt. iieR Bmpthau DTr1 ooatore. MMb T EÂCHXR WÂNTECD IMDIA TE- -LLY.-For LU.L No . GMari o hldin thimolmooriDe. lat, 1@M5- QTRÀYED CATTLE.-Camis into Mr PJ~~lo plas 113 la hebocon. eor04M about the miadie <sf Annut a l.150NIE SEI Ibras musoh. The evuar mrequetai t. prove pnopertyZ ay ipsmes and tae .tIb animi a~. N.YUNG,E.uar mP. O. uite ir1i Cipr uNer W» va.N rsi21M meub KNOLSN, uet for ..l cf âmmaWhita Grae.Lisam. Dc.95h. 1885-n A UCTION SALE VALUABLE FARM' m WTus- TO WNSHIP 0F EXIL Y. Fneis 'Lesp 10thedre '114h v"iiibe =rmadlblnime cf amile, ad nimadefault. aV IIEDIA SATUEDAT, the SSiiBay or . Taay, 1886 aIR1S 2 olSk bra0 peneMHgmc Th mut hitetlot number»m nthelal aiuSh oscusl tbe 1»1w êIorEIIIP lmining 00ceuawm Smm or AMbut On the lm wM idto e b ba=hsu vllh bilebe. aisea frmuabmn sabe shilmsrbend Idm.h Immu ~i~3hý'i date 51*(autz, au WE MUNICIPAL MATTERS. limDDAYCOUR=IL NmJNJ. - T27NM On Mondap e9 tbf. ve ehaomln&main for mayor, roses Micosuacilioru for the lovaami for neveuami ounoilorsfor h. tovuhpu tbroughou the ooumty ves hed Mmd pusai off much asua»L.Nom- Inations in lova forumyoaty, novea Mi iepuly-r.evshipu vèesmade as the omunili dbauber, the promediagu oommmag at tam dcélock. Mr. J. E aiocoisloa- lmu offlcei tosk him nuatpunctualipathb" heur amidmaenver the proylslomua ofthe statuté la Ibat masemaie ami irsvidei. There asumot a rush ef nomiune ou ai supporters, but everythlng vau mmiuei .la a dignifiidacoorous var that demesi respect for sur municipal Institution& mmi ishusce ote oroutine ai prosedume.Bp elevon o"ciock the nominations for the above.noted positions clouai vilth the Must below lnthe bande ai the ruturniag oMf. car: FOR MATORO CoL. J. Dac.,Proposai by Mi. Aux. Wra, sMode -bmi. JeefflParkm. 1Mi. J. W. Wallace by Mr. J. L.Wlas meondai by lin L. Muiro Mr. Thomas Wallon b7 Mr. E. Bryan% secondai bp Mr. Thos. BuulL Mr. Jobs A. Damao by Mr. W. Moflon- melt, aexouiei bp Mr. Thos. Deuil. Mr. Georgae csb i lchhui Luary, ueconiibjy Mr. D. Eaglaso. FO ON xoN DBPIMY-NE5VE Mr. Robeit Bryant by Mr. Thos.Blevarit secondai bp Mr. A. WMa. Vi onD Grabamx by Mr. J. Jurdan, eooedi by- àlr. A. Leaiy. Mr. A. Malin by Mr. T. O'NedU, oseond- ai bp Mi.T. Consoii. FRmcoircaIuou At tweive s'ciock the nominations for councuinlathe iflrent varda vane eldhee ibmfoiievlng gentlemn mul. NorW W" J. L.Wlatem, neminasi by Y. C. Taylor, ueconei b l. Miaule. Henry Wailei by James GWMlc, somi. id bp A. Wry JamesKeltti by UL. Mgire, omimi- pJ.L. Winters. âicarb GorgeIn*i, ueconiei by John D. Grabam by J. W. Wallaoe, sec- ondai by E. Broyn. Soîdk Ward. T. Coaaoiily by Col Descon, secondoi by J. flube. Y.0. Taylor bp CoL Deumo, secondai by John Duite. Petei Fisar by H. Hughes, secondai by John Way. D. Lack by Jobsnfluke, mconiei by Joseph Rickaby. G. A. WeaeebyJ.Senmlan, seoomei