1. muat atout aten E aismt patent patent Patent paient Patent Maent Patent parer patlt palt pater Idry1 pater patel pater, pater patz pater pater palet pULoi 1patel pati Vatel Vatel pale patl tpale rpatl pale pute pater tpale 'paie pate paie pat pat pute pat pale pais mpute qpaie pale pat ipat pat )t pat n pale ýt pot 9 pat It paiN ýt pat m paiN tpate T, sune a ~3 "p D. M. ari~ ~s0y LOCAL_ YA&NGC*TE.I i _ _ _ -E- __ _ _ _ _ 1 *LVRPOL&"Wb~O belle WINfe hvestad la r Canada.......rWi j uMia liaal Sbste, '.. 7is U MT.pro«"iau, *dIhoudla ,aileil a fo àdelschrheam Wm hirsapelnes. These have beenl bought vey_ ______ Aaen ftrLlndsyWab"Co VIooeI9 ~h AVuzo..A sIs &"b . oe W-[aine sape21007pat113, t. u phi cairnof co8n011001.a.nitrI dUElp ex-le ehOUVillagLOT F T.cisai .14.. PORTDOPA 2àP' w etmaso etvasl owpic J..J "Vo r lmw.2 Sbt hoouai w &_ - àaM*mg aWe particularly ask the, public to tywl i eoyib b un -0 liemm our Teas, which we dlaim- to be superortpucaec »02M. lann m- MdaWS he lt cosist cf Th etn fteDominion p«dIW as..Îêm.s - tu -à"U te me ,ak:.' a ment ham besn fa o r rff fl dovalu, ci laon9re.iauraOD RIC YebrutrY 1:3kh. The.Mailtimâts osas M hl.e*mrI -[emLAied rglerwthsmerktce ndwodh it Wnprobébly mntfoi hbtam"W Dte-M tii. for o rTeas. ydsrbystaei u ns ,esa 01 o busineseariy ini March. ~Pi bm tube !&.pat f ii ow. ît*Mf 'e inle wl it in r.ported £om Pembroke t1 he Ia os 1b11i11S54 baw -po meiaKwha s rBT of. *a~<,eoî a anastne tot Hfon. T .Anglin will bc invite& I>7 na tWUII asa camu" .Thfs basla lm uxs'" KlwklI wn m eL tcetdblnol n onhwtau nee tel thé liberals of North entre. te content lmiIhStt obt tuas the buluuvas.= u= e b meeo uNs.Las.rntcea cetnc.cuedr îe h th. eat for the. hous. orS cmmonh. 1* la notr' on &apery w WUoa:onc"re SoPR icl pefIL 81110 st"tedthat Mr. Thomma Murray, M. ou *0 Vlita.eFrtrhrpriclrecapyt 7-. 1'. foir North Renfrew, viiiome TUNZUe llias o5 dw "iu<.vu.,ienmy OLRY&OÂ, ]Pontiac for the. houa. of commons aIit the n mha u et Umme.17 95.7-6 inay emrlelectionu. Pistm ofeth 1h li'Mr* UniL. ha(M .iv .Z.Lt" %tiThe London Timas aotuallY uresta WM et.J_________________________________a____ àtéfZEr."Mr oh ue-ol h".,-»29 m-4 04 that "Ithe Irish difficulty oould b. aolvs4 .Muent of eMuaaet t" tis or git. f________________________________ tel Ea.vedrn> ~4 bis bus islmirbe avepatronlalhma bml e t la Ibis. moutha by the. exolualon Of helois m enlO u tbonnest g bis .u._1"Ma. b ien,B*sseUbul MAonfuE Mfd the proclamation of marilla lalaa Mmbs lali rn itosru h.eiom1is % ebu m baaa2roarts um IIIWia<stlbhem TOWNNHL0MAClY ted Jreliind.'" The Times muet b. in ils dot- gcrusetsmat a -vjiu. m,W on~ i* - lduaas. bu W, bp koesiJm A I SRS on. itmuet bc mian.potsd by ths Duxmnpu-A fiasUn&~ OU wu " wm.*ai 1 vl.eletl iek mdàlwffltul.Xà cable. cvusi by W. A. ae~u CaciESi - oE ucFraclu à"iry die-e vendrsmm= c wiil b diednoam hts.aw dblahUpW I peaUi et idMiami m nlZ ~-poue ttetm fsl.udo ea On th 101h F.b., 1883, the. Toronto lu ai lis anImal- wu SI Woaaa.irthulamlaKhfiBt elgmd u lnetcftenoey hrb Mail w rote saufollowa:-"4The Grit p-~,ar dno h oshi udu-A of-kn--ual.tm e 1 0 1--i-g - oUp OR 10=tàA a~ eurd tee UIb ofre orsleb Eb ]and "are at prennt contending for a as- wltb hie famtl délélous MAUCTUNER îW , 110 Autica BOUSE IN TEE TOS cam n« la the vil n enS d,= t th f& - ezk n-he,-ou 7f àu aù$O Mi .cadbwmIm rtê *rien of illsgslities. The ,boui won m ~ bmi -vl sthe imasmu"tthe v a*ihM up fer onek. reé.e .w &mm N INA Med, awiard la illegal. Thei. almulbihlu lail- laird vas ratber mibuvl »"I- et Pm b on» tu OHOL vu.