Tii B-. STOOKI NG, la vugge el1C - Aigge. W dupf ta ' - -JI 5i 0'Il C it le not likely t t ùà xtfeir by gPt Wh" o mt. ,au Who rri #tiekqs homt jint -Wh"' h. wauwA94 yfl nd it nt tb it cy "-OR£ -twhu ym ma Lla ~1nhigw~do~tknow wbaew Ws ttIYeu Sizft,.a B&4 pr au oveiC004t butwht« i r fYMU Ifid it beri and foi sVU at a Pd« êyo6¶ k poefeetty wIug te "y. The gr yotr ir knowkeige of Clothfng vim Ùetzêpit the wiflingnme for Our P" uame tS loy ta> b. tbuglt "l y.mB m.~ s. js I , m -,1' lOUR CIANI SWEEPINC SALE, fa l" db lm ~kbyt SOOTH ERAN, SUIT. DMF ,A21 'ATH RO, MARK, SteAKS, SHA' Le TOWN AND coufflY. PffW . I>wîWaf@r M*~Imm a* Atyféb m the O«f <iré tue « # mm 'ffii}i oe4tiel>àh w m ~l On tflleMelat s e 9i Mo1OM hlekgomif ~fi wbtMis plorrtfl*Ul'sPWO iIuT~oiffrm cligmi fi t iioeemn mta! l PMU. 0" haf thfte<ç- f"B#9 >hlle fo 'h0l nt,~io4h i i10fuOS flmIlnt"lî h-!. würtfbSbat, wl #MQV t if, ¶1 f iisdmoq lt n ut o u fle» S 14 t.~ h.0nfMdn4faIo Ye u ofe.Vt t'a»Pl dvire forMeiawrotr.qog mm#,y u firmek ffidlh il#rées 0litiitheus. thnvu. flO4touh go e pflM1ltrôhMC.C. iieêpo, Mglsi s w<*èri(.mf handut 4foiLlSi <tm 10«. oekeIft NI * h4'y j »4fj< Il l Ou lii nr«Povtasi ~èar foiittt thoen ilob89. Ver x 1ev. Miiull V leu uf1'fB w lofot e af l tw,i .pl 1Fb oil1Mol 'm rn~hat m uêlsfLob ba- lih *"sf<'mo& is à" plen È"i emmsj -- I I S. Vb muet * B f a. m w100 Aw u w - I domtwoWWB1f wh. KlreWWu mg ~ *U! dutzm whim -0008tu- k.bamom ffmute. -ce. V.pnmauutogauwBet YurnueW fuboeauu hm ow .hun -WC!lur.ulm v.&KWeipm vhshol uppunb aussPOWOiuuI14 14 m- ~ a la v *.- .apfiWl~Lb afaf0 ai. IuV or Jiu:U ami t 1uow evM l uoee.rn.i- MW*-- moc mr uW mu ~ ie~W pwlwfl-. puý l ItmmmetAL ptmo nhrim olu& W bu"Vet bu» webmà UW£U Mty »Mty .-w M out. h fw p- b m aTIW bal»ma- 1ulvu! t lh -' ge. -MWmamret u »- es2hawaW.ç Veta aF Ynl Ydbifto -marmr gw N1, u é wimfuEbyp.I a6. ~Wwgm @mto tyY.U.~bVe~.fIu w Mi-M WWbb ~ - tM r-mu Ibn& auhoe. IW bwwt Mno e mm3m&% ut "Tht ma& et bue WswYt wk e. la -K~ W.plu£ qua 1bVmuw.e weutethgea"un e -nm 0 wdl~ma Sb* a" W~BluR b u et et Mea ma . N fubat utwmzt~ te ~ithCe.m#Pa.o b .tavm!<aR tammv am ba- w'. ~'~Uv-~ - ~ vii~blk ma.Ve b Ut ~ V -, vthktauets V ut Ut -g~ Xv.&XKaevI. - e.~ - a. -B et t -ii-u~I~~~ ke.~utI~ h V b rut - - *MWubee bm m Mame e @lmx.~Dà&Ljm arugm _________nom,_ -73-L- »AWYB!~,I.rnbm utud MCZ iTteeYgOoe.,,r ý_ audit__ t We oeMMUM- gou le kltbm ramu uel C la bu am uolt omand cm g ~ Ibrmai aM lemt - aow «Mtdkmk z 28bt *2te ev si wUlksb.hudIg earchus lte il allfluhurnbbusIdTho - agie"Ous'uflol.An evangude M vlwlL e benLatt uEt th voehoeh rn~ituM MaLiune "à mev t et Madbe" TUbmvm Mns abtimalus t.