by Thomas Neene. John Scanlan by B. Hughes, oondei bAloti. MaDonelibp J. Scuiiy, secondai bp Jobs Duke. atWn Thons vers fifloon candidates momlntai la tbis yard, &Il of wbom istirsedosp Mmus. Orandeli, Mallesami Ancili%, vhs vire dociangi eiected by acclamation. SPEECHES BTCANDIDATEs At tb. close ef lb. bour alloved for nom- lestions the ieturaing effloar annoncai that as thorn wusDo Opposition te Mr. T. Walter* for nosve that gentleman vu as u electsi. This annouacomme wu vas ceve vitb chairs. Ir i. Wallace vouli state deflitely that ho id i ot mIsai te ombat tbe maporalty, Mr. Knovison adi, ho vouli isolais Col. Desoon ele"lei as mayor. Mr. Wallace at onca dlslaimei amp intentimo et ga candidate. CoL. Deacon was thon announeai as major for 188, ami recolved a round et cheeis As the nomination of counéiliors for the north viii vas te huila st 12 oPclock on. heur vas allowed for speech-",dn by the succusaful amndpropective an. dates.The iosk vasu ier=dfou action and on motion fCi eao i homas Zall took thé chair, aid caïdthat os à fai amracment ton minules vouli be ila debt on ths town ai $7,000. Dudlg thlb ntsva MO,ofetdebenturus -bai been met ladi tberataevas mev lover th* fr9 peasVI .126More monepcolbave boen save Iif politisas for municipal 1mroo menla vers bepl dovu. ne amntab athe ratosympars bar tu i hi sup3t masiai ho that li bai triai lb. bov te morsof et bmayoMtly-or Llnisay. Ns fait Ibat sur lova &ninl copieli b caua olb anus comittesor the optuat, Mr. Y. C. Tai- lor, for tbsvanemd-oieaîamt pinlal vapitu vhacb b l amiai nd me teies Of lb. posiimloRe Ne ve 'aab rosérest hi i fow Cuniseds others tube up the.renas mai lb.muicialmwai ialme. Mr. Thos.WALvaS vaumllid fhi ami thaku e he eo Im¶ hie 1 SbUii Tryb.might1 be~ ~ ~~t «'i0e ie ha i reums au- oposi ete ou e m v e Mmm 'IMM et m cammou mou mlapàâI labo. b.utul m lbmns vas monos0»dollarof dm tal oer 1 »paret Fms, vbii a lagsamber ai aeonata vanpaii Ibis puse thal vers oatractai- diunglm Ur. J. A. ]Biam om rui m o te luimg.vla Md mm p erua l&y Miautes. se ucuasi bis rematis Imm* lelMisex- POUiO.et IbInkShforpaut support a Làd nos bien VploeiOU amp oomitMe. uhm mmm mmiA" ul me o uus ae tlp lm- dirlase sebfor amp ai9Iue commt- tee oimtrnllnte @me ealent Municipal expeiltus. 0e ostamiai Ibis the ceun. cil et thb.pou Ar a olbaé etae gant, smairshort Comnaétats.m Ment c epdiure v hih troupuai te po eu vsalmout eut or1the poeof r èosuweilte rainas.The oullforhistreets ami siievmlbs vas soivtlanger Iban for the Ysear 8 t1% lwiuvamanoutimp lba vas varrsatsiam set on u' 0ue le cauliessiedi re-eleoem Mr. 1E. BavAim"Mlib vh mooslu WarpaaionshINXpromolcu buthe fait that« vbile la the cOeail b. h2doue thé beut be muid hi l gomimbell 51 Iohe lova. Ne bai boss rtuuM hily uais la sue. Oosc