-Tbheanouael oamoial m Ex~0n a SSeimP p "iqal. Yet -Mr. Mowatasaka sa mas h O d u C . U4, -__e. mmhsaà-0BdTUEDY, the 2md Day tepepeto suatain hlm 1h51 ho f157 V*7lflRlb.M%>las 10 bS boms, e. pmsHaveBRECHLY vok. ML Timias Nbinaca va. n "98maintain these illegal acta. a salsla saas m onlulg uuia glh. soiiebu mm wheuta liyus7fi Undi. Atm lmth lm-W. t1ocoknn.bereMHul - Tiintr7d Se ing 0, y r uyS let N M. Edwaad Moore vas appoIà"wntaiSuS _____________________________toer Teneory argua at Ottawava SAcou- houiesudaimerna tha thep s-as zslaIa l50 . aé&_ aclu eh if «"Me"@aib ppj. h mul al fltnubreen6 h maentlng on lhe nev cabinet rmlnlaterM 5 il usel rai lthe isur of bisor ab e- s. Mi IigFiftu lloJiotu ok PSOA- Robert ArnSIamd hie _______________________________nnhcnesono i onhpc ify nt.4 prnl d ietat"m n h o erv VOStre ta ln ais m chotpa lsd Ti. uis, auWmer iitsd 0 4--at hàis 4 a b o th rturusi home h m thir DDI J ce ntesuhw a or~ hro. tives the feellnot la cerail n sol on.o ne ro S lie oa a c ms.tbetvu1.Io L edilma tour. Vs viii bc oticmS5 0are r ai ab lerdna n3 ntf Satisfaction. ThWgneaiaact heun. &l helum m d wefaml fenceci te ER IK Mftei versai opinion smong them ulaI smach fot o 09W deraUctUsnnéWbfl Sla 5hY Nov. Faiber Dote d ia a àm lf* ..jwt icea, LL.u2br~g. botter appontmeftcould bave 1, mas,- _" the l sppr e l. u mn" Ubelma the*blekmlh op... Sov bu noaly aul' and that the resait oSt the ahuffe ha. no a s - O1 Md 45t'heretuslaI la Bond ercen. t ire clincs -- mua ------ !Isu a"IV àe*alncetobctu~*edby mrtcc cfth frtd ea a trengthening of lthegoveromelLIAkoimtls. i« sl. .... 1 .-"- 'vttenier ent wihina iOittheeater,.La etlil bands bat if anythlnx a weaksnne aiiS C» ady goa .... Te matrimonial, faver lpeae o lv or ihiteet~ts e eàu . ---- w be alrmebarmmnged ata"t time cfil, m asale.eg in 'rel)es- "Under lie Maok.n- REVIVAL SMVWc-aRslwu svles h5 bu outa.puiodopt bi iuiSaW vI7tu a Ibis vcelDa s Il vi tut4 e oîUu0menY the aninul expenditur. wee h n t Saled. catbs. .vMs MM s s nswui f or docklh'éod, mmna ahuc~ Bvh<,Iflow, Fr ute pri~1rsayt nIel vwas increased by 0'200,000,, or at a rate o olai tndby te. polos te. ba dause.Svii miroluaa5. ___ vwr 5f. ntrMouba lret ollo p . cclrla BROWl¶Pi-MA4IPO8A. - rt ýn atbut $50,0O a yoan. The present gov- Mr. eteTronab, ais lenmofe; is slt er I te,.lo, -D om Sot h-p «Là~< ~MOS "LO BI1G ~BW ;~ nteé ornaient have increased the expenditurie dais.Mr. fr. obi sue masI n a"fi- ffoiaaddu aa. al vlbsSURImMM AND maAIN. Ie ntibmbm ndg4a pemnt. M. udw aesrof-- N uchslo.,vbh» u U eomTft iSLttgDcebr28h -5.uy Ïrct from $Q24,455,000 in 187879, t1035,371-ented sekr miw nuw uuu f.or m e~ nia ON0 in 1884-86, or al the rate of $1700- £irpmd ho 1,111 taiS n»jan as -. DSandn FOR SALE >.0 erannu Tarami la the mbdnlaerla US:W 8.HI.S-,vii5-00J jAmecke mi pour, IIDUE tuecite ea nd.tctdei±M nIai o pa n.Terata of inorease heinderstethonii..servicen .caiWiniammM=.1ais.