~a.idew Im gb r 'n gWM -Bt MNu@&Mtbummf& P.......... ....... .... .. ........ t . ---- . ~1kwiflui-3L Nu~. aetXMm Keve'a mmeute, esit tg t* Pktktwhs ure Outude hete emamdO' ~ V ~Ke'a mevted br tiiloaieamnu; wfth the matou! et - ~ n Ba teeOulata bek.-04 Iwhich UPeri.an& the number ai ma&&e ow omnim maliwtali& hermaximum beingt 755 -Ww -M o&ttv& li the j -a me. sool. mari& ý oaaýJoeephkf..... dgam&s.....m -arnlvia let oeeS:weDomi .1 Em....... p..k.......474 0716a etNe St P.lohweh mv ua'. 01»es. I a . ... t r e.umtttr te v Dhv; B.&aWaurnJm IeLA. Parkinaowwddo. the MW1 kaNvium ieom .sne o»,W-MasyJ. Mare, .......... buth iamem n wr!ta m tRobis. Annie L. ..Liday p. a...... ziwar »»Wtaovtkhmmbt, vom tism 1,Bmd.. ..... tegw«WIbmucih snoienut uMarbe looâ aea- aac.ldo, . .... k ardoihmazit. Emma'..i admar . .... etbm Adumu, 5e. &Dom 00 <~~apai A .Liu<1au- a . .... -8v~ . .~a ,me tVSt.Lue3 .o fva,...... ndoi.s.....m Aâtmbu b daflut h.~ me t.Cmv.....rua.Eldfo ......3 * hesVtuadmVFflorence< 18W Nth.. H2...on........ va. ts q&L rev dmlm qbu13111110 it P-aaw9utaImm De.x.... If"a ............ kieurm hbpramutlai. hereh bMemZ-WIIII.O'BOYle 18oaulY n eaold. and hta -un vupl.b eft a m umtfW. . . ye cher, NO. 4.OP&. -W Taipre - uni mau l awmafor club nd&apm ~~~pem lkaisyom churoh. Chah-~ have beon made angi are now bet1nV&Ze f«t Tod@&Ja.h.imU ueIUu.uinm magthe members at the threo-pau.af atomes Pl@ Baa hm-cLChaù ir- . --OuChrim» ar the firat club match et en& pRn4»taXoM"Ddt . m- 1OlO eed br te ureade Mr.A. Mp UMMLjât 7IL.guWetu nq p, D»IL âunut four rinks forthe via. preedeat Thui.i.~. S.tair. &I McNurtry. the emoioeuusbebmsà ànàà& bTdofou. Ornehait cf the rinha plai durint thare noenlnc and the ochors (urlmg t» embmt 1MOOM nd ov-aftrtïo. The match vw» atroaglj coteste em&t" Plan. BPUdat ohmrchChair- lchruchalhofflh the presidient's aide rwa M@1 . f uvi awar from their oppouente in the moralmg't Amiurnatud. ghsl=et ý"Chf" ga m&.The eflornuon should a clouer contu!., IS iàw s Mra.themorefor tisasdîm.bela nm @qaieolatbu - , f 1mairnil jfmimis. Eow aemeoaM hy iremie- uuhvelu WtuurtUefe "luVpe- Le il psudl& Aamoeeu!lu»l - ebuiktproumut il Nilan, $u. . 2TW. Neeiiu.,abhoa... .Ir àbat"pmt . D. FIuveUo, "..3 . Keitis. ...... s -A& burepumakdre.rn*lofthe cm-. A. MoDOmeil. -lJ. ààattàlb. à&.. fabb lu mi tse tegi mtm thet - Xody<v ikaa . lda maagumha"w th" bal vet o PetarSere uMdid tho amnt mc-.m audIr u v.tkMla<iss rau11by te thuirova jS viti perbororinka The. LImA. a1 sr i rhnlns ver. detiemOby six ahotea. ater a et ~ ~ ~ ~ O tàu maue uiu i Il ententa mi everr attention rofl Un.v~ k ~S ekarehtel Pro-teme. ew'repot i o atch ut *mte lu=.Tsi hm 0 ulil»I nbud- 'rm 5th.e Èeu lti <onas »mcore<l Siil Ulaieuhraowla<t e t lgt h em- IDunsbfoe'sms Leng thet 0t SkjpFu- wiIkuiteetaUt b ix- rvaing &tsoeWho playg rme, seconam por.tUIat~a otU ai em vlwth e omerS"Mmeth" bait vW» r tevl <otsi tysgh CI*w Vutna < tou jU imaure, shât m.