manonnAihilo09ethé .Moth van aMi nov vm belon stbeu s aocamiits o he Position e01second dzuql-muve. Ne opsi "h e bi Onnela lb. cuncivli u vlth ipprova Mi lhho wboveli be ne Mr. A. D. XAIZOn maie a short speech Mdi decl a i ua fogthle second de- fLteeveuhp although o b. ibeaunsou- The heur DM baviag bem se aa up tb. movers aMi ecoadeis ethle ifflfau a- iiatés bob Ithe pialforu Mi maie speeches. Muss&s A. Wray, J. L.WInters, p. Magumr, Thomas Stewart mai F. C. Talo&il idrosmei b.moiti?,ater vbhlolb gthirfg-tbeuab Uilnr bour-aijoarnod. Tewmp Neuinaum OP&a-ReaveDatiWalker deputy- neye, E. I. Nopalmu, bath re-eluolei by aoulamcatlcus. For oouanimlosm m pn. P Ducb, A. Petrie. Johauton usl, Jas.Nol- lisMdi W. N. Bée. Faumon-Por resta, Jobs Daniel ami- John D. Noulgr or,&idpuy-nove, M.]E. Bonkel., artJés. P. Paers. For concil. IMlors-. BrobeeslmeNathnda,Jobs Grabsu Johs KsaadpL GhiMcpss, Wmn. Mropnes Robt. Oîbpk G. ML Pondue, IL Smlîbermu. BDTBOvse-Reas Gko. Blok. Oxua-The vlii'sgauncil remain as bafoe-Dr. -Morris, nove; Dr. Conavali, Dr. Riginboêbam, UmGos amb admm i . - lob couclore. L NIT-Rev% IT. B. X.QandmaiW. IGraam; ispul J.ee.eMitchell, by acclamation. Couclios-D. sculip, G. Swituor, G. Guiep ami W. Cusly. Thone i. considerabhe excilemunt ever lbe conteut'for lb. resvislp balvees Grabsu audi MeQuade. Doth smego e. Bacox-Reeve MaIcog'mGlIIa ud m James Geienaug ireil oaj ae -Walker ami Geo. St. Joha. Couil- lors- 4R wh Ruddy, Hector Méiason, Malcolu MoPhaimn. Thers vilb. a vamp bain coast. MATrous ELuima-PoilHopa, Capt. 'Ciemes; Peerboro, Jas. Steveaso; Pae. tanguliua, ML J. Kmea&g MMNUs-Tbe nominatonsVers: fhi nove, T. Bromi, W. Byes nd a W. Parinl. son. The latter lys retirei sud Mr. Brosi lu elected by aclamtion-a deuaitsi hoa. sur. For firt depuly.reeva: E. Bovusàami W. Eyre& Mr. Boves vas daclarai oloat- bd tacalamnatioa. For second doputp: W nàmo W. Birséani W. Bée- oroft. The contast le belvosa Mr. Lovas biongh aMi Mr. Beecroft. Forcoanciliors: Musis. T. Wallace Gao. Graham, W. E. Svala ami D. Caiulchaei. Messi. P. Mark, A. frima, W. Lovusbru J. Bmith and John Crusevée.- Asald but retirai. OnIy ye ocouncillors sud ona ieputy.resve aue t. ba alealsi. The souât- nation procaudingu van blighly Intsrostinq ani eicibiag. Sous vigorous speeches vers maie. Il vas supposai 1h51 thon. vouli bu a contest bo eisemMr. Dromi ami Mr. Elp ns or Mr. Boes aid Mr. Eyres, but lb la as avodai by lis wlthd,al of tbe latter on Wein«Mda. Hlm absence trou ie auaYpcouncil vill be rgotd thougb Marlpcua viii baveas ptlnpe smutation lu Moe. Broi Bvs m Lovnsmbrongb, If lb. lattaier eeIsa la tbe gsniral Imprsson. Mr. Lovas- biougb la u n expon oeounillon ami a caiableuma. L -Rev asDibu ami S wBIIOU. Coanciloru H. W. Grees, Thos. Austin. John Tbomi Dr. à&io Wilson, Joseph NOvI85.o ï<i:, Moore. MANVEUu-HeVe, J. KneyaiJ ammutt; daptF.