éIhSOhioliveba.ego udap #d &a al- j. ~ma s aba 3.te therefore been about thirty-four limes iii. vweek la theis llthobuiiFiet *i utheoe.ns rda scto a M-" grester under Sir John -Maconald tlin line, Mai liaIl viib.c et car w T...I . bro e aie.0=2isectrpisn n." uPEI -'i mtl ider 3Mr. Mackenzie. s,' mq tnetBi fonabA tbliIeUlIOEESSmMr.P.b. & I UL au kiL. Dundù True Banner: "Plicso i lsestlIy 110 th" hé*r UIote 1ov pmm t'tate e moua it hlmismcllas u . o un a teTolsi c M=er Toron te News, tele a gcod <me on Tom oaef a im iS bpuaplna05 tmuIri' b".. sva.i -ipp ntnsmua __-Y«___________________________ 1.Vllg o o je mted Cowan of Galt. While in Toronto re-Ruovmus e. -Nei. od NMfocasetlabt"w.aI5 yiOmae on ty le ba oneiaofte solu nd oria aorutm- eltd cently «MNouesOates and Tom vent up go lMme lime pula W* a n BaIo hmmVthèe lm* TEE SEcCOND vubWeNCE5ZIowu Mm lem ---la ouant su* .F ES I E Mt@& aali. r5 W Ile.eaddreua.. nuamo rituith ieCentral Prison to eaUu lpon Wanden owlp rec . e wbE G vh yenfo Mr.p » re. 1. eLet Munsie. -They rangc the bell, Morneso, a i stabatasolublee. usions oSJT. ntal PSh?%nml hitaff and allA], theumal tamehoue ofthTMo creubi 1o miel haviiîrhold À om.am.Aboy opon- P3 obppme eu dmyf a e ts iem hlkbiindmto0 emtus -is. ianku NUTk914 A e l ed the door, . ized np the couple foras thein. vsarleho v auro oh minute cnluded liaI Moss vwu a CHguECENoIU.-on S@bbslut »MN. n e" eýe-jh@4M eA eti oteagder m Knoz Meul4 *oala &W lemhMd0h11. L. LT entui balfand uaid in a sepulonral vbiuper '- .Si la l ols ii aiI tona .a i î,& , vrO ce ffâ twn rcd oct ntal ai Cwan t "Sa, wîat'a occapîsi *0epulpit ofS890"MP utbock w "un bo105 lea la sithe fdu a a substantielnevr f etipointing e ont"ao, i » mefh M ia'da f bbg .wurtsassiiihonoaa.bpIlOllinwg rekmsacoe he u nc he.l OMMr5m tumeh W wvoltt e on a LVins ietal Brockville Recorder: The Hamilton piedhéb. «mi«lMde. s. hocyen ha"e mugi aabs. aItedo.i ,na -nsi '* ' 1 & m 1 9Ws taie-HéileéasarsWla , L vt iial &1-6 1»-l tt«tMIunit---- -NO.- - _-IT- a-*16-thl, 9W C&E5S%!Oet isi ~~roeks act are stauneanand isouAk t ova!l nautotlu~~,~ ~ ~ -- ii*Tie Otawa correspondent of the. Han'.- .ttpab t5auSm-_UMI vs - It MIM mor sie. aiàd" mbkuhe am usu akiis w uaiu515 i ministers have notified Sir John Maodon- MaSS bs aaaf m Ua.i aid liai Ibm efort le excite a ruses ar la a i 4w0cd 10 is v a rnsauo IIlS Im UIULIOb~ur,86 imter failure and tht il should e b.n-. aa4fVamu5U1his5sUa*uSS u doned. Meauwhille every effort La being va have s.m& lame ow sl f aioacut c it made t6 bring or bully thie ueo"mlct unformasmlyfor tbutapieIds~W w wDv bleusosebeuuasntolthe tory mfolmoreoreltory Midbeing theler hc' àt co 119 lately that the goierumeul vcald, 15 as- îyve OUlI aiyté etw f0 V w . e éltus v Sfceuaarp, spend amillion dollars of public CAMes Uses MMlm mned«N " bt monq ln usbo 0privue -onts oui"aea prom- lms i vw Mya mh e . a" slvuyw VEUE O lunmiikbleu n'embois ers ulumIi aokhaamda iulfu al, m "__ __ q nay Sp. RmmoiO Te baelaa'rluhe ieecfprp nouderut %« E&John's Qasbsou ma. Pmretls.lPVu'et IKIS *ta.ebot n mlefr.11eomeaetf . ¶~~~~~~~~~~~~~o upt a uili l imi."p e.owa e . froeilg*3B Pelerboro IExaminer: AuOtIsya tes'8M a l" W-«mt 1i rjRuL 15 aiaon itaneetnefrn a g gram t 5 a vestrnalisM«iI "tu SV " fistclas ondtin. hebuidl1smanai M e u rs . G . A .xlOCtie rsdl6 0al.o a ooti w eU an d .uW M s. l. A.t o : ïswa-m D mtalo 24&aile a f iooàk Man V'am:humbybii i»i tmd ___ mi«.h BWokaVasUaav399r, MR,-MrWn~m Bâmd wTiuMLawwou.noli *» o U#ma ie.t - om m»bS sUspu vl mtneboai aprdcean ileded veI rs ik o "wb kou w ý mV. Su the&. .. Mr I tBI5lii a lson xenc adth en e.5M m enol u s mmil"senia..aitilebuerUxnào*aslori WÎUS uebuus SAï MW et ai, le..n.".m.m.o. it ig i. at à- a le. nit- a0 eK g ln mres Mer erly e of .rty. fan- abl la PSU 'lm the wm 1or POu- lder,