<hCr oo~ s la l m elS Almdgaa ahv nmlt ut vNbMg<lu -boum laflwfmbullecue ta the bekn poR hmt Umm la n oqb Tm k. j 'ý wiwie ua.oustmevnSw. ri"mumto i~lait~<Setnmaial urh~Vtutal u me crrndiy. te vwtows a lr a Ut ~ky mr tymt r ti uku<liq~uubavtag etom ebId.The mare taà EmibtbmaaeSOIt euL bu iL ID th #à cehe comiurmim et the BaS 8mi11, C. MoGin. ilwea SaHnua, W. ]ELRad..s a.- Mau a&,aZuk , RXaNa! nommml > Au u*t ~ ~ W M. W=51a. k]LRidi. la a bu3l a u bems *01au11m, u ý abc" mau- - nata a ,Sb-*W aa ce m bLalleac 1 sfl.6mCtéUPm U lEVER T6U FIIIILIIB ORIIILARS. e1s a hart mt ta Say which wif make th.e nicest (Jbisbwapzomtfur a.iaiy --a Cléak or a ShawL W.'v* enegl oI of mëffi te suit anybody's ancy or anybod?.e pdSht. O=r Tkcoection is made up of the raost desWr aba from Irne, Grmany ancl aur own. coutryý. <hti SEAWLS corne f=onahlnost every corner of the worlL Pfee of COATS begin. at: $"-00; Winter SUA WLS at $.0. neb cWCAKS aMe in. ailJa onal1materiIs, sticli as Cloth,% P".l RuhBel,. CIoth, Radi SeaI, &c., &o. The latter are myd au am ai m . royal Christna Presents. Fita am. parfeet and makes the very best. %4awls are of every hind-wa= i. !akets. Long Broche Shawls, Him alayan, Zephyum. Cashmore, &a., &o. Then thlere's GOSSAMERS, Nody oughat ta forget about the=n an4l sureI3r everybodly wil feel gratefuI tfur swtk a present if tliey havedit one, or if the one they hmve imnt new. Let us throw a mande around o=r fi.ul at Christmas time anl keep the fogs and mis and penatratingt frot froîn chilling thenm ab this festive sea- sont. Pikres begkr at ,91.25 an&d run up to $1100 for the su- pexiff». Andl the Childr-en. These ougb.t to, be the bappiest days of the year fbr them - Tlieir Cloaks and Suits are al reacly; innierable styes. Bargains ini nice Ulotb. Coats at Lad'e» Cloth. Kanties realucei 30 per cent MMwhney relceed 50 per cent. Carpets redunea 25 per cent Bendy-Made Oveacos a t cosL. Ready-Mad. Suite at cost ARl WooI Grey FIannels for 19, 20 and 26c. a yard- Scarlet ail Wool Flannel 12j, 15, 20 ani 2&c. a yard. Canton FlannelîT, S, 1lOandl 12c.a Yard. Black Drem Silks, 20 inches wide for 40c. a yard. BIack Drea Silks, 22 incies wide fo-- 50c. a yard. CoIèrecI Dress SiELçk, froni :30c. to, 75c. M 80god(bthrughou the store marked rigb.t down to 1 1 1 1 r- -- - 7- - - Ç- -,ry --Il q