-env, obt. Graaiy. Jas. Clarbkami Josiah WIlson. Coancil. iors-John Cal Jas.Jobaton, Jlobn Vîmes. aa Q Maor Hughes, Jas. Mmii, elou.7 su John Brown.. W. undonani Mesure. Wilson, Gaslhebr ami Stiason haie rsslgned.. .The nomi- nation proceeiings van vamp xcl-a*&- There vasasteer saab à luisnt ai0h sopecaianr befoe. After lb. nemi- j!aoàs =S s _by hpvarions cand. Dr. Care. Dapizrnve, A. E. Stabch, F. . ilandam". Maimmm on.Cu- Ml~ort. d Visser, Peter Moisa D DonsaL mbbeamCon WOO»vIUBr-BesveW. CmuronMam Aris. amobili. VICTORIA ROA 0. - if onu"Tb*Pca.1 FANOTPNAnNlrFz » CONczT. - A grand pmeubytereBt. Patrlcks churéb Icoi Roilebeui --alb. lvbio-ia M erlaRo d l h omhl 'eon the Otr7th ami *à uiiJeu. nary. bfem i yUlbogin 'emry1 aflsnoonaI»oa oPlocb acotinue u.i bi tan. 8At aIt .ainl 00Met i n itm aimi oucrl1Iflm'er he i hal Duin lb oscot teiav.w lng e prie iitm swo ,puW r l. ~~rolsIomai Mi. 3dm i vMd rttrneihu sone tut Sua g.haa TM cm oimme aitb Maevl e aaktea2ml1 nteeshmauls %iii l LOCAL Ew'8-L 'rrElspurt vllb a demi eau, is oeuh imàgter p ag~ai rmmrl o peau pnueddsy MABen terhalment&gitan b tehodiml Bib- AU~EALMTZNS-Tb~ baucwhocl on Chltmuee asa dasiai Mari. u ursap, Jnaa Id, et MonS. tault On Christmas ev-besa th"tthe As hi lahemou Iportantametns 51 progim- u m eler le.ahy. The elclm lb. veu memb i u rmtlp ioqu""d plece, "Whewll bld for lb.eblldran.vm amiapoltla ocas oi"Inliuîat" "Ila n araacê,= " "i t, te 09umm b.pise hoDg the mxloflersite boy, the iatterscuilng lion. &"a show, ec.E.L NI, 0.Ie.- [Coraspodeusof Te PsSi sLI4'"~ of ~The PoSt HOLC-77stuas las cine ami nMONeLT SOHfOOL rarw.-a. fonnth mg aidvs n»oedcai venai eft"s caséemaximum 2g0,lot Nanaah CosIal, la ?'dtJu IlMgebore la tbyn te speaitUnir 2x; mi ii OLu IL 0.Jr.-feli holtosiys. 018s41mamum W stDns Coutlo, CANTATA.-Th. cantata came off on M10 lai Leonard Clsac, 173; Sird Cornilus Chiatum saihl sud vas vory succamaf, Mnirm-I 15&. Third cAsasmuluM IF145 being taites lna t lis door. ÀA npeti. Wa MarLE TMaPy 15711 udi ab Yurtion of lb. mmmi vasgitan on SalUmda 130 Od fiqu =7aMaam tAae Ts li ft. mcui10 m eistae aimum 150,1 lvfuuÂL-One of oui r aprsn Bavéard Coatelli, ; niTlmeh ucasyuna mon, Mr. Ed. flash, vb bas lat.ly 111. XU saLucas 8. nstissma-rsîaraod trou a ve;t te oCiy, hb aaen Imun 18%, lot Princes» s le 18;2n te imueIf a vit aho parsnof Mies Jh Éwy I kJ Hcbe, 19.Long. The ceuemony vas performoei mIser N.M hi* lavful dalla labor vas ceuploeai h th. Fiee Molbodist ministor. W vU ishhm VAL MtITI. vMy muai Joy ami Ibai ml bis troubles XmàleIcn'âz-u.W. E. Svaln asunOM' OUR AMU.-Tii market on Tueeiav mastai iS thseounalMonder. HIlaleas SSci uIt., vas lUnlaigest ever sens L aciv yng mmm% a l @»vs tarmer Uxi S samié vol ae Jouusà e. rdgc. Tien, voieovon lbno buadrii and oul m Moxflmt oixci oga olpand touive te six tons of ponltip Ho bas bes a director ai the Linday cen.fori ciih. bgher prces veon paitian fla liai fora coupls of ymneand mmiipopalar anid b. ity.Turbo v ent fr e1L rapeew. telsilapo a séav voti la Ib parItrfoo omervBtlves msvel as ri-ferpair; chickuMe~. te iuakrollbutter, formaito, hile hosina $MIunch retenu r- g tb uteOGat., u erl mus father vas1bImmte hlm, hobas 0e5.; tub butae, lc.; ap15c.ars lb. coadiunce andmi tei iboth parties. er01SO.5 paa1.50;ut, s.251e .75;>pl pr se i. a lhseio, lttai-uniai ouna te 8&1 ; af, 04.25 w e 3.75key VP mast, mmdrat e1pyn làthe sorin part 8.1. Flit pnie99nroy'hp Su vmoteih m vwihfoulcnfnema li taItbssuea ,l. b. vii slvsys do lieu Justice MZ BRUNWICK IConospmd.os et The PoSt. [Correspondance etofTe PostliAC5NaO aura atMm lu OBnuna.-lt I. ve ith regret vo an- Stevenson of Omemas flou offa stop-laddar sounes the vamsadeandmiunexpeesi aidbroeesr a u h r ibm ..... Mr. dimise et Mis.James Nobe, vhichsad Wu..Adsam Io hbppou.d wtb a voiy ivmul bob pac on Mosdiy, SVUitoutI, uovere accdent. It appsais ho vas tbrow. alter a few da. lluuamousdbyiflam. ia hay off a lote vbcn ho bond Ontoftheb malicaof tlelunge. The doceasiloaeves bob le ugb wblchlbhe bya put aoard a huan amidosa chili, vbc baTo the broke aud Mr. A. fail out hsad tinat. The sympay fthe l stin ecbooi la toirmai aistance wvas ffee ot. W@. nuirlai bera et On Waiamsiq br re Mr. A. rscalved spial lnJury. amains v latrc la st. Fm% 'scama- CISTUAS passei off veiy niceiy bers M". A Nno.mM l S J. aMuhluvowvn la trou lthé o.-Mes S J.MeNuinwo contr andsuroundnglovas, attraatoi bas basa laid up for about a meti viti smre bY lbe meguifieent tee vrotieb nbsuuaim, la vs au glai tesay roceVer- tbo Methodiaîs,sî vhiai 0100 wva z lag. umi e li sblt realmint cf Dr. Othonsby tlie "vanity show" la tho Brai- Bruntn. ~buru hall at whçcb 8M5wuvas nla et theli deoanduJoi.haer.by lbe laducéemtu for OANNLGTOY.fau held eut by oui popular hotel-baspon, [Corremospcnd cihe i.Pout.) "Billy Clark. Wbcn *'Blily" aoute up OITAET-im Maybbu 0110oi lWY Of hibis upile ho touai ft amourste W po aesry one huadrei jeans of aga, diei sud - Who sapa thon.me subard hum la tb. ionly on Monay pmoralng. cunutryt PleamOeA.-Mn. andiUm.Andrevs of DAvNoEUL ILL-J&muusOPG< lil, Tornto ami Mn. Maciesand 'fiais? of batler kueva as "O01 Prod,» la lping dn.Detreit are %pouding thoin boliays et tie gaiousl i seBtpueseat Mmd ast lik.iy te re- ectory, Omemee, vitb tomrante coter. et CSiusTUABSlSuvIcEs.-The naal ale Dalias Goos.-Al biis o dress uoods, bration la Ozaemoan d at Joins@ami St Ineludins al lb.hésevS c olon and JmesEmuly, p=dsioff meut satisia. ssr, seing aIcsaI OGSNS hetitorlly. Ila the vilRage Christ aiurah vas storeCaimgtom.àj- Thte. vas wumout tastatulit dscort.i, ami lb. idumuALAnAus.Ths i.@0~ld.musge as usual vas et a big eider and erable azoitemant la oui village oste careuly rai, l'. he "Te fleum," and muncipl locièn. he ld oueilan aonov antiî hem onBoston déserve &Il out for re-olaton and aise a numbeof s pociai mentiou bath for style ami siecu. ncandidat@&ornotaLaopesosito Main . Large congregattons honorai tbm canddateforreev la ppoitio to -r.vorip of lb. cburchon the festivoeacca- MaPhenson, the nsen t esoupant ofet i n Hfl h pwro h ne office. Mi. McP viin ilbe retunaed b saln. sd ltoi nElt . pvne b n a baim e mmajority. Dr. J. M. Haart aU snl "lral Ecli. Chril. Banon, Ivo mev candidates tor PIL counllors, amed mon sui no doubt PIL vil b. elo e . o.May anidfD. S. Broya [CorrespondencsetfTho Fui-I au aimo la th lb sd as n. mn. A. J. Sin- COMPLIMEN;Ts.-TIiO compliments of lie clair, Adan Dobson, Dr. GMllloami J. sesmen te leu, 1fr. Editor, ami pour nm. Wietteri rho coupse the e i councl, erous readers. aIl ueb re-el.atIon, but th.chances cf &moe CIr A a uposra of them au tai7 altu. CuTuDYwnd.yoere Snuine AT Cos.-Wool ahavis, heais, bore. For tire. or four dams previona oui aioadsjacbt, etc., selina t cost etI ahaty boys up sorti of tisplace couli Honoon', Cntnton-722. h sen lke he ildgeose la fail uabtng LnCIPIENT FERM-z-As helb.viees voe lisir va y senti. Soms of tbsn apsat ctnel, endinitthiu vap e ho li Mrsnt Ibeir Christmas bore, but tb. majority et enuena lstSund&y mornuisp er ontisai passi on te Ibein diffmrat homes. startisi by thb.clangb.o etlire bllA SHOOTXNG MATCE-Tbere vas a langly cmvi vas meon galiorea aunai lb. resud- atteaisi aheotlngl match at Rîciardsoies esc of Mr. Joseph Jov.ll sud dense vol. botel. A aumber of crack sbois vere pie. umes eofsueoire ponntug trou the seand lie sbooting vas nlvssfy of. Wiilng bandase on axtimgulsbed tha goci, a centre bull'% aje bali n niau.- laâmes ami no grilt damage vas ions. comuon. Evsrything passai off vcry Naw AqN SiYLms Gobns AT COsT.- qulehly ami orderly, a couple of hlacb eyem ladins. HoDixue dom mol puishse Inter- belon lie Oniy Christuas boxes gitan at loi an damagai 7ueis at saolonsaies, tuS place but effeis leuo arm ev ami stylîsh Tan THÂw.-Owing lie iavy thav the goode that bve ham importai tien the rosis are bars ln somoe places,vwhlcibas B: makits Ibis »maou. W. have imudersi business ml cf lata. alaiplae large ôrieis for aprni lu-. BusîNEss-Tbe Item by eni correspond- portsion@, and viatan geais must bu ont under Ibis beoadis au a vertimameul ulaugblard ho make roou for Ibam.-72-2. aiabetiholi bo pa toira et herate ef 10c. I*seANxCE AGMT&s-Our village basperila. bean over-rus lately by Ilei nsnnance BuTING.-As a msrket for furu preduce agents. Maur lites have bou en amd Ibis la ths boit la the county. Duing nov vb.n a peaccabis citizen muassa eil- lie vhoie fui until tie putl v..b, vian dressaiétrnger spproaahlaa bis houaiee comffly verse blisi 1 s*top burin« vili. a eip-uaabiluhbisbaud, ho taks re- fantdmiporb swing te tha lange quanllty fuge ln th coller vbh ie v if, barricadas on bad, the Lougfori Lubsrtg Ce. bas lie door ami mls imywn the blinde, vbtlc been palIn Me. to 75c. ver 100 lb.. more the ag%fent r ai hviag a cari unici lie for beef amndpîk than ochierskets. dor timaeavayi l, ib a loock etdisappoiul- Thsy .1111 continua ta psy 35r_ por bu"hi ment aon bsface., murmurtinc Ïthi usait, for cas&ami 813 par ton for good timoliv MILLNEN Btcoo BtHonuoW. Ca-digbsw on Icle and huldowu Boli me mlngton.-72-S. ~~~reicoversiqlly n br vssgo PffxMuOwÂL.-Ti eyu. Mr. Jobuston as- diupleo!malsatiSasprrim nnolier of sli t lsbsopenlno f a Msbodist ahurci in alac te bava amp aivmatigof5 ame %9-411aon Sabbath Iset.. - Mr. W. lie cher. Toey inal!cleschei, vies a Fletcher amnd M.LJoues, formar resu- avasatsse sobut ll thls h vais sala et CannIngtca, vho au hesohlns inssv.aly matchai e as eblkred tu Western Canada, au home for lioir bol!. sapirate e feassdeclailis rouai MY . .r.Dr. Biagbm bas bousvislt. S ",CRoudN..-- cam fred l lrootis eb....- Ur. cf hlm. boh mou came tse esiti J4aLMLeilag IbWhocaulugi.-_oaci ms.ung detaruLuoite usi li ata Imiauut a I olnood, iemiln eler. Bisop eemei t ie tes . Ib bis hullm iltrimishur = li aid maie a irumitul lunia at a Mau!m AN»ULsTEus-Nav ami styl- abomach. Hem Macs acieoi scmeIt i. mmteeam ldIs~ m cand inas' ni. gea ym, ami by a deztarous move b. Sflers 1 Os et lim0D0gNC&mngto.-ieadi thi blov, emItlb.samielime tbrow- 78-2. : las Bliiop off hieaguari. -Mac niksa CannsumAsCATATA. - on CiitmuB" lahpanted a zmno aWlg he b. bath echool aif AUlSalis vaum R ohise PPamol'utemple, baockf charch suoeoi la puesotim a aChrist- hm upletetovm the rap&s., Tbf.en- mas cantateIa amammcer Ibal ceuli ot id thé Igbt. Thse talor vMermore- faute piese lt lne Imm o rssI htdspplliot tausai l'h. tiga vadoiel oi.lacmb7mat, soiter m- aamach AoasTau&*.-We am nv»W olaspualuhai.DIla. vbiperoi liat Biuhop ib &"mi dte lthe prasbpsrisnèà aE oltisisi aid couldera iel ta wuiols u seva h, vhea vse apeat t misaciuatd if thep muot mS kirbU à&-hr res.b. vouAi buov te ropes betler thire, FAUTAnu iuou.-Ur. mii, vhs a' cOOz.-Oai so0boo8 I. O"ai Md v short lime ag huilai hi. eu»toslili, vaant ageci fuemihi teacii. em Tftuiuiple M wuageta clpouse 0(isdieshl»»494Mdi M & Md yT auei ENWA5"a03Tan -PM. W2lwmmb tu ut P101! ou Zlm &» m»v in ~ee. huit oa»Don«i Ldu ta". Mmth. wTho.sWho au undineMu Z O! Émde m sa nlavu &ar suueWte m»Y hi ZOOS b h.the ahitb al Otu lmm aud Moabe - uud.te nu t »"-Md àn.. - oFm $w oius -thm Uoth. mm *0 Ua zai m. IMMu"aImmego g~uiuiea. Mu